    def solve(self, **arguments):

        t_start = time.clock()

        # definig Function space on this mesh using Lagrange
        #polynoimals of degree 1.
        H = FunctionSpace(self.mesh, "CG", 1)

        # Setting up the variational problem
        v = TrialFunction(H)
        w = TestFunction(H)

        coeff_dx2 = Constant(1)
        coeff_v = Constant(1)

        f = Expression("(4*pow(pi,2))*exp(-(1/coeff_v)*t)*sin(2*pi*x[0])",
                       {'coeff_v': coeff_v},

        v0 = Expression("sin(2*pi*x[0])", degree=2)

        f.t = 0

        def boundary(x, on_boundary):
            return on_boundary

        bc = DirichletBC(H, v0, boundary)

        v1 = interpolate(v0, H)
        dt = self.steps.time

        a = (dt * inner(grad(v), grad(w)) + dt * coeff_v * inner(v, w)) * dx
        L = (f * dt - coeff_v * v1) * w * dx

        A = assemble(a)
        v = Function(H)

        T = self.domain.time[-1]
        t = dt

        # solving the variational problem.
        while t <= T:
            b = assemble(L, tensor=b)
            vo.t = t
            bc.apply(A, b)

            solve(A, v.vector(), b)
            t += dt



        return [self.solution, time.clock() - t_start]
temperature_out = File("out/%s.pvd" % precice.get_solver_name())
ref_out = File("out/ref%s.pvd" % precice.get_solver_name())
error_out = File("out/error%s.pvd" % precice.get_solver_name())

# output solution and reference solution at t=0, n=0
n = 0
print('output u^%d and u_ref^%d' % (n, n))
temperature_out << u_n
ref_out << u_ref

error_total, error_pointwise = compute_errors(u_n, u_ref, V)
error_out << error_pointwise

# set t_1 = t_0 + dt, this gives u_D^1
u_D.t = t + dt(
    0)  # call dt(0) to evaluate FEniCS Constant. Todo: is there a better way?
f.t = t + dt(0)

V_g = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 1)
flux = Function(V_g)
flux.rename("Flux", "")

while precice.is_coupling_ongoing():

    # Compute solution u^n+1, use bcs u_D^n+1, u^n and coupling bcs
    solve(a == L, u_np1, bcs)

    if problem is ProblemType.DIRICHLET:
        # Dirichlet problem obtains flux from solution and sends flux on boundary to Neumann problem
        determine_gradient(V_g, u_np1, flux)
        flux_x, flux_y = flux.split()
文件: heat.py 项目: precice/tutorials
error_out = File("out/error%s.pvd" % precice.get_participant_name())
ranks = File("out/ranks%s.pvd" % precice.get_participant_name())

# output solution and reference solution at t=0, n=0
n = 0
print('output u^%d and u_ref^%d' % (n, n))
temperature_out << u_n
ref_out << u_ref
ranks << mesh_rank

error_total, error_pointwise = compute_errors(u_n, u_ref, V)
error_out << error_pointwise

# set t_1 = t_0 + dt, this gives u_D^1
# call dt(0) to evaluate FEniCS Constant. Todo: is there a better way?
u_D.t = t + dt(0)
f.t = t + dt(0)

if problem is ProblemType.DIRICHLET:
    flux = Function(V_g)
    flux.rename("Flux", "")

while precice.is_coupling_ongoing():

    # write checkpoint
    if precice.is_action_required(precice.action_write_iteration_checkpoint()):
        precice.store_checkpoint(u_n, t, n)

    read_data = precice.read_data()

    # Update the coupling expression with the new read data
# reference solution at t=0
u_e = interpolate(u_D, V)
u_e.rename("reference", " ")

file_out = File("out/%s.pvd" % solver_name)
ref_out = File("out/ref%s.pvd" % solver_name)

# output solution and reference solution at t=0, n=0
n = 0
print('output u^%d and u_ref^%d' % (n, n))
file_out << u_n
ref_out << u_e

# set t_1 = t_0 + dt, this gives u_D^1
u_D.t = t + precice._precice_tau
assert (dt == precice._precice_tau)

while precice.is_coupling_ongoing():

    # Compute solution u^n+1, use bcs u_D^n+1, u^n and coupling bcs
    solve(a == L, u_np1, bcs)

    if problem is ProblemType.DIRICHLET:
        # Dirichlet problem obtains flux from solution and sends flux on boundary to Neumann problem
        fluxes = fluxes_from_temperature_full_domain(F_known_u, V)
        is_converged = precice.advance(fluxes, dt)
    elif problem is ProblemType.NEUMANN:
        # Neumann problem obtains sends temperature on boundary to Dirichlet problem
        is_converged = precice.advance(u_np1, dt)