    def update_args(self, override_args):
        """Update the argument used to invoke the application

        Note that this will also update the dictionary of input and output files.

        override_args : dict
            Dictionary of arguments to override the current values
        self.args = extract_arguments(override_args, self.args, self.mapping)
        scratch_dir = self.args.get('scratch', None)
        if scratch_dir is not None and scratch_dir != 'None':
            self._file_stage = FileStageManager(scratch_dir, '.')
    def update_args(self, override_args):
        """Update the argument used to invoke the application

        Note that this will also update the dictionary of input and output files.

        override_args : dict
            Dictionary of arguments to override the current values
        self.args = extract_arguments(override_args, self.args, self.mapping)
        scratch_dir = self.args.get('scratch', None)
        if scratch_dir is not None:
            self._file_stage = FileStageManager(scratch_dir, '.')
    def update_args(self, override_args):
        """Update the argument used to invoke the application

        Note that this will also update the dictionary of input
        and output files.

        override_args : dict
            dictionary passed to the links

        self.args = extract_arguments(override_args, self.args)

        scratch_dir = self.args.get('scratch', None)
        if is_not_null(scratch_dir):
            self._file_stage = FileStageManager(scratch_dir, '.')
        for link in self._links.values():
class Link(object):
    """A wrapper for a command line application.

    This class keeps track for the arguments to pass to the application
    as well as input and output files.

    This can be used either with other Link to build a chain, or as
    as standalone wrapper to pass conifguration to the application.


    appname : str
        Name of the application
    args : dict
        Up-to-date dictionary with the arguments that will be passed to the application
    defaults : dict
        Dictionary with defaults values for the arguments
    options : dict
        Dictionary with the options that we are allowed to set and default values
    mapping : dict
        Dictionary remapping keys in options to arguments sent to the application
        This is useful when two ScienceTools use different names for what is
        effectively the same parameter
    files : `FileDict`
        Object that keeps track of input and output files
    jobs : `OrderedDict`
        Dictionary mapping keys to `JobDetails`

    def __init__(self, linkname, **kwargs):
        """ C'tor

        linkname : str
            Unique name of this particular link

        Keyword arguments
        appname : str
            Name of the application (e.g., gtbin)
        parser: `argparse.ArguemntParser'
            Parser with the options that we are allow to set and default values
        options : dict
            Dictionary with the tuples defining that we are allowed to set and default values
        mapping : dict
            Dictionary remapping input argument names
            This is useful when two `Link` use different names for what is
            effectively the same parameter
        file_args : dict
            Dictionary mapping argument to `FileFlags' enum
        file_stage : `FileStageManager`
            Manager for staging files to and from a scratch area
        self.linkname = linkname
        self.appname = kwargs.pop('appname', linkname)
        self.mapping = kwargs.pop('mapping', {})
        self._parser = kwargs.pop('parser', None)
        self._file_stage = kwargs.pop('file_stage', None)
        self._options = {}
        self._options.update(kwargs.pop('options', {}))
        if self._parser is not None:
        self.args = {}
        self.files = FileDict(**kwargs)
        self.sub_files = FileDict()
        self.jobs = OrderedDict()

    def print_summary(self, stream=sys.stdout, indent="", recurse_level=2):
        """Print a summary of the activity done by this `Link`.

        stream : `file`
            Stream to print to
        indent : str
            Indentation at start of line
        recurse_level : int
            Number of recursion levels to print
        if recurse_level < 0:
        stream.write("%sLink: %s\n" % (indent, self.linkname))
        stream.write("%sN_jobs: %s\n" % (indent, len(self.get_jobs())))
        self.sub_files.print_chain_summary(stream, indent)

    def _get_args(self):
        """Internal function to cast self._options into dictionary

        Returns dict with argument key : value pairings
        args = {}
        return args

    def _latch_file_info(self):
        """Internal function to update the dictionaries
        keeping track of input and output files

    def update_options(self, input_dict):
        """Update the values in self.options

        input_dict : dict
            Dictionary with argument key : value pairings

        Inserts values into self._options
        for key, value in input_dict.items():
            new_tuple = (value, self._options[key][1], self._options[key][2])
            self._options[key] = new_tuple

    def update_args(self, override_args):
        """Update the argument used to invoke the application

        Note that this will also update the dictionary of input and output files.

        override_args : dict
            Dictionary of arguments to override the current values
        self.args = extract_arguments(override_args, self.args, self.mapping)
        scratch_dir = self.args.get('scratch', None)
        if scratch_dir is not None:
            self._file_stage = FileStageManager(scratch_dir, '.')

    def get_failed_jobs(self):
        """Return a dictionary with the subset of jobs that are marked as failed"""
        failed_jobs = {}
        for job_key, job_details in self.jobs.items():
            if job_details.status == JobStatus.failed:
                failed_jobs[job_key] = job_details
        return failed_jobs

    def get_jobs(self, recursive=True):
        """Return a dictionary with all the jobs

        If recursive is True this will include jobs from internal `Link`
        if recursive:
            ret_dict = self.jobs.copy()
            return ret_dict
            return self.jobs

    def arg_names(self):
        """Return the list of arg names """
        return [self.args.keys()]

    def update_sub_file_dict(self, sub_files):
        """Update a file dict with information from self"""
        for job_details in self.jobs.values():
            if job_details.file_dict is not None:
            if job_details.sub_file_dict is not None:

    def check_input_files(self,
        """Check if input files exist.

        Return two lists: (found, missing)
        all_input_files = self.files.chain_input_files + self.sub_files.chain_input_files
        return check_files(all_input_files, self._file_stage,
                           return_found, return_missing)

    def check_output_files(self,
        """Check if output files exist.

        Return two lists: (found, missing)
        all_output_files = self.files.chain_output_files + self.sub_files.chain_output_files
        return check_files(all_output_files, self._file_stage,
                           return_found, return_missing)

    def missing_input_files(self):
        """Make and return a dictionary of the missing input files.

        This returns a dictionary mapping
        filepath to list of links that use the file as input.
        missing = self.check_input_files(return_found=False)
        ret_dict = {}
        for miss_file in missing:
            ret_dict[miss_file] = [self.linkname]
        return ret_dict

    def missing_output_files(self):
        """Make and return a dictionary of the missing output files.

        This returns a dictionary mapping
        filepath to list of links that product the file as output.
        missing = self.check_output_files(return_found=False)
        ret_dict = {}
        for miss_file in missing:
            ret_dict[miss_file] = [self.linkname]
        return ret_dict

    def formatted_command(self):
        """Build and return the formatted command for this `Link`.

        This is exactly the command as called from the Unix command line.
        command_template = self.command_template()
        format_dict = self.args.copy()
        command = command_template.format(**format_dict)
        return command

    def make_argv(self):
        """Generate the vector of arguments for this `Link`.

        This is exactly the 'argv' generated for the
        command as called from the Unix command line.
        command = self.formatted_command()
        tokens = command.split()
        return tokens[1:]

    def pre_run_checks(self, stream=sys.stdout, dry_run=False):
        """Do some checks before running this link

        This checks if input and output files are present.

        If input files are missing this will raise `OSError` if dry_run is False
        If all output files are present this return False.

        stream : `file`
            Must have 'write' function

        dry_run : bool
            Print command but do not run it

        Returns bool
            True if it is ok to proceed with running the link
        input_missing = self.check_input_files(return_found=False)
        if len(input_missing) != 0:
            if dry_run:
                stream.write("Input files are missing: %s: %i\n" %
                             (self.linkname, len(input_missing)))
                raise OSError("Input files are missing: %s" % input_missing)

        output_found, output_missing = self.check_output_files()
        if len(output_missing) == 0:
            stream.write("All output files for %s already exist: %i %i %i\n" %
                         (self.linkname, len(output_found),
                          len(output_missing), len(self.files.output_files)))
            if dry_run:
                return False
        return True

    def set_file_stage(self, file_stage):
        """Set this link to use a `FileStageManager` to copy files
        to and from a scratch area
        self._file_stage = file_stage

    def run_link(self, stream=sys.stdout, dry_run=False, stage_files=True):
        """Runs this link.

        This checks if input and output files are present.

        If input files are missing this will raise `OSError` if dry_run is False
        If all output files are present this will skip execution.

        stream : `file`
            Must have 'write' function

        dry_run : bool
            Print command but do not run it

        stage_files : bool
            Stage files to and from the scratch area
        check_ok = self.pre_run_checks(stream, dry_run)
        if not check_ok:

        if self._file_stage is not None:
            input_file_mapping, output_file_mapping = self.map_scratch_files(
            if stage_files:
                self._file_stage.make_scratch_dirs(input_file_mapping, dry_run)
                    output_file_mapping, dry_run)
                self.stage_input_files(input_file_mapping, dry_run)

        self.run_command(stream, dry_run)
        if self._file_stage is not None and stage_files:
            self.stage_output_files(output_file_mapping, dry_run)

    def run_command(self, stream=sys.stdout, dry_run=False):
        """Runs the command for this link.  This method can be overridden by
        sub-classes to invoke a different command

        stream : `file`
            Must have 'write' function

        dry_run : bool
            Print command but do not run it
        command = self.formatted_command()
        if dry_run:
            stream.write("%s\n" % command)

    def run(self, stream=sys.stdout, dry_run=False):
        """Runs this link.

        This version is intended to be overwritten by sub-classes so
        as to provide a single function that behaves the same
        for all version of `Link`

        stream : `file`
            Must have 'write' function

        dry_run : bool
            Print command but do not run it
        self.run_link(stream, dry_run)

    def command_template(self):
        """Build and return a string that can be used as a template invoking
        this chain from the command line.

        The actual command can be obtainted by using
        com_out = self.appname
        arg_string = ""
        flag_string = ""
        # Loop over the key, value pairs in self.args
        for key, val in self.args.items():
            # Check if the value is set in self._options
            # If so, get the value from there
            if val is None:
                opt_val = self._options[key][0]
                opt_val = val
            opt_type = self._options[key][2]
            if key == 'args':
                # 'args' is special, pull it out and move it to the back
                arg_string += ' {%s}' % key
            elif opt_type is bool:
                if opt_val:
                    flag_string += ' --%s' % (key)
            elif opt_type is list:
                if opt_val is None:
                elif isinstance(opt_val, str):
                    arg_string += ' %s' % opt_val
                elif isinstance(opt_val, list):
                    for arg_val in opt_val:
                        arg_string += ' %s' % arg_val
                com_out += ' --%s {%s}' % (key, key)
        com_out += flag_string
        com_out += arg_string
        return com_out

    def run_argparser(self, argv):
        """Initialize a link with a set of arguments using an `argparser.ArgumentParser`
        if self._parser is None:
            raise ValueError('Link was not given a parser on initialization')
        args = self._parser.parse_args(argv)
        return args

    def fill_argparser(self, parser):
        """Fill an `argparser.ArgumentParser` with the options from this chain
        for key, val in self._options.items():
            add_argument(parser, key, val)

    def create_job_details(self, key, job_config, logfile, status):
        """Create a `JobDetails` for a single job


        key : str
            Key used to identify this particular job

        job_config : dict
            Dictionary with arguements passed to this particular job

        logfile : str
            Name of the associated log file

        status : int
            Current status of the job

        Returns `JobDetails`
        job_details = JobDetails(jobname=self.linkname,
        return job_details

    def register_job(self, key, job_config, logfile, status):
        """Create a `JobDetails` for this link
        and add it to the self.jobs dictionary.


        key : str
            Key used to identify this particular job

        job_config : dict
            Dictionary with arguments passed to this particular job

        logfile : str
            Name of the associated log file

        status : int
            Current status of the job

        Returns `JobDetails`
        job_details = self.create_job_details(key, job_config, logfile, status)
        self.jobs[job_details.fullkey] = job_details
        return job_details

    def map_scratch_files(self, file_dict):
        """Build and return the mapping for copying files to and from scratch area"""
        if self._file_stage is None:
            return ({}, {})
        input_files = file_dict.input_files_to_stage
        output_files = file_dict.output_files_to_stage
        input_file_mapping = self._file_stage.map_files(input_files)
        output_file_mapping = self._file_stage.map_files(output_files)
        return input_file_mapping, output_file_mapping

    def update_file_args(self, file_mapping):
        """Adjust the arguments to deal with staging files to the scratch area"""
        for key, value in self.args.items():
            new_value = file_mapping.get(value, value)
            if new_value != value:
                self.args[key] = new_value

    def stage_input_files(self, file_mapping, dry_run=True):
        """Stage the input files to the scratch area and adjust the arguments accordingly"""
        print ("Staging input ", file_mapping)
        if self._file_stage is None:
        self._file_stage.copy_to_scratch(file_mapping, dry_run)

    def stage_output_files(self, file_mapping, dry_run=True):
        """Stage the input files to the scratch area and adjust the arguments accordingly"""
        print ("Staging output ", file_mapping)
        if self._file_stage is None:
        self._file_stage.copy_from_scratch(file_mapping, dry_run)

    def finalize(self, dry_run=False):
        """Remove / compress files as requested """
        for rmfile in self.files.temp_files:
            if dry_run:
                print ("remove %s" % rmfile)
        for gzfile in self.files.gzip_files:
            if dry_run:
                print ("gzip %s" % gzfile)
                os.system('gzip -9 %s' % gzfile)
class Link(object):
    """A wrapper for a command line application.

    This class keeps track for the arguments to pass to the application
    as well as input and output files.

    This can be used either with other Link to build a chain, or as
    as standalone wrapper to pass conifguration to the application.


    appname : str
        Name of the application
    args : dict
        Up-to-date dictionary with the arguments that will be passed to the application
    defaults : dict
        Dictionary with defaults values for the arguments
    options : dict
        Dictionary with the options that we are allowed to set and default values
    mapping : dict
        Dictionary remapping keys in options to arguments sent to the application
        This is useful when two ScienceTools use different names for what is
        effectively the same parameter
    files : `FileDict`
        Object that keeps track of input and output files
    jobs : `OrderedDict`
        Dictionary mapping keys to `JobDetails`
    def __init__(self, linkname, **kwargs):
        """ C'tor

        linkname : str
            Unique name of this particular link

        Keyword arguments
        appname : str
            Name of the application (e.g., gtbin)
        parser: `argparse.ArguemntParser'
            Parser with the options that we are allow to set and default values
        options : dict
            Dictionary with the tuples defining that we are allowed to set and default values
        mapping : dict
            Dictionary remapping input argument names
            This is useful when two `Link` use different names for what is
            effectively the same parameter
        file_args : dict
            Dictionary mapping argument to `FileFlags' enum
        file_stage : `FileStageManager`
            Manager for staging files to and from a scratch area
        self.linkname = linkname
        self.appname = kwargs.pop('appname', linkname)
        self.mapping = kwargs.pop('mapping', {})
        self._parser = kwargs.pop('parser', None)
        self._options = {}
        self._options.update(kwargs.pop('options', {}))
        if self._parser is not None:
        self._file_stage = kwargs.get('file_stage', None)
        self._job_archive = kwargs.get('job_archive', None)
        self.args = {}
        self.files = FileDict(**kwargs)
        self.sub_files = FileDict()
        self.jobs = OrderedDict()

    def print_summary(self, stream=sys.stdout, indent="", recurse_level=2):
        """Print a summary of the activity done by this `Link`.

        stream : `file`
            Stream to print to
        indent : str
            Indentation at start of line
        recurse_level : int
            Number of recursion levels to print
        if recurse_level < 0:
        stream.write("%sLink: %s\n" % (indent, self.linkname))
        stream.write("%sN_jobs: %s\n" % (indent, len(self.get_jobs())))
        self.sub_files.print_chain_summary(stream, indent)

    def _get_args(self):
        """Internal function to cast self._options into dictionary

        Returns dict with argument key : value pairings
        args = {}
        return args

    def _latch_file_info(self):
        """Internal function to update the dictionaries
        keeping track of input and output files

    def update_options(self, input_dict):
        """Update the values in self.options

        input_dict : dict
            Dictionary with argument key : value pairings

        Inserts values into self._options
        for key, value in input_dict.items():
            new_tuple = (value, self._options[key][1], self._options[key][2])
            self._options[key] = new_tuple

    def update_args(self, override_args):
        """Update the argument used to invoke the application

        Note that this will also update the dictionary of input and output files.

        override_args : dict
            Dictionary of arguments to override the current values
        self.args = extract_arguments(override_args, self.args, self.mapping)
        scratch_dir = self.args.get('scratch', None)
        if scratch_dir is not None and scratch_dir != 'None':
            self._file_stage = FileStageManager(scratch_dir, '.')

    def get_failed_jobs(self, fail_running=False):
        """Return a dictionary with the subset of jobs that are marked as failed"""
        failed_jobs = {}
        for job_key, job_details in self.jobs.items():
            if job_details.status == JobStatus.failed:
                failed_jobs[job_key] = job_details
            elif job_details.status == JobStatus.partial_failed:
                failed_jobs[job_key] = job_details
            elif fail_running and job_details.status == JobStatus.running:
                failed_jobs[job_key] = job_details
        return failed_jobs

    def check_job_status(self, key='__top__', fail_running=False):
        """Check the status of a particular job"""
        if self.jobs.has_key(key):
            return self.jobs[key].status
            return JobStatus.no_job

    def check_jobs_status(self, fail_running=False):
        """Check the status of all the jobs run from this link """
        n_failed = 0
        n_passed = 0
        n_total = 0
        for job_key, job_details in self.jobs.items():
            n_total += 1
            if job_details.status == JobStatus.failed:
                n_failed += 1
            elif job_details.status == JobStatus.partial_failed:
                n_failed += 1
            elif fail_running and job_details.status == JobStatus.running:
                n_failed += 1
            elif job_details.status == JobStatus.done:
                n_passed += 1

        if n_failed > 0:
            if n_passed > 0:
                return JobStatus.partial_failed
                return JobStatus.failed
        elif n_passed == n_total:
            return JobStatus.done
        elif n_passed > 0:
            return JobStatus.running

        return JobStatus.pending

    def get_jobs(self, recursive=True):
        """Return a dictionary with all the jobs

        If recursive is True this will include jobs from internal `Link`
        if recursive:
            ret_dict = self.jobs.copy()
            return ret_dict
            return self.jobs

    def arg_names(self):
        """Return the list of arg names """
        return [self.args.keys()]

    def update_sub_file_dict(self, sub_files):
        """Update a file dict with information from self"""
        for job_details in self.jobs.values():
            if job_details.file_dict is not None:
            if job_details.sub_file_dict is not None:

    def check_input_files(self, return_found=True, return_missing=True):
        """Check if input files exist.

        Return two lists: (found, missing)
        all_input_files = self.files.chain_input_files + self.sub_files.chain_input_files
        return check_files(all_input_files, self._file_stage, return_found,

    def check_output_files(self, return_found=True, return_missing=True):
        """Check if output files exist.

        Return two lists: (found, missing)
        all_output_files = self.files.chain_output_files + self.sub_files.chain_output_files
        return check_files(all_output_files, self._file_stage, return_found,

    def missing_input_files(self):
        """Make and return a dictionary of the missing input files.

        This returns a dictionary mapping
        filepath to list of links that use the file as input.
        missing = self.check_input_files(return_found=False)
        ret_dict = {}
        for miss_file in missing:
            ret_dict[miss_file] = [self.linkname]
        return ret_dict

    def missing_output_files(self):
        """Make and return a dictionary of the missing output files.

        This returns a dictionary mapping
        filepath to list of links that product the file as output.
        missing = self.check_output_files(return_found=False)
        ret_dict = {}
        for miss_file in missing:
            ret_dict[miss_file] = [self.linkname]
        return ret_dict

    def formatted_command(self):
        """Build and return the formatted command for this `Link`.

        This is exactly the command as called from the Unix command line.
        command_template = self.command_template()
        format_dict = self.args.copy()

        for key, value in format_dict.items():
            # protect whitespace
            if isinstance(value, list) and key == 'args':
                outstr = ""
                for lval in list:
                    outstr += ' '
                    outstr += lval
                format_dict[key] = '"%s"' % outstr
            elif isinstance(value,
                            str) and value.find(' ') >= 0 and key != 'args':
                format_dict[key] = '"%s"' % value

        command = command_template.format(**format_dict)
        return command

    def make_argv(self):
        """Generate the vector of arguments for this `Link`.

        This is exactly the 'argv' generated for the
        command as called from the Unix command line.
        command = self.formatted_command()
        tokens = command.split()
        return tokens[1:]

    def pre_run_checks(self, stream=sys.stdout, dry_run=False):
        """Do some checks before running this link

        This checks if input and output files are present.

        If input files are missing this will raise `OSError` if dry_run is False
        If all output files are present this return False.

        stream : `file`
            Must have 'write' function

        dry_run : bool
            Print command but do not run it

        Returns bool
            True if it is ok to proceed with running the link
        input_missing = self.check_input_files(return_found=False)
        if len(input_missing) != 0:
            if dry_run:
                stream.write("Input files are missing: %s: %i\n" %
                             (self.linkname, len(input_missing)))
                raise OSError("Input files are missing: %s" % input_missing)

        output_found, output_missing = self.check_output_files()
        if len(output_missing) == 0 and len(output_found) > 0:
            stream.write("All output files for %s already exist: %i %i %i\n" %
                         (self.linkname, len(output_found),
                          len(output_missing), len(self.files.output_files)))
            if dry_run:
                #return False
        return True

    def set_file_stage(self, file_stage):
        """Set this link to use a `FileStageManager` to copy files
        to and from a scratch area
        self._file_stage = file_stage

    def run_link(self, stream=sys.stdout, dry_run=False, stage_files=True):
        """Runs this link.

        This checks if input and output files are present.

        If input files are missing this will raise `OSError` if dry_run is False
        If all output files are present this will skip execution.

        stream : `file`
            Must have 'write' function

        dry_run : bool
            Print command but do not run it

        stage_files : bool
            Stage files to and from the scratch area
        check_ok = self.pre_run_checks(stream, dry_run)
        if not check_ok:

        if self._file_stage is not None:
            input_file_mapping, output_file_mapping = self.map_scratch_files(
            if stage_files:
                self._file_stage.make_scratch_dirs(input_file_mapping, dry_run)
                self.stage_input_files(input_file_mapping, dry_run)

        self.run_command(stream, dry_run)
        if self._file_stage is not None and stage_files:
            self.stage_output_files(output_file_mapping, dry_run)
        if dry_run:
        self.write_status_to_log(stream, JobStatus.done)

    def run_command(self, stream=sys.stdout, dry_run=False):
        """Runs the command for this link.  This method can be overridden by
        sub-classes to invoke a different command

        stream : `file`
            Must have 'write' function

        dry_run : bool
            Print command but do not run it
        command = self.formatted_command()
        if dry_run:
            stream.write("%s\n" % command)

    def register_self(self, logfile, key="__top__", status=JobStatus.unknown):
        """Runs this link, captures output to logfile, 
        and records the job in self.jobs"""
        if self.jobs.has_key(key):
            job_details = self.jobs[key]
            job_details.status = status
            job_details = self.register_job(key, self.args, logfile, status)

    def archive_self(self, logfile, key="__top__", status=JobStatus.unknown):
        """Write this link to the job archive"""
        self.register_self(logfile, key, status)
        if self._job_archive is None:

    def set_status_self(self, key="__top__", status=JobStatus.unknown):
        """ Set the status of this job """

        if self.jobs.has_key(key):
            self.jobs[key].status = status
            if self._job_archive:
            self.register_self('dummy.log', key, status)

    def write_status_to_log(self, stream=sys.stdout, status=JobStatus.unknown):
        """ Write the status of this job to a log stream """
        stream.write("Timestamp: %i\n" % get_timestamp())
        if status == JobStatus.no_job:
            stream.write("No Job\n")
            stream.write("%s\n" % JOB_STATUS_STRINGS[status])

    def run(self, stream=sys.stdout, dry_run=False, stage_files=True):
        """Runs this link.

        This version is intended to be overwritten by sub-classes so
        as to provide a single function that behaves the same
        for all version of `Link`

        stream : `file`
            Must have 'write' function

        dry_run : bool
            Print command but do not run it
        self.run_link(stream, dry_run, stage_files)

    def command_template(self):
        """Build and return a string that can be used as a template invoking
        this chain from the command line.

        The actual command can be obtainted by using
        com_out = self.appname
        arg_string = ""
        flag_string = ""
        # Loop over the key, value pairs in self.args

        for key, val in self.args.items():
            # Check if the value is set in self._options
            # If so, get the value from there
            if val is None:
                opt_val = self._options[key][0]
                opt_val = val
            opt_type = self._options[key][2]
            if key == 'args':
                # 'args' is special, pull it out and move it to the back
                arg_string += ' {%s}' % key
            elif opt_type is bool:
                if opt_val:
                    flag_string += ' --%s' % (key)
            elif opt_type is list:
                if opt_val is None:
                elif isinstance(opt_val, str):
                    arg_string += ' %s' % opt_val
                elif isinstance(opt_val, list):
                    for arg_val in opt_val:
                        arg_string += ' %s' % arg_val
                com_out += ' --%s {%s}' % (key, key)
        com_out += flag_string
        com_out += arg_string
        return com_out

    def run_argparser(self, argv):
        """Initialize a link with a set of arguments using an `argparser.ArgumentParser`
        if self._parser is None:
            raise ValueError('Link was not given a parser on initialization')
        args = self._parser.parse_args(argv)
        return args

    def fill_argparser(self, parser):
        """Fill an `argparser.ArgumentParser` with the options from this chain
        for key, val in self._options.items():
            add_argument(parser, key, val)

    def create_job_details(self, key, job_config, logfile, status):
        """Create a `JobDetails` for a single job


        key : str
            Key used to identify this particular job

        job_config : dict
            Dictionary with arguements passed to this particular job

        logfile : str
            Name of the associated log file

        status : int
            Current status of the job

        Returns `JobDetails`
        job_details = JobDetails(jobname=self.linkname,
        return job_details

    def register_job(self, key, job_config, logfile, status):
        """Create a `JobDetails` for this link
        and add it to the self.jobs dictionary.


        key : str
            Key used to identify this particular job

        job_config : dict
            Dictionary with arguments passed to this particular job

        logfile : str
            Name of the associated log file

        status : int
            Current status of the job

        Returns `JobDetails`
        job_details = self.create_job_details(key, job_config, logfile, status)
        self.jobs[key] = job_details
        return job_details

    def map_scratch_files(self, file_dict):
        """Build and return the mapping for copying files to and from scratch area"""
        if self._file_stage is None:
            return ({}, {})
        input_files = file_dict.input_files_to_stage
        output_files = file_dict.output_files_to_stage
        input_file_mapping = self._file_stage.map_files(input_files)
        output_file_mapping = self._file_stage.map_files(output_files)
        return input_file_mapping, output_file_mapping

    def update_file_args(self, file_mapping):
        """Adjust the arguments to deal with staging files to the scratch area"""
        for key, value in self.args.items():
            new_value = file_mapping.get(value, value)
            if new_value != value:
                self.args[key] = new_value

    def stage_input_files(self, file_mapping, dry_run=True):
        """Stage the input files to the scratch area and adjust the arguments accordingly"""
        #print ("Staging input ", file_mapping)
        if self._file_stage is None:
        self._file_stage.copy_to_scratch(file_mapping, dry_run)

    def stage_output_files(self, file_mapping, dry_run=True):
        """Stage the input files to the scratch area and adjust the arguments accordingly"""
        #print ("Staging output ", file_mapping)
        if self._file_stage is None:
        self._file_stage.copy_from_scratch(file_mapping, dry_run)

    def finalize(self, dry_run=False):
        """Remove / compress files as requested """
        for rmfile in self.files.temp_files:
            if dry_run:
                print("remove %s" % rmfile)
        for gzfile in self.files.gzip_files:
            if dry_run:
                #print ("gzip %s" % gzfile)
                os.system('gzip -9 %s' % gzfile)