def signal(n, handler): if isinstance(handler, int): return signal_i(n, handler) import ffi cb = ffi.callback("v", handler, "i") return signal_p(n, cb)
def sigaction(signum, handler, flags=0): sa = new(sigaction_t) sa_old = new(sigaction_t) cb = ffi.callback("v", handler, "i", lock=True) sa.sa_handler = cb.cfun() sa.sa_flags = flags r = sigaction_(signum, sa, sa_old) if r != 0: raise RuntimeError("sigaction_ error: %d (errno = %d)" % (r, os.errno())) return cb # sa_old.sa_handler
def signal(n, handler): if isinstance(handler, int): # We don't try to remove callback from _hmap here, as we return old # signal handler. If it's based on callback installed earlier, it # can be reinstated again via next call to signal(), so we still # need to keep the callback around. return signal_i(n, handler) import ffi cb = ffi.callback("v", handler, "i") _hmap[n] = cb siginterrupt(n, True) return signal_p(n, cb)
def ffi_open(names): err = None for n in names: try: mod = return mod except OSError as e: err = e raise err libc = ffi_open(("", "", "", "libc.dylib")) qsort = libc.func("v", "qsort", "piip") def cmp(pa, pb): a = ffi.as_bytearray(pa, 1) b = ffi.as_bytearray(pb, 1) # print("cmp:", a, b) return a[0] - b[0] cmp_c = ffi.callback("i", cmp, "pp") s = bytearray(b"foobar") print("org string:", s) qsort(s, len(s), 1, cmp_c) print("qsort'ed:", s)
print("SKIP") raise SystemExit def ffi_open(names): err = None for n in names: try: mod = return mod except OSError as e: err = e raise err libc = ffi_open(('', '', '', 'libc.dylib')) qsort = libc.func("v", "qsort", "piip") def cmp(pa, pb): a = ffi.as_bytearray(pa, 1) b = ffi.as_bytearray(pb, 1) #print("cmp:", a, b) return a[0] - b[0] cmp_c = ffi.callback("i", cmp, "pp") s = bytearray(b"foobar") print("org string:", s) qsort(s, len(s), 1, cmp_c) print("qsort'ed:", s)
def timeit(callback,number=1000000): cb = ffi.callback('v',callback,'') return _timeit(cb,number)
target_mach = LLVMCreateTargetMachine(target, def_triple, "", "", LLVMCodeGenLevelDefault, LLVMRelocDefault, LLVMCodeModelJITDefault) orc = LLVMOrcCreateInstance(target_mach) def orc_sym_resolver(name, ctx): print("orc_sym_resolver") addr = by_ref("Q") err = LLVMOrcGetSymbolAddress(orc, addr, name) return addr[0] orc_sym_resolver_cb = ffi.callback("Q", orc_sym_resolver, "sp") shmod = LLVMOrcMakeSharedModule(mod) #print("mod", mod, "shmod", shmod) orc_mod_ref = by_ref("P") LLVMOrcAddLazilyCompiledIR(orc, orc_mod_ref, shmod, orc_sym_resolver_cb, None) addr_ref = by_ref("Q") err = LLVMOrcGetSymbolAddress(orc, addr_ref, "sum") addr = addr_ref[0] #print(err, addr) f = ffi.func("i", addr, "ii") print("result", f(5, 10))
time = libc.func("i", "time", "p") open = libc.func("i", "open", "si") qsort = libc.func("v", "qsort", "piiC") # And one variable errno = libc.var("i", "errno") print("time:", time) print("UNIX time is:", time(None)) print() perror("perror before error") open("somethingnonexistent__", 0) print("errno object:", errno) print("errno value:", errno.get()) perror("perror after error") print() def cmp(pa, pb): a = uctypes.bytearray_at(pa, 1) b = uctypes.bytearray_at(pb, 1) print("cmp:", a, b) return a[0] - b[0] cmp_cb = ffi.callback("i", cmp, "PP") print("callback:", cmp_cb) s = bytearray(b"foobar") print("org string:", s) qsort(s, len(s), 1, cmp_cb) print("qsort'ed string:", s)
qsort = libc.func("v", "qsort", "piiC") # And one variable errno = libc.var("i", "errno") print("time:", time) print("UNIX time is:", time(None)) print() perror("perror before error") open("somethingnonexistent__", 0) print("errno object:", errno) print("errno value:", errno.get()) perror("perror after error") print() def cmp(pa, pb): a = uctypes.bytearray_at(pa, 1) b = uctypes.bytearray_at(pb, 1) print("cmp:", a, b) return a[0] - b[0] cmp_cb = ffi.callback("i", cmp, "PP") print("callback:", cmp_cb) s = bytearray(b"foobar") print("org string:", s) qsort(s, len(s), 1, cmp_cb) print("qsort'ed string:", s)