def __init__(self, mesh, spin, Ms, field, pins, interactions, name, data_saver, integrator='sundials', use_jac=False ): super(MicroDriver, self).__init__() # These are (ideally) references to arrays taken from the Simulation # class. Variables with underscore are arrays changed by a property in # the simulation class self.mesh = mesh self.spin = spin self._Ms = Ms # Only for LLG STT: (??) self.Ms_const = 0 self.field = field self._pins = pins self.interactions = interactions # Strings are not referenced, this is a copy: = name # The following are proper of the driver class: (see DriverBase) ------ # See also the set_default_options() function self.n = self.mesh.n self.n_nonzero = self.mesh.n # number of spins that are not zero # We check this in the set_Ms function self.initiate_variables(self.n) self.set_default_options() # Integrator options -------------------------------------------------- # Here we set up the CVODE integrator from Sundials to evolve a # specific micromagnetic equation. The equations are specified in the # sundials_rhs function from any of the micromagnetic drivers in the # micromagnetic folder (LLG, LLG_STT, etc.) if integrator == "sundials" and use_jac: self.integrator = CvodeSolver(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs, self.sundials_jtimes) elif integrator == "sundials_diag": self.integrator = CvodeSolver(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs, linear_solver="diag") elif integrator == "sundials": self.integrator = CvodeSolver(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs) elif integrator == "euler" or integrator == "rk4": self.integrator = CvodeSolver(self.spin, self.step_rhs, integrator) elif integrator == "sundials_openmp" and use_jac: self.integrator = CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs, self.sundials_jtimes) elif integrator == "sundials_diag_openmp": self.integrator = CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs, linear_solver="diag") elif integrator == "sundials_openmp": self.integrator = CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs) elif integrator == "euler_openmp" or integrator == "rk4_openmp": self.integrator = CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.spin, self.step_rhs, integrator) else: raise NotImplemented("integrator must be sundials, euler or rk4") # Savers -------------------------------------------------------------- # VTK saver for the magnetisation/spin field self.VTK = VTK(self.mesh, directory='{}_vtks'.format(, filename='m' ) # Initialise the table for the data file with the simulation # information: self.data_saver = data_saver # This should not be necessary: # self.data_saver.entities['skx_num'] = { # 'unit': '<>', # 'get': lambda sim: sim.skyrmion_number(), # 'header': 'skx_num'} self.data_saver.entities['rhs_evals'] = { 'unit': '<>', 'get': lambda sim: self.integrator.rhs_evals(), 'header': 'rhs_evals'} self.data_saver.entities['real_time'] = { 'unit': '<s>', 'get': lambda _: time.time(), # seconds since epoch 'header': 'real_time'} self.data_saver.update_entity_order() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # OOMMF convention is to check if the spins have moved by ~1 degree in # a nanosecond in order to stop a simulation, so we set this scale for # dm/dt # ONE_DEGREE_PER_NANOSECOND: self._dmdt_factor = (2 * np.pi / 360) / 1e-9
def set_integrator(self, integrator, use_jac): # Integrator options -------------------------------------------------- # Here we set up the CVODE integrator from Sundials to evolve a # specific micromagnetic equation. The equations are specified in the # sundials_rhs function from any of the micromagnetic drivers in the # micromagnetic folder (LLG, LLG_STT, etc.) if integrator == "sundials" and use_jac: self.integrator = CvodeSolver(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs, self.sundials_jtimes) elif integrator == "sundials_diag": self.integrator = CvodeSolver(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs, linear_solver="diag") elif integrator == "sundials": self.integrator = CvodeSolver(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs) elif integrator == "euler" or integrator == "rk4": self.integrator = StepIntegrator(self.spin, self.step_rhs) elif integrator == "scipy": self.integrator = ScipyIntegrator(self.spin, self.step_rhs) elif integrator == "sundials_openmp" and use_jac: self.integrator = CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs, self.sundials_jtimes) elif integrator == "sundials_diag_openmp": self.integrator = CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs, linear_solver="diag") elif integrator == "sundials_openmp": self.integrator = CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs) elif integrator == "euler_openmp" or integrator == "rk4_openmp": self.integrator = CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.spin, self.step_rhs, integrator) else: raise NotImplemented("integrator must be sundials, euler or rk4")
class MicroDriver(DriverBase): """ A class with shared methods and properties for different drivers to solve the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation Variables that are proper of the driver class: * alpha (damping) * Ms_const * t * spin_last * dm_dt * integrator_tolerances_set * step * n (from mesh) * n_nonzero (from mesh and set_Ms method in Simulation) * gamma * do_precession * default_c (correction factor to keep the magnetisation normalised during the LLG equation integration. See the fidimag/atomistic/lib/llg.c file for more details) TODO: Check default_c units in the micromagnetic context From DriverBase: t, spin_last, dm_dt, integrator_tolerances_set, step """ def __init__(self, mesh, spin, Ms, field, pins, interactions, name, data_saver, integrator='sundials', use_jac=False ): super(MicroDriver, self).__init__() # These are (ideally) references to arrays taken from the Simulation # class. Variables with underscore are arrays changed by a property in # the simulation class self.mesh = mesh self.spin = spin self._Ms = Ms # Only for LLG STT: (??) self.Ms_const = 0 self.field = field self._pins = pins self.interactions = interactions # Strings are not referenced, this is a copy: = name # The following are proper of the driver class: (see DriverBase) ------ # See also the set_default_options() function self.n = self.mesh.n self.n_nonzero = self.mesh.n # number of spins that are not zero # We check this in the set_Ms function self.initiate_variables(self.n) self.set_default_options() # Integrator options -------------------------------------------------- # Here we set up the CVODE integrator from Sundials to evolve a # specific micromagnetic equation. The equations are specified in the # sundials_rhs function from any of the micromagnetic drivers in the # micromagnetic folder (LLG, LLG_STT, etc.) if integrator == "sundials" and use_jac: self.integrator = CvodeSolver(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs, self.sundials_jtimes) elif integrator == "sundials_diag": self.integrator = CvodeSolver(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs, linear_solver="diag") elif integrator == "sundials": self.integrator = CvodeSolver(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs) elif integrator == "euler" or integrator == "rk4": self.integrator = CvodeSolver(self.spin, self.step_rhs, integrator) elif integrator == "sundials_openmp" and use_jac: self.integrator = CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs, self.sundials_jtimes) elif integrator == "sundials_diag_openmp": self.integrator = CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs, linear_solver="diag") elif integrator == "sundials_openmp": self.integrator = CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs) elif integrator == "euler_openmp" or integrator == "rk4_openmp": self.integrator = CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.spin, self.step_rhs, integrator) else: raise NotImplemented("integrator must be sundials, euler or rk4") # Savers -------------------------------------------------------------- # VTK saver for the magnetisation/spin field self.VTK = VTK(self.mesh, directory='{}_vtks'.format(, filename='m' ) # Initialise the table for the data file with the simulation # information: self.data_saver = data_saver # This should not be necessary: # self.data_saver.entities['skx_num'] = { # 'unit': '<>', # 'get': lambda sim: sim.skyrmion_number(), # 'header': 'skx_num'} self.data_saver.entities['rhs_evals'] = { 'unit': '<>', 'get': lambda sim: self.integrator.rhs_evals(), 'header': 'rhs_evals'} self.data_saver.entities['real_time'] = { 'unit': '<s>', 'get': lambda _: time.time(), # seconds since epoch 'header': 'real_time'} self.data_saver.update_entity_order() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # OOMMF convention is to check if the spins have moved by ~1 degree in # a nanosecond in order to stop a simulation, so we set this scale for # dm/dt # ONE_DEGREE_PER_NANOSECOND: self._dmdt_factor = (2 * np.pi / 360) / 1e-9 def set_default_options(self, gamma=2.21e5, Ms=8.0e5, alpha=0.1): """ Default option for the integrator Default gamma is for a free electron """ self.default_c = 1e11 self._alpha[:] = alpha # When we create the simulation, Ms is set to the default value. This # is overriden when calling the set_Ms method from the Siulation class # or when setting Ms directly (property) self._Ms[:] = Ms self.gamma = gamma self.do_precession = True def sundials_rhs(self, t, y, ydot): """ Defined in the corresponding driver class """ pass def set_tols(self, rtol=1e-8, atol=1e-10, max_ord=None, reset=True): """ Set the relative and absolute tolerances for the CVODE integrator """ if max_ord is not None: self.integrator.set_options(rtol=rtol, atol=atol, max_ord=max_ord) else: # not all integrators have max_ord (only VODE does) # and we don't want to encode a default value here either self.integrator.set_options(rtol=rtol, atol=atol) if reset: self.reset_integrator(self.t) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Save functions ---------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def save_vtk(self): """ Save a VTK file with the magnetisation vector field (vector data) and the saturation magnetisation values (scalar data) as cell data """ self.VTK.reset_data() # Here we save both Ms and spins as cell data self.VTK.save_scalar(self._Ms, name='mu_s') self.VTK.save_vector(self.spin.reshape(-1, 3), name='spins') self.VTK.write_file(step=self.step)
class DriverBase(object): """ Common methods for the micromagnetic and atomistic driver classes """ def __init__(self): pass # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initiate_variables(self, n_spins): """ Common variables for both micro and atomistic drivers """ self._alpha = np.zeros(n_spins, dtype=np.float) self.t = 0 self.spin_last = np.ones(3 * n_spins, dtype=np.float) self.dm_dt = np.zeros(3 * n_spins, dtype=np.float) self.integrator_tolerances_set = False self.step = 0 def get_alpha(self): """ Returns the array with the spatially dependent Gilbert damping per mesh/lattice site """ return self._alpha def set_alpha(self, value): """ Set the Gilbert damping of the system as a uniform or spatially dependent scalar field ARGUMENTS: value :: * For a uniform damping across the whole sample, just specify a float ranging from 0 to 1 * In addition, you can specify a function that returns values ranging from 0 to 1, which depends on the spatial coordinates. For example, a damping that increases linearly in the x direction: def alpha_profile(r): for r[0] <= 10: return r[0] / 10. else: return 0 * You can also manually specify an array with n values ranging from 0 to 1 with the damping values, in the same order than the mesh coordinates array. * Alternatively, if you previously saved the damping field array to a numpy file, you can load it using numpy.load(my_array) """ self._alpha[:] = helper.init_scalar(value, self.mesh) alpha = property(get_alpha, set_alpha) def set_integrator(self, integrator, use_jac): # Integrator options -------------------------------------------------- # Here we set up the CVODE integrator from Sundials to evolve a # specific micromagnetic equation. The equations are specified in the # sundials_rhs function from any of the micromagnetic drivers in the # micromagnetic folder (LLG, LLG_STT, etc.) if integrator == "sundials" and use_jac: self.integrator = CvodeSolver(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs, self.sundials_jtimes) elif integrator == "sundials_diag": self.integrator = CvodeSolver(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs, linear_solver="diag") elif integrator == "sundials": self.integrator = CvodeSolver(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs) elif integrator == "euler" or integrator == "rk4": self.integrator = StepIntegrator(self.spin, self.step_rhs) elif integrator == "scipy": self.integrator = ScipyIntegrator(self.spin, self.step_rhs) elif integrator == "sundials_openmp" and use_jac: self.integrator = CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs, self.sundials_jtimes) elif integrator == "sundials_diag_openmp": self.integrator = CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs, linear_solver="diag") elif integrator == "sundials_openmp": self.integrator = CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs) elif integrator == "euler_openmp" or integrator == "rk4_openmp": self.integrator = CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.spin, self.step_rhs, integrator) else: raise NotImplemented("integrator must be sundials, euler or rk4") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def stat(self): return self.integrator.stat() def set_default_options(self): pass def reset_integrator(self, t=0): """ Reset the CVODE integrator and set the simulation time to `t` The simulation step is reset to zero """ self.integrator.reset(self.spin, t) self.t = t # also reinitialise the simulation time and step self.step = 0 def set_tols(self, rtol=1e-8, atol=1e-10): """ Set the relative and absolute tolerances for the CVODE integrator """ self.integrator.set_options(rtol, atol) def compute_effective_field(self, t): """ Compute the effective field from the simulation interactions, calling the method from the corresponding Energy class """ # self.spin[:] = y[:] self.field[:] = 0 for obj in self.interactions: self.field += obj.compute_field(t) def compute_effective_field_jac(self, t, spin): self.field[:] = 0 for obj in self.interactions: if obj.jac: self.field += obj.compute_field(t, spin=spin) def compute_dmdt(self, dt): m0 = self.spin_last m1 = self.spin dm = (m1 - m0).reshape((3, -1)) max_dm = np.max(np.sqrt(np.sum(dm**2, axis=0))) max_dmdt = max_dm / dt return max_dmdt def run_until(self, t): """ Evolve the system with a micromagnetic driver (LLG, LLG_STT, etc.) until a specific time `t`, using the specified integrator. The integrator was specified with the right hand side of the driver equation """ if t <= self.t: if t == self.t and self.t == 0.0: self.compute_effective_field(t) return else: raise ValueError("t must be >= sim.t") ode = self.integrator self.spin_last[:] = self.spin[:] flag = ode.run_until(t) if flag < 0: raise Exception("Run cython run_until failed!!!") self.spin[:] = ode.y[:] self.t = t self.step += 1 # Update field before saving data self.compute_effective_field(t) def relax(self, dt=10e-12, stopping_dmdt=0.01, max_steps=1000, save_m_steps=100, save_vtk_steps=100): """ Evolve the system until meeting the `dmdt` < `stopping_dmdt` criteria. The magnetisation dynamics will be checked a maximum of `max_steps` times at an interval of at least `dt` and compared to `stopping_dmdt` which is given in units of degrees per nanosecond. With `save_m_steps` and `save_vtk_steps` the magnetisation will be saved every given number of integrator steps to npy resp. vtk files. """ while self.step < max_steps: _dt = max(dt, self.integrator.get_current_step()) self.run_until(self.t + _dt) # Explanation: For very small integrator steps, there is no use in # checking for relaxation at every step and `dt` will provide the lower # boundary of what is acceptable (every 10 picoseconds per default). # On the other hand, when the integrator steps get larger than `dt` # we might as well let the integrator do its work uninterrupted. if (save_vtk_steps is not None) and (self.step % save_vtk_steps == 0): self.save_vtk() if (save_m_steps is not None) and (self.step % save_m_steps == 0): self.save_m() dmdt = self.compute_dmdt(_dt) print("#{:<4} t={:<8.3g} dt={:.3g} max_dmdt={:.3g}".format( self.step, # incremented in self.run_until (called above) self.t, _dt, dmdt / self._dmdt_factor)) if dmdt < stopping_dmdt * self._dmdt_factor: break if save_m_steps is not None: self.save_m() if save_vtk_steps is not None: self.save_vtk() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Save functions ---------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def save_vtk(self): pass def save_m(self, ZIP=False): """ Save the magnetisation/spin vector field as a numpy array in a NPY file. The files are saved in the `{name}_npys` folder, where `{name}` is the simulation name, with the file name `m_{step}.npy` where `{step}` is the simulation step (from the integrator) """ if not os.path.exists('%s_npys' % os.makedirs('%s_npys' % name = '%s_npys/m_%g.npy' % (, self.step), self.spin) if ZIP: with zipfile.ZipFile('' %, 'a') as myzip: myzip.write(name) try: os.remove(name) except OSError: pass def save_skx(self): """ Save the skyrmion number density (sk number per mesh site) as a numpy array in a NPY file. The files are saved in the `{name}_skx_npys` folder, where `{name}` is the simulation name, with the file name `skx_{step}.npy` where `{step}` is the simulation step (from the integrator) """ if not os.path.exists('%s_skx_npys' % os.makedirs('%s_skx_npys' % name = '%s_skx_npys/m_%g.npy' % (, self.step) # The _skx_number array is defined in the SimBase class in Common, self._skx_number)