class SaveVTK():
    def __init__(self, mesh, name='unnamed', directory=None):
        self.name = name

        if directory is None:
            self.directory = '{}_vtks'.format(name)
            self.directory = directory

        # Initiate a VTK object
        self.VTK = VTK(mesh, directory=self.directory, filename=name)

    def save_vtk(self, m1, Ms, step=0, vtkname='m'):
        # Here we save both Ms and spins as cell data
        self.VTK.save_scalar(Ms, name='Ms')
        self.VTK.save_vector(m1, name='spins')

        # Now we set the name of the file to start with m_ as default
        self.VTK.filename = vtkname

    def save_vtk_scalar(self, scalar_data_array, step=0, vtkname='skx'):
        # This saves the skyrmion number or any scalar data
        # CHECK: that the array skx_num is being passed with the correct shape
        # TODO: put more generic names as default names
        self.VTK.save_scalar(scalar_data_array, name='skx_num')

        # These files will be saved starting with: skx_ or other name
        # and saved to a different folder instead of {}_vtks
        self.VTK.filename = vtkname
        self.VTK.directory = self.name + '_' + vtkname
class SaveVTK():

    def __init__(self, mesh, name='unnamed'):
        self.name = name

        # Initiate a VTK object
        self.VTK = VTK(mesh,

    def save_vtk(self, m1, Ms, step=0, vtkname='m'):

        # Here we save both Ms and spins as cell data
        self.VTK.save_scalar(Ms, name='Ms')
        self.VTK.save_vector(m1, name='spins')

        # Now we set the name of the file to start with m_ as default
        self.VTK.filename = vtkname

    def save_vtk_scalar(self, scalar_data_array, step=0, vtkname='skx'):
        # This saves the skyrmion number or any scalar data
        # CHECK: that the array skx_num is being passed with the correct shape
        # TODO: put more generic names as default names
        self.VTK.save_scalar(scalar_data_array, name='skx_num')

        # These files will be saved starting with: skx_ or other name
        # and saved to a different folder instead of {}_vtks
        self.VTK.filename = vtkname
        self.VTK.directory = self.name + '_' + vtkname
class AtomisticDriver(DriverBase):

    A class with shared methods and properties for different drivers to solve
    the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation

    Variables that are proper of the driver class:

        * alpha (damping)
        * mu_s_const
        * t
        * spin_last
        * dm_dt
        * integrator_tolerances_set
        * step
        * n (from mesh)
        * n_nonzero (from mesh and set_Ms method in Simulation)
        * gamma
        * do_precession
        * default_c (correction factor to keep the magnetisation normalised
                     during the LLG equation integration. See the
                     fidimag/atomistic/lib/llg.c file for more details)

        From DriverBase: t, spin_last, dm_dt, integrator_tolerances_set, step

    def __init__(self,

        super(AtomisticDriver, self).__init__()

        # These are (ideally) references to arrays taken from the Simulation
        # class. Variables with underscore are arrays changed by a property in
        # the simulation class
        self.mesh = mesh
        self.spin = spin
        self._mu_s = mu_s
        self._mu_s_inv = mu_s_inv

        # Only for LLG STT: (??)
        self.mu_s_const = 0

        self.field = field
        self._pins = pins
        self.interactions = interactions
        # Strings are not referenced, this is a copy:
        self.name = name

        # The following are proper of the driver class: (see DriverBase) ------
        # See also the set_default_options() function

        self.n = self.mesh.n
        self.n_nonzero = self.mesh.n  # number of spins that are not zero
        # We check this in the set_Ms function


        # Integrator options --------------------------------------------------

        # In the old code, it seemed that self.sundials_jtn was not defined
        # anywhere else. Here, we will use the same integrators than in the
        # micromagnetic code, where we have self.sundials_jtimes instead of jtn
        self.set_integrator(integrator, use_jac)


        # When initialising the integrator in the self.integrator call, the
        # CVOde class calls the set_initial_value function (with flag_m=0),
        # which initialises a new integrator and allocates memory in this
        # process.  Now, when we set the magnetisation, we will use the same
        # memory setting this flag_m to 1, so instead of calling CVodeInit we
        # call CVodeReInit. If don't, memory is allocated in every call of
        # set_m
        self.flag_m = 1

        # Factor for the dmdt magnitude in the relaxation function
        self._dmdt_factor = 1.

        # Savers --------------------------------------------------------------

        # VTK saver for the magnetisation/spin field
        self.VTK = VTK(self.mesh,

        self.data_saver = data_saver

        # Initialise the table for the data file with the simulation
        # information:

        # self.saver.entities['skx_num'] = {
        #     'unit': '<>',
        #     'get': lambda sim: sim.skyrmion_number(),
        #     'header': 'skx_num'}

        # self.saver.update_entity_order()

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_default_options(self, gamma=1, mu_s=1, alpha=0.1):

        Default option for the integrator

        * The value of gamma (gyromagnetic ratio) for a free electron
        is 1.76e11

        self.default_c = -1
        self._alpha[:] = alpha

        # When we create the simulation, mu_s is set to the default value. This
        # is overriden when calling the set_mu_s method from the Simulation
        # class or when setting mu_s directly (property)
        # David Tue 19 Jun 2018: Not a very clear thing to do, we must set a
        # WARNING
        self._mu_s[:] = mu_s
        self._mu_s_inv[:] = 1. / mu_s

        self.mu_s_const = mu_s
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.do_precession = True

    # Don't know the uselfulness of this function:
    # def set_options(self, rtol=1e-8, atol=1e-10):
    #     self.set_tols(rtol, atol)

    def sundials_rhs(self, t, y, ydot):
        Defined in the corresponding driver class

    def sundials_jtn(self, mp, Jmp, t, m, fy):
        # we can not copy mp to self.spin since m and self.spin is one object.
        #self.spin[:] = mp[:]
        print('NO jac...........')
        self.compute_effective_field_jac(t, mp)
        clib.compute_llg_jtimes(Jmp, m, fy, mp, self.field, self.alpha,
                                self._pins, self.gamma, self.n,
                                self.do_precession, self.default_c)

        return 0

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Save functions ----------------------------------------------------------
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def save_vtk(self):
        Save a VTK file with the magnetisation vector field and magnetic
        moments as cell data. Magnetic moments are saved in units of
        Bohr magnetons

        NOTE: It is recommended to use a *cell to point data* filter in
        Paraview or Mayavi to plot the vector field

        # Here we save both Ms and spins as cell data
        self.VTK.save_scalar(self._mu_s / const.mu_B, name='mu_s')
        self.VTK.save_vector(self.spin.reshape(-1, 3), name='spins')

class MicroDriver(DriverBase):

    A class with shared methods and properties for different drivers to solve
    the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation

    Variables that are proper of the driver class:

        * alpha (damping)
        * Ms_const
        * t
        * spin_last
        * dm_dt
        * integrator_tolerances_set
        * step
        * n (from mesh)
        * n_nonzero (from mesh and set_Ms method in Simulation)
        * gamma
        * do_precession
        * default_c (correction factor to keep the magnetisation normalised
                     during the LLG equation integration. See the
                     fidimag/atomistic/lib/llg.c file for more details)

                     TODO: Check default_c units in the micromagnetic

        From DriverBase: t, spin_last, dm_dt, integrator_tolerances_set, step


    def __init__(self, mesh, spin, Ms, field, pins,

        super(MicroDriver, self).__init__()

        # These are (ideally) references to arrays taken from the Simulation
        # class. Variables with underscore are arrays changed by a property in
        # the simulation class
        self.mesh = mesh
        self.spin = spin
        self._Ms = Ms

        # Only for LLG STT: (??)
        self.Ms_const = 0

        self.field = field
        self._pins = pins
        self.interactions = interactions
        # Strings are not referenced, this is a copy:
        self.name = name

        # The following are proper of the driver class: (see DriverBase) ------
        # See also the set_default_options() function

        self.n = self.mesh.n
        self.n_nonzero = self.mesh.n  # number of spins that are not zero
                                      # We check this in the set_Ms function


        # Integrator options --------------------------------------------------

        # Here we set up the CVODE integrator from Sundials to evolve a
        # specific micromagnetic equation. The equations are specified in the
        # sundials_rhs function from any of the micromagnetic drivers in the
        # micromagnetic folder (LLG, LLG_STT, etc.)

        if integrator == "sundials" and use_jac:
            self.integrator = CvodeSolver(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs,
        elif integrator == "sundials_diag":
            self.integrator = CvodeSolver(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs,
        elif integrator == "sundials":
            self.integrator = CvodeSolver(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs)
        elif integrator == "euler" or integrator == "rk4":
            self.integrator = CvodeSolver(self.spin, self.step_rhs,

        elif integrator == "sundials_openmp" and use_jac:
            self.integrator = CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs,
        elif integrator == "sundials_diag_openmp":
            self.integrator = CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs,
        elif integrator == "sundials_openmp":
            self.integrator = CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs)
        elif integrator == "euler_openmp" or integrator == "rk4_openmp":
            self.integrator = CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.spin, self.step_rhs,
            raise NotImplemented("integrator must be sundials, euler or rk4")

        # Savers --------------------------------------------------------------

        # VTK saver for the magnetisation/spin field
        self.VTK = VTK(self.mesh,

        # Initialise the table for the data file with the simulation
        # information:
        self.data_saver = data_saver

        # This should not be necessary:
        # self.data_saver.entities['skx_num'] = {
        #     'unit': '<>',
        #     'get': lambda sim: sim.skyrmion_number(),
        #     'header': 'skx_num'}

        self.data_saver.entities['rhs_evals'] = {
            'unit': '<>',
            'get': lambda sim: self.integrator.rhs_evals(),
            'header': 'rhs_evals'}

        self.data_saver.entities['real_time'] = {
            'unit': '<s>',
            'get': lambda _: time.time(),  # seconds since epoch
            'header': 'real_time'}


        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        # OOMMF convention is to check if the spins have moved by ~1 degree in
        # a nanosecond in order to stop a simulation, so we set this scale for
        # dm/dt

        self._dmdt_factor = (2 * np.pi / 360) / 1e-9

    def set_default_options(self, gamma=2.21e5, Ms=8.0e5, alpha=0.1):
        Default option for the integrator
        Default gamma is for a free electron
        self.default_c = 1e11
        self._alpha[:] = alpha

        # When we create the simulation, Ms is set to the default value. This
        # is overriden when calling the set_Ms method from the Siulation class
        # or when setting Ms directly (property)
        self._Ms[:] = Ms

        self.gamma = gamma
        self.do_precession = True

    def sundials_rhs(self, t, y, ydot):
        Defined in the corresponding driver class

    def set_tols(self, rtol=1e-8, atol=1e-10, max_ord=None, reset=True):
        Set the relative and absolute tolerances for the CVODE integrator
        if max_ord is not None:
            self.integrator.set_options(rtol=rtol, atol=atol, max_ord=max_ord)
            # not all integrators have max_ord (only VODE does)
            # and we don't want to encode a default value here either
            self.integrator.set_options(rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
        if reset:

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Save functions ----------------------------------------------------------
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def save_vtk(self):
        Save a VTK file with the magnetisation vector field (vector data)
        and the saturation magnetisation values (scalar data) as
        cell data

        # Here we save both Ms and spins as cell data
        self.VTK.save_scalar(self._Ms, name='mu_s')
        self.VTK.save_vector(self.spin.reshape(-1, 3), name='spins')

class NEBMBase(object):

    Base Class for the NEBM codes.

    Abstract Methods: ---------------------------------------------------------

        compute_distances          :: Function to compute the distances between
                                      corresponding images of two bands. So the
                                      inputs are two arrays with at least one
                                      full image. The output is a 1D array with
                                      the distances. So if the inputs have x
                                      images we must return an array with x

        compute_effective_field_and_energy   :: Calculate effective field and
                                                the energies of the images for
                                                the energy band, according to
                                                the number of degrees of
                                                freedom (total number of spin
                                                components). Effective field is
                                                stored in the self.gradient and
                                                the enrgies in self.energies

        initialise_energies        :: Populate the self.energies array with the
                                      energies of every image for the 0th step
                                      of the algorithm

        Sundials_RHS               :: Right hand side of the NEB equation for

    Methods -------------------------------------------------------------------

        compute_spring_force       :: Compute the spring force for every degree
                                      of freedom of the band (we usually do
                                      this using the C library)
        compute_tangents           :: Compute the tangents of the system (use
                                      the function defined  in
                                      neb_method/nebm_clib.c). This tangents
                                      need to be normalised / projected
                                      according to the variation of the NEB

        compute_maximum_dYdt       :: Compute the maximum distance between the
                                      images (not counting the extremes) of the
                                      last computed band in the evolver
                                      (self.integrator.y) with the band of the
                                      previous step (stored in self.last_Y)
                                      divided by the last time step of the

        create_tablewriter         :: Start the data frameworks to output the
                                      energies ( *_energy.ndt) and distances
                                      (*_dYs.ndt) for every step of the
        generate_initial_band      :: Use the initial states and inteprolations
                                      lists to generate the initial band. The
                                      interpolations are linearly made in
                                      spherical coordinates, using the
                                      function. We may change this in the
                                      future to generate an inteprolation using
                                      a geodesic path

        initialise_integrator      :: Start the CVODE integrator and define it
                                      in self.integrator
        relax                      :: Relax the band for a specific number of
                                      steps. Arguments of this function
                                      includes saving VTK and NPY files every
                                      certain number of steps and some criteria
                                      for stopping the integrator
        run_until                  :: This function is called from the relax
                                      function (maybe is not very useful, we
                                      may check this in the future)
        save_VTKs                  :: Function to save a VTK of every image for
                                      the current step of the integrator, which
                                      is defined in the self.iterations
        save_npys                  :: Same for NPY files

    ARGUMENTS -----------------------------------------------------------------

    sim                 :: An instance of a micromagnetic or an atomistic

    initial_images      :: A sequence of arrays or functions to set up the
                           magnetisation field profile

    inteprolations      ::

    dof                 :: Degrees of freedom per spin. Spherical coordinates
                           have dof=2 and Cartesian have dof=3

    VARIABLES -----------------------------------------------------------------

        self.dof              :: Degree of freedom for the coordinates used in
                                 the band (e.g. Spherical has self.dof=2)
        self.sim              :: Fidimag atomistic or micromagnetic simulation
        self.mesh             :: Fidimag simulation mesh object
        self.name             :: Name of the NEBM simulation
        self.n_spins          :: Number of spins per image
        self.k                :: Spring constant
        self.VTK              :: Fidimag VTK object to save VTK files
        self.files_convert_f  :: Function to convert the coordinates from the
                                 band to Cartesian coordinates
        self.initial_images   :: List with the initial images for the band
                                 (Numpy arrays or space functions with the
                                 magnetisation/spin field)
        self.interpolations   :: Optional List with integers indicating
                                 interpolations between images
        self.n_images         :: Number of images in the band calculated from
                                 the number of initial images and
                                 interpolations between them
        self.n_images_inner_band :: Number of images without considering the
                                    images at the extremes
        self.n_dofs_image     :: Number of degrees of freedom per image, which
                                 is the total number of spins multiplied by the
        self.n_band           :: Total number of degrees of freedom in the
                                 whole band
        self.band             :: The array containing all the degrees of
                                 freedom (spin directions). It is ordered in
                                 the XYZ format
        self.gradientE        :: Array with the components of the energy
        self.G                :: Array with the effective force from the NEB
                                 method definition
        self.tangents         :: Array with the NEBM tangents
        self.energies         :: Array with the energies of every image in the
                                 band (length = self.n_images)
        self.spring_force     :: Array with the spring force components
        self.distances        :: Array with the distances between adjacent
                                 images: [0-1 1-2 2-3 .. etc ]
        self.last_Y           :: Array with the last computed band (like
                                 self.band) from the integrator

    def __init__(self, sim,
                 initial_images, interpolations=None,

        # Degrees of Freedom per spin
        self.dof = dof

        self.sim = sim
        self.mesh = self.sim.mesh
        self.name = name

        # Number of spins in the system
        self.n_spins = len(self.mesh.coordinates)

        # Spring constant (we could use an array in the future)
        self.k = spring_constant

        # We will use this filter to know which sites of the system has
        # material, i.e. M_s or mu_s > 0 and norm(m) = 1
        if self.sim._micromagnetic:
            self._material = np.repeat(self.sim.Ms, self.dof) > 1e-10
            # We will assume, for now, that the magnetic moment in atomistic
            # simulations is in units of mu_B
            self._material = np.repeat(self.sim.mu_s / const.mu_B,
                                       self.dof) > 1e-10

        self._material = self._material
        # For C, we use 1 and 0s
        self._material_int = np.copy(self._material).astype(np.int32)
        self.n_dofs_image_material = np.sum(self._material)

        # VTK saver for the magnetisation/spin field --------------------------
        self.VTK = VTK(self.mesh,

        # Functions to convert the energy band coordinates to Cartesian
        # coordinates when saving VTK and NPY files We assume Cartesian
        # coordinates by default, i.e. we do not transform anything
        self.files_convert_f = None

        # Initial states ------------------------------------------------------

        # We assume the extremes are fixed
        self.initial_images = initial_images

        if interpolations:
            self.interpolations = interpolations
            self.interpolations = [0 for i in range(len(initial_images) - 1)]

        # Number of images with/without the extremes
        self.n_images = len(self.initial_images) + np.sum(self.interpolations)
        self.n_images_inner_band = self.n_images - 2

        # Number of degrees of freedom per image
        self.n_dofs_image = (self.dof * self.n_spins)

        # Total number of degrees of freedom in the NEBM band
        self.n_band = self.n_images * self.n_dofs_image

        # Climbing Image ------------------------------------------------------

        if climbing_image is None:
            self.climbing_image = -1
        elif climbing_image in range(self.n_images):
            self.climbing_image = climbing_image
            raise ValueError('The climbing image must be in the band. '
                             'Specify a valid integer.')

        # NEBM Arrays ---------------------------------------------------------
        # We will initialise every array using the total number of images,
        # but we must have in mind that the images at the extrema of the band
        # are kept fixed, so we do not compute their gradient, tangents, etc.
        # This might be not memory efficient but the code is understood better
        # when we perform the loops when calculating the effective fields
        # and forces

        # The array containing every degree of freedom
        self.band = np.zeros(self.n_band)

        # The gradient with respect to the magnetisation (effective field)
        self.gradientE = np.zeros_like(self.band)

        # The effective force
        self.G = np.zeros_like(self.band)

        self.tangents = np.zeros_like(self.band)
        self.energies = np.zeros(self.n_images)
        self.spring_force = np.zeros_like(self.band)
        self.distances = np.zeros(self.n_images - 1)

        self.last_Y = np.zeros_like(self.band)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    def initialise_energies(self):

    def save_VTKs(self, coordinates_function=None):

        Save VTK files in different folders, according to the simulation name
        and step. Files are saved as vtks/simname_simstep_vtk/image_00000x.vtk

        coordinates_function    :: A function to transform the coordinates of
                                   the band to Cartesian coordinates. For
                                   example, in spherical coordinates we need
                                   the spherical2cartesian function from

        # Create the directory
        directory = 'vtks/%s_%d' % (self.name, self.iterations)
        self.VTK.directory = directory

        self.band.shape = (self.n_images, -1)

        # We use Ms from the simulation assuming that all the images are the
        # same
        for i in range(self.n_images):
            # We will try to save for the micromagnetic simulation (Ms) or an
            # atomistic simulation (mu_s) TODO: maybe this can be done with an:
            # isinstance
            if self.sim._micromagnetic:
                self.VTK.save_scalar(self.sim.Ms, name='M_s')
                self.VTK.save_scalar(self.sim.mu_s, name='mu_s')

            if coordinates_function:
                    coordinates_function(self.band[i]).reshape(-1, 3),
                    self.band[i].reshape(-1, 3),


        self.band.shape = (-1, )

    def save_npys(self, coordinates_function=None):
        Save npy files in different folders according to
        the simulation name and step
        Files are saved as: npys/simname_simstep/image_x.npy
        # Create directory as simname_simstep
        directory = 'npys/%s_%d' % (self.name, self.iterations)

        if not os.path.exists(directory):

        # Save the images with the format: 'image_{}.npy'
        # where {} is the image number, starting from 0
        self.band.shape = (self.n_images, -1)
        for i in range(self.n_images):
            name = os.path.join(directory, 'image_{:06}.npy'.format(i))
            if coordinates_function:
                np.save(name, coordinates_function(self.band[i, :]))
                np.save(name, self.band[i])
        self.band.shape = (-1)

    def initialise_integrator(self, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-6, openmp=False):
        self.t = 0
        self.iterations = 0
        self.ode_count = 1

        if not openmp:
            self.integrator = cvode.CvodeSolver(self.band,
            self.integrator.set_options(rtol, atol)
            self.integrator = cvode.CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.band,
            self.integrator.set_options(rtol, atol)

    def create_tablewriter(self):
        entities_energy = {
            'step': {'unit': '<1>',
                     'get': lambda sim: sim.iterations,
                     'header': 'iterations'},
            'energy': {'unit': '<J>',
                       'get': lambda sim: sim.energies,
                       'header': ['image_%d' % i
                                  for i in range(self.n_images)]}

        self.tablewriter = DataSaver(
            self, '%s_energy.ndt' % (self.name),  entities=entities_energy)

        entities_dm = {
            'step': {'unit': '<1>',
                     'get': lambda sim: sim.iterations,
                     'header': 'iterations'},
            'dYs': {'unit': '<1>',
                    'get': lambda sim: sim.distances,
                    'header': ['image_%d_%d' % (i, i + 1)
                               for i in range(self.n_images - 1)]}

        self.tablewriter_dm = DataSaver(
            self, '%s_dYs.ndt' % (self.name), entities=entities_dm)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    def generate_initial_band(self):

    def compute_effective_field_and_energy(self, y):

    def compute_tangents(self, y):

    def compute_spring_force(self, y):

    def compute_distances(self):

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # CVODE solver ------------------------------------------------------------
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def compute_norms(self, A, B):
        Compute the norms of the difference between corresponding images of the
        bands A and B. Every norm is scaled by the number of degrees of freedom

        The norm is computed only using mesh/lattice sites with material, i.e.
        mu_s or Ms > 0

        A_minus_B = A - B

        A_minus_B.shape = (-1, self.n_dofs_image)
        A_minus_B = np.apply_along_axis(
            lambda y: compute_norm(y[self._material], scale=True),

        return A_minus_B.reshape(-1)

    def Sundials_RHS(self, t, y, ydot):

        This function is called on every iteration of the integrator (CVODE
        solver). ydot refers to the Right Hand Side of the equation, since
        we are solving dy/dt = 0


        self.ode_count += 1

        # Update the effective field, energies, spring forces and tangents
        # using the *y* array

        # Now set the RHS of the equation as the effective force on the energy
        # band, which is stored on the self.G array
        ydot[:] = self.G[:]

        # The effective force at the extreme images should already be zero, but
        # we will manually remove any value
        ydot[:self.n_dofs_image] = 0
        ydot[-self.n_dofs_image:] = 0

        return 0

    def compute_maximum_dYdt(self, A, B, dt):

        Compute the maximum difference from the images of the *A* array with
        the images of the *B* array, divided by dt

        The differences are not computed for the images at the extremes, since
        these images are fixed and do not change with the iterator

        For instance, in spherical coordinates, if we have a band of (N + 1)
        images, labeled from 0 to N, we start by

        dY = [A1_theta0 A1_phi0 A1_theta1 ... A(N-1)_theta0 A(N-1)_phi0 A(N-1)_theta1 ... ]
            - [B1_theta0 B1_phi0 B1_theta1 ... B(N-1)_theta0 B(N-1)_phi0 B(N-1)_theta1 ... ]

        where A(i)_theta(j) is the theta componenet of the j-th spin of the
        i-th image in the band

        Then we calculate the norm of every difference (the norm is computed
        only using mesh/lattice sites with material, i.e.  mu_s or Ms > 0):

        ||dY|| =  [ || dY1_theta0 dY1_phi0 dY1_theta1         ...       ||
                    || dY(N-1)_theta0 dY(N-1)_phi0 dY(N-1)_theta1  ...  ||

        We divide by dt:

        ||dY|| -- > || dY || / dt = dYdt

        and finally take the maximum value of dYdt


        # We will not consider the images at the extremes to compute dY
        # Since we removed the extremes, we only have *n_images_inner_band*
        # images
        band_no_extremes = slice(self.n_dofs_image, -self.n_dofs_image)
        dYdt = self.compute_norms(
            B[band_no_extremes]).reshape(self.n_images_inner_band, -1)

        dYdt /= dt

        if np.max(dYdt) > 0:
            return np.max(dYdt)
            return 0

    def run_until(self, t):

        if (t) <= self.t:


        # Copy the updated energy band to our local array
        self.band[:] = self.integrator.y[:]

        # Compute the maximum change in the integrator step
        max_dYdt = self.compute_maximum_dYdt(self.integrator.y, self.last_Y,
                                             t - self.t)

        self.last_Y[:] = self.band[:]

        # Update the current step
        self.t = t

        return max_dYdt

    def relax(self, dt=1e-8, stopping_dYdt=1, max_iterations=1000,
              save_npys_every=100, save_vtks_every=100



        log.debug("Relaxation parameters: "
                  "stopping_dYdt={}, "
                  "time_step={} s, "
                  " max_iterations={}.".format(stopping_dYdt,


        # Save the initial state i=0
        self.distances = self.compute_distances(self.band[self.n_dofs_image:],

        for i in range(max_iterations):

            # Update the iterations number counter
            self.iterations += 1

            # Get the current size of the time discretisation from the
            # integrator (variable step size)
            cvode_dt = self.integrator.get_current_step()

            # If the step size of the integrator is larger than the specified
            # discretisation, use the current integrator step size to
            # compute the next iteration. Otherwise, just stick to the
            # specified step
            if cvode_dt > dt:
                increment_dt = cvode_dt
                increment_dt = dt

            # max_dYdt = self.run_until(self.t + increment_dt)

            if self.t + increment_dt <= self.t:

            self.integrator.run_until(self.t + increment_dt)

            # Copy the updated energy band to our local array
            self.band[:] = self.integrator.y[:]

            # Compute the maximum change in the integrator step
            max_dYdt = self.compute_maximum_dYdt(self.band,

            self.last_Y[:] = self.band[:]

            # Update the current step
            self.t = self.t + increment_dt

            # Save data -------------------------------------------------------

            if self.iterations % save_vtks_every == 0:
            if self.iterations % save_npys_every == 0:

            self.distances = self.compute_distances(
            log.debug(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ", time.localtime()) +
                      "step: {:.3g}, step_size: {:.3g}"
                      " and max_dYdt: {:.3g}.".format(self.iterations,

            # -----------------------------------------------------------------

            # Stop criteria:
            if max_dYdt < stopping_dYdt:

        log.info("Relaxation finished at time step = {:.4g}, "
                 "t = {:.2g}, call rhs = {:.4g} "
                 "and max_dYdt = {:.3g}".format(self.iterations,


    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def compute_polynomial_approximation(self, n_points):


        Compute a smooth approximation for the band, using a third order
        polynomial approximation. This approximation uses the tangents and
        derivatives from each image of the band as information to estimate
        the curvatures. The formula can be found in

        - Bessarab et al., Computer Physics Communications 196 (2015) 335-347

        This function returns a tuple with two elements:

            0. An array with the distance of every data point from the 0th

            1. A n_points long array, with the cubic interpolated energy band


        n_points    :: Te number of points for the interpolation


        # To be sure, update the effective field and tangents when calling
        # this function (this is necesary if we call the function without
        # relaxing the band before)
        self.distances = self.compute_distances(self.band[self.n_dofs_image:],
        deltas = np.zeros(self.n_images)

        # Somehow we need to rescale the gradient by the right units. In the
        # case of micromag, we use mu0 * Ms, and for the atomistic case we
        # simply use mu_s. This must be related to the way we derive the
        # effective field to calculate the negative energy gradient, which is
        # the functional derivative of the energy
        if self.sim._micromagnetic:
            scale = np.repeat(self.mesh.dx * self.mesh.dy * self.mesh.dz *
                              (self.mesh.unit_length ** 3.) *
                              const.mu_0 * self.sim.Ms, 3)
            scale = np.repeat(self.sim.mu_s, 3)

        for i in range(self.n_images):
            deltas[i] = np.dot(scale * self.gradientE.reshape(self.n_images, -1)[i],
                               self.tangents.reshape(self.n_images, -1)[i]

        l = [0]
        for i in range(len(self.distances)):
            l.append(np.sum(self.distances[:i + 1]))
        l = np.array(l)

        E = self.energies

        # The coefficients for the polynomial approximation
        a = np.zeros(self.n_images)
        b = np.zeros(self.n_images)
        c = deltas
        d = E

        # Populate the a and b coefficients for every image
        for i in range(self.n_images - 1):
            a[i] = (deltas[i + 1] + deltas[i]) / (l[i + 1] - l[i]) ** 2.
            a[i] -= 2 * (E[i + 1] - E[i]) / (l[i + 1] - l[i]) ** 3.

            b[i] = -(deltas[i + 1] + 2 * deltas[i]) / (l[i + 1] - l[i])
            b[i] += 3 * (E[i + 1] - E[i]) / (l[i + 1] - l[i]) ** 2.

        # The arrays with the data points and the interpolated energy values
        x = np.linspace(0, l[-1], n_points)
        E_interp = np.zeros(n_points)

        i_img = 0
        for i, pos in enumerate(x):
            if pos > l[i_img + 1]:
                i_img += 1

            E_interp[i] = (a[i_img] * ((pos - l[i_img]) ** 3.) +
                           b[i_img] * ((pos - l[i_img]) ** 2.) +
                           c[i_img] * (pos - l[i_img]) +

        return x, E_interp
class AtomisticDriver(DriverBase):

    A class with shared methods and properties for different drivers to solve
    the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation

    Variables that are proper of the driver class:

        * alpha (damping)
        * mu_s_const
        * t
        * spin_last
        * dm_dt
        * integrator_tolerances_set
        * step
        * n (from mesh)
        * n_nonzero (from mesh and set_Ms method in Simulation)
        * gamma
        * do_precession
        * default_c (correction factor to keep the magnetisation normalised
                     during the LLG equation integration. See the
                     fidimag/atomistic/lib/llg.c file for more details)

        From DriverBase: t, spin_last, dm_dt, integrator_tolerances_set, step


    def __init__(self, mesh, spin, mu_s, mu_s_inv, field, pins, interactions, name, data_saver, use_jac):

        super(AtomisticDriver, self).__init__()

        # These are (ideally) references to arrays taken from the Simulation
        # class. Variables with underscore are arrays changed by a property in
        # the simulation class
        self.mesh = mesh
        self.spin = spin
        self._mu_s = mu_s
        self._mu_s_inv = mu_s_inv

        # Only for LLG STT: (??)
        self.mu_s_const = 0

        self.field = field
        self._pins = pins
        self.interactions = interactions
        # Strings are not referenced, this is a copy:
        self.name = name

        # The following are proper of the driver class: (see DriverBase) ------
        # See also the set_default_options() function

        self.n = self.mesh.n
        self.n_nonzero = self.mesh.n  # number of spins that are not zero
        # We check this in the set_Ms function


        # Integrator options --------------------------------------------------

        if use_jac is not True:
            self.integrator = cvode.CvodeSolver(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs)
            self.integrator = cvode.CvodeSolver(self.spin, self.sundials_rhs, self.sundials_jtn)


        # When initialising the integrator in the self.integrator call, the
        # CVOde class calls the set_initial_value function (with flag_m=0),
        # which initialises a new integrator and allocates memory in this
        # process.  Now, when we set the magnetisation, we will use the same
        # memory setting this flag_m to 1, so instead of calling CVodeInit we
        # call CVodeReInit. If don't, memory is allocated in every call of
        # set_m
        self.flag_m = 1

        # Factor for the dmdt magnitude in the relaxation function
        self._dmdt_factor = 1.0

        # Savers --------------------------------------------------------------

        # VTK saver for the magnetisation/spin field
        self.VTK = VTK(self.mesh, directory="{}_vtks".format(self.name), filename="m")

        self.data_saver = data_saver

        # Initialise the table for the data file with the simulation
        # information:

        # self.saver.entities['skx_num'] = {
        #     'unit': '<>',
        #     'get': lambda sim: sim.skyrmion_number(),
        #     'header': 'skx_num'}

        # self.saver.update_entity_order()

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    def set_default_options(self, gamma=1, mu_s=1, alpha=0.1):

        Default option for the integrator

        * The value of gamma (gyromagnetic ratio) for a free electron
        is 1.76e11

        self.default_c = -1
        self._alpha[:] = alpha

        # When we create the simulation, mu_s is set to the default value. This
        # is overriden when calling the set_mu_s method from the Simulation
        # class or when setting mu_s directly (property)
        self._mu_s[:] = mu_s
        self.mu_s_const = mu_s
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.do_precession = True

    # Don't know the uselfulness of this function:
    # def set_options(self, rtol=1e-8, atol=1e-10):
    #     self.set_tols(rtol, atol)

    def sundials_rhs(self, t, y, ydot):
        Defined in the corresponding driver class

    def sundials_jtn(self, mp, Jmp, t, m, fy):
        # we can not copy mp to self.spin since m and self.spin is one object.
        # self.spin[:] = mp[:]
        print("NO jac...........")
        self.compute_effective_field_jac(t, mp)
            Jmp, m, fy, mp, self.field, self.alpha, self._pins, self.gamma, self.n, self.do_precession, self.default_c

        return 0

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Save functions ----------------------------------------------------------
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def save_vtk(self):
        Save a VTK file with the magnetisation vector field and magnetic
        moments as cell data. Magnetic moments are saved in units of
        Bohr magnetons

        NOTE: It is recommended to use a *cell to point data* filter in
        Paraview or Mayavi to plot the vector field

        # Here we save both Ms and spins as cell data
        self.VTK.save_scalar(self._mu_s / const.mu_B, name="mu_s")
        self.VTK.save_vector(self.spin.reshape(-1, 3), name="spins")

def test_save_scalar_field_hexagonal_mesh(tmpdir):
    mesh = HexagonalMesh(1, 3, 3)
    s = scalar_field(mesh, lambda r: r[0] + r[1])
    vtk = VTK(mesh, directory=str(tmpdir), filename="scalar_hexagonal")
    vtk.save_scalar(s, name="s")
    assert same_as_ref(vtk.write_file(), REF_DIR)
def test_save_vector_field(tmpdir):
    mesh = CuboidMesh(4, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2)
    s = vector_field(mesh, lambda r: (r[0], r[1], r[2]))
    vtk = VTK(mesh, directory=str(tmpdir), filename="save_vector")
    vtk.save_vector(s, name="s")
    assert same_as_ref(vtk.write_file(), REF_DIR)
def test_save_vector_field():
    mesh = CuboidMesh(4, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2)
    s = vector_field(mesh, lambda r: (r[0], r[1], r[2]))
    vtk = VTK(mesh, directory=OUTPUT_DIR, filename="save_vector")
    vtk.save_vector(s, name="s")
class MinimiserBase(object):
    Base class for minimiser class. No dependency on CVODE
    def __init__(self, mesh, spin, magnetisation, magnetisation_inv, field,
                 pins, interactions, name, data_saver):

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # These are (ideally) references to arrays taken from the Simulation
        # class. Variables with underscore are arrays changed by a property in
        # the simulation class
        self.mesh = mesh
        self.spin = spin

        # A reference to either mu_s or Ms to use a common lib for this
        # minimiser
        self._magnetisation = magnetisation
        self._magnetisation_inv = magnetisation_inv

        self.field = field
        self._pins = pins
        self.interactions = interactions
        # Strings are not referenced, this is a copy:
        self.name = name

        self.data_saver = data_saver

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Variables defined in this class

        self.spin_last = np.ones_like(self.spin)
        self.n = self.mesh.n

        # VTK saver for the magnetisation/spin field
        self.VTK = VTK(self.mesh,

        self.scale = 1.

    def normalise_field(self, a):
        norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(a.reshape(-1, 3)**2, axis=1))
        norm_a = a.reshape(-1, 3) / norm[:, np.newaxis]
        norm_a.shape = (-1, )
        return norm_a

    def field_cross_product(self, a, b):
        aXb = np.cross(a.reshape(-1, 3), b.reshape(-1, 3))
        return aXb.reshape(-1, )

    def run_step(self):
        Python implementation of the step

    def run_step_CLIB(self):
        Cython implementation of the step. Normally you would define
        functions called in this method, in the lib/ folder

    def minimise(self,

    def relax(self):
        print('Not implemented for the SD minimiser')

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def compute_effective_field(self, t=0):
        Compute the effective field from the simulation interactions,
        calling the method from the corresponding Energy class

        self.field[:] = 0

        for obj in self.interactions:
            self.field += obj.compute_field(t=0, spin=self.spin)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # SAVERS

    def save_vtk(self):
        Save a VTK file with the magnetisation vector field and magnetic
        moments as cell data. Magnetic moments are saved in units of
        Bohr magnetons

        NOTE: It is recommended to use a *cell to point data* filter in
        Paraview or Mayavi to plot the vector field

        # Here we save both Ms and spins as cell data
        self.VTK.save_scalar(self._magnetisation / const.mu_B,
        self.VTK.save_vector(self.spin.reshape(-1, 3), name='spins')


    def save_m(self, ZIP=False):
        Save the magnetisation/spin vector field as a numpy array in
        a NPY file. The files are saved in the `{name}_npys` folder, where
        `{name}` is the simulation name, with the file name `m_{step}.npy`
        where `{step}` is the simulation step (from the integrator)

        if not os.path.exists('%s_npys' % self.name):
            os.makedirs('%s_npys' % self.name)
        name = '%s_npys/m_%g.npy' % (self.name, self.step)
        np.save(name, self.spin)
        if ZIP:
            with zipfile.ZipFile('%s_m.zip' % self.name, 'a') as myzip:
            except OSError:

    def save_skx(self):
        Save the skyrmion number density (sk number per mesh site)
        as a numpy array in a NPY file.
        The files are saved in the `{name}_skx_npys` folder, where
        `{name}` is the simulation name, with the file name `skx_{step}.npy`
        where `{step}` is the simulation step (from the integrator)
        if not os.path.exists('%s_skx_npys' % self.name):
            os.makedirs('%s_skx_npys' % self.name)
        name = '%s_skx_npys/m_%g.npy' % (self.name, self.step)

        # The _skx_number array is defined in the SimBase class in Common
        np.save(name, self._skx_number)
class NEBMBase(object):

    Base Class for the NEBM codes.

    Abstract Methods: ---------------------------------------------------------

        compute_distances          :: Function to compute the distances between
                                      corresponding images of two bands. So the
                                      inputs are two arrays with at least one
                                      full image. The output is a 1D array with
                                      the distances. So if the inputs have x
                                      images we must return an array with x

        compute_effective_field_and_energy   :: Calculate effective field and
                                                the energies of the images for
                                                the energy band, according to
                                                the number of degrees of
                                                freedom (total number of spin
                                                components). Effective field is
                                                stored in the self.gradient and
                                                the enrgies in self.energies

        initialise_energies        :: Populate the self.energies array with the
                                      energies of every image for the 0th step
                                      of the algorithm

        Sundials_RHS               :: Right hand side of the NEB equation for

    Methods -------------------------------------------------------------------

        compute_spring_force       :: Compute the spring force for every degree
                                      of freedom of the band (we usually do
                                      this using the C library)
        compute_tangents           :: Compute the tangents of the system (use
                                      the function defined  in
                                      neb_method/nebm_clib.c). This tangents
                                      need to be normalised / projected
                                      according to the variation of the NEB

        compute_maximum_dYdt       :: Compute the maximum distance between the
                                      images (not counting the extremes) of the
                                      last computed band in the evolver
                                      (self.integrator.y) with the band of the
                                      previous step (stored in self.last_Y)
                                      divided by the last time step of the

        create_tablewriter         :: Start the data frameworks to output the
                                      energies ( *_energy.ndt) and distances
                                      (*_dYs.ndt) for every step of the
        generate_initial_band      :: Use the initial states and inteprolations
                                      lists to generate the initial band. The
                                      interpolations are linearly made in
                                      spherical coordinates, using the
                                      function. We may change this in the
                                      future to generate an inteprolation using
                                      a geodesic path

        initialise_integrator      :: Start the CVODE integrator and define it
                                      in self.integrator
        relax                      :: Relax the band for a specific number of
                                      steps. Arguments of this function
                                      includes saving VTK and NPY files every
                                      certain number of steps and some criteria
                                      for stopping the integrator
        run_until                  :: This function is called from the relax
                                      function (maybe is not very useful, we
                                      may check this in the future)
        save_VTKs                  :: Function to save a VTK of every image for
                                      the current step of the integrator, which
                                      is defined in the self.iterations
        save_npys                  :: Same for NPY files

    ARGUMENTS -----------------------------------------------------------------

    sim                 :: An instance of a micromagnetic or an atomistic

    initial_images      :: A sequence of arrays or functions to set up the
                           magnetisation field profile

    inteprolations      ::

    dof                 :: Degrees of freedom per spin. Spherical coordinates
                           have dof=2 and Cartesian have dof=3

    VARIABLES -----------------------------------------------------------------

        self.dof              :: Degree of freedom for the coordinates used in
                                 the band (e.g. Spherical has self.dof=2)
        self.sim              :: Fidimag atomistic or micromagnetic simulation
        self.mesh             :: Fidimag simulation mesh object
        self.name             :: Name of the NEBM simulation
        self.n_spins          :: Number of spins per image
        self.k                :: Spring constant
        self.VTK              :: Fidimag VTK object to save VTK files
        self.files_convert_f  :: Function to convert the coordinates from the
                                 band to Cartesian coordinates
        self.initial_images   :: List with the initial images for the band
                                 (Numpy arrays or space functions with the
                                 magnetisation/spin field)
        self.interpolations   :: Optional List with integers indicating
                                 interpolations between images
        self.n_images         :: Number of images in the band calculated from
                                 the number of initial images and
                                 interpolations between them
        self.n_images_inner_band :: Number of images without considering the
                                    images at the extremes
        self.n_dofs_image     :: Number of degrees of freedom per image, which
                                 is the total number of spins multiplied by the
        self.n_band           :: Total number of degrees of freedom in the
                                 whole band
        self.band             :: The array containing all the degrees of
                                 freedom (spin directions). It is ordered in
                                 the XYZ format
        self.gradientE        :: Array with the components of the energy
        self.G                :: Array with the effective force from the NEB
                                 method definition
        self.tangents         :: Array with the NEBM tangents
        self.energies         :: Array with the energies of every image in the
                                 band (length = self.n_images)
        self.spring_force     :: Array with the spring force components
        self.distances        :: Array with the distances between adjacent
                                 images: [0-1 1-2 2-3 .. etc ]
        self.last_Y           :: Array with the last computed band (like
                                 self.band) from the integrator
        self._material        :: Array of Booleans of size (self.dof*n_spins),
                                 i.e. the number of dofs in an image.
                                 It is True where Ms or mu_s are larger than
                                 zero. This is necessary to filter spins that
                                 not need to be counted in, for example, a
                                 scaled norm.
        self.n_dofs_image_material :: Number of dofs where mu_s or Ms > 0
                                      (in a single image)

    def __init__(self,

        self.openmp = openmp

        # Degrees of Freedom per spin
        self.dof = dof

        self.sim = sim
        self.mesh = self.sim.mesh
        self.name = name

        # Number of spins in the system
        self.n_spins = len(self.mesh.coordinates)

        # Spring constant (we could use an array in the future)
        self.k = spring_constant

        # We will use this filter to know which sites of the system has
        # material, i.e. M_s or mu_s > 0 and norm(m) = 1
        if self.sim._micromagnetic:
            self._material = np.repeat(self.sim.Ms, self.dof) > 1e-10
            # We will assume, for now, that the magnetic moment in atomistic
            # simulations is in units of mu_B
            self._material = np.repeat(self.sim.mu_s / const.mu_B,
                                       self.dof) > 1e-10

        # self._material = self._material
        # For C, we use 1 and 0s
        self._material_int = np.copy(self._material).astype(np.int32)
        self.n_dofs_image_material = np.sum(self._material)

        # VTK saver for the magnetisation/spin field --------------------------
        self.VTK = VTK(self.mesh,

        # Functions to convert the energy band coordinates to Cartesian
        # coordinates when saving VTK and NPY files We assume Cartesian
        # coordinates by default, i.e. we do not transform anything
        self.files_convert_f = None

        # Initial states ------------------------------------------------------

        # We assume the extremes are fixed
        self.initial_images = initial_images

        if interpolations:
            self.interpolations = interpolations
            self.interpolations = [0 for i in range(len(initial_images) - 1)]

        # Number of images with/without the extremes
        self.n_images = len(self.initial_images) + np.sum(self.interpolations)
        self.n_images_inner_band = self.n_images - 2

        # Number of degrees of freedom per image
        self.n_dofs_image = (self.dof * self.n_spins)

        # Total number of degrees of freedom in the NEBM band
        self.n_band = self.n_images * self.n_dofs_image

        # Climbing Image ------------------------------------------------------

        if climbing_image is None:
            self.climbing_image = -1
        elif climbing_image in range(self.n_images):
            self.climbing_image = climbing_image
            raise ValueError('The climbing image must be in the band. '
                             'Specify a valid integer.')

        # NEBM Arrays ---------------------------------------------------------
        # We will initialise every array using the total number of images,
        # but we must have in mind that the images at the extrema of the band
        # are kept fixed, so we do not compute their gradient, tangents, etc.
        # This might be not memory efficient but the code is understood better
        # when we perform the loops when calculating the effective fields
        # and forces

        # The array containing every degree of freedom
        self.band = np.zeros(self.n_band)

        # The gradient with respect to the magnetisation (effective field)
        self.gradientE = np.zeros_like(self.band)

        # The effective force
        self.G = np.zeros_like(self.band)

        self.tangents = np.zeros_like(self.band)
        self.energies = np.zeros(self.n_images)
        self.spring_force = np.zeros_like(self.band)
        self.distances = np.zeros(self.n_images - 1)

        self.last_Y = np.zeros_like(self.band)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    def initialise_energies(self):

    def save_VTKs(self, coordinates_function=None):

        Save VTK files in different folders, according to the simulation name
        and step. Files are saved as vtks/simname_simstep_vtk/image_00000x.vtk

        coordinates_function    :: A function to transform the coordinates of
                                   the band to Cartesian coordinates. For
                                   example, in spherical coordinates we need
                                   the spherical2cartesian function from

        # Create the directory
        directory = 'vtks/%s_%d' % (self.name, self.iterations)
        self.VTK.directory = directory

        self.band.shape = (self.n_images, -1)

        # We use Ms from the simulation assuming that all the images are the
        # same
        for i in range(self.n_images):
            # We will try to save for the micromagnetic simulation (Ms) or an
            # atomistic simulation (mu_s) TODO: maybe this can be done with an:
            # isinstance
            if self.sim._micromagnetic:
                self.VTK.save_scalar(self.sim.Ms, name='M_s')
                self.VTK.save_scalar(self.sim.mu_s, name='mu_s')

            if coordinates_function:
                    self.band[i]).reshape(-1, 3),
                self.VTK.save_vector(self.band[i].reshape(-1, 3), name='spins')


        self.band.shape = (-1, )

    def save_npys(self, coordinates_function=None):
        Save npy files in different folders according to
        the simulation name and step
        Files are saved as: npys/simname_simstep/image_x.npy
        # Create directory as simname_simstep
        directory = 'npys/%s_%d' % (self.name, self.iterations)

        if not os.path.exists(directory):

        # Save the images with the format: 'image_{}.npy'
        # where {} is the image number, starting from 0
        self.band.shape = (self.n_images, -1)
        for i in range(self.n_images):
            name = os.path.join(directory, 'image_{:06}.npy'.format(i))
            if coordinates_function:
                np.save(name, coordinates_function(self.band[i, :]))
                np.save(name, self.band[i])
        self.band.shape = (-1)

    def initialise_integrator(self, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-6):
        self.t = 0
        self.iterations = 0
        self.ode_count = 1

        if not self.openmp:
            self.integrator = cvode.CvodeSolver(self.band, self.Sundials_RHS)
            self.integrator.set_options(rtol, atol)
            self.integrator = cvode.CvodeSolver_OpenMP(self.band,
            self.integrator.set_options(rtol, atol)

    def create_tablewriter(self):
        entities_energy = {
            'step': {
                'unit': '<1>',
                'get': lambda sim: sim.iterations,
                'header': 'iterations'
            'energy': {
                'unit': '<J>',
                'get': lambda sim: sim.energies,
                'header': ['image_%d' % i for i in range(self.n_images)]

        self.tablewriter = DataSaver(self,
                                     '%s_energy.ndt' % (self.name),

        entities_dm = {
            'step': {
                'unit': '<1>',
                'get': lambda sim: sim.iterations,
                'header': 'iterations'
            'dYs': {
                lambda sim: sim.distances,
                ['image_%d_%d' % (i, i + 1) for i in range(self.n_images - 1)]

        self.tablewriter_dm = DataSaver(self,
                                        '%s_dYs.ndt' % (self.name),

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    def generate_initial_band(self):

    def compute_effective_field_and_energy(self, y):

    def compute_tangents(self, y):

    def compute_spring_force(self, y):

    def compute_distances(self):

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # CVODE solver ------------------------------------------------------------
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def compute_norms(self, A, B):
        Compute the norms of the difference between corresponding images of the
        bands A and B. Every norm is scaled by the number of degrees of freedom

        The norm is computed only using mesh/lattice sites with material, i.e.
        mu_s or Ms > 0

        A_minus_B = A - B

        A_minus_B.shape = (-1, self.n_dofs_image)
        A_minus_B = np.apply_along_axis(
            lambda y: compute_norm(y[self._material], scale=True),

        return A_minus_B.reshape(-1)

    def Sundials_RHS(self, t, y, ydot):

        This function is called on every iteration of the integrator (CVODE
        solver). ydot refers to the Right Hand Side of the equation, since
        we are solving dy/dt = 0


        self.ode_count += 1

        # Update the effective field, energies, spring forces and tangents
        # using the *y* array

        # Now set the RHS of the equation as the effective force on the energy
        # band, which is stored on the self.G array
        ydot[:] = self.G[:]

        # The effective force at the extreme images should already be zero, but
        # we will manually remove any value
        ydot[:self.n_dofs_image] = 0
        ydot[-self.n_dofs_image:] = 0

        return 0

    def compute_maximum_dYdt(self, A, B, dt):

        Compute the maximum difference from the images of the *A* array with
        the images of the *B* array, divided by dt

        The differences are not computed for the images at the extremes, since
        these images are fixed and do not change with the iterator

        For instance, in spherical coordinates, if we have a band of (N + 1)
        images, labeled from 0 to N, we start by

        dY = [A1_theta0 A1_phi0 A1_theta1 ... A(N-1)_theta0 A(N-1)_phi0 A(N-1)_theta1 ... ]
            - [B1_theta0 B1_phi0 B1_theta1 ... B(N-1)_theta0 B(N-1)_phi0 B(N-1)_theta1 ... ]

        where A(i)_theta(j) is the theta componenet of the j-th spin of the
        i-th image in the band

        Then we calculate the norm of every difference (the norm is computed
        only using mesh/lattice sites with material, i.e.  mu_s or Ms > 0):

        ||dY|| =  [ || dY1_theta0 dY1_phi0 dY1_theta1         ...       ||
                    || dY(N-1)_theta0 dY(N-1)_phi0 dY(N-1)_theta1  ...  ||

        We divide by dt:

        ||dY|| -- > || dY || / dt = dYdt

        and finally take the maximum value of dYdt


        # We will not consider the images at the extremes to compute dY
        # Since we removed the extremes, we only have *n_images_inner_band*
        # images
        band_no_extremes = slice(self.n_dofs_image, -self.n_dofs_image)
        dYdt = self.compute_norms(A[band_no_extremes],
                                      self.n_images_inner_band, -1)

        dYdt /= dt

        if np.max(dYdt) > 0:
            return np.max(dYdt)
            return 0

    def run_until(self, t):

        if (t) <= self.t:


        # Copy the updated energy band to our local array
        self.band[:] = self.integrator.y[:]

        # Compute the maximum change in the integrator step
        max_dYdt = self.compute_maximum_dYdt(self.integrator.y, self.last_Y,
                                             t - self.t)

        self.last_Y[:] = self.band[:]

        # Update the current step
        self.t = t

        return max_dYdt

    def relax(self,


        log.debug("Relaxation parameters: "
                  "stopping_dYdt={}, "
                  "time_step={} s, "
                  " max_iterations={}.".format(stopping_dYdt, dt,


        # Save the initial state i=0
        self.distances = self.compute_distances(self.band[self.n_dofs_image:],

        INNER_DOFS = slice(self.n_dofs_image, -self.n_dofs_image)

        for i in range(max_iterations):

            # Update the iterations number counter
            self.iterations += 1

            # Get the current size of the time discretisation from the
            # integrator (variable step size)
            cvode_dt = self.integrator.get_current_step()

            # If the step size of the integrator is larger than the specified
            # discretisation, use the current integrator step size to
            # compute the next iteration. Otherwise, just stick to the
            # specified step
            if cvode_dt > dt:
                increment_dt = cvode_dt
                increment_dt = dt

            # max_dYdt = self.run_until(self.t + increment_dt)

            if self.t + increment_dt <= self.t:

            self.integrator.run_until(self.t + increment_dt)

            # Copy the updated energy band to our local array
            self.band[:] = self.integrator.y[:]

            # Compute the maximum change in the integrator step
            max_dYdt = self.compute_maximum_dYdt(self.band, self.last_Y,

            self.last_Y[:] = self.band[:]

            # Update the current step
            self.t = self.t + increment_dt

            # Save data -------------------------------------------------------

            if self.iterations % save_vtks_every == 0:
            if self.iterations % save_npys_every == 0:

            self.distances = self.compute_distances(
                self.band[self.n_dofs_image:], self.band[:-self.n_dofs_image])

            # Print information about the simulation and the NEBM forces.
            # The last two terms are the largest gradient and spring
            # force norms from the spins (not counting the extrema)
                time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ", time.localtime()) +
                "step: {:.3g}, step_size: {:.3g},"
                "max_dYdt: {:.3g} "
                "|max_dE|: {:.3g} "
                "and |max_F_k|: {:.3g}".format(
                    self.iterations, increment_dt, max_dYdt,
                            -1, 3),
                            -1, 3),

            # -----------------------------------------------------------------

            # Stop criteria:
            if max_dYdt < stopping_dYdt:

        log.info("Relaxation finished at time step = {:.4g}, "
                 "t = {:.2g}, call rhs = {:.4g} "
                 "and max_dYdt = {:.3g}".format(self.iterations, self.t,
                                                self.ode_count, max_dYdt))


    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def compute_polynomial_approximation(self, n_points):

        Compute a smooth approximation for the band, using a third order
        polynomial approximation. This approximation uses the tangents and
        derivatives from each image of the band as information to estimate
        the curvatures. The formula can be found in

        - Bessarab et al., Computer Physics Communications 196 (2015) 335-347

        This function returns a tuple with two elements:

            0. An array with the distance of every data point from the 0th

            1. A n_points long array, with the cubic interpolated energy band


        n_points    :: Te number of points for the interpolation


        # To be sure, update the effective field and tangents when calling
        # this function (this is necesary if we call the function without
        # relaxing the band before)
        self.distances = self.compute_distances(self.band[self.n_dofs_image:],
        deltas = np.zeros(self.n_images)

        # Somehow we need to rescale the gradient by the right units. In the
        # case of micromag, we use mu0 * Ms, and for the atomistic case we
        # simply use mu_s. This must be related to the way we derive the
        # effective field to calculate the negative energy gradient, which is
        # the functional derivative of the energy
        if self.sim._micromagnetic:
            scale = np.repeat(
                self.mesh.dx * self.mesh.dy * self.mesh.dz *
                (self.mesh.unit_length**3.) * const.mu_0 * self.sim.Ms, 3)
            scale = np.repeat(self.sim.mu_s, 3)

        for i in range(self.n_images):
            deltas[i] = np.dot(
                scale * self.gradientE.reshape(self.n_images, -1)[i],
                self.tangents.reshape(self.n_images, -1)[i])

        l = [0]
        for i in range(len(self.distances)):
            l.append(np.sum(self.distances[:i + 1]))
        l = np.array(l)

        E = self.energies

        # The coefficients for the polynomial approximation
        a = np.zeros(self.n_images)
        b = np.zeros(self.n_images)
        c = deltas
        d = E

        # Populate the a and b coefficients for every image
        for i in range(self.n_images - 1):
            a[i] = (deltas[i + 1] + deltas[i]) / (l[i + 1] - l[i])**2.
            a[i] -= 2 * (E[i + 1] - E[i]) / (l[i + 1] - l[i])**3.

            b[i] = -(deltas[i + 1] + 2 * deltas[i]) / (l[i + 1] - l[i])
            b[i] += 3 * (E[i + 1] - E[i]) / (l[i + 1] - l[i])**2.

        # The arrays with the data points and the interpolated energy values
        x = np.linspace(0, l[-1], n_points)
        E_interp = np.zeros(n_points)

        i_img = 0
        for i, pos in enumerate(x):
            if pos > l[i_img + 1]:
                i_img += 1

            E_interp[i] = (a[i_img] * ((pos - l[i_img])**3.) + b[i_img] *
                           ((pos - l[i_img])**2.) + c[i_img] *
                           (pos - l[i_img]) + d[i_img])

        return x, E_interp
def test_save_scalar_field_hexagonal_mesh(tmpdir):
    mesh = HexagonalMesh(1, 3, 3)
    s = scalar_field(mesh, lambda r: r[0] + r[1])
    vtk = VTK(mesh, directory=str(tmpdir), filename="scalar_hexagonal")
    vtk.save_scalar(s, name="s")
    assert same_as_ref(vtk.write_file(), REF_DIR)
def test_save_vector_field(tmpdir):
    mesh = CuboidMesh(4, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2)
    s = vector_field(mesh, lambda r: (r[0], r[1], r[2]))
    vtk = VTK(mesh, directory=str(tmpdir), filename="save_vector")
    vtk.save_vector(s, name="s")
    assert same_as_ref(vtk.write_file(), REF_DIR)
def test_save_scalar_field_hexagonal_mesh():
    mesh = HexagonalMesh(1, 3, 3)
    s = scalar_field(mesh, lambda r: r[0] + r[1])
    vtk = VTK(mesh, directory=OUTPUT_DIR, filename="scalar_hexagonal")
    vtk.save_scalar(s, name="s")
class MicroDriver(DriverBase):

    A class with shared methods and properties for different drivers to solve
    the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation

    Variables that are proper of the driver class:

        * alpha (damping)
        * Ms_const
        * t
        * spin_last
        * dm_dt
        * integrator_tolerances_set
        * step
        * n (from mesh)
        * n_nonzero (from mesh and set_Ms method in Simulation)
        * gamma
        * do_precession
        * default_c (correction factor to keep the magnetisation normalised
                     during the LLG equation integration. See the
                     fidimag/atomistic/lib/llg.c file for more details)

                     TODO: Check default_c units in the micromagnetic

        From DriverBase: t, spin_last, dm_dt, integrator_tolerances_set, step

    def __init__(self,

        super(MicroDriver, self).__init__()

        # These are (ideally) references to arrays taken from the Simulation
        # class. Variables with underscore are arrays changed by a property in
        # the simulation class
        self.mesh = mesh
        self.spin = spin
        self._Ms = Ms

        # Only for LLG STT: (??)
        self.Ms_const = 0

        self.field = field
        self._pins = pins
        self.interactions = interactions
        # Strings are not referenced, this is a copy:
        self.name = name

        # The following are proper of the driver class: (see DriverBase) ------
        # See also the set_default_options() function

        self.n = self.mesh.n
        self.n_nonzero = self.mesh.n  # number of spins that are not zero
        # We check this in the set_Ms function


        # Integrator options --------------------------------------------------
        self.set_integrator(integrator, use_jac)

        # Savers --------------------------------------------------------------

        # VTK saver for the magnetisation/spin field
        self.VTK = VTK(self.mesh,

        # Initialise the table for the data file with the simulation
        # information:
        self.data_saver = data_saver

        # This should not be necessary:
        # self.data_saver.entities['skx_num'] = {
        #     'unit': '<>',
        #     'get': lambda sim: sim.skyrmion_number(),
        #     'header': 'skx_num'}

        self.data_saver.entities['rhs_evals'] = {
            'unit': '<>',
            'get': lambda sim: self.integrator.rhs_evals(),
            'header': 'rhs_evals'

        self.data_saver.entities['real_time'] = {
            'unit': '<s>',
            'get': lambda _: time.time(),  # seconds since epoch
            'header': 'real_time'


        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        # OOMMF convention is to check if the spins have moved by ~1 degree in
        # a nanosecond in order to stop a simulation, so we set this scale for
        # dm/dt

        self._dmdt_factor = (2 * np.pi / 360) / 1e-9

    def set_default_options(self, gamma=2.21e5, Ms=8.0e5, alpha=0.1):
        Default option for the integrator
        Default gamma is for a free electron
        self.default_c = 1e11
        self._alpha[:] = alpha

        # When we create the simulation, Ms is set to the default value. This
        # is overriden when calling the set_Ms method from the Siulation class
        # or when setting Ms directly (property)
        self._Ms[:] = Ms

        self.gamma = gamma
        self.do_precession = True

    def sundials_rhs(self, t, y, ydot):
        Defined in the corresponding driver class

    def set_tols(self, rtol=1e-8, atol=1e-10, max_ord=None, reset=True):
        Set the relative and absolute tolerances for the CVODE integrator
        if max_ord is not None:
            self.integrator.set_options(rtol=rtol, atol=atol, max_ord=max_ord)
            # not all integrators have max_ord (only VODE does)
            # and we don't want to encode a default value here either
            self.integrator.set_options(rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
        if reset:

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Save functions ----------------------------------------------------------
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def save_vtk(self):
        Save a VTK file with the magnetisation vector field (vector data)
        and the saturation magnetisation values (scalar data) as
        cell data

        # Here we save both Ms and spins as cell data
        self.VTK.save_scalar(self._Ms, name='M_s')
        self.VTK.save_vector(self.spin.reshape(-1, 3), name='spins')

class ChainMethodBase(object):

    Base Class for chain methods, such as NEBM or String Method codes.

    Abstract Methods: ---------------------------------------------------------

        compute_distances          :: Function to compute the distances between
                                      corresponding images of two bands. So the
                                      inputs are two arrays with at least one
                                      full image. The output is a 1D array with
                                      the distances. So if the inputs have x
                                      images we must return an array with x

        compute_effective_field_and_energy   :: Calculate effective field and
                                                the energies of the images for
                                                the energy band, according to
                                                the number of degrees of
                                                freedom (total number of spin
                                                components). Effective field is
                                                stored in the self.gradient and
                                                the enrgies in self.energies

        initialise_energies        :: Populate the self.energies array with the
                                      energies of every image for the 0th step
                                      of the algorithm

        Sundials_RHS               :: Right hand side of the NEB equation for

    Methods -------------------------------------------------------------------

        compute_maximum_dYdt       :: Compute the maximum distance between the
                                      images (not counting the extremes) of the
                                      last computed band in the evolver
                                      (self.integrator.y) with the band of the
                                      previous step (stored in self.last_Y)
                                      divided by the last time step of the

        create_tablewriter         :: Start the data frameworks to output the
                                      energies ( *_energy.ndt) and distances
                                      (*_dYs.ndt) for every step of the
        generate_initial_band      :: Use the initial states and inteprolations
                                      lists to generate the initial band. The
                                      interpolations are linearly made in
                                      spherical coordinates, using the
                                      function. We may change this in the
                                      future to generate an inteprolation using
                                      a geodesic path

        initialise_integrator      :: Start the CVODE integrator and define it
                                      in self.integrator
        relax                      :: Relax the band for a specific number of
                                      steps. Arguments of this function
                                      includes saving VTK and NPY files every
                                      certain number of steps and some criteria
                                      for stopping the integrator
        run_until                  :: This function is called from the relax
                                      function (maybe is not very useful, we
                                      may check this in the future)
        save_VTKs                  :: Function to save a VTK of every image for
                                      the current step of the integrator, which
                                      is defined in the self.iterations
        save_npys                  :: Same for NPY files

    ARGUMENTS -----------------------------------------------------------------

    sim                 :: An instance of a micromagnetic or an atomistic

    initial_images      :: A sequence of arrays or functions to set up the
                           magnetisation field profile

    interpolations      ::

    dof                 :: Degrees of freedom per spin. Spherical coordinates
                           have dof=2 and Cartesian have dof=3

    VARIABLES -----------------------------------------------------------------

        self.dof              :: Degree of freedom for the coordinates used in
                                 the band (e.g. Spherical has self.dof=2)
        self.sim              :: Fidimag atomistic or micromagnetic simulation
        self.mesh             :: Fidimag simulation mesh object
        self.name             :: Name of the chain method simulation
        self.n_spins          :: Number of spins per image
        self.k                :: Spring constant
        self.variable_k(TEST) :: Set True to update k values acc to energy.
                                 Need to specify self.dk var.
                                 Default value: False
        self.VTK              :: Fidimag VTK object to save VTK files
        self.files_convert_f  :: Function to convert the coordinates from the
                                 band to Cartesian coordinates
        self.initial_images   :: List with the initial images for the band
                                 (Numpy arrays or space functions with the
                                 magnetisation/spin field)
        self.interpolations   :: Optional List with integers indicating
                                 interpolations between images
        self.n_images         :: Number of images in the band calculated from
                                 the number of initial images and
                                 interpolations between them
        self.n_images_inner_band :: Number of images without considering the
                                    images at the extremes
        self.n_dofs_image     :: Number of degrees of freedom per image, which
                                 is the total number of spins multiplied by the
        self.n_band           :: Total number of degrees of freedom in the
                                 whole band
        self.band             :: The array containing all the degrees of
                                 freedom (spin directions). It is ordered in
                                 the XYZ format
        self.gradientE        :: Array with the components of the energy
        self.G                :: Array with the effective force from the NEB
                                 method definition
        self.tangents         :: Array with the NEBM tangents
        self.energies         :: Array with the energies of every image in the
                                 band (length = self.n_images)
        self.spring_force     :: Array with the spring force components
        self.distances        :: Array with the distances between adjacent
                                 images: [0-1 1-2 2-3 .. etc ]
        self.last_Y           :: Array with the last computed band (like
                                 self.band) from the integrator
        self._material        :: Array of Booleans of size (self.dof*n_spins),
                                 i.e. the number of dofs in an image.
                                 It is True where Ms or mu_s are larger than
                                 zero. This is necessary to filter spins that
                                 not need to be counted in, for example, a
                                 scaled norm.
        self.n_dofs_image_material :: Number of dofs where mu_s or Ms > 0
                                      (in a single image)
        climbing_image        :: Any iterable with the indexes of the climbing
                                 images. Climbing images are stored in the
                                 self._climbing_image array, which the
                                 self.climbing_image decorator populates

    def __init__(self,

        self.openmp = openmp

        # Degrees of Freedom per spin
        self.dof = dof

        self.sim = sim
        self.mesh = self.sim.mesh
        self.name = name

        # Number of spins in the system
        self.n_spins = len(self.mesh.coordinates)

        # We will use this filter to know which sites of the system has
        # material, i.e. M_s or mu_s > 0 and norm(m) = 1
        if self.sim._micromagnetic:
            self._material = np.repeat(self.sim.Ms, self.dof) > 1e-10
            # We will assume, for now, that the magnetic moment in atomistic
            # simulations is in units of mu_B
            self._material = np.repeat(self.sim.mu_s / const.mu_B,
                                       self.dof) > 1e-10

        # self._material = self._material
        # For C, we use 1 and 0s
        self._material_int = np.copy(self._material).astype(np.int32)
        self.n_dofs_image_material = np.sum(self._material)

        # VTK saver for the magnetisation/spin field --------------------------
        self.VTK = VTK(self.mesh,

        # Functions to convert the energy band coordinates to Cartesian
        # coordinates when saving VTK and NPY files We assume Cartesian
        # coordinates by default, i.e. we do not transform anything
        self.files_convert_f = None

        # Initial states ------------------------------------------------------

        # We assume the extremes are fixed
        self.initial_images = initial_images

        if interpolations:
            self.interpolations = interpolations
            self.interpolations = [0 for i in range(len(initial_images) - 1)]

        # Number of images with/without the extremes
        self.n_images = len(self.initial_images) + np.sum(self.interpolations)
        self.n_images_inner_band = self.n_images - 2

        # Number of degrees of freedom per image
        self.n_dofs_image = (self.dof * self.n_spins)

        # Total number of degrees of freedom in the string/band
        self.n_band = self.n_images * self.n_dofs_image

        # Spring constant -----------------------------------------------------

        # Spring constant (we could use an array in the future)
        self.k = spring_constant * np.ones(self.n_images)

        # Set to True to update spring constant values relative to the energies
        # (TESTING)
        self.variable_k = False
        self.dk = 1

        # Climbing Image ------------------------------------------------------

        # Set a list with the images where 1 is for climbing image and 0 for
        # normal
        self._climbing_image = np.zeros(self.n_images, dtype=np.int32)
        if climbing_image is not None:
            self.climbing_image = climbing_image

        # Chain Method Arrays -------------------------------------------------
        # We will initialise every array using the total number of images,
        # but we must have in mind that the images at the extrema of the band
        # are kept fixed, so we do not compute their gradient, tangents, etc.
        # This might be not memory efficient but the code is understood better
        # when we perform the loops when calculating the effective fields
        # and forces

        # The array containing every degree of freedom
        self.band = np.zeros(self.n_band)

        # The gradient with respect to the magnetisation (effective field)
        self.gradientE = np.zeros_like(self.band)

        # The effective force
        self.G = np.zeros_like(self.band)

        self.tangents = np.zeros_like(self.band)
        self.energies = np.zeros(self.n_images)
        self.spring_force = np.zeros_like(self.band)
        self.distances = np.zeros(self.n_images - 1)
        # Total distance starting from image_0
        # (first element shoud always be zero)
        self.path_distances = np.zeros(self.n_images)

        self.last_Y = np.zeros_like(self.band)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        # If the integrator uses an LLG-like equation to relax the energy band
        # we need to set this variable
        # This variable only affects the StepIntegrators, NOT Sundials
        self._llg_evolve = False

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Factors for interpolating the energy band
        # For now we only have a 3rd order polynomial interp, thus we set
        # 4 factors
        self.interp_factors = np.zeros((4, self.n_images))

        # Somehow we need to rescale the gradient by the right units. In the
        # case of micromag, we use mu0 * Ms, and for the atomistic case we
        # simply use mu_s. This must be related to the way we derive the
        # effective field to calculate the negative energy gradient, which is
        # the functional derivative of the energy
        if self.sim._micromagnetic:
            self.scale = np.repeat(
                self.mesh.dx * self.mesh.dy * self.mesh.dz *
                (self.mesh.unit_length**3.) * const.mu_0 * self.sim.Ms, 3)
            self.scale = np.repeat(self.sim.mu_s, 3)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        self.G_log = []

    # TODO: Move this property to the NEBM classes because they are only
    # relevant to the NEBM and not the string method
    def climbing_image(self):
        return self._climbing_image

    def climbing_image(self, climbing_image_list):
        Set climbing images passing a list of image indexes
        Negative indexes mean a falling image (total force = gradient only)
        self._climbing_image[:] = 0
        images = range(self.n_images)[1:-1]
        for ci in np.array([climbing_image_list]).flatten():
            if abs(ci) in images:
                if ci > 0:
                    self._climbing_image[ci] = 1
                # Falling images are specified with negative index
                elif ci < 0:
                    self._climbing_image[abs(ci)] = -1
                raise Exception(
                    'Cannot set image={} as climbing image'.format(ci))

    def climbing_image(self):
        self._climbing_image[:] = 0

    def initialise_energies(self):

    def save_VTKs(self, coordinates_function=None):

        Save VTK files in different folders, according to the simulation name
        and step. Files are saved as vtks/simname_simstep_vtk/image_00000x.vtk

        coordinates_function    :: A function to transform the coordinates of
                                   the band to Cartesian coordinates. For
                                   example, in spherical coordinates we need
                                   the spherical2cartesian function from

        # Create the directory
        directory = "vtks/{}_{:05d}".format(self.name, self.iterations)
        self.VTK.directory = directory

        self.band.shape = (self.n_images, -1)

        # We use Ms from the simulation assuming that all the images are the
        # same
        for i in range(self.n_images):
            # We will try to save for the micromagnetic simulation (Ms) or an
            # atomistic simulation (mu_s) TODO: maybe this can be done with an:
            # isinstance
            if self.sim._micromagnetic:
                self.VTK.save_scalar(self.sim.Ms, name='M_s')
                self.VTK.save_scalar(self.sim.mu_s, name='mu_s')

            if coordinates_function:
                    self.band[i]).reshape(-1, 3),
                self.VTK.save_vector(self.band[i].reshape(-1, 3), name='spins')


        self.band.shape = (-1, )

    def save_npys(self, coordinates_function=None):
        Save npy files in different folders according to
        the simulation name and step
        Files are saved as: npys/simname_simstep/image_x.npy
        # Create directory as simname_simstep
        directory = 'npys/%s_%d' % (self.name, self.iterations)

        if not os.path.exists(directory):

        # Save the images with the format: 'image_{}.npy'
        # where {} is the image number, starting from 0
        self.band.shape = (self.n_images, -1)
        for i in range(self.n_images):
            name = os.path.join(directory, 'image_{:06}.npy'.format(i))
            if coordinates_function:
                np.save(name, coordinates_function(self.band[i, :]))
                np.save(name, self.band[i])
        self.band.shape = (-1)

    def initialise_integrator(self,
        self.t = 0
        self.iterations = 0
        self.ode_count = 1

        if integrator == 'sundials':
            if not self.openmp:
                self.integrator = cvode.CvodeSolver(self.band,
                self.integrator.set_options(rtol, atol)
                self.integrator = cvode.CvodeSolver_OpenMP(
                    self.band, self.Sundials_RHS)
                self.integrator.set_options(rtol, atol)
        # elif integrator == 'scipy':
        #     self.integrator = ScipyIntegrator(self.band, self.step_RHS)
        #     self.integrator.set_options()
        elif integrator == 'rk4' or integrator == 'euler':
            self.integrator = StepIntegrator(self.band,
            self._llg_evolve = True
        elif integrator == 'verlet':
            self.integrator = VerletIntegrator(
                self.band,  # y
                self.G,  # forces
            # In Verlet algorithm we only use the total force G and not YxYxG:
            self._llg_evolve = False
            raise Exception('No valid integrator specified. Available: '
                            '"sundials", "scipy"')

    def create_tablewriter(self):
        entities_energy = {
            'step': {
                'unit': '<1>',
                'get': lambda sim: sim.iterations,
                'header': 'iterations'
            'energy': {
                'unit': '<J>',
                'get': lambda sim: sim.energies,
                'header': ['image_%d' % i for i in range(self.n_images)]

        self.tablewriter = DataSaver(self,
                                     '%s_energy.ndt' % (self.name),

        entities_dm = {
            'step': {
                'unit': '<1>',
                'get': lambda sim: sim.iterations,
                'header': 'iterations'
            'dYs': {
                lambda sim: sim.distances,
                ['image_%d_%d' % (i, i + 1) for i in range(self.n_images - 1)]

        self.tablewriter_dm = DataSaver(self,
                                        '%s_dYs.ndt' % (self.name),

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    def generate_initial_band(self):

    def compute_effective_field_and_energy(self, y):

    # NEBM only:
    # def compute_tangents(self, y):
    #     pass

    # def compute_spring_force(self, y):
    #     pass

    def compute_distances(self):

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # CVODE solver ------------------------------------------------------------
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def compute_norms(self, A, B):
        Compute the norms of the difference between corresponding images of the
        bands A and B. Every norm is scaled by the number of degrees of freedom

        The norm is computed only using mesh/lattice sites with material, i.e.
        mu_s or Ms > 0

        A_minus_B = A - B

        A_minus_B.shape = (-1, self.n_dofs_image)
        A_minus_B = np.apply_along_axis(
            lambda y: compute_norm(y[self._material], scale=True),

        return A_minus_B.reshape(-1)

    def step_RHS(self, t, y):
        The RHS of the ODE to be solved for the Chain Method
        This function is specified for the Scipy integrator

    def Sundials_RHS(self, t, y, ydot):

        This function is called on every iteration of the integrator (CVODE
        solver). ydot refers to the Right Hand Side of the equation, since
        we are solving dy/dt = 0



    def compute_maximum_dYdt(self, A, B, dt):

        Compute the maximum difference from the images of the *A* array with
        the images of the *B* array, divided by dt

        The differences are not computed for the images at the extremes, since
        these images are fixed and do not change with the iterator

        For instance, in spherical coordinates, if we have a band of (N + 1)
        images, labeled from 0 to N, we start by

        dY = [A1_theta0 A1_phi0 A1_theta1 ... A(N-1)_theta0 A(N-1)_phi0 A(N-1)_theta1 ... ]
            - [B1_theta0 B1_phi0 B1_theta1 ... B(N-1)_theta0 B(N-1)_phi0 B(N-1)_theta1 ... ]

        where A(i)_theta(j) is the theta componenet of the j-th spin of the
        i-th image in the band

        Then we calculate the norm of every difference (the norm is computed
        only using mesh/lattice sites with material, i.e.  mu_s or Ms > 0):

        ||dY|| =  [ || dY1_theta0 dY1_phi0 dY1_theta1         ...       ||
                    || dY(N-1)_theta0 dY(N-1)_phi0 dY(N-1)_theta1  ...  ||

        We divide by dt:

        ||dY|| -- > || dY || / dt = dYdt

        and finally take the maximum value of dYdt


        # We will not consider the images at the extremes to compute dY.
        # Since we removed the extremes, we only have *n_images_inner_band*
        # images
        band_no_extremes = slice(self.n_dofs_image, -self.n_dofs_image)
        dYdt = self.compute_norms(A[band_no_extremes],
                                      self.n_images_inner_band, -1)

        dYdt /= dt

        if np.max(dYdt) > 0:
            return np.max(dYdt)
            return 0

    def run_until(self, t):

        if (t) <= self.t:


        # Copy the updated energy band to our local array
        self.band[:] = self.integrator.y[:]

        # Compute the maximum change in the integrator step
        max_dYdt = self.compute_maximum_dYdt(self.integrator.y, self.last_Y,
                                             t - self.t)

        self.last_Y[:] = self.band[:]

        # Update the current step
        self.t = t

        return max_dYdt

    def relax(self,
        Relax the energy band according to the specified integrator

            Sundials:        dt is the initial stepsize which is updated
                             by CVODE. Number of calls is given by CVODE
            StepIntegrators: dt is the relaxation stepsize. These integrators
                             evolve using an internal `stepsize`, thus the
                             number of evaluations is dt / stepsize.
                             You can update the integrator evolve step using:
                                self.integrator.stepsize = 1e-4


        log.debug("Relaxation parameters: "
                  "stopping_dYdt={}, "
                  "time_step={} s, "
                  " max_iterations={}.".format(stopping_dYdt, dt,

        if save_initial_state:

        # Save the initial state i=0 in the data table
        # Update self.distances and self.path_distances:


        INNER_DOFS = slice(self.n_dofs_image, -self.n_dofs_image)

        for i in range(max_iterations):

            # Update the iterations number counter
            self.iterations += 1

            # Get the current size of the time discretisation from the
            # integrator (variable step size)
                cvode_dt = self.integrator.get_current_step()
            except AttributeError:
                cvode_dt = dt

            # If the step size of the integrator is larger than the specified
            # discretisation, use the current integrator step size to
            # compute the next iteration. Otherwise, just stick to the
            # specified step
            if cvode_dt > dt:
                increment_dt = cvode_dt
                increment_dt = dt

            # Integrator steps: ***********************************************
            # This can be redefined according to the chosen chain method
            max_dYdt = self.run_until(self.t + increment_dt)
            # *****************************************************************

            # Update the current step
            self.t = self.t + increment_dt

            # Save data -------------------------------------------------------

            if self.iterations % save_vtks_every == 0:
            if self.iterations % save_npys_every == 0:


            # Print information about the simulation and the forces.
            # The last two terms are the largest gradient and spring
            # force norms from the spins (not counting the extrema)
            G_norms = np.linalg.norm(self.G[INNER_DOFS].reshape(-1, 3), axis=1)
            gradE_norms = np.linalg.norm(self.gradientE[INNER_DOFS].reshape(
                -1, 3),
            Fk_norms = np.linalg.norm(self.spring_force[INNER_DOFS].reshape(
                -1, 3),

            # For DEBUGGING purposes: -----------------------------------------
            # mean_G_norms_per_image = np.mean(G_norms.reshape(self.n_images - 2, -1), axis=1)
            # print(mean_G_norms_per_image)
            # gradE_dot_t = np.einsum('ij,ij->i',
            #                         self.gradientE.reshape(self.n_images, -1),
            #                         self.tangents.reshape(self.n_images, -1))
            # gradE_perp = (self.gradientE.reshape(self.n_images, -1)
            #               - np.einsum('i,ij->ij', gradE_dot_t,
            #                           self.tangents.reshape(self.n_images, -1))
            #               )
            # print(np.max(gradE_perp))
            # print(np.max(gradE_norms.reshape(self.n_images - 2, -1), axis=1))
            # print(np.max(Fk_norms.reshape(self.n_images - 2, -1), axis=1))
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------

                time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ", time.localtime()) +
                "step: {:.6g}, step_size: {:.3g}, "
                "max dYdt: {:.3g} "
                "max|G|: {:.3g} "
                "max|gradE|: {:.3g} "
                "and max|F_k|: {:.3g}".format(
                    self.iterations, increment_dt, max_dYdt, np.max(G_norms),
                    np.max(gradE_norms), np.max(Fk_norms)))


            # -----------------------------------------------------------------

            # Stop criteria:
            if max_dYdt < stopping_dYdt:

        np.savetxt(self.name + '_G_log.txt', np.array(self.G_log))

        log.info("Relaxation finished at time step = {:.4g}, "
                 "t = {:.2g}, call rhs = {:.4g} "
                 "and max_dYdt = {:.3g}".format(self.iterations, self.t,
                                                self.ode_count, max_dYdt))


    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Interpolations

    def compute_polynomial_factors(self, compute_fields=True):
        Compute a smooth approximation for the band, using a third order
        polynomial approximation. Prefactors are stored in the
        self.interp_factors array

        This approximation uses the tangents and derivatives from each image of
        the band as information to estimate the curvatures. The formula can be
        found in

        - Bessarab et al., Computer Physics Communications 196 (2015) 335-347


        # To be sure, update the effective field and tangents when calling
        # this function (this is necesary if we call the function without
        # relaxing the band before)
        if compute_fields:

        deltas = np.zeros(self.n_images)
        for i in range(self.n_images):
            deltas[i] = np.dot(
                self.scale * (self.gradientE).reshape(self.n_images, -1)[i],
                self.tangents.reshape(self.n_images, -1)[i])

        ds = self.path_distances
        E = self.energies

        # The coefficients for the polynomial approximation
        self.interp_factors[2][:] = deltas
        self.interp_factors[3][:] = E

        # Populate the a and b coefficients for every image
        for i in range(self.n_images - 1):
            # a factor
            self.interp_factors[0][i] = (deltas[i + 1] +
                                         deltas[i]) / (ds[i + 1] - ds[i])**2.
            self.interp_factors[0][i] -= 2 * (E[i + 1] - E[i]) / (ds[i + 1] -

            # b factor
            self.interp_factors[1][i] = -(deltas[i + 1] + 2 * deltas[i]) / (
                ds[i + 1] - ds[i])
            self.interp_factors[1][i] += 3 * (E[i + 1] - E[i]) / (ds[i + 1] -

    def compute_polynomial_approximation_energy(self, n_points):

        Compute a smooth approximation of the energy band, using a third order
        polynomial approximation. The pre-factors in the polynomial are
        computed from the self.compute_polynomial_factors function

        This function returns a tuple with two elements:

            0. An array with the distance of every data point from the 0th

            1. A n_points long array, with the cubic interpolated energy band


        n_points    :: The number of points for the interpolation


        ds = self.path_distances
        # The arrays with the data points and the interpolated energy values
        x = np.linspace(0, ds[-1], n_points)
        E_interp = np.array(
            [self._compute_polynomial_approximation_energy(i) for i in x])

        return x, E_interp

    def _compute_polynomial_approximation_energy(self, x):
        Return interpolated energy value for a point x

        ds = self.path_distances
        if x < 0.0 or x > ds[-1]:
            raise Exception('x lies outside the valid interpolation range')
        # Find index of the ds array for the value that is closest to x
        ds_idx = np.abs(x - ds).argmin()
        # If x is smaller than the given ds, use the previous ds value so
        # that we use ds(i) when x lies in the interval ds(i) < x < ds(i+1)
        if x < ds[ds_idx]:
            ds_idx -= 1

        E_interp = (self.interp_factors[0][ds_idx] * ((x - ds[ds_idx])**3.) +
                    self.interp_factors[1][ds_idx] * ((x - ds[ds_idx])**2.) +
                    self.interp_factors[2][ds_idx] * ((x - ds[ds_idx])) +

        return E_interp

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def compute_Bernstein_polynomials(self, compute_fields=True):
        Compute Bernstein polynomials to approximate the the energy curve.
        The functions are stored in the self.Bernstein_polynomials variable

        These polynomials can be used with the
        self.compute_Bernstein_approximation_energy method

        # To be sure, update the effective field and tangents when calling
        # this function (this is necesary if we call the function without
        # relaxing the band before)
        if compute_fields:

        derivatives = np.zeros(self.n_images)
        for i in range(self.n_images):
            derivatives[i] = np.dot(
                self.scale * (self.gradientE).reshape(self.n_images, -1)[i],
                self.tangents.reshape(self.n_images, -1)[i])

        E = self.energies

        # The coefficients for the polynomial approximation
        # self.interp_factors[0][:] = E
        # self.interp_factors[1][:] = deltas

        # Store the polynomial functions
        self.Bernstein_polynomials = []
        for i, ds in enumerate(self.distances):
                    [self.path_distances[i], self.path_distances[i + 1]],
                    [[E[i], derivatives[i]], [E[i + 1], derivatives[i + 1]]]))

    def _compute_Bernstein_approximation_energy(self, x):
        Return interpolated energy value for a point x

        ds = self.path_distances
        if x < 0.0 or x > ds[-1]:
            raise Exception('x lies outside the valid interpolation range')
        elif x == 0.0:
            return self.distances[0]
        elif x == ds[-1]:
            return self.distances[-1]
        # Find index of the ds array for the value that is closest to x
        ds_idx = np.abs(x - ds).argmin()
        # If x is smaller than the given ds, use the previous ds value so
        # that we use ds(i) when x lies in the interval ds(i) < x < ds(i+1)
        if x < ds[ds_idx]:
            ds_idx -= 1

        return self.Bernstein_polynomials[ds_idx](x)

    def compute_Bernstein_approximation_energy(self, n_points):
        Return interpolated energy values of the energy band with n_points

        ds = self.path_distances
        # The arrays with the data points and the interpolated energy values
        x = np.linspace(0, ds[-1], n_points)
        E_interp = np.zeros_like(x)
        E_interp[0] = self.energies[0]
        E_interp[-1] = self.energies[-1]
        E_interp[1:-1] = np.array(
            [self._compute_Bernstein_approximation_energy(i) for i in x[1:-1]])

        return x, E_interp

        return E_interp
def test_save_scalar_field():
    mesh = CuboidMesh(4, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2)
    s = scalar_field(mesh, lambda r: r[0] + r[1] + r[2])
    vtk = VTK(mesh, directory=OUTPUT_DIR, filename="save_scalar")
    vtk.save_scalar(s, name="s")