from fief import async from fief.repo import ifc interfaces = {"py": ifc()} def realize(delivs): return {} def build_a(ctx): yield async.Result({})
import os from fief import repo from fief import conf from fief.repo import ifc, async, Cmd interfaces = {'cmake': ifc(requires='cc')} def realize(delivs): root = delivs['root'] env = {'PATH': [os.path.join(root, 'bin')]} return env def build_a(ctx): pkg = ctx['pkg'] assert any([ctx['interface', ifc] == pkg for ifc in interfaces]) psrc = yield async.WaitFor(repo.fetch_nomemo_a(ctx, pkg)) env = yield async.WaitFor(repo.realize_deps_a(ctx, interfaces)) try: src, cleanup = yield async.WaitFor(repo.stage_nomemo_a(ctx, pkg)) to = yield async.WaitFor(ctx.outfile_a('build', pkg)) to = os.path.abspath(to) os.mkdir(to) cmdkws = {'cwd': src, 'tag': pkg, 'env': env} c = Cmd(ctx, **cmdkws) bootstrap = ('bash', 'bootstrap') if == 'nt' else './bootstrap' c.lit(bootstrap, '--prefix=' + to) yield async.WaitFor(c.exec_a())
from fief import async from fief.repo import ifc interfaces = {'fortran': ifc()} def realize(delivs): return {} def build_a(ctx): yield async.Result({})
from fief import async from fief.repo import ifc interfaces = {'cc': ifc()} def realize(delivs): return {} def build_a(ctx): yield async.Result({})
import os import shutil from fief import repo from fief import conf from fief.repo import ifc, async, Cmd interfaces = {'zlib': ifc(requires='cc')} def realize(delivs): env = repo.c_realize(delivs) del env['PATH'] return env def build_a(ctx): pkg = ctx['pkg'] assert any([ctx['interface', ifc] == pkg for ifc in interfaces]) psrc = yield async.WaitFor(repo.fetch_nomemo_a(ctx, pkg)) env = yield async.WaitFor(repo.realize_deps_a(ctx, interfaces)) try: src, cleanup = yield async.WaitFor(repo.stage_nomemo_a(ctx, pkg)) to = yield async.WaitFor(ctx.outfile_a('build', pkg)) to = os.path.abspath(to) os.mkdir(to) cmdkws = {'cwd': src, 'tag': pkg, 'env': env} if == 'nt': c = Cmd(ctx, **cmdkws) c.lit(conf.make, '-f', 'win32/Makefile.gcc') yield async.WaitFor(c.exec_a())
from fief import repo interfaces = {'cython': repo.ifc(requires=('cc', 'py'))} realize = repo.py_realize build_a = repo.python_setup_install(interfaces)
from fief import repo interfaces = {'mpi3': repo.ifc(requires='cc'), 'mpi2': repo.ifc(requires='cc'), 'mpi1': repo.ifc(requires='cc'), } realize = repo.c_realize build_a = repo.configure_make_make_install(interfaces, make_args='all')
import os from glob import glob from fief import conf from fief import repo from fief.repo import ifc, async, bake interfaces = {'sympy': ifc(requires='py'), 'sympy-cython': ifc(subsumes='sympy', requires='cython')} realize = repo.py_realize def build_a(ctx): pkg = ctx['pkg'] cythonize = (ctx['interface', 'sympy-cython'] == pkg) psrc = yield async.WaitFor(repo.fetch_nomemo_a(ctx, pkg)) env = yield async.WaitFor(repo.realize_deps_a(ctx, interfaces)) try: src, cleanup = yield async.WaitFor(repo.stage_nomemo_a(ctx, pkg)) cmdkws = {'cwd': src, 'tag': pkg, 'env': env} to = yield async.WaitFor(ctx.outfile_a('build', pkg)) to = os.path.abspath(to) os.mkdir(to) c = bake.Cmd(ctx, **cmdkws) c.lit('python', '', 'install', '--prefix=' + to) yield async.WaitFor(c.exec_a()) if cythonize: c = bake.Cmd(ctx, **cmdkws)
from fief import repo interfaces = {'atlas': repo.ifc(requires='cc')} realize = repo.c_realize build_a = repo.configure_make_make_install(interfaces, libs='atlas', configure_args='--shared')
import os import sys from fief import repo from fief import conf from fief.repo import ifc, async, Cmd interfaces = { "hdf5": ifc(requires=("zlib", "cmake")), "hdf5-cpp": ifc(subsumes="hdf5"), "hdf5-parallel": ifc(subsumes="hdf5", requires="mpi2"), } realize = repo.c_realize def build_a(ctx): pkg = ctx["pkg"] assert any([ctx["interface", ifc] == pkg for ifc in interfaces]) cpp = ctx["interface", "hdf5-cpp"] == pkg parl = ctx["interface", "hdf5-parallel"] == pkg psrc = yield async.WaitFor(repo.fetch_nomemo_a(ctx, pkg)) env = yield async.WaitFor(repo.realize_deps_a(ctx, interfaces)) try: src, cleanup = yield async.WaitFor(repo.stage_nomemo_a(ctx, pkg)) cmdkws = {"cwd": src, "tag": pkg, "env": env} to = yield async.WaitFor(ctx.outfile_a("build", pkg)) to = os.path.abspath(to) os.mkdir(to) if == "nt":
import os from fief import repo from fief.repo import ifc, async, bake interfaces = {'numpy': ifc(requires=('atlas', 'py')} def build_a(ctx): pkg = ctx['pkg'] env = yield async.WaitFor(repo.realize_deps_a(ctx, interfaces)) src, cleanup = yield async.WaitFor(repo.stage_nomemo_a(ctx, pkg)) to = yield async.WaitFor(ctx.outfile_a('build')) to = os.path.abspath(to) os.mkdir(to) c = bake.Cmd(ctx) c.cwd = src c.env = env c.lit('python', '', 'install', '--prefix=' + to) yield async.WaitFor(c.exec_a()) cleanup() delivs = {'root': to, 'pkg': pkg} yield async.Result(delivs)
import os from fief import async from fief import repo from fief import conf from fief.repo import ifc, Cmd interfaces = {'lapack': ifc(requires=('cc', 'cmake', 'fortran'))} def realize(delivs): root = delivs['root'] return {'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': os.path.join(root, 'lib'), 'C_INCLUDE_PATH': os.path.join(root, 'include'),} def build_a(ctx): pkg = ctx['pkg'] assert any([ctx['interface', ifc] == pkg for ifc in interfaces]) psrc = yield async.WaitFor(repo.fetch_nomemo_a(ctx, pkg)) env = yield async.WaitFor(repo.realize_deps_a(ctx, interfaces)) try: src, cleanup = yield async.WaitFor(repo.stage_nomemo_a(ctx, pkg)) srcbld = os.path.join(src, 'build') os.mkdir(srcbld) cmdkws = {'cwd': srcbld, 'tag': pkg, 'env': env} to = yield async.WaitFor(ctx.outfile_a('build', pkg)) to = os.path.abspath(to) os.mkdir(to) c = Cmd(ctx, **cmdkws) c.lit('cmake', '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=' + to, '-DLAPACKE:BOOL=ON', '-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON', '..')