def save(self): """Commits the image and annotation to new files. Saves the image and annotation as png files with an alpha channel for merging later. If the image is new, it also adds it to the database. """ # parameters for the PIL annotations done in tandem with the seen tkinter annotations self.font = ImageFont.truetype("calibrib.ttf", 20) bounds = self.screenshot_canvas.bbox("text") self.draw.text((bounds[0], bounds[1]), fill = 'white', font = self.font, text = self.text_annotation) #takes the bottom left coordinate of text and places the text on the pillow drawing if == True: # if the image is being saved from LilSnippy FileManagement(self.folder_path).save_image(self.body_info,, self.annotation) from markings import GridMark GridMark(self.marker_canvas, self.folder_path, self.body_info) else: # if the annotations are being edited from Image Viewer + self.body_info["annotation_file_name"]) self.destroy() number = FileManagement(self.folder_path).count_bodies(config.all_bodies, False, False, False, False) if number == 300: # opens a popup at 300 biondi bodies done done_screen = tk.Toplevel() done_screen.grab_set() success_label = tk.Label(done_screen, text = "You have finished annotating 300 bodies.") success_label.pack(side = 'top') close_button = tk.Button(done_screen, text = "OK", command = lambda: done_screen.destroy()) close_button.pack(side = "bottom")
def delete_image(self, body_info): """Deletes current image. Deletes the currently selected image's data from the database and resets the information frame and button list to reflect the changes. Args: body_info (tuple): Tuple of the information of the body to be deleted """ name = body_info["body_name"] number = body_info["body_number"] time = body_info["time"] fm = FileManagement(self.folder_path) fm.delete_img(name, number) # refreshes the button list to reflect the new changes self._remake_button_list() self.filter() self.information_frame.destroy() # clear the body canvas self.biondi_image_canvas.delete("all") # deletes the associated marker on the gridfile tag = "m" + str(time) self.marker_canvas.delete(tag) self.marker_canvas.update()
def capturarNegro(): data = request.get_json() data['errorBd'] = "" data['errorCapturaN'] = "" data['espectroNegro'] = "" sensorTierraVIS = data["sensorTierraVIS"] sensorTierraNIR = data["sensorTierraNIR"] nombreMisionCrear = data["nombreMisionCrear"] tiempoIntegracion = data["tiempoIntegracion"] numeroCapturas = data["numeroCapturas"] rel_path = '/tmp/archivoTemporalNegro.txt' filePath = FileManagement.to_relative(rel_path) negroCapturado = [] if os.path.exists(filePath): os.remove(filePath) else: print("Can not delete the file as it doesn't exists") try: negroCapturado = capturarNegroRpi(sensorTierraVIS, sensorTierraNIR, tiempoIntegracion, numeroCapturas) valores_espectros.espectroNegro = getFilesNegro(negroCapturado) makeImageD(valores_espectros.espectroNegro) rel_path = "/tmp/imagenEspectroD.png" filePath = FileManagement.to_relative(rel_path) with open(filePath, "rb") as image_file: encoded_string = base64.b64encode( encoded_string = encoded_string.decode("utf-8") # print(encoded_string) data['espectroNegro'] = encoded_string except Exception as errorCapturaN: data['errorCapturaN'] = "T" raise errorCapturaN return json.dumps(data)
def update_finished(self, grid_id): """Updates the database of a finished grid square. Sends the grid square over to the database to be marked as complete and be remembered for future use of the folder Args: grid_id (str): The grid square letter marked as complete """ fin = self.var_fin.get() FileManagement(self.folder_path).finish_grid(grid_id, fin) self.final_order = FileManagement(self.folder_path).get_grid()
def get_data(self): """Retrieves user inputs. Takes the user inputs from the popup and enters them into a data dictionary. This dictionary is later entered into the database. """ time_added = int(time()) body_file_name = str(self.body_type.get()) + "_" + str(time_added) annotation_file_name = body_file_name + "_ANNOTATION" fm = FileManagement(self.folder_path) data = { "time": time_added, "annotator_name": self.annotator.get(), "body_name": self.body_type.get(), "body_number": fm.count_bodies([self.body_type.get()], False, False, False, False) + 1, "x": self.canvas_x, "y": self.canvas_y, "grid_id": self.grid_id, "GR": self.var_GR.get(), "MAF": self.var_MAF.get(), "MP": self.var_MP.get(), "unsure": self.var_unsure.get(), "notes": self.notes.get(), "body_file_name": body_file_name + ".png", "annotation_file_name": annotation_file_name + ".png", "angle": None, "log": None, "dprong1": None, "lprong2": None } return data
def update_count(self): self.body_count.set( FileManagement(self.folder_path).count_bodies( config.all_bodies, False, False, False, False)) self.body_count_label.configure( text="{0} Bodies Annotated".format(self.body_count.get())) self.master.after(2000, self.update_count)
def guardarNegro(): data = request.get_json() data['errorBd'] = "" relPathSrc = '/tmp/archivoTemporalNegro.txt' relPathDes = '/tmp/archivoNegro.txt' filePathSrc = FileManagement.to_relative(relPathSrc) filePathDes = FileManagement.to_relative(relPathDes) try: copyfile(filePathSrc, filePathDes) SpectreManagement.guardarNegro(valores_espectros.id_espectros, [], valores_espectros.espectroNegro, [], [], valores_sensores.idSensorTierraVIS) except Exception as errorBd: data['errorBd'] = "T" raise errorBd return json.dumps(data)
def makeImageC(ejeYMakeImage, j): ejeY = "" ejeX = "" espectrocor = [] wavecor = [] # global wavelenghtsLista ejeXMakeImage = wavelenghtsLista ejeY = np.array(ejeYMakeImage, dtype=np.float32) ejeX = np.array(ejeXMakeImage, dtype=np.float32) for i in range(230, 890): espectrocor.append(ejeY[i]) for i in range(230, 890): wavecor.append(ejeX[i]) plt.figure(1) ax = plt.subplot(111) plt.plot(wavecor, espectrocor)#, label='Negro') ax.set_ylim(min(espectrocor), max(espectrocor)) plt.legend() rutaImagen= "/tmp/imagenEspectroC%s.png" %(str([18:19]) filePath = FileManagement.to_relative(rutaImagen) resultadoMakeImage= plt.savefig(filePath, format="png") plt.cla() plt.clf() plt.close() return filePath
def makeImageG(ejeYMakeImage, rutaImagen, lat, lon, alt): # global wavelenghtsLista ejeY = "" ejeX = "" espectrocor = [] wavecor = [] ejeXMakeImage = wavelenghtsLista ejeY = np.array(ejeYMakeImage, dtype=np.float32) ejeX = np.array(ejeXMakeImage, dtype=np.float32) for i in range(230, 890): espectrocor.append(ejeY[i]) for i in range(230, 890): wavecor.append(ejeX[i]) plt.figure(1) ax = plt.subplot(111) plt.plot(wavecor, espectrocor)#, label='Negro') ax.set_ylim(min(espectrocor), max(espectrocor)) plt.legend() # rutaImagen= "D:/Tesis/Api/Flask/imagenEspectroC%s.png" %(str(j)) resultadoMakeImage= plt.savefig(rutaImagen, format="jpg") plt.cla() plt.clf() plt.close() rel_path = '/testy/base.jpg' filePath = FileManagement.to_relative(rel_path) piexif.transplant(filePath, rutaImagen) set_gps_location(rutaImagen, lat, lon, alt) return resultadoMakeImage
def getFilesNegro(negroCapturado): negroCapturadoLista = [] # Guardar txt de la captura rel_path = '/tmp/archivoTemporalNegro.txt' filePath = FileManagement.to_relative(rel_path) appendFile = open(filePath, 'w') for i in range(len(negroCapturado)): appendFile.write(str(negroCapturado[i])) appendFile.close() # abrir txt de la captura y gyardar en [] rel_path = '/tmp/archivoTemporalNegro.txt' filePath = FileManagement.to_relative(rel_path) with open(filePath, "r") as negrovis: for line in negrovis: line = line[0:4] negroCapturadoLista.append(line) return negroCapturadoLista
def generalized_main(): FileManager = FileManagement() FileConsider = FileConsiderations() ZIPMetrics = GeneralMedianVals() DATEMetrics = GeneralMedianVals() input_file = sys.argv[1] output_path = sys.argv[2] report = FileManager.file_input(input_file) for line in report: FileConsider.set_flags(line) if FileConsider.check_flags() == False: continue elif FileConsider.check_flags() == "consider_for_zip": ZIPMetrics.medianvals(line, line[0], line[10][0:5]) ZIPMetrics.update_median_out(line[0], line[10][0:5]) continue elif FileConsider.check_flags() == "consider_for_date": DATEMetrics.medianvals(line, line[0], line[13]) continue elif FileConsider.check_flags() == "consider_for_zipdate": ZIPMetrics.medianvals(line, line[0], line[10][0:5]) ZIPMetrics.update_median_out(line[0], line[10][0:5]) DATEMetrics.medianvals(line, line[0], line[13]) continue FileManager.file_output(outputpath=output_path, outputname="medianvals_by_zip.txt", data=ZIPMetrics.median_out) DATEMetrics.calculate_medianvals() FileManager.file_output(outputpath=output_path, outputname="medianvals_by_date.txt", data=DATEMetrics.median_out)
def main(): # Get and prepare the input file file_manager = FileManagement() file = file_manager.input_file_get(assembler_file_path) assembler_list = file_manager.file_list_get(file) assembler_list = file_manager.remove_whitespaces(assembler_list) assembler_list_original = assembler_list.copy() #print(*assembler_list, sep = "\n") #file_manager.file_print(file) file_manager.input_file_close(file) #print(assembler_list) #input() decoder = Decoder() output_list, pattern = decoder.sequitur_algorithm(assembler_list) #pprint.pprint(output_list) #pprint.pprint(pattern) # Get the compression rates original_size = len(assembler_list_original) compressed_size = len(output_list) for i in pattern: compressed_size += len(pattern[i]) compression_rate = original_size / compressed_size #compression_rate = compressed_size / original_size space_saving = (1 - compressed_size / original_size) * 100 # Print out the results print("Original size: ", original_size) print("Compressed size: ", compressed_size) print("Compression rate ", compression_rate) print("Space saving {} %".format(space_saving))
def capturarBlanco(): valores_sensores.sumaBlanco = 0 blancoCapturado = [] # obtener datos del json data = request.get_json() data['errorBd'] = "" data['errorCapturaB'] = "" data['espectroBlanco'] = "" sensorTierraVIS = data["sensorTierraVIS"] sensorTierraNIR = data["sensorTierraNIR"] nombreMisionCrear = data["nombreMisionCrear"] tiempoIntegracion = data["tiempoIntegracion"] numeroCapturas = data["numeroCapturas"] rel_path = '/tmp/archivoTemporalBlanco.txt' filePath = FileManagement.to_relative(rel_path) if os.path.exists(filePath): os.remove(filePath) else: print("Can not delete the file as it doesn't exists") try: # Comandar sensores para captura blancoCapturado = capturarBlancoRpi(sensorTierraVIS, sensorTierraNIR, tiempoIntegracion, numeroCapturas) # construir imagen valores_espectros.espectroBlanco = getFilesBlanco(blancoCapturado) for i in range(0, len(valores_espectros.espectroBlanco)): valores_sensores.sumaBlanco += float( valores_espectros.espectroBlanco[i]) print("limiteCalibracion = " + str(valores_sensores.sumaBlanco)) # print(a) makeImageW(valores_espectros.espectroBlanco) rel_path = "/tmp/imagenEspectroW.png" filePath = FileManagement.to_relative(rel_path) with open(filePath, "rb") as image_file: encoded_string = base64.b64encode( encoded_string = encoded_string.decode("utf-8") # print(encoded_string) data['espectroBlanco'] = encoded_string except Exception as errorCapturaB: data['errorCapturaB'] = "T" raise errorCapturaB return json.dumps(data) return json.dumps(data)
def show_ignored(self): ignored = FileManagement(self.folder_path).query_all_ignored() if self.ignored_var.get() == False: for coords in ignored: tag = "i{0}{1}".format(coords[0], coords[1]) self.marker_canvas.delete(tag) else: for coords in ignored: GridIgnored(self.marker_canvas, self.folder_path, coords[0], coords[1])
def getFilesBlanco(blancoCapturado): blancoCapturadoLista=[] # guardar txt de la captura rel_path = '/tmp/archivoTemporalBlanco.txt' filePath = FileManagement.to_relative(rel_path) appendFile = open(filePath, 'w') for i in range(len(blancoCapturado)): appendFile.write(str(blancoCapturado[i])) appendFile.close() #blanco capturado es un array de strings de tamaño 14336 que al escribirse por #líneas en el archivo queda de 1024----14336/14 # abrir txt capura y guardar en [] rel_path = '/tmp/archivoTemporalBlanco.txt' filePath = FileManagement.to_relative(rel_path) with open(filePath, "r") as blancovis: for line in blancovis: line = line[0:4] blancoCapturadoLista.append(line) # print(blancoCapturadoLista) return blancoCapturadoLista
def guardarBlanco(): data = request.get_json() data['errorBd'] = "" relPathSrc = '/tmp/archivoTemporalBlanco.txt' relPathDes = '/tmp/archivoBlanco.txt' filePathSrc = FileManagement.to_relative(relPathSrc) filePathDes = FileManagement.to_relative(relPathDes) try: copyfile(filePathSrc, filePathDes) print(valores_espectros.espectroBlanco) SpectreManagement.guardarBlanco(valores_espectros.id_espectros, valores_espectros.espectroBlanco, [], [], [], valores_sensores.idSensorTierraVIS) except Exception as errorBd: data['errorBd'] = "T" print("Error de DB en guardarBlanco: ", errorBd) return json.dumps(data) raise errorBd return json.dumps(data)
def confirm(): """Exports images to folder_path. Takes case name and folder path and exports biondi images to the designated folder. """ if self.case_name.get() == "" or self.new_folder_path.get() == "/": return else: FileManagement(self.folder_path).export_case( self.new_folder_path.get(), self.case_name.get()) export.destroy()
def guardarTodos(): data = request.get_json() data['errorBd'] = "" nombreMisionCrear = data['nombreMisionCrear'] ruta = str(data['ruta']) filePath = FileManagement.to_relative(ruta) usuario = str(data['usuario']) try: if os.path.isdir(filePath): data['errorCarpeta'] = "" idsWaypoints = [] idsEspectros = [] latlonsWaypoints = [] conn = conexion() daoMision = DaoMision(conn) mision = daoMision.getMisionNombre(nombreMisionCrear) idMision = altura = mision.elevacion daoWaypoints = DaoWaypoints(conn) waypointsList = daoWaypoints.getAllWaypoints2(idMision) print(waypointsList[0].id, waypointsList[1].id) #272" lista de obj for i in range(0, len(waypointsList)): idsWaypoints.append(waypointsList[i].id) latlonsWaypoints.append(waypointsList[i].latlon) print(idsWaypoints) # print("J") print(latlonsWaypoints) for i in range(0, len(idsWaypoints)): daoEspway = DaoEspway(conn) espway = daoEspway.getEspwayWaypoint(idsWaypoints[i]) idEspectro = espway.espectros_id idsEspectros.append(idEspectro) for i in range(0, len(idsEspectros)): latlons = latlonsWaypoints[i].split(",") rutaG = filePath daoEspectros = DaoEspectros(conn) espectro = daoEspectros.getEspectros(idsEspectros[i]) resultado = espectro.resultado rutaG += "/Usuario(" + usuario + ")" + "Mision(" + nombreMisionCrear + ")" + "WaypointNumber(" + str( i) + ")" # filePath = FileManagement.to_relative(rutaG) generate(resultado, rutaG, float(latlons[0]), float(latlons[1]), altura) conn.close() else: data['errorCarpeta'] = "T" except Exception as errorBd: data['errorBd'] = "T" print("Error en guardarTodos: ", errorBd) raise errorBd finally: return json.dumps(data)
def initiate_markers(self): """Initializes marker info in FileManagment. Creates a marker for every body on the application's startup. Iterates through the bodies in the database to do so. Also creates a marker for every ignored marker """ data = FileManagement(self.folder_path).query_images( config.all_bodies, False, False, False, False) for i in data: body_info = {} x = 0 for choice in ("time", "body_name", "body_number", "x", "y"): body_info[choice] = i[x] x += 1 GridMark(self.marker_canvas, self.folder_path, body_info) # generates ignored markers ignored = FileManagement(self.folder_path).query_all_ignored() for coord in ignored: GridIgnored(self.marker_canvas, self.folder_path, coord[0], coord[1])
def getFilesVuelo(vueloCapturado): vueloCapturadoLista=[] # guardar txt de la captura rel_path = '/tmp/archivoTemporalVuelo.txt' filePath = FileManagement.to_relative(rel_path) appendFile = open(filePath, 'w') for i in range(len(vueloCapturado)): appendFile.write(str(vueloCapturado[i])) appendFile.close() with open(filePath, "r") as blancovis: for line in blancovis: line = line[0:4] vueloCapturadoLista.append(line) return vueloCapturadoLista
def create_buttons(self, body_param, GR_param, MAF_param, MP_param, unsure_param): """Creates the buttons in the button list. Create a series of buttons reflecting the filter options which the user can click to bring up the relevant information and images for the body selected. Args: body_param (list): A list of all the selected bodies for filtering. Enter self.all_bodies for a selection of all the body types. GR_param (bool): True if sorting by GR. MAF_param (bool): True if sorting by MAF. MP_param (bool): True if sorting by MP. unsure_param (bool): True if sorting by unsure. """ # queries a list of all the selected bodies fm = FileManagement(self.folder_path) data = fm.query_images(body_param, GR_param, MAF_param, MP_param, unsure_param) # loops through generating bodies for i in data: time = i[0] name = i[1] number = i[2] body_name = "{} {}".format(name, number) # each button takes a different command depending on its selected data btn = tk.Button(self.interior, height=1, width=20, relief=tk.FLAT, bg="gray99", fg="purple3", font="Dosis", text=body_name, command=lambda i=time: self.open_file(i)) btn.pack(padx=10, pady=5, side=tk.TOP)
def show_select_markers(self): """Toggles which markers get shown based on the filter Takes seconday_selection and body_selection and shows the markers based on those requirements from FileManagement. """ all_data = FileManagement(self.folder_path).query_images( config.all_bodies, False, False, False, False) for i in all_data: self.grid_canvas.delete("m" + str(i[0])) bodies = self._get_body_selection() secondary_selection = self._get_secondary_selection() data = FileManagement(self.folder_path).query_images( bodies, secondary_selection[0], secondary_selection[1], secondary_selection[2], secondary_selection[3]) for i in data: body_info = {} x = 0 for choice in ("time", "body_name", "body_number", "x", "y"): body_info[choice] = i[x] x += 1 GridMark(self.marker_canvas, self.folder_path, body_info)
def create_ignored_marker(event): """Event method that adds an ignored marker. x and y are the coords of where the mouse clicked. Then converted to canvas coordinates which is used to add a marker. """ x = event.x y = event.y canvas_x = self.marker_canvas.canvasx(x) canvas_y = self.marker_canvas.canvasy(y) coords = (canvas_x, canvas_y) GridIgnored(self.marker_canvas, self.folder_path, canvas_x, canvas_y) FileManagement(self.folder_path).add_ignored(coords)
def ok(self): if (self.l == []) | (self.d == None): return self.body_info["log"], self.body_info["dprong1"], self.body_info["lprong2"] = self.calc_log() if ScreenshotEditor(self.body_info, self.folder_path, self.marker_canvas,, True) else: info = (self.body_info["body_name"], self.body_info["GR"], self.body_info["MAF"], self.body_info["MP"], self.body_info["unsure"], self.body_info["notes"], self.body_info["angle"], self.body_info["log"], self.body_info["dprong1"], self.body_info["lprong2"], self.body_info["time"]) FileManagement(self.folder_path).edit_info(info) self.destroy()
def main(): FileManager = FileManagement() FileConsider = FileConsiderations() Metrics = MedianVals() input_file = sys.argv[1] output_path = sys.argv[2] #input_file = input_path #input_file = input_path + "itcont.txt" report = FileManager.file_input(input_file) #count = 0 #loop_time = time.time() for line in report: #if count % 1000 == 0: # print(str(count)+"th line, time per 1000 lines = ---- %s seconds ----" %(time.time() - loop_time)) # loop_time = time.time() #count += 1 FileConsider.set_flags(line) if FileConsider.check_flags() == False: continue elif FileConsider.check_flags() == "consider_for_zip": Metrics.medianvals_by_zip(line) continue elif FileConsider.check_flags() == "consider_for_date": Metrics.medianvals_by_date(line) continue elif FileConsider.check_flags() == "consider_for_zipdate": Metrics.medianvals_by_zip(line) Metrics.medianvals_by_date(line) continue #print('writing zips') FileManager.file_output(outputpath=output_path, outputname="medianvals_by_zip.txt", data=Metrics.medianzip_out) #print('calculating dates') #calculate_time = time.time() Metrics.calculate_medianvals_by_date() #print("time to calculate medianvals_by_date = ----------- %s seconds ------------" % (time.time() - calculate_time)) #print('writing dates') FileManager.file_output(outputpath=output_path, outputname="medianvals_by_date.txt", data=Metrics.mediandate_out)
def open_file(self, time): """Brings up the relevant file information. When clicking a button, open_file brings up the annotation and body image to show in the biondi_image_canvas as well as shows the information about that specific body. Args: Time (int): Time added of selected body in unix time. """ body_info = FileManagement(self.folder_path).get_image_time(time) self.clear_information_canvas() self.show_information(body_info) self.open_annotation_image(body_info) self.marker_canvas.itemconfig("m" + str(time), fill="red") if self.previous_body_time != 0: self.marker_canvas.itemconfig("m" + str(self.previous_body_time), fill="white") self.previous_body_time = time
def main(): FileManager = FileManagement() FileConsider = FileConsiderations() Metrics = MedianVals() input_file = sys.argv[1] output_path = sys.argv[2] #report = FileManager.file_input(input_file) report = (line.strip().split("|") for line in open(input_file, 'r')) for line in report: FileConsider.set_flags(line) if FileConsider.check_flags() == False: continue elif FileConsider.check_flags() == "consider_for_zip": Metrics.medianvals_by_zip(line) continue elif FileConsider.check_flags() == "consider_for_date": Metrics.medianvals_by_date(line) continue elif FileConsider.check_flags() == "consider_for_zipdate": Metrics.medianvals_by_zip(line) Metrics.medianvals_by_date(line) continue # for line in report: # FileConsider.set_flags(line) # if FileConsider.check_flags() == False: # continue # elif FileConsider.check_flags() == "consider_for_zip": # Metrics.medianvals_by_zip(line) # continue # elif FileConsider.check_flags() == "consider_for_date": # Metrics.medianvals_by_date(line) # continue # elif FileConsider.check_flags() == "consider_for_zipdate": # Metrics.medianvals_by_zip(line) # Metrics.medianvals_by_date(line) # continue FileManager.file_output(outputpath=output_path, outputname="medianvals_by_zip.txt", data=Metrics.medianzip_out) Metrics.calculate_medianvals_by_date() FileManager.file_output(outputpath=output_path, outputname="medianvals_by_date.txt", data=Metrics.mediandate_out)
def makeImageW(ejeYMakeImage): global wavelenghtsLista ejeXMakeImage = wavelenghtsLista print(len(ejeXMakeImage)) print(len(ejeYMakeImage)) # print(ejeXMakeImage) ejeY = np.array(ejeYMakeImage, dtype=np.float32) ejeX = np.array(ejeXMakeImage, dtype=np.float32) plt.figure(1) ax = plt.subplot(111) plt.plot(ejeX, ejeY)#, label='Negro') ax.set_ylim(min(ejeY), max(ejeY)) plt.legend() rutaImagen= "/tmp/imagenEspectroW.png" filePath = FileManagement.to_relative(rutaImagen) resultadoMakeImage= plt.savefig(filePath, format="png") plt.cla() plt.clf() plt.close() return resultadoMakeImage
def guardarEspectro(): data = request.get_json() data['errorBd'] = "" nombreMisionCrear = data['nombreMisionCrear'] waypointSeleccionado = data['waypointSeleccionado'] ruta = str(data['ruta']) usuario = str(data['usuario']) filePath = FileManagement.to_relative(ruta) try: if os.path.isdir(filePath): conn = conexion() daoMision = DaoMision(conn) mision = daoMision.getMisionNombre(nombreMisionCrear) idMision = altura = mision.elevacion daoWaypoints = DaoWaypoints(conn) wayp = daoWaypoints.getWaypointByNumber(waypointSeleccionado, idMision) idWayp = latlon = wayp.latlon.split(",") daoEspway = DaoEspway(conn) espway = daoEspway.getEspwayWaypoint(idWayp) idEspectro = espway.espectros_id daoEspectros = DaoEspectros(conn) espectro = daoEspectros.getEspectros(idEspectro) resultado = espectro.resultado conn.close() filePath += "/Usuario(" + usuario + ")" + "Mision(" + nombreMisionCrear + ")" + "Waypoint(" + waypointSeleccionado + ")" generate(resultado, filePath, float(latlon[0]), float(latlon[1]), altura) else: data['errorCarpeta'] = "T" except Exception as errorBd: data['errorBd'] = "T" raise errorBd finally: return json.dumps(data)
def sensoresVuelo(sensorVueloVIS, sensorVueloNIR, tiempoIntegracion, numeroCapturas, aux): global counter try: if aux == "C": print("capturando Vuelo") start_time_A = time.time() # x = "D:/subtext/splitTest0/Quieto 1 feb/cult2/2mt0.txt" # D:\Tesis\Api\Flask\testy\cult2 if counter > 6: counter = 0 x = "/testy/cult2/inten%s.txt" %(counter) file_path = FileManagement.to_relative(x) with open(file_path, 'r') as f: intensitiesFlask = # sts.runInParallel(read_VIS(b, c), read_NIR(a, c)) #DOUBLE # #sts.runInParallel(read_VIS) # SINGLE # if queueTierra.full(): # If both the NIR and VIS spectra have been acquired successfully # # print(queue.qsize()) # The queue size should be 2 # wavelengths_NIR, intensities_NIR, wavelengths_VIS, intensities_VIS = sts.assign_spectra(queue, init_wl_NIR, init_wl_VIS) # SINGLE # else: # print("Queue not full") end_time_A = time.time() duration = end_time_A - start_time_A print("Acquisition for {} seconds".format(duration)) duration = str(duration) success = "Success" counter += 1 pass else: intensitiesFlask = "" counter = 0 # a, b, c = calibrarSensores(sensorVueloVIS, sensorVueloNIR, tiempoIntegracion, numeroCapturas) pass pass except Exception as errorCalibrarSensoresTierra: print("error captura/calibracion") raise errorCalibrarSensoresTierra return intensitiesFlask