def open_new_file(self, file_name, info=None, var_name='UNKNOWN', dtype='float32', VERBOSE=False, MAKE_RTI=True, MAKE_BOV=False): #---------------------------- # Does file already exist ? #---------------------------- file_name = file_utils.check_overwrite(file_name) self.file_name = file_name #--------------------------------------- # Check and store the grid information #--------------------------------------- self.check_and_store_info(file_name, info, var_name, dtype, MAKE_RTI, MAKE_BOV) #------------------------------------ # Try to open new RTS file to write #------------------------------------ try: if (VERBOSE): print 'Preparing to write new RTS file:' print ' ' + file_name self.rts_unit = open(file_name, 'wb') return True except: return False
def open_new_file(self, file_name, info=None, var_name='UNKNOWN', dtype='float32', VERBOSE=False, MAKE_RTI=True, MAKE_BOV=False): #---------------------------- # Does file already exist ? #---------------------------- file_name = file_utils.check_overwrite( file_name ) self.file_name = file_name #--------------------------------------- # Check and store the grid information #--------------------------------------- self.check_and_store_info( file_name, info, var_name, dtype, MAKE_RTI, MAKE_BOV ) #------------------------------------ # Try to open new RTS file to write #------------------------------------ try: if (VERBOSE): print 'Preparing to write new RTS file:' print ' ' + file_name self.rts_unit = open(file_name, 'wb') return True except: return False
def open_new_file(self, file_name, var_names=['X'], dtype='float64', time_units='minutes'): #----------------------------------------------------------- # Note: The "dtype" argument is included to match similar # routines, but is not currently used. (9/18/14) #----------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------- # Does file already exist ? #---------------------------- file_name = file_utils.check_overwrite(file_name) self.file_name = file_name self.var_names = var_names self.time_units = time_units try: self.ts_unit = open(file_name, 'w') self.write_header(var_names) return True except: print 'SORRY, Could not open new multi-column text file:' print ' ' + file_name self.ts_unit = False return False
def open_new_file( self, file_name, var_names=['X'], dtype='float64', time_units='minutes' ): #----------------------------------------------------------- # Note: The "dtype" argument is included to match similar # routines, but is not currently used. (9/18/14) #----------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------- # Does file already exist ? #---------------------------- file_name = file_utils.check_overwrite( file_name ) self.file_name = file_name self.var_names = var_names self.time_units = time_units try: self.ts_unit = open( file_name, 'w' ) self.write_header( var_names ) return True except: print 'SORRY, Could not open new multi-column text file:' print ' ' + file_name self.ts_unit = False return False
def open_new_file( self, file_name, info=None, var_name='X', long_name=None, units_name='None', dtype='float32', ### dtype='float64' time_units='minutes', comment='', MAKE_RTI=True, MAKE_BOV=False): #---------------------------- # Does file already exist ? #---------------------------- file_name = file_utils.check_overwrite(file_name) self.file_name = file_name #--------------------------------------- # Check and store the grid information #--------------------------------------- self.check_and_store_info(file_name, info, var_name, dtype, MAKE_RTI, MAKE_BOV) if (long_name is None): long_name = var_name self.long_name = long_name self.units_name = units_name self.dtype = dtype #----------------------------------- # Save the two-char data type code #----------------------------------- dtype_map = self.get_dtype_map() dtype_code = dtype_map[dtype.lower()] self.dtype_code = dtype_code #------------------------------------- # Open a new netCDF file for writing #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Format options are: NETCDF3_CLASSIC, NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET, # NETCDF3_64BIT_DATA, NETCDF4_CLASSIC, and NETCDF4 #----------------------------------------------------------------- # NETCDF3_CLASSIC results in MUCH SMALLER filesizes than using # NETCDF4_CLASSIC or NETCDF4. # NETCDF3_CLASSIC,, 813,312 bytes # NETCDF4_CLASSIC,, 5,030,256 bytes # The 2nd one is 6.2 TIMES BIGGER. #----------------------------------------------------------------- # For more info see: #----------------------------------------------------------------- # The "nccopy" utility can convert between these formats. #----------------------------------------------------------------- try: format = 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC' ## format = 'NETCDF4' ## format = 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC' ncgs_unit = nc.Dataset(file_name, mode='w', format=format) OK = True except: OK = False return OK #------------------------------------------------------------ # Option to pre-fill with fill values # Set fill_value for a var with "var._Fill_Value = number" # For Nio was: opt.PreFill = False # (for efficiency) #------------------------------------------------------------ ncgs_unit.set_fill_off() # ncgs_unit.set_fill_on() #------------------------------------- # Prepare and save a history string #------------------------------------- # Sample output from time.asctime(): # "Thu Oct 8 17:10:18 2009" #------------------------------------- history = "Created using netCDF4 " + nc.__version__ + " on " history = history + time.asctime() + ". " history = history + comment ncgs_unit.history = history # print 'MADE IT PAST history BLOCK' ## print 'nx =', ## print 'ny =', ## print 'dx =', ## print 'dy =', ## print ' ' #---------------------------------------------- # Create grid dimensions nx and ny, plus time #---------------------------------------------- # Without using "int()" here, we get this: # TypeError: size must be None or integer #---------------------------------------------- ncgs_unit.createDimension('nx', int( ncgs_unit.createDimension('ny', int( ncgs_unit.createDimension('time', None) # (unlimited dimension) # print 'MADE IT PAST create_dimension CALLS.' #------------------------- # Create a time variable #------------------------------------------ #('d' = float64; must match in add_grid() # In netCDF4 package, use 'f8' vs. 'd'. #------------------------------------------ tvar = ncgs_unit.createVariable('time', 'f8', ('time', )) tvar.units = time_units ### ncgs_unit.variables['time'].units = time_units #-------------------------------- # Create a variable in the file #-------------------------------- var = ncgs_unit.createVariable(var_name, dtype_code, ('time', 'ny', 'nx')) #---------------------------------- # Specify a "nodata" fill value ? #---------------------------------- # var._Fill_Value = -9999.0 ## Used for pre-fill above ? #------------------------------------------- # Create a separate, scalar "time stamp" ? #------------------------------------------- # t = nc_unit.createVariable('time', dtype_code, ('time')) #---------------------------------- # Specify a "nodata" fill value ? #---------------------------------- # var._FillValue = -9999.0 ## Was used for Nio. #------------------------------------ # Create attributes of the variable #------------------------------------ ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].long_name = long_name ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].units = units_name ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].dx = ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].dy = ### (12/2/09) ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].y_south_edge = ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].y_north_edge = ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].x_west_edge = ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].x_east_edge = self.ncgs_unit = ncgs_unit return OK
def open_new_file( self, file_name, info=None, var_name='X', long_name=None, units_name='None', dtype='float64', ### dtype='float64' time_units='minutes', comment='', shape=(1, 1, 1), res=(1., 1., 1.), MAKE_RTI=True, MAKE_BOV=False): #-------------------------------------------------- # Try to import the Nio module from PyNIO package #-------------------------------------------------- Nio = self.import_nio() if not Nio: return False #---------------------------- # Does file already exist ? #---------------------------- file_name = file_utils.check_overwrite(file_name) self.file_name = file_name #--------------------------------------- # Check and store the grid information #--------------------------------------- self.format = 'nccs' self.file_name = file_name self.time_index = 0 self.var_name = var_name self.shape = shape self.res = res if (long_name is None): long_name = var_name self.long_name = long_name self.units_name = units_name self.dtype = dtype #----------------------------------- # Get Nio type code for this dtype #------------------------------------ nio_type_map = self.get_nio_type_map() nio_type_code = nio_type_map[dtype.lower()] self.nio_type_code = nio_type_code #------------------------------------- # Open a new netCDF file for writing #------------------------------------- # Sample output from time.asctime(): # "Thu Oct 8 17:10:18 2009" #------------------------------------- opt = Nio.options() opt.PreFill = False # (for efficiency) opt.HeaderReserveSpace = 4000 # (4000 bytes, for efficiency) history = "Created using PyNIO " + Nio.__version__ + " on " history = history + time.asctime() + ". " history = history + comment # print 'MADE IT PAST history BLOCK' try: nccs_unit = Nio.open_file(file_name, mode="w", options=opt, history=history) OK = True except: OK = False return OK #---------------------------------------------- # Create grid dimensions nx and ny, plus time #---------------------------------------------- # Without using "int()" here, we get this: # TypeError: size must be None or integer #---------------------------------------------- nccs_unit.create_dimension("nz", self.shape[0]) nccs_unit.create_dimension("ny", self.shape[1]) nccs_unit.create_dimension("nx", self.shape[2]) nccs_unit.create_dimension("time", None) # (unlimited dimension) # print 'MADE IT PAST create_dimension CALLS.' #------------------------- # Create a time variable #------------------------------------------ #('d' = float64; must match in add_cube() #------------------------------------------ tvar = nccs_unit.create_variable('time', 'd', ("time", )) nccs_unit.variables['time'].units = time_units #-------------------------------- # Create a variable in the file #---------------------------------- # Returns "var" as a PyNIO object #---------------------------------- var = nccs_unit.create_variable(var_name, nio_type_code, ("time", "nz", "ny", "nx")) #---------------------------------- # Specify a "nodata" fill value ? #---------------------------------- var._FillValue = -9999.0 ## Does this jive with Prefill above ?? #------------------------------------ # Create attributes of the variable #------------------------------------ nccs_unit.variables[var_name].long_name = long_name nccs_unit.variables[var_name].units = units_name nccs_unit.variables[var_name].dz = self.res[0] nccs_unit.variables[var_name].dy = self.res[1] nccs_unit.variables[var_name].dx = self.res[2] nccs_unit.variables[var_name].y_south_edge = 0. nccs_unit.variables[ var_name].y_north_edge = self.res[1] * self.shape[1] nccs_unit.variables[var_name].x_west_edge = 0. nccs_unit.variables[var_name].x_east_edge = self.res[2] * self.shape[2] nccs_unit.variables[var_name].z_bottom_edge = 0. nccs_unit.variables[var_name].z_top_edge = self.res[0] * self.shape[0] self.nccs_unit = nccs_unit return OK
def open_new_file(self, file_name, z_values=np.arange(10), z_units='m', var_names=['X'], long_names=[None], units_names=['None'], dtypes=['float64'], time_units='minutes', comment=''): #---------------------------------------------------- # Notes: It might be okay to have "nz" be an # unlimited dimension, like "time". This # would mean replacing "int(profile_length)" # with "None". #---------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------- # Does file already exist ? #---------------------------- file_name = file_utils.check_overwrite( file_name ) self.file_name = file_name #--------------------------------------- # Check and store the time series info #--------------------------------------- self.format = 'ncps' self.file_name = file_name self.time_index = 0 if (long_names[0] == None): long_names = var_names #------------------------------------------- self.z_values = z_values self.z_units = z_units nz = np.size(z_values) #------------------------------------------- # We may not need to save these in self. # I don't think they're used anywhere yet. #------------------------------------------- self.var_names = var_names self.long_names = long_names self.units_names = units_names self.dtypes = dtypes #--------------------------------------------- # Create array of Nio type codes from dtypes #--------------------------------------------- dtype_map = self.get_dtype_map() dtype_codes = [] if (len(dtypes) == len(var_names)): for dtype in dtypes: dtype_code = dtype_map[ dtype.lower() ] dtype_codes.append( dtype_code ) else: dtype = dtypes[0] dtype_code = dtype_map[ dtype.lower() ] for k in xrange(len(var_names)): dtype_codes.append( dtype_code ) self.dtype_codes = dtype_codes #------------------------------------- # Open a new netCDF file for writing #------------------------------------- try: ## format = 'NETCDF4' format = 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC' ncps_unit = nc.Dataset(file_name, mode='w', format=format) OK = True except: OK = False return OK #------------------------------------------------------------ # Option to pre-fill with fill values # Set fill_value for a var with "var._Fill_Value = number" # For Nio was: opt.PreFill = False # (for efficiency) #------------------------------------------------------------ ncgs_unit.set_fill_off() # ncgs_unit.set_fill_on() #------------------------------------- # Prepare and save a history string #------------------------------------- # Sample output from time.asctime(): # "Thu Oct 8 17:10:18 2009" #------------------------------------- history = "Created using netCDF4 " + nc.__version__ + " on " history = history + time.asctime() + ". " history = history + comment ncps_unit.history = history # print 'MADE IT PAST history BLOCK' #------------------------------------------------ # Create an unlimited time dimension (via None) #------------------------------------------------ # Without using "int()" here, we get this: # TypeError: size must be None or integer #------------------------------------------------ ncps_unit.createDimension('nz', int(nz)) ncps_unit.createDimension('time', None) #------------------------- # Create a time variable #--------------------------------------------------- #('f' = float32; must match in add_values_at_IDs() #--------------------------------------------------- # NB! Can't use "time" vs. "tvar" here unless we # add "import time" inside this function. #--------------------------------------------------- tvar = ncps_unit.createVariable('time', 'f8', ('time',)) ncps_unit.variables['time'].units = time_units #-------------------------------------- # Create a distance/depth variable, z #-------------------------------------- zvar = ncps_unit.createVariable('z', 'd', ('z',)) zvar[ : ] = z_values # (store the z-values) ncps_unit.variables['z'].units = z_units #----------------------------------- # Create variables using var_names #----------------------------------- # Returns "var" as a PyNIO object #--------------------------------------------------- # NB! The 3rd argument here (dimension), must be a # tuple. If there is only one dimension, then # we need to add a comma, as shown. #--------------------------------------------------- for k in xrange(len(var_names)): var_name = var_names[k] var = ncps_unit.create_variable(var_name, dtype_codes[k], ("time", "nz")) #------------------------------------ # Create attributes of the variable #------------------------------------ ncps_unit.variables[var_name].long_name = long_names[k] ncps_unit.variables[var_name].units = units_names[k] #---------------------------------- # Specify a "nodata" fill value ? #---------------------------------- # var._Fill_Value = -9999.0 ## Used for pre-fill above ? self.ncps_unit = ncps_unit return OK
def open_new_file(self, file_name, z_values=numpy.arange(10), z_units='m', var_names=['X'], long_names=[None], units_names=['None'], dtypes=['float64'], time_units='minutes', comment=''): #---------------------------------------------------- # Notes: It might be okay to have "nz" be an # unlimited dimension, like "time". This # would mean replacing "int(profile_length)" # with "None". #---------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------- # Try to import the Nio module from PyNIO package #-------------------------------------------------- Nio = self.import_nio() if not(Nio): return False #---------------------------- # Does file already exist ? #---------------------------- file_name = file_utils.check_overwrite( file_name ) self.file_name = file_name #--------------------------------------- # Check and store the time series info #--------------------------------------- self.format = 'ncps' self.file_name = file_name self.time_index = 0 if (long_names[0] == None): long_names = var_names #------------------------------------------- self.z_values = z_values self.z_units = z_units nz = numpy.size(z_values) #------------------------------------------- # We may not need to save these in self. # I don't think they're used anywhere yet. #------------------------------------------- self.var_names = var_names self.long_names = long_names self.units_names = units_names self.dtypes = dtypes #--------------------------------------------- # Create array of Nio type codes from dtypes #--------------------------------------------- nio_type_map = self.get_nio_type_map() nio_type_codes = [] if (len(dtypes) == len(var_names)): for dtype in dtypes: nio_type_code = nio_type_map[ dtype.lower() ] nio_type_codes.append( nio_type_code ) else: dtype = dtypes[0] nio_type_code = nio_type_map[ dtype.lower() ] for k in xrange(len(var_names)): nio_type_codes.append( nio_type_code ) self.nio_type_codes = nio_type_codes #------------------------------------- # Open a new netCDF file for writing #------------------------------------- # Sample output from time.asctime(): # "Thu Oct 8 17:10:18 2009" #------------------------------------- opt = Nio.options() opt.PreFill = False # (for efficiency) opt.HeaderReserveSpace = 4000 # (4000 bytes, for efficiency) history = "Created using PyNIO " + Nio.__version__ + " on " history = history + time.asctime() + ". " history = history + comment try: ncps_unit = Nio.open_file(file_name, mode="w", options=opt, history=history ) OK = True except: OK = False return OK #------------------------------------------------ # Create an unlimited time dimension (via None) #------------------------------------------------ # Without using "int()" here, we get this: # TypeError: size must be None or integer #------------------------------------------------ ncps_unit.create_dimension("nz", int(nz)) ncps_unit.create_dimension("time", None) #------------------------- # Create a time variable #--------------------------------------------------- #('f' = float32; must match in add_values_at_IDs() #--------------------------------------------------- # NB! Can't use "time" vs. "tvar" here unless we # add "import time" inside this function. #--------------------------------------------------- tvar = ncps_unit.create_variable('time', 'd', ("time",)) ncps_unit.variables['time'].units = time_units #-------------------------------------- # Create a distance/depth variable, z #-------------------------------------- zvar = ncps_unit.create_variable('z', 'd', ("nz",)) zvar[ : ] = z_values # (store the z-values) ncps_unit.variables['z'].units = z_units #----------------------------------- # Create variables using var_names #----------------------------------- # Returns "var" as a PyNIO object #--------------------------------------------------- # NB! The 3rd argument here (dimension), must be a # tuple. If there is only one dimension, then # we need to add a comma, as shown. #--------------------------------------------------- for k in xrange(len(var_names)): var_name = var_names[k] var = ncps_unit.create_variable(var_name, nio_type_codes[k], ("time", "nz")) #------------------------------------ # Create attributes of the variable #------------------------------------ ncps_unit.variables[var_name].long_name = long_names[k] ncps_unit.variables[var_name].units = units_names[k] #---------------------------------- # Specify a "nodata" fill value ? #---------------------------------- var._FillValue = -9999.0 ## Does this jive with Prefill above ?? self.ncps_unit = ncps_unit return OK
def open_new_file(self, file_name, info=None, var_name='X', long_name=None, units_name='None', dtype='float64', time_units='minutes', comment='', shape=(1,1,1), res=(1.,1.,1.), MAKE_RTI=True, MAKE_BOV=False): #---------------------------- # Does file already exist ? #---------------------------- file_name = file_utils.check_overwrite( file_name ) self.file_name = file_name #--------------------------------------- # Check and store the grid information #--------------------------------------- self.format = 'nccs' self.file_name = file_name self.time_index = 0 self.var_name = var_name self.shape = shape self.res = res if (long_name is None): long_name = var_name self.long_name = long_name self.units_name = units_name self.dtype = dtype #----------------------------------- # Save the two-char data type code #----------------------------------- dtype_map = self.get_dtype_map() dtype_code = dtype_map[ dtype.lower() ] self.dtype_code = dtype_code #------------------------------------- # Open a new netCDF file for writing #------------------------------------- try: ## format = 'NETCDF4' format = 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC' nccs_unit = nc.Dataset(file_name, mode='w', format=format) OK = True except: OK = False return OK #------------------------------------------------------------ # Option to pre-fill with fill values # Set fill_value for a var with "var._Fill_Value = number" # For Nio was: opt.PreFill = False # (for efficiency) #------------------------------------------------------------ ncgs_unit.set_fill_off() # ncgs_unit.set_fill_on() #------------------------------------- # Prepare and save a history string #------------------------------------- # Sample output from time.asctime(): # "Thu Oct 8 17:10:18 2009" #------------------------------------- history = "Created using netCDF4 " + nc.__version__ + " on " history = history + time.asctime() + ". " history = history + comment nccs_unit.history = history # print 'MADE IT PAST history BLOCK' #---------------------------------------------- # Create grid dimensions nx and ny, plus time #---------------------------------------------- # Without using "int()" here, we get this: # TypeError: size must be None or integer #---------------------------------------------- nccs_unit.createDimension('nz', self.shape[0]) nccs_unit.createDimension('ny', self.shape[1]) nccs_unit.createDimension('nx', self.shape[2]) nccs_unit.createDimension('time', None) # (unlimited dimension) # print 'MADE IT PAST create_dimension CALLS.' #------------------------- # Create a time variable #------------------------------------------ #('d' = float64; must match in add_cube() #------------------------------------------ tvar = nccs_unit.createVariable ('time', 'f8', ('time',)) nccs_unit.variables['time'].units = time_units #-------------------------------- # Create a variable in the file #---------------------------------- # Returns "var" as a PyNIO object #---------------------------------- var = nccs_unit.createVariable (var_name, dtype_code, ('time', 'nz', 'ny', 'nx')) #---------------------------------- # Specify a "nodata" fill value ? #---------------------------------- # var._Fill_Value = -9999.0 ## Used for pre-fill above ? #------------------------------------ # Create attributes of the variable #------------------------------------ nccs_unit.variables[var_name].long_name = long_name nccs_unit.variables[var_name].units = units_name #---------------------------------------------------- nccs_unit.variables[var_name].dz = self.res[0] nccs_unit.variables[var_name].dy = self.res[1] nccs_unit.variables[var_name].dx = self.res[2] nccs_unit.variables[var_name].y_south_edge = 0. nccs_unit.variables[var_name].y_north_edge = self.res[1]*self.shape[1] nccs_unit.variables[var_name].x_west_edge = 0. nccs_unit.variables[var_name].x_east_edge = self.res[2]*self.shape[2] nccs_unit.variables[var_name].z_bottom_edge = 0. nccs_unit.variables[var_name].z_top_edge = self.res[0]*self.shape[0] #-------------------------------------------- # This is how it is done in #------------------------------------------- # ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].dx = # ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].dy = ### (12/2/09) # ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].y_south_edge = # ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].y_north_edge = # ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].x_west_edge = # ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].x_east_edge = self.nccs_unit = nccs_unit return OK
def open_new_file(self, file_name, z_values=numpy.arange(10), z_units='m', var_names=['X'], long_names=[None], units_names=['None'], dtypes=['float64'], time_units='minutes', comment=''): #---------------------------------------------------- # Notes: It might be okay to have "nz" be an # unlimited dimension, like "time". This # would mean replacing "int(profile_length)" # with "None". #---------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------- # Try to import the Nio module from PyNIO package #-------------------------------------------------- Nio = self.import_nio() if not (Nio): return False #---------------------------- # Does file already exist ? #---------------------------- file_name = file_utils.check_overwrite(file_name) self.file_name = file_name #--------------------------------------- # Check and store the time series info #--------------------------------------- self.format = 'ncps' self.file_name = file_name self.time_index = 0 if (long_names[0] is None): long_names = var_names #------------------------------------------- self.z_values = z_values self.z_units = z_units nz = numpy.size(z_values) #------------------------------------------- # We may not need to save these in self. # I don't think they're used anywhere yet. #------------------------------------------- self.var_names = var_names self.long_names = long_names self.units_names = units_names self.dtypes = dtypes #--------------------------------------------- # Create array of Nio type codes from dtypes #--------------------------------------------- nio_type_map = self.get_nio_type_map() nio_type_codes = [] if (len(dtypes) == len(var_names)): for dtype in dtypes: nio_type_code = nio_type_map[dtype.lower()] nio_type_codes.append(nio_type_code) else: dtype = dtypes[0] nio_type_code = nio_type_map[dtype.lower()] for k in xrange(len(var_names)): nio_type_codes.append(nio_type_code) self.nio_type_codes = nio_type_codes #------------------------------------- # Open a new netCDF file for writing #------------------------------------- # Sample output from time.asctime(): # "Thu Oct 8 17:10:18 2009" #------------------------------------- opt = Nio.options() opt.PreFill = False # (for efficiency) opt.HeaderReserveSpace = 4000 # (4000 bytes, for efficiency) history = "Created using PyNIO " + Nio.__version__ + " on " history = history + time.asctime() + ". " history = history + comment try: ncps_unit = Nio.open_file(file_name, mode="w", options=opt, history=history) OK = True except: OK = False return OK #------------------------------------------------ # Create an unlimited time dimension (via None) #------------------------------------------------ # Without using "int()" here, we get this: # TypeError: size must be None or integer #------------------------------------------------ ncps_unit.create_dimension("nz", int(nz)) ncps_unit.create_dimension("time", None) #------------------------- # Create a time variable #--------------------------------------------------- #('f' = float32; must match in add_values_at_IDs() #--------------------------------------------------- # NB! Can't use "time" vs. "tvar" here unless we # add "import time" inside this function. #--------------------------------------------------- tvar = ncps_unit.create_variable('time', 'd', ("time", )) ncps_unit.variables['time'].units = time_units #-------------------------------------- # Create a distance/depth variable, z #-------------------------------------- zvar = ncps_unit.create_variable('z', 'd', ("nz", )) zvar[:] = z_values # (store the z-values) ncps_unit.variables['z'].units = z_units #----------------------------------- # Create variables using var_names #----------------------------------- # Returns "var" as a PyNIO object #--------------------------------------------------- # NB! The 3rd argument here (dimension), must be a # tuple. If there is only one dimension, then # we need to add a comma, as shown. #--------------------------------------------------- for k in xrange(len(var_names)): var_name = var_names[k] var = ncps_unit.create_variable(var_name, nio_type_codes[k], ("time", "nz")) #------------------------------------ # Create attributes of the variable #------------------------------------ ncps_unit.variables[var_name].long_name = long_names[k] ncps_unit.variables[var_name].units = units_names[k] #---------------------------------- # Specify a "nodata" fill value ? #---------------------------------- var._FillValue = -9999.0 ## Does this jive with Prefill above ?? self.ncps_unit = ncps_unit return OK
def open_new_file(self, file_name, info=None, var_name='X', long_name=None, units_name='None', dtype='float32', ### dtype='float64' time_units='minutes', comment='', MAKE_RTI=True, MAKE_BOV=False): #-------------------------------------------------- # Try to import the Nio module from PyNIO package #-------------------------------------------------- Nio = self.import_nio() if not(Nio): return False #---------------------------- # Does file already exist ? #---------------------------- file_name = file_utils.check_overwrite( file_name ) self.file_name = file_name #--------------------------------------- # Check and store the grid information #--------------------------------------- self.check_and_store_info( file_name, info, var_name, dtype, MAKE_RTI, MAKE_BOV ) if (long_name == None): long_name = var_name self.long_name = long_name self.units_name = units_name self.dtype = dtype #------------------------- # Save the Nio type code #------------------------- nio_type_map = self.get_nio_type_map() nio_type_code = nio_type_map[ dtype.lower() ] self.nio_type_code = nio_type_code #------------------------------------- # Open a new netCDF file for writing #------------------------------------- # Sample output from time.asctime(): # "Thu Oct 8 17:10:18 2009" #------------------------------------- opt = Nio.options() opt.PreFill = False # (for efficiency) opt.HeaderReserveSpace = 4000 # (4000 bytes, for efficiency) history = "Created using PyNIO " + Nio.__version__ + " on " history = history + time.asctime() + ". " history = history + comment # print 'MADE IT PAST history BLOCK' try: ncgs_unit = Nio.open_file(file_name, mode="w", options=opt, history=history ) OK = True except: OK = False return OK ## print 'nx =', ## print 'ny =', ## print 'dx =', ## print 'dy =', ## print ' ' #---------------------------------------------- # Create grid dimensions nx and ny, plus time #---------------------------------------------- # Without using "int()" here, we get this: # TypeError: size must be None or integer #---------------------------------------------- ncgs_unit.create_dimension("nx", int( ncgs_unit.create_dimension("ny", int( ncgs_unit.create_dimension("time", None) # (unlimited dimension) # print 'MADE IT PAST create_dimension CALLS.' #------------------------- # Create a time variable #------------------------------------------ #('d' = float64; must match in add_grid() #------------------------------------------ tvar = ncgs_unit.create_variable('time', 'd', ("time",)) ncgs_unit.variables['time'].units = time_units #-------------------------------- # Create a variable in the file #---------------------------------- # Returns "var" as a PyNIO object #---------------------------------- var = ncgs_unit.create_variable(var_name, nio_type_code, ("time", "ny", "nx")) ## var = nc_unit.create_variable(var_name, nio_type_code, ## ("time", "nx", "ny")) #------------------------------------------- # Create a separate, scalar "time stamp" ? #------------------------------------------- # t = nc_unit.create_variable("time", nio_type_code, ("time")) #---------------------------------- # Specify a "nodata" fill value ? #---------------------------------- var._FillValue = -9999.0 ## Does this jive with Prefill above ?? #------------------------------------ # Create attributes of the variable #------------------------------------ ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].long_name = long_name ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].units = units_name ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].dx = ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].dy = ### (12/2/09) ## ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].dx = dx ## ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].dy = dy ### (10/15/09) ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].y_south_edge = ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].y_north_edge = ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].x_west_edge = ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].x_east_edge = self.ncgs_unit = ncgs_unit return OK
def open_new_file(self, file_name, info=None, var_name='X', long_name=None, units_name='None', dtype='float64', ### dtype='float64' time_units='minutes', comment='', shape=(1,1,1), res=(1.,1.,1.), MAKE_RTI=True, MAKE_BOV=False): #-------------------------------------------------- # Try to import the Nio module from PyNIO package #-------------------------------------------------- Nio = self.import_nio () if not Nio: return False #---------------------------- # Does file already exist ? #---------------------------- file_name = file_utils.check_overwrite( file_name ) self.file_name = file_name #--------------------------------------- # Check and store the grid information #--------------------------------------- self.format = 'nccs' self.file_name = file_name self.time_index = 0 self.var_name = var_name self.shape = shape self.res = res if (long_name is None): long_name = var_name self.long_name = long_name self.units_name = units_name self.dtype = dtype #----------------------------------- # Get Nio type code for this dtype #------------------------------------ nio_type_map = self.get_nio_type_map() nio_type_code = nio_type_map[ dtype.lower() ] self.nio_type_code = nio_type_code #------------------------------------- # Open a new netCDF file for writing #------------------------------------- # Sample output from time.asctime(): # "Thu Oct 8 17:10:18 2009" #------------------------------------- opt = Nio.options() opt.PreFill = False # (for efficiency) opt.HeaderReserveSpace = 4000 # (4000 bytes, for efficiency) history = "Created using PyNIO " + Nio.__version__ + " on " history = history + time.asctime() + ". " history = history + comment # print 'MADE IT PAST history BLOCK' try: nccs_unit = Nio.open_file (file_name, mode="w", options=opt, history=history) OK = True except: OK = False return OK #---------------------------------------------- # Create grid dimensions nx and ny, plus time #---------------------------------------------- # Without using "int()" here, we get this: # TypeError: size must be None or integer #---------------------------------------------- nccs_unit.create_dimension("nz", self.shape[0]) nccs_unit.create_dimension("ny", self.shape[1]) nccs_unit.create_dimension("nx", self.shape[2]) nccs_unit.create_dimension("time", None) # (unlimited dimension) # print 'MADE IT PAST create_dimension CALLS.' #------------------------- # Create a time variable #------------------------------------------ #('d' = float64; must match in add_cube() #------------------------------------------ tvar = nccs_unit.create_variable ('time', 'd', ("time",)) nccs_unit.variables['time'].units = time_units #-------------------------------- # Create a variable in the file #---------------------------------- # Returns "var" as a PyNIO object #---------------------------------- var = nccs_unit.create_variable (var_name, nio_type_code, ("time", "nz", "ny", "nx")) #---------------------------------- # Specify a "nodata" fill value ? #---------------------------------- var._FillValue = -9999.0 ## Does this jive with Prefill above ?? #------------------------------------ # Create attributes of the variable #------------------------------------ nccs_unit.variables[var_name].long_name = long_name nccs_unit.variables[var_name].units = units_name nccs_unit.variables[var_name].dz = self.res[0] nccs_unit.variables[var_name].dy = self.res[1] nccs_unit.variables[var_name].dx = self.res[2] nccs_unit.variables[var_name].y_south_edge = 0. nccs_unit.variables[var_name].y_north_edge = self.res[1]*self.shape[1] nccs_unit.variables[var_name].x_west_edge = 0. nccs_unit.variables[var_name].x_east_edge = self.res[2]*self.shape[2] nccs_unit.variables[var_name].z_bottom_edge = 0. nccs_unit.variables[var_name].z_top_edge = self.res[0]*self.shape[0] self.nccs_unit = nccs_unit return OK
def open_new_file( self, file_name, info=None, var_name="X", long_name=None, units_name="None", dtype="float32", ### dtype='float64' time_units="minutes", comment="", MAKE_RTI=True, MAKE_BOV=False, ): # ---------------------------- # Does file already exist ? # ---------------------------- file_name = file_utils.check_overwrite(file_name) self.file_name = file_name # --------------------------------------- # Check and store the grid information # --------------------------------------- self.check_and_store_info(file_name, info, var_name, dtype, MAKE_RTI, MAKE_BOV) if long_name == None: long_name = var_name self.long_name = long_name self.units_name = units_name self.dtype = dtype # ----------------------------------- # Save the two-char data type code # ----------------------------------- dtype_map = self.get_dtype_map() dtype_code = dtype_map[dtype.lower()] self.dtype_code = dtype_code # ------------------------------------- # Open a new netCDF file for writing # ------------------------------------- try: ## format = 'NETCDF4' format = "NETCDF4_CLASSIC" ncgs_unit = nc.Dataset(file_name, mode="w", format=format) OK = True except: OK = False return OK # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Option to pre-fill with fill values # Set fill_value for a var with "var._Fill_Value = number" # For Nio was: opt.PreFill = False # (for efficiency) # ------------------------------------------------------------ ncgs_unit.set_fill_off() # ncgs_unit.set_fill_on() # ------------------------------------- # Prepare and save a history string # ------------------------------------- # Sample output from time.asctime(): # "Thu Oct 8 17:10:18 2009" # ------------------------------------- history = "Created using netCDF4 " + nc.__version__ + " on " history = history + time.asctime() + ". " history = history + comment ncgs_unit.history = history # print 'MADE IT PAST history BLOCK' ## print 'nx =', ## print 'ny =', ## print 'dx =', ## print 'dy =', ## print ' ' # ---------------------------------------------- # Create grid dimensions nx and ny, plus time # ---------------------------------------------- # Without using "int()" here, we get this: # TypeError: size must be None or integer # ---------------------------------------------- ncgs_unit.createDimension("nx", int( ncgs_unit.createDimension("ny", int( ncgs_unit.createDimension("time", None) # (unlimited dimension) # print 'MADE IT PAST create_dimension CALLS.' # ------------------------- # Create a time variable # ------------------------------------------ # ('d' = float64; must match in add_grid() # In netCDF4 package, use 'f8' vs. 'd'. # ------------------------------------------ tvar = ncgs_unit.createVariable("time", "f8", ("time",)) tvar.units = time_units ### ncgs_unit.variables['time'].units = time_units # -------------------------------- # Create a variable in the file # -------------------------------- var = ncgs_unit.createVariable(var_name, dtype_code, ("time", "ny", "nx")) # ---------------------------------- # Specify a "nodata" fill value ? # ---------------------------------- # var._Fill_Value = -9999.0 ## Used for pre-fill above ? # ------------------------------------------- # Create a separate, scalar "time stamp" ? # ------------------------------------------- # t = nc_unit.createVariable('time', dtype_code, ('time')) # ---------------------------------- # Specify a "nodata" fill value ? # ---------------------------------- # var._FillValue = -9999.0 ## Was used for Nio. # ------------------------------------ # Create attributes of the variable # ------------------------------------ ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].long_name = long_name ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].units = units_name ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].dx = ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].dy = ### (12/2/09) ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].y_south_edge = ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].y_north_edge = ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].x_west_edge = ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].x_east_edge = self.ncgs_unit = ncgs_unit return OK
def open_new_file( self, file_name, var_names=["X"], long_names=[None], units_names=["None"], dtypes=["float32"], ### dtypes=['float64'], time_units="minutes", comment="", ): # ---------------------------- # Does file already exist ? # ---------------------------- file_name = file_utils.check_overwrite(file_name) # --------------------------------------- # Check and store the time series info # --------------------------------------- self.format = "ncts" self.file_name = file_name self.time_index = 0 if long_names[0] == None: long_names = var_names # ------------------------------------------- # We may not need to save these in self. # I don't think they're used anywhere yet. # ------------------------------------------- self.var_names = var_names self.long_names = long_names self.units_names = units_names self.time_units = time_units self.dtypes = dtypes # --------------------------------------------- # Create array of dtype codes from dtypes # for multiple time series (i.e. columns). # --------------------------------------------- dtype_map = self.get_dtype_map() dtype_codes = [] if len(dtypes) == len(var_names): for dtype in dtypes: dtype_code = dtype_map[dtype.lower()] dtype_codes.append(dtype_code) else: dtype = dtypes[0] dtype_code = dtype_map[dtype.lower()] for k in xrange(len(var_names)): dtype_codes.append(dtype_code) self.dtype_codes = dtype_codes # ------------------------------------- # Open a new netCDF file for writing # ------------------------------------- try: ## format = 'NETCDF4' format = "NETCDF4_CLASSIC" ncts_unit = nc.Dataset(file_name, mode="w", format=format) OK = True except: OK = False return OK # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Option to pre-fill with fill values # Set fill_value for a var with "var._Fill_Value = number" # For Nio was: opt.PreFill = False # (for efficiency) # ------------------------------------------------------------ ncts_unit.set_fill_off() # ncts_unit.set_fill_on() # ------------------------------------- # Prepare and save a history string # ------------------------------------- # Sample output from time.asctime(): # "Thu Oct 8 17:10:18 2009" # ------------------------------------- history = "Created using netCDF4 " + nc.__version__ + " on " history = history + time.asctime() + ". " history = history + comment ncts_unit.history = history # ------------------------------------------------ # Create an unlimited time dimension (via None) # ------------------------------------------------ # Without using "int()" for length, we get this: # TypeError: size must be None or integer # ------------------------------------------------ ncts_unit.createDimension("time", None) # ------------------------- # Create a time variable # --------------------------------------------------- # ('f' = float32; must match in add_values_at_IDs() # --------------------------------------------------- # NB! Can't use "time" vs. "tvar" here unless we # add "import time" inside this function. # --------------------------------------------------- tvar = ncts_unit.createVariable("time", "f8", ("time",)) ncts_unit.variables["time"].units = time_units # ----------------------------------- # Create variables using var_names # ----------------------------------- # Returns "var" as a PyNIO object # --------------------------------------------------- # NB! The 3rd argument here (dimension), must be a # tuple. If there is only one dimension, then # we need to add a comma, as shown. # --------------------------------------------------- for k in xrange(len(var_names)): var_name = var_names[k] var = ncts_unit.createVariable(var_name, dtype_codes[k], ("time",)) # ------------------------------------ # Create attributes of the variable # ------------------------------------ ncts_unit.variables[var_name].long_name = long_names[k] ncts_unit.variables[var_name].units = units_names[k] # ---------------------------------- # Specify a "nodata" fill value ? # ---------------------------------- # var._Fill_Value = -9999.0 ## Used for pre-fill above ? self.ncts_unit = ncts_unit return OK
def open_new_file(self, file_name, info=None, var_name='X', long_name=None, units_name='None', dtype='float64', time_units='minutes', comment='', shape=(1, 1, 1), res=(1., 1., 1.), MAKE_RTI=True, MAKE_BOV=False): #---------------------------- # Does file already exist ? #---------------------------- file_name = file_utils.check_overwrite(file_name) self.file_name = file_name #--------------------------------------- # Check and store the grid information #--------------------------------------- self.format = 'nccs' self.file_name = file_name self.time_index = 0 self.var_name = var_name self.shape = shape self.res = res if (long_name is None): long_name = var_name self.long_name = long_name self.units_name = units_name self.dtype = dtype #----------------------------------- # Save the two-char data type code #----------------------------------- dtype_map = self.get_dtype_map() dtype_code = dtype_map[dtype.lower()] self.dtype_code = dtype_code #------------------------------------- # Open a new netCDF file for writing #------------------------------------- try: ## format = 'NETCDF4' format = 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC' nccs_unit = nc.Dataset(file_name, mode='w', format=format) OK = True except: OK = False return OK #------------------------------------------------------------ # Option to pre-fill with fill values # Set fill_value for a var with "var._Fill_Value = number" # For Nio was: opt.PreFill = False # (for efficiency) #------------------------------------------------------------ ncgs_unit.set_fill_off() # ncgs_unit.set_fill_on() #------------------------------------- # Prepare and save a history string #------------------------------------- # Sample output from time.asctime(): # "Thu Oct 8 17:10:18 2009" #------------------------------------- history = "Created using netCDF4 " + nc.__version__ + " on " history = history + time.asctime() + ". " history = history + comment nccs_unit.history = history # print 'MADE IT PAST history BLOCK' #---------------------------------------------- # Create grid dimensions nx and ny, plus time #---------------------------------------------- # Without using "int()" here, we get this: # TypeError: size must be None or integer #---------------------------------------------- nccs_unit.createDimension('nz', self.shape[0]) nccs_unit.createDimension('ny', self.shape[1]) nccs_unit.createDimension('nx', self.shape[2]) nccs_unit.createDimension('time', None) # (unlimited dimension) # print 'MADE IT PAST create_dimension CALLS.' #------------------------- # Create a time variable #------------------------------------------ #('d' = float64; must match in add_cube() #------------------------------------------ tvar = nccs_unit.createVariable('time', 'f8', ('time', )) nccs_unit.variables['time'].units = time_units #-------------------------------- # Create a variable in the file #---------------------------------- # Returns "var" as a PyNIO object #---------------------------------- var = nccs_unit.createVariable(var_name, dtype_code, ('time', 'nz', 'ny', 'nx')) #---------------------------------- # Specify a "nodata" fill value ? #---------------------------------- # var._Fill_Value = -9999.0 ## Used for pre-fill above ? #------------------------------------ # Create attributes of the variable #------------------------------------ nccs_unit.variables[var_name].long_name = long_name nccs_unit.variables[var_name].units = units_name #---------------------------------------------------- nccs_unit.variables[var_name].dz = self.res[0] nccs_unit.variables[var_name].dy = self.res[1] nccs_unit.variables[var_name].dx = self.res[2] nccs_unit.variables[var_name].y_south_edge = 0. nccs_unit.variables[ var_name].y_north_edge = self.res[1] * self.shape[1] nccs_unit.variables[var_name].x_west_edge = 0. nccs_unit.variables[var_name].x_east_edge = self.res[2] * self.shape[2] nccs_unit.variables[var_name].z_bottom_edge = 0. nccs_unit.variables[var_name].z_top_edge = self.res[0] * self.shape[0] #-------------------------------------------- # This is how it is done in #------------------------------------------- # ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].dx = # ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].dy = ### (12/2/09) # ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].y_south_edge = # ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].y_north_edge = # ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].x_west_edge = # ncgs_unit.variables[var_name].x_east_edge = self.nccs_unit = nccs_unit return OK
def open_new_file(self, file_name, z_values=np.arange(10), z_units='m', var_names=['X'], long_names=[None], units_names=['None'], dtypes=['float64'], time_units='minutes', comment=''): #---------------------------------------------------- # Notes: It might be okay to have "nz" be an # unlimited dimension, like "time". This # would mean replacing "int(profile_length)" # with "None". #---------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------- # Does file already exist ? #---------------------------- file_name = file_utils.check_overwrite(file_name) self.file_name = file_name #--------------------------------------- # Check and store the time series info #--------------------------------------- self.format = 'ncps' self.file_name = file_name self.time_index = 0 if (long_names[0] == None): long_names = var_names #------------------------------------------- self.z_values = z_values self.z_units = z_units nz = np.size(z_values) #------------------------------------------- # We may not need to save these in self. # I don't think they're used anywhere yet. #------------------------------------------- self.var_names = var_names self.long_names = long_names self.units_names = units_names self.dtypes = dtypes #--------------------------------------------- # Create array of Nio type codes from dtypes #--------------------------------------------- dtype_map = self.get_dtype_map() dtype_codes = [] if (len(dtypes) == len(var_names)): for dtype in dtypes: dtype_code = dtype_map[dtype.lower()] dtype_codes.append(dtype_code) else: dtype = dtypes[0] dtype_code = dtype_map[dtype.lower()] for k in xrange(len(var_names)): dtype_codes.append(dtype_code) self.dtype_codes = dtype_codes #------------------------------------- # Open a new netCDF file for writing #------------------------------------- try: ## format = 'NETCDF4' format = 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC' ncps_unit = nc.Dataset(file_name, mode='w', format=format) OK = True except: OK = False return OK #------------------------------------------------------------ # Option to pre-fill with fill values # Set fill_value for a var with "var._Fill_Value = number" # For Nio was: opt.PreFill = False # (for efficiency) #------------------------------------------------------------ ncgs_unit.set_fill_off() # ncgs_unit.set_fill_on() #------------------------------------- # Prepare and save a history string #------------------------------------- # Sample output from time.asctime(): # "Thu Oct 8 17:10:18 2009" #------------------------------------- history = "Created using netCDF4 " + nc.__version__ + " on " history = history + time.asctime() + ". " history = history + comment ncps_unit.history = history # print 'MADE IT PAST history BLOCK' #------------------------------------------------ # Create an unlimited time dimension (via None) #------------------------------------------------ # Without using "int()" here, we get this: # TypeError: size must be None or integer #------------------------------------------------ ncps_unit.createDimension('nz', int(nz)) ncps_unit.createDimension('time', None) #------------------------- # Create a time variable #--------------------------------------------------- #('f' = float32; must match in add_values_at_IDs() #--------------------------------------------------- # NB! Can't use "time" vs. "tvar" here unless we # add "import time" inside this function. #--------------------------------------------------- tvar = ncps_unit.createVariable('time', 'f8', ('time', )) ncps_unit.variables['time'].units = time_units #-------------------------------------- # Create a distance/depth variable, z #-------------------------------------- zvar = ncps_unit.createVariable('z', 'd', ('z', )) zvar[:] = z_values # (store the z-values) ncps_unit.variables['z'].units = z_units #----------------------------------- # Create variables using var_names #----------------------------------- # Returns "var" as a PyNIO object #--------------------------------------------------- # NB! The 3rd argument here (dimension), must be a # tuple. If there is only one dimension, then # we need to add a comma, as shown. #--------------------------------------------------- for k in xrange(len(var_names)): var_name = var_names[k] var = ncps_unit.create_variable(var_name, dtype_codes[k], ("time", "nz")) #------------------------------------ # Create attributes of the variable #------------------------------------ ncps_unit.variables[var_name].long_name = long_names[k] ncps_unit.variables[var_name].units = units_names[k] #---------------------------------- # Specify a "nodata" fill value ? #---------------------------------- # var._Fill_Value = -9999.0 ## Used for pre-fill above ? self.ncps_unit = ncps_unit return OK
def open_new_file(self, file_name, var_names=['X'], long_names=[None], units_names=['None'], dtypes=['float32'], ### dtypes=['float64'], time_units='minutes', comment=''): #---------------------------- # Does file already exist ? #---------------------------- file_name = file_utils.check_overwrite( file_name ) #--------------------------------------- # Check and store the time series info #--------------------------------------- self.format = 'ncts' self.file_name = file_name self.time_index = 0 if (long_names[0] is None): long_names = var_names #------------------------------------------- # We may not need to save these in self. # I don't think they're used anywhere yet. #------------------------------------------- self.var_names = var_names self.long_names = long_names self.units_names = units_names self.time_units = time_units self.dtypes = dtypes #--------------------------------------------- # Create array of dtype codes from dtypes # for multiple time series (i.e. columns). #--------------------------------------------- dtype_map = self.get_dtype_map() dtype_codes = [] if (len(dtypes) == len(var_names)): for dtype in dtypes: dtype_code = dtype_map[ dtype.lower() ] dtype_codes.append( dtype_code ) else: dtype = dtypes[0] dtype_code = dtype_map[ dtype.lower() ] for k in xrange(len(var_names)): dtype_codes.append( dtype_code ) self.dtype_codes = dtype_codes #------------------------------------- # Open a new netCDF file for writing #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Format options are: NETCDF3_CLASSIC, NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET, # NETCDF3_64BIT_DATA, NETCDF4_CLASSIC, and NETCDF4 #----------------------------------------------------------------- # NETCDF3_CLASSIC results in MUCH SMALLER filesizes than using # NETCDF4_CLASSIC or NETCDF4. # NETCDF3_CLASSIC,, 5200 bytes # NETCDF4_CLASSIC,, 4217537 Bytes # The 2nd one is 811 TIMES BIGGER, even after setting chunksize. #----------------------------------------------------------------- # For more info see: #----------------------------------------------------------------- # The "nccopy" utility can convert between these formats. #----------------------------------------------------------------- try: format = 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC' ### format = 'NETCDF4' ### format = 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC' # (before 2/19/17) ncts_unit = nc.Dataset(file_name, mode='w', format=format) OK = True except: OK = False return OK #------------------------------------------------------------ # Option to pre-fill with fill values # Set fill_value for a var with "var._Fill_Value = number" # For Nio was: opt.PreFill = False # (for efficiency) #------------------------------------------------------------ ncts_unit.set_fill_off() # ncts_unit.set_fill_on() #------------------------------------- # Prepare and save a history string #------------------------------------- # Sample output from time.asctime(): # "Thu Oct 8 17:10:18 2009" #------------------------------------- history = "Created using netCDF4 " + nc.__version__ + " on " history = history + time.asctime() + ". " history = history + comment ncts_unit.history = history #------------------------------------------------ # Create an unlimited time dimension (via None) #------------------------------------------------ # Without using "int()" for length, we get this: # TypeError: size must be None or integer #------------------------------------------------ ncts_unit.createDimension("time", None) #------------------------- # Create a time variable #--------------------------------------------------- #('f' = float32; must match in add_values_at_IDs() #--------------------------------------------------- # NB! Can't use "time" vs. "tvar" here unless we # add "import time" inside this function. #--------------------------------------------------- tvar = ncts_unit.createVariable('time', 'f8', ("time",)) ncts_unit.variables['time'].units = time_units #----------------------------------- # Create variables using var_names #----------------------------------- # Returns "var" as a PyNIO object #---------------------------------------------------------- # NB! The 3rd argument here (dimension), must be a tuple. # If there is only one dimension, then we need to add a # comma, as shown. #----------------------------------------------------------- # (2/19/17) For "0D" netCDF files created by TF, the files # are much too large with the default chunksize. By using # chunksizes=[1], filesize for Treynor is reduced by a # factor of 6.9 (4.25 MB vs. 29.38 MB). #----------------------------------------------------------- # But even this is 287.9 times bigger than the TXT file! #----------------------------------------------------------- # Default chunksize in NetCDF = 4MB. #----------------------------------------------------------- n_vars = len( var_names ) for k in xrange( n_vars ): var_name = var_names[k] ## var = ncts_unit.createVariable(var_name, dtype_codes[k], ("time",)) ## var = ncts_unit.createVariable(var_name, dtype_codes[k], ("time",), chunksizes=[512]) ## var = ncts_unit.createVariable(var_name, dtype_codes[k], ("time",), chunksizes=[1]) ## var = ncts_unit.createVariable(var_name, dtype_codes[k], ("time",), chunksizes=[4000]) var = ncts_unit.createVariable(var_name, dtype_codes[k], ("time",), chunksizes=[n_vars]) #------------------------------------ # Create attributes of the variable #------------------------------------ ncts_unit.variables[var_name].long_name = long_names[k] ncts_unit.variables[var_name].units = units_names[k] #---------------------------------- # Specify a "nodata" fill value ? #---------------------------------- # var._Fill_Value = -9999.0 ## Used for pre-fill above ? self.ncts_unit = ncts_unit return OK