def extract_parameters(args): """Extracts the parameters to outfile""" import model import diffev import filehandling as io # Open the genx file mod = model.Model() config = io.Config() config.load_default( os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0] + 'genx.conf') opt = diffev.DiffEv() print "Loading file: %s " % args.infile io.load_file(args.infile, mod, opt, config) print "File loaded" names, values = mod.parameters.get_sim_pars() if args.outfile == '': outfile = sys.stdout fout = open(outfile, 'w') else: outfile = args.outfile if os.path.isfile(outfile): fout = open(outfile, 'a') else: fout = open(outfile, 'w') # Add header fout.write('\t'.join([name for name in names]) + '\n') fout.write('\t'.join(['%f' % val for val in values]) + '\n') fout.close()
def create_simulated_data(args): """Function to create simulated data from the model and add it to data.y""" import model import diffev import filehandling as io from scipy.stats import poisson mod = model.Model() config = io.Config() config.load_default( os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0] + 'genx.conf') opt = diffev.DiffEv() print "Loading file: %s " % args.infile io.load_file(args.infile, mod, opt, config) #io.load_opt_config(opt, config) print "File loaded" print "Simualting.." mod.simulate() print "Storing simualted data" for data_set in data_set.y_raw = poisson.rvs(data_set.y_sim) data_set.y_command = 'y' data_set.run_y_command() data_set.error_command = 'sqrt(where(y > 0, y, 1.0))' data_set.run_error_command() print 'Saving the model to %s' % args.outfile io.save_file(args.outfile, mod, opt, config)
def open_model(frame, path): #print "open_model" frame.model.new_model() frame.paramter_grid.PrepareNewModel() # Update all components so all the traces are gone. #_post_new_model_event(frame, frame.model) try: io.load_file(path, frame.model, frame.solver_control.optimizer, frame.config) except modellib.IOError, e: ShowModelErrorDialog(frame, e.__str__())
def modify_file(args): """Modify a GenX file given command line arguments""" import model import diffev import filehandling as io # Open the genx file mod = model.Model() config = io.Config() config.load_default( os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0] + 'genx.conf') opt = diffev.DiffEv() print "Loading file: %s " % args.infile io.load_file(args.infile, mod, opt, config) print "File loaded" if args.datafile: datafile = os.path.abspath(args.datafile) if 0 > args.data_set or args.data_set >= len( print "The selected data set does not exist - select one between 0 and %d" % ( len( - 1) return print 'Loading dataset %s into data set %d' % (datafile, args.data_set)[args.data_set].loadfile(datafile) if args.outfile: print 'Saving the fit to %s' % args.outfile io.save_file(args.outfile, mod, opt, config) elif args.save_datafile: save_datafile = os.path.abspath(args.save_datafile) print "Simualting.." mod.simulate() if 0 > args.data_set or args.data_set >= len( print "The selected data set does not exist - select one between 0 and %d" % ( len( - 1) return print 'Exporting data set %d into ASCII file %s' % (args.data_set, save_datafile)[args.data_set].save_file(save_datafile)
def start_interactive(args): ''' Start genx in interactive mode (with the gui) :param args: :return: ''' try: import genx_gui except ImportError: import genx genx_path = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(genx.__file__))[0] sys.path.insert(0, genx_path) import genx_gui if args.infile.endswith('.gx') or args.infile.endswith('.hgx'): app = genx_gui.MyApp(False, 0) # Create the window app.Yield() frame = app.TopWindow # load a model on start import filehandling as io import StringIO, traceback from event_handlers import ShowModelErrorDialog, ShowErrorDialog, get_pages, \ _post_new_model_event, set_title import model as modellib path = os.path.abspath(args.infile) try: io.load_file(path, frame.model, frame.solver_control.optimizer, frame.config) except modellib.IOError, e: ShowModelErrorDialog(frame, e.__str__()) except Exception, e: outp = StringIO.StringIO() traceback.print_exc(200, outp) val = outp.getvalue() outp.close() ShowErrorDialog(frame, 'Could not open the file. Python Error:'\ '\n%s'%(val,))
def sld_mc(args): """ Function to start fitting from the command line. :param args: :return: """ import model import diffev import filehandling as io mod = model.Model() config = io.Config() config.load_default( os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0] + 'genx.conf') opt = diffev.DiffEv() print 'Loading model %s...' % args.infile io.load_file(args.infile, mod, opt, config) io.load_opt_config(opt, config) # Hack the script so that it simulates the SLD instead of the data mod.script = re.sub(r"SimSpecular\((.*)\,(.*)\)", r"SimSLD(data[0].x, None,\2)", mod.script) print "Hacking the model script. Resulting script:" print mod.script # Simulate, this will also compile the model script print 'Compiling model...' mod.compile_script() (funcs, vals, minvals, maxvals) = mod.get_fit_pars() vals = np.array(vals) boundaries = [ row[5] for row in if not row[0] == '' and row[2] ] print boundaries boundaries = np.array([eval(s) for s in boundaries]) minvals, maxvals = boundaries[:, 0] + vals, boundaries[:, 1] + vals min_SLD = [] max_SLD = [] z = np.arange(args.min, args.max, args.step) # Change the x-data so that it contain the z values instead. for d in d.x = z def extreme_dict(cur, extreme, func): """Makes a comparison of cur and extreme through func (np.min or np.max) and returns the result as a dict""" return_dic = {} for key in extreme: if key not in ['z', 'SLD unit']: #print cur[key].shape return_dic[key] = func(np.c_[cur[key], extreme[key]], axis=1) else: return_dic[key] = cur[key] return return_dic print "Calculating sld's..." missed = 0 for i in range(args.runs): current_vals = minvals + (maxvals - minvals) * np.random.random_sample( len(funcs)) [func(val) for func, val in zip(funcs, current_vals)] mod.script_module._sim = False current_sld = mod.script_module.Sim( same_shape = all([ sld['z'].shape == msld['z'].shape for sld, msld in zip(current_sld, min_SLD) ]) if i == 0: min_SLD = [sld for sld in current_sld] max_SLD = [sld for sld in current_sld] elif same_shape: min_SLD = [ extreme_dict(sld, msld, np.min) for sld, msld in zip(current_sld, min_SLD) ] max_SLD = [ extreme_dict(sld, msld, np.max) for sld, msld in zip(current_sld, max_SLD) ] else: missed += 1 sys.stdout.write("\r Progress: %d%%" % (float(i) * 100 / float(args.runs))) sys.stdout.flush() print ' ' print missed, " simulations was discarded due to wrong size." print "Saving the data to file..." for sim in range(len(min_SLD)): new_filename = (args.outfile + '%03d' % sim + '.dat') save_array = np.array([min_SLD[sim]['z']]) header = 'z\t' for key in min_SLD[sim]: if key != 'z' and key != 'SLD unit': save_array = np.r_[save_array, [min_SLD[sim][key].real], [min_SLD[sim][key].imag], [max_SLD[sim][key].real], [max_SLD[sim][key].imag]] header += 'min(%s.real)\tmin(%s.imag)\tmax(%s.real)\tmax(%s.imag)\t' % ( key, key, key, key) f = open(new_filename, 'w') f.write( "# Monte Carlo estimation of SLD bounds with script model taken from file: %s\n" % args.infile) f.write("# File created: %s\n" % time.ctime()) f.write("# Simulated SLD for data set: %s\n" %[sim].name) f.write("# Headers: \n") f.write('#' + header + '\n') np.savetxt(f, save_array.transpose(), delimiter='\t') f.close()
def start_fitting(args, rank=0): """ Function to start fitting from the command line. :param args: :return: """ import time import model import diffev import filehandling as io mod = model.Model() config = io.Config() config.load_default( os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0] + 'genx.conf') opt = diffev.DiffEv() if rank == 0: def autosave(): #print 'Updating the parameters' mod.parameters.set_value_pars(opt.best_vec) if args.error: print "Calculating error bars" calc_errorbars(config, mod, opt) if args.outfile: print "Saving to %s" % args.outfile io.save_file(args.outfile, mod, opt, config) opt.set_autosave_func(autosave) if rank == 0: print 'Loading model %s...' % args.infile io.load_file(args.infile, mod, opt, config) io.load_opt_config(opt, config) # has to be used in order to save everything.... if args.esave: config.set('solver', 'save all evals', True) # Simulate, this will also compile the model script if rank == 0: print 'Simulating model...' mod.simulate() # Sets up the fitting ... if rank == 0: print 'Setting up the optimizer...' set_optimiser_pars(opt, args) opt.reset() opt.init_fitting(mod) opt.init_fom_eval() opt.set_sleep_time(0.0) if args.outfile and rank == 0: print 'Saving the initial model to %s' % args.outfile io.save_file(args.outfile, mod, opt, config) # To start the fitting if rank == 0: print 'Fitting starting...' t1 = time.time() #print opt.use_mpi, opt.use_parallel_processing opt.optimize() if rank == 0: t2 = time.time() print 'Fitting finished!' print 'Time to fit: ', (t2 - t1) / 60., ' min' if rank == 0: print 'Updating the parameters' mod.parameters.set_value_pars(opt.best_vec) if args.outfile and rank == 0: if args.error: print 'Calculating errorbars' calc_errorbars(config, mod, opt) print 'Saving the fit to %s' % args.outfile opt.set_use_mpi(False) io.save_file(args.outfile, mod, opt, config) if rank == 0: print 'Fitting successfully completed'
lab.pack(side=LEFT) ent.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=YES, fill=X) entries[field] = ent return entries if __name__ == '__main__': root = Tk() ents = makeform(root, fields) root.bind('<Return>', (lambda event, e=ents: fetch(e))) b1 = Button(root, text='Convert IPA Equ', command=(lambda e=ents: IPAEquivalent(e))) b1.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) b2 = Button(root, text='fileinputoutput', command=(lambda e=ents: load_file(e))) b2.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) b4 = Button(root, text='Syllable@Underlying Word', command=(lambda e=ents: Syllabify(e))) b4.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) b5 = Button(root, text='Label@Underlying Word', command=(lambda e=ents: Labeling(e))) b5.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) b7 = Button(root, text='Phoneme Level', command=(lambda e=ents: Phoneme(e))) b7.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) b3 = Button(root, text='Quit', command=root.quit) b3.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5)