def main():
    overall_start = time.time()
    exec_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')

    # Load model paths
    caffe_path = path_params.caffe_path
    pycaffe_path = path_params.pycaffe_path
    finetune_path = path_params.finetune_path
    placesCNN_path = path_params.placesCNN_path
    googlenet_path = path_params.googlenet_path
    yolo_path = path_params.yolo_path

    # Load required file paths
    fpickle = path_params.fpickle
    features_file = path_params.features_file

    # Start video processing
    clip_path = sys.argv[1]  ## ../../dir/video.mp4
    rel_clip_path = clip_path.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/'  ## ../../dir/
    clip_name = clip_path.rsplit('/', 1)[1]  ## video.mp4
    clip = clip_name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]  ## video
    output_filename = clip  ## video
    clip_dir = rel_clip_path + clip + '/'  ## ../../dir/video/

    if not os.path.exists(clip_dir):
    shutil.copy(clip_path, clip_dir)
    new_clip_path = clip_dir + clip_name  ## ../../dir/video/video.mp4

    keyframe_times = keyframes.keyframes(clip_dir, new_clip_path)
    keyframes_list = fileops.get_keyframeslist(clip_dir, new_clip_path)
     py_times] = shotdetect.shotdetect(clip_dir, new_clip_path)
    py_images = fileops.get_pyframeslist(clip_dir, clip_name)

     all_timestamps] = fileops.rename_frames(clip_dir, keyframe_times,
                                             keyframes_list, py_times,
    if features_file == 'cropped_places_fc7.csv':
        image_files = cropframes.cropframes(clip_dir, all_images,
        for image in all_images:
        image_files = all_images
    os.remove(clip_dir + clip_name)
    print "Video preprocessing done...\n"

    [person_count, obj_loc_set] = yolo.yolo(pycaffe_path, yolo_path,
    print "Retrieved yolo labels...\n"

    ## Run a model and get labels for keyframe
    [fc7, scene_type_list, places_labels,
     scene_attributes_list] = placesCNN.placesCNN(pycaffe_path, placesCNN_path,
    fileops.save_features(clip_dir + features_file, fc7)
    print "Extracted fc7 features...\n"

    with open(fpickle, 'r') as pickle_file:
        myclassifier = cPickle.load(pickle_file)
    test_data = dataset.testset(clip_dir, features_file)
    classifier_label_list = classifier.classifier_predict(
        myclassifier, test_data)
    print "(SVM) Classified frames...\n"
    os.remove(clip_dir + features_file)

     finetune_labels] = finetune.mynet(pycaffe_path, finetune_path,
    print "(Finetuned net) Classified frames...\n"

     googlenet_labels] = googlenet.googlenet(pycaffe_path, googlenet_path,
    print "Retrieved imagenet labels...\n"

        exec_time, rel_clip_path + output_filename, output_filename,
        all_timestamps, image_files, shot_boundaries, classifier_label_list,
        finetune_output, finetune_labels, googlenet_cat, googlenet_labels,
        scene_type_list, places_labels, scene_attributes_list, person_count,
    print "Processing complete!\n"

    sht_to_json.sht_to_json(rel_clip_path + output_filename + '.sht')
    print "JSON lines ready!\n"

    overall_end = time.time()
    print "Total time taken: %.2f" % (overall_end - overall_start)
def main():
    overall_start = time.time()

    # Load model paths
    caffe_path = path_params.caffe_path
    pycaffe_path = path_params.pycaffe_path
    finetune_path = path_params.finetune_path
    placesCNN_path = path_params.placesCNN_path
    googlenet_path = path_params.googlenet_path
    yolo_path = path_params.yolo_path

    # Load required file paths
    fpickle = path_params.fpickle
    features_file = path_params.features_file

    if sys.argv[1] == "snaps":

        # clip_dir = sys.argv[2]

        # source = sorted(os.listdir(clip_dir))
        # keyframes_list = []

        # for file in source:
        # 	if file.endswith(".jpg"):
        # 		image = clip_dir + os.path.basename(file)
        # 		print file
        # 		keyframes_list.append(image)

        # keyframes_list.sort(key = fileops.natural_sorting)

        # new_clip_path = clip_dir + 'temp.mp4'

        # if features_file == 'cropped_places_fc7.csv':
        # 	image_files = cropframes.cropframes(clip_dir, keyframes_list, new_clip_path)

        clip_path = sys.argv[2]  ## ../../dir/video.mp4
        rel_clip_path = clip_path.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/'  ## ../../dir/
        clip_name = clip_path.rsplit('/', 1)[1]  ## video.mp4
        clip = clip_name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]  ## video
        output_filename = clip  ## video
        clip_dir = rel_clip_path + clip + '/'  ## ../../dir/video/

        if not os.path.exists(clip_dir):
        shutil.copy(clip_path, clip_dir)
        new_clip_path = clip_dir + clip_name  ## ../../dir/video/video.mp4

        keyframe_times = keyframes.keyframes(clip_dir, new_clip_path)
        keyframes_list = fileops.get_keyframeslist(clip_dir, new_clip_path)
        if features_file == 'cropped_places_fc7.csv':
            image_files = cropframes.cropframes(clip_dir, keyframes_list,
        print "Video preprocessing done...\n"

        [person_count, obj_loc_set] = yolo.yolo(pycaffe_path, yolo_path,
        print "Retrieved yolo labels...\n"

        # shutil.rmtree(clip_dir)
        print "Processing complete!\n"
        # ## Run a model and get labels for keyframe
        # [fc7, scene_type_list, places_labels, scene_attributes_list] = placesCNN.placesCNN(pycaffe_path, placesCNN_path, image_files)
        # fileops.save_features(clip_dir + features_file, fc7)
        # print "Extracted fc7 features...\n"

        # with open(fpickle, 'r') as pickle_file:
        # 	myclassifier = cPickle.load(pickle_file)
        # test_data = dataset.testset(clip_dir, features_file)
        # classifier_label_list = classifier.classifier_predict(myclassifier, test_data)
        # print "(SVM) Classified frames...\n"

        # [finetune_output, finetune_labels] = finetune.mynet(pycaffe_path, finetune_path, image_files)
        # print "(Finetuned net) Classified frames...\n"

        # [googlenet_cat, googlenet_labels] = googlenet.googlenet(pycaffe_path, googlenet_path, image_files)
        # print "Retrieved imagenet labels...\n"

        with open('test/out.txt', 'w') as file:
            for idx, p_count in enumerate(person_count):
                file.write(str(idx + 1))
                # file.write('| FINETUNED_SHOT_CLASS | ' + finetune_output[idx] + '| ' + finetune_labels[idx] + '\n')
                # file.write('| SVM_SHOT_CLASS | ' + classifier_label_list[idx] +'\n')
                # file.write('| OBJ_CLASS | ' + googlenet_cat[idx] + '| ' + googlenet_label + '\n')
                # file.write('| SCENE_LOCATION | ' + scene_type_list[idx] + '| ' + places_labels[idx] + '\n')
                # file.write('| SCENE_ATTRIBUTES | ' + scene_attributes_list[idx] + '\n')
                file.write('| PERSONS COUNT = ' + p_count + ' | ' +
                           obj_loc_set[idx] + '\n')


        clip_path = sys.argv[1]  ## ../../dir/video.mp4
        rel_clip_path = clip_path.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/'  ## ../../dir/
        clip_name = clip_path.rsplit('/', 1)[1]  ## video.mp4
        clip = clip_name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]  ## video
        output_filename = clip  ## video
        clip_dir = rel_clip_path + clip + '/'  ## ../../dir/video/

        if not os.path.exists(clip_dir):
        shutil.copy(clip_path, clip_dir)
        new_clip_path = clip_dir + clip_name  ## ../../dir/video/video.mp4

        keyframe_times = keyframes.keyframes(clip_dir, new_clip_path)
        keyframes_list = fileops.get_keyframeslist(clip_dir, new_clip_path)
         py_times] = shotdetect.shotdetect(clip_dir, new_clip_path)
        py_images = fileops.get_pyframeslist(clip_dir, clip_name)

         all_timestamps] = fileops.rename_frames(clip_dir, keyframe_times,
                                                 keyframes_list, py_times,
        if features_file == 'cropped_places_fc7.csv':
            image_files = cropframes.cropframes(clip_dir, all_images,
            for image in all_images:
            image_files = all_images
        os.remove(clip_dir + clip_name)
        print "Video preprocessing done...\n"

        [person_count, obj_loc_set] = yolo.yolo(pycaffe_path, yolo_path,
        print "Retrieved yolo labels...\n"

        ## Run a model and get labels for keyframe
        [fc7, scene_type_list, places_labels, scene_attributes_list
         ] = placesCNN.placesCNN(pycaffe_path, placesCNN_path, image_files)
        fileops.save_features(clip_dir + features_file, fc7)
        print "Extracted fc7 features...\n"

        with open(fpickle, 'r') as pickle_file:
            myclassifier = cPickle.load(pickle_file)
        test_data = dataset.testset(clip_dir, features_file)
        classifier_label_list = classifier.classifier_predict(
            myclassifier, test_data)
        print "(SVM) Classified frames...\n"
        os.remove(clip_dir + features_file)

         finetune_labels] = finetune.mynet(pycaffe_path, finetune_path,
        print "(Finetuned net) Classified frames...\n"

         googlenet_labels] = googlenet.googlenet(pycaffe_path, googlenet_path,
        print "Retrieved imagenet labels...\n"

            rel_clip_path + output_filename, output_filename, all_timestamps,
            image_files, shot_boundaries, classifier_label_list,
            finetune_output, finetune_labels, googlenet_cat, googlenet_labels,
            scene_type_list, places_labels, scene_attributes_list,
            person_count, obj_loc_set)
        print "Processing complete!\n"

    overall_end = time.time()
    print "Total time taken: %.2f" % (overall_end - overall_start)
def main():
	overall_start = time.time()
	exec_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')

	# Load model paths
	caffe_path = path_params.caffe_path
	pycaffe_path = path_params.pycaffe_path
	finetune_path = path_params.finetune_path
	placesCNN_path = path_params.placesCNN_path
	googlenet_path = path_params.googlenet_path
	yolo_path = path_params.yolo_path

	# Load required file paths
	fpickle = path_params.fpickle
	features_file = path_params.features_file

	# Start video processing
	clip_path = sys.argv[1]								## ../../dir/video.mp4
	rel_clip_path = clip_path.rsplit('/',1)[0] + '/'	## ../../dir/
	clip_name = clip_path.rsplit('/',1)[1]				## video.mp4
	clip = clip_name.rsplit('.',1)[0]					## video
	output_filename = clip 								## video
	clip_dir = rel_clip_path + clip + '/'				## ../../dir/video/

	if not os.path.exists(clip_dir):
	shutil.copy(clip_path, clip_dir)
	new_clip_path = clip_dir + clip_name				## ../../dir/video/video.mp4

	keyframe_times = keyframes.keyframes(clip_dir, new_clip_path)
	keyframes_list = fileops.get_keyframeslist(clip_dir, new_clip_path)
	[shot_boundaries, py_times] = shotdetect.shotdetect(clip_dir, new_clip_path)
	py_images = fileops.get_pyframeslist(clip_dir, clip_name)
	[all_images, all_timestamps] = fileops.rename_frames(clip_dir, keyframe_times, keyframes_list, py_times, py_images)
	if features_file == 'cropped_places_fc7.csv':
		image_files = cropframes.cropframes(clip_dir, all_images, new_clip_path)
		for image in all_images:
		image_files = all_images
	os.remove(clip_dir + clip_name)
	print "Video preprocessing done...\n"
	[person_count, obj_loc_set] = yolo.yolo(pycaffe_path, yolo_path, image_files)
	print "Retrieved yolo labels...\n"

	## Run a model and get labels for keyframe
	[fc7, scene_type_list, places_labels, scene_attributes_list] = placesCNN.placesCNN(pycaffe_path, placesCNN_path, image_files)
	fileops.save_features(clip_dir + features_file, fc7)
	print "Extracted fc7 features...\n"

	with open(fpickle, 'r') as pickle_file:
		myclassifier = cPickle.load(pickle_file)
	test_data = dataset.testset(clip_dir, features_file)
	classifier_label_list = classifier.classifier_predict(myclassifier, test_data)
	print "(SVM) Classified frames...\n"
	os.remove(clip_dir + features_file)

	[finetune_output, finetune_labels] = finetune.mynet(pycaffe_path, finetune_path, image_files)
	print "(Finetuned net) Classified frames...\n"

	[googlenet_cat, googlenet_labels] = googlenet.googlenet(pycaffe_path, googlenet_path, image_files)
	print "Retrieved imagenet labels...\n"

	format_output.output_labels(exec_time, rel_clip_path + output_filename, output_filename, all_timestamps, image_files, shot_boundaries, classifier_label_list,
	finetune_output, finetune_labels, googlenet_cat, googlenet_labels, scene_type_list, places_labels, scene_attributes_list, person_count, obj_loc_set)
	print "Processing complete!\n"
	sht_to_json.sht_to_json(rel_clip_path + output_filename + '.sht')
	print "JSON lines ready!\n"

	overall_end = time.time()	
	print "Total time taken: %.2f" %(overall_end-overall_start)
def main():

	if sys.argv[1] == 'labels':

		main_dir = './full-clips/test/'
		annotations_file = '_new_shot_type_testuser.txt'

		dir_list = sorted(os.listdir(main_dir))

		label_data = []
		for dir_name in dir_list:
			if os.path.isdir(main_dir + dir_name):
				if os.path.exists(main_dir + dir_name + '/' + dir_name + annotations_file):

					with open(main_dir + dir_name + '/' + dir_name + annotations_file) as labels_file:
						labels = labels_file.readlines()
					labels = [label.split('\t')[0] for label in labels]
					label_data += labels

		label_data = [label + '\n' for label in label_data]
		print len(label_data)

		with open('./labels_list.txt', 'w') as file:

	elif sys.argv[1] == 'commercials':				## py commercials /home/sxg755/dataset/train/all_frames/labels_list.txt ~/dataset/train/all_frames/sorted_keyframes_list.txt
													## ~/dataset/train/8class_train_keyframes/

		labels_f = sys.argv[2]						
		keyframes_f = sys.argv[3]
		main_dir = sys.argv[4]						## ~/dataset/train/8class_train_keyframes/

		# train_label_dir = '/home/sxg755/dataset/train/all_frames/labels_list.txt'
		# test_label_dir = '/home/sxg755/dataset/test/all_frames/labels_list.txt'
		# train_frames = '/home/sxg755/dataset/train/all_frames/cropped/'
		# test_frames = '/home/sxg755/dataset/test/all_frames/cropped/'

		# train_dir = '/home/sxg755/dataset/train/'
		# test_dir = '/home/sxg755/dataset/test/'
		label_dir = labels_f.rsplit('/',1)[0] + '/'
		frames_path = label_dir + 'cropped/'
		trainset_dir = label_dir.rsplit('/',2)[0] + '/'
		if not os.path.exists(main_dir):
		with open(labels_f, 'r') as lf:
			label_data = lf.readlines()
		label_data = [label.split('\n')[0] for label in label_data]
		with open(keyframes_f, 'r') as kf:
			all_frames = kf.readlines()
		all_frames = [keyframe.split('\n')[0] for keyframe in all_frames]
		keyframes_path = [frames_path + keyframe for keyframe in all_frames]

		final_list = []
		for idx, label in enumerate(label_data):
			if label not in ['Commercial','Problem/Unclassified', 'Black', 'Sports']:
				if label == 'Background_roll' or label == 'Background roll':	
					# label = 'Background_roll'
					final_list.append(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 0\n')
				elif label == 'Graphic':
					final_list.append(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 1\n')					
				elif label == 'Weather' or label == 'Weather/Graphic' or label == 'Weather/Person':
					label = 'Weather'				
					final_list.append(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 1\n')
				# elif label == 'Sports':
				# 	final_list.append(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 3\n')
				elif label == 'Studio':		
					# label = 'Newsperson(s)'
					final_list.append(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 2\n')
				elif label == 'Reporter':
					final_list.append(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 2\n')
				elif label == 'Hybrid' or label == 'Talking_head/Hybrid':
					label = 'Hybrid'
					final_list.append(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 2\n')
				elif label == 'Talking_head':
					final_list.append(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 0\n')

				shutil.copy(frames_path + all_frames[idx], main_dir)

		with open(main_dir + 'data.txt', 'w') as file:

		print len(final_list)


		clip_path = sys.argv[1] 								## ../../dir/video.mp4
		rel_clip_path = clip_path.rsplit('/',1)[0] + '/'		## ../../dir/
		clip_name = clip_path.rsplit('/',1)[1]					## video.mp4
		clip = clip_name.rsplit('.',1)[0]						## video
		output_filename = clip 									## video
		clip_dir = rel_clip_path								## ../../dir/

		temp = clip_dir + 'all_frames/'							## ../../dir/all_frames/
		if not os.path.exists(temp):

		keyframe_times = keyframes.keyframes(temp, clip_path)
		keyframes_list = fileops.get_keyframeslist(temp, clip_path)

		image_files = cropframes.cropframes(temp, keyframes_list, clip_path)
		image_files = [image_file.rsplit('/',1)[1] + '\n' for image_file in image_files]

		with open(temp + 'keyframes_list.txt', 'aw') as file:
def main():

	if sys.argv[1] == 'labels':

		main_dir = './full-clips/train/'
		annotations_file = '_new_shot_type_testuser.txt'

		dir_list = sorted(os.listdir(main_dir))

		label_data = []
		for dir_name in dir_list:
			if os.path.isdir(main_dir + dir_name):
				if os.path.exists(main_dir + dir_name + '/' + dir_name + annotations_file):
					with open(main_dir + dir_name + '/' + dir_name + annotations_file) as labels_file:
						labels = labels_file.readlines()
					labels = [label.split('\t')[0] for label in labels]
					label_data += labels
					print dir_name, len(labels)

		label_data = [label + '\n' for label in label_data]
		print len(label_data)

		with open('./train_labels_list.txt', 'w') as file:

	elif sys.argv[1] == 'commercials':				## py commercials /home/sxg755/dataset/train/all_frames/new_labels_list.txt /home/sxg755/dataset/train/all_frames/new_sorted_keyframes_list.txt
													## ~/dataset/train/8class_train_keyframes/

		labels_f = sys.argv[2]						
		keyframes_f = sys.argv[3]
		main_dir = sys.argv[4]						## /home/sxg755/dataset/train/new_5class_train_keyframes/

		# train_label_dir = '/home/sxg755/dataset/train/all_frames/labels_list.txt'
		# test_label_dir = '/home/sxg755/dataset/test/all_frames/labels_list.txt'
		# train_frames = '/home/sxg755/dataset/train/all_frames/cropped/'
		# test_frames = '/home/sxg755/dataset/test/all_frames/cropped/'

		# train_dir = '/home/sxg755/dataset/train/'
		# test_dir = '/home/sxg755/dataset/test/'
		label_dir = labels_f.rsplit('/',1)[0] + '/'
		frames_path = label_dir + 'cropped/'
		trainset_dir = label_dir.rsplit('/',2)[0] + '/'
		if not os.path.exists(main_dir):
		with open(labels_f, 'r') as lf:
			label_data = lf.readlines()
		label_data = [label.split('\n')[0] for label in label_data]
		with open(keyframes_f, 'r') as kf:
			all_frames = kf.readlines()
		all_frames = [keyframe.split('\n')[0] for keyframe in all_frames]
		keyframes_path = [frames_path + keyframe for keyframe in all_frames]

		with open(main_dir + 'data.txt', 'w') as file: pass

		final_list = []
		for idx, label in enumerate(label_data):
			if label not in ['Commercial','Problem/Unclassified', 'Black']:
				if label == 'Background_roll' or label == 'Background roll':	
					label = 'Background_roll'
					final_list.append(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 0\n')
					with open(main_dir + 'data.txt', 'aw') as file:
						file.write(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 0\n')
				elif label == 'Graphic':
					final_list.append(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 1\n')
					with open(main_dir + 'data.txt', 'aw') as file:
						file.write(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 1\n')				
				elif label == 'Weather' or label == 'Weather/Graphic' or label == 'Weather/Person':
					print 'Weather ', all_frames[idx]
					label = 'Weather'				
					final_list.append(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 2\n')
					with open(main_dir + 'data.txt', 'aw') as file:
						file.write(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 2\n')
				elif label == 'Sports':
					final_list.append(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 3\n')
					with open(main_dir + 'data.txt', 'aw') as file:
						file.write(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 3\n')
				elif label == 'Studio':
					print 'Studio ', all_frames[idx]		
					label = 'Newsperson(s)'
					final_list.append(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 4\n')
					with open(main_dir + 'data.txt', 'aw') as file:
						file.write(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 4\n')
				elif label == 'Reporter':
					label = 'Newsperson(s)'				
					final_list.append(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 4\n')
					with open(main_dir + 'data.txt', 'aw') as file:
						file.write(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 4\n')
				elif label == 'Hybrid' or label == 'Talking_head/Hybrid':
					label = 'Newsperson(s)'
					final_list.append(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 4\n')
					with open(main_dir + 'data.txt', 'aw') as file:
						file.write(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 4\n')
				elif label == 'Talking_head':
					final_list.append(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 0\n')
					with open(main_dir + 'data.txt', 'aw') as file:
						file.write(main_dir + all_frames[idx] + ' 0\n')

				shutil.copy(frames_path + all_frames[idx], main_dir)

		# with open(main_dir + 'data.txt', 'aw') as file:
		# 	file.writelines(final_list)
		print len(final_list)
	elif sys.argv[1] == 'count':

		# with open('/home/sxg755/dataset/train/all_frames/new_sorted_keyframes_list.txt', 'r') as f:
		with open('/home/sxg755/dataset/train/new_5class_train_keyframes/data.txt', 'r') as f:
			files = f.readlines()

		with open('/home/sxg755/dataset/train/new_5class_train_keyframes/data_new.txt','w') as new_f: pass

		# cur = ''
		# count = 0
		for file in files:
			path = file.split(' ')[0]
			name = path.rsplit('_',1)[0]
			name = name.rsplit('/',1)[1]
			if name not in ['2015-06-06_1400_US_MSNBC_Melissa_Harris-Perry','2015-09-09_1600_US_KNBC_Today_Show','2014-07-12_1200_US_CNN_New_Day_Saturday','2014-02-14_2330_US_CNN_Crossfire','2014-08-18_2300_US_FOX-News_On_the_Record_with_Greta_Van_Susteren','2015-01-01_2330_US_KCAL_Inside_Edition','2015-07-07_2300_US_KCAL_KCAL_9_News_at_4PM','2015-10-22_1700_US_HLN_The_Daily_Share','2014-08-18_2000_US_HLN_HLN_News_Now','2014-01-01_2200_US_HLN_HLN_Evening_Express','2015-09-14_2100_US_WEWS_Live_on_5','2014-05-19_2258_US_WKYC_Channel_3_News_at_7','2014-03-25_1753_US_BBC_BBC_Persian','2014-04-17_2330_DE_KCET_Deutsche_Welle_Journal','2016-09-24_1230_US_KCET_Asia_Insight','2014-05-03_1600_UK_KCET_BBC_Newsnight','2015-04-04_0330_QA_AlJazeera_Inside_Story','2014-08-18_2330_US_AlJazeera_Real_Money_with_Ali_Velshi','2015-09-09_2230_QA_AlJazeera_Fault_Lines','2014-10-28_1800_CH_TV5_Le_Journal_de_la_RTS','2015-04-15_2055_FR_France-3_Grand_Soir_3','2014-10-10_2200_FR_TV5_Le_Journal_de_France_2',
				with open('/home/sxg755/dataset/train/new_5class_train_keyframes/data_new.txt','aw') as new_f:

			# if name != cur:
			# 	print cur, count
			# 	cur = name
			# 	count = 1
			# else:
			# 	count += 1

		ntg = sys.argv[1]
		# clip_path = sys.argv[1] 								## ../../dir/video.mp4
		# rel_clip_path = clip_path.rsplit('/',1)[0] + '/'		## ../../dir/
		# clip_name = clip_path.rsplit('/',1)[1]					## video.mp4
		# clip = clip_name.rsplit('.',1)[0]						## video
		# output_filename = clip 									## video
		# clip_dir = rel_clip_path								## ../../dir/

		source = os.listdir('/home/sxg755/trainset/new/')
		temp = '/home/sxg755/dataset/train/new_all_frames/'		## ../../dir/all_frames/
		if not os.path.exists(temp):

		for file in source:
			if file.endswith('.mp4'):
				clip_path = '/home/sxg755/trainset/new/' + file
				keyframe_times = keyframes.keyframes(temp, clip_path)
				keyframes_list = fileops.get_keyframeslist(temp, clip_path)

				image_files = cropframes.cropframes(temp, keyframes_list, clip_path)
				image_files = [image_file.rsplit('/',1)[1] + '\n' for image_file in image_files]

				with open('/home/sxg755/dataset/train/all_frames/keyframes_list.txt', 'aw') as file:
def main():
	overall_start = time.time()

	# Load model paths
	caffe_path = path_params.caffe_path
	pycaffe_path = path_params.pycaffe_path
	finetune_path = path_params.finetune_path
	placesCNN_path = path_params.placesCNN_path
	googlenet_path = path_params.googlenet_path
	yolo_path = path_params.yolo_path

	# Load required file paths
	fpickle = path_params.fpickle
	features_file = path_params.features_file
	if sys.argv[1] == "snaps":

		# clip_dir = sys.argv[2]

		# source = sorted(os.listdir(clip_dir))
		# keyframes_list = []

		# for file in source:
		# 	if file.endswith(".jpg"):
		# 		image = clip_dir + os.path.basename(file)
		# 		print file
		# 		keyframes_list.append(image)

		# keyframes_list.sort(key = fileops.natural_sorting)

		# new_clip_path = clip_dir + 'temp.mp4'

		# if features_file == 'cropped_places_fc7.csv':
		# 	image_files = cropframes.cropframes(clip_dir, keyframes_list, new_clip_path)

		clip_path = sys.argv[2]								## ../../dir/video.mp4
		rel_clip_path = clip_path.rsplit('/',1)[0] + '/'	## ../../dir/
		clip_name = clip_path.rsplit('/',1)[1]				## video.mp4
		clip = clip_name.rsplit('.',1)[0]					## video
		output_filename = clip 								## video
		clip_dir = rel_clip_path + clip + '/'				## ../../dir/video/

		if not os.path.exists(clip_dir):
		shutil.copy(clip_path, clip_dir)
		new_clip_path = clip_dir + clip_name				## ../../dir/video/video.mp4

		keyframe_times = keyframes.keyframes(clip_dir, new_clip_path)
		keyframes_list = fileops.get_keyframeslist(clip_dir, new_clip_path)
		if features_file == 'cropped_places_fc7.csv':
			image_files = cropframes.cropframes(clip_dir, keyframes_list, new_clip_path)
		print "Video preprocessing done...\n"
		[person_count, obj_loc_set] = yolo.yolo(pycaffe_path, yolo_path, image_files)
		print "Retrieved yolo labels...\n"

		# shutil.rmtree(clip_dir)
		print "Processing complete!\n"
		# ## Run a model and get labels for keyframe
		# [fc7, scene_type_list, places_labels, scene_attributes_list] = placesCNN.placesCNN(pycaffe_path, placesCNN_path, image_files)
		# fileops.save_features(clip_dir + features_file, fc7)
		# print "Extracted fc7 features...\n"

		# with open(fpickle, 'r') as pickle_file:
		# 	myclassifier = cPickle.load(pickle_file)
		# test_data = dataset.testset(clip_dir, features_file)
		# classifier_label_list = classifier.classifier_predict(myclassifier, test_data)
		# print "(SVM) Classified frames...\n"

		# [finetune_output, finetune_labels] = finetune.mynet(pycaffe_path, finetune_path, image_files)
		# print "(Finetuned net) Classified frames...\n"

		# [googlenet_cat, googlenet_labels] = googlenet.googlenet(pycaffe_path, googlenet_path, image_files)
		# print "Retrieved imagenet labels...\n"

		with open('test/out.txt','w') as file:
			for idx, p_count in enumerate(person_count):
				# file.write('| FINETUNED_SHOT_CLASS | ' + finetune_output[idx] + '| ' + finetune_labels[idx] + '\n')
				# file.write('| SVM_SHOT_CLASS | ' + classifier_label_list[idx] +'\n')
				# file.write('| OBJ_CLASS | ' + googlenet_cat[idx] + '| ' + googlenet_label + '\n')
				# file.write('| SCENE_LOCATION | ' + scene_type_list[idx] + '| ' + places_labels[idx] + '\n')
				# file.write('| SCENE_ATTRIBUTES | ' + scene_attributes_list[idx] + '\n')
				file.write('| PERSONS COUNT = ' + p_count + ' | ' + obj_loc_set[idx] + '\n')


		clip_path = sys.argv[1]								## ../../dir/video.mp4
		rel_clip_path = clip_path.rsplit('/',1)[0] + '/'	## ../../dir/
		clip_name = clip_path.rsplit('/',1)[1]				## video.mp4
		clip = clip_name.rsplit('.',1)[0]					## video
		output_filename = clip 								## video
		clip_dir = rel_clip_path + clip + '/'				## ../../dir/video/

		if not os.path.exists(clip_dir):
		shutil.copy(clip_path, clip_dir)
		new_clip_path = clip_dir + clip_name				## ../../dir/video/video.mp4

		keyframe_times = keyframes.keyframes(clip_dir, new_clip_path)
		keyframes_list = fileops.get_keyframeslist(clip_dir, new_clip_path)
		[shot_boundaries, py_times] = shotdetect.shotdetect(clip_dir, new_clip_path)
		py_images = fileops.get_pyframeslist(clip_dir, clip_name)
		[all_images, all_timestamps] = fileops.rename_frames(clip_dir, keyframe_times, keyframes_list, py_times, py_images)
		if features_file == 'cropped_places_fc7.csv':
			image_files = cropframes.cropframes(clip_dir, all_images, new_clip_path)
			for image in all_images:
			image_files = all_images
		os.remove(clip_dir + clip_name)
		print "Video preprocessing done...\n"
		[person_count, obj_loc_set] = yolo.yolo(pycaffe_path, yolo_path, image_files)
		print "Retrieved yolo labels...\n"

		## Run a model and get labels for keyframe
		[fc7, scene_type_list, places_labels, scene_attributes_list] = placesCNN.placesCNN(pycaffe_path, placesCNN_path, image_files)
		fileops.save_features(clip_dir + features_file, fc7)
		print "Extracted fc7 features...\n"

		with open(fpickle, 'r') as pickle_file:
			myclassifier = cPickle.load(pickle_file)
		test_data = dataset.testset(clip_dir, features_file)
		classifier_label_list = classifier.classifier_predict(myclassifier, test_data)
		print "(SVM) Classified frames...\n"
		os.remove(clip_dir + features_file)

		[finetune_output, finetune_labels] = finetune.mynet(pycaffe_path, finetune_path, image_files)
		print "(Finetuned net) Classified frames...\n"

		[googlenet_cat, googlenet_labels] = googlenet.googlenet(pycaffe_path, googlenet_path, image_files)
		print "Retrieved imagenet labels...\n"

		format_output.output_labels(rel_clip_path + output_filename, output_filename, all_timestamps, image_files, shot_boundaries, classifier_label_list,
		finetune_output, finetune_labels, googlenet_cat, googlenet_labels, scene_type_list, places_labels, scene_attributes_list, person_count, obj_loc_set)
		print "Processing complete!\n"

	overall_end = time.time()	
	print "Total time taken: %.2f" %(overall_end-overall_start)
def main():

    overall_start = time.time()
    exec_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')

    # Load model paths
    caffe_path = path_params.caffe_path
    pycaffe_path = path_params.pycaffe_path
    placesCNN_path = path_params.placesCNN_path
    tv_adnet_path = path_params.tv_adnet_path
    features_file = 'dummy.csv'  #path_params.features_file

    # Start video processing
    clip_path = sys.argv[1]  ## ../../dir/video.mp4
    rel_clip_path = clip_path.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/'  ## ../../dir/
    clip_name = clip_path.rsplit('/', 1)[1]  ## video.mp4
    clip = clip_name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]  ## video
    output_filename = clip  ## video
    clip_dir = rel_clip_path + clip + '/'  ## ../../dir/video/

    # print rel_clip_path
    # print clip_name
    # print clip
    # print output_filename
    # print clip_dir

    if not os.path.exists(clip_dir):
    shutil.copy(clip_path, clip_dir)
    new_clip_path = clip_dir + clip_name  ## ../../dir/video/video.mp4

    keyframe_times = keyframes.keyframes(clip_dir, new_clip_path)
    keyframes_list = fileops.get_keyframeslist(clip_dir, new_clip_path)

     all_timestamps] = fileops.rename_frames(clip_dir, keyframe_times,
                                             keyframes_list, [], [])

    if features_file == 'cropped_places_fc7.csv':
        image_files = cropframes.cropframes(clip_dir, all_images,
        for image in all_images:
        image_files = all_images

    os.remove(clip_dir + clip_name)

    print "Video preprocessing done...\n"

    # print keyframe_times
    # print keyframes_list

    # ## Run a model and get labels for keyframe
    # print "Running FC7 feature extraction from PlacesCNN...\n"
    # [fc7, scene_type_list, places_labels, scene_attributes_list] = placesCNN.placesCNN(pycaffe_path, placesCNN_path, image_files)
    # fileops.save_features(clip_dir + features_file, fc7)
    # print "Extracted fc7 features...\n"

    ## Perform classification using the fine tuned ad model
    print "Running tv_adnet for category classification...\n"
     tv_adnet_labels] = tv_adnet.mynet(pycaffe_path, tv_adnet_path,
    print "(tv-adnet) Classified frames...\n"

    print "The top 5 [labels : probabilites] in order are:-"
    print tv_adnet_labels


    overall_end = time.time()
    print "Total time taken: %.2f" % (overall_end - overall_start)