def setFrameRange(self, frange): """ Set a new frame range for the sequence. Args: frange (str): a properly formatted frame range, as per :class:`.FrameSet` """ self._frameSet = FrameSet(frange)
def setFrameRange(self, frange): """ Set a new frame range for the sequence. :param frange: a properly formatted frame range, as per :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` :rtype: None """ self._frameSet = FrameSet(frange)
def __init__(self, sequence): """ Initialize the FileSequence. :param sequence: string (ie: dir/path.1-100#.ext) :return: None """ if not hasattr(self, '_frameSet'): self._frameSet = None try: # the main case, padding characters in the path.1-100#.exr path, frames, self._pad, self._ext = SPLIT_RE.split(sequence, 1) self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) except ValueError: # edge case 1; we've got an invalid pad for placeholder in PAD_MAP.keys(): if placeholder in sequence: msg = "Failed to parse FileSequence: {0}" raise ParseException(msg.format(sequence)) # edge case 2; we've got a single frame of a sequence a_frame = DISK_RE.match(sequence) if a_frame: self._dir, self._base, frames, self._ext = a_frame.groups() # edge case 3: we've got a single versioned file, not a sequence if frames and not self._base.endswith('.'): self._base = self._base + frames self._pad = '' elif not frames: self._pad = '' self._frameSet = None else: self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) if self._frameSet: self._pad = FileSequence.getPaddingChars(len(frames)) else: self._pad = '' self._frameSet = None # edge case 4; we've got a solitary file, not a sequence else: path, self._ext = os.path.splitext(sequence) self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._pad = '' if self._dir: if not self._dir.endswith(os.sep): self._dir += os.sep else: self._dir = '' self._zfill = sum([PAD_MAP[c] for c in self._pad])
def __init__(self, sequence): """Init the class """ sequence = utils.asString(sequence) if not hasattr(self, '_frameSet'): self._frameSet = None try: # the main case, padding characters in the path.1-100#.exr path, frames, self._pad, self._ext = SPLIT_RE.split( sequence, 1) self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) except ValueError: # edge case 1; we've got an invalid pad for placeholder in PAD_MAP.keys(): if placeholder in sequence: msg = "Failed to parse FileSequence: {0}" raise ParseException(msg.format(sequence)) # edge case 2; we've got a single frame of a sequence a_frame = DISK_RE.match(sequence) if a_frame: self._dir, self._base, frames, self._ext = a_frame.groups() # edge case 3: we've got a single versioned file, not a sequence if frames and not self._base.endswith('.'): self._base = self._base + frames self._pad = '' elif not frames: self._pad = '' self._frameSet = None else: self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) if self._frameSet: self._pad = FileSequence.getPaddingChars( len(frames)) else: self._pad = '' self._frameSet = None # edge case 4; we've got a solitary file, not a sequence else: path, self._ext = os.path.splitext(sequence) self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._pad = '' if self._dir: self.setDirname(self._dir) self._zfill = self.__class__.getPaddingNum(self._pad)
def __init__(self, sequence): """Init the class """ sequence = utils.asString(sequence) if not hasattr(self, '_frameSet'): self._frameSet = None try: # the main case, padding characters in the path.1-100#.exr path, frames, self._pad, self._ext = SPLIT_RE.split(sequence, 1) self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) except ValueError: # edge case 1; we've got an invalid pad for placeholder in PAD_MAP: if placeholder in sequence: msg = "Failed to parse FileSequence: {0}" raise ParseException(msg.format(sequence)) # edge case 2; we've got a single frame of a sequence a_frame = DISK_RE.match(sequence) if a_frame: self._dir, self._base, frames, self._ext = a_frame.groups() # edge case 3: we've got a single versioned file, not a sequence if frames and not self._base.endswith('.'): self._base = self._base + frames self._pad = u'' elif not frames: self._pad = u'' self._frameSet = None else: self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) if self._frameSet: self._pad = FileSequence.getPaddingChars(len(frames)) else: self._pad = u'' self._frameSet = None # edge case 4; we've got a solitary file, not a sequence else: path, self._ext = os.path.splitext(sequence) self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._pad = u'' if self._dir: self.setDirname(self._dir) self._zfill = self.__class__.getPaddingNum(self._pad)
def setFrameRange(self, frange): """ Set a new frame range for the sequence. :param frange: a properly formatted frame range, as per FrameSet :return: None """ self._frameSet = FrameSet(frange)
def yield_sequences_in_list(paths): """ Yield the discrete sequences within paths. This does not try to determine if the files actually exist on disk, it assumes you already know that. :param paths: a list of paths :rtype: generator """ seqs = {} _check = DISK_RE.match for match in ifilter(None, imap(_check, paths)): dirname, basename, frame, ext = match.groups() if not basename and not ext: continue key = (dirname, basename, ext) seqs.setdefault(key, set()) if frame: seqs[key].add(frame) for (dirname, basename, ext), frames in seqs.iteritems(): # build the FileSequence behind the scenes, rather than dupe work seq = FileSequence.__new__(FileSequence) seq._dir = dirname or '' seq._base = basename or '' seq._ext = ext or '' if frames: seq._frameSet = FrameSet(set(imap(int, frames))) if frames else None seq._pad = FileSequence.getPaddingChars(min(imap(len, frames))) else: seq._frameSet = None seq._pad = '' seq.__init__(str(seq)) yield seq
def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Allows indexing and slicing into the underlying :class:`fileseq.FrameSet`. When indexing, a string filepath is returns for the frame. When slicing, a new :class:`FileSequence` is returned. Slicing outside the range of the sequence results in an IndexError :type idx: int or slice :param idx: the desired index :rtype: str or :obj:`FileSequence` """ if not self._frameSet: return str(self) frames = self._frameSet[idx] if not hasattr(idx, 'start'): return self.frame(frames) fset = FrameSet(frames) if fset.is_null: raise IndexError("slice is out of range and returns no frames") fs = self.copy() fs.setFrameSet(fset) return fs
def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Allows indexing and slicing into the underlying :class:`.FrameSet` When indexing, a string filepath is returns for the frame. When slicing, a new :class:`FileSequence` is returned. Slicing outside the range of the sequence results in an IndexError Args: idx (int or slice): the desired index Returns: str or :obj:`FileSequence`: Raises: :class:`IndexError`: If slice is outside the range of the sequence """ if not self._frameSet: return futils.native_str(self) frames = self._frameSet[idx] if not hasattr(idx, 'start'): return self.frame(frames) fset = FrameSet(frames) if fset.is_null: raise IndexError("slice is out of range and returns no frames") fs = self.copy() fs.setFrameSet(fset) return fs
def frames_to_seq(frames, pad_length, decimal_places): seq = start_new_seq() seq._frameSet = FrameSet(sorted(decimal.Decimal(f) for f in frames)) seq._frame_pad = cls.getPaddingChars(pad_length, pad_style=pad_style) if decimal_places: seq._subframe_pad = cls.getPaddingChars(decimal_places, pad_style=pad_style) else: seq._subframe_pad = '' finish_new_seq(seq) return seq
def setFrameSet(self, frameSet): """ Set a new :class:`.FrameSet` for the sequence. Args: frameSet (:class:`.FrameSet`): the new :class:`.FrameSet` object """ if frameSet is not None and frameSet.hasSubFrames(): if all(isinstance(frame, decimal.Decimal) for frame in frameSet): frameSet = FrameSet([ utils.quantize(frame, self._decimal_places) for frame in frameSet ]) self._frameSet = frameSet
def yield_sequences_in_list(cls, paths, using=None, pad_style=PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT, allow_subframes=False): """ Yield the discrete sequences within paths. This does not try to determine if the files actually exist on disk, it assumes you already know that. A template :obj:`FileSequence` object can also be provided via the ``using`` parameter. Given this template, the dirname, basename, and extension values will be used to extract the frame value from the paths instead of parsing each path from scratch. Examples: The ``using`` field can supply a template for extracting the frame component from the paths:: paths = [ '/dir/file_001.0001.ext', '/dir/file_002.0001.ext', '/dir/file_003.0001.ext', ] template = FileSequence('/dir/file_#.0001.ext') seqs = FileSequence.yield_sequences_in_list(paths, using) # [<FileSequence: '/dir/file_1-3@@@.0001.ext'>] Args: paths (list[str]): a list of paths using (:obj:`FileSequence`): Optional sequence to use as template pad_style (`.PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH1` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH4`): padding style allow_subframes (bool): if True, handle subframe filenames Yields: :obj:`FileSequence`: """ seqs = {} if allow_subframes: _check = cls.DISK_SUB_RE.match else: _check = cls.DISK_RE.match using_template = isinstance(using, FileSequence) if using_template: dirname, basename, ext = using.dirname(), using.basename( ), using.extension() head = len(dirname + basename) tail = -len(ext) frames = set() for path in filter(None, map(utils.asString, paths)): frame = path[head:tail] try: int(frame) except ValueError: if not allow_subframes: continue try: decimal.Decimal(frame) except decimal.DecimalException: continue _, _, subframe = frame.partition(".") key = (dirname, basename, ext, len(subframe)) seqs.setdefault(key, frames).add(frame) else: for match in filter(None, map(_check, map(utils.asString, paths))): dirname, basename, frame, ext = match.groups() if not basename and not ext: continue if frame: _, _, subframe = frame.partition(".") key = (dirname, basename, ext, len(subframe)) else: key = (dirname, basename, ext, 0) seqs.setdefault(key, set()) if frame: seqs[key].add(frame) for (dirname, basename, ext, decimal_places), frames in iteritems(seqs): # build the FileSequence behind the scenes, rather than dupe work seq = cls.__new__(cls) seq._dir = dirname or '' seq._base = basename or '' seq._ext = ext or '' seq._pad_style = pad_style if frames: seq._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) frame_lengths = set() for frame in frames: frame_num, _, _ = frame.partition(".") frame_lengths.add(len(frame_num)) seq._frame_pad = cls.getPaddingChars(min(frame_lengths), pad_style=pad_style) if decimal_places: seq._subframe_pad = cls.getPaddingChars( decimal_places, pad_style=pad_style) else: seq._subframe_pad = '' else: seq._frameSet = None seq._frame_pad = '' seq._subframe_pad = '' if seq._subframe_pad: seq._pad = '.'.join([seq._frame_pad, seq._subframe_pad]) else: seq._pad = seq._frame_pad seq.__init__(utils.asString(seq)) yield seq
class FileSequence(object): """:class:`FileSequence` represents an ordered sequence of files. If the frame size exceeds :obj:`fileseq.constants.MAX_FRAME_SIZE`, a ``MaxSizeException`` will be thrown. :type sequence: str :param sequence: (ie: dir/path.1-100#.ext) :raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.MaxSizeException` """ def __init__(self, sequence): sequence = utils.asString(sequence) if not hasattr(self, '_frameSet'): self._frameSet = None try: # the main case, padding characters in the path.1-100#.exr path, frames, self._pad, self._ext = SPLIT_RE.split(sequence, 1) self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) except ValueError: # edge case 1; we've got an invalid pad for placeholder in PAD_MAP.keys(): if placeholder in sequence: msg = "Failed to parse FileSequence: {0}" raise ParseException(msg.format(sequence)) # edge case 2; we've got a single frame of a sequence a_frame = DISK_RE.match(sequence) if a_frame: self._dir, self._base, frames, self._ext = a_frame.groups() # edge case 3: we've got a single versioned file, not a sequence if frames and not self._base.endswith('.'): self._base = self._base + frames self._pad = '' elif not frames: self._pad = '' self._frameSet = None else: self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) if self._frameSet: self._pad = FileSequence.getPaddingChars(len(frames)) else: self._pad = '' self._frameSet = None # edge case 4; we've got a solitary file, not a sequence else: path, self._ext = os.path.splitext(sequence) self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._pad = '' if self._dir: self.setDirname(self._dir) self._zfill = self.__class__.getPaddingNum(self._pad) def copy(self): """ Create a deep copy of this sequence :return: :obj:`fileseq.FileSequence` """ fs = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) fs.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy() fs._frameSet = None if self._frameSet is not None: fs._frameSet = self._frameSet.copy() return fs def format(self, template="{basename}{range}{padding}{extension}"): """Return the file sequence as a formatted string according to the given template. Utilizes the python string format syntax. Available keys include: * basename - the basename of the sequence. * extension - the file extension of the sequence. * start - the start frame. * end - the end frame. * length - the length of the frame range. * padding - the detecting amount of padding. * inverted - the inverted frame range. (returns "" if none) * dirname - the directory name. If asking for the inverted range value, and the new inverted range exceeded :obj:`fileseq.constants.MAX_FRAME_SIZE`, a ``MaxSizeException`` will be raised. :type template: str :rtype: str :raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.MaxSizeException` """ # Potentially expensive if inverted range is large # and user never asked for it in template inverted = (self.invertedFrameRange() or "") if "{inverted}" in template else "" return template.format( basename=self.basename(), extension=self.extension(), start=self.start(), end=self.end(), length=len(self), padding=self.padding(), range=self.frameRange() or "", inverted=inverted, dirname=self.dirname()) def split(self): """ Split the :class:`FileSequence` into contiguous pieces and return them as a list of :class:`FileSequence` instances. :rtype: list """ result = [] for frange in self.frameRange().split(","): result.append(FileSequence(''.join( (self._dir, self._base, frange, self._pad, self._ext)))) return result def dirname(self): """ Return the directory name of the sequence. :rtype: str """ return self._dir def setDirname(self, dirname): """ Set a new directory name for the sequence. :type dirname: str :param dirname: the new directory name :rtype: None """ # Make sure the dirname always ends in # a path separator character sep = utils._getPathSep(dirname) if not dirname.endswith(sep): dirname += sep self._dir = utils.asString(dirname) def basename(self): """ Return the basename of the sequence. :rtype: str """ return self._base def setBasename(self, base): """ Set a new basename for the sequence. :type base: str :param base: the new base name :rtype: None """ self._base = utils.asString(base) def padding(self): """ Return the the padding characters in the sequence. :rtype: str """ return self._pad def setPadding(self, padding): """ Set new padding characters for the sequence. i.e. "#" or "@@@" or '%04d', or an empty string to disable range formatting. :type padding: str :rtype: None """ self._pad = padding self._zfill = self.__class__.getPaddingNum(self._pad) def frameSet(self): """ Return the :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` of the sequence if specified, otherwise None. :rtype: :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` or None """ return self._frameSet def setFrameSet(self, frameSet): """ Set a new :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` for the sequence. :param frameSet: the new :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` object :rtype: None """ self._frameSet = frameSet def extension(self): """ Return the file extension of the sequence, including leading period. :rtype: str """ return self._ext def setExtension(self, ext): """ Set a new file extension for the sequence. .. note:: A leading period will be added if none is provided. :param ext: the new file extension :rtype: None """ if ext[0] != ".": ext = "." + ext self._ext = utils.asString(ext) def setExtention(self, ext): """ Deprecated: use :meth:`setExtension`. """ import warnings msg = "the setExtention method is deprecated, please use setExtension" warnings.warn(msg) self.setExtension(ext) def frameRange(self): """ Returns the string formatted frame range of the sequence. Will return an empty string if the sequence has no frame pattern. :rtype: str """ if not self._frameSet: return '' return self._frameSet.frameRange(self._zfill) def setFrameRange(self, frange): """ Set a new frame range for the sequence. :param frange: a properly formatted frame range, as per :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` :rtype: None """ self._frameSet = FrameSet(frange) def invertedFrameRange(self): """ Returns the inverse string formatted frame range of the sequence. Will return an empty string if the sequence has no frame pattern. If new inverted range exceeded :obj:`fileseq.constants.MAX_FRAME_SIZE`, a ``MaxSizeException`` will be raised. :rtype: str :raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.MaxSizeException` """ if not self._frameSet: return '' return self._frameSet.invertedFrameRange(self._zfill) def start(self): """ Returns the start frame of the sequence's :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet`. Will return 0 if the sequence has no frame pattern. :rtype: int """ if not self._frameSet: return 0 return self._frameSet.start() def end(self): """ Returns the end frame of the sequences :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet`. Will return 0 if the sequence has no frame pattern. :rtype: int """ if not self._frameSet: return 0 return self._frameSet.end() def zfill(self): """ Returns the zfill depth (ie the number of zeroes to pad with). :rtype: int """ return self._zfill def frame(self, frame): """ Return a path go the given frame in the sequence. Integer or string digits are treated as a frame number and padding is applied, all other values are passed though. :Example: >>> seq.frame(1) /foo/bar.0001.exr >>> seq.frame("#") /foo/bar.#.exr :param frame: the desired frame number (int/str) or a char to pass through (ie. #) :rtype: str """ try: zframe = str(int(frame)).zfill(self._zfill) except ValueError: zframe = frame # There may have been no placeholder for frame IDs in # the sequence, in which case we don't want to insert # a frame ID if self._zfill == 0: zframe = "" return "".join((self._dir, self._base, zframe, self._ext)) def index(self, idx): """ Return the path to the file at the given index. :type idx: int :param idx: the desired index :rtype: str """ return self.__getitem__(idx) def __iter__(self): """ Allow iteration over the path or paths this :class:`FileSequence` represents. :rtype: generator """ # If there is no frame range, or there is no padding # characters, then we only want to represent a single path if not self._frameSet or not self._zfill: yield str(self) return for f in self._frameSet: yield self.frame(f) def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Allows indexing and slicing into the underlying :class:`fileseq.FrameSet`. When indexing, a string filepath is returns for the frame. When slicing, a new :class:`FileSequence` is returned. Slicing outside the range of the sequence results in an IndexError :type idx: int or slice :param idx: the desired index :rtype: str or :obj:`FileSequence` """ if not self._frameSet: return str(self) frames = self._frameSet[idx] if not hasattr(idx, 'start'): return self.frame(frames) fset = FrameSet(frames) if fset.is_null: raise IndexError("slice is out of range and returns no frames") fs = self.copy() fs.setFrameSet(fset) return fs def __len__(self): """ The length (number of files) represented by this :class:`FileSequence`. :rtype: int """ if not self._frameSet or not self._zfill: return 1 return len(self._frameSet) def __str__(self): """ String representation of this :class:`FileSequence`. :rtype: str """ frameSet = str(self._frameSet or "") return "".join(( self._dir, self._base, frameSet, self._pad if frameSet else "", self._ext)) def __repr__(self): try: return "<FileSequence: '%s'>" % str(self) except TypeError: return super(FileSequence, self).__repr__() def __eq__(self, other): return str(self) == str(other) def __ne__(self, other): return str(self) != str(other) @staticmethod def yield_sequences_in_list(paths): """ Yield the discrete sequences within paths. This does not try to determine if the files actually exist on disk, it assumes you already know that. :param paths: a list of paths :rtype: generator """ seqs = {} _check = DISK_RE.match for match in ifilter(None, imap(_check, imap(utils.asString, paths))): dirname, basename, frame, ext = match.groups() if not basename and not ext: continue key = (dirname, basename, ext) seqs.setdefault(key, set()) if frame: seqs[key].add(frame) for (dirname, basename, ext), frames in seqs.iteritems(): # build the FileSequence behind the scenes, rather than dupe work seq = FileSequence.__new__(FileSequence) seq._dir = dirname or '' seq._base = basename or '' seq._ext = ext or '' if frames: seq._frameSet = FrameSet(set(imap(int, frames))) if frames else None seq._pad = FileSequence.getPaddingChars(min(imap(len, frames))) else: seq._frameSet = None seq._pad = '' seq.__init__(str(seq)) yield seq @staticmethod def findSequencesInList(paths): """ Returns the list of discrete sequences within paths. This does not try to determine if the files actually exist on disk, it assumes you already know that. :param paths: a list of paths :rtype: list """ return list(FileSequence.yield_sequences_in_list(paths)) @classmethod def findSequencesOnDisk(cls, pattern, include_hidden=False, strictPadding=False): """ Yield the sequences found in the given directory. Example:: findSequencesOnDisk('/path/to/files') The pattern can also specify glob-like shell wildcards including the following: ? - 1 wildcard character * - 1 or more wildcard character {foo,bar} - either 'foo' or 'bar' Exact frame ranges are not considered, and padding characters are converted to wildcards (# or @) Example:: findSequencesOnDisk('/path/to/files/image_stereo_{left,right}.#.jpg') findSequencesOnDisk('/path/to/files/imag?_*_{left,right}.@@@.jpg', strictPadding=True) :param pattern: directory to scan, or pattern to filter in directory :type include_hidden: bool :param include_hidden: if true, show .hidden files as well :type strictPadding: bool :param strictPadding: if True, ignore files with padding length different from pattern :rtype: list """ # reserve some functions we're going to need quick access to _not_hidden = lambda f: not f.startswith('.') _match_pattern = None _filter_padding = None _join = os.path.join dirpath, filepat = pattern, None # Support the pattern defining a filter for the files # in the existing directory if not os.path.isdir(pattern): dirpath, filepat = os.path.split(pattern) if not os.path.isdir(dirpath): return [] # Start building a regex for filtering files seq = cls(filepat) patt = seq.basename().replace('.', r'\.') if seq.padding(): patt += '\d+' if seq.extension(): patt += seq.extension() # Convert braces groups into regex capture groups view = bytearray(patt) matches = re.finditer(r'{(.*?)(?:,(.*?))*}', patt) for match in reversed(list(matches)): i, j = match.span() view[i:j] = '(%s)' % '|'.join([m.strip() for m in match.groups()]) view = view.replace('*', '.*') view = view.replace('?', '.') view += '$' try: _match_pattern = re.compile(str(view)).match except re.error: msg = 'Invalid file pattern: {}'.format(filepat) raise FileSeqException(msg) if seq.padding() and strictPadding: _filter_padding = functools.partial(cls._filterByPaddingNum, num=seq.zfill()) # Get just the immediate files under the dir. # Avoids testing the os.listdir() for files as # a second step. ret = next(os.walk(dirpath), None) files = ret[-1] if ret else [] # collapse some generators to get us the files that match our regex if not include_hidden: files = ifilter(_not_hidden, files) # Filter by files that match the provided file pattern if _match_pattern: files = ifilter(_match_pattern, files) # Filter by files that match the frame padding in the file pattern if _filter_padding: # returns a generator files = _filter_padding(files) # Ensure our dirpath ends with a path separator, so # that we can control which sep is used during the # os.path.join sep = utils._getPathSep(dirpath) if not dirpath.endswith(sep): dirpath += sep files = (_join(dirpath, f) for f in files) files = list(files) return list(FileSequence.yield_sequences_in_list(files)) @classmethod def findSequenceOnDisk(cls, pattern, strictPadding=False): """ Search for a specific sequence on disk. The padding characters used in the pattern are used to filter the frame values of the files on disk (if strictPadding is True). :Example: # Find sequence matching basename and extension, and a wildcard for # any frame. # returns bar.1.exr bar.10.exr, bar.100.exr, bar.1000.exr, inclusive >>> findSequenceOnDisk("seq/bar@@@@.exr") # Find exactly 4-padded sequence, i.e. seq/bar1-100#.exr # returns only frames bar1000.exr through bar9999.exr >>> findSequenceOnDisk("seq/bar#.exr", strictPadding=True) :param pattern: the sequence pattern being searched for :rtype: str :param strictPadding: if True, ignore files with padding length different from pattern :rtype: bool :raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.FileSeqException` if no sequence is found on disk """ seq = cls(pattern) if seq.frameRange() == '' and seq.padding() == '': if os.path.isfile(pattern): return seq patt = seq.format('{dirname}{basename}*{extension}') ext = seq.extension() basename = seq.basename() pad = seq.padding() globbed = iglob(patt) if pad and strictPadding: globbed = cls._filterByPaddingNum(globbed, seq.zfill()) matches = cls.yield_sequences_in_list(globbed) for match in matches: if match.basename() == basename and match.extension() == ext: return match msg = 'no sequence found on disk matching {0}' raise FileSeqException(msg.format(pattern)) @classmethod def _filterByPaddingNum(cls, iterable, num): """ Yield only path elements from iterable which have a frame padding that matches the given target padding number """ _check = DISK_RE.match for item in iterable: # Add a filter for paths that don't match the frame # padding of a given number matches = _check(item) if matches: actualNum = len( or '') if actualNum != num: continue yield item @staticmethod def getPaddingChars(num): """ Given a particular amount of padding, return the proper padding characters. """ if num == 0: return "@" if num % 4 == 0: return "#" * (num // 4) else: return "@" * num @staticmethod def getPaddingNum(chars): """ Given a supported group of padding characters, return the amount of padding. :type chars: str :param chars: a supported group of padding characters :rtype: int :raises: ValueError if unsupported padding character is detected """ match = PRINTF_SYNTAX_PADDING_RE.match(chars) if match: return int( try: return sum([PAD_MAP[char] for char in chars]) except KeyError: msg = "Detected an unsupported padding character: \"{}\"." msg += " Supported padding characters: {} or printf syntax padding" msg += " %<int>d" raise ValueError(msg.format(char, str(PAD_MAP.keys())))
class FileSequence(object): """:class:`FileSequence` represents an ordered sequence of files. If the frame size exceeds :obj:`fileseq.constants.MAX_FRAME_SIZE`, a ``MaxSizeException`` will be thrown. :type sequence: str :param sequence: (ie: dir/path.1-100#.ext) :raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.MaxSizeException` """ def __init__(self, sequence): if not hasattr(self, '_frameSet'): self._frameSet = None try: # the main case, padding characters in the path.1-100#.exr path, frames, self._pad, self._ext = SPLIT_RE.split( sequence, 1) self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) except ValueError: # edge case 1; we've got an invalid pad for placeholder in PAD_MAP.keys(): if placeholder in sequence: msg = "Failed to parse FileSequence: {0}" raise ParseException(msg.format(sequence)) # edge case 2; we've got a single frame of a sequence a_frame = DISK_RE.match(sequence) if a_frame: self._dir, self._base, frames, self._ext = a_frame.groups() # edge case 3: we've got a single versioned file, not a sequence if frames and not self._base.endswith('.'): self._base = self._base + frames self._pad = '' elif not frames: self._pad = '' self._frameSet = None else: self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) if self._frameSet: self._pad = FileSequence.getPaddingChars( len(frames)) else: self._pad = '' self._frameSet = None # edge case 4; we've got a solitary file, not a sequence else: path, self._ext = os.path.splitext(sequence) self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._pad = '' if self._dir: sep = utils._getPathSep(sequence) if not self._dir.endswith(sep): self._dir += sep self._zfill = self.__class__.getPaddingNum(self._pad) def format(self, template="{basename}{range}{padding}{extension}"): """Return the file sequence as a formatted string according to the given template. Utilizes the python string format syntax. Available keys include: * basename - the basename of the sequence. * extension - the file extension of the sequence. * start - the start frame. * end - the end frame. * length - the length of the frame range. * padding - the detecting amount of padding. * inverted - the inverted frame range. (returns "" if none) * dirname - the directory name. If asking for the inverted range value, and the new inverted range exceeded :obj:`fileseq.constants.MAX_FRAME_SIZE`, a ``MaxSizeException`` will be raised. :type template: str :rtype: str :raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.MaxSizeException` """ # Potentially expensive if inverted range is large # and user never asked for it in template inverted = (self.invertedFrameRange() or "") if "{inverted}" in template else "" return template.format(basename=self.basename(), extension=self.extension(), start=self.start(), end=self.end(), length=len(self), padding=self.padding(), range=self.frameRange() or "", inverted=inverted, dirname=self.dirname()) def split(self): """ Split the :class:`FileSequence` into contiguous pieces and return them as a list of :class:`FileSequence` instances. :rtype: list """ result = [] for frange in self.frameRange().split(","): result.append( FileSequence(''.join( (self._dir, self._base, frange, self._pad, self._ext)))) return result def dirname(self): """ Return the directory name of the sequence. :rtype: str """ return self._dir def setDirname(self, dirname): """ Set a new directory name for the sequence. :type dirname: str :param dirname: the new directory name :rtype: None """ self._dir = dirname def basename(self): """ Return the basename of the sequence. :rtype: str """ return self._base def setBasename(self, base): """ Set a new basename for the sequence. :type base: str :param base: the new base name :rtype: None """ self._base = base def padding(self): """ Return the the padding characters in the sequence. :rtype: str """ return self._pad def setPadding(self, padding): """ Set new padding characters for the sequence. i.e. "#" or "@@@" or '%04d', or an empty string to disable range formatting. :type padding: str :rtype: None """ self._pad = padding self._zfill = self.__class__.getPaddingNum(self._pad) def frameSet(self): """ Return the :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` of the sequence if specified, otherwise None. :rtype: :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` or None """ return self._frameSet def setFrameSet(self, frameSet): """ Set a new :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` for the sequence. :param frameSet: the new :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` object :rtype: None """ self._frameSet = frameSet def extension(self): """ Return the file extension of the sequence, including leading period. :rtype: str """ return self._ext def setExtension(self, ext): """ Set a new file extension for the sequence. .. note:: A leading period will be added if none is provided. :param ext: the new file extension :rtype: None """ if ext[0] != ".": ext = "." + ext self._ext = ext def setExtention(self, ext): """ Deprecated: use :meth:`setExtension`. """ import warnings msg = "the setExtention method is deprecated, please use setExtension" warnings.warn(msg) self.setExtension(ext) def frameRange(self): """ Returns the string formatted frame range of the sequence. Will return an empty string if the sequence has no frame pattern. :rtype: str """ if not self._frameSet: return '' return self._frameSet.frameRange(self._zfill) def setFrameRange(self, frange): """ Set a new frame range for the sequence. :param frange: a properly formatted frame range, as per :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` :rtype: None """ self._frameSet = FrameSet(frange) def invertedFrameRange(self): """ Returns the inverse string formatted frame range of the sequence. Will return an empty string if the sequence has no frame pattern. If new inverted range exceeded :obj:`fileseq.constants.MAX_FRAME_SIZE`, a ``MaxSizeException`` will be raised. :rtype: str :raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.MaxSizeException` """ if not self._frameSet: return '' return self._frameSet.invertedFrameRange(self._zfill) def start(self): """ Returns the start frame of the sequence's :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet`. Will return 0 if the sequence has no frame pattern. :rtype: int """ if not self._frameSet: return 0 return self._frameSet.start() def end(self): """ Returns the end frame of the sequences :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet`. Will return 0 if the sequence has no frame pattern. :rtype: int """ if not self._frameSet: return 0 return self._frameSet.end() def zfill(self): """ Returns the zfill depth (ie the number of zeroes to pad with). :rtype: int """ return self._zfill def frame(self, frame): """ Return a path go the given frame in the sequence. Integer or string digits are treated as a frame number and padding is applied, all other values are passed though. :Example: >>> seq.frame(1) /foo/bar.0001.exr >>> seq.frame("#") /foo/bar.#.exr :param frame: the desired frame number (int/str) or a char to pass through (ie. #) :rtype: str """ try: zframe = str(int(frame)).zfill(self._zfill) except ValueError: zframe = frame # There may have been no placeholder for frame IDs in # the sequence, in which case we don't want to insert # a frame ID if self._zfill == 0: zframe = "" return "".join((self._dir, self._base, zframe, self._ext)) def index(self, idx): """ Return the path to the file at the given index. :type idx: int :param idx: the desired index :rtype: str """ if not self._frameSet: return str(self) return self.frame(self._frameSet[idx]) def __iter__(self): """ Allow iteration over the path or paths this :class:`FileSequence` represents. :rtype: generator """ # If there is no frame range, or there is no padding # characters, then we only want to represent a single path if not self._frameSet or not self._zfill: yield str(self) return for f in self._frameSet: yield self.frame(f) def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Allows access via index to the underlying :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet`. :type idx: int :param idx: the desired index :rtype: int """ return self.index(idx) def __len__(self): """ The length (number of files) represented by this :class:`FileSequence`. :rtype: int """ if not self._frameSet or not self._zfill: return 1 return len(self._frameSet) def __str__(self): """ String representation of this :class:`FileSequence`. :rtype: str """ frameSet = str(self._frameSet or "") return "".join((self._dir, self._base, frameSet, self._pad if frameSet else "", self._ext)) @staticmethod def yield_sequences_in_list(paths): """ Yield the discrete sequences within paths. This does not try to determine if the files actually exist on disk, it assumes you already know that. :param paths: a list of paths :rtype: generator """ seqs = {} _check = DISK_RE.match for match in filter(None, map(_check, paths)): dirname, basename, frame, ext = match.groups() if not basename and not ext: continue key = (dirname, basename, ext) seqs.setdefault(key, set()) if frame: seqs[key].add(frame) for (dirname, basename, ext), frames in seqs.items(): # build the FileSequence behind the scenes, rather than dupe work seq = FileSequence.__new__(FileSequence) seq._dir = dirname or '' seq._base = basename or '' seq._ext = ext or '' if frames: seq._frameSet = FrameSet(set(map(int, frames))) if frames else None seq._pad = FileSequence.getPaddingChars(min(map(len, frames))) else: seq._frameSet = None seq._pad = '' seq.__init__(str(seq)) yield seq @staticmethod def findSequencesInList(paths): """ Returns the list of discrete sequences within paths. This does not try to determine if the files actually exist on disk, it assumes you already know that. :param paths: a list of paths :rtype: list """ return list(FileSequence.yield_sequences_in_list(paths)) @classmethod def findSequencesOnDisk(cls, pattern, include_hidden=False, strictPadding=False): """ Yield the sequences found in the given directory. Example:: findSequencesOnDisk('/path/to/files') The pattern can also specify glob-like shell wildcards including the following: ? - 1 wildcard character * - 1 or more wildcard character {foo,bar} - either 'foo' or 'bar' Exact frame ranges are not considered, and padding characters are converted to wildcards (# or @) Example:: findSequencesOnDisk('/path/to/files/image_stereo_{left,right}.#.jpg') findSequencesOnDisk('/path/to/files/imag?_*_{left,right}.@@@.jpg', strictPadding=True) :param pattern: directory to scan, or pattern to filter in directory :type include_hidden: bool :param include_hidden: if true, show .hidden files as well :type strictPadding: bool :param strictPadding: if True, ignore files with padding length different from pattern :rtype: list """ # reserve some functions we're going to need quick access to _not_hidden = lambda f: not f.startswith('.') _match_pattern = None _filter_padding = None _join = os.path.join dirpath, filepat = pattern, None # Support the pattern defining a filter for the files # in the existing directory if not os.path.isdir(pattern): dirpath, filepat = os.path.split(pattern) if not os.path.isdir(dirpath): return [] # Start building a regex for filtering files seq = cls(filepat) patt = seq.basename().replace('.', r'\.') if seq.padding(): patt += '\d+' if seq.extension(): patt += seq.extension() # Convert braces groups into regex capture groups view = bytearray(patt) matches = re.finditer(r'{(.*?)(?:,(.*?))*}', patt) for match in reversed(list(matches)): i, j = match.span() view[i:j] = '(%s)' % '|'.join( [m.strip() for m in match.groups()]) view = view.replace('*', '.*') view = view.replace('?', '.') view += '$' print(view) try: _match_pattern = re.compile(str(view)).match except re.error: msg = 'Invalid file pattern: {}'.format(filepat) raise FileSeqException(msg) if seq.padding() and strictPadding: _filter_padding = functools.partial(cls._filterByPaddingNum, num=seq.zfill()) # Get just the immediate files under the dir. # Avoids testing the os.listdir() for files as # a second step. ret = next(os.walk(dirpath), None) files = ret[-1] if ret else [] # collapse some generators to get us the files that match our regex if not include_hidden: files = filter(_not_hidden, files) # Filter by files that match the provided file pattern if _match_pattern: files = filter(_match_pattern, files) # Filter by files that match the frame padding in the file pattern if _filter_padding: # returns a generator files = _filter_padding(files) # Ensure our dirpath ends with a path separator, so # that we can control which sep is used during the # os.path.join sep = utils._getPathSep(dirpath) if not dirpath.endswith(sep): dirpath += sep files = (_join(dirpath, f) for f in files) files = list(files) return list(FileSequence.yield_sequences_in_list(files)) @classmethod def findSequenceOnDisk(cls, pattern, strictPadding=False): """ Search for a specific sequence on disk. The padding characters used in the pattern are used to filter the frame values of the files on disk (if strictPadding is True). :Example: # Find sequence matching basename and extension, and a wildcard for # any frame. # returns bar.1.exr bar.10.exr, bar.100.exr, bar.1000.exr, inclusive >>> findSequenceOnDisk("seq/bar@@@@.exr") # Find exactly 4-padded sequence, i.e. seq/bar1-100#.exr # returns only frames bar1000.exr through bar9999.exr >>> findSequenceOnDisk("seq/bar#.exr", strictPadding=True) :param pattern: the sequence pattern being searched for :rtype: str :param strictPadding: if True, ignore files with padding length different from pattern :rtype: bool :raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.FileSeqException` if no sequence is found on disk """ seq = cls(pattern) if seq.frameRange() == '' and seq.padding() == '': if os.path.isfile(pattern): return seq patt = seq.format('{dirname}{basename}*{extension}') ext = seq.extension() basename = seq.basename() pad = seq.padding() globbed = iglob(patt) if pad and strictPadding: globbed = cls._filterByPaddingNum(globbed, seq.zfill()) matches = cls.yield_sequences_in_list(globbed) for match in matches: if match.basename() == basename and match.extension() == ext: return match msg = 'no sequence found on disk matching {0}' raise FileSeqException(msg.format(pattern)) @classmethod def _filterByPaddingNum(cls, iterable, num): """ Yield only path elements from iterable which have a frame padding that matches the given target padding number """ _check = DISK_RE.match for item in iterable: # Add a filter for paths that don't match the frame # padding of a given number matches = _check(item) if matches: actualNum = len( if actualNum != num: continue yield item @staticmethod def getPaddingChars(num): """ Given a particular amount of padding, return the proper padding characters. """ if num == 0: return "@" if num % 4 == 0: return "#" * (num // 4) else: return "@" * num @staticmethod def getPaddingNum(chars): """ Given a supported group of padding characters, return the amount of padding. :type chars: str :param chars: a supported group of padding characters :rtype: int :raises: ValueError if unsupported padding character is detected """ match = PRINTF_SYNTAX_PADDING_RE.match(chars) if match: return int( try: return sum([PAD_MAP[char] for char in chars]) except KeyError: msg = "Detected an unsupported padding character: \"{}\"." msg += " Supported padding characters: {} or printf syntax padding" msg += " %<int>d" raise ValueError(msg.format(char, str(PAD_MAP.keys())))
class FileSequence(object): """:class:`FileSequence` represents an ordered sequence of files. Args: sequence (str): (ie: dir/path.1-100#.ext) Returns: :class:`FileSequence`: Raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.MaxSizeException`: If frame size exceeds ``fileseq.constants.MAX_FRAME_SIZE`` """ DISK_RE = DISK_RE DISK_SUB_RE = DISK_SUB_RE PAD_MAP = PAD_MAP REVERSE_PAD_MAP = REVERSE_PAD_MAP SPLIT_RE = SPLIT_RE SPLIT_SUB_RE = SPLIT_SUB_RE def __init__(self, sequence, pad_style=PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT, allow_subframes=False): """Init the class """ sequence = utils.asString(sequence) if not hasattr(self, '_frameSet'): self._frameSet = None if allow_subframes: split_re = self.SPLIT_SUB_RE disk_re = self.DISK_SUB_RE else: split_re = self.SPLIT_RE disk_re = self.DISK_RE try: # the main case, padding characters in the path.1-100#.exr path, frames, self._pad, self._ext = split_re.split( sequence, 1) self._frame_pad, _, self._subframe_pad = self._pad.partition( '.') self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) except ValueError: # edge case 1; we've got an invalid pad for placeholder in self.PAD_MAP: if placeholder in sequence: msg = "Failed to parse FileSequence: {!r}" raise ParseException(msg.format(sequence)) # edge case 2; we've got a single frame of a sequence a_frame = disk_re.match(sequence) if a_frame: self._dir, self._base, frames, self._ext = a_frame.groups() # edge case 3: we've got a single versioned file, not a sequence if frames and not self._base.endswith('.'): self._base = self._base + frames self._pad = '' self._frame_pad = '' self._subframe_pad = '' elif not frames: self._pad = '' self._frame_pad = '' self._subframe_pad = '' self._frameSet = None else: self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) if self._frameSet: frame_num, _, subframe_num = frames.partition('.') self._frame_pad = self.getPaddingChars( len(frame_num), pad_style=pad_style) if subframe_num: self._subframe_pad = self.getPaddingChars( len(subframe_num), pad_style=pad_style) self._pad = '.'.join( [self._frame_pad, self._subframe_pad]) else: self._pad = self._frame_pad self._subframe_pad = '' else: self._pad = '' self._frame_pad = '' self._subframe_pad = '' self._frameSet = None # edge case 4; we've got a solitary file, not a sequence else: path, self._ext = os.path.splitext(sequence) self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._pad = '' self._frame_pad = '' self._subframe_pad = '' if self._dir: self.setDirname(self._dir) self._pad_style = pad_style self._zfill = self.getPaddingNum(self._frame_pad, pad_style=pad_style) self._decimal_places = self.getPaddingNum(self._subframe_pad, pad_style=pad_style) # Round subframes to match sequence if self._frameSet is not None and self._frameSet.hasSubFrames(): self._frameSet = FrameSet([ utils.quantize(frame, self._decimal_places) for frame in self._frameSet ]) def copy(self): """ Create a deep copy of this sequence Returns: :class:`.FileSequence`: """ fs = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) fs.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy() fs._frameSet = None if self._frameSet is not None: fs._frameSet = self._frameSet.copy() return fs def format(self, template="{basename}{range}{padding}{extension}"): """Return the file sequence as a formatted string according to the given template. Utilizes the python string format syntax. Available keys include: * basename - the basename of the sequence. * range - the range of the sequence * padding - the detecting amount of padding. * extension - the file extension of the sequence. * start - the start frame. * end - the end frame. * length - the length of the frame range. * inverted - the inverted frame range. (returns "" if none) * dirname - the directory name. If asking for the inverted range value, and the new inverted range exceeded ``fileseq.constants.MAX_FRAME_SIZE``, a ``MaxSizeException`` will be raised. Args: template (str): Returns: str: Raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.MaxSizeException`: If frame size exceeds `fileseq.constants.MAX_FRAME_SIZE`` """ try: return self._format(template) except UnicodeEncodeError: return self._format(futils.text_type(template)) def _format(self, template): # Potentially expensive if inverted range is large # and user never asked for it in template inverted = (self.invertedFrameRange() or "") if "{inverted}" in template else "" return template.format(basename=self.basename(), extension=self.extension(), start=self.start(), end=self.end(), length=len(self), padding=self.padding(), range=self.frameRange() or "", inverted=inverted, dirname=self.dirname()) def split(self): """ Split the :class:`FileSequence` into contiguous pieces and return them as a list of :class:`FileSequence` instances. Returns: list[:class:`FileSequence`]: """ result = [] for frange in self.frameRange().split(","): result.append( self.__class__(''.join( (self._dir, self._base, frange, self._pad, self._ext)))) return result def dirname(self): """ Return the directory name of the sequence. Returns: str: """ return self._dir def setDirname(self, dirname): """ Set a new directory name for the sequence. Args: dirname (str): the new directory name """ # Make sure the dirname always ends in # a path separator character dirname = utils.asString(dirname) sep = utils._getPathSep(dirname) if not dirname.endswith(sep): dirname = futils.native_str(dirname) + sep self._dir = dirname def basename(self): """ Return the basename of the sequence. Returns: str: sequence basename """ return self._base def setBasename(self, base): """ Set a new basename for the sequence. Args: base (str): the new base name """ self._base = utils.asString(base) def padStyle(self): """ Return the the padding style of the sequence. See fileseq.constants.PAD_STYLE_HASH1 and fileseq.constants.PAD_STYLE_HASH4 Returns: (`.PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH1` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH4`): padding style """ return self._pad_style def setPadStyle(self, pad_style): """ Set new padding style for the sequence. See fileseq.constants.PAD_STYLE_HASH1 and fileseq.constants.PAD_STYLE_HASH4 Args: pad_style (`.PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH1` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH4`): padding style to set """ self._pad_style = pad_style self._frame_pad = self.getPaddingChars(self._zfill, pad_style=pad_style) if self._decimal_places: self._subframe_pad = self.getPaddingChars( self._decimal_places, pad_style=self._pad_style) self._pad = '.'.join([self._frame_pad, self._subframe_pad]) else: self._pad = self._frame_pad self._subframe_pad = '' def padding(self): """ Return the the padding characters in the sequence. Returns: str: sequence padding """ return self._pad def setPadding(self, padding): """ Set new padding characters for the sequence. i.e. "#" or "@@@" or '%04d', or an empty string to disable range formatting. Args: padding (str): sequence padding to set """ self._pad = padding self._frame_pad, _, self._subframe_pad = self._pad.partition('.') self._zfill = self.getPaddingNum(self._frame_pad, pad_style=self._pad_style) self._decimal_places = self.getPaddingNum(self._subframe_pad, pad_style=self._pad_style) def framePadding(self): """ Return the the padding characters in the sequence. Returns: str: sequence padding """ return self._frame_pad def setFramePadding(self, padding): """ Set new padding characters for the frames of the sequence. i.e. "#" or "@@@" or '%04d', or an empty string to disable range formatting. Args: padding (str): sequence padding to set """ self._frame_pad = padding if self._subframe_pad: self._pad = '.'.join([self._frame_pad, self._subframe_pad]) else: self._pad = self._frame_pad self._zfill = self.getPaddingNum(self._frame_pad, pad_style=self._pad_style) def subframePadding(self): """ Return the the padding characters for subframes in the sequence. Returns: str: sequence padding """ return self._subframe_pad def setSubframePadding(self, padding): """ Set new padding characters for the subframes in the sequence. i.e. "#" or "@@@", or an empty string to disable range formatting. Args: padding (str): sequence padding to set """ self._subframe_pad = padding if self._subframe_pad: self._pad = '.'.join([self._frame_pad, self._subframe_pad]) else: self._pad = self._frame_pad self._decimal_places = self.getPaddingNum(self._subframe_pad, pad_style=self._pad_style) def frameSet(self): """ Return the :class:`.FrameSet` of the sequence if specified, otherwise None. Returns: :class:`.FrameSet` or None: """ return self._frameSet def setFrameSet(self, frameSet): """ Set a new :class:`.FrameSet` for the sequence. Args: frameSet (:class:`.FrameSet`): the new :class:`.FrameSet` object """ if frameSet is not None and frameSet.hasSubFrames(): if all(isinstance(frame, decimal.Decimal) for frame in frameSet): frameSet = FrameSet([ utils.quantize(frame, self._decimal_places) for frame in frameSet ]) self._frameSet = frameSet def extension(self): """ Return the file extension of the sequence, including leading period. Returns: str: """ return self._ext def setExtension(self, ext): """ Set a new file extension for the sequence. Note: A leading period will be added if none is provided. Args: ext (str): the new file extension """ if ext[0] != ".": ext = "." + ext self._ext = utils.asString(ext) def setExtention(self, ext): """ Deprecated: use :meth:`setExtension`. Args: ext (str): """ import warnings msg = "the setExtention method is deprecated, please use setExtension" warnings.warn(msg) self.setExtension(ext) def frameRange(self): """ Returns the string formatted frame range of the sequence. Will return an empty string if the sequence has no frame pattern. Returns: str: """ if not self._frameSet: return '' return self._frameSet.frameRange(self._zfill, self._decimal_places) def setFrameRange(self, frange): """ Set a new frame range for the sequence. Args: frange (str): a properly formatted frame range, as per :class:`.FrameSet` """ self._frameSet = FrameSet(frange) def invertedFrameRange(self): """ Returns the inverse string formatted frame range of the sequence. Will return an empty string if the sequence has no frame pattern, or the frame range includes subframes. Returns: str: Raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.MaxSizeException`: If new inverted range exceeded ``fileseq.constants.MAX_FRAME_SIZE`` """ if not self._frameSet or self._frameSet.hasSubFrames(): return '' return self._frameSet.invertedFrameRange(self._zfill) def start(self): """ Returns the start frame of the sequence's :class:`.FrameSet`. Will return 0 if the sequence has no frame pattern. Returns: int: """ if not self._frameSet: return 0 return self._frameSet.start() def end(self): """ Returns the end frame of the sequences :class:`.FrameSet`. Will return 0 if the sequence has no frame pattern. Returns: int: """ if not self._frameSet: return 0 return self._frameSet.end() def zfill(self): """ Returns the zfill depth (ie the number of zeroes to pad with). Returns: int: """ return self._zfill def decimalPlaces(self): """ Returns the number of decimal places to output. Returns: int or None: """ return self._decimal_places def frame(self, frame): """ Return a path for the given frame in the sequence. Numeric values or numeric strings are treated as a frame number and padding is applied, all other values are passed though. Examples: >>> seq = FileSequence('/foo/bar.1-10#.exr') >>> seq.frame(1) '/foo/bar.0001.exr' >>> seq.frame("#") '/foo/bar.#.exr' Args: frame (int, float, decimal.Decimal or str): the desired frame number or a char to pass through (ie. #) Returns: str: """ if self._zfill == 0: # There may have been no placeholder for frame IDs in # the sequence, in which case we don't want to insert # a frame ID zframe = "" else: zframe = None if not isinstance(frame, futils.integer_types + (float, decimal.Decimal)): try: frame = int(frame) except ValueError: try: frame = decimal.Decimal(frame) except decimal.DecimalException: zframe = frame if zframe is None: zframe = utils.pad(frame, self._zfill, self._decimal_places) return futils.native_str("".join( (self._dir, self._base, zframe, self._ext))) def index(self, idx): """ Return the path to the file at the given index. Args: idx (int): the desired index Returns: str: """ return self.__getitem__(idx) def __setstate__(self, state): """ Allows for de-serialization from a pickled :class:`FileSequence`. Args: state (dict): Pickle dictionary producted by default pickle implementation """ for name, value in state.items(): self.__dict__[name] = value self.__dict__.setdefault('_pad_style', PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT) self.__dict__.setdefault('_frame_pad', self._pad) self.__dict__.setdefault('_subframe_pad', '') self.__dict__.setdefault('_decimal_places', 0) def __iter__(self): """ Allow iteration over the path or paths this :class:`FileSequence` represents. Yields: :class:`FileSequence`: """ # If there is no frame range, or there is no padding # characters, then we only want to represent a single path if not self._frameSet or not self._zfill: yield utils.asString(self) return for f in self._frameSet: yield self.frame(f) def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Allows indexing and slicing into the underlying :class:`.FrameSet` When indexing, a string filepath is returns for the frame. When slicing, a new :class:`FileSequence` is returned. Slicing outside the range of the sequence results in an IndexError Args: idx (int or slice): the desired index Returns: str or :obj:`FileSequence`: Raises: :class:`IndexError`: If slice is outside the range of the sequence """ if not self._frameSet: return futils.native_str(self) frames = self._frameSet[idx] if not hasattr(idx, 'start'): return self.frame(frames) fset = FrameSet(frames) if fset.is_null: raise IndexError("slice is out of range and returns no frames") fs = self.copy() fs.setFrameSet(fset) return fs def __len__(self): """ The length (number of files) represented by this :class:`FileSequence`. Returns: int: """ if not self._frameSet or not self._zfill: return 1 return len(self._frameSet) def __str__(self): """ String representation of this :class:`FileSequence`. Returns: str: """ frameSet = utils.asString(self._frameSet or "") return "".join((self._dir, self._base, frameSet, self._pad if frameSet else "", self._ext)) def __repr__(self): try: return "<%s: %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self)) except TypeError: return super(self.__class__, self).__repr__() def __eq__(self, other): return str(self) == str(other) def __ne__(self, other): return str(self) != str(other) def __hash__(self): # TODO: Technically we should be returning None, # as this class is mutable and cannot reliably be hashed. # Python2 allows it without this definition. # Python3 fails with TypeError: unhashable. # For now, preserving the hashing behaviour in py3. return id(self) @classmethod def yield_sequences_in_list(cls, paths, using=None, pad_style=PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT, allow_subframes=False): """ Yield the discrete sequences within paths. This does not try to determine if the files actually exist on disk, it assumes you already know that. A template :obj:`FileSequence` object can also be provided via the ``using`` parameter. Given this template, the dirname, basename, and extension values will be used to extract the frame value from the paths instead of parsing each path from scratch. Examples: The ``using`` field can supply a template for extracting the frame component from the paths:: paths = [ '/dir/file_001.0001.ext', '/dir/file_002.0001.ext', '/dir/file_003.0001.ext', ] template = FileSequence('/dir/file_#.0001.ext') seqs = FileSequence.yield_sequences_in_list(paths, using) # [<FileSequence: '/dir/file_1-3@@@.0001.ext'>] Args: paths (list[str]): a list of paths using (:obj:`FileSequence`): Optional sequence to use as template pad_style (`.PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH1` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH4`): padding style allow_subframes (bool): if True, handle subframe filenames Yields: :obj:`FileSequence`: """ seqs = {} if allow_subframes: _check = cls.DISK_SUB_RE.match else: _check = cls.DISK_RE.match using_template = isinstance(using, FileSequence) if using_template: dirname, basename, ext = using.dirname(), using.basename( ), using.extension() head = len(dirname + basename) tail = -len(ext) frames = set() for path in filter(None, map(utils.asString, paths)): frame = path[head:tail] try: int(frame) except ValueError: if not allow_subframes: continue try: decimal.Decimal(frame) except decimal.DecimalException: continue _, _, subframe = frame.partition(".") key = (dirname, basename, ext, len(subframe)) seqs.setdefault(key, frames).add(frame) else: for match in filter(None, map(_check, map(utils.asString, paths))): dirname, basename, frame, ext = match.groups() if not basename and not ext: continue if frame: _, _, subframe = frame.partition(".") key = (dirname, basename, ext, len(subframe)) else: key = (dirname, basename, ext, 0) seqs.setdefault(key, set()) if frame: seqs[key].add(frame) def start_new_seq(): seq = cls.__new__(cls) seq._dir = dirname or '' seq._base = basename or '' seq._ext = ext or '' return seq def finish_new_seq(seq): if seq._subframe_pad: seq._pad = '.'.join([seq._frame_pad, seq._subframe_pad]) else: seq._pad = seq._frame_pad seq.__init__(utils.asString(seq), pad_style=pad_style, allow_subframes=allow_subframes) def get_frame_width(frame_str): frame_num, _, _ = frame_str.partition(".") return len(frame_num) def get_frame_minwidth(frame_str): # find the smallest padding width for a frame string frame_num, _, _ = frame_str.partition(".") size = len(frame_num) num = int(frame_num) num_size = len(str(num)) if size == num_size: return 1 return size def frames_to_seq(frames, pad_length, decimal_places): seq = start_new_seq() seq._frameSet = FrameSet(sorted( decimal.Decimal(f) for f in frames)) seq._frame_pad = cls.getPaddingChars(pad_length, pad_style=pad_style) if decimal_places: seq._subframe_pad = cls.getPaddingChars(decimal_places, pad_style=pad_style) else: seq._subframe_pad = '' finish_new_seq(seq) return seq for (dirname, basename, ext, decimal_places), frames in iteritems(seqs): # Short-circuit logic if we do not have multiple frames, since we # only need to build and return a single simple sequence if not frames: seq = start_new_seq() seq._frameSet = None seq._frame_pad = '' seq._subframe_pad = '' finish_new_seq(seq) yield seq continue # If we have multiple frames, then we need to check them for different # padding and possibly yield more than one sequence. # sort the frame list by their string padding width sorted_frames = sorted(((get_frame_width(f), f) for f in frames), key=operator.itemgetter(0)) current_frames = [] current_width = None for width, frame in sorted_frames: # initialize on first item if current_width is None: current_width = width if width != current_width and get_frame_minwidth( frame) > current_width: # We have a new padding length. # Commit the current sequence, and then start a new one. yield frames_to_seq(current_frames, current_width, decimal_places) # Start tracking the next group of frames using the new length current_frames = [frame] current_width = width continue current_frames.append(frame) # Commit the remaining frames as a sequence if current_frames: yield frames_to_seq(current_frames, current_width, decimal_places) @classmethod def findSequencesInList(cls, paths, pad_style=PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT, allow_subframes=False): """ Returns the list of discrete sequences within paths. This does not try to determine if the files actually exist on disk, it assumes you already know that. Args: paths (list[str]): a list of paths pad_style (`.PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH1` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH4`): padding style allow_subframes (bool): if True, handle subframe filenames Returns: list: """ return list( cls.yield_sequences_in_list(paths, pad_style=pad_style, allow_subframes=allow_subframes)) @classmethod def findSequencesOnDisk(cls, pattern, include_hidden=False, strictPadding=False, pad_style=PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT, allow_subframes=False): """ Yield the sequences found in the given directory. Examples:: FileSequence.findSequencesOnDisk('/path/to/files') The `pattern` can also specify glob-like shell wildcards including the following: * ``?`` - 1 wildcard character * ``*`` - 1 or more wildcard character * ``{foo,bar}`` - either 'foo' or 'bar' Exact frame ranges are not considered, and padding characters are converted to wildcards (``#`` or ``@``) Examples:: FileSequence.findSequencesOnDisk('/path/to/files/image_stereo_{left,right}.#.jpg') FileSequence.findSequencesOnDisk('/path/to/files/imag?_*_{left,right}.@@@.jpg', strictPadding=True) Args: pattern (str): directory to scan, or pattern to filter in directory include_hidden (bool): if true, show .hidden files as well strictPadding (bool): if True, ignore files with padding length different from pattern pad_style (`.PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH1` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH4`): padding style allow_subframes (bool): if True, handle subframe filenames Returns: list: """ # reserve some functions we're going to need quick access to _not_hidden = lambda f: not f.startswith('.') _match_pattern = None _filter_padding = None _join = os.path.join seq = None dirpath = pattern # Support the pattern defining a filter for the files # in the existing directory if not os.path.isdir(pattern): dirpath, filepat = os.path.split(pattern) if not os.path.isdir(dirpath): return [] # Start building a regex for filtering files seq = cls(filepat, pad_style=pad_style, allow_subframes=allow_subframes) patt = r'\A' patt += cls._globCharsToRegex(seq.basename()) if seq.padding(): patt += '(' if seq.framePadding(): patt += r'\d+' if seq.subframePadding(): patt += r'\.\d+' patt += ')' if seq.extension(): patt += cls._globCharsToRegex(seq.extension()) # Convert braces groups into regex capture groups matches = re.finditer(r'{(.*?)(?:,(.*?))*}', patt) for match in reversed(list(matches)): i, j = match.span() regex = '(?:%s)' % '|'.join( [m.strip() for m in match.groups()]) patt = "".join((patt[0:i], regex, patt[j:])) patt += r'\Z' try: _match_pattern = re.compile(patt).match except re.error: msg = 'Invalid file pattern: {!r}'.format(filepat) raise FileSeqException(msg) if seq.padding() and strictPadding: get_frame = lambda f: _match_pattern(f).group(1) _filter_padding = functools.partial( cls._filterByPaddingNum, zfill=seq.zfill(), decimal_places=seq.decimalPlaces(), get_frame=get_frame) # Get just the immediate files under the dir. # Avoids testing the os.listdir() for files as # a second step. ret = next(os.walk(dirpath), None) files = ret[-1] if ret else [] # collapse some generators to get us the files that match our regex if not include_hidden: files = filter(_not_hidden, files) # Filter by files that match the provided file pattern if _match_pattern: files = filter(_match_pattern, files) # Filter by files that match the frame padding in the file pattern if _filter_padding: # returns a generator files = _filter_padding(files) # Ensure our dirpath ends with a path separator, so # that we can control which sep is used during the # os.path.join sep = utils._getPathSep(dirpath) if not dirpath.endswith(sep): dirpath += sep files = [_join(dirpath, f) for f in files] seqs = list( cls.yield_sequences_in_list(files, pad_style=pad_style, allow_subframes=allow_subframes)) if _filter_padding and seq: frame_pad = cls.conformPadding(seq.framePadding(), pad_style=pad_style) subframe_pad = cls.conformPadding(seq.subframePadding(), pad_style=pad_style) # strict padding should preserve the original padding # characters in the found sequences. for s in seqs: s.setFramePadding(frame_pad) s.setSubframePadding(subframe_pad) return seqs @classmethod def findSequenceOnDisk(cls, pattern, strictPadding=False, pad_style=PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT, allow_subframes=False): """ Search for a specific sequence on disk. The padding characters used in the `pattern` are used to filter the frame values of the files on disk (if `strictPadding` is True). Examples: Find sequence matching basename and extension, and a wildcard for any frame. returns bar.1.exr bar.10.exr, bar.100.exr, bar.1000.exr, inclusive ``FileSequence.findSequenceOnDisk("seq/bar@@@@.exr")`` Find exactly 4-padded sequence, i.e. seq/bar1-100#.exr returns only frames bar1000.exr through bar9999.exr ``FileSequence.findSequenceOnDisk("seq/bar#.exr", strictPadding=True)`` Args: pattern (str): the sequence pattern being searched for strictPadding (bool): if True, ignore files with padding length different from `pattern` pad_style (`.PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH1` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH4`): padding style allow_subframes (bool): if True, handle subframe filenames Returns: str: Raises: :class:`.FileSeqException`: if no sequence is found on disk """ seq = cls(pattern, allow_subframes=allow_subframes, pad_style=pad_style) if seq.frameRange() == '' and seq.padding() == '': if os.path.isfile(pattern): return seq patt = seq.format('{dirname}{basename}*{extension}') dirname = seq.dirname() basename = seq.basename() ext = seq.extension() pad = seq.padding() frame_pad = seq.framePadding() subframe_pad = seq.subframePadding() globbed = iglob(patt) if pad: patt = r'\A' if dirname: patt = r'.*[/\\]' patt += re.escape(basename) + '(.*)' + re.escape(ext) + r'\Z' get_frame = lambda f: re.match(patt, f).group(1) if strictPadding: globbed = cls._filterByPaddingNum( globbed, seq.zfill(), decimal_places=seq.decimalPlaces(), get_frame=get_frame) frame_pad = cls.conformPadding(frame_pad, pad_style=pad_style) subframe_pad = cls.conformPadding(subframe_pad, pad_style=pad_style) else: globbed = cls._filterByPaddingNum( globbed, None, decimal_places=seq.decimalPlaces(), get_frame=get_frame) sequences = [] allow_subframes = bool(seq.decimalPlaces()) for match in cls.yield_sequences_in_list( globbed, using=seq, pad_style=pad_style, allow_subframes=allow_subframes): if match.basename() == basename and match.extension() == ext: if pad and strictPadding: match.setFramePadding(frame_pad) match.setSubframePadding(subframe_pad) sequences.append(match) if len(sequences) == 1: return sequences[0] elif not sequences: msg = 'no sequence found on disk matching {0}' else: msg = 'multiple sequences found on disk matching {0}' raise FileSeqException(msg.format(pattern)) @staticmethod def _globCharsToRegex(filename): """ Translate single character elements of a shell pattern to make suitable for a regular expression pattern Args: filename (str): filename containing shell pattern to convert Returns: str: """ filename = filename.replace('.', r'\.') filename = filename.replace('*', '.*') filename = filename.replace('?', '.') return filename @classmethod def _filterByPaddingNum(cls, iterable, zfill, decimal_places=0, get_frame=None): """ Yield only path elements from iterable which have a frame padding that matches the given target padding numbers. If zfill is None only the subframe length is matched against decimal places. If provided get_frame should be a callable taking one argument that will extract the frame number from a filename. Args: iterable (collections.Iterable): zfill (int or None): decimal_places (int): get_frame (callable): Yields: str: """ if decimal_places == 0: _check = cls.DISK_RE.match else: _check = cls.DISK_SUB_RE.match for item in iterable: # Add a filter for paths that don't match the frame # padding of a given number matches = _check(item) if not matches: if zfill is None or zfill <= 0: # Not a sequence pattern, but we were asked # to match on a zero padding yield item continue # Ensure DISK_RE matches before calling optional get_frame function frame = or '' if frame and get_frame is not None: frame = get_frame(item) or '' if not frame: if zfill is None or zfill <= 0: # No frame value was parsed, but we were asked # to match on a zero padding yield item continue # We have a frame number frame, _, subframe = frame.partition(".") if len(subframe) != decimal_places: continue if zfill is None: yield item continue if frame[0] == '0' or frame[:2] == '-0': if len(frame) == zfill: # A frame leading with '0' is explicitly # padded and can only be a match if its exactly # the target padding number yield item continue if len(frame) >= zfill: # A frame that does not lead with '0' can match # a padding width >= to the target padding number yield item continue @classmethod def getPaddingChars(cls, num, pad_style=PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT): """ Given a particular amount of padding, return the proper padding characters. Args: num (int): required width of string with padding pad_style (`.PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH1` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH4`): padding style Returns: str: """ num = max(1, num) reverse_pad_map = cls.REVERSE_PAD_MAP[pad_style] # Find the widest padding character that can be used alone for width in sorted(reverse_pad_map, reverse=True): if num % width == 0: return reverse_pad_map[width] * (num // width) # Should never reach here as all styles should have an entry for width 1 raise FileSeqException( 'REVERSE_PAD_MAP missing pad character for width 1') @classmethod def getPaddingNum(cls, chars, pad_style=PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT): """ Given a supported group of padding characters, return the amount of padding. Args: chars (str): a supported group of padding characters pad_style (`.PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH1` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH4`): padding style Returns: int: Raises: ValueError: if unsupported padding character is detected """ if not chars: return 0 match = PRINTF_SYNTAX_PADDING_RE.match( chars) or HOUDINI_SYNTAX_PADDING_RE.match(chars) if match: paddingNumStr = paddingNum = int(paddingNumStr) if paddingNumStr else 1 return max(paddingNum, 1) try: rval = 0 for char in chars: rval += cls.PAD_MAP[char][pad_style] return rval except KeyError: msg = "Detected an unsupported padding character: \"{}\"." msg += " Supported padding characters: {} or printf syntax padding" msg += " %<int>d" raise ValueError( msg.format(char, utils.asString(list(cls.PAD_MAP)))) @classmethod def conformPadding(cls, chars, pad_style=PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT): """ Ensure alternate input padding formats are conformed to formats defined in PAD_MAP If chars is already a format defined in PAD_MAP, then it is returned unmodified. Example:: '#' -> '#' '@@@@' -> '@@@@' '%04d' -> '#' Args: chars (str): input padding chars pad_style (`.PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH1` or `.PAD_STYLE_HASH4`): padding style Returns: str: conformed padding chars Raises: ValueError: If chars contains invalid padding characters """ pad = chars if pad and pad[0] not in cls.PAD_MAP: num = cls.getPaddingNum(pad, pad_style=pad_style) pad = cls.getPaddingChars(num, pad_style=pad_style) return pad
class FileSequence(object): """:class:`FileSequence` represents an ordered sequence of files. :type sequence: str :param sequence: (ie: dir/path.1-100#.ext) """ def __init__(self, sequence): if not hasattr(self, '_frameSet'): self._frameSet = None try: # the main case, padding characters in the path.1-100#.exr path, frames, self._pad, self._ext = SPLIT_RE.split( sequence, 1) self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) except ValueError: # edge case 1; we've got an invalid pad for placeholder in PAD_MAP.keys(): if placeholder in sequence: msg = "Failed to parse FileSequence: {0}" raise ParseException(msg.format(sequence)) # edge case 2; we've got a single frame of a sequence a_frame = DISK_RE.match(sequence) if a_frame: self._dir, self._base, frames, self._ext = a_frame.groups() # edge case 3: we've got a single versioned file, not a sequence if frames and not self._base.endswith('.'): self._base = self._base + frames self._pad = '' elif not frames: self._pad = '' self._frameSet = None else: self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) if self._frameSet: self._pad = FileSequence.getPaddingChars( len(frames)) else: self._pad = '' self._frameSet = None # edge case 4; we've got a solitary file, not a sequence else: path, self._ext = os.path.splitext(sequence) self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._pad = '' if self._dir: if not self._dir.endswith(os.sep): self._dir += os.sep else: self._dir = '' self._zfill = sum([PAD_MAP[c] for c in self._pad]) def format(self, template="{basename}{range}{padding}{extension}"): """Return the file sequence as a formatted string according to the given template. Utilizes the python string format syntax. Available keys include: * basename - the basename of the sequence. * extension - the file extension of the sequence. * start - the start frame. * end - the end frame. * length - the length of the frame range. * padding - the detecting amount of padding. * inverted - the inverted frame range. (returns "" if none) * dirname - the directory name. :type template: str :rtype: str """ return template.format(basename=self.basename(), extension=self.extension(), start=self.start(), end=self.end(), length=len(self), padding=self.padding(), range=self.frameRange() or "", inverted=self.invertedFrameRange() or "", dirname=self.dirname()) def split(self): """ Split the :class:`FileSequence` into contiguous pieces and return them as a list of :class:`FileSequence` instances. :rtype: list """ result = [] for frange in self.frameRange().split(","): result.append( FileSequence(''.join( (self._dir, self._base, frange, self._pad, self._ext)))) return result def dirname(self): """ Return the directory name of the sequence. :rtype: str """ return self._dir def setDirname(self, dirname): """ Set a new directory name for the sequence. :type dirname: str :param dirname: the new directory name :rtype: None """ self._dir = dirname def basename(self): """ Return the basename of the sequence. :rtype: str """ return self._base def setBasename(self, base): """ Set a new basename for the sequence. :type base: str :param base: the new base name :rtype: None """ self._base = base def padding(self): """ Return the the padding characters in the sequence. :rtype: str """ return self._pad def setPadding(self, padding): """ Set new padding characters for the sequence. i.e. "#" or "@@@", or an empty string to disable range formatting. :type padding: str :rtype: None """ self._pad = padding self._zfill = sum([PAD_MAP[c] for c in self._pad]) def frameSet(self): """ Return the :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` of the sequence if specified, otherwise None. :rtype: :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` or None """ return self._frameSet def setFrameSet(self, frameSet): """ Set a new :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` for the sequence. :param frameSet: the new :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` object :rtype: None """ self._frameSet = frameSet def extension(self): """ Return the file extension of the sequence, including leading period. :rtype: str """ return self._ext def setExtension(self, ext): """ Set a new file extension for the sequence. .. note:: A leading period will be added if none is provided. :param ext: the new file extension :rtype: None """ if ext[0] != ".": ext = "." + ext self._ext = ext def setExtention(self, ext): """ Deprecated: use :meth:`setExtension`. """ import warnings msg = "the setExtention method is deprecated, please use setExtension" warnings.warn(msg) self.setExtension(ext) def frameRange(self): """ Returns the string formatted frame range of the sequence. Will return an empty string if the sequence has no frame pattern. :rtype: str """ if not self._frameSet: return '' return self._frameSet.frameRange(self._zfill) def setFrameRange(self, frange): """ Set a new frame range for the sequence. :param frange: a properly formatted frame range, as per :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` :rtype: None """ self._frameSet = FrameSet(frange) def invertedFrameRange(self): """ Returns the inverse string formatted frame range of the sequence. Will return an empty string if the sequence has no frame pattern. :rtype: str """ if not self._frameSet: return '' return self._frameSet.invertedFrameRange(self._zfill) def start(self): """ Returns the start frame of the sequence's :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet`. Will return 0 if the sequence has no frame pattern. :rtype: int """ if not self._frameSet: return 0 return self._frameSet.start() def end(self): """ Returns the end frame of the sequences :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet`. Will return 0 if the sequence has no frame pattern. :rtype: int """ if not self._frameSet: return 0 return self._frameSet.end() def zfill(self): """ Returns the zfill depth (ie the number of zeroes to pad with). :rtype: int """ return self._zfill def frame(self, frame): """ Return a path go the given frame in the sequence. Integer or string digits are treated as a frame number and padding is applied, all other values are passed though. :Example: >>> seq.frame(1) /foo/bar.0001.exr >>> seq.frame("#") /foo/bar.#.exr :param frame: the desired frame number (int/str) or a char to pass through (ie. #) :rtype: str """ try: zframe = str(int(frame)).zfill(self._zfill) except ValueError: zframe = frame # There may have been no placeholder for frame IDs in # the sequence, in which case we don't want to insert # a frame ID if self._zfill == 0: zframe = "" return "".join((self._dir, self._base, zframe, self._ext)) def index(self, idx): """ Return the path to the file at the given index. :type idx: int :param idx: the desired index :rtype: str """ if not self._frameSet: return str(self) return self.frame(self._frameSet[idx]) def __iter__(self): """ Allow iteration over the path or paths this :class:`FileSequence` represents. :rtype: generator """ # If there is no frame range, or there is no padding # characters, then we only want to represent a single path if not self._frameSet or not self._zfill: yield str(self) return for f in self._frameSet: yield self.frame(f) def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Allows access via index to the underlying :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet`. :type idx: int :param idx: the desired index :rtype: int """ return self.index(idx) def __len__(self): """ The length (number of files) represented by this :class:`FileSequence`. :rtype: int """ if not self._frameSet or not self._zfill: return 1 return len(self._frameSet) def __str__(self): """ String representation of this :class:`FileSequence`. :rtype: str """ frameSet = str(self._frameSet or "") return "".join((self._dir, self._base, frameSet, self._pad if frameSet else "", self._ext)) @staticmethod def yield_sequences_in_list(paths): """ Yield the discrete sequences within paths. This does not try to determine if the files actually exist on disk, it assumes you already know that. :param paths: a list of paths :rtype: generator """ seqs = {} _check = DISK_RE.match for match in ifilter(None, imap(_check, paths)): dirname, basename, frame, ext = match.groups() if not basename and not ext: continue key = (dirname, basename, ext) seqs.setdefault(key, set()) if frame: seqs[key].add(frame) for (dirname, basename, ext), frames in seqs.iteritems(): # build the FileSequence behind the scenes, rather than dupe work seq = FileSequence.__new__(FileSequence) seq._dir = dirname or '' seq._base = basename or '' seq._ext = ext or '' if frames: seq._frameSet = FrameSet(set(imap(int, frames))) if frames else None seq._pad = FileSequence.getPaddingChars(min(imap(len, frames))) else: seq._frameSet = None seq._pad = '' seq.__init__(str(seq)) yield seq @staticmethod def findSequencesInList(paths): """ Returns the list of discrete sequences within paths. This does not try to determine if the files actually exist on disk, it assumes you already know that. :param paths: a list of paths :rtype: list """ return list(FileSequence.yield_sequences_in_list(paths)) @staticmethod def findSequencesOnDisk(dirpath, include_hidden=False): """ Yield the sequences found in the given directory. :param dirpath: directory to scan :type include_hidden: bool :param include_hidden: if true, show .hidden files as well :rtype: list """ # reserve some functions we're going to need quick access to _not_hidden = lambda f: not f.startswith('.') _isfile = os.path.isfile _join = os.path.join # collapse some generators to get us the files that match our regex files = os.listdir(dirpath) if not include_hidden: files = ifilter(_not_hidden, files) files = (_join(dirpath, f) for f in files) files = ifilter(_isfile, files) return list(FileSequence.yield_sequences_in_list(files)) @staticmethod def findSequenceOnDisk(pattern): """ Search for a specific sequence on disk. :Example: >>> findSequenceOnDisk("seq/bar#.exr") # or any fileseq pattern :param pattern: the sequence pattern being searched for :rtype: str :raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.FileSeqException` if no sequence is found on disk """ seq = FileSequence(pattern) patt = seq.format('{dirname}{basename}*{extension}') ext = seq.extension() basename = seq.basename() matches = FileSequence.yield_sequences_in_list(iglob(patt)) for match in matches: if match.basename() == basename and match.extension() == ext: return match msg = 'no sequence found on disk matching {0}' raise FileSeqException(msg.format(pattern)) @staticmethod def getPaddingChars(num): """ Given a particular amount of padding, return the proper padding characters. """ if num == 0: return "@" if num % 4 == 0: return "#" * (num / 4) else: return "@" * num @staticmethod def getPaddingNum(chars): """ Given a supported group of padding characters, return the amount of padding. :type chars: str :param chars: a supported group of padding characters :rtype: int :raises: ValueError if unsupported padding character is detected """ try: return sum([PAD_MAP[char] for char in chars]) except KeyError: msg = "Detected an unsupported padding character: \"{}\"." msg += " Supported padding characters: {}." raise ValueError(msg.format(char, str(PAD_MAP.keys())))
class FileSequence(object): """:class:`FileSequence` represents an ordered sequence of files. :type sequence: str :param sequence: (ie: dir/path.1-100#.ext) """ def __init__(self, sequence): if not hasattr(self, "_frameSet"): self._frameSet = None try: # the main case, padding characters in the path.1-100#.exr path, frames, self._pad, self._ext = SPLIT_RE.split(sequence, 1) self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) except ValueError: # edge case 1; we've got an invalid pad for placeholder in PAD_MAP.keys(): if placeholder in sequence: msg = "Failed to parse FileSequence: {0}" raise ParseException(msg.format(sequence)) # edge case 2; we've got a single frame of a sequence a_frame = DISK_RE.match(sequence) if a_frame: self._dir, self._base, frames, self._ext = a_frame.groups() # edge case 3: we've got a single versioned file, not a sequence if frames and not self._base.endswith("."): self._base = self._base + frames self._pad = "" elif not frames: self._pad = "" self._frameSet = None else: self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) if self._frameSet: self._pad = FileSequence.getPaddingChars(len(frames)) else: self._pad = "" self._frameSet = None # edge case 4; we've got a solitary file, not a sequence else: path, self._ext = os.path.splitext(sequence) self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._pad = "" if self._dir: if not self._dir.endswith(os.sep): self._dir += os.sep else: self._dir = "" self._zfill = sum([PAD_MAP[c] for c in self._pad]) def format(self, template="{basename}{range}{padding}{extension}"): """Return the file sequence as a formatted string according to the given template. Utilizes the python string format syntax. Available keys include: * basename - the basename of the sequence. * extension - the file extension of the sequence. * start - the start frame. * end - the end frame. * length - the length of the frame range. * padding - the detecting amount of padding. * inverted - the inverted frame range. (returns "" if none) * dirname - the directory name. :type template: str :rtype: str """ return template.format( basename=self.basename(), extension=self.extension(), start=self.start(), end=self.end(), length=len(self), padding=self.padding(), range=self.frameRange() or "", inverted=self.invertedFrameRange() or "", dirname=self.dirname(), ) def split(self): """ Split the :class:`FileSequence` into contiguous pieces and return them as a list of :class:`FileSequence` instances. :rtype: list """ result = [] for frange in self.frameRange().split(","): result.append(FileSequence("".join((self._dir, self._base, frange, self._pad, self._ext)))) return result def dirname(self): """ Return the directory name of the sequence. :rtype: str """ return self._dir def setDirname(self, dirname): """ Set a new directory name for the sequence. :type dirname: str :param dirname: the new directory name :rtype: None """ self._dir = dirname def basename(self): """ Return the basename of the sequence. :rtype: str """ return self._base def setBasename(self, base): """ Set a new basename for the sequence. :type base: str :param base: the new base name :rtype: None """ self._base = base def padding(self): """ Return the the padding characters in the sequence. :rtype: str """ return self._pad def setPadding(self, padding): """ Set new padding characters for the sequence. i.e. "#" or "@@@", or an empty string to disable range formatting. :type padding: str :rtype: None """ self._pad = padding self._zfill = sum([PAD_MAP[c] for c in self._pad]) def frameSet(self): """ Return the :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` of the sequence if specified, otherwise None. :rtype: :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` or None """ return self._frameSet def setFrameSet(self, frameSet): """ Set a new :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` for the sequence. :param frameSet: the new :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` object :rtype: None """ self._frameSet = frameSet def extension(self): """ Return the file extension of the sequence, including leading period. :rtype: str """ return self._ext def setExtension(self, ext): """ Set a new file extension for the sequence. .. note:: A leading period will be added if none is provided. :param ext: the new file extension :rtype: None """ if ext[0] != ".": ext = "." + ext self._ext = ext def setExtention(self, ext): """ Deprecated: use :meth:`setExtension`. """ import warnings msg = "the setExtention method is deprecated, please use setExtension" warnings.warn(msg) self.setExtension(ext) def frameRange(self): """ Returns the string formatted frame range of the sequence. Will return an empty string if the sequence has no frame pattern. :rtype: str """ if not self._frameSet: return "" return self._frameSet.frameRange(self._zfill) def setFrameRange(self, frange): """ Set a new frame range for the sequence. :param frange: a properly formatted frame range, as per :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet` :rtype: None """ self._frameSet = FrameSet(frange) def invertedFrameRange(self): """ Returns the inverse string formatted frame range of the sequence. Will return an empty string if the sequence has no frame pattern. :rtype: str """ if not self._frameSet: return "" return self._frameSet.invertedFrameRange(self._zfill) def start(self): """ Returns the start frame of the sequence's :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet`. Will return 0 if the sequence has no frame pattern. :rtype: int """ if not self._frameSet: return 0 return self._frameSet.start() def end(self): """ Returns the end frame of the sequences :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet`. Will return 0 if the sequence has no frame pattern. :rtype: int """ if not self._frameSet: return 0 return self._frameSet.end() def zfill(self): """ Returns the zfill depth (ie the number of zeroes to pad with). :rtype: int """ return self._zfill def frame(self, frame): """ Return a path go the given frame in the sequence. Integer or string digits are treated as a frame number and padding is applied, all other values are passed though. :Example: >>> seq.frame(1) /foo/bar.0001.exr >>> seq.frame("#") /foo/bar.#.exr :param frame: the desired frame number (int/str) or a char to pass through (ie. #) :rtype: str """ try: zframe = str(int(frame)).zfill(self._zfill) except ValueError: zframe = frame # There may have been no placeholder for frame IDs in # the sequence, in which case we don't want to insert # a frame ID if self._zfill == 0: zframe = "" return "".join((self._dir, self._base, zframe, self._ext)) def index(self, idx): """ Return the path to the file at the given index. :type idx: int :param idx: the desired index :rtype: str """ if not self._frameSet: return str(self) return self.frame(self._frameSet[idx]) def __iter__(self): """ Allow iteration over the path or paths this :class:`FileSequence` represents. :rtype: generator """ # If there is no frame range, or there is no padding # characters, then we only want to represent a single path if not self._frameSet or not self._zfill: yield str(self) return for f in self._frameSet: yield self.frame(f) def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Allows access via index to the underlying :class:`fileseq.frameset.FrameSet`. :type idx: int :param idx: the desired index :rtype: int """ return self.index(idx) def __len__(self): """ The length (number of files) represented by this :class:`FileSequence`. :rtype: int """ if not self._frameSet or not self._zfill: return 1 return len(self._frameSet) def __str__(self): """ String representation of this :class:`FileSequence`. :rtype: str """ frameSet = str(self._frameSet or "") return "".join((self._dir, self._base, frameSet, self._pad if frameSet else "", self._ext)) @staticmethod def yield_sequences_in_list(paths): """ Yield the discrete sequences within paths. This does not try to determine if the files actually exist on disk, it assumes you already know that. :param paths: a list of paths :rtype: generator """ seqs = {} _check = DISK_RE.match for match in ifilter(None, imap(_check, paths)): dirname, basename, frame, ext = match.groups() if not basename and not ext: continue key = (dirname, basename, ext) seqs.setdefault(key, set()) if frame: seqs[key].add(frame) for (dirname, basename, ext), frames in seqs.iteritems(): # build the FileSequence behind the scenes, rather than dupe work seq = FileSequence.__new__(FileSequence) seq._dir = dirname or "" seq._base = basename or "" seq._ext = ext or "" if frames: seq._frameSet = FrameSet(set(imap(int, frames))) if frames else None seq._pad = FileSequence.getPaddingChars(min(imap(len, frames))) else: seq._frameSet = None seq._pad = "" seq.__init__(str(seq)) yield seq @staticmethod def findSequencesInList(paths): """ Returns the list of discrete sequences within paths. This does not try to determine if the files actually exist on disk, it assumes you already know that. :param paths: a list of paths :rtype: list """ return list(FileSequence.yield_sequences_in_list(paths)) @staticmethod def findSequencesOnDisk(dirpath, include_hidden=False): """ Yield the sequences found in the given directory. :param dirpath: directory to scan :type include_hidden: bool :param include_hidden: if true, show .hidden files as well :rtype: list """ # reserve some functions we're going to need quick access to _not_hidden = lambda f: not f.startswith(".") _isfile = os.path.isfile _join = os.path.join # collapse some generators to get us the files that match our regex files = os.listdir(dirpath) if not include_hidden: files = ifilter(_not_hidden, files) files = (_join(dirpath, f) for f in files) files = ifilter(_isfile, files) return list(FileSequence.yield_sequences_in_list(files)) @staticmethod def findSequenceOnDisk(pattern): """ Search for a specific sequence on disk. :Example: >>> findSequenceOnDisk("seq/bar#.exr") # or any fileseq pattern :param pattern: the sequence pattern being searched for :rtype: str :raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.FileSeqException` if no sequence is found on disk """ seq = FileSequence(pattern) if seq.frameRange() == "" and seq.padding() == "": if os.path.isfile(pattern): return seq patt = seq.format("{dirname}{basename}*{extension}") ext = seq.extension() basename = seq.basename() matches = FileSequence.yield_sequences_in_list(iglob(patt)) for match in matches: if match.basename() == basename and match.extension() == ext: return match msg = "no sequence found on disk matching {0}" raise FileSeqException(msg.format(pattern)) @staticmethod def getPaddingChars(num): """ Given a particular amount of padding, return the proper padding characters. """ if num == 0: return "@" if num % 4 == 0: return "#" * (num / 4) else: return "@" * num @staticmethod def getPaddingNum(chars): """ Given a supported group of padding characters, return the amount of padding. :type chars: str :param chars: a supported group of padding characters :rtype: int :raises: ValueError if unsupported padding character is detected """ try: return sum([PAD_MAP[char] for char in chars]) except KeyError: msg = 'Detected an unsupported padding character: "{}".' msg += " Supported padding characters: {}." raise ValueError(msg.format(char, str(PAD_MAP.keys())))
def __init__(self, sequence, pad_style=PAD_STYLE_DEFAULT, allow_subframes=False): """Init the class """ sequence = utils.asString(sequence) if not hasattr(self, '_frameSet'): self._frameSet = None if allow_subframes: split_re = self.SPLIT_SUB_RE disk_re = self.DISK_SUB_RE else: split_re = self.SPLIT_RE disk_re = self.DISK_RE try: # the main case, padding characters in the path.1-100#.exr path, frames, self._pad, self._ext = split_re.split( sequence, 1) self._frame_pad, _, self._subframe_pad = self._pad.partition( '.') self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) except ValueError: # edge case 1; we've got an invalid pad for placeholder in self.PAD_MAP: if placeholder in sequence: msg = "Failed to parse FileSequence: {!r}" raise ParseException(msg.format(sequence)) # edge case 2; we've got a single frame of a sequence a_frame = disk_re.match(sequence) if a_frame: self._dir, self._base, frames, self._ext = a_frame.groups() # edge case 3: we've got a single versioned file, not a sequence if frames and not self._base.endswith('.'): self._base = self._base + frames self._pad = '' self._frame_pad = '' self._subframe_pad = '' elif not frames: self._pad = '' self._frame_pad = '' self._subframe_pad = '' self._frameSet = None else: self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) if self._frameSet: frame_num, _, subframe_num = frames.partition('.') self._frame_pad = self.getPaddingChars( len(frame_num), pad_style=pad_style) if subframe_num: self._subframe_pad = self.getPaddingChars( len(subframe_num), pad_style=pad_style) self._pad = '.'.join( [self._frame_pad, self._subframe_pad]) else: self._pad = self._frame_pad self._subframe_pad = '' else: self._pad = '' self._frame_pad = '' self._subframe_pad = '' self._frameSet = None # edge case 4; we've got a solitary file, not a sequence else: path, self._ext = os.path.splitext(sequence) self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._pad = '' self._frame_pad = '' self._subframe_pad = '' if self._dir: self.setDirname(self._dir) self._pad_style = pad_style self._zfill = self.getPaddingNum(self._frame_pad, pad_style=pad_style) self._decimal_places = self.getPaddingNum(self._subframe_pad, pad_style=pad_style) # Round subframes to match sequence if self._frameSet is not None and self._frameSet.hasSubFrames(): self._frameSet = FrameSet([ utils.quantize(frame, self._decimal_places) for frame in self._frameSet ])
class FileSequence(object): """:class:`FileSequence` represents an ordered sequence of files. Args: sequence (str): (ie: dir/path.1-100#.ext) Returns: :class:`FileSequence`: Raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.MaxSizeException`: If frame size exceeds :const:`fileseq.constants.MAX_FRAME_SIZE` """ def __init__(self, sequence): """Init the class """ sequence = utils.asString(sequence) if not hasattr(self, '_frameSet'): self._frameSet = None try: # the main case, padding characters in the path.1-100#.exr path, frames, self._pad, self._ext = SPLIT_RE.split( sequence, 1) self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) except ValueError: # edge case 1; we've got an invalid pad for placeholder in PAD_MAP.keys(): if placeholder in sequence: msg = "Failed to parse FileSequence: {0}" raise ParseException(msg.format(sequence)) # edge case 2; we've got a single frame of a sequence a_frame = DISK_RE.match(sequence) if a_frame: self._dir, self._base, frames, self._ext = a_frame.groups() # edge case 3: we've got a single versioned file, not a sequence if frames and not self._base.endswith('.'): self._base = self._base + frames self._pad = '' elif not frames: self._pad = '' self._frameSet = None else: self._frameSet = FrameSet(frames) if self._frameSet: self._pad = FileSequence.getPaddingChars( len(frames)) else: self._pad = '' self._frameSet = None # edge case 4; we've got a solitary file, not a sequence else: path, self._ext = os.path.splitext(sequence) self._dir, self._base = os.path.split(path) self._pad = '' if self._dir: self.setDirname(self._dir) self._zfill = self.__class__.getPaddingNum(self._pad) def copy(self): """ Create a deep copy of this sequence Returns: :obj:`.FileSequence`: """ fs = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) fs.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy() fs._frameSet = None if self._frameSet is not None: fs._frameSet = self._frameSet.copy() return fs def format(self, template="{basename}{range}{padding}{extension}"): """Return the file sequence as a formatted string according to the given template. Utilizes the python string format syntax. Available keys include: * basename - the basename of the sequence. * extension - the file extension of the sequence. * start - the start frame. * end - the end frame. * length - the length of the frame range. * padding - the detecting amount of padding. * inverted - the inverted frame range. (returns "" if none) * dirname - the directory name. If asking for the inverted range value, and the new inverted range exceeded :const:`fileseq.constants.MAX_FRAME_SIZE`, a ``MaxSizeException`` will be raised. Args: template (str): Returns: str: Raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.MaxSizeException`: If frame size exceeds :const:`fileseq.constants.MAX_FRAME_SIZE` """ # Potentially expensive if inverted range is large # and user never asked for it in template inverted = (self.invertedFrameRange() or "") if "{inverted}" in template else "" return template.format(basename=self.basename(), extension=self.extension(), start=self.start(), end=self.end(), length=len(self), padding=self.padding(), range=self.frameRange() or "", inverted=inverted, dirname=self.dirname()) def split(self): """ Split the :class:`FileSequence` into contiguous pieces and return them as a list of :class:`FileSequence` instances. Returns: list[:class:`FileSequence`]: """ result = [] for frange in self.frameRange().split(","): result.append( FileSequence(''.join( (self._dir, self._base, frange, self._pad, self._ext)))) return result def dirname(self): """ Return the directory name of the sequence. Returns: str: """ return self._dir def setDirname(self, dirname): """ Set a new directory name for the sequence. Args: dirname (str): the new directory name """ # Make sure the dirname always ends in # a path separator character sep = utils._getPathSep(dirname) if not dirname.endswith(sep): dirname += sep self._dir = utils.asString(dirname) def basename(self): """ Return the basename of the sequence. Returns: str: sequence basename """ return self._base def setBasename(self, base): """ Set a new basename for the sequence. Args: base (str): the new base name """ self._base = utils.asString(base) def padding(self): """ Return the the padding characters in the sequence. Returns: str: sequence padding """ return self._pad def setPadding(self, padding): """ Set new padding characters for the sequence. i.e. "#" or "@@@" or '%04d', or an empty string to disable range formatting. Args: padding (str): sequence padding to set """ self._pad = padding self._zfill = self.__class__.getPaddingNum(self._pad) def frameSet(self): """ Return the :class:`.FrameSet` of the sequence if specified, otherwise None. Returns: :class:`.FrameSet` or None: """ return self._frameSet def setFrameSet(self, frameSet): """ Set a new :class:`.FrameSet` for the sequence. Args: frameSet (:class:`.FrameSet`): the new :class:`.FrameSet` object """ self._frameSet = frameSet def extension(self): """ Return the file extension of the sequence, including leading period. Returns: str: """ return self._ext def setExtension(self, ext): """ Set a new file extension for the sequence. Note: A leading period will be added if none is provided. Args: ext (str): the new file extension """ if ext[0] != ".": ext = "." + ext self._ext = utils.asString(ext) def setExtention(self, ext): """ Deprecated: use :meth:`setExtension`. Args: ext (str): """ import warnings msg = "the setExtention method is deprecated, please use setExtension" warnings.warn(msg) self.setExtension(ext) def frameRange(self): """ Returns the string formatted frame range of the sequence. Will return an empty string if the sequence has no frame pattern. Returns: str: """ if not self._frameSet: return '' return self._frameSet.frameRange(self._zfill) def setFrameRange(self, frange): """ Set a new frame range for the sequence. Args: frange (str): a properly formatted frame range, as per :class:`.FrameSet` """ self._frameSet = FrameSet(frange) def invertedFrameRange(self): """ Returns the inverse string formatted frame range of the sequence. Will return an empty string if the sequence has no frame pattern. Returns: str: Raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.MaxSizeException`: If new inverted range exceeded :const:`fileseq.constants.MAX_FRAME_SIZE` """ if not self._frameSet: return '' return self._frameSet.invertedFrameRange(self._zfill) def start(self): """ Returns the start frame of the sequence's :class:`.FrameSet`. Will return 0 if the sequence has no frame pattern. Returns: int: """ if not self._frameSet: return 0 return self._frameSet.start() def end(self): """ Returns the end frame of the sequences :class:`.FrameSet`. Will return 0 if the sequence has no frame pattern. Returns: int: """ if not self._frameSet: return 0 return self._frameSet.end() def zfill(self): """ Returns the zfill depth (ie the number of zeroes to pad with). Returns: int: """ return self._zfill def frame(self, frame): """ Return a path go the given frame in the sequence. Integer or string digits are treated as a frame number and padding is applied, all other values are passed though. Examples: >>> seq.frame(1) /foo/bar.0001.exr >>> seq.frame("#") /foo/bar.#.exr Args: frame (int or str): the desired frame number or a char to pass through (ie. #) Returns: str: """ try: zframe = str(int(frame)).zfill(self._zfill) except ValueError: zframe = frame # There may have been no placeholder for frame IDs in # the sequence, in which case we don't want to insert # a frame ID if self._zfill == 0: zframe = "" return "".join((self._dir, self._base, zframe, self._ext)) def index(self, idx): """ Return the path to the file at the given index. Args: idx (int): the desired index Returns: str: """ return self.__getitem__(idx) def __iter__(self): """ Allow iteration over the path or paths this :class:`FileSequence` represents. Yields: :class:`FileSequence`: """ # If there is no frame range, or there is no padding # characters, then we only want to represent a single path if not self._frameSet or not self._zfill: yield str(self) return for f in self._frameSet: yield self.frame(f) def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Allows indexing and slicing into the underlying :class:`.FrameSet` When indexing, a string filepath is returns for the frame. When slicing, a new :class:`FileSequence` is returned. Slicing outside the range of the sequence results in an IndexError Args: idx (int or slice): the desired index Returns: str or :obj:`FileSequence`: Raises: :class:`IndexError`: If slice is outside the range of the sequence """ if not self._frameSet: return str(self) frames = self._frameSet[idx] if not hasattr(idx, 'start'): return self.frame(frames) fset = FrameSet(frames) if fset.is_null: raise IndexError("slice is out of range and returns no frames") fs = self.copy() fs.setFrameSet(fset) return fs def __len__(self): """ The length (number of files) represented by this :class:`FileSequence`. Returns: int: """ if not self._frameSet or not self._zfill: return 1 return len(self._frameSet) def __str__(self): """ String representation of this :class:`FileSequence`. Returns: str: """ frameSet = str(self._frameSet or "") return "".join((self._dir, self._base, frameSet, self._pad if frameSet else "", self._ext)) def __repr__(self): try: return "<FileSequence: '%s'>" % str(self) except TypeError: return super(FileSequence, self).__repr__() def __eq__(self, other): return str(self) == str(other) def __ne__(self, other): return str(self) != str(other) @staticmethod def yield_sequences_in_list(paths): """ Yield the discrete sequences within paths. This does not try to determine if the files actually exist on disk, it assumes you already know that. Args: paths (list[str]): a list of paths Yields: :obj:`FileSequence`: """ seqs = {} _check = DISK_RE.match for match in ifilter(None, imap(_check, imap(utils.asString, paths))): dirname, basename, frame, ext = match.groups() if not basename and not ext: continue key = (dirname, basename, ext) seqs.setdefault(key, set()) if frame: seqs[key].add(frame) for (dirname, basename, ext), frames in seqs.iteritems(): # build the FileSequence behind the scenes, rather than dupe work seq = FileSequence.__new__(FileSequence) seq._dir = dirname or '' seq._base = basename or '' seq._ext = ext or '' if frames: seq._frameSet = FrameSet(set(imap(int, frames))) if frames else None seq._pad = FileSequence.getPaddingChars(min(imap(len, frames))) else: seq._frameSet = None seq._pad = '' seq.__init__(str(seq)) yield seq @staticmethod def findSequencesInList(paths): """ Returns the list of discrete sequences within paths. This does not try to determine if the files actually exist on disk, it assumes you already know that. Args: paths (list[str]): a list of paths Returns: list: """ return list(FileSequence.yield_sequences_in_list(paths)) @classmethod def findSequencesOnDisk(cls, pattern, include_hidden=False, strictPadding=False): """ Yield the sequences found in the given directory. Examples: >>> findSequencesOnDisk('/path/to/files') The `pattern` can also specify glob-like shell wildcards including the following: * ``?`` - 1 wildcard character * ``*`` - 1 or more wildcard character * ``{foo,bar}`` - either 'foo' or 'bar' Exact frame ranges are not considered, and padding characters are converted to wildcards (``#`` or ``@``) Examples: >>> findSequencesOnDisk('/path/to/files/image_stereo_{left,right}.#.jpg') >>> findSequencesOnDisk('/path/to/files/imag?_*_{left,right}.@@@.jpg', strictPadding=True) Args: pattern (str): directory to scan, or pattern to filter in directory include_hidden (bool): if true, show .hidden files as well strictPadding (bool): if True, ignore files with padding length different from pattern Returns: list: """ # reserve some functions we're going to need quick access to _not_hidden = lambda f: not f.startswith('.') _match_pattern = None _filter_padding = None _join = os.path.join seq = None dirpath = pattern # Support the pattern defining a filter for the files # in the existing directory if not os.path.isdir(pattern): dirpath, filepat = os.path.split(pattern) if not os.path.isdir(dirpath): return [] # Start building a regex for filtering files seq = cls(filepat) patt = seq.basename().replace('.', r'\.') if seq.padding(): patt += '\d+' if seq.extension(): patt += seq.extension() # Convert braces groups into regex capture groups view = bytearray(patt) matches = re.finditer(r'{(.*?)(?:,(.*?))*}', patt) for match in reversed(list(matches)): i, j = match.span() view[i:j] = '(%s)' % '|'.join( [m.strip() for m in match.groups()]) view = view.replace('*', '.*') view = view.replace('?', '.') view += '$' try: _match_pattern = re.compile(str(view)).match except re.error: msg = 'Invalid file pattern: {}'.format(filepat) raise FileSeqException(msg) if seq.padding() and strictPadding: _filter_padding = functools.partial(cls._filterByPaddingNum, num=seq.zfill()) # Get just the immediate files under the dir. # Avoids testing the os.listdir() for files as # a second step. ret = next(os.walk(dirpath), None) files = ret[-1] if ret else [] # collapse some generators to get us the files that match our regex if not include_hidden: files = ifilter(_not_hidden, files) # Filter by files that match the provided file pattern if _match_pattern: files = ifilter(_match_pattern, files) # Filter by files that match the frame padding in the file pattern if _filter_padding: # returns a generator files = _filter_padding(files) # Ensure our dirpath ends with a path separator, so # that we can control which sep is used during the # os.path.join sep = utils._getPathSep(dirpath) if not dirpath.endswith(sep): dirpath += sep files = (_join(dirpath, f) for f in files) files = list(files) seqs = list(FileSequence.yield_sequences_in_list(files)) if _filter_padding and seq: pad = cls.conformPadding(seq.padding()) # strict padding should preserve the original padding # characters in the found sequences. for s in seqs: s.setPadding(pad) return seqs @classmethod def findSequenceOnDisk(cls, pattern, strictPadding=False): """ Search for a specific sequence on disk. The padding characters used in the `pattern` are used to filter the frame values of the files on disk (if `strictPadding` is True). Examples: Find sequence matching basename and extension, and a wildcard for any frame. returns bar.1.exr bar.10.exr, bar.100.exr, bar.1000.exr, inclusive >>> findSequenceOnDisk("seq/bar@@@@.exr") Find exactly 4-padded sequence, i.e. seq/bar1-100#.exr returns only frames bar1000.exr through bar9999.exr >>> findSequenceOnDisk("seq/bar#.exr", strictPadding=True) Args: pattern (str): the sequence pattern being searched for strictPadding (bool): if True, ignore files with padding length different from `pattern` Returns: str: Raises: :class:`.FileSeqException`: if no sequence is found on disk """ seq = cls(pattern) if seq.frameRange() == '' and seq.padding() == '': if os.path.isfile(pattern): return seq patt = seq.format('{dirname}{basename}*{extension}') ext = seq.extension() basename = seq.basename() pad = seq.padding() globbed = iglob(patt) if pad and strictPadding: globbed = cls._filterByPaddingNum(globbed, seq.zfill()) pad = cls.conformPadding(pad) matches = cls.yield_sequences_in_list(globbed) for match in matches: if match.basename() == basename and match.extension() == ext: if pad and strictPadding: match.setPadding(pad) return match msg = 'no sequence found on disk matching {0}' raise FileSeqException(msg.format(pattern)) @classmethod def _filterByPaddingNum(cls, iterable, num): """ Yield only path elements from iterable which have a frame padding that matches the given target padding number Args: iterable (collections.Iterable): num (int): Yields: str: """ _check = DISK_RE.match for item in iterable: # Add a filter for paths that don't match the frame # padding of a given number matches = _check(item) if not matches: if num <= 0: # Not a sequence pattern, but we were asked # to match on a zero padding yield item continue frame = or '' if not frame: if num <= 0: # No frame value was parsed, but we were asked # to match on a zero padding yield item continue # We have a frame number if frame[0] == '0' or frame[:2] == '-0': if len(frame) == num: # A frame leading with '0' is explicitly # padded and can only be a match if its exactly # the target padding number yield item continue if len(frame) >= num: # A frame that does not lead with '0' can match # a padding width >= to the target padding number yield item continue @staticmethod def getPaddingChars(num): """ Given a particular amount of padding, return the proper padding characters. Args: num (int): Returns: str: """ if num == 0: return "@" if num % 4 == 0: return "#" * (num // 4) else: return "@" * num @staticmethod def getPaddingNum(chars): """ Given a supported group of padding characters, return the amount of padding. Args: chars (str): a supported group of padding characters Returns: int: Raises: ValueError: if unsupported padding character is detected """ match = PRINTF_SYNTAX_PADDING_RE.match(chars) if match: return int( try: return sum([PAD_MAP[char] for char in chars]) except KeyError: msg = "Detected an unsupported padding character: \"{}\"." msg += " Supported padding characters: {} or printf syntax padding" msg += " %<int>d" raise ValueError(msg.format(char, str(PAD_MAP.keys()))) @classmethod def conformPadding(cls, chars): """ Ensure alternate input padding formats are conformed to formats defined in PAD_MAP If chars is already a format defined in PAD_MAP, then it is returned unmodified. Example:: '#' -> '#' '@@@@' -> '@@@@' '%04d' -> '#' Args: chars (str): input padding chars Returns: str: conformed padding chars Raises: ValueError: If chars contains invalid padding characters """ pad = chars if pad and pad[0] not in PAD_MAP: pad = cls.getPaddingChars(cls.getPaddingNum(pad)) return pad