def writeExportDict( toolName=None, toolVersion=None, **kwargs ):
	wraps the filesystem method of the same name - and populates the dict with maya
	specific data
	d = filesystem.writeExportDict( toolName, toolVersion, **kwargs )
	d[ kEXPORT_DICT_SCENE ] = cmd.file( q=True, sn=True )
	d[ kEXPORT_DICT_APP_VERSION ] = cmd.about( version=True )

	return d
def writeExportDict(toolName=None, toolVersion=None, **kwargs):
	wraps the filesystem method of the same name - and populates the dict with maya
	specific data
    d = filesystem.writeExportDict(toolName, toolVersion, **kwargs)
    d[kEXPORT_DICT_SCENE] = cmd.file(q=True, sn=True)
    d[kEXPORT_DICT_APP_VERSION] = cmd.about(version=True)

    return d
def getWeightsFromDmx( dmxFilepath=None ):
	loads a dmx and gathers weight data from the meshes present.  the data returned can be fed to the
	applyWeights function to effectively transfer skinning data between meshes of differing topology
	geoAndData = {}

	#define the data we're gathering
	joints = {}
	jointHierarchies = {}
	weightData = []
	weightDataAppend = weightData.append

	#load the dmx file
	dmxFilepath = DmxFile( dmxFilepath )
	root = dmxFilepath.read()
	model = root.model

	#data gathering time!
	for mesh in dmxedit.MeshIt( model ):
		meshName = mesh.name
		state = mesh.currentState
			jointWeights = state.jointWeights
			jointIndices = state.jointIndices
		except AttributeError: continue

		jointList = getJointList( mesh )
		jointCount = state.jointCount
		for idx, pos in enumerate( state.positions ):
			baseIdx = idx * jointCount

			#generate the weight list first because if the weight is zero, the jointIndex can potentially be bogus
			weightList = [ jointWeights[ baseIdx + n ] for n in range( jointCount ) ]
			jointIdxList = [ jointIndices[ baseIdx + n ] for n in range( jointCount ) ]

			jointNameList = []
			append = jointNameList.append
			for n, jIdx in enumerate( jointIdxList ):
				try: append( jointList[ jIdx ].name )
				except IndexError:
					assert weightList[ n ] < 1e-6, "weighting refers to a non-existant joint"
					append( jointList[ 0 ].name )

			#so this is kinda dumb - but using a dict here we can easily remap on restore if joint names
			#are different by storing the dict's value as the joint to use, and the key as the joint that
			#the vert was originally weighted to
			for j in jointNameList:
				joints[ j ] = j

			pos = pos.x, pos.y, pos.z
			vertData = VertSkinWeight( pos )
			vertData.populate( meshName, idx, jointNameList, weightList)
			weightDataAppend( vertData )

	#sort the weightData by ascending x values so we can search faster
	weightData = sortByIdx( weightData )

	#generate joint hierarchy data - so if joints are missing on load we can find the best match
	for elt in jointList:
		jointHierarchies[ elt.name ] = [ p for p in iterParents( elt, True ) ]

	#generate the misc data for the weights
	miscData = writeExportDict( TOOL_NAME, TOOL_VERSION, kEXPORT_DICT_SOURCE=dmxFilepath )

	return WeightSaveData( (miscData, joints, jointHierarchies, weightData) )