    def __init__(self, filename, data):
        self.comments = None
        self.metadata = None
        self.filename = filename
        self.data = data
        self.modules = []
        self.modules_code = []
        self.globals = {}
        self.externals = {}
        # list of actions (stored as tuples by report_action)
        self.actions = []
        self.vba = None

        # Figure out whether this is VBScript or VBA.
        vba_pointer = self.filename
        is_data = False
        if ((self.filename is None) or (len(self.filename.strip()) == 0)):
            vba_pointer = self.data
            is_data = True
        self.is_vbscript = False
        if (filetype.is_office_file(vba_pointer, is_data)):
            self.is_vbscript = False
            log.info("Emulating an Office (VBA) file.")
            self.is_vbscript = True
            log.info("Emulating a VBScript file.")

        # Olevba uses '\n' as EOL, regular VBScript uses '\r\n'.
        if (self.is_vbscript == True):
            vba_library.VBA_LIBRARY['vbCrLf'] = '\r\n'
        # Track the loaded Excel spreadsheet (xlrd).
        self.loaded_excel = None
        # Track data saved in document variables.
        self.doc_vars = {}

        # Track document text.
        self.doc_text = ""

        # Track document tables.
        self.doc_tables = []
        # List of entry point functions to emulate.
        self.entry_points = ['autoopen', 'document_open', 'autoclose',
                             'document_close', 'auto_open', 'autoexec',
                             'autoexit', 'document_beforeclose', 'workbook_open',
                             'workbook_activate', 'auto_close', 'workbook_close',
                             'workbook_deactivate', 'documentopen', 'app_documentopen',

        # List of suffixes of the names of callback functions that provide alternate
        # methods for running things on document (approximately) open.
        # See https://www.greyhathacker.net/?m=201609
        self.callback_suffixes = ['_Activate',
    def __init__(self, filename, data, do_jit=False):
        """Create a new VBA/VBScript emulator object.

        @param filename (str) The name of the file being analyzed.

        @param data (str) The VBA/VBScript code to emulate.

        @param do_jit (boolean) If True use JIT transpilation of VB
        code to Python to speed up loop analysis, if False just
        emulate loops using the regular emulation engine.

        super(ViperMonkey, self).__init__()

        self.do_jit = do_jit
        self.comments = None
        self.metadata = None
        self.filename = filename
        self.data = data
        self.modules = []
        self.modules_code = []
        self.decoded_strs = set()
        self.globals = {}
        self.externals = {}
        # list of actions (stored as tuples by report_action)
        self.actions = []
        self.vba = None

        # Figure out whether this is VBScript or VBA.
        vba_pointer = self.filename
        is_data = False
        if ((self.filename is None) or (len(self.filename.strip()) == 0)):
            vba_pointer = self.data
            is_data = True
        self.is_vbscript = False
        if (filetype.is_office_file(vba_pointer, is_data)):
            self.is_vbscript = False
            log.info("Emulating an Office (VBA) file.")
            self.is_vbscript = True
            log.info("Emulating a VBScript file.")
        #print "\n\nREMOVE THIS!!\n\n"
        #self.is_vbscript = False

        # Olevba uses '\n' as EOL, regular VBScript uses '\r\n'.
        if self.is_vbscript:
            vba_library.VBA_LIBRARY['vbCrLf'] = '\r\n'

        # Track the loaded Excel spreadsheet (xlrd).
        self.loaded_excel = None

        # Track data saved in document variables.
        self.doc_vars = {}

        # Track document text.
        self.doc_text = ""

        # Track document tables.
        self.doc_tables = []

        # List of entry point functions to emulate.
        self.entry_points = [
            'autoopen', 'document_open', 'autoclose', 'document_close',
            'auto_open', 'autoexec', 'autoexit', 'document_beforeclose',
            'workbook_open', 'workbook_activate', 'auto_close',
            'workbook_close', 'workbook_deactivate', 'documentopen',
            'app_documentopen', 'main'

        # List of user-specified entry points. If non-empty only these entry points
        # will be used.
        self.user_entry_points = []

        # List of suffixes of the names of callback functions that provide alternate
        # methods for running things on document (approximately) open.
        # See https://www.greyhathacker.net/?m=201609
        self.callback_suffixes = [
            '_Activate', '_BeforeNavigate2', '_BeforeScriptExecute',
            '_Calculate', '_Change', '_DocumentComplete', '_DownloadBegin',
            '_DownloadComplete', '_FileDownload', '_GotFocus', '_Layout',
            '_LostFocus', '_MouseEnter', '_MouseHover', '_MouseLeave',
            '_MouseMove', '_NavigateComplete2', '_NavigateError', '_Painted',
            '_Painting', '_ProgressChange', '_PropertyChange', '_Resize',
            '_SetSecureLockIcon', '_StatusTextChange', '_TitleChange',
            '_Initialize', '_Click', '_OnConnecting', '_BeforeClose',
            '_OnDisconnected', '_OnEnterFullScreenMode', '_Zoom', '_Scroll',
def load_excel_libreoffice(data):
    """Read in an Excel file into an ExcelBook object by using

    @param data (str) The Excel file contents.

    @return (core.excel.ExceBook object) On success return the Excel
    spreadsheet as an ExcelBook object. Returns None on error.


    # Don't try this if it is not an Office file.
    if (not filetype.is_office_file(data, True)):
            "The file is not an Office file. Not extracting sheets with LibreOffice."
        return None

    # Save the Excel data to a temporary file.
    out_dir = "/tmp/tmp_excel_file_" + str(random.randrange(0, 10000000000))
    f = open(out_dir, 'wb')

    # Dump all the sheets as CSV files using soffice.
    output = None
        output = subprocess.check_output([
            "timeout", "30", "python3",
            _thismodule_dir + "/../export_all_excel_sheets.py", out_dir
    except Exception as e:
        log.error("Running export_all_excel_sheets.py failed. " + str(e))
        return None

    # Get the names of the sheet files, if there are any. Also get the name of
    # the currently active sheet.
        sheet_files = json.loads(output.replace("'", '"'))
    except Exception as e:
        if (log.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug("Loading sheet file names failed. " + str(e))
        return None

    # No sheets exported? The 1st element is the name of the active sheet,
    # hence the <= 1.
    if (len(sheet_files) <= 1):
        return None

    # Save the name of the active sheet.
    active_sheet_name = _fix_sheet_name(sheet_files[0])

    # Load the CSV files into Excel objects.
    sheet_map = {}
    for sheet_file in sheet_files[1:]:

        # Read the CSV file into a single Excel workbook object.
        tmp_workbook = _read_sheet_from_csv(sheet_file)

        # Pull the cell data for the current sheet.
        cell_data = tmp_workbook.sheet_by_name("Sheet1").cells

        # Pull out the name of the current sheet.
        start = sheet_file.index("--") + 2
        end = sheet_file.rindex(".")
        sheet_name = _fix_sheet_name(sheet_file[start:end])

        # Pull out the index of the current sheet.
        start = sheet_file.index("-") + 1
        end = sheet_file[start:].index("-") + start
        sheet_index = int(sheet_file[start:end])

        # Make a sheet with the current name and data.
        tmp_sheet = ExcelSheet(cell_data, sheet_name)

        # Map the sheet to its index.
        sheet_map[sheet_index] = tmp_sheet

    # Save the sheets in the proper order into a workbook.
    result_book = ExcelBook(None)
    sorted_indices = list(sheet_map.keys())
    for index in sorted_indices:

    # Set the name of the active sheet.
    if (active_sheet_name != "NO_ACTIVE_SHEET"):
        result_book.active_sheet_name = active_sheet_name

    # Delete the temp files with the CSV sheet data.
    for sheet_file in sheet_files[1:]:

    # Delete the temporary Excel file.
    if os.path.isfile(out_dir):

    # Return the workbook.
    return result_book
def load_excel_libreoffice(data):
    Load the sheets from a given in-memory Excel file into a Workbook object.

    @param data (binary blob) The contents of an Excel file.

    @return (ExcelBook object) On success return a workbook object with the read in
    Excel workbook, on failure return None.

    # Don't try this if it is not an Office file.
    if (not filetype.is_office_file(data, True)):
            "WARNING: The file is not an Office file. Not extracting sheets with LibreOffice."
        return None

    # Unhide hidden Excel sheets.
    data = _unhide_sheets(data)

    # Save the Excel data to a temporary file.
    out_dir = "/tmp/tmp_excel_file_" + str(random.randrange(0, 10000000000))
    f = open(out_dir, 'wb')

    # Dump all the sheets as CSV files using soffice.
    output = None
    _thismodule_dir = os.path.normpath(
        output = subprocess.check_output([
            "python3", _thismodule_dir + "/export_all_excel_sheets.py", out_dir
    except Exception as e:
        print("ERROR: Running export_all_excel_sheets.py failed. " + str(e))
        return None

    # Get the names of the sheet files, if there are any.
        sheet_files = json.loads(output.replace(b"'", b'"'))
    except Exception as e:
        return None
    if (len(sheet_files) == 0):
        return None

    # Load the CSV files into Excel objects.
    sheet_map = {}
    for sheet_file in sheet_files:

        # Read the CSV file into a single Excel workbook object.
        tmp_workbook = read_sheet_from_csv(sheet_file)

        # Pull the cell data for the current sheet.
        cell_data = tmp_workbook.sheet_by_name("Sheet1").cells

        # Pull out the name of the current sheet.
        start = sheet_file.index("--") + 2
        end = sheet_file.rindex(".")
        sheet_name = sheet_file[start:end]

        # Pull out the index of the current sheet.
        start = sheet_file.index("-") + 1
        end = sheet_file[start:].index("-") + start
        sheet_index = int(sheet_file[start:end])

        # Make a sheet with the current name and data.
        tmp_sheet = ExcelSheet(cell_data, sheet_name)

        # Map the sheet to its index.
        sheet_map[sheet_index] = tmp_sheet

    # Save the sheets in the proper order into a workbook.
    result_book = ExcelBook(None)
    for index in range(0, len(sheet_map)):

    # Delete the temp files with the CSV sheet data.
    for sheet_file in sheet_files:

    # Delete the temporary Excel file.
    if os.path.isfile(out_dir):

    # Return the workbook.
    return result_book