    def market_return(self):
        # 1. Linear Regression: On the estimation_period
        dr_data = Calculator.returns(self.data)
        dr_market = Calculator.returns(self.market)
        c_name = dr_data.columns[0]
        x = dr_market[c_name][self.start_period:self.end_period]
        y = dr_data[c_name][self.start_period:self.end_period]
        slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_error = stats.linregress(x, y)
        er = lambda x: x * slope + intercept

        # 2. Analysis on the event window
        # Expexted Return:
        self.er = dr_market[self.start_window:self.end_window].apply(
        self.er.name = 'Expected return'
        # Abnormal return: Return of the data - expected return
        self.ar = dr_data[c_name][self.start_window:self.end_window] - self.er
        self.ar.name = 'Abnormal return'
        # Cumulative abnormal return
        self.car = self.ar.cumsum()
        self.car.name = 'Cum abnormal return'
        # t-test
        t_test_calc = lambda x: x / std_error
        self.t_test = self.ar.apply(t_test_calc)
        self.t_test.name = 't-test'
        self.prob = self.t_test.apply(stats.norm.cdf)
        self.prob.name = 'Probability'
    def market_return(self):
        # 1. Linear Regression: On the estimation_period
        dr_data = Calculator.returns(self.data)
        dr_market = Calculator.returns(self.market)
        c_name = dr_data.columns[0]
        x =  dr_market[c_name][self.start_period:self.end_period]
        y = dr_data[c_name][self.start_period:self.end_period]
        slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_error = stats.linregress(x, y)
        er = lambda x: x * slope + intercept

        # 2. Analysis on the event window
        # Expexted Return:
        self.er = dr_market[self.start_window:self.end_window].apply(er)[c_name]
        self.er.name = 'Expected return'
        # Abnormal return: Return of the data - expected return
        self.ar = dr_data[c_name][self.start_window:self.end_window] - self.er
        self.ar.name = 'Abnormal return'
        # Cumulative abnormal return
        self.car = self.ar.cumsum()
        self.car.name = 'Cum abnormal return'
        # t-test
        t_test_calc = lambda x: x / std_error
        self.t_test = self.ar.apply(t_test_calc)
        self.t_test.name = 't-test'
        self.prob = self.t_test.apply(stats.norm.cdf)
        self.prob.name = 'Probability'
    def test_assets(self):
            1. Calculator.returns w/ basedOn=1 cc=False
            2. Calculator.returns w/ basedOn=1 cc=True
            3. Calculator.returns w/ basedOn=2 cc=False
            4. Calculator.returns w/ basedOn=2 cc=True
            5. Calculator.FV w/ R=list ret_list=True
            6. Calculator.PV w/ R=list ret_list=True
        # Load Data
        self_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
        tests = ['Calculator_Assets_1.csv']
        tests = [os.path.join(self_dir, 'docs', test) for test in tests]

        for test_file in tests:
            # Set up
            solution = pd.read_csv(test_file).set_index('Date').fillna(value=0)
            data = solution['Adj. Close']

            # Test 1
            simple_returns = Calculator.returns(data)
            self.assertEqual(solution['Adj. Close returns'], simple_returns)
            # Test 2
            cc_returns = Calculator.returns(data, cc=True)
            self.assertEqual(solution['Adj. Close CC returns'], cc_returns)
            # Test 3
            simple_returns_2 = Calculator.returns(data, basedOn=2)
            self.assertEqual(solution['Adj. Close returns (2)'], simple_returns_2)
            # Test 4
            cc_returns_2 = Calculator.returns(data, basedOn=2, cc=True)
            self.assertEqual(solution['Adj. Close CC returns (2)'], cc_returns_2)
            # Test 5
            fv = Calculator.FV(PV=1, R=simple_returns, ret_list=True)
            self.assertEqual(solution['Future value'], fv)
            # Test 6
            pv = Calculator.PV(FV=fv[-1], R=simple_returns, ret_list=True)
            pv_sol = solution['Future value']
            pv_sol.name = 'Present value'
            self.assertEqual(solution['Future value'], pv)
    def test_assets(self):
            1. Calculator.returns w/ basedOn=1 cc=False
            2. Calculator.returns w/ basedOn=1 cc=True
            3. Calculator.returns w/ basedOn=2 cc=False
            4. Calculator.returns w/ basedOn=2 cc=True
            5. Calculator.FV w/ R=list ret_list=True
            6. Calculator.PV w/ R=list ret_list=True
        # Load Data
        self_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
        tests = ['Calculator_Assets_1.csv']
        tests = [os.path.join(self_dir, 'docs', test) for test in tests]

        for test_file in tests:
            # Set up
            solution = pd.read_csv(test_file).set_index('Date').fillna(value=0)
            data = solution['Adj. Close']

            # Test 1
            simple_returns = Calculator.returns(data)
            self.assertEqual(solution['Adj. Close returns'], simple_returns)
            # Test 2
            cc_returns = Calculator.returns(data, cc=True)
            self.assertEqual(solution['Adj. Close CC returns'], cc_returns)
            # Test 3
            simple_returns_2 = Calculator.returns(data, basedOn=2)
            self.assertEqual(solution['Adj. Close returns (2)'], simple_returns_2)
            # Test 4
            cc_returns_2 = Calculator.returns(data, basedOn=2, cc=True)
            self.assertEqual(solution['Adj. Close CC returns (2)'], cc_returns_2)
            # Test 5
            fv = Calculator.FV(PV=1, R=simple_returns, ret_list=True)
            self.assertEqual(solution['Future value'], fv)
            # Test 6
            pv = Calculator.PV(FV=fv[-1], R=simple_returns, ret_list=True)
            pv_sol = solution['Future value']
            pv_sol.name = 'Present value'
            self.assertEqual(solution['Future value'], pv)
    def test_returns(self):
        # Variables
        array_1 = np.array([1, 1.5, 3, 4, 4.3])
        array_2 = np.array([5, 4.3, 3, 3.5, 1])
        matrix = np.array([array_1, array_2]).T
        ser = pd.Series(array_1, name='TEST')
        df = pd.DataFrame(matrix, columns=['c1', 'c2'])

        sol_array_1 = np.array([0, 0.5, 1, 0.33333333, 0.075])
        sol_array_2 = np.array(
            [0., -0.14, -0.30232558, 0.16666667, -0.71428571])
        sol_matrix = np.array([sol_array_1, sol_array_2]).T

        # Input is numpy.array of 1 dimmension => np.ndarray
        ans = Calculator.returns(array_1)
        self.assertEqual(ans, sol_array_1, 5)
        # Input is numpy.ndarray of 2 dimmension 2 => np.ndarray
        ans = Calculator.returns(matrix)
        self.assertEqual(ans, sol_matrix, 5)
        # Input is pandas.Series => pd.Series
        ans = Calculator.returns(ser)
        sol = pd.Series(sol_array_1, index=ser.index, name='TEST returns')
        self.assertEqual(ans, sol)
        # Input is pandas.DataFrame with col parameter => pd.Series
        ans = Calculator.returns(df, col='c1')
        sol = pd.Series(sol_array_1, index=df.index, name='c1 returns')
        self.assertEqual(ans, sol)
        # --
        ans = Calculator.returns(df, col='c2')
        sol = pd.Series(sol_array_2, index=df.index, name='c2 returns')
        self.assertEqual(ans, sol)
        # Test: Input is pandas.DataFrame without col parameter => pd.DataFrame
        ans = Calculator.returns(df)
        sol = pd.DataFrame(sol_matrix, index=df.index, columns=df.columns)
        self.assertEqual(ans, sol)
    def test_returns(self):
        # Variables
        array_1 = np.array([1,1.5,3,4,4.3])
        array_2 = np.array([5,4.3,3,3.5,1])
        matrix = np.array([array_1, array_2]).T
        ser = pd.Series(array_1, name='TEST')
        df = pd.DataFrame(matrix, columns=['c1', 'c2'])
        sol_array_1 = np.array([0, 0.5, 1, 0.33333333, 0.075])
        sol_array_2 = np.array([ 0., -0.14, -0.30232558, 0.16666667, -0.71428571])
        sol_matrix = np.array([sol_array_1, sol_array_2]).T

        # Input is numpy.array of 1 dimmension => np.ndarray
        ans = Calculator.returns(array_1)
        self.assertEqual(ans, sol_array_1, 5)
        # Input is numpy.ndarray of 2 dimmension 2 => np.ndarray
        ans = Calculator.returns(matrix) 
        self.assertEqual(ans, sol_matrix, 5)
        # Input is pandas.Series => pd.Series
        ans = Calculator.returns(ser)
        sol = pd.Series(sol_array_1, index=ser.index, name='TEST returns')
        self.assertEqual(ans, sol)
        # Input is pandas.DataFrame with col parameter => pd.Series
        ans = Calculator.returns(df, col='c1')
        sol = pd.Series(sol_array_1, index=df.index, name='c1 returns')
        self.assertEqual(ans, sol)
        # --
        ans = Calculator.returns(df, col='c2')
        sol = pd.Series(sol_array_2, index=df.index, name='c2 returns')
        self.assertEqual(ans, sol)
        # Test: Input is pandas.DataFrame without col parameter => pd.DataFrame
        ans = Calculator.returns(df)
        sol = pd.DataFrame(sol_matrix, index=df.index, columns=df.columns)
        self.assertEqual(ans, sol)
    def run(self):
        Assess the events

           estimation      lookback   event   lookforward

            self.market = 'SPY'
            self.lookback_days = 20
            self.lookforward_days = 20
            self.estimation_period = 200
            self.field = 'Adj Close'
        # 0. Get the dates and Download/Import the data
        symbols = list(set(self.list))
        start_date = self.list.index[0]
        end_date = self.list.index[-1]
        nyse_dates = DateUtils.nyse_dates(
            lookbackDays=self.lookback_days + self.estimation_period + 1,

        data = self.data_access.get_data(symbols, nyse_dates[0], nyse_dates[-1], self.field)
        market = self.data_access.get_data(self.market, nyse_dates[0], nyse_dates[-1], self.field)

        if len(data.columns) == 1:
            data.columns = symbols
        if len(data) > len(market):
            market = market.reindex(data.index)
            market.columns = [self.field]

        data = data.fillna(method="ffill").fillna(method="bfill")
        market = market.fillna(method="ffill").fillna(method="bfill")

        # 1. Create DataFrames with the data of each event
        windows_indexes = range(-self.lookback_days, self.lookforward_days + 1)
        estimation_indexes = range(-self.estimation_period - self.lookback_days, -self.lookback_days)
        self.equities_window = pd.DataFrame(index=windows_indexes)
        self.equities_estimation = pd.DataFrame(index=estimation_indexes)
        self.market_window = pd.DataFrame(index=windows_indexes)
        self.market_estimation = pd.DataFrame(index=estimation_indexes)

        dr_data = Calculator.returns(data)
        dr_market = Calculator.returns(market)
        self.dr_equities_window = pd.DataFrame(index=windows_indexes)
        self.dr_equities_estimation = pd.DataFrame(index=estimation_indexes)
        self.dr_market_window = pd.DataFrame(index=windows_indexes)
        self.dr_market_estimation = pd.DataFrame(index=estimation_indexes)

        # 2. Iterate over the list of events and fill the DataFrames
        for i in range(len(self.list)):
            symbol = self.list[i]
            evt_date = self.list.index[i].to_pydatetime()
            col_name = symbol + " " + evt_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
            evt_idx = DateUtils.search_closer_date(evt_date, data[symbol].index, exact=True)

            # 1.1 Data on the estimation period: self.equities_estimation
            start_idx = evt_idx - self.lookback_days - self.estimation_period  # estimation start idx on self.data
            end_idx = evt_idx - self.lookback_days  # estimation end idx on self.data
            new_equities_estimation = data[symbol][start_idx:end_idx]
            new_equities_estimation.index = self.equities_estimation.index
            self.equities_estimation[col_name] = new_equities_estimation
            # Daily return of the equities on the estimation period
            new_dr_equities_estimation = dr_data[symbol][start_idx:end_idx]
            new_dr_equities_estimation.index = self.dr_equities_estimation.index
            self.dr_equities_estimation[col_name] = new_dr_equities_estimation

            # 1.4 Market on the estimation period: self.market_estimation
            new_market_estimation = market[self.field][start_idx:end_idx]
            new_market_estimation.index = self.market_estimation.index
            self.market_estimation[col_name] = new_market_estimation
            # Daily return of the market on the estimation period
            new_dr_market_estimation = dr_market[start_idx:end_idx]
            new_dr_market_estimation.index = self.dr_market_estimation.index
            self.dr_market_estimation[col_name] = new_dr_market_estimation

            # 1.3 Equities on the event window: self.equities_window
            start_idx = evt_idx - self.lookback_days  # window start idx on self.data
            end_idx = evt_idx + self.lookforward_days + 1  # window end idx on self.data
            new_equities_window = data[symbol][start_idx:end_idx]
            new_equities_window.index = self.equities_window.index
            self.equities_window[col_name] = new_equities_window
            # Daily return of the equities on the event window
            new_dr_equities_window = dr_data[symbol][start_idx:end_idx]
            new_dr_equities_window.index = self.dr_equities_window.index
            self.dr_equities_window[col_name] = new_dr_equities_window

            # 1.4 Market on the event window: self.market_window
            new_market_window = market[self.field][start_idx:end_idx]
            new_market_window.index = self.market_window.index
            self.market_window[col_name] = new_market_window
            # Daily return of the market on the event window
            new_dr_market_window = dr_market[start_idx:end_idx]
            new_dr_market_window.index = self.dr_market_window.index
            self.dr_market_window[col_name] = new_dr_market_window

        # 3. Calculate the linear regression -> expected return
        self.reg_estimation = pd.DataFrame(
            index=self.dr_market_estimation.columns, columns=["Intercept", "Slope", "Std Error"]
        self.er = pd.DataFrame(index=self.dr_market_window.index, columns=self.dr_market_window.columns)
        # For each column (event) on the estimation period
        for col in self.dr_market_estimation.columns:
            # 3.1 Calculate the regression
            x = self.dr_market_estimation[col]
            y = self.dr_equities_estimation[col]
            slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, slope_std_error = stats.linregress(x, y)
            self.reg_estimation["Slope"][col] = slope
            self.reg_estimation["Intercept"][col] = intercept
            self.reg_estimation["Std Error"][col] = slope_std_error
            # 3.2 Calculate the expected return of each date using the regression
            self.er[col] = intercept + self.dr_market_window[col] * slope

        # 4. Final results
        self.er.columns.name = "Expected return"
        self.mean_er = self.er.mean(axis=1)
        self.mean_er.name = "Mean ER"
        self.std_er = self.er.std(axis=1)
        self.std_er.name = "Std ER"

        self.ar = self.dr_equities_window - self.er
        self.ar.columns.name = "Abnormal return"
        self.mean_ar = self.ar.mean(axis=1)
        self.mean_ar.name = "Mean AR"
        self.std_ar = self.ar.std(axis=1)
        self.std_ar.name = "Std AR"

        self.car = self.ar.apply(np.cumsum)
        self.car.columns.name = "Cum Abnormal Return"
        self.mean_car = self.car.mean(axis=1)
        self.mean_car.name = "Mean CAR"
        self.std_car = self.car.std(axis=1)
        self.mean_car.name = "Mean CAR"
    def run(self):
        Assess the events

           estimation      lookback   event   lookforward

            self.market = 'SPY'
            self.lookback_days = 20
            self.lookforward_days = 20
            self.estimation_period = 200
            self.field = 'Adj Close'
        # 0. Get the dates and Download/Import the data
        symbols = list(set(self.list))
        start_date = self.list.index[0]
        end_date = self.list.index[-1]
        nyse_dates = DateUtils.nyse_dates(
            lookbackDays=self.lookback_days + self.estimation_period + 1,

        data = self.data_access.get_data(symbols, nyse_dates[0],
                                         nyse_dates[-1], self.field)
        market = self.data_access.get_data(self.market, nyse_dates[0],
                                           nyse_dates[-1], self.field)

        if len(data.columns) == 1:
            data.columns = symbols
        if len(data) > len(market):
            market = market.reindex(data.index)
            market.columns = [self.field]

        data = data.fillna(method='ffill').fillna(method='bfill')
        market = market.fillna(method='ffill').fillna(method='bfill')

        # 1. Create DataFrames with the data of each event
        windows_indexes = range(-self.lookback_days, self.lookforward_days + 1)
        estimation_indexes = range(
            -self.estimation_period - self.lookback_days, -self.lookback_days)
        self.equities_window = pd.DataFrame(index=windows_indexes)
        self.equities_estimation = pd.DataFrame(index=estimation_indexes)
        self.market_window = pd.DataFrame(index=windows_indexes)
        self.market_estimation = pd.DataFrame(index=estimation_indexes)

        dr_data = Calculator.returns(data)
        dr_market = Calculator.returns(market)
        self.dr_equities_window = pd.DataFrame(index=windows_indexes)
        self.dr_equities_estimation = pd.DataFrame(index=estimation_indexes)
        self.dr_market_window = pd.DataFrame(index=windows_indexes)
        self.dr_market_estimation = pd.DataFrame(index=estimation_indexes)

        # 2. Iterate over the list of events and fill the DataFrames
        for i in range(len(self.list)):
            symbol = self.list[i]
            evt_date = self.list.index[i].to_pydatetime()
            col_name = symbol + ' ' + evt_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            evt_idx = DateUtils.search_closer_date(evt_date,

            # 1.1 Data on the estimation period: self.equities_estimation
            start_idx = evt_idx - self.lookback_days - self.estimation_period  # estimation start idx on self.data
            end_idx = evt_idx - self.lookback_days  # estimation end idx on self.data
            new_equities_estimation = data[symbol][start_idx:end_idx]
            new_equities_estimation.index = self.equities_estimation.index
            self.equities_estimation[col_name] = new_equities_estimation
            # Daily return of the equities on the estimation period
            new_dr_equities_estimation = dr_data[symbol][start_idx:end_idx]
            new_dr_equities_estimation.index = self.dr_equities_estimation.index
            self.dr_equities_estimation[col_name] = new_dr_equities_estimation

            # 1.4 Market on the estimation period: self.market_estimation
            new_market_estimation = market[self.field][start_idx:end_idx]
            new_market_estimation.index = self.market_estimation.index
            self.market_estimation[col_name] = new_market_estimation
            # Daily return of the market on the estimation period
            new_dr_market_estimation = dr_market[start_idx:end_idx]
            new_dr_market_estimation.index = self.dr_market_estimation.index
            self.dr_market_estimation[col_name] = new_dr_market_estimation

            # 1.3 Equities on the event window: self.equities_window
            start_idx = evt_idx - self.lookback_days  # window start idx on self.data
            end_idx = evt_idx + self.lookforward_days + 1  # window end idx on self.data
            new_equities_window = data[symbol][start_idx:end_idx]
            new_equities_window.index = self.equities_window.index
            self.equities_window[col_name] = new_equities_window
            # Daily return of the equities on the event window
            new_dr_equities_window = dr_data[symbol][start_idx:end_idx]
            new_dr_equities_window.index = self.dr_equities_window.index
            self.dr_equities_window[col_name] = new_dr_equities_window

            # 1.4 Market on the event window: self.market_window
            new_market_window = market[self.field][start_idx:end_idx]
            new_market_window.index = self.market_window.index
            self.market_window[col_name] = new_market_window
            # Daily return of the market on the event window
            new_dr_market_window = dr_market[start_idx:end_idx]
            new_dr_market_window.index = self.dr_market_window.index
            self.dr_market_window[col_name] = new_dr_market_window

        # 3. Calculate the linear regression -> expected return
        self.reg_estimation = pd.DataFrame(
            columns=['Intercept', 'Slope', 'Std Error'])
        self.er = pd.DataFrame(index=self.dr_market_window.index,
        # For each column (event) on the estimation period
        for col in self.dr_market_estimation.columns:
            # 3.1 Calculate the regression
            x = self.dr_market_estimation[col]
            y = self.dr_equities_estimation[col]
            slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, slope_std_error = stats.linregress(
                x, y)
            self.reg_estimation['Slope'][col] = slope
            self.reg_estimation['Intercept'][col] = intercept
            self.reg_estimation['Std Error'][col] = slope_std_error
            # 3.2 Calculate the expected return of each date using the regression
            self.er[col] = intercept + self.dr_market_window[col] * slope

        # 4. Final results
        self.er.columns.name = 'Expected return'
        self.mean_er = self.er.mean(axis=1)
        self.mean_er.name = 'Mean ER'
        self.std_er = self.er.std(axis=1)
        self.std_er.name = 'Std ER'

        self.ar = self.dr_equities_window - self.er
        self.ar.columns.name = 'Abnormal return'
        self.mean_ar = self.ar.mean(axis=1)
        self.mean_ar.name = 'Mean AR'
        self.std_ar = self.ar.std(axis=1)
        self.std_ar.name = 'Std AR'

        self.car = self.ar.apply(np.cumsum)
        self.car.columns.name = 'Cum Abnormal Return'
        self.mean_car = self.car.mean(axis=1)
        self.mean_car.name = 'Mean CAR'
        self.std_car = self.car.std(axis=1)
        self.mean_car.name = 'Mean CAR'
total_return = Calculator.ret(data)
q2 = Calculator.FV(PV=10000, R=total_return)
print(2, q2)

# Question 3
q3 = Calculator.ann_ret(R=total_return, m=1/15)
print(3, q3)

# Question 4
monthly_ln = monthly.apply(np.log)
plt.title('Montly Natural Logarithm')

# Question 5
monthly_returns = Calculator.returns(monthly)
plt.title('Montly Returns')

# Question 7
cc_monthly_returns = Calculator.returns(monthly, cc=True)
plt.title('Continuously compounded Montly Returns')

# Question 6
annual_returns = Calculator.returns(monthly, basedOn=12)
plt.title('Annual Returns')
total_return = Calculator.ret(data)
q2 = Calculator.FV(PV=10000, R=total_return)
print(2, q2)

# Question 3
q3 = Calculator.ann_ret(R=total_return, m=1 / 15)
print(3, q3)

# Question 4
monthly_ln = monthly.apply(np.log)
plt.title('Montly Natural Logarithm')

# Question 5
monthly_returns = Calculator.returns(monthly)
plt.title('Montly Returns')

# Question 7
cc_monthly_returns = Calculator.returns(monthly, cc=True)
plt.title('Continuously compounded Montly Returns')

# Question 6
annual_returns = Calculator.returns(monthly, basedOn=12)
plt.title('Annual Returns')