def _trainPieceDetection(video, numFrames=50): ''' This function will handle training the piece detection and collecting initial statistics on the board location. video -- the video file which will be used for training, numFrames -- the number of frames which will be grabbed from the video file for the purposes of training the piece detector returns: cornerStats, w, frames cornerStats -- object of class stats which will keeps track of the location of the chess board square corners. w -- the weight learned from training the detector of pieces. frames -- the frames which were drawn from the video for the purposes of training. ''' pieceLocationsF = [] for col in [0, 1, 6, 7]: for row in xrange(8): pieceLocationsF.append( (row, col) ) pieceLocations = [pieceLocationsF for i in xrange(numFrames)] cornerStats = stats( (81, 2) ) frames = [] for i in xrange(numFrames): s, f = if not s: print 'Error: The video was too short' chessBoardPoints = find_board.find_board(f) cornerStats.append(chessBoardPoints) frames.append(f) #print chessBoardPoints #print #print cornerStats.mean() w = find_pieces.train_detector( frames, pieceLocations, cornerStats.mean() ) return cornerStats, w, frames
def test(): print "Training a classifier..." # structures to hold frames and labels frames = [] piece_locations = [] # video to train on vid = cv2.VideoCapture('./data/full_game_Ruy_Lopez.avi') # capture a frame and align it Im =[1] board_corners = find_board.find_board(Im) frames.append(Im) # these are not the correct locations, but roll with it... white_pieces = [(i,j) for i in range(8) for j in range(2)] black_pieces = [(i,j) for i in range(8) for j in range(6,8)] """ # now selectively correct the pieces white_pieces.remove((6,0)) white_pieces.remove((5,1)) white_pieces.append((5,2)) white_pieces.append((5,3)) black_pieces.remove((1,7)) black_pieces.remove((3,6)) black_pieces.append((2,5)) black_pieces.append((3,3)) """ piece_locations.append(white_pieces+black_pieces) w = train_detector(frames, piece_locations, board_corners) # now test it # video to test on vid2 = cv2.VideoCapture('./data/full_game_Ruy_Lopez.avi') for frame in range(2400,100000,200): print frame vid2.set(, frame) # capture a frame and align it Im2 =[1] Im2_warp = find_board.align_image(Im2, board_corners)[0] Im2_circ = Im2_warp.copy() pieces = find_pieces(Im2, board_corners, w=w) white_pieces = zip(*nonzero(pieces == 1)) black_pieces = zip(*nonzero(pieces == -1)) print pieces for piece in white_pieces:, ((piece[1]+1)*50 + 15, 15 + (1 + piece[0])*50), 6, (0,0,200)) for piece in black_pieces:, ((piece[1]+1)*50 + 15, 15 + (1 + piece[0])*50), 6, (0,2000,0)) cv2.namedWindow('test',0) cv2.imshow('test', Im2_circ) cv2.waitKey(0)
def _mainLoop(videoStream, histDuration = 15, saveVideo=False, saveName='processed_mhi.avi', trainingSize=20, transcribeGame=True, transcriptionName='transcribed.pgn'): '''This function is unfortunately bloated, and will probably remain so even after the project is complete. However, it handles the main logic of the porgram. Namely, it takes an inputted video stream of a chess game, and performs the main logic of grabbing frames, computing obstructions, finding piece locations, updating the board, and recording any output video / notation. ''' # Debug code DEBUG = False if DEBUG: print 'saveVideo', saveVideo print 'saveName', saveName # Train the piece finder and grab chess board location statistics numLocations = 2*81 cornerStats, w, frames = _trainPieceDetection( videoStream ) print 'Training Phase complete -- entering actual detection' # Prepare the video stream and motion history images. s, prev_im = if not s: exit(1) prev_gray = cvtColor(prev_im, COLOR_RGB2GRAY) s, next_im = if not s: exit(1) if transcribeGame: outFile = open(transcriptionName, 'w') mhi = np.zeros((len(next_im), len(next_im[0])), np.float32) priorMotionFlag = False # Grab a starting location activeSet = chessBoard.ChessGame() #chessBoardPoints = find_board.find_board(next_im) chessBoardPoints = cornerStats.mean() pieces = find_pieces.find_pieces(next_im, chessBoardPoints, w) whiteLocation = 'B' if pieces[3][0] == 1: whiteLocation = 'L' elif pieces[0][3] == 1: whiteLocation = 'T' elif pieces[3][7] == 1: whiteLocation = 'R' print pieces, whiteLocation currentPosition = chessBoard.ChessGame() currentPosition.newGame() # prepare to save videos if saveVideo: FPS = video.get(cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FPS) fheight = video.get(cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT) fwidth = video.get(cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH) print FPS, fwidth, fheight videoOut = VideoWriter(filename=saveName, fourcc=cv.CV_FOURCC('P', 'I', 'M', '1'), fps=FPS, frameSize=(int(fwidth), int(fheight)), isColor=True ) # Main Loop -- repeatedly determine whether loop = 0 moveNumber = 1 boardFound = False while s: next_gray = cvtColor(next_im, COLOR_RGB2GRAY) mask = absdiff( prev_gray, next_gray ) ret, mask_t = threshold( mask, 50, 255, THRESH_BINARY ) updateMotionHistory(mask_t, mhi, loop, histDuration) # flag which states if the board has been detected. detectionFlag = False if loop % 50 == 0: # try: chessBoardPoints = find_board.find_board(next_im) # detectionFlag = True # # if detectionFlag: # # check for outlier status, and remove outliers # stdCorners = np.maximum(cornerStats.std(), # np.ones( cornerStats.dim ) ) # lowerBound = cornerStats.mean() - 5*stdCorners # upperBound = cornerStats.mean() + 5*stdCorners # if ( np.count_nonzero( chessBoardPoints <= upperBound ) \ # >= numLocations - 1) and \ # ( np.count_nonzero( chessBoardPoints >= lowerBound ) )\ # >= numLocations - 1: # includeInStatistics = True # else: # print 'OUTLIER DETECTED -- IGNORING' # includeInStatistics = False # # if includeInStatistics == True: # print 'Computing Statistics' # cornerStats.append( chessBoardPoints ) # else: # print 'Successfully ignored' # # meanCorners = cornerStats.mean() # Currently, not using any statistics tricks meanCorners = chessBoardPoints tlc, trc, blc, brc = _findBoundaries( meanCorners ) motionPresent, mhi_processed = \ _determineMotionPresence(mhi, tlc, trc, blc, brc) if priorMotionFlag and (not motionPresent): # Place logic here for updating the position of the board newPosition = generatePieces(next_im, meanCorners, whiteLocation, w) possibleMoves = currentPosition.discoverMoves(newPosition) if len(possibleMoves) > 0: # Currently, we are not handling ambiguous moves. if currentPosition.whiteToMove: if transcribeGame: outFile.write('%d. ' % moveNumber) moveNumber += 1 if transcribeGame: outFile.write('%s ' % (possibleMoves[0], )) print 'Move performed: ', possibleMoves[0] currentPosition.performMove(possibleMoves[0]) else: print 'whoops, no legal move found' print 'currentPosition (as internalized):' print currentPosition if currentPosition.plausibleNextPosition( newPosition ): try: moves = raw_input('Please type the missed moves in one line (enter for none): ') except (EOFError): print 'EOFerror -- completing all video processing.' break print moves = moves.split(); for mv in moves: if currentPosition.whiteToMove: if transcribeGame: outFile.write('%d. ' % moveNumber) moveNumber += 1 if transcribeGame: outFile.write('%s ' % (mv, )) outFile.write('{move missed by vision system} ') currentPosition.performMove( mv ) print 'move(s) missed by vision system: ', mv if saveVideo: mhi_color = np.minimum(mhi_processed, 255) mhi_color = cvtColor(mhi_processed, COLOR_GRAY2RGB) next_im_rot, theta_c, tlc_aa_c, brc_aa_c \ = _setBoundary(next_im, tlc, trc, blc, brc) output_frame = np.uint8(mhi_color)/2 + next_im_rot/2 videoOut.write( np.uint8(output_frame) ) if DEBUG: # Debugging -- Display what should be in the output video. next_im_rot, theta_c, tlc_aa_c, brc_aa_c \ = _setBoundary(next_im, tlc, trc, blc, brc) imshow('test1', mhi_processed) imshow('test2', next_im_rot) waitKey(1) # update variables for next loop iteration loop += 1 priorMotionFlag = motionPresent prev_im = next_im prev_gray = next_gray s, next_im = if saveVideo: del videoOut if DEBUG: # Debugging destroyAllWindows() outFile.close()