class Colorset(object):

    def __init__(self, bits):
        self.bits = bits
        max_color = int(math.pow(2, bits))

        # list of Color objects in this set
        self.colors = []
        for r in xrange(0, max_color):
            for g in xrange(0, max_color):
                for b in xrange(0, max_color):
                    color = Color(r, g, b, bits)


        # mapping from the actual (r,g,b) tuple of a color to its object
        self.rgb2color = {x.rgb: x for x in self.colors}
        rgbs = map(lambda x: x.rgb, self.colors)

        # does the work of finding the nearest color for a query
        self.finder = Finder(rgbs)

    # find the color that is "closest" to the given Color object
    # in (naive) euclidean space.  Remove it from the colorset and
    # return it.
    def get_nearest(self, desired):
        if desired.bits != self.bits:
            raise Exception('wrong number of bits')
        res = self.finder.find_nearest(desired.rgb)

        return self.rgb2color[res]

    # Yields each color in the set.  Does not remove them.
    def iterate(self):
        for (r, g, b) in self.finder.iterate():
            yield Color(r, g, b, self.bits)

    def size(self):
        return self.finder.size()
class Colorset(object):
    def __init__(self, bits):
        self.bits = bits
        max_color = int(math.pow(2, bits))

        # list of Color objects in this set
        self.colors = []
        for r in xrange(0, max_color):
            for g in xrange(0, max_color):
                for b in xrange(0, max_color):
                    color = Color(r, g, b, bits)


        # mapping from the actual (r,g,b) tuple of a color to its object
        self.rgb2color = {x.rgb: x for x in self.colors}
        rgbs = map(lambda x: x.rgb, self.colors)

        # does the work of finding the nearest color for a query
        self.finder = Finder(rgbs)

    # find the color that is "closest" to the given Color object
    # in (naive) euclidean space.  Remove it from the colorset and
    # return it.
    def get_nearest(self, desired):
        if desired.bits != self.bits:
            raise Exception('wrong number of bits')
        res = self.finder.find_nearest(desired.rgb)

        return self.rgb2color[res]

    # Yields each color in the set.  Does not remove them.
    def iterate(self):
        for (r, g, b) in self.finder.iterate():
            yield Color(r, g, b, self.bits)

    def size(self):
        return self.finder.size()