def test_remove_layer(tmpdir): filename = str(tmpdir.join("a_filename.gpkg")) create_sample_data(filename, "GPKG", layer="layer1") create_sample_data(filename, "GPKG", layer="layer2") create_sample_data(filename, "GPKG", layer="layer3") create_sample_data(filename, "GPKG", layer="layer4") assert fiona.listlayers(filename) == ["layer1", "layer2", "layer3", "layer4"] # remove by index fiona.remove(filename, layer=2) assert fiona.listlayers(filename) == ["layer1", "layer2", "layer4"] # remove by name fiona.remove(filename, layer="layer2") assert fiona.listlayers(filename) == ["layer1", "layer4"] # remove by negative index fiona.remove(filename, layer=-1) assert fiona.listlayers(filename) == ["layer1"] # invalid layer name with pytest.raises(ValueError): fiona.remove(filename, layer="invalid_layer_name") # invalid layer index with pytest.raises(DatasetDeleteError): fiona.remove(filename, layer=999)
def inspect(self, input_path): archive = "tar" if tarfile.is_tarfile(input_path) else "zip" if zipfile.is_zipfile(input_path) else None if archive: archive_location = "{f}:///{path}".format(f=archive, path=input_path) layer_names = fiona.listlayers("", vfs=archive_location) layers = [, vfs=archive_location) for layer_name in layer_names] else: layer_names = fiona.listlayers(input_path) layers = [, input_path) for layer_name in layer_names] return [layer.meta for layer in layers]
def load(self): try: self.layers = fiona.listlayers(self.filename) except (ValueError, IOError): driver = guess_driver(self.filename) self.meta = {'driver': driver} self.empty_file = True
def read(fp, prop_map): """Read shapefile. :param fp: file-like object """ layers = fiona.listlayers('/', vfs='zip://' + if not layers: raise IOError filename = '/' + layers[0] + '.shp' with, vfs='zip://' + as source: collection = { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': [], 'bbox': [float('inf'), float('inf'), float('-inf'), float('-inf')] } for rec in source: transformed = _transformer(, rec) transformed['properties'] = { key: str(transformed['properties'][value]) for key, value in prop_map.iteritems() } collection['bbox'] = [ comparator(values) for comparator, values in zip( [min, min, max, max], zip(collection['bbox'], _bbox(transformed)) ) ] collection['features'].append(transformed) return collection
def test_remove_layer(tmpdir): filename = str(tmpdir.join("a_filename.gpkg")) create_sample_data(filename, "GPKG", layer="layer1") create_sample_data(filename, "GPKG", layer="layer2") assert fiona.listlayers(filename) == ["layer1", "layer2"] result = CliRunner().invoke(main_group, [ "rm", filename, "--layer", "layer2", "--yes" ]) print(result.output) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert os.path.exists(filename) assert fiona.listlayers(filename) == ["layer1"]
def test_pg2gpkg_update(self): db = DB db.pg2ogr(sql='SELECT * FROM pgdata.bc_airports LIMIT 10', driver='GPKG', outfile=os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'test_dump.gpkg'), outlayer='bc_airports') db.pg2ogr(sql='SELECT * FROM pgdata.bc_airports LIMIT 10', driver='GPKG', outfile=os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'test_dump.gpkg'), outlayer='bc_airports_2') layers = fiona.listlayers(os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'test_dump.gpkg')) assert len(layers) == 2
def ls(ctx, input, indent): """ List layers in a datasource. """ verbosity = (ctx.obj and ctx.obj['verbosity']) or 2 with fiona.drivers(CPL_DEBUG=verbosity > 2): result = fiona.listlayers(input) click.echo(json.dumps(result, indent=indent))
def _cb_infile(ctx, param, value): """ Click callback to validate infile. Let the user specify a datasource and its layers in a single argument. Example usage: Render all layers in a datasource $ gj2ascii sample-data/multilayer-polygon-line Render layer with name 'polygons' in a multilayer datasource $ gj2ascii sample-data/multilayer-polygon-line,polygons # Render two layers in a specific order in a multilayer datasource $ gj2ascii sample-data/multilayer-polygon-line,lines,polygons # Render layers from multiple files $ gj2ascii sample-data/polygons.geojson sample-data/multilayer-polygon-line,lines Example output: [('sample-data/multilayer-polygon-line', ['polygons', 'lines'])] [('sample-data/multilayer-polygon-line', ['polygons'])] [('sample-data/multilayer-polygon-line', ['lines', 'polygons'])] [ ('sample-data/polygons.geojson', ['polygons']), ('sample-data/multilayer-polygon-line', ['lines']) ] Returns ------- list A list of tuples where the first element of each tuple is the datasource and the second is a list of layers to render. """ output = [] for ds_layers in value: _split = ds_layers.split(',') ds = _split[0] layers = _split[1:] if ds != '-' and (len(layers) is 0 or '%all' in layers): layers = fio.listlayers(ds) elif ds == '-': layers = [None] output.append((ds, layers)) return output
def unpack_layers (username, project_name): try: #TODO: This still uses the file system user, project = Project.get_user_and_project(username, project_name) clear_uploads(SHP_DIR) zip_contents = StringIO( unique_name = str(uuid.uuid1()) zipfile = SHP_DIR + '/' + unique_name +'.zip' with open(zipfile, "wb") as f: f.write(zip_contents.getvalue()) #TODO: keep track of the data types. print " AT FIONA DRIVERS" messages = [] project.crane_project.status = "Reading shapefiles." = True) print globals() with fiona.drivers(): for i, layername in enumerate( fiona.listlayers( '/', vfs='zip://'+zipfile)): feature = GeoFeat() feature.read_shapefile(layername, zipfile) = layername #TODO: This just leaves shitty layers out of the project, you need to report this. try: project.crane_project.features.append(feature) except Exception as e: messages.append(layername + ' not saved, reason: '+ str(e)) continue #TODO: These two calls might be redundant, check if its so. project.crane_project.status = "Shapefiles stored. User needs to enter Interpretations" print messages = True) return "Layers stored" except Exception as e: project.crane_project.status = "Error unpacking layers" project.crane_project.messages = "Error unpacking layers: " + str(e) = True) return
def test_directory_trailing_slash(): assert fiona.listlayers('tests/data/') == ['coutwildrnp']
def test_single_file(): assert fiona.listlayers('tests/data/coutwildrnp.shp') == ['coutwildrnp']
def test_zip_path_arch(path_coutwildrnp_zip): vfs = 'zip://{}'.format(path_coutwildrnp_zip) with pytest.warns(FionaDeprecationWarning): assert fiona.listlayers('/coutwildrnp.shp', vfs=vfs) == ['coutwildrnp']
def test_directory_trailing_slash(data_dir): assert fiona.listlayers(data_dir) == ['coutwildrnp']
def test_zip_path_arch(): assert fiona.listlayers("/test_uk.shp", vfs="zip://docs/data/") == ["test_uk"]
def test_single_file(): assert fiona.listlayers("docs/data/test_uk.shp") == ["test_uk"]
def test_directory(): assert fiona.listlayers('docs/data') == ['test_uk']
def test_invalid_vfs(): with pytest.raises(TypeError): fiona.listlayers("/", vfs=1)
def test_invalid_path(): with pytest.raises(TypeError): fiona.listlayers(1)
def test_directory_trailing_slash(data_dir): assert sorted(fiona.listlayers(data_dir)) == ['coutwildrnp', 'gre', 'test_tin']
import geopandas as gpd import pandas as pd import fiona import glob from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, Polygon import matplotlib from rasterstats import zonal_stats import random import numpy as np random.seed(0) # In[2]: shed_files = fiona.listlayers(r'./lab3.gpkg') sheds = [] for files in shed_files: if "wdbhuc" in files: sheds.append(files) sample_points = {'point_id': [], 'geometry':[], 'HUC': []} for polys in sheds: shed_files_gdf = gpd.read_file(r'./lab3.gpkg', layer = polys) huccode = [f for f in shed_files_gdf.columns if 'HUC' in f][0] for idx, row in shed_files_gdf.iterrows(): j = int(0) extent = row['geometry'].bounds area_km = row["Shape_Area"]/1000000 n = (int(round(area_km*0.05))) while j < n: x = random.uniform(extent[0], extent[2])
def test_listing_pathobj(path_coutwildrnp_json): """list layers from a Path object""" pathlib = pytest.importorskip("pathlib") assert len(fiona.listlayers(pathlib.Path(path_coutwildrnp_json))) == 1
def test_listing_file(path_coutwildrnp_json): """list layers from an open file object""" with open(path_coutwildrnp_json, "rb") as f: assert len(fiona.listlayers(f)) == 1
def test_path_object(path_coutwildrnp_shp): path_obj = Path(path_coutwildrnp_shp) assert fiona.listlayers(path_obj) == ['coutwildrnp']
def test_zip_path_arch(): assert fiona.listlayers('/coutwildrnp.shp', vfs='zip://tests/data/') == ['coutwildrnp']
def test_invalid_path_ioerror(): with pytest.raises(DriverError): fiona.listlayers("foobar")
raise ValueError('No file geodatabases found at this location.') # For all except gpkg+split, fiona is not needed. for gdb in gdb_paths: theme = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(gdb))[0] print("Converting {}".format(theme)) # gdb to gpkg if args.format == 'GPKG' and not args.split:["ogr2ogr", "-f", args.format] + opts_ogr2ogr + opts_gpkg + [os.path.join(dest_path, theme + ".gpkg")] + [gdb]) # gdb to multiple gpkgs elif args.format == 'GPKG' and args.split: for layer in fiona.listlayers(gdb): print("Extracting {}".format(layer))["ogr2ogr", "-f", args.format] + opts_ogr2ogr + opts_gpkg + [os.path.join(dest_path, layer + ".gpkg")] + [gdb] + [layer]) # gdb to one postgres schema elif args.format == 'PostgreSQL':["ogr2ogr", "-f", args.format] + opts_ogr2ogr + opts_pg + [args.dest] + [gdb]) # # gdb to multiple postgres schemas # elif args.format == 'PostgreSQL' and args.split: # pgconn = re.sub(r"active_schema=(\w+)", # "active_schema=" + theme, args.dest)
def test_zip_path(): assert fiona.listlayers('zip://docs/data/') == ['test_uk']
def analyze_sandbox(experiments, district=True, export=True): print(f"Analyzing {experiments} sandboxes") for sandbox, value in experiments.items(): proxy = Network(f'{sandbox} Sandbox', crs=26910, directory=f'{directory}Sandbox/{sandbox}', nodes='network_intersections') db_layers = listlayers(proxy.gpkg) # Check if sandbox has links and intersections network = [ 'network_links', 'network_intersections', 'land_municipal_boundary' ] for layer in network: if layer not in db_layers: raise AttributeError( f"{layer} not found in GeoPackage of {sandbox}") for code, year in experiments[sandbox][1].items(): # Check if experiment has parcels and buildings built = [f'land_parcels_{code}', f'fabric_buildings_{code}'] for layer in built: if layer not in db_layers: raise AttributeError( f"{layer} not found in GeoPackage of {sandbox}") # Perform network analysis na = {} for sandbox, value in experiments.items(): na[f"{sandbox}"] = {} # Define geographic boundary proxy = Network(f'{sandbox} Sandbox', crs=26910, directory=f'{directory}Sandbox/{sandbox}', nodes='network_intersections') # Transfer network indicators to sandbox proxy = proxy_network(proxy) # Extract elevation data proxy.node_elevation() for code, year in experiments[sandbox][1].items(): if district: district_net = Network(experiments[sandbox][0], crs=26910) for layer in ['network_axial']: overlay_radius(proxy.gpkg, district_net.gpkg, sample_layer=layer) # Calculate spatial indicators proxy = proxy_indicators(proxy, experiment={code: year}) # Perform network analysis results = proxy.network_analysis( run=True, col_prefix='mob', file_prefix=f'mob_{code}', service_areas=radii, sample_gdf=gpd.read_file(proxy.gpkg, layer=f"land_parcels_{code}"), aggregated_layers=network_layers, keep=['OBJECTID', "population, 2016"], export=export) # Divide sums aggregations to a buffer overlay in order to avoid edge effects for col in results.columns: if '_sum_' in col: results[col] = results[col] / results['divider'] na[f"{sandbox}"][f"{code}"] = results return na
def test_directory_trailing_slash(): assert fiona.listlayers("docs/data/") == ["test_uk"]
#class to index def cl2idx(inputarr, dict_label): y_label = np.zeros((inputarr.shape[0] )) for i in range(inputarr.shape[0]): y_label[i] = dict_label[inputarr[i, 0]] return y_label #layers = fiona.listlayers("/Volumes/Meng_Mac/obia/temp/results2.gdb") # feb results #layers = fiona.listlayers("/Volumes/Meng_Mac/obia/temp/results_0303.gdb") # better water #layers = fiona.listlayers("/Volumes/Meng_Mac/obia/temp/P_subv1_1.gdb") # better water recall_all = np.zeros(1) precision_all= np.zeros(1) filename = "/Volumes/Meng_Mac/obia/temp/HP1103.gpkg" resultdir2 = "/Users/menglu/Volumes/Meng_Mac/obia/temp/" # for saving precision and recall npy. treedir = "/Users/menglu/Downloads" layers = fiona.listlayers(f'{filename}') layers #filename = "/Volumes/Meng_Mac/obia/temp/HP1103.gpkg" ''' run # params # j: iterate over layers # k: iterate over classes # filename: directory of a file that can be read by geopandas # seednum: number of CV iterations # threshold: classify as positive if higher than this probability # resultdir: dir to save variable importance plots. if not provided, then varimp are not calcuated # return # two numbers, recall and precision # recall and precision are -1 if not calculated due to too few objects.
def test_single_file(path_coutwildrnp_shp): assert fiona.listlayers(path_coutwildrnp_shp) == ['coutwildrnp']
ax=ax) ax.set_title("Arizona stream gauge drainge area\n (sq km)") # %% # adding more datasets # # # Example reading in a geodataframe # Watershed boundaries for the lower colorado filename2 = 'WBD_15_HU2_GDB.gdb' filepath2 = os.path.join('data\Week10', filename2) print(os.getcwd()) print(filepath2) fiona.listlayers(filepath2) HUC6 = gpd.read_file(filepath2, layer="WBDHU6") # plot the new layer we got: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5)) HUC6.plot(ax=ax) ax.set_title("HUC Boundaries") # %% # Add some points # UA: 32.22877495, -110.97688412 # STream gauge: 34.44833333, -111.7891667 point_list = np.array([[-110.97688412, 32.22877495],
def test_zip_path_arch(path_coutwildrnp_zip): vfs = 'zip://{}'.format(path_coutwildrnp_zip) assert fiona.listlayers('/coutwildrnp.shp', vfs=vfs) == ['coutwildrnp']
# Read in using geopandas file = os.path.join('../data/GIS_files', 'gagesII_9322_sept30_2011.shp') gages = gpd.read_file(file) # Filter to only AZ gauges gages.columns gages.STATE.unique() gages_AZ = gages[gages['STATE'] == 'AZ'] # Dataset 2: Watershed boundaries for the Lower Colorado # Download WBD_15_HU2_GDB.gdb from USGS here: # # # Read in using geopandas file = os.path.join('../data/GIS_files', 'WBD_15_HU2_GDB.gdb') fiona.listlayers(file) HUC6 = gpd.read_file(file, layer="WBDHU6") # Filter to only Verde River Watershed HUC6.columns HUC6_Verde = HUC6[HUC6['name'] == 'Verde'] # Dataset 3: Major rivers/streams # Download USA Rivers and Streams from Esri here: # # Read in using geopandas file = os.path.join('../data/GIS_files', 'USA_Rivers_and_Streams.shp') rivers_USA = gpd.read_file(file) # Filter to only AZ
def ls(ctx, input, indent): """ List layers in a datasource. """ result = fiona.listlayers(input) click.echo(json.dumps(result, indent=indent))
def test_directory(): assert fiona.listlayers('tests/data') == ['coutwildrnp']
def test_directory(data_dir): assert fiona.listlayers(data_dir) == ['coutwildrnp', 'gre']
def test_zip_path(): assert fiona.listlayers('zip://tests/data/') == ['coutwildrnp']
def test_directory_trailing_slash(data_dir): assert fiona.listlayers(data_dir) == ['coutwildrnp', 'gre']
# Examine import fiona CSI_GDB = r"data/CSI_2014_Complete.gdb" unique_fields = set() count = 1 with open("", 'w') as f: f.write("---\ntitle: Contaminant Source Inventories--Existing Schema\n") f.write("author: Eric Goddard\n") f.write("date: \\today\n") f.write("geometry: margin=1in\n---\n\n") f.write("##Layers\n") with fiona.drivers(): for layername in fiona.listlayers(CSI_GDB): f.write("###{layer}\n".format(layer=layername)) with, layer=layername, driver="FileGDB") as src: unique_fields.update(key.upper() for key in \ src.schema['properties'].keys()) field_num = 1 for field in src.schema['properties']: f.write("{f}. {field} ({type})\n".format(f=field_num, field=field, type=src.schema['properties'][field])) field_num += 1 f.write("\n\n") f.write("## Unique Fields \n") for field in sorted(unique_fields): f.write("{c}. {f}\n".format(c=count, f=field))
def test_zip_path(path_coutwildrnp_zip): assert fiona.listlayers( 'zip://{}'.format(path_coutwildrnp_zip)) == ['coutwildrnp']
def test_single_file(): assert fiona.listlayers('docs/data/test_uk.shp') == ['test_uk']
def test_directory_trailing_slash(): assert fiona.listlayers('docs/data/') == ['test_uk']
def _historical( gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, others_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], date_col: str, direction: str = "nearest", default_year: str = None, op: str = "intersection", field: str = None, return_source: bool = False, ) -> Union[pd.Series, tuple]: """ Checks whether records in gdf intersect with features in other or if column values from gdf match with other column values after a spatial join for historical data. Supposing one has two or more layers for different years in time, this function will match each record with of those layers depending on the date of collection. Then, for each layer, it will compare the respective records by executing one of the check_intersect or check_match functions. Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame with records. others_path : str or Path Folder with shapefiles or GeoPackage file with historical data. Shapefile names of GeoPackage layer names must have a four-digit year anywhere in order to extract it and match it with the records' collection date. date_col : str Column name with the collection date. direction : str Whether to search for prior, subsequent, or closest years. Can be "backward", "nearest" or "forward". default_year : str Default year to take for records that do not have a collection date or whose collection date did not match with any year. Can be: - 'first': takes the earliest year in the historical data. - 'last': takes the latest year in the historical data. - None: skips a default year assignation. Keep in mind that records without a collection date won't be validated. op : str Operation to execute. Can be "intersection" to execute check_intersection or "match" to execute check_match. field : str Field to get from layers when `op` is "match". return_source : bool Whether to return a column with layer source. Returns ------- result : pd.Series Extracted values. source : pd.Series Corresponding source. Only provided if return_source is True. """ if not isinstance(others_path, pathlib.Path): others_path = pathlib.Path(others_path) if others_path.is_dir(): layers = list(others_path.glob("*.shp")) if not layers: raise Exception("`others_path` must contain shapefiles.") input_type = "shp" else: if others_path.suffix == ".gpkg": layers = fiona.listlayers(others_path) input_type = "gpkg" else: raise ValueError("`others_path` must be a GeoPackage file.") years = list(map(_extract_year, layers)) historical_year = _get_nearest_year(gdf[date_col], years, direction=direction, default_year=default_year) result = pd.Series(index=gdf.index, dtype="object") if return_source: source = pd.Series(index=gdf.index, dtype="object") for year in historical_year.dropna().unique(): layer = layers[years.index(year)] if input_type == "shp": other = gpd.read_file(layer) year_source = layer.stem elif input_type == "gpkg": other = gpd.read_file(others_path, layer=layer) year_source = layer mask = historical_year == year year_gdf = gdf[mask] if op == "intersection": year_result = intersects_layer(year_gdf, other) elif op == "match": year_result = get_layer_field(year_gdf, other, field) else: raise ValueError("`op` must be either 'intersection' or 'match'.") result.loc[mask] = year_result if return_source: source.loc[mask] = year_source if return_source: return result, source else: return result
def test_zip_path_arch(): assert fiona.listlayers('/test_uk.shp', vfs='zip://docs/data/') == ['test_uk']
import fiona import geopandas as gpd gdb_file = "C:\\Data\\Projects_GIS\\2020\\001_a_GEODB\\BRK_Mapping_Pluvial_IT_US\\BRK_input.gdb" # Get all the layers from the .gdb file layers = fiona.listlayers(gdb_file) for layer in layers: gdf = gpd.read_file(gdb_file, layer=layer) # Do stuff with the gdf
def test_directory(): assert fiona.listlayers("docs/data") == ["test_uk"]
import pyepsg import folium import numpy as np from shapely.geometry import MultiLineString, mapping, shape from folium import plugins import math from grade_data_process_functions import read_data from grade_data_process_functions import read_data # 1.2 Set Global Parameters path_to_data = (r"C:\Users\abibeka\OneDrive - Kittelson & Associates, Inc" r"\Documents\Passive Projects\Freeval-PA\grade_data" r"\June_23_2020") path_to_grade_data_file = os.path.join(path_to_data, "Processing.gdb") fiona.listlayers(path_to_grade_data_file) # 2 read data # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- grade_gdf = read_data(filename_gdf=path_to_grade_data_file, layer_gdf="SpatialJoin_GradeDataFINAL") grade_gdf_asc_sort = ( grade_gdf.loc[lambda x: x.seg_no.astype(int) % 2 == 0].sort_values( by=["name", "fkey"], ascending=[True, True]).reset_index(drop=True)) grade_gdf_desc_sort = ( grade_gdf.loc[lambda x: x.seg_no.astype(int) % 2 != 0].sort_values( by=["name", "fkey"], ascending=[True, False]).reset_index(drop=True))
def test_zip_path(): assert fiona.listlayers("zip://docs/data/") == ["test_uk"]
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_score, roc_auc_score import xgboost as xgb import fiona def cl2idx(inputarr, dict_label): y_label = np.zeros((inputarr.shape[0])) for i in range(inputarr.shape[0]): y_label[i] = dict_label[inputarr[i, 0]] return y_label filedir = "/Users/menglu/Documents/GitHub/waaden/OBIA_RF/results" layers = fiona.listlayers("/Volumes/Meng_Mac/obia/results2.gdb") #j=1 def run(j): # joind = gp.read_file("/Volumes/Meng_Mac/obia/results2.gdb", layer = layers[j]) joind = gp.read_file("/Users/menglu/Downloads/water_test_p2bwater.gdb", layer=layers[j]) classes = ["P1a1", "P1a2", "P2b", "P2c"] #H1 H2 O (1) P1a1 (4) P1a2 (6) P2b P2c S1a (0) S1c S2 S3 df1 = pd.DataFrame(joind.drop(columns='geometry')) df1 = df1.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan).dropna() #classes # %% [code]
# - data_dir = os.environ['hsfm_geomorph_data'] data_dir # ## Open up KML Files # Make sure to open all layers explicitly # + file_paths = ['NAGAP_1970s.kml', 'NAGAP_1980s.kml', 'NAGAP_1990s.kml'] df_list = [] for path in file_paths: path = os.path.join(data_dir, path) for layer in fiona.listlayers(path): try: df_list.append(gpd.read_file(path, driver='KML', layer=layer)) except ValueError: None df = pd.concat(df_list) # - len(df) df.head() # Change CRS to Web Mercator for easy plotting df = df.to_crs(epsg=3857)
""" Process Feature Args: f (dictionary) : input fiona feature. Returns: d (dictionary) : geometry converted to geoJSON and added to dict. """ geom = shape(f["geometry"]) wkt = geom.wkt f["geometry"] = wkt return f # In[62]: with fiona.drivers(): for layername in fiona.listlayers(file_path_gpkg): with, layer=layername) as src: # src is an iterator and might get parallelized. for f in src: d = process_feature(f) # In[63]: # In[ ]:
def test_directory(data_dir): assert fiona.listlayers(data_dir) == ['coutwildrnp']
def export_edge_noise_csv(edge_noises: pd.DataFrame, out_dir: str): max_id = edge_noises[].max() csv_name = f'{max_id}_edge_noises.csv' edge_noises.to_csv(out_dir + csv_name) if (__name__ == '__main__'): log = Logger(printing=True, log_file='noise_graph_join.log', level='debug') graph = ig_utils.read_graphml('data/hma.graphml')'read graph of {graph.ecount()} edges') edge_gdf = ig_utils.get_edge_gdf(graph, attrs=[E.id_ig]) edge_gdf = edge_gdf.sort_values( # read noise data noise_layer_names = [ layer for layer in fiona.listlayers('data/noise_data_processed.gpkg') ] noise_layers = { name: gpd.read_file('data/noise_data_processed.gpkg', layer=name) for name in noise_layer_names } noise_layers = { name: gdf.rename(columns={'db_low': name}) for name, gdf in noise_layers.items() }'read {len(noise_layers)} noise layers') # read nodata zone: narrow area between noise surfaces of different municipalities nodata_layer = gpd.read_file('data/extents.gpkg', layer='municipal_boundaries')
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning) def cl2idx(inputarr, dict_label): y_label = np.zeros((inputarr.shape[0])) for i in range(inputarr.shape[0]): y_label[i] = dict_label[inputarr[i, 0]] return y_label filedir = "/Users/menglu/Documents/GitHub/waaden/OBIA_RF/results" resultdir = "/Users/menglu/Volumes/Meng_Mac/obia/results/" # %% [code] layers = fiona.listlayers( "/Volumes/Meng_Mac/obia/temp/results2.gdb") # feb results layers = fiona.listlayers( "/Volumes/Meng_Mac/obia/temp/results_0303.gdb") # better water layers = fiona.listlayers( "/Volumes/Meng_Mac/obia/temp/P_subv1_1.gdb") # better water layers = fiona.listlayers( "/Volumes/Meng_Mac/obia/temp/HP1103.gpkg") # better water layers j = 0 #j for layers and k for classes def run(k, j=0, filename="/Volumes/Meng_Mac/obia/temp/HP1103.gpkg", resultdir="/Volumes/Meng_Mac/obia/results/"):
def test_layer_index(): layer = fiona.listlayers(DATA).index('polygons') assert list(read_features(DATA, layer=layer)) == target_features
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read geodatabase #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import geopandas as gpd import fiona from bokeh.plotting import figure from import output_notebook, show fin=r"E:\Data\ForestInventory\PSP-NADB\Data\01_RawFiles\QC\Release_2017-07\Pep\PEP.gdb" fiona.listlayers(fin) dat=gpd.read_file(fin, layer='PLACETTE_MES') sorted(list(dat.columns.values)) dat.to_csv(r"E:\Data\ForestInventory\PSP-NADB\Data\01_RawFiles\QC\Release_2017-07\PLACETTE_MES.csv") dat=gpd.read_file(fin, layer='PLACETTE') sorted(list(dat.columns.values)) dat.to_csv(r"E:\Data\ForestInventory\PSP-NADB\Data\01_RawFiles\QC\Release_2017-07\PLACETTE.csv") dat=gpd.read_file(fin, layer='STATION_PE') sorted(list(dat.columns.values)) dat.to_csv(r"E:\Data\ForestInventory\PSP-NADB\Data\01_RawFiles\QC\Release_2017-07\STATION_PE.csv") dat=gpd.read_file(fin, layer='DENDRO_ARBRES') sorted(list(dat.columns.values)) dat.to_csv(r"E:\Data\ForestInventory\PSP-NADB\Data\01_RawFiles\QC\Release_2017-07\DENDRO_ARBRES.csv") # , header=False L=list(dat.columns.values) L.to_csv(r"E:\Data\ForestInventory\PSP-NADB\Data\01_RawFiles\QC\Release_2017-07\DENDRO_ARBRES_lab.csv")