def getArchivedImages(constants, cameras, startTimeDT, timeRangeSeconds, minusMinutes): """Get random images from HPWREN archive matching given constraints and optionally subtract them Args: constants (dict): "global" contants cameras (list): list of cameras startTimeDT (datetime): starting time of time range timeRangeSeconds (int): number of seconds in time range minusMinutes (int): number of desired minutes between images to subract Returns: Tuple containing camera name, current timestamp, filepath of regular image, and filepath of difference image """ if getArchivedImages.tmpDir == None: getArchivedImages.tmpDir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() logging.warning('TempDir %s', cameraID = cameras[int(len(cameras)*random.random())]['name'] timeDT = startTimeDT + datetime.timedelta(seconds = random.random()*timeRangeSeconds) if minusMinutes: prevTimeDT = timeDT + datetime.timedelta(seconds = -60 * minusMinutes) else: prevTimeDT = timeDT files = img_archive.getHpwrenImages(constants['googleServices'], settings,, constants['camArchives'], cameraID, prevTimeDT, timeDT, minusMinutes or 1) # logging.warning('files %s', str(files)) if not files: return (None, None, None, None) if minusMinutes: if len(files) > 1: if files[0] >= files[1]: # files[0] is supposed to be earlier than files[1] logging.warning('unexpected file order %s', str(files)) for file in files: os.remove(file) return (None, None, None, None) imgDiffPath = genDiffImage(files[1], files[0], minusMinutes) os.remove(files[0]) # no longer needed parsedName = img_archive.parseFilename(files[1]) return (cameraID, parsedName['unixTime'], files[1], imgDiffPath) else: logging.warning('unexpected file count %s', str(files)) for file in files: os.remove(file) return (None, None, None, None) elif len(files) > 0: parsedName = img_archive.parseFilename(files[0]) return (cameraID, parsedName['unixTime'], files[0], files[0]) return (None, None, None, None)
def parseToCsv(intput, output, startRow, endRow): skipped=[] outFile = open(output, 'w') with open(intput, 'r') as myfile: for (rowIndex, line) in enumerate(myfile): if rowIndex < startRow: continue if rowIndex > endRow: logging.warning('Reached end row %d', rowIndex) break # print("raw", line) parsed = img_archive.parseFilename(line) if not parsed: continue # print("parsed", parsed) outArray = [ line.rstrip(), str(parsed['minX']), str(parsed['minY']), str(parsed['maxX']), str(parsed['maxY']), ] del parsed['minX'] outArray.append(img_archive.repackFileName(parsed)) # print("parsed2", ','.join(outArray)) outFile.write(','.join(outArray) + '\n') print('Skipped:', skipped)
def detect(self, image_spec, checkShifts=False, silent=False, fetchDiff=None): last_image_spec = image_spec[-1] timestamp = last_image_spec['timestamp'] cameraID = last_image_spec['cameraID'] parsedName = img_archive.parseFilename(last_image_spec['path']) base_image_spec = image_spec diffImgPath = None if not parsedName['diffMinutes']: outputDirName = diffImg = fetchDiff(outputDirName) if not diffImg: logging.warning('Failed to fetch diff image for %s', last_image_spec['path']) return {'fireSegment': None, 'timeMid': 0} diffImgPath = img_archive.getImgPath(outputDirName, cameraID, timestamp, diffMinutes=1), format='JPEG', quality=95) last_image_spec = last_image_spec.copy() last_image_spec['path'] = diffImgPath base_image_spec = [last_image_spec] detectionResult = self.basePolicy.detect(base_image_spec, checkShifts=checkShifts, silent=silent) if diffImgPath: os.remove(diffImgPath) return detectionResult
def classifyImages(detectionPolicy, checkShifts, imageList, className, outFile): count = 0 positives = [] negatives = [] mixed = [] for image in imageList: t0 = time.time() ppath = pathlib.PurePath(image) nameParsed = img_archive.parseFilename(image) image_spec = [{}] image_spec[-1]['path'] = image image_spec[-1]['timestamp'] = nameParsed['unixTime'] image_spec[-1]['cameraID'] = nameParsed['cameraID'] detectionResult = detectionPolicy.detect(image_spec, checkShifts=checkShifts, silent=True) # logging.warning('dr %s', str(detectionResult)) image_spec[-1]['startY'] = 140 image_spec[-1]['endY'] = -140 detectionResultOffset = detectionPolicy.detect(image_spec, checkShifts=checkShifts, silent=True) if len(detectionResultOffset['segments'] ) == 0: # happens with tiny images detectionResultOffset = detectionResult scores = [ detectionResult['segments'][0]['score'], detectionResultOffset['segments'][0]['score'] ] if detectionResult['fireSegment'] and detectionResultOffset[ 'fireSegment']: status = 'smoke' positives.append( elif (not detectionResult['fireSegment']) and ( not detectionResultOffset['fireSegment']): status = 'other' negatives.append( else: status = 'mixed' mixed.append( t2 = time.time() count += 1 sys.stdout.write('\r>> Caclulated %d/%d of class %s' % (count, len(imageList), className)) # logging.warning('Timing %f: %f, %f' % (t2-t0, t1-t0, t2-t1)) sys.stdout.flush() outFile.write('%s file %s classified as %s: %s\n' % (className,, status, str(scores))) detectionResult = None detectionResultOffset = None gc.collect() sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() return (positives, negatives, mixed)
def processFolder(imgDirectory, googleServices, notes): temporaryDir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() imageFileNames = os.listdir(imgDirectory) # print('images', len(imageFileNames), imageFileNames) # discard files that don't match the expected file name pattern (e.g. .DS_Store) imageFileNames = list(filter(img_archive.parseFilename, imageFileNames)) # print('images2', len(imageFileNames), imageFileNames) # we want to process in time order, so first create tuples with associated time tuples=list(map(lambda x: (x,img_archive.parseFilename(x)['unixTime']), imageFileNames)) for tuple in sorted(tuples, key=lambda x: x[1]): imgName=tuple[0] imgPath = os.path.join(imgDirectory, imgName) nameParsed = img_archive.parseFilename(imgName) assert nameParsed['cameraID'] result = crop_single.imageDisplay(imgPath, if len(result) > 0: for entry in result: print('crop data', entry['coords']) uploadCoords(entry['coords'], imgName, googleServices, notes)
def genAnnotatedImages(constants, cameraID, timestamp, imgPath, fireSegment): """Generate annotated images (one cropped video, and other full size image) Args: constants (dict): "global" contants cameraID (str): camera name timestamp (int): time.time() value when image was taken imgPath (str): filepath of the image fireSegment (dict): dict describing segment with fire Returns: Tuple (str, str): filepaths of cropped and full size annotated iamges """ filePathParts = os.path.splitext(imgPath) img = x0 = fireSegment['MinX'] if 'MinX' in fireSegment else 0 y0 = fireSegment['MinY'] if 'MinY' in fireSegment else 0 x1 = fireSegment['MaxX'] if 'MaxX' in fireSegment else img.size[0] y1 = fireSegment['MaxY'] if 'MaxY' in fireSegment else img.size[0] (cropX0, cropX1) = stretchBounds(x0, x1, img.size[0]) (cropY0, cropY1) = stretchBounds(y0, y1, img.size[1]) cropCoords = (cropX0, cropY0, cropX1, cropY1) # get images spanning a few minutes so reviewers can evaluate based on progression startTimeDT = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp - 5*60) endTimeDT = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp - 1*60) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpDirName: oldImages = img_archive.getHpwrenImages(constants['googleServices'], settings, tmpDirName, constants['camArchives'], cameraID, startTimeDT, endTimeDT, 1) imgSequence = oldImages or [] imgSequence.append(imgPath) for (i, imgFile) in enumerate(imgSequence): imgParsed = img_archive.parseFilename(imgFile) cropName = 'img' + ("%03d" % i) + filePathParts[1] croppedPath = os.path.join(tmpDirName, cropName) imgSeq = croppedImg = imgSeq.crop(cropCoords) drawFireBox(croppedImg, croppedPath, fireSegment, x0 - cropX0, y0 - cropY0, x1 - cropX0, y1 - cropY0, timestamp=imgParsed['unixTime']) imgSeq.close() croppedImg.close() # now make movie from this sequence of cropped images moviePath = filePathParts[0] + '_AnnCrop_' + 'x'.join(list(map(lambda x: str(x), cropCoords))) + '.mp4' ( ffmpeg.input(os.path.join(tmpDirName, 'img%03d.jpg'), framerate=1) .filter('fps', fps=25, round='up') .output(moviePath, pix_fmt='yuv420p').run() ) annotatedPath = filePathParts[0] + '_Ann' + filePathParts[1] drawFireBox(img, annotatedPath, fireSegment, x0, y0, x1, y1) img.close() return (moviePath, annotatedPath)
def main(): reqArgs = [ ["i", "image", "filename of the image"], ] optArgs = [["m", "model", "model file generated during retraining"], ["y", "startY", "(optional) startY override", int], ["z", "endY", "(optional) endY override", int], ["x", "startX", "(optional) startY override", int], ["e", "endX", "(optional) endY override", int], [ "d", "display", "(optional) specify any value to display image and boxes" ]] args = collect_args.collectArgs(reqArgs, optionalArgs=optArgs) model_file = args.model if args.model else settings.model_file DetectionPolicyClass = policies.get_policies()[settings.detectionPolicy] detectionPolicy = DetectionPolicyClass(args, None, stateless=True, modelLocation=model_file) os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3' nameParsed = img_archive.parseFilename(args.image) image_spec = [{}] image_spec[-1]['path'] = args.image image_spec[-1]['timestamp'] = nameParsed['unixTime'] image_spec[-1]['cameraID'] = nameParsed['cameraID'] image_spec[-1]['heading'] = 0 # fake heading if args.startY: image_spec[-1]['startY'] = args.startY if args.endY: image_spec[-1]['endY'] = args.endY if args.startX: image_spec[-1]['startX'] = args.startX if args.endX: image_spec[-1]['endX'] = args.endX detectionResult = detectionPolicy.detect(image_spec, checkShifts=True) for segmentInfo in detectionResult['segments']: # print(segmentInfo['imgPath'], segmentInfo['score']) print(segmentInfo['MinX'], segmentInfo['MinY'], segmentInfo['score']) if args.display: imgOrig = drawBoxesAndScores(imgOrig, detectionResult['segments']) displayImageWithScores(imgOrig, [])
def genDiffImage(imgPath, earlierImgPath, minusMinutes): """Subtract the two given images and store result in new difference image file Args: imgPath (str): filepath of the current image (to subtract from) imgPath (str): filepath of the earlier image (value to subtract) minusMinutes (int): number of minutes separating subtracted images Returns: file path to the difference image """ imgA = imgB = imgDiff = img_archive.diffImages(imgA, imgB) parsedName = img_archive.parseFilename(imgPath) parsedName['diffMinutes'] = minusMinutes imgDiffName = img_archive.repackFileName(parsedName) ppath = pathlib.PurePath(imgPath) imgDiffPath = os.path.join(str(ppath.parent), imgDiffName), format='JPEG') return imgDiffPath
def main(): reqArgs = [ ["o", "outputDir", "local directory to save diff image segments"], [ "i", "inputDir", "input local directory containing nonSmoke image segments" ], [ "m", "minusMinutes", "subtract images from given number of minutes ago" ], ] optArgs = [ ["s", "startRow", "starting row"], ["e", "endRow", "ending row"], ] args = collect_args.collectArgs( reqArgs, optionalArgs=optArgs, parentParsers=[goog_helper.getParentParser()]) minusMinutes = int(args.minusMinutes) startRow = int(args.startRow) if args.startRow else 0 endRow = int(args.endRow) if args.endRow else 1e9 googleServices = goog_helper.getGoogleServices(settings, args) camArchives = img_archive.getHpwrenCameraArchives(settings.hpwrenArchives) timeGapDelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=60 * minusMinutes) skippedBadParse = [] skippedArchive = [] imageFileNames = sorted(os.listdir(args.inputDir)) rowIndex = -1 for fileName in imageFileNames: rowIndex += 1 if rowIndex < startRow: continue if rowIndex > endRow: print('Reached end row', rowIndex, endRow) break if (fileName[:3] == 'v2_') or (fileName[:3] == 'v3_') or (not 'mobo-c' in fileName): continue # skip replicated files logging.warning('Processing row %d, file: %s', rowIndex, fileName) parsedName = img_archive.parseFilename(fileName) if (not parsedName) or parsedName['diffMinutes'] or ( 'minX' not in parsedName): logging.warning( 'Skipping file with unexpected parsed data: %s, %s', fileName, str(parsedName)) skippedBadParse.append((rowIndex, fileName, parsedName)) continue # skip files without crop info or with diff parsedName['unixTime'] -= 60 * minusMinutes earlierName = img_archive.repackFileName(parsedName) earlierImgPath = os.path.join(settings.downloadDir, earlierName) if not os.path.isfile( earlierImgPath ): # if file has not been downloaded by a previous iteration dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(parsedName['unixTime']) dt -= timeGapDelta files = img_archive.getHpwrenImages(googleServices, settings, settings.downloadDir, camArchives, parsedName['cameraID'], dt, dt, 1) if files: earlierImgPath = files[0] else: logging.warning('Skipping image without prior image: %s, %s', str(dt), fileName) skippedArchive.append((rowIndex, fileName, dt)) continue logging.warning('Subtracting old image %s', earlierImgPath) earlierImg = croppedEarlyImg = earlierImg.crop( (parsedName['minX'], parsedName['minY'], parsedName['maxX'], parsedName['maxY'])) imgOrig =, fileName)) diffImg = img_archive.diffImages(imgOrig, croppedEarlyImg) extremas = diffImg.getextrema() if extremas[0][0] == 128 or extremas[0][1] == 128 or extremas[1][ 0] == 128 or extremas[1][1] == 128 or extremas[2][ 0] == 128 or extremas[2][1] == 128: logging.warning('Skipping no diffs %s, name=%s', str(extremas), fileName) skippedBadParse.append((rowIndex, fileName, extremas)) continue parsedName['diffMinutes'] = minusMinutes diffImgPath = os.path.join(args.outputDir, img_archive.repackFileName(parsedName)) logging.warning('Saving new image %s', diffImgPath), format='JPEG') logging.warning('Skipped bad parse %d, %s', len(skippedBadParse), str(skippedBadParse)) logging.warning('Skipped images without archives %d, %s', len(skippedArchive), str(skippedArchive))
def main(): reqArgs = [ ["o", "outputFile", "output file name"], ["i", "inputCsv", "csvfile with fire/detection data"], ['m', "mode", "mode: votepoly or camdir or pruned"], ] optArgs = [ ["s", "startRow", "starting row"], ["e", "endRow", "ending row"], ] args = collect_args.collectArgs(reqArgs, optionalArgs=optArgs, parentParsers=[goog_helper.getParentParser()]) startRow = int(args.startRow) if args.startRow else 0 endRow = int(args.endRow) if args.endRow else 1e9 mode = args.mode assert mode == 'votepoly' or mode == 'camdir' or mode == 'pruned' outFile = open(args.outputFile, 'w') dbManager = db_manager.DbManager(sqliteFile=settings.db_file, psqlHost=settings.psqlHost, psqlDb=settings.psqlDb, psqlUser=settings.psqlUser, psqlPasswd=settings.psqlPasswd) lastCam = None lastTime = None random.seed(0) with open(args.inputCsv) as csvFile: csvreader = csv.reader(csvFile) for (rowIndex, csvRow) in enumerate(csvreader): if rowIndex < startRow: continue if rowIndex > endRow: print('Reached end row', rowIndex, endRow) break if mode == 'votepoly': [cameraID, timestamp, score, polygon, sourcePolygons, isRealFire] = csvRow[:6] timestamp = int(timestamp) logging.warning('Processing row: %d, cam: %s, ts: %s', rowIndex, cameraID, timestamp) if cameraID == lastCam and timestamp == lastTime: logging.warning('Duplicate row: %d, cam: %s, ts: %s', rowIndex, cameraID, timestamp) lastCam = cameraID lastTime = timestamp centroid = getCentroid(polygon) if timestamp < 1607786165: #sourcePolygons didn't exist before this if isRealFire: numPolys = round(getRandInterpolatedVal(settings.percentilesNumPolyFire)) else: numPolys = round(getRandInterpolatedVal(settings.percentilesNumPolyOther)) else: numPolys = 1 if sourcePolygons: sourcePolygonsArr = json.loads(sourcePolygons) numPolys = len(sourcePolygonsArr) cameraID = patchCameraId(cameraID) camInfo = dbManager.getCameraMapLocation(cameraID) if camInfo == None: logging.warning('Skipping row with camera without meta %s', cameraID) continue (mapImgGCS, camLatitude, camLongitude) = camInfo else: if mode == 'camdir': [cameraID, isoTime, direction] = csvRow[:3] logging.warning('Processing row: %d, cam: %s, ts: %s', rowIndex, cameraID, isoTime) timestamp = time.mktime(dateutil.parser.parse(isoTime).timetuple()) if 'center left' in direction: offset = -20 elif 'center right' in direction: offset = 20 elif 'center' in direction: offset = 0 elif 'left' in direction: offset = -40 elif 'right' in direction: offset = 40 else: logging.error('Unexpected dir row: %d, dir: %s', rowIndex, direction) continue elif mode == 'pruned': [_cropName, minX, _minY, maxX, _maxY, fileName] = csvRow[:6] minX = int(minX) maxX = int(maxX) nameParsed = img_archive.parseFilename(fileName) cameraID = nameParsed['cameraID'] cameraID = patchCameraId(cameraID) timestamp = nameParsed['unixTime'] dateStr = nameParsed['isoStr'][:nameParsed['isoStr'].index('T')] if dateStr == lastTime and cameraID == lastCam: # logging.warning('Skip same fire. row %s', rowIndex) continue lastCam = cameraID lastTime = dateStr localFilePath = os.path.join(settings.downloadDir, fileName) if not os.path.isfile(localFilePath): logging.warning('Skip missing file %s, row %s', fileName, rowIndex) continue img = degreesInView = img_archive.getCameraFov(cameraID) centerX = (minX + maxX) / 2 offset = centerX / img.size[0] * degreesInView - degreesInView/2 img.close() (mapImgGCS, camLatitude, camLongitude) = dbManager.getCameraMapLocation(cameraID) camHeading = img_archive.getHeading(cameraID) heading = (camHeading + offset) % 360 angle = 90 - heading distanceDegrees = 0.2 # approx 14 miles fireLat = camLatitude + math.sin(angle*math.pi/180)*distanceDegrees fireLong = camLongitude + math.cos(angle*math.pi/180)*distanceDegrees centroid = (fireLat, fireLong) score = getRandInterpolatedVal(settings.percentilesScoreFire) numPolys = round(getRandInterpolatedVal(settings.percentilesNumPolyFire)) isRealFire = 1 logging.warning('Processing row: %d, heading: %s, centroid: %s, score: %s, numpoly: %s', rowIndex, heading, centroid, score, numPolys) if not keepData(score, centroid, numPolys, isRealFire): logging.warning('Skipping Mexico fire row %d, camera %s', rowIndex, cameraID) continue (weatherCentroid, weatherCamera) = weather.getWeatherData(dbManager, cameraID, timestamp, centroid, (camLatitude, camLongitude)) if not weatherCentroid: logging.warning('Skipping row %d', rowIndex) continue # logging.warning('Weather %s', weatherCentroid) outputWithWeather(outFile, score, timestamp, centroid, numPolys, weatherCentroid, weatherCamera, isRealFire) logging.warning('Processed row: %d, cam: %s, ts: %s', rowIndex, cameraID, timestamp) outFile.close()
def classifyImages(detectionPolicy, imageList, className, outFile): count = 0 image_name = [] crop_name = [] score_name = [] class_name = [] positives = [] negatives = [] try: for image in imageList: t0 = time.time() isPositive = False ppath = pathlib.PurePath(image) nameParsed = img_archive.parseFilename(image) image_spec = [{}] image_spec[-1]['path'] = image image_spec[-1]['timestamp'] = nameParsed['unixTime'] image_spec[-1]['cameraID'] = nameParsed['cameraID'] try: detectionResult = detectionPolicy.detect(image_spec) if detectionResult['fireSegment']: isPositive = True if detectionResult['segments']: segments = detectionResult['segments'] for i in range(len(segments)): image_name += [] crop_name += [segments[i]['coordStr']] # for testing # segments[i]['score'] = random.random()*.55 score_name += [segments[i]['score']] class_name += [className] if segments[i]['score'] > .5: isPositive = True except Exception as e: logging.error('FAILURE processing %s. Count: %d, Error: %s', image, count, str(e)) test_data = [image_name, crop_name, score_name, class_name] np.savetxt(outFile + '-ERROR-' + image + '.txt', np.transpose(test_data), fmt="%s") sys.exit() t2 = time.time() count += 1 if isPositive: positives.append( else: negatives.append( sys.stdout.write('\r>> Caclulated %d/%d of class %s' % (count, len(imageList), className)) # logging.warning('Timing %f: %f, %f' % (t2-t0, t1-t0, t2-t1)) sys.stdout.flush() except Exception as e: logging.error('Failure after %d images of class %s. Error: %s', count, className, str(e)) try: test_data = [image_name, crop_name, score_name, class_name] np.savetxt(outFile + '-ERROR.txt', np.transpose(test_data), fmt="%s") except Exception as e: logging.error('Total Failure, Moving On. Error: %s', str(e)) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() return (image_name, crop_name, score_name, class_name, positives, negatives)
def main(): reqArgs = [ ["o", "outputDir", "local directory to save images segments"], ["i", "inputCsv", "csvfile with contents of Cropped Images"], ] optArgs = [ ["s", "startRow", "starting row"], ["e", "endRow", "ending row"], ["d", "display", "(optional) specify any value to display image and boxes"], ["x", "minDiffX", "(optional) override default minDiffX of 299"], ["y", "minDiffY", "(optional) override default minDiffY of 299"], ["a", "minArea", "(optional) override default throw away areas < 1/100 of 299x299"], ["t", "throwSize", "(optional) override default throw away size of 598x598"], ["g", "growRatio", "(optional) override default grow ratio of 1.2"], ["m", "minusMinutes", "(optional) subtract images from given number of minutes ago"], ["r", "review", "(optional) download original crops without augmentation"], ] args = collect_args.collectArgs(reqArgs, optionalArgs=optArgs, parentParsers=[goog_helper.getParentParser()]) startRow = int(args.startRow) if args.startRow else 0 endRow = int(args.endRow) if args.endRow else 1e9 minDiffX = int(args.minDiffX) if args.minDiffX else 299 minDiffY = int(args.minDiffY) if args.minDiffY else 299 throwSize = int(args.throwSize) if args.throwSize else 299*2 growRatio = float(args.growRatio) if args.growRatio else 1.2 minArea = int(args.minArea) if args.minArea else int(299*2.99) minusMinutes = int(args.minusMinutes) if args.minusMinutes else 0 googleServices = goog_helper.getGoogleServices(settings, args) camArchives = img_archive.getHpwrenCameraArchives(settings.hpwrenArchives) if minusMinutes: timeGapDelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds = 60*minusMinutes) cameraCache = {} skippedTiny = [] skippedHuge = [] skippedArchive = [] with open(args.inputCsv) as csvFile: csvreader = csv.reader(csvFile) for (rowIndex, csvRow) in enumerate(csvreader): if rowIndex < startRow: continue if rowIndex > endRow: print('Reached end row', rowIndex, endRow) break [cropName, minX, minY, maxX, maxY, fileName] = csvRow[:6] minX = int(minX) minY = int(minY) maxX = int(maxX) maxY = int(maxY) oldCoords = (minX, minY, maxX, maxY) if ((maxX - minX) > throwSize) or ((maxY - minY) > throwSize): logging.warning('Skip large image: dx=%d, dy=%d, name=%s', maxX - minX, maxY - minY, fileName) skippedHuge.append((rowIndex, fileName, maxX - minX, maxY - minY)) continue if ((maxX - minX) * (maxY - minY)) < minArea: logging.warning('Skipping tiny image with area: %d, name=%s', (maxX - minX) * (maxY - minY), fileName) skippedTiny.append((rowIndex, fileName, (maxX - minX) * (maxY - minY))) continue nameParsed = img_archive.parseFilename(fileName) imgDT = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(nameParsed['unixTime']) localFilePath = os.path.join(settings.downloadDir, fileName) if not os.path.isfile(localFilePath):# if file has not been downloaded by a previous iteration files = img_archive.getHpwrenImages(googleServices, settings, settings.downloadDir, camArchives, nameParsed['cameraID'], imgDT, imgDT, 1) localFilePath = files[0] imgOrig = # if in subracted images mode, download an earlier image and subtract if minusMinutes: dt = imgDT - timeGapDelta nameParsed['unixTime'] -= 60*minusMinutes earlierName = img_archive.repackFileName(nameParsed) earlierImgPath = os.path.join(settings.downloadDir, earlierName) if not os.path.isfile(earlierImgPath):# if file has not been downloaded by a previous iteration files = img_archive.getHpwrenImages(googleServices, settings, settings.downloadDir, camArchives, nameParsed['cameraID'], dt, dt, 1) if files: earlierImgPath = files[0] else: logging.warning('Skipping image without prior image: %s, %s', str(dt), fileName) skippedArchive.append((rowIndex, fileName, dt)) continue logging.warning('Subtracting old image %s', earlierImgPath) earlierImg = diffImg = img_archive.diffImages(imgOrig, earlierImg) extremas = diffImg.getextrema() if extremas[0][0] == 128 or extremas[0][1] == 128 or extremas[1][0] == 128 or extremas[1][1] == 128 or extremas[2][0] == 128 or extremas[2][1] == 128: logging.warning('Skipping no diffs %s, name=%s', str(extremas), fileName) skippedTiny.append((rowIndex, fileName, extremas)) continue # realImgOrig = imgOrig # is this useful? imgOrig = diffImg fileNameParts = os.path.splitext(fileName) fileName = str(fileNameParts[0]) + ('_Diff%d' % minusMinutes) + fileNameParts[1] if cropCoords = [oldCoords] else: # crop the full sized image to show just the smoke, but shifted and flipped # shifts and flips increase number of segments for training and also prevent overfitting by perturbing data cropCoords = getCropCoords((minX, minY, maxX, maxY), minDiffX, minDiffY, growRatio, (imgOrig.size[0], imgOrig.size[1])) for newCoords in cropCoords: # XXXX - save work if old=new? logging.warning('coords old %s, new %s', str(oldCoords), str(newCoords)) imgNameNoExt = str(os.path.splitext(fileName)[0]) cropImgName = imgNameNoExt + '_Crop_' + 'x'.join(list(map(lambda x: str(x), newCoords))) + '.jpg' cropImgPath = os.path.join(args.outputDir, cropImgName) cropped_img = imgOrig.crop(newCoords), format='JPEG') if not flipped_img = cropped_img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) flipImgName = imgNameNoExt + '_Crop_' + 'x'.join(list(map(lambda x: str(x), newCoords))) + '_Flip.jpg' flipImgPath = os.path.join(args.outputDir, flipImgName), format='JPEG') logging.warning('Processed row: %d, file: %s', rowIndex, fileName) if args.display: displayCoords = [oldCoords] + cropCoords displayImageWithScores(imgOrig, displayCoords) imageDisplay(imgOrig) logging.warning('Skipped tiny images %d, %s', len(skippedTiny), str(skippedTiny)) logging.warning('Skipped huge images %d, %s', len(skippedHuge), str(skippedHuge)) logging.warning('Skipped images without archives %d, %s', len(skippedArchive), str(skippedArchive))
def main(): reqArgs = [ ["o", "outputDir", "local directory to save images segments"], ["i", "inputCsv", "csvfile with contents of Cropped Images"], ] optArgs = [ ["s", "startRow", "starting row"], ["e", "endRow", "ending row"], ["x", "minSizeX", "(optional) override default minSizeX of 299"], ["y", "minSizeY", "(optional) override default minSizeY of 299"], ["a", "minArea", "(optional) override default 0 for minimum area"], ["t", "throwSize", "(optional) override default throw away size of 598x598"], ["g", "growRatio", "(optional) override default grow ratio of 1.2"], ["m", "minusMinutes", "(optional) subtract images from given number of minutes ago"], ["r", "recropType", "recrop type: 'raw', 'center', 'full', 'shift', 'augment' (default)"], ] args = collect_args.collectArgs(reqArgs, optionalArgs=optArgs, parentParsers=[goog_helper.getParentParser()]) startRow = int(args.startRow) if args.startRow else 0 endRow = int(args.endRow) if args.endRow else 1e9 minSizeX = int(args.minSizeX) if args.minSizeX else 299 minSizeY = int(args.minSizeY) if args.minSizeY else 299 throwSize = int(args.throwSize) if args.throwSize else 299*2 growRatio = float(args.growRatio) if args.growRatio else 1.2 minArea = int(args.minArea) if args.minArea else 0 minusMinutes = int(args.minusMinutes) if args.minusMinutes else 0 recropType = args.recropType if args.recropType else 'augment' random.seed(0) googleServices = goog_helper.getGoogleServices(settings, args) camArchives = img_archive.getHpwrenCameraArchives(settings.hpwrenArchives) downloadDirCache = img_archive.cacheDir(settings.downloadDir, settings.downloadDir) if minusMinutes: timeGapDelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds = 60*minusMinutes) cameraCache = {} skippedTiny = [] skippedHuge = [] skippedArchive = [] with open(args.inputCsv) as csvFile: csvreader = csv.reader(csvFile) for (rowIndex, csvRow) in enumerate(csvreader): if rowIndex < startRow: continue if rowIndex > endRow: print('Reached end row', rowIndex, endRow) break [_unused_cropName, minX, minY, maxX, maxY, fileName] = csvRow[:6] minX = int(minX) minY = int(minY) maxX = int(maxX) maxY = int(maxY) oldCoords = (minX, minY, maxX, maxY) if ((maxX - minX) > throwSize) or ((maxY - minY) > throwSize): logging.warning('Skip large image: dx=%d, dy=%d, name=%s', maxX - minX, maxY - minY, fileName) skippedHuge.append((rowIndex, fileName, maxX - minX, maxY - minY)) continue if ((maxX - minX) * (maxY - minY)) < minArea: logging.warning('Skipping tiny image with area: %d, name=%s', (maxX - minX) * (maxY - minY), fileName) skippedTiny.append((rowIndex, fileName, (maxX - minX) * (maxY - minY))) continue nameParsed = img_archive.parseFilename(fileName) imgDT = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(nameParsed['unixTime']) (imgOrig, imgFilePath) = getArchiveImage(googleServices, downloadDirCache, camArchives, nameParsed['cameraID'], fileName, imgDT) if not imgOrig: logging.warning('Skip image without archive: %s', fileName) skippedArchive.append((rowIndex, fileName, imgDT)) continue # find coordinates for cropping if recropType == 'raw': cropCoords = [oldCoords] elif recropType == 'full': # useful for generating full diffs cropCoords = [(0, 0, imgOrig.size[0], imgOrig.size[1])] else: # crop the full sized image to show just the smoke, but shifted and flipped # shifts and flips increase number of segments for training and also prevent overfitting by perturbing data cropCoords = getCropCoords((minX, minY, maxX, maxY), minSizeX, minSizeY, growRatio, (imgOrig.size[0], imgOrig.size[1]), recropType) fullImage = False if len(cropCoords) == 1 and cropCoords[0][0] == 0 and cropCoords[0][1] == 0 and cropCoords[0][2] == imgOrig.size[0] and cropCoords[0][3] == imgOrig.size[1]: fullImage = True assert fullImage or ('minX' not in nameParsed) # disallow crops of crops # find extrema (min/max) crop coordinates to crop the original image to speed up processing extremaCoords = list(cropCoords[0]) for coords in cropCoords: extremaCoords[0] = min(extremaCoords[0], coords[0]) extremaCoords[1] = min(extremaCoords[1], coords[1]) extremaCoords[2] = max(extremaCoords[2], coords[2]) extremaCoords[3] = max(extremaCoords[3], coords[3]) imgOrig = imgOrig.crop(extremaCoords) # if in subracted images mode, download an earlier image and subtract if minusMinutes: if not img_archive.findCameraInArchive(camArchives, nameParsed['cameraID']): earlierImg = None files = img_archive.cacheFetchRange(downloadDirCache, nameParsed['cameraID'], nameParsed['unixTime'], -minusMinutes*60, -10*minusMinutes*60) if files: earlierImg = findAlignedImage(imgFilePath, files, fullImage) if not files or not earlierImg: logging.warning('Skipping image without prior image: %s', fileName) skippedArchive.append((rowIndex, fileName, None)) continue else: nameParsed['unixTime'] -= 60*minusMinutes earlierName = img_archive.repackFileName(nameParsed) dt = imgDT - timeGapDelta (earlierImg, _) = getArchiveImage(googleServices, downloadDirCache, camArchives, nameParsed['cameraID'], earlierName, dt) if not earlierImg: logging.warning('Skipping image without prior image: %s, %s', str(dt), fileName) skippedArchive.append((rowIndex, fileName, dt)) continue logging.warning('Subtracting old image %s', earlierName) earlierImg = earlierImg.crop(extremaCoords) diffImg = img_archive.diffWithChecks(imgOrig, earlierImg) if not diffImg: skippedTiny.append((rowIndex, fileName)) continue imgOrig = diffImg fileNameParts = os.path.splitext(fileName) fileName = str(fileNameParts[0]) + ('_Diff%d' % minusMinutes) + fileNameParts[1] for newCoords in cropCoords: logging.warning('coords old %s, new %s', str(oldCoords), str(newCoords)) parsed = img_archive.parseFilename(fileName) if not fullImage: parsed['minX'] = newCoords[0] parsed['minY'] = newCoords[1] parsed['maxX'] = newCoords[2] parsed['maxY'] = newCoords[3] if minusMinutes: parsed['diffMinutes'] = 1 cropImgName = img_archive.repackFileName(parsed) cropImgPath = os.path.join(args.outputDir, cropImgName) cropped_img = imgOrig.crop((newCoords[0] - extremaCoords[0], newCoords[1] - extremaCoords[1], newCoords[2] - extremaCoords[0], newCoords[3] - extremaCoords[1])), format='JPEG', quality=95) if recropType == 'augment': flipped_img = cropped_img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) flipImgName = cropImgName.replace('.jpg', '_Flip.jpg') flipImgPath = os.path.join(args.outputDir, flipImgName), format='JPEG', quality=95) logging.warning('Processed row: %d, file: %s', rowIndex, fileName) logging.warning('Skipped tiny images %d, %s', len(skippedTiny), str(skippedTiny)) logging.warning('Skipped huge images %d, %s', len(skippedHuge), str(skippedHuge)) logging.warning('Skipped images without archives %d, %s', len(skippedArchive), str(skippedArchive))