def __init__(self, source, target_space, target, bcs=[], **kwargs): super(SupermeshProjectBlock, self).__init__(ad_block_tag=kwargs.pop("ad_block_tag", None)) import firedrake.supermeshing as supermesh # Process args and kwargs if not isinstance(source, self.backend.Function): raise NotImplementedError( f"Source function must be a Function, not {type(source)}.") if bcs != []: raise NotImplementedError( "Boundary conditions not yet considered.") # Store spaces mesh = kwargs.pop("mesh", None) if mesh is None: mesh = target_space.mesh() self.source_space = source.function_space() self.target_space = target_space self.projector = firedrake.Projector(source, target_space, **kwargs) # Assemble mixed mass matrix self.mixed_mass = supermesh.assemble_mixed_mass_matrix( source.function_space(), target_space) # Add dependencies self.add_dependency(source, no_duplicates=True) for bc in bcs: self.add_dependency(bc, no_duplicates=True)
def adjoint_supermesh_project(tgt_b, src_b, mixed_mass_matrix=None, solver=None): """ Hand-coded adjoint of a supermesh projection. :arg tgt_b: seed vector in target space. :arg src_b: adjoint supermesh projection into source space. """ source_space = src_b.function_space() target_space = tgt_b.function_space() # Adjoint of step 2: Solve the linear system for the target: # Mt^T * sol = tgt_b ksp = solver or PETSc.KSP().create() if solver is None: Mt = assemble( inner(TrialFunction(target_space), TestFunction(target_space)) * dx).M.handle ksp.setOperators(Mt.transpose()) ksp.setFromOptions() with tgt_b.dat.vec_ro as rhs: sol = rhs.copy() ksp.solve(rhs, sol) # Adjoint of 1: Multiply with the tranpose mass matrix # src_b := Mst^T * sol Mst = mixed_mass_matrix or supermesh.assemble_mixed_mass_matrix( source_space, target_space) with src_b.dat.vec_ro as vs: Mst.multTranspose(sol, vs) return src_b
def mesh2mesh_project_adjoint(target_b, source_b, **kwargs): """ Apply the adjoint of a mesh-to-mesh conservative projection to some seed ``target_b``, mapping to ``source_b``. The notation used here is in terms of the adjoint of ``mesh2mesh_project``. However, this function may also be interpreted as a projector in its own right, mapping ``target_b`` to ``source_b``. Extra keyword arguments are passed to Firedrake's ``project`` function. :arg target_b: seed :class:`Function` from the target space of the forward projection :arg source_b: the :class:`Function` from the source space of the forward projection """ from firedrake.supermeshing import assemble_mixed_mass_matrix target_space = target_b.function_space() assert isinstance(source_b, firedrake.Function) source_space = source_b.function_space() # Get subspaces if source_space == target_space: source_b.assign(target_b) return source_b elif hasattr(source_space, "num_sub_spaces"): if not hasattr(target_space, "num_sub_spaces"): raise ValueError(f"Incompatible spaces {source_space} and {target_space}") if not target_space.num_sub_spaces() == source_space.num_sub_spaces(): raise ValueError(f"Incompatible spaces {source_space} and {target_space}") target_b_split = target_b.split() source_b_split = source_b.split() elif hasattr(target_space, "num_sub_spaces"): raise ValueError(f"Incompatible spaces {source_space} and {target_space}") else: target_b_split = [target_b] source_b_split = [source_b] # Apply adjoint projection operator to each component for i, (t_b, s_b) in enumerate(zip(target_b_split, source_b_split)): ksp = petsc4py.KSP().create() ksp.setOperators(assemble_mass_matrix(t_b.function_space())) mixed_mass = assemble_mixed_mass_matrix( t_b.function_space(), s_b.function_space() ) with t_b.dat.vec_ro as tb, s_b.dat.vec_wo as sb: residual = tb.copy() ksp.solveTranspose(tb, residual) mixed_mass.mult(residual, sb) # NOTE: mixed mass already transposed return source_b
def test_supermesh_projection(plot=False): """ Ping-pong test for hand-coded supermesh projection. """ # Setup operators s_init, s, t = setup() Vs, Vt = s.function_space(), t.function_space() M_st = supermesh.assemble_mixed_mass_matrix(Vs, Vt) M_ts = supermesh.assemble_mixed_mass_matrix(Vt, Vs) M_s = assemble(inner(TrialFunction(Vs), TestFunction(Vs)) * dx).M.handle M_t = assemble(inner(TrialFunction(Vt), TestFunction(Vt)) * dx).M.handle solver_s = PETSc.KSP().create() solver_s.setOperators(M_s) solver_s.setFromOptions() solver_t = PETSc.KSP().create() solver_t.setOperators(M_t) solver_t.setFromOptions() M_ts = M_st.copy() M_ts.transpose() # Ping pong test N = 100 mass_init = assemble(s_init * dx) l2_norm_init = norm(s_init) l2_error = [] mass_error = [] s.assign(s_init) for i in range(N): supermesh_project(s, t, mixed_mass_matrix=M_st, solver=solver_t) supermesh_project(t, s, mixed_mass_matrix=M_ts, solver=solver_s) l2_error.append(errornorm(s, s_init) / l2_norm_init) mass_error.append(abs(assemble(s * dx) - mass_init) / abs(mass_init)) assert np.allclose(mass_error, 0.0, atol=1.0e-04) if plot: plot_error(l2_error, "l2", interp="projection") plot_error(mass_error, "mass", interp="projection") levels = np.linspace(-0.15, 1.05, 7) plot_field(s_init, "source_for_projection", levels, levels) plot_field(s, "after_100_projections", levels, levels)
def mixed_mass(self, V_A, V_B): """ Compute the mixed mass matrix of two function spaces. :arg V_A: the donor space :arg V_B: the target space :returns: A PETSc Mat. """ from firedrake.supermeshing import assemble_mixed_mass_matrix key = (V_A.dim(), V_B.dim()) try: return self._mixed_mass[key] except KeyError: M = assemble_mixed_mass_matrix(V_A, V_B) return self._mixed_mass.setdefault(key, M)
def supermesh_project(src, tgt, check_mass=False, mixed_mass_matrix=None, solver=None): """ Hand-coded supermesh projection. :arg src: source field. :arg tgt: target field. """ source_space = src.function_space() target_space = tgt.function_space() # Step 1: Form the RHS: # rhs := Mst * src Mst = mixed_mass_matrix or supermesh.assemble_mixed_mass_matrix( source_space, target_space) with tgt.dat.vec_ro as vt: rhs = vt.copy() with src.dat.vec_ro as vs: Mst.mult(vs, rhs) # Step 2: Solve the linear system for the target: # Mt * tgt = rhs ksp = solver or PETSc.KSP().create() if solver is None: Mt = assemble( inner(TrialFunction(target_space), TestFunction(target_space)) * dx).M.handle ksp.setOperators(Mt) ksp.setFromOptions() with tgt.dat.vec as vt: ksp.solve(rhs, vt) if check_mass: assert np.allclose(assemble(src * dx), assemble(tgt * dx)) return tgt
def mixed_mass(self): from firedrake.supermeshing import assemble_mixed_mass_matrix return assemble_mixed_mass_matrix(self.source.function_space(),