    def test_body(self):
        # Test the first method defined in __init__ to see if it calls
        # _COLLECTION_RESOURCE okay - if it does, they should all since
        # they're all built the same way

        # We need to mock _COLLECTION_RESOURCE before we create the Fitbit object,
        # since the __init__ is going to set up references to it
        with mock.patch('fitbit.api.Fitbit._COLLECTION_RESOURCE') as coll_resource:
            coll_resource.return_value = 999
            fb = Fitbit('x', 'y')
            retval = fb.body(date=1, user_id=2, data=3)
        args, kwargs = coll_resource.call_args
        self.assertEqual(('body',), args)
        self.assertEqual({'date': 1, 'user_id': 2, 'data': 3}, kwargs)
        self.assertEqual(999, retval)