def _get(img_dir, clf_ckpt_p): out_file = os.path.join(img_dir, OPTIMAL_QS_TXT) clf = load_classifier(clf_ckpt_p) t = timer.TimeAccumulator() opt = {} for i, p in enumerate( cached_listdir_imgs(img_dir, discard_shitty=False).ps): with t.execute(): img = torch.from_numpy(np.array( pe.DEVICE, non_blocking=True).permute(2, 0, 1) assert img.shape[0] == 3 img = img.unsqueeze(0) img = SymbolTensor(img.long(), L=256).to_norm().get() q = clf.get_q(img) opt[os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(p))[0]] = q if i > 0 and i % 10 == 0: print(i, t.mean_time_spent()) with open(out_file, 'w', newline='') as csvfile: w = csv.writer(csvfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) w.writerow(['fn', 'q']) for filename, q in sorted(opt.items()): w.writerow([filename, q]) print('Created', out_file)
def __init__(self, keep_tmp_itr: int, keep_every=10, keep_tmp_last=None, out_dir=None, ckpt_name_fmt='ckpt_{:010d}.pt', tmp_postfix='.tmp', verbose=False): """ :param keep_every: keep every `keep_every`-th checkpoint, making it a persistent checkpoint :param keep_tmp_itr: keep checkpoint every `keep_tmp_itr` iterations. :param keep_tmp_last: Also keep the last `keep_tmp_last` temporary checkpoints before a persistent checkpoint. :param ckpt_name_fmt: filename, must include a format spec and some prefix before the format :param tmp_postfix: non-empty string to append to temporary checkpoints :param verbose: if True, print rename and remove info. """ self.keep_every = keep_every self.keep_tmp_last = keep_tmp_last self.keep_tmp_itr = keep_tmp_itr self.ckpts_since_last_permanent = 0 self.print = print if verbose else NoOp self.save_time_acc = timer.TimeAccumulator() super(Saver, self).__init__(out_dir, ckpt_name_fmt, tmp_postfix)
def __init__(self, it): self.t = timer.TimeAccumulator() = iter(it)
def __init__(self, ms_config_p, dl_config_p, log_dir_root, log_config: LogConfig, num_workers, saver: Saver, restorer: TrainRestorer=None, sw_cls=vis.safe_summary_writer.SafeSummaryWriter): """ :param ms_config_p: Path to the multiscale config file, see README :param dl_config_p: Path to the dataloader config file, see README :param log_dir_root: All outputs (checkpoints, tensorboard) will be saved here. :param log_config: Instance of train.trainer.LogConfig, contains intervals. :param num_workers: Number of workers to use for DataLoading, see :param saver: Saver instance to use. :param restorer: Instance of TrainRestorer, if we need to restore """ # Read configs # config_ms = config for the network (ms = multiscale) # config_dl = config for data loading (self.config_ms, self.config_dl), rel_paths = ft.unzip(map(config_parser.parse, [ms_config_p, dl_config_p])) # Update config_ms depending on global_config global_config.update_config(self.config_ms) # Create data loaders dl_train, dl_val = self._get_dataloaders(num_workers) # Create blueprint. A blueprint collects the network as well as the losses in one class, for easy reuse # during testing. self.blueprint = MultiscaleBlueprint(self.config_ms) print('Network:', # Setup optimizer optim_cls = {'RMSprop': optim.RMSprop, 'Adam': optim.Adam, 'SGD': optim.SGD, }[self.config_ms.optim] net = self.optim = optim_cls(net.parameters(),, weight_decay=self.config_ms.weight_decay) # Calculate a rough estimate for time per batch (does not take into account that CUDA is async, # but good enought to get a feeling during training). self.time_accumulator = timer.TimeAccumulator() # Restore network if requested skip_to_itr = self.maybe_restore(restorer) if skip_to_itr is not None: # i.e., we have a restorer print('Skipping to {}...'.format(skip_to_itr)) # Create LR schedule to update parameters self.lr_schedule = lr_schedule.from_spec(,, [self.optim], epoch_len=len(dl_train)) # --- All nn.Modules are setup --- print('-' * 80) # create log dir and summary writer self.log_dir = Trainer.get_log_dir(log_dir_root, rel_paths, restorer) self.log_date = logdir_helpers.log_date_from_log_dir(self.log_dir) self.ckpt_dir = os.path.join(self.log_dir, CKPTS_DIR_NAME) print(f'Checkpoints will be saved to {self.ckpt_dir}') saver.set_out_dir(self.ckpt_dir) # Create summary writer sw = sw_cls(self.log_dir) self.summarizer = vis.summarizable_module.Summarizer(sw) net.register_summarizer(self.summarizer) self.blueprint.register_summarizer(self.summarizer) # superclass setup super(MultiscaleTrainer, self).__init__(dl_train, dl_val, [self.optim], net, sw, max_epochs=self.config_dl.max_epochs, log_config=log_config, saver=saver, skip_to_itr=skip_to_itr)
def __init__(self, config_p, dl_config_p, log_dir_root, log_config: LogConfig, num_workers, saver: Saver, restorer: TrainRestorer = None, sw_cls=vis.safe_summary_writer.SafeSummaryWriter): """ :param config_p: Path to the network config file, see README :param dl_config_p: Path to the dataloader config file, see README :param log_dir_root: All outputs (checkpoints, tensorboard) will be saved here. :param log_config: Instance of train.trainer.LogConfig, contains intervals. :param num_workers: Number of workers to use for DataLoading, see :param saver: Saver instance to use. :param restorer: Instance of TrainRestorer, if we need to restore """ = MultiscaleTrainer.get_style_from_config(config_p) self.blueprint_cls = { 'enhancement': EnhancementBlueprint, 'classifier': ClassifierBlueprint }[] global_config.declare_used('filter_imgs') # Read configs # config = config for the network # config_dl = config for data loading (self.config, self.config_dl), rel_paths = ft.unzip( map(config_parser.parse, [config_p, dl_config_p])) # TODO only read by enhancement classes self.config.is_residual = self.config_dl.is_residual_dataset # Update global_config given config.global_config global_config_config_keys = global_config.add_from_str_without_overwriting( self.config.global_config) # Update config_ms depending on global_config global_config.update_config(self.config) if == 'enhancement': EnhancementBlueprint.read_evenly_spaced_bins(self.config_dl) self._custom_init() # Create data loaders dl_train, self.ds_val, self.fixed_first_val = self._get_dataloaders( num_workers) # Create blueprint. A blueprint collects the network as well as the losses in one class, for easy reuse # during testing. self.blueprint = self.blueprint_cls(self.config) print('Network:', # Setup optimizer optim_cls = { 'RMSprop': optim.RMSprop, 'Adam': optim.Adam, 'SGD': optim.SGD, }[self.config.optim] net = self.optim = optim_cls(net.parameters(),, weight_decay=self.config.weight_decay) # Calculate a rough estimate for time per batch (does not take into account that CUDA is async, # but good enought to get a feeling during training). self.time_accumulator = timer.TimeAccumulator() # Restore network if requested skip_to_itr = self.maybe_restore(restorer) if skip_to_itr is not None: # i.e., we have a restorer print('Skipping to {}...'.format(skip_to_itr)) # Create LR schedule to update parameters self.lr_schedule = lr_schedule.from_spec(,, [self.optim], epoch_len=len(dl_train)) # --- All nn.Modules are setup --- print('-' * 80) # create log dir and summary writer self.log_dir_root = log_dir_root global_config_values = global_config.values( ignore=global_config_config_keys) self.log_dir = Trainer.get_log_dir( log_dir_root, rel_paths, restorer, global_config_values=global_config_values) self.log_date = logdir_helpers.log_date_from_log_dir(self.log_dir) self.ckpt_dir = os.path.join(self.log_dir, CKPTS_DIR_NAME) print(f'Checkpoints will be saved to {self.ckpt_dir}') saver.set_out_dir(self.ckpt_dir) if global_config.get('ds_syn', None): underlying = dl_train.dataset while not isinstance(underlying, _CheckerboardDataset): underlying = underlying.ds underlying.save_all(self.log_dir) # Create summary writer sw = sw_cls(self.log_dir) self.summarizer = vis.summarizable_module.Summarizer(sw) net.register_summarizer(self.summarizer) self.blueprint.register_summarizer(self.summarizer) # Try to write filenames somewhere try: dl_train.dataset.write_file_names_to_txt(self.log_dir) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( f'dl_train.dataset of type {type(dl_train.dataset)} does not support ' f'write_file_names_to_txt(log_dir)!') # superclass setup super(MultiscaleTrainer, self).__init__(dl_train, [self.optim], net, sw, max_epochs=self.config_dl.max_epochs, log_config=log_config, saver=saver, skip_to_itr=skip_to_itr)