frame = int(sys.argv[1])

fl = flac.Flac()
x, z = fl.read_mesh(frame)

itrench = find_trench_index(z)
xtrench = x[itrench, 0]

# get interpolated phase either from previous run or from original data
phasefile = 'intp3-phase.%d' % frame
if not os.path.exists(phasefile):
    xx, zz, ph = interpolate_phase(frame, xtrench)
    f = open(phasefile, 'w')
    f.write('%d %d\n' % xx.shape)
    flac.printing(xx, zz, ph, stream=f)
    f = open(phasefile)
    nx, nz = np.fromfile(f, sep=' ', count=2)
    tmp = np.fromfile(f, sep=' ')
    tmp.shape = (nx, nz, 3)
    xx = tmp[:, :, 0]
    zz = tmp[:, :, 1]
    ph = tmp[:, :, 2]

# get interpolated strain_rate either from previous run or from original data
strain_ratefile = 'intp3-srII.%d' % frame
if not os.path.exists(strain_ratefile):
    srx, srz, sr = interpolate_srII(frame, xtrench)
rigth2 = left2 + 200

fl = flac.Flac()
x, z = fl.read_mesh(frame)
itrench = find_trench_index(z)
xtrench = x[itrench, 0]
print('trench =', itrench)
print('trench location =', xtrench)

# get interpolated phase either from previous run or from original data
phasefile = 'intp3-phase.%d' % frame
if not os.path.exists(phasefile):
    xx, zz, ph = interpolate_phase(frame, xtrench, 1)
    f = open(phasefile, 'w')
    f.write('%d %d\n' % xx.shape)
    flac.printing(xx, zz, ph, stream=f)
    f = open(phasefile)
    nx, nz = np.fromfile(f, sep=' ', count=2)
    nx = int(nx)
    nz = int(nz)
    tmp = np.fromfile(f, sep=' ')
    tmp.shape = (nx, nz, 3)
    xx = tmp[:, :, 0]
    zz = tmp[:, :, 1]
    ph = tmp[:, :, 2]

# get interpolated T either from previous run or from original data
tfile = 'intp3-T.%d' % frame
frame = int(sys.argv[1])

fl = flac.Flac()
x, z = fl.read_mesh(frame)

itrench = find_trench_index(z)
xtrench = x[itrench, 0]

# get interpolated strain_rate either from previous run or from original data
strain_ratefile = 'intp3-srII.%d' % frame
if not os.path.exists(strain_ratefile):
    xx, zz, ph = interpolate_srII(frame, xtrench)
    f = open(strain_ratefile, 'w')
    f.write('%d %d\n' % xx.shape)
    flac.printing(xx, zz, ph, stream=f)
    f = open(strain_ratefile)
    nx, nz = np.fromfile(f, sep=' ', count=2)
    strr = np.fromfile(f, sep=' ')
    strr.shape = (nx, nz, 3)
    xx = strr[:, :, 0]
    zz = strr[:, :, 1]
    ph = strr[:, :, 2]

# get interpolated T either from previous run or from original data
tfile = 'intp3-T.%d' % frame
if not os.path.exists(tfile):
    T = fl.read_temperature(frame)
                               zmin - padding, zmax + padding)
        f = flac.bilinear_interpolation2d(cx, cz, cf, x, z)
    elif field in ('velo'):
        # read vector field on nodes
        cf = getattr(fl, 'read_' + field)(frame)
        cfx = cf[0]
        cx, cz, cfx = excluding(x, z, cfx, xmin - padding, xmax + padding,
                                zmin - padding, zmax + padding)
        fx = flac.bilinear_interpolation2d(cx, cz, cfx, x, z)
        cfz = cf[1]
        cx, cz, cfz = excluding(x, z, cfz, xmin - padding, xmax + padding,
                                zmin - padding, zmax + padding)
        fz = flac.bilinear_interpolation2d(cx, cz, cfz, x, z)
        raise RuntimeError('unknown field %s' % field)

    f = clip_topo(x, z, f, xx, zz)
    return x, z, f

if __name__ == '__main__':

    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
        print __doc__

    frame = int(sys.argv[1])
    field = sys.argv[2].lower()
    xx, zz, f = interpolate(frame, field)
    flac.printing(xx, zz, f)
    topomod = topo.copy()

    # erode forearc height to sea level
    topomod[topo > 0] = 0

    # fill basin
    for ii in range(len(peaks)-1):
        fill_height = min((basin_depth, topo[peaks[ii]], topo[peaks[ii+1]]))
        for i in range(peaks[ii], peaks[ii+1]):
            if topo[i] < fill_height:
                topomod[i] = fill_height

    return topomod

def compute_gravity2(frame):
    '''Similar to compute_gravity(), but also return modified topo'''
    px, topo, grav = compute_gravity(frame)
    topomod = modify_topo(topo)

    return px, topo, topomod, grav

if __name__ == '__main__':
    frame = int(sys.argv[1])

    px, topo, topomod, gravity = compute_gravity2(frame)
    flac.printing(px, topo, topomod, gravity)

    topomod = topo.copy()

    # erode forearc height to sea level
    topomod[topo > 0] = 0

    # fill basin
    for ii in range(len(peaks)-1):
        fill_height = min((basin_depth, topo[peaks[ii]], topo[peaks[ii+1]]))
        for i in range(peaks[ii], peaks[ii+1]):
            if topo[i] < fill_height:
                topomod[i] = fill_height

    return topomod

def compute_gravity2(frame):
    '''Similar to compute_gravity(), but also return modified topo'''
    px, topo, grav = compute_gravity(frame)
    topomod = modify_topo(topo)

    return px, topo, topomod, grav

if __name__ == '__main__':
    frame = int(sys.argv[1])

    px, topo, topomod, gravity = compute_gravity2(frame)
    flac.printing(px, topo, topomod, gravity)

        ## phase
        # read marker location, age and phase
        mx, mz, mage, mphase = fl.read_markers(frame)
        mx, mz, mphase = excluding(mx, mz, mphase, xmin-dx, xmax+dx, zmin-dz, zmax+dz)
        ph = flac.nearest_neighbor_interpolation2d(mx, mz, mphase, x, z)
        f = ph.astype(np.float32)
    elif field in ('temperature', 'aps', 'density', 'eII', 'sII',
                   'sxx', 'szz', 'sxz', 'srII', 'pres', 'diss', 'visc'):
        # read field
        cf = getattr(fl, 'read_'+field)(frame)
        cx, cz = flac.elem_coord(xx, zz)
        cx, cz, cf = excluding(cx, cz, cf, xmin-dx, xmax+dx, zmin-dz, zmax+dz)
        f = flac.gaussian_interpolation2d(cx, cz, cf, x, z)
        raise RuntimeError('unknown field %s' % field)

    f = clip_topo(x, z, f, xx, zz)
    return x, z, f

if __name__ == '__main__':

    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
        print __doc__

    frame = int(sys.argv[1])
    field = sys.argv[2].lower()
    xx, zz, f = interpolate(frame, field)
    flac.printing(xx, zz, f)