# remap return value of class-based classifier process.tagsDumper.classifierCfg.remap.append( cms.untracked.PSet( src=cms.untracked.string("flashgg%s"%tagName), dst=cms.untracked.string(tagName) ) ) for systlabel in systlabels: if not systlabel in definedSysts: # the cut corresponding to the systematics can be defined just once cutstring = "hasSyst(\"%s\") "%(systlabel) definedSysts.add(systlabel) else: cutstring = None if systlabel == "": currentVariables = variablesToUse else: currentVariables = systematicVariables isBinnedOnly = (systlabel != "") if ( customize.doPdfWeights or customize.doSystematics ) and ( (customize.datasetName() and customize.datasetName().count("HToGG")) or customize.processId.count("h_") or customize.processId.count("vbf_") ) and (systlabel == ""): print "Signal MC central value, so dumping PDF weights" dumpPdfWeights = True nPdfWeights = 60 nAlphaSWeights = 2 nScaleWeights = 9 else: print "Data, background MC, or non-central value, or no systematics: no PDF weights" dumpPdfWeights = False nPdfWeights = -1 nAlphaSWeights = -1 nScaleWeights = -1 cfgTools.addCategory(process.tagsDumper, systlabel, classname=tagName,
currentVariables = variablesToUse else: if customize.doHTXS: currentVariables = systematicVariablesHTXS else: currentVariables = systematicVariables if tagName == "NoTag": if customize.doHTXS: currentVariables = [ "stage0cat[72,9.5,81.5] := tagTruth().HTXSstage0cat" ] else: currentVariables = [] isBinnedOnly = (systlabel != "") if (customize.doPdfWeights or customize.doSystematics) and ( (customize.datasetName() and customize.datasetName().count("HToGG")) or customize.processId.count("h_") or customize.processId.count("vbf_") ) and (systlabel == "") and not (customize.processId == "th_125" or customize.processId == "bbh_125"): print "Signal MC central value, so dumping PDF weights" dumpPdfWeights = True nPdfWeights = 60 nAlphaSWeights = 2 nScaleWeights = 9 else: print "Data, background MC, or non-central value, or no systematics: no PDF weights" dumpPdfWeights = False nPdfWeights = -1 nAlphaSWeights = -1
else: cutstring = None if systlabel == "": currentVariables = variablesToUse else: if customize.doHTXS: currentVariables = systematicVariablesHTXS else: currentVariables = systematicVariables if tagName == "NoTag": if customize.doHTXS: currentVariables = ["stage0cat[72,9.5,81.5] := tagTruth().HTXSstage0cat"] else: currentVariables = [] isBinnedOnly = (systlabel != "") if ( customize.doPdfWeights or customize.doSystematics ) and ( (customize.datasetName() and customize.datasetName().count("HToGG")) or customize.processId.count("h_") or customize.processId.count("vbf_") ) and (systlabel == "") and not (customize.processId == "th_125" or customize.processId == "bbh_125"): print "Signal MC central value, so dumping PDF weights" dumpPdfWeights = True nPdfWeights = 60 nAlphaSWeights = 2 nScaleWeights = 9 else: print "Data, background MC, or non-central value, or no systematics: no PDF weights" dumpPdfWeights = False nPdfWeights = -1 nAlphaSWeights = -1 nScaleWeights = -1 cfgTools.addCategory(process.tagsDumper, systlabel, classname=tagName,