def getRayleighVelocities(fname, direction=[]): """Returns positions of the shock, and both inner an outer rayleigh line velocities joining both sides of the shocked cell. (xin, xout, cjin, cjout, float(ray.ds.current_time), ray.ds.parameters['x_match']) """ # fields = ['sound_speed', 'density', 'pressure'] # data, _ = reader.getLineout(fname, fields=fields, species=False, geom=geom) # time, params, _, _, _ = reader.getMeta(fname) # rad, cs, dens, pres = data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3] fields = ['sound_speed', 'density', 'pressure'] time, pars, _, _, paths = directMeta(fname) if len(direction)>(pars['dimensionality']-1): print("Direction doesn't match dimensionality: {}".format(pars['dimensionality'])) return None data, _ = getLineout(fname, fields=fields, species=False, direction=direction, geom=pars['geometry']) #time, params, _, _, _ = directMeta(fname) rad, cs, dens, pres = data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3] # this fails for x_match = y_match = z_match = 0.0 linepos = ut.estimateMatch(direction, pars, vvv=False) # print(linepos) shockin, shockout = ut.locateShock(rad, cs, linepos, vvv=False) # shockin, shockout = ut.locateShock(rad, cs, pars['x_match'], vvv=False) xin, xout = rad[shockin], rad[shockout] cjin = ut.roughCJ(dens, pres, shockin) cjout = ut.roughCJ(dens, pres, shockout) return xin, xout, cjin, cjout, time, pars['x_match']
def getShockConditions(fname, inward=False, addvar='temp', direction=[]): """(1D) Returns bulk conditions at both sides of shock. Conditions are sorted so that output has the form: [ash, shock, fuel] Args: fname(str): filepath inward(bool): toggle for inward/outward bound shock. addvar(float): extra variable to get from lineout. **kwargs: arguments for lineout (direction, geometry, etc.) Returns: (list): radii of states. (list): densities of states. (list): pressures of states. (list): addvar at each state. (float): direct Rayleigh speed for the ash state. (float): match head position (float): timestamp of file. """ fields = ['sound_speed', 'density', 'pressure', addvar] time, pars, _, _, _ = directMeta(fname) if len(direction) > (pars['dimensionality'] - 1): print("Direction doesn't match dimensionality: " "{}".format(pars['dimensionality'])) return None data, _ = getLineout(fname, fields=fields, species=False, direction=direction, geom=pars['geometry']) # time, params, _, _, _ = directMeta(fname) rad, cs, dens, pres, var = data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4] # this fails for x_match = y_match = z_match = 0.0 linepos = ut.estimateMatch(direction, pars, vvv=False) # print(linepos) shockin, shockout = ut.locateShock(rad, cs, linepos, vvv=False) # print('check shockConditions') if inward: ind = shockin offset = -1 else: ind = shockout offset = 1 # directly calculate the rayleigh speed joining both points cjest = rayleighSpeed(pres[ind + offset], 1.0 / dens[ind + offset], pres[ind - offset], 1.0 / dens[ind - offset]) pos = [rad[ind - offset], rad[ind], rad[ind + offset]] condd = [dens[ind - offset], dens[ind], dens[ind + offset]] condp = [pres[ind - offset], pres[ind], pres[ind + offset]] xvar = [var[ind - offset], var[ind], var[ind + offset]] return pos, condd, condp, xvar, cjest, linepos, time
def buildHelmTrojan(fname, offset=1, geom='spherical'): """Frankensteinian bridge between flash checkpoints and J.Schwab's Helmholtz python module. Joined inward/outward and spewing cj data to avoid calling yt more than once. Args: fname(str): filename. offset(int): zone offset from shock. """ props = ['dens', 'temp', 'pres', 'eint'] nprops = len(props) data, species = hdf5yt.getLineout(fname, fields=props, species=True, geom=geom) nspecs = len(species) xin, xout, cjin, cjout, time, xmatch = getRayleighVelocities(fname) # get fuel and ash for outward shock # xin/xout == ray @ len([x for x in ray['r'][rsort] if x<xout]) inw = len([x for x in data[0] if x < xout]) + offset ouw = inw - 2 * offset inv, ouv = [], [] for i in range(1, nprops + 1): inv.append(data[i][inw]) ouv.append(data[i][ouw]) xmin, xmou = [], [] for i in range(nprops + 1, nprops + 1 + nspecs): xmin.append(data[i][inw]) xmou.append(data[i][ouw]) _, abar, zbar = convXmass2Abun(species, xmin) # [pressure, eint], [rho], [temp], [abar], [zbar]] fuelo = [[inv[-2], inv[-1]], [inv[0]], [inv[1]], [abar], [zbar]] _, abar, zbar = convXmass2Abun(species, xmou) asho = [[ouv[-2], ouv[-1]], [ouv[0]], [ouv[1]], [abar], [zbar]] # get fuel and ash for inward shock inw = len([x for x in data[0] if x < xin]) - offset ouw = inw + 2 * offset inv, ouv = [], [] for i in range(1, nprops + 1): inv.append(data[i][inw]) ouv.append(data[i][ouw]) xmin, xmou = [], [] for i in range(nprops + 1, nprops + 1 + nspecs): xmin.append(data[i][inw]) xmou.append(data[i][ouw]) _, abar, zbar = convXmass2Abun(species, xmin) fueli = [[inv[-2], inv[-1]], [inv[0]], [inv[1]], [abar], [zbar]] _, abar, zbar = convXmass2Abun(species, xmou) ashi = [[ouv[-2], ouv[-1]], [ouv[0]], [ouv[1]], [abar], [zbar]] return fueli, ashi, fuelo, asho, [xin, xout, cjin, cjout, time, xmatch]
def flashProfile(fname, thresh=1e-6, xrange=[0.0, 0.0], filetag='prof', batch=False, byM=True, direction=[]): """Plot bulk properties and species in a chekpoint through a ray. Args: fname(str): path of file. thresh(float): threshold for species fraction. xrange(float list): abscissa range. filetag(str): prefix for batch mode. batch(bool): skips returning figure, saving it to a structured directory instead. byM(bool): plot by mass instead of radius. direction(float list): list of spherical angles (alt, azimuth), empty for 1D. Returns: (mpl figure) or (None) """ time, pars, _, _, paths = directMeta(fname) if len(direction)>(pars['dimensionality']-1): print("Direction doesn't match dimensionality: {}".format(pars['dimensionality'])) return None ad, allsp = getLineout(fname, geom=pars['geometry'], direction=direction, srcnames=False) keys = ['radius', 'density', 'temperature', 'pressure'] keys +=allsp prof = dataMatrix([keys, ad.transpose()]) fig = plotDMatMerged(prof, byM=byM, thresh=thresh, xrange=xrange) ax = plt.gca() a = ax.annotate("{:.5f} s".format(time), xy=(0.0, 0.0), xytext=(0.82, 0.10), size=12, textcoords='figure fraction', xycoords='figure fraction', bbox=dict(boxstyle='round', fc='w', ec='k')) if not batch: return fig else: num = paths[1][-5:] # checkpoint number 'flash_hdf5_chk_0001' dest = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(paths[0]), filetag) name = os.path.join(dest, '{}{}.png'.format(filetag, num)) os.makedirs(dest, exist_ok=True) # bless you, p3 plt.savefig(name, format='png') plt.close(fig) print("Wrote: {}".format(name))
def radialSpeeds(fname, elevation=5, depth=5, geom='cartesian', dimension=2, ref='x', antipode=False): """radius vs radial speed for a wedge centered at the equator. """ if dimension == 2: rawd = wedge2d(fname, elevation, depth, fields=['x', 'y', 'z', 'velx', 'vely', 'velz']) rs, vrs = [], [] for x, y, z, vx, vy, vz in zip(*rawd): vec = np.array([x, y, z]) vel = np.array([vx, vy, vz]) r = np.sqrt( v = np.sqrt( rxv = np.cross(vec, vel) normrxv = np.sqrt( angle = np.arcsin(normrxv / r / v) vrad = v * np.cos(angle) rs.append(r) vrs.append(vrad) elif dimension == 3: rawd = wedge3d( fname, elevation, depth, fields=['spherical_radius', 'velocity_spherical_radius'], reference=ref, antipode=antipode) rs, vrs = rawd else: rawd, _ = getLineout(fname, fields=['velx'], geom=geom, species=False) rs, vrs = rawd return rs, vrs
def speedHisto(fname, resolution=4e7, velrange=[1e9, 5e9], elevation=5, depth=5, geom='cartesian', dimension=2, ref='x', antipode=False, cylvel=False, species=_alphas): """Calculate speeds within a wedge and return masses. histogram bin range is fixed so that one can mix wedges. # recommended resolution: 100 km/s (Fink, 2010) # default resolution: 400 km/s # default max velocity: a sixth of c. Args: fname(str): filename. resolution(float): bin size in cm/s. velrange(float list): historgram range. elevation(float): equator-north pole degree. depth(float): equator-south pole degree. geom(str): specify geometry for 1d file. dimension(int): specify file dimension. ref(str): reference axis (3D only, see datahaul.hdf5yt.wedge3d). antipode(bool): antipodal wedge (see datahaul.hdf5yt.wedge3d). cylvel(bool): take velx (axial velocity in cylindrical) as speed. species(str list): specify which species data to get. Returns: np.array list, np.array: Masses for species queries, bin limits. """ # split into wedges process each, then read outputs... # wedge2d call without 'fields' calculates cylindrical volumes if dimension == 2: rawd, ispecies = wedge2d(fname, elevation, depth, cylvel=cylvel) elif dimension == 3: rawd, ispecies = wedge3d(fname, elevation, depth, reference=ref, antipode=antipode) else: rawd, ispecies = getLineout( fname, fields=['velx', 'vely', 'velz', 'cell_mass'], geom=geom) rawd = rawd[1:] # remove the radius column offset = len(rawd) - len(ispecies) # see datahaul.hdf5yt.wedge2d for positions of data in rawd speeds = rawd[0][:] celltpls = [] for i in range(len(rawd[0])): # multiply each X_i by the cell_masses masses = [ rawd[j][i] * rawd[1][i] for j in range(offset, len(ispecies) + offset) ] celltpls.append((speeds[i], masses)) sortedcells = sorted(celltpls) speeds, massgrid = zip(*sortedcells) # massgrid = [[Mh1_0, Mhe4_0,...], [Mh1_1, Mhe4_1,...]] # respecting increasing speed order # get ranges for histogram bins vmin, vmax = velrange binnum = int((vmax - vmin) / resolution) print("post.speedHisto: Velocity range: {:e} {:e}".format(vmin, vmax)) print("post.speedHisto: Bins: {}".format(binnum)) try: counts, bins = np.histogram(speeds, bins=int(binnum)) except ValueError: print('post.speedHisto: zero speed range.') return None # sort by species species = [s.strip() for s in species] buckets = [] for s in species: buckets.append(np.zeros(len(bins))) psp = dict(zip(species, range(len(species)))) for i in range(len(ispecies)): if ispecies[i] in species: # main species filter weights = [0] start = 0 for c in counts: # since the data is already sorted by speed # counts follows the data in each bin totalspmass = sum([m[i] for m in massgrid[start:start + c]]) # force the summed data value as histo "weight" weights.append(totalspmass) start += c weights = np.array(weights) # finally sum the array of masses to the corresponding histo buckets[psp[ispecies[i]]] += weights else: continue return buckets, bins
def PARsimProfile(fname, simfolder='', thresh=1e-4, xrange=[0.0, 0.0], filetag='metaprof', batch=False, byM=False, direction=[], meta=False): """bloated method for IPP. WARN: slowest pos will not match for non x-axis directions. Args: fname(str): path to checkpoint file. simfolder(str): simulation run metadata folder. thresh(float): species threshold. xrange(float list): abscissa range for all plots. filetag(str): prefix for output files (if any). batch(bool): write file instead of returning figure. byM(bool): plot by mass coordinate instead of radius. direction(str list): altitude and azimuthal direction of profile ray. Return: (mpl figure) or (None) """ time, pars, _, _, paths = directMeta(fname) if len(direction)>(pars['dimensionality']-1): print("Direction doesn't match dimensionality: {}".format(pars['dimensionality'])) return None ad, allsp = getLineout(fname, geom=pars['geometry'], direction=direction, srcnames=False) sim = simulation(simfolder) n, t = sim.time2step(time) step = sim.steps[int(n)] xm, ym, zm = step.slowx, step.slowy, step.slowz rm = np.sqrt(xm**2+ym**2+zm**2) keys = ['radius', 'density', 'temperature', 'pressure'] keys +=allsp prof = dataMatrix([keys, ad.transpose()]) fig = plotDMatMerged(prof, byM=byM, thresh=thresh, xrange=xrange) # add extra marks from simulation obj ax = plt.gca() a = ax.annotate("{:.5f} s".format(time), xy=(0.0, 0.0), xytext=(0.84, 0.10), size=12, textcoords='figure fraction', xycoords='figure fraction', bbox=dict(boxstyle='round', fc='w', ec='k')) axlist = fig.axes for ax in axlist[1:]: p = rm if not byM else prof.masses[np.where(prof.radius>rm)[0][0]] ax.axvline(p, ls=':', color='brown', alpha=0.5, label='slowest') if sim.CJ: times, xins, cjins, xouts, cjouts = np.genfromtxt(sim.CJ[0], unpack=True) if byM: xo, xi = xouts[pars['checkpointfilenumber']], xins[pars['checkpointfilenumber']] no = np.where(prof.radius>xo)[0][0] ni = np.where(prof.radius>xi)[0][0] po, pi = prof.masses[no], prof.masses[ni] else: po, pi = xouts[pars['checkpointfilenumber']], xins[pars['checkpointfilenumber']] ax.axvline(po, ls=':', color='green', alpha=0.5, label='shock') ax.axvline(pi, ls=':', color='red', alpha=0.5, label='shock') lgd = ax.legend(ncol=1, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.00, 0.50), columnspacing=0.0, labelspacing=0.0, markerfirst=False, numpoints=3, handletextpad=0.0, edgecolor='k') if meta: markings = [po, pi, p, paths] return fig, markings #I/O if not batch: return fig else: num = paths[1][-5:] # checkpoint number 'flash_hdf5_chk_0001' dest = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(paths[0]), filetag) name = os.path.join(dest, '{}{}.png'.format(filetag, num)) os.makedirs(dest, exist_ok=True) # bless you, p3 plt.savefig(name, format='png') plt.close(fig) print("Wrote: {}".format(name))
def flashSpecies(fname, thresh=1e-6, filetag='spec', batch=False, byM=True, direction=[], plotall=False): """Plot species and aggregated masses in a chekpoint through a ray. Args: fname(str): path of file. thresh(float): threshold for species fraction and mass yields. filetag(str): prefix for batch mode. batch(bool): skips returning figure, saving it to a structured directory instead. byM(bool): plot by mass instead of radius. direction(float list): list of spherical angles (alt, azimuth), empty for 1D. plotall(bool): force plotting every species found. Returns: (mpl figure) or (None) """ fields = ['density', 'temperature', 'pressure', 'velx'] time, pars, _, _, paths = directMeta(fname) if len(direction)>(pars['dimensionality']-1): print("Direction doesn't match dimensionality: {}".format(pars['dimensionality'])) return None ad, allsp = getLineout(fname, geom=pars['geometry'], direction=direction, fields=fields, srcnames=False) keys = ['radius'] + fields keys +=allsp prof = dataMatrix([keys, ad.transpose()]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) layout = (3,3) # plot species ax1 = plt.subplot2grid(layout, (0, 0), colspan=2) skip = plotSpecies(ax1, prof, byMass=byM, thresh=thresh, plotall=plotall) ax1.set_xlabel('Mass ($M_{\odot}$)') # timestamp and legend a = ax1.annotate("{:.5f} s".format(time), xy=(0.0, 0.0), xytext=(0.65, 0.1), size=12, textcoords='figure fraction', xycoords='figure fraction', bbox=dict(boxstyle='round', fc='w', ec='k')) lgd = ax1.legend(ncol=4, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1.0), columnspacing=0.0, labelspacing=0.0, markerfirst=False, numpoints=3, handletextpad=0.0) lgd.get_frame().set_edgecolor('k') # write otp files for yields massfiletuples = [] # plot masses ax2 = plt.subplot2grid(layout, (1,0), colspan=2) for i, sp in enumerate(prof.species): props = next(ax2._get_lines.prop_cycler) spmass = trapz(getattr(prof, sp), x=prof.masses) massfiletuples.append((sp, spmass)) if i in skip: continue a = elemSplit(sp)[1] spmass = trapz(getattr(prof, sp), x=prof.masses) ax2.scatter(a, spmass, label=sp, color=props['color']) ax2.set_ylabel('Total Mass ($M_\odot$)', rotation=90, labelpad=5) ax2.set_xlabel('Mass Number (A)') ax2.set_ylim([thresh, 1.5]) ax2.set_yscale("log", nonposy='clip') #ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(StrMethodFormatter('{x:.2f}')) ax2.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(StrMethodFormatter('')) ax2.xaxis.set_major_formatter(StrMethodFormatter('{x:.0f}')) ax2.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(StrMethodFormatter('')) # decay yield names, decmasses = decayYield(*zip(*massfiletuples)) # plot mass vs speed ax3 = plt.subplot2grid(layout, (2, 0), colspan=2) nbins = 60 for i, sp in enumerate(prof.species): props = next(ax2._get_lines.prop_cycler) if i in skip: continue counts, bins = np.histogram(abs(prof.velx), bins=nbins) joined = sorted(zip(abs(prof.velx), getattr(prof, sp))) speeds, masses = zip(*joined) start = 0 weights = [] for c in counts: massf = sum(masses[start:start+c]) weights.append(massf/c) start+=c weights = np.array(weights) bins = bins[1:] mpln, mplbins, patches = ax3.hist(bins, bins=len(bins), weights=weights, histtype='step', log=True, label=sp) ax3.set_ylim([1e-6, 2]) ax3.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(StrMethodFormatter('')) ax3.xaxis.set_major_formatter(customFormatter(10)) ax3.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(StrMethodFormatter('')) ax3.set_xlabel('Speed ($10^{10}$ cm/s)') fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.4) if not batch: return fig else: num = paths[1][-5:] # checkpoint number 'flash_hdf5_chk_0001' dest = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(paths[0]), filetag) name = os.path.join(dest, '{}{}.png'.format(filetag, num)) os.makedirs(dest, exist_ok=True) # bless you, p3 plt.savefig(name, format='png') plt.close(fig) print("Wrote: {}".format(name)) yieldfile = os.path.join(dest, '{}{}.yield'.format(filetag, num)) with open(yieldfile, 'w') as f: f.write('# {}\n'.format(paths[1])) f.write('# time: {}\n'.format(time)) f.write('\n'.join(['{} {}'.format(*a) for a in massfiletuples])) f.write('\n') print("Wrote: {}".format(yieldfile)) decayfile = os.path.join(dest, '{}{}.decayed'.format(filetag, num)) with open(decayfile, 'w') as f: f.write('# {}\n'.format(paths[1])) f.write('# time: {}\n'.format(time)) f.write('\n'.join(['{} {}'.format(*a) for a in zip(names, decmasses)])) f.write('\n') print("Wrote: {}".format(decayfile))