+= b'\n' return response # Prevent WSGI from correcting the casing of the Location header BaseResponse.autocorrect_location_header = False # Find the correct template folder when running from a different location tmpl_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'templates') app = Flask(__name__, template_folder=tmpl_dir) app.debug = bool(os.environ.get('DEBUG')) # Setup Flask-Common. common = Common(app) # Send app errors to Sentry. if 'SENTRY_DSN' in os.environ: sentry = Sentry(app, dsn=os.environ['SENTRY_DSN']) # Set up Bugsnag exception tracking, if desired. To use Bugsnag, install the # Bugsnag Python client with the command "pip install bugsnag", and set the # environment variable BUGSNAG_API_KEY. You can also optionally set # BUGSNAG_RELEASE_STAGE. if os.environ.get("BUGSNAG_API_KEY") is not None: try: import bugsnag import bugsnag.flask release_stage = os.environ.get("BUGSNAG_RELEASE_STAGE") or "production" bugsnag.configure(api_key=os.environ.get("BUGSNAG_API_KEY"),
import os from codecs import open import redis import hypermark import flask from pyquery import PyQuery as pq from flask import Flask, render_template, abort from flask_common import Common app = Flask(__name__) common = Common(app) r = redis.from_url(os.environ['REDIS_URL']) class Entry(object): def __init__(self, path): self.path = path @property def html(self): with open(self.path, 'rb', 'utf-8') as f: return hypermark.text( @property def title(self): return pq(self.html)('h1')[0].text @property def slug(self):