def transactions_fx(): # Gets the transaction table and fills with fx information # Note that it uses the currency exchange for the date of transaction # Get all transactions from db and format df = pd.read_sql_table('trades', db.engine) df = df[(df.user_id == current_user.username)] # df = df[(df.trade_operation == "B") | (df.trade_operation == "S")] df['trade_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['trade_date']) df = df.set_index('trade_date') # Ignore times in df to merge - keep only dates df.index = df.index.floor('d') df.index.rename('date', inplace=True) # The current fx needs no conversion, set to 1 df[current_user.fx()] = 1 # Need to get currencies into the df in order to normalize # let's load a list of currencies needed and merge list_of_fx = df.trade_currency.unique().tolist() # loop through currency list for currency in list_of_fx: if currency == current_user.fx(): continue # Make a price request df[currency] = df.apply(find_fx, axis=1) # Now create a cash value in the preferred currency terms df['fx'] = df.apply(lambda x: x[x['trade_currency']], axis=1) df['cash_value_fx'] = df['cash_value'].astype(float) / df['fx'].astype( float) df['trade_fees_fx'] = df['trade_fees'].astype(float) / df['fx'].astype( float) df['trade_price_fx'] = df['trade_price'].astype(float) / df['fx'].astype( float) return (df)
def navchart(): data = generatenav(current_user.username) navchart = data[["NAV_fx"]] # dates need to be in Epoch time for Highcharts navchart.index = (navchart.index - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds() navchart.index = navchart.index * 1000 navchart.index = navchart.index.astype(np.int64) navchart = navchart.to_dict() navchart = navchart["NAV_fx"] port_value_chart = data[[ "PORT_cash_value_fx", "PORT_fx_pos", "PORT_ac_CFs_fx" ]] port_value_chart["ac_pnl_fx"] = (port_value_chart["PORT_fx_pos"] - port_value_chart["PORT_ac_CFs_fx"]) # dates need to be in Epoch time for Highcharts port_value_chart.index = (port_value_chart.index - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds() port_value_chart.index = port_value_chart.index * 1000 port_value_chart.index = port_value_chart.index.astype(np.int64) port_value_chart = port_value_chart.to_dict() return render_template("navchart.html", title="NAV Historical Chart", navchart=navchart, port_value_chart=port_value_chart, fx=fxsymbol(current_user.fx()))
def account_positions(): transactions = Trades.query.filter_by(user_id=current_user.username) if transactions.count() == 0: return render_template("empty.html") df = pd.read_sql_table("trades", db.engine) df = df[(df.user_id == current_user.username)] df["trade_date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["trade_date"]) account_table = df.groupby(["trade_account", "trade_asset_ticker" ])[["trade_quantity"]].sum() # All accounts all_accounts = (account_table.query( "trade_asset_ticker != '" + current_user.fx() + "'").index.get_level_values("trade_account").unique().tolist()) # Trim the account list only for accounts that currently hold a position account_table = account_table[account_table.trade_quantity != 0] # Remove accounts with USD only Positions account_table = account_table.query("trade_asset_ticker != 'USD'") # account_table = account_table['trade_asset_ticker' != 'USD'] accounts = account_table.index.get_level_values( "trade_account").unique().tolist() tickers = (account_table.index.get_level_values( "trade_asset_ticker").unique().tolist()) # if 'USD' in tickers: # tickers.remove('USD') return render_template( "account_positions.html", title="Account Positions", accounts=accounts, tickers=tickers, account_table=account_table, all_accounts=all_accounts, )
def price_data_fx(ticker): for provider in HISTORICAL_PROVIDER_PRIORITY: price_data = PriceData(ticker, PROVIDER_LIST[provider]) if price_data.df is not None: break # Loop through FX providers until a df is filled for provider in FX_PROVIDER_PRIORITY: prices = price_data.df_fx(current_user.fx(), PROVIDER_LIST[provider]) if prices is not None: break return (prices)
def fx_rate(): from thewarden.users.utils import fxsymbol # This grabs the realtime current currency conversion against USD print(price_data_rt(current_user.fx(), FX_RT_PROVIDER_PRIORITY)) try: # get fx rate rate = {} rate['base'] = current_user.fx() rate['symbol'] = fxsymbol(current_user.fx()) rate['name'] = fxsymbol(current_user.fx(), 'name') rate['name_plural'] = fxsymbol(current_user.fx(), 'name_plural') rate['cross'] = "USD" + " / " + current_user.fx() try: rate['fx_rate'] = 1 / (float( price_data_rt(current_user.fx(), FX_RT_PROVIDER_PRIORITY))) except Exception: rate['fx_rate'] = 1 except Exception as e: rate = {} rate['error'] = (f"Error: {e}") rate['fx_rate'] = 1 return (rate)
def price_data_rt_full(ticker, provider): # Function to get a complete data set for realtime prices # Loop through the providers to get the following info: # price, chg, high, low, volume, mkt cap, last_update, source # For some specific assets, a field 'note' can be passed and # will replace volume and market cap at the main page # ex: GBTC premium can be calculated here # returns a list with the format: # price, last_update, high, low, chg, mktcap, # last_up_source, volume, source, notes # All data returned in USD # ----------------------------------------------------------- # This function is used to grab a single price that was missing from # the multiprice request. Since this is a bit more time intensive, it's # separated so it can be memoized for a period of time (this price will # not refresh as frequently) # default: timeout=30 if provider == 'cc': multi_price = multiple_price_grab(ticker, 'USD,' + current_user.fx()) try: # Parse the cryptocompare data price = multi_price["RAW"][ticker][current_user.fx()]["PRICE"] price = float(price * current_user.fx_rate_USD()) high = float( multi_price["RAW"][ticker][current_user.fx()]["HIGHDAY"] * current_user.fx_rate_USD()) low = float( multi_price["RAW"][ticker][current_user.fx()]["LOWDAY"] * current_user.fx_rate_USD()) chg = multi_price["RAW"][ticker][ current_user.fx()]["CHANGEPCT24HOUR"] mktcap = multi_price["DISPLAY"][ticker][ current_user.fx()]["MKTCAP"] volume = multi_price["DISPLAY"][ticker][ current_user.fx()]["VOLUME24HOURTO"] last_up_source = multi_price["RAW"][ticker][ current_user.fx()]["LASTUPDATE"] source = multi_price["DISPLAY"][ticker][ current_user.fx()]["LASTMARKET"] last_update = notes = None return (price, last_update, high, low, chg, mktcap, last_up_source, volume, source, notes) except Exception: return (None) if provider == 'aa': try: globalURL = '' globalURL += api_keys['alphavantage'][ 'api_key'] + '&symbol=' + ticker data = tor_request(globalURL).json() price = float(data['Global Quote'] ['05. price']) * current_user.fx_rate_USD() high = float( data['Global Quote']['03. high']) * current_user.fx_rate_USD() low = float( data['Global Quote']['04. low']) * current_user.fx_rate_USD() chg = data['Global Quote']['10. change percent'].replace('%', '') try: chg = float(chg) except Exception: chg = chg mktcap = '-' volume = '-' last_up_source = '-' last_update = '-' source = 'Alphavantage' notes = None # Start Notes methods for specific assets. For example, for # GBTC we report the premium to BTC if ticker == 'GBTC': fairvalue, premium = GBTC_premium( float(data['Global Quote']['05. price'])) fairvalue = "{0:,.2f}".format(fairvalue) premium = "{0:,.2f}".format(premium * 100) notes = f"Fair Value: {fairvalue}<br>Premium: {premium}%" return (price, last_update, high, low, chg, mktcap, last_up_source, volume, source, notes) except Exception: return None if provider == 'fp': try: globalURL = '' globalURL += ticker data = tor_request(globalURL).json() price = float(data['price']) * current_user.fx_rate_USD() high = '-' low = '-' chg = 0 mktcap = '-' volume = '-' last_up_source = '-' last_update = '-' source = 'FP Modeling API' notes = None return (price, last_update, high, low, chg, mktcap, last_up_source, volume, source, notes) except Exception: return None
def generatenav(user, force=False, filter=None):"[generatenav] Starting NAV Generator for user {user}") # Portfolios smaller than this size do not account for NAV calculations # Otherwise, there's an impact of dust left in the portfolio (in USD) # This is set in config.ini file min_size_for_calc = int(PORTFOLIO_MIN_SIZE_NAV)"[generatenav] Force update status is {force}") save_nav = True # This process can take some time and it's intensive to run NAV # generation every time the NAV is needed. A compromise is to save # the last NAV generation locally and only refresh after a period of time. # This period of time is setup in config.ini as RENEW_NAV (in minutes). # If last file is newer than 60 minutes (default), the local saved file # will be used. # Unless force is true, then a rebuild is done regardless # Local files are saved under a hash of username. if force: usernamehash = hashlib.sha256( current_user.username.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() filename = "thewarden/nav_data/" + usernamehash + current_user.fx( ) + ".nav" filename = os.path.join(current_path(), filename) # Since this function can be run as a thread, it's safer to delete # the current NAV file if it exists. This avoids other tasks reading # the local file which is outdated try: os.remove(filename) except OSError:"[generatenav] Local NAV file was not found" + " for removal - continuing") if not force: usernamehash = hashlib.sha256( current_user.username.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() filename = "thewarden/nav_data/" + usernamehash + current_user.fx( ) + ".nav" filename = os.path.join(current_path(), filename) try: # Check if NAV saved file is recent enough to be used # Local file has to have a saved time less than RENEW_NAV min old # See config.ini to change RENEW_NAV modified = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(filename)) elapsed_seconds = (datetime.utcnow() - modified).total_seconds()"Last time file was modified {modified} is " + f" {elapsed_seconds} seconds ago") if (elapsed_seconds / 60) < int(RENEW_NAV): nav_pickle = pd.read_pickle(filename) return (nav_pickle) else:"File found but too old - rebuilding NAV") except FileNotFoundError:"[generatenav] File not found to load NAV" + " - rebuilding") # Pandas dataframe with transactions df = transactions_fx() # if a filter argument was passed, execute it if filter: df = df.query(filter)"[generatenav] Success - read trades from database") start_date = df.index.min() - timedelta( days=1) # start on t-1 of first trade end_date = # Create a list of all tickers that were traded in this portfolio tickers = df.trade_asset_ticker.unique().tolist() # Create an empty DF, fill with dates and fill with operation and prices then NAV dailynav = pd.DataFrame(columns=['date']) # Fill the dates from first trade until today dailynav['date'] = pd.date_range(start=start_date, end=end_date) dailynav = dailynav.set_index('date') # Create empty fields dailynav['PORT_usd_pos'] = 0 dailynav['PORT_fx_pos'] = 0 dailynav['PORT_cash_value'] = 0 dailynav['PORT_cash_value_fx'] = 0 # Create a dataframe for each position's prices for id in tickers: if is_currency(id): continue try: # Create a new PriceData class for this ticker prices = price_data_fx(id) if prices is None: logging.error(f"Could not get a price for {id}") save_nav = False raise ValueError prices = prices.rename(columns={'close_converted': id + '_price'}) prices = prices[id + '_price'] # Fill dailyNAV with prices for each ticker dailynav = pd.merge(dailynav, prices, on='date', how='left') # Replace NaN with prev value, if no prev value then zero dailynav[id + '_price'].fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True) dailynav[id + '_price'].fillna(0, inplace=True) # Now let's find trades for this ticker and include in dailynav tradedf = df[[ 'trade_asset_ticker', 'trade_quantity', 'cash_value_fx' ]] # Filter trades only for this ticker tradedf = tradedf[tradedf['trade_asset_ticker'] == id] # consolidate all trades in a single date Input tradedf = tradedf.groupby(level=0).sum() tradedf.sort_index(ascending=True, inplace=True) # include column to cumsum quant tradedf['cum_quant'] = tradedf['trade_quantity'].cumsum() # merge with dailynav - 1st rename columns to match tradedf.index.rename('date', inplace=True) # rename columns to include ticker name so it's differentiated # when merged with other ids tradedf.rename(columns={ 'trade_quantity': id + '_quant', 'cum_quant': id + '_pos', 'cash_value_fx': id + '_cash_value_fx' }, inplace=True) # merge dailynav = pd.merge(dailynav, tradedf, on='date', how='left') # for empty days just trade quantity = 0, same for CV dailynav[id + '_quant'].fillna(0, inplace=True) dailynav[id + '_cash_value_fx'].fillna(0, inplace=True) # Now, for positions, fill with previous values, NOT zero, # unless there's no previous dailynav[id + '_pos'].fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True) dailynav[id + '_pos'].fillna(0, inplace=True) # Calculate USD and fx position and % of portfolio at date # Calculate USD position and % of portfolio at date dailynav[id + '_fx_pos'] = dailynav[id + '_price'].astype( float) * dailynav[id + '_pos'].astype(float) # Before calculating NAV, clean the df for small # dust positions. Otherwise, a portfolio close to zero but with # 10 sats for example, would still have NAV changes dailynav[id + '_fx_pos'].round(2)"Success: imported prices for id:{id}") except (FileNotFoundError, KeyError, ValueError) as e: logging.error(f"{id}: Error: {e}") flash( f"Ticker {id} generated an error. " + f"NAV calculations will be off. Error: {e}", "danger") # Another loop to sum the portfolio values - maybe there is a way to # include this on the loop above. But this is not a huge time drag unless # there are too many tickers in a portfolio for id in tickers: if is_currency(id): continue # Include totals in new columns try: dailynav['PORT_fx_pos'] = dailynav['PORT_fx_pos'] +\ dailynav[id + '_fx_pos'] except KeyError as e: logging.error(f"[GENERATENAV] Ticker {id} was not found " + "on NAV Table - continuing but this is not good." + " NAV calculations will be erroneous.") save_nav = False flash( f"Ticker {id} was not found on NAV table. " + f"NAV calculations will be off. Error: {e}", "danger") continue dailynav['PORT_cash_value_fx'] = dailynav['PORT_cash_value_fx'] +\ dailynav[id + '_cash_value_fx'] # Now that we have the full portfolio value each day, calculate alloc % for id in tickers: if is_currency(id): continue try: dailynav[id + "_fx_perc"] = dailynav[id + '_fx_pos'] /\ dailynav['PORT_fx_pos'] dailynav[id + "_fx_perc"].fillna(0, inplace=True) except KeyError: continue # Create a new column with the portfolio change only due to market move # discounting all cash flows for that day dailynav['adj_portfolio_fx'] = dailynav['PORT_fx_pos'] -\ dailynav['PORT_cash_value_fx'] # For the period return let's use the Modified Dietz Rate of return method # more info here: # There is one caveat here. If end value is zero (i.e. portfolio fully # redeemed, the formula needs to be adjusted) dailynav.loc[dailynav.PORT_fx_pos > min_size_for_calc, 'port_dietz_ret_fx'] =\ ((dailynav['PORT_fx_pos'] - dailynav['PORT_fx_pos'].shift(1)) - dailynav['PORT_cash_value_fx']) /\ (dailynav['PORT_fx_pos'].shift(1) + abs(dailynav['PORT_cash_value_fx'])) # Fill empty and NaN with zero dailynav['port_dietz_ret_fx'].fillna(0, inplace=True) dailynav['adj_port_chg_fx'] = ( (dailynav['PORT_fx_pos'] - dailynav['PORT_fx_pos'].shift(1)) - dailynav['PORT_cash_value_fx']) # let's fill NaN with zeros dailynav['adj_port_chg_fx'].fillna(0, inplace=True) # Calculate the metrics dailynav['port_perc_factor_fx'] = (dailynav['port_dietz_ret_fx']) + 1 dailynav['NAV_fx'] = dailynav['port_perc_factor_fx'].cumprod() dailynav['NAV_fx'] = dailynav['NAV_fx'] * 100 dailynav['PORT_ac_CFs_fx'] = dailynav['PORT_cash_value_fx'].cumsum()"[generatenav] Success: NAV Generated for user {user}") # Save NAV Locally as Pickle if save_nav: usernamehash = hashlib.sha256( current_user.username.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() filename = "thewarden/nav_data/" + usernamehash + current_user.fx( ) + ".nav" filename = os.path.join(current_path(), filename) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) dailynav.to_pickle(filename)"[generatenav] NAV saved to {filename}") return dailynav
def find_data(ticker): notes = None try: # Parse the cryptocompare data price = multi_price["RAW"][ticker][current_user.fx()]["PRICE"] price = float(price) high = float( multi_price["RAW"][ticker][current_user.fx()]["HIGHDAY"]) low = float( multi_price["RAW"][ticker][current_user.fx()]["LOWDAY"]) chg = multi_price["RAW"][ticker][ current_user.fx()]["CHANGEPCT24HOUR"] mktcap = multi_price["DISPLAY"][ticker][ current_user.fx()]["MKTCAP"] volume = multi_price["DISPLAY"][ticker][ current_user.fx()]["VOLUME24HOURTO"] last_up_source = multi_price["RAW"][ticker][ current_user.fx()]["LASTUPDATE"] source = multi_price["DISPLAY"][ticker][ current_user.fx()]["LASTMARKET"] last_update = except (KeyError, TypeError): # Couldn't find price with CryptoCompare. Let's try a different source # and populate data in the same format [aa = alphavantage] try: single_price = price_data_rt_full(ticker, 'aa') if single_price is None: raise KeyError price = single_price[0] high = single_price[2] low = single_price[3] (_, last_update, _, _, chg, mktcap, last_up_source, volume, source, notes) = single_price except Exception: # Let's try a final time using Financial Modeling Prep API try: single_price = price_data_rt_full(ticker, 'fp') if single_price is None: raise KeyError price = single_price[0] high = single_price[2] low = single_price[3] (_, last_update, _, _, chg, mktcap, last_up_source, volume, source, notes) = single_price except Exception: try: # Finally, if realtime price is unavailable, find the latest # saved value in historical prices # Create a price class price_class = price_data(ticker) if price_class is None: raise KeyError price = float(price_class.df['close'].iloc[0] ) * current_user.fx_rate_USD() high = float(price_class.df['high'].iloc[0] ) * current_user.fx_rate_USD() low = float(price_class.df['low'].iloc[0] ) * current_user.fx_rate_USD() volume = current_user.fx() + " " + "{0:,.0f}".format( float(price_class.df['volume'].iloc[0]) * current_user.fx_rate_USD()) mktcap = chg = 0 source = last_up_source = 'Historical Data' last_update = price_class.df.index[0] except Exception as e: price = high = low = chg = mktcap = last_up_source = last_update = volume = 0 source = '-' logging.error( f"There was an error getting the price for {ticker}." + f"Error: {e}") return price, last_update, high, low, chg, mktcap, last_up_source, volume, source, notes
def positions_dynamic(): # This method is the realtime updater for the front page. It gets the # position information from positions above and returns a dataframe # with all the realtime pricing and positions data - this method # should be called from an AJAX request at the front page in order # to reduce loading time. df = positions() # Drop all currencies from table df = df[df['is_currency'] == False] # check if trade_asset_ticker is set as index. If so, move to column # This happens on some memoized functions - need to understand why # The below is a temporary fix df = df.reset_index() if df is None: return None, None tickers_string = ",".join(list_tickers()) # Let's try to get as many prices as possible into the df with a # single request - first get all the prices in current currency and USD multi_price = multiple_price_grab(tickers_string, 'USD,' + current_user.fx()) # PARSER Function to fing the ticker price inside the matrix. First part # looks into the cryptocompare matrix. In the exception, if price is not # found, it sends a request to other providers def find_data(ticker): notes = None try: # Parse the cryptocompare data price = multi_price["RAW"][ticker][current_user.fx()]["PRICE"] price = float(price) high = float( multi_price["RAW"][ticker][current_user.fx()]["HIGHDAY"]) low = float( multi_price["RAW"][ticker][current_user.fx()]["LOWDAY"]) chg = multi_price["RAW"][ticker][ current_user.fx()]["CHANGEPCT24HOUR"] mktcap = multi_price["DISPLAY"][ticker][ current_user.fx()]["MKTCAP"] volume = multi_price["DISPLAY"][ticker][ current_user.fx()]["VOLUME24HOURTO"] last_up_source = multi_price["RAW"][ticker][ current_user.fx()]["LASTUPDATE"] source = multi_price["DISPLAY"][ticker][ current_user.fx()]["LASTMARKET"] last_update = except (KeyError, TypeError): # Couldn't find price with CryptoCompare. Let's try a different source # and populate data in the same format [aa = alphavantage] try: single_price = price_data_rt_full(ticker, 'aa') if single_price is None: raise KeyError price = single_price[0] high = single_price[2] low = single_price[3] (_, last_update, _, _, chg, mktcap, last_up_source, volume, source, notes) = single_price except Exception: # Let's try a final time using Financial Modeling Prep API try: single_price = price_data_rt_full(ticker, 'fp') if single_price is None: raise KeyError price = single_price[0] high = single_price[2] low = single_price[3] (_, last_update, _, _, chg, mktcap, last_up_source, volume, source, notes) = single_price except Exception: try: # Finally, if realtime price is unavailable, find the latest # saved value in historical prices # Create a price class price_class = price_data(ticker) if price_class is None: raise KeyError price = float(price_class.df['close'].iloc[0] ) * current_user.fx_rate_USD() high = float(price_class.df['high'].iloc[0] ) * current_user.fx_rate_USD() low = float(price_class.df['low'].iloc[0] ) * current_user.fx_rate_USD() volume = current_user.fx() + " " + "{0:,.0f}".format( float(price_class.df['volume'].iloc[0]) * current_user.fx_rate_USD()) mktcap = chg = 0 source = last_up_source = 'Historical Data' last_update = price_class.df.index[0] except Exception as e: price = high = low = chg = mktcap = last_up_source = last_update = volume = 0 source = '-' logging.error( f"There was an error getting the price for {ticker}." + f"Error: {e}") return price, last_update, high, low, chg, mktcap, last_up_source, volume, source, notes df = apply_and_concat(df, 'trade_asset_ticker', find_data, [ 'price', 'last_update', '24h_high', '24h_low', '24h_change', 'mktcap', 'last_up_source', 'volume', 'source', 'notes' ]) # Now create additional columns with calculations df['position_fx'] = df['price'] * df['trade_quantity'] df['allocation'] = df['position_fx'] / df['position_fx'].sum() df['change_fx'] = df['position_fx'] * df['24h_change'] / 100 # Pnl and Cost calculations df['breakeven'] = df['cash_value_fx'] / df['trade_quantity'] df['pnl_gross'] = df['position_fx'] - df['cash_value_fx'] df['pnl_net'] = df['pnl_gross'] - df['trade_fees_fx'] # FIFO and LIFO PnL calculations df['LIFO_unreal'] = (df['price'] - df['LIFO_average_cost']) * \ df['trade_quantity'] df['FIFO_unreal'] = (df['price'] - df['FIFO_average_cost']) * \ df['trade_quantity'] df['LIFO_real'] = df['pnl_net'] - df['LIFO_unreal'] df['FIFO_real'] = df['pnl_net'] - df['FIFO_unreal'] df['LIFO_unrealized_be'] = df['price'] - \ (df['LIFO_unreal'] / df['trade_quantity']) df['FIFO_unrealized_be'] = df['price'] - \ (df['FIFO_unreal'] / df['trade_quantity']) # Allocations below 0.01% are marked as small # this is used to hide small and closed positions at html df.loc[df.allocation <= 0.0001, 'small_pos'] = 'True' df.loc[df.allocation >= 0.0001, 'small_pos'] = 'False' # Prepare for delivery. Change index, add total df.set_index('trade_asset_ticker', inplace=True) df.loc['Total'] = 0 # Column names can't be tuples - otherwise json generates an error df.rename(columns={ ('trade_quantity', 'B'): 'trade_quantity_B', ('trade_quantity', 'S'): 'trade_quantity_S', ('trade_quantity', 'D'): 'trade_quantity_D', ('trade_quantity', 'W'): 'trade_quantity_W', ('cash_value_fx', 'B'): 'cash_value_fx_B', ('cash_value_fx', 'S'): 'cash_value_fx_S', ('cash_value_fx', 'D'): 'cash_value_fx_D', ('cash_value_fx', 'W'): 'cash_value_fx_W', ('trade_fees_fx', 'B'): 'trade_fees_fx_B', ('trade_fees_fx', 'S'): 'trade_fees_fx_S', ('trade_fees_fx', 'D'): 'trade_fees_fx_D', ('trade_fees_fx', 'W'): 'trade_fees_fx_W' }, inplace=True) # Need to add only some fields - strings can't be added for example columns_sum = [ 'cash_value_fx', 'trade_fees_fx', 'position_fx', 'allocation', 'change_fx', 'pnl_gross', 'pnl_net', 'LIFO_unreal', 'FIFO_unreal', 'LIFO_real', 'FIFO_real' ] for field in columns_sum: df.loc['Total', field] = df[field].sum() # Set the portfolio last update to be equal to the latest update in df df.loc['Total', 'last_up_source'] = ('%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S') df['last_update'] = df['last_update'].astype(str) # Create a pie chart data in HighCharts format excluding small pos pie_data = [] for ticker in list_tickers(): if df.loc[ticker, 'small_pos'] == 'False': tmp_dict = {} tmp_dict['y'] = round(df.loc[ticker, 'allocation'] * 100, 2) tmp_dict['name'] = ticker pie_data.append(tmp_dict) return (df, pie_data)
def find_fx(row, fx=None): # is the date being passed # row['trade_currency'] is the base fx (the one where the trade was included) # Create an instance of PriceData: price = fx_price_ondate(current_user.fx(), row['trade_currency'], return price
def newtrade(): form = NewTrade() acclist = AccountInfo.query.filter_by(user_id=current_user.username) accounts = [] for item in acclist: accounts.append((item.account_longname, item.account_longname)) form.trade_account.choices = accounts form.cash_account.choices = accounts if request.method == "POST": if form.validate_on_submit(): # Need to include two sides of trade: if in ("B", "D"): qop = 1 elif in ("S", "W"): qop = -1 else: qop = 0 flash("Trade Operation Error. Should be B, S, D or W.", "warning") # Create a unique ID for this transaction random_hex = secrets.token_hex(21) # Calculate Trade's cash value cvfail = False if != "3": try: p = float(cleancsv( q = float(cleancsv( f = float(cleancsv( cv = qop * (q * p) + f except ValueError: flash( "Error on calculating fiat amount \ for transaction - TRADE NOT included", "danger", ) cvfail = True cv = 0 # Check what type of trade this is # Cash and/or Asset if == "1" or == "2": try: tquantity = float( * qop except ValueError: tquantity = 0 try: tprice = float( except ValueError: tprice = 0 trade = Trades( user_id=current_user.username,,,,, trade_quantity=tquantity,, trade_price=tprice,,, trade_reference_id=random_hex, cash_value=cv, ) if not cvfail: db.session.add(trade) db.session.commit() regenerate_nav() if == "1": # First side is done, now for the matching side-financial only if == "D": acc = "W" elif == "W": acc = "D" elif == "B": acc = "W" elif == "S": acc = "D" else: acc = "" trade = Trades( user_id=current_user.username,,,,, trade_operation=acc, trade_price="1", trade_quantity=float(cleancsv(, trade_fees=0, cash_value=cv * (-1), trade_notes=f"Matching Trade for trade id: \ <{random_hex} > - included as a pair", trade_reference_id=random_hex, ) db.session.add(trade) db.session.commit() regenerate_nav() if == "3": # Cash Only Transaction try: cv = qop * (float(cleancsv( except ValueError: flash("Error on calculating cash amount for transaction", "warning") cv = 0 cvfail = True trade = Trades( user_id=current_user.username,,,,, trade_quantity=cv, trade_price=1,,,, cash_value=cv, trade_reference_id=random_hex, ) if not cvfail: db.session.add(trade) db.session.commit() regenerate_nav() if not cvfail: flash("Trade included", "success") return redirect(url_for("main.home")) else: flash("Trade Input failed. Something went wrong. Try Again.", "danger") = current_user.fx() = datetime.utcnow() return render_template("newtrade.html", form=form, title="New Trade")