    def set_constraint(self, parameter, constraint_string=None,
        r"""Set the constraint on a parameter/observable by specifying a string
        or a dictionary. If several constraints (e.g. several types of
        uncertainty) are given, the total constraint will be the convolution
        of the individual distributions. Existing constraints will be removed.


        - parameter: parameter string (or tuple)
        - constraint_string: string specifying the constraint that can be e.g.
          of the form `'1.55(3)(1)'` or `'4.0±0.1'`.
        - constraint_dict: dictionary or list of several dictionaries of the
          form `{'distribution': 'distribution_name', 'arg1': val1, ...}`, where
          'distribution_name' is a string name associated to each probability
          distribution (see `flavio.statistics.probability.class_from_string`)
          and `'arg1'`, `val1` are argument/value pairs of the arguments of
          the distribution class's constructor (e.g.`central_value`,
          `standard_deviation` for a normal distribution).

        `constraint_string` and `constraint_dict` must not be present
        if constraint_string is not None and constraint_dict is not None:
            raise ValueError("constraint_string and constraint_dict cannot"
                             " be used at the same time.")
        if constraint_string is not None:
            pds = constraints_from_string(constraint_string)
        elif constraint_dict is not None:
            pds = dict2dist(constraint_dict)
            raise TypeError("Either constraint_string or constraint_dict have"
                            " to be specified.")
        combined_pd = convolve_distributions(pds)
        self.add_constraint([parameter], combined_pd)
文件: classes.py 项目: flav-io/flavio
 def set_constraint(self, parameter, constraint_string):
     """Set the constraints on a parameter/observable by specifying a string
     that can be e.g. of the form 1.55(3)(1) or 4.0±0.1. Existing
     constraints will be removed."""
     pds = constraints_from_string(constraint_string)
     combined_pd = convolve_distributions(pds)
     self.add_constraint([parameter], combined_pd)
    def set_constraint(self, parameter, constraint_string=None,
        r"""Set the constraint on a parameter/observable by specifying a string
        or a dictionary. If several constraints (e.g. several types of
        uncertainty) are given, the total constraint will be the convolution
        of the individual distributions. Existing constraints will be removed.


        - parameter: parameter string (or tuple)
        - constraint_string: string specifying the constraint that can be e.g.
          of the form `'1.55(3)(1)'` or `'4.0±0.1'`.
        - constraint_dict: dictionary or list of several dictionaries of the
          form `{'distribution': 'distribution_name', 'arg1': val1, ...}`, where
          'distribution_name' is a string name associated to each probability
          distribution (see `flavio.statistics.probability.class_from_string`)
          and `'arg1'`, `val1` are argument/value pairs of the arguments of
          the distribution class's constructor (e.g.`central_value`,
          `standard_deviation` for a normal distribution).

        `constraint_string` and `constraint_dict` must not be present
        if constraint_string is not None and constraint_dict is not None:
            raise ValueError("constraint_string and constraint_dict cannot"
                             " be used at the same time.")
        if constraint_string is not None:
            pds = constraints_from_string(constraint_string)
        elif constraint_dict is not None:
            pds = dict2dist(constraint_dict)
            raise TypeError("Either constraint_string or constraint_dict have"
                            " to be specified.")
        combined_pd = convolve_distributions(pds)
        self.add_constraint([parameter], combined_pd)
 def set_constraint(self, parameter, constraint_string):
     """Set the constraints on a parameter/observable by specifying a string
     that can be e.g. of the form 1.55(3)(1) or 4.0±0.1. Existing
     constraints will be removed."""
     pds = constraints_from_string(constraint_string)
     combined_pd = combine_distributions(pds)
     self.add_constraint([parameter], combined_pd)
def _load(obj):
    """Read measurements from a YAML stream or file."""
    measurements = yaml.load(obj)
    for m_name, m_data in measurements.items():
        m = Measurement(m_name)
        for arg in ['inspire', 'hepdata', 'experiment', 'url']:
            if arg in m_data:
                setattr(m, arg, m_data[arg])
        if 'correlation' not in m_data:
            if isinstance(m_data['values'], list):
                for value_dict in m_data['values']:
                    # if "value" is a list, it contains the values of observable
                    # arguments (like q^2)
                    args = Observable.get_instance(value_dict['name']).arguments
                    args_num = [value_dict[a] for a in args]
                    constraints = constraints_from_string(value_dict['value'])

                    error_dict = errors_from_string(value_dict['value'])
                    central_value = error_dict['central_value']
                    squared_error = 0.
                    for sym_err in error_dict['symmetric_errors']:
                        squared_error += sym_err**2
                    for asym_err in error_dict['asymmetric_errors']:
                        squared_error += asym_err[0]*asym_err[1]
                    args_num.insert(0, value_dict['name'])
                    obs_tuple = tuple(args_num)
                    m.add_constraint([obs_tuple], probability.NormalDistribution(central_value, sqrt(squared_error)))
            else: # otherwise, 'values' is a dict just containing name: constraint_string
                for obs, value in m_data['values'].items():
                    constraints = constraints_from_string(value)
                    for constraint in constraints:
                        m.add_constraint([obs], constraint)
            observables = []
            central_values = []
            errors = []
            if isinstance(m_data['values'], list):
                for value_dict in m_data['values']:
                    # if "value" is a list, it contains the values of observable
                    # arguments (like q^2)
                    args = Observable.get_instance(value_dict['name']).arguments
                    args_num = [value_dict[a] for a in args]
                    error_dict = errors_from_string(value_dict['value'])
                    args_num.insert(0, value_dict['name'])
                    obs_tuple = tuple(args_num)
                    squared_error = 0.
                    for sym_err in error_dict['symmetric_errors']:
                        squared_error += sym_err**2
                    for asym_err in error_dict['asymmetric_errors']:
                        squared_error += asym_err[0]*asym_err[1]
            else: # otherwise, 'values' is a dict just containing name: constraint_string
                for obs, value in m_data['values'].items():
                    error_dict = errors_from_string(value)
                    squared_error = 0.
                    for sym_err in error_dict['symmetric_errors']:
                        squared_error += sym_err**2
                    for asym_err in error_dict['asymmetric_errors']:
                        squared_error += asym_err[0]*asym_err[1]
            correlation = _fix_correlation_matrix(m_data['correlation'], len(observables))
            covariance = np.outer(np.asarray(errors), np.asarray(errors))*correlation
            if not np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(covariance) > 0):
                # if the covariance matrix is not positive definite, try a dirty trick:
                # multiply all the correlations by 0.99.
                n_dim = len(correlation)
                correlation = (correlation - np.eye(n_dim))*0.99 + np.eye(n_dim)
                covariance = np.outer(np.asarray(errors), np.asarray(errors))*correlation
                # if it still isn't positive definite, give up.
                assert np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(covariance) > 0), "The covariance matrix is not positive definite!" + str(covariance)
            m.add_constraint(observables, probability.MultivariateNormalDistribution(central_values, covariance))