class PublishPoseState(EventState):
	Publishes a pose from userdata so that it can be displayed in rviz.

	-- topic 		string 			Topic to which the pose will be published.

	># pose			PoseStamped		Pose to be published.

	<= done							Pose has been published.

	def __init__(self, topic):
		super(PublishPoseState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'],

		self._topic = topic
		self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._topic: PoseStamped})

	def execute(self, userdata):
		return 'done'
	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		self._pub.publish(self._topic, userdata.pose)
class complete_task_StartHack(EventState):
	Example for a state to demonstrate which functionality is available for state implementation.
	This example lets the behavior wait until the given target_time has passed since the behavior has been started.

	-- target_time 	float 	Time which needs to have passed since the behavior started.

	<= continue 			Given time has passed.
	<= failed 				Example for a failure outcome.


	def __init__(self):
		# Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
		super(complete_task_StartHack, self).__init__(outcomes = ['error','done'], input_keys = ['task_details_task_id'])
		self._topic_set_task_state = 'taskallocation/set_task_state'
		self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._topic_set_task_state: SetTaskState})

        	self._task_state_completed = TaskState()
        	self._task_state_completed.state = TaskState.COMPLETED

	def execute(self, userdata):

		request = SetTaskStateRequest()
        	request.task_id = userdata.task_details_task_id
        	request.new_state = self._task_state_completed
			self._pub.publish(self._topic_set_task_state, request)
            		return 'done'
        	except Exception, e:
            		Logger.logwarn('Could not set task state:' + str(e))
            		return 'error'		
class ShowPictureWebinterfaceState(EventState):
    Displays the picture in a web interface

    ># Image    Image       The received Image
    <= done                 Displaying the Picture

    def __init__(self):
        super(ShowPictureWebinterfaceState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['tweet', 'forget'],
                                                            input_keys = ['image_name'])

        self._pub_topic = '/webinterface/display_picture'
        self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._pub_topic: String})

        self._sub_topic = '/webinterface/dialog_feedback'
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._sub_topic: String})

    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self._sub.has_msg(self._sub_topic):
            msg = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._sub_topic)

            if == 'yes':
		print 'show_picture_webinterface_state, returning tweet'
                return 'tweet'
		print 'show_picture_webinterface_state, returning forget'
                return 'forget'

    def on_enter(self,userdata):
        self._pub.publish(self._pub_topic, String(userdata.image_name))
class PreemptableState(LoopbackState):
    A state that can be preempted.
    If preempted, the state will not be executed anymore and return the outcome preempted.

    _preempted_name = "preempted"
    preempt = False
    switching = False

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # add preempted outcome
        if len(args) > 0 and type(args[0]) is list:
            # need this ugly check for list type, because first argument in CBState is the callback
            outcomes = kwargs.get("outcomes", [])
            kwargs["outcomes"] = outcomes

        super(PreemptableState, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.__execute = self.execute
        self.execute = self._preemptable_execute

        self._feedback_topic = "/flexbe/command_feedback"
        self._preempt_topic = "/flexbe/command/preempt"

        self._pub = ProxyPublisher()
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached()

    def _preemptable_execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
        preempting = False
        if self._is_controlled and self._sub.has_msg(self._preempt_topic):
            self._pub.publish(self._feedback_topic, CommandFeedback(command="preempt"))
            preempting = True
            rospy.loginfo("--> Behavior will be preempted")

        if PreemptableState.preempt:
            PreemptableState.preempt = False
            preempting = True
            rospy.loginfo("Behavior will be preempted")

        if preempting:
            self._force_transition = True
            return self._preempted_name

        return self.__execute(*args, **kwargs)

    def _enable_ros_control(self):
        super(PreemptableState, self)._enable_ros_control()
        self._pub.createPublisher(self._feedback_topic, CommandFeedback)
        self._sub.subscribe(self._preempt_topic, Empty)
        PreemptableState.preempt = False

    def _disable_ros_control(self):
        super(PreemptableState, self)._disable_ros_control()
class PauseExploration(EventState):
	Example for a state to demonstrate which functionality is available for state implementation.
	This example lets the behavior wait until the given target_time has passed since the behavior has been started.

	-- target_time 	float 	Time which needs to have passed since the behavior started.

	<= continue 			Given time has passed.
	<= failed 				Example for a failure outcome.


	def __init__(self):
		# Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
		super(PauseExploration, self).__init__(outcomes = ['continue', 'pause'])
		self._topic_cancel = 'move_base/cancel'
		self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._topic_cancel: Empty})

	def execute(self, userdata):
		# This method is called periodically while the state is active.
		# Main purpose is to check state conditions and trigger a corresponding outcome.
		# If no outcome is returned, the state will stay active.

		return 'pause' # One of the outcomes declared above.

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		# This method is called when the state becomes active, i.e. a transition from another state to this one is taken.
		# It is primarily used to start actions which are associated with this state.

		self._pub.publish(self._topic_cancel, Empty())

	def on_exit(self, userdata):
		# This method is called when an outcome is returned and another state gets active.
		# It can be used to stop possibly running processes started by on_enter.


	def on_start(self):
		# This method is called when the behavior is started.
		# If possible, it is generally better to initialize used resources in the constructor
		# because if anything failed, the behavior would not even be started.


	def on_stop(self):
		# This method is called whenever the behavior stops execution, also if it is cancelled.
		# Use this event to clean up things like claimed resources.

    def __set_pubSub(self):
        print("[Arm] name space : " + str(self.robot_name))
        self.p2p_topic = str(self.robot_name) + '/p2p_pose_msg'
        self.__p2p_pub = ProxyPublisher({self.p2p_topic: P2PPose})

        self.line_topic = str(self.robot_name) + '/kinematics_pose_msg'
        self.__line_pub = ProxyPublisher({self.line_topic: KinematicsPose})

        self.arm_status_topic = str(self.robot_name) + '/status'
        self.__status_sub = ProxySubscriberCached(
            {self.arm_status_topic: StatusMsg})
    def __init__(self,
                 interval=[3, 5],
                 maxXYZ=[1, 0.3, 0.5],
                 minXYZ=[1.0, -0.3, 0.0],
        super(RandPoseGenerator, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failure'])

        # Store topic parameter for later use.
        if not isinstance(topic, str):
            raise ValueError("Topic name must be string.")
        if not isinstance(duration, (int, float)) or duration <= 0:
            raise ValueError("Duration must be positive number.")
        if len(interval) != 2 or any([
                not isinstance(t, (int, float)) for t in interval
        ]) or any([t < 0 for t in interval]) or interval[0] > interval[1]:
            raise ValueError("Interval must represent interval of time.")
        if len(minXYZ) != 3 or any(
            [not isinstance(v, (int, float)) for v in minXYZ]):
            raise ValueError("minXYZ: list of three numbers was expected.")
        if len(maxXYZ) != 3 or any(
            [not isinstance(v, (int, float)) for v in maxXYZ]):
            raise ValueError("maxXYZ: list of three numbers was expected.")
        if not isinstance(frame_xyz, str) or not isinstance(frame_out, str):
            raise ValueError("Frame names must be string.")

        self._topic = topic
        self._duration = Duration.from_sec(duration)
        self._interval = interval
        self._minXYZ = minXYZ
        self._maxXYZ = maxXYZ
        self._frame_in = frame_xyz
        self._frame_out = frame_out

        # create proxies
        self._publisher = ProxyPublisher({self._topic: PoseStamped})
        self._tf_listener = ProxyTransformListener().listener()
        self._tf_listener.waitForTransform(self._frame_out, self._frame_in,
                                           rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(1))
        if not self._tf_listener.canTransform(self._frame_out, self._frame_in,
            raise ValueError(
                "Unable to perform transform between frames %s and %s." %
                (self._frame_out, self._frame_in))

        # state
        self._start_timestamp = None
        self._movement_timestamp = None
        self._movement_duration = Duration()

        # error in enter hook
        self._error = False
    def __init__(self, command):
              self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'])

        self._topic = '/flor/controller/robot_state_command'
        self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._topic: FlorRobotStateCommand})

        self._command = command

        self._failed = False
    def __init__(self):
        # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
              self).__init__(outcomes=['error', 'done'],

        self._topic_set_task_state = 'taskallocation/set_task_state'
        self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._topic_set_task_state: SetTaskState})

        self._task_state_completed = TaskState()
        self._task_state_completed.state = TaskState.COMPLETED
    def __set_pubSub(self):
        print("[Arm] name space : " + str(self.robot_name))
        self.set_mode_topic = str(self.robot_name) + '/set_mode_msg'
        self.__set_mode_pub = ProxyPublisher({self.set_mode_topic: String})

        self.joint_topic = str(self.robot_name) + '/joint_pose_msg'
        self.__joint_pub = ProxyPublisher({self.joint_topic: JointPose})

        self.arm_status_topic = str(self.robot_name) + '/status'
        self.__status_sub = ProxySubscriberCached(
            {self.arm_status_topic: StatusMsg})
	def __init__(self, mechanisms):
		super(mechanisms, self).__init__(outcomes = ['dropped'])

		topics = {'gripper hold': "arduino/close_gripper" , 'gripper release': "arduino/open_gripper",
					'fire torpedo': "arduino/launch_torpedo", 'drop marker': "/arduino/open_dropper"}

		self._topic = topics[mechanism]
		(msg_path, msg_topic, fn) = rostopic.get_topic_type(self._topic)
		if msg_topic == self._topic:
			msg_type = self._get_msg_from_path(msg_path)
			self._publisher = ProxyPublisher({self._topic: msg_type})
    def __init__(self, target_name, target_path, given_outcomes,
        super(MirrorState, self).__init__(outcomes=given_outcomes)
        self._target_name = target_name
        self._target_path = target_path

        self._outcome_topic = 'flexbe/mirror/outcome'

        self._pub = ProxyPublisher()
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._outcome_topic: UInt8})
	def __init__(self, command, no_video=False, no_bags=True):
		super(VideoLoggingState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'],
												input_keys=['experiment_name', 'description'])

		self._topic = "/vigir_logging"
		self._pub   = ProxyPublisher({self._topic: OCSLogging})

		self._command  = command
		self._no_video = no_video
		self._no_bags  = no_bags
	def __init__(self):
		# Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
		super(Send_Request, self).__init__(outcomes = ['succeeded'], input_keys = ['pose','params','frameId'])

		#self.userdata.goalId = 'none'
       	 	#self.userdata.frameId = frameId

        	topic = 'move_base/observe' if useMoveBase else 'controller/goal'
        	self._topic_move_base_goal = topic
		self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._topic_move_base_goal: MoveBaseActionGoal})
    def __init__(self, target_time, target_angle=360.0, cmd_topic='/create_node/cmd_vel', odometry_topic='/create_node/odom'):
        super(RotateAngleState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done'])
        self._target_time           = rospy.Duration(target_time)
        self._target_angle          = target_angle*3.141593/180.0
        self._twist                 = TwistStamped()
        self._twist.twist.linear.x  = 0
        self._twist.twist.angular.z = (self._target_angle / target_time)

        self._cmd_topic    = cmd_topic
        self._pub          = ProxyPublisher(       {self._cmd_topic: TwistStamped})
        self._start_time   = None
        self._return       = None # Track the outcome so we can detect if transition is blocked
class ManualState(EventState):
    Project11 state where vehicle is operated from joystick commands.

    def __init__(self):
        # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
        super(ManualState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['autonomous', 'standby'])
        self.publishers = ProxyPublisher({'/helm':Helm})
        self.p11sb = Project11StateBase()

    def execute(self, userdata):
        # This method is called periodically while the state is active.
        # Main purpose is to check state conditions and trigger a corresponding outcome.
        # If no outcome is returned, the state will stay active.
        js = self.p11sb.checkJoystick()
        if js is not None:
            requested_state = js[1]
            if requested_state is not None and requested_state != 'manual':
                return requested_state
            msg = js[0]
            helm = Helm()
            helm.header.stamp =
            helm.throttle = msg.axes[1]
            helm.rudder = -msg.axes[3]

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        # This method is called when the state becomes active, i.e. a transition from another state to this one is taken.
        # It is primarily used to start actions which are associated with this state.

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        # This method is called when an outcome is returned and another state gets active.
        # It can be used to stop possibly running processes started by on_enter.

        pass # Nothing to do in this example.

    def on_start(self):
        # This method is called when the behavior is started.
        # If possible, it is generally better to initialize used resources in the constructor
        # because if anything failed, the behavior would not even be started.

    def on_stop(self):
        # This method is called whenever the behavior stops execution, also if it is cancelled.
        # Use this event to clean up things like claimed resources.

        pass # Nothing to do in this example.
    def __init__(self, pubtopic, subtopic, pubint):
        # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
        super(GenericPubSub, self).__init__(outcomes=["completed", "failed"])

        # Store state parameters for later use.
        self._rotation = None
        self._pubtopic = pubtopic
        self._subtopic = subtopic
        self._pubint = pubint

        self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._pubtopic: Int32})
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._subtopic: Int32})
    def __init__(self, target_time, square_side_in_m, speed):
        # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
              self).__init__(outcomes=['continue', 'failed'])

        self._target_time = rospy.Duration(target_time)
        self._square_side_lenght = square_side_in_m
        self._speed = speed
        self.vel_topic = '/cmd_vel' = ProxyPublisher({self.vel_topic:
                                   Twist})  # TODO set publish rate to 5 HZ
        self.finished = False
    def __init__(self):
        super(PrayingMantisCalibrationSM, self).__init__() = 'Praying Mantis Calibration'

        # parameters of this behavior

        # references to used behaviors

        # Additional initialization code can be added inside the following tags
        # [MANUAL_INIT]

        self._offset_topic = "/flor/controller/encoder_offsets"
        self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._offset_topic: JointTrajectory})

        self._joint_limits = AtlasDefinitions.arm_joint_limits

        # Define 90 percent positions for both arms (order of joints same as in _joint_names attribute)

        # atlas_v5
        # - account for fall protection pads
        # - ignore the lower 3 joints, ie, the electric motor ones
        left_calib_upper = [
            -1.4252, -1.4649, +0.1588, +2.2767, +0.1, +0.1, +0.1
        left_calib_lower = [
            +0.5470, +1.2355, +2.9297, +0.1191, -0.1, +1.0, -0.1
        right_calib_upper = [
            +1.4914, +1.4296, +0.2118, -2.2899, +0.1, +0.1, +0.1
        right_calib_lower = [
            -0.5470, -1.2355, +2.9297, -0.1191, -0.1, -1.0, -0.1

        # # atlas_v5 (without shoulder pads)
        # left_calib_upper  = [+0.5470, +1.2355, +2.9297, +2.1576, +0.1, +0.1, +0.1]
        # left_calib_lower  = [-1.1869, -1.4296, +0.2118, +0.1191, -1.3, +1.0, -0.1]
        # right_calib_upper = [-0.5470, -1.2355, +2.9297, -2.1576, +0.1, +0.1, +0.1]
        # right_calib_lower = [+1.1869, +1.4296, +0.2118, -0.1191, -1.3, -1.0, -0.1]

        self._joint_calib = {
            'left_arm': {
                'upper': left_calib_upper,
                'lower': left_calib_lower
            'right_arm': {
                'upper': right_calib_upper,
                'lower': right_calib_lower

        self._joint_names = AtlasDefinitions.arm_joint_names
class RemoteRecordStop(EventState):
    ''' Stops rosbag recording. '''
    def __init__(self, topic='/meka/rosbagremote/record/named'):
        self._topic = topic
        self._pub = ProxyPublisher({topic: String})

        super(RemoteRecordStop, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'])

    def execute(self, d):
        Logger.loginfo('Stopping rosbag recording')
        self._pub.publish(self._topic, ':stop')

        return 'done'
    def __init__(self, head_angle=25):
        super(MoveBaseState, self).__init__(outcomes=['arrived', 'failed'],
        self._head_angle = head_angle
        self._head_topic = '/pepper_robot/head/pose'
        ProxyPublisher.createPublisher(self._pub, self._head_topic, String)

        self._action_topic = "/move_base"
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: MoveBaseAction})

        self._arrived = False
        self._failed = False
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ManuallyTransitionableState, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self._force_transition = False

        self.__execute = self.execute
        self.execute = self._manually_transitionable_execute

        self._feedback_topic = '/flexbe/command_feedback'
        self._transition_topic = '/flexbe/command/transition'

        self._pub = ProxyPublisher()
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached()
    def __init__(self):
        super(WebsiteDummyState1, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'])
        #self.status_topic = '/web_service_proxy'
        self.status_topic = '/robot_status'
        self.website_service_proxy = '/web_service_proxy'
        self._wait_for_execution = True

        self.current_status_pub = ProxyPublisher(
            {self.status_topic: RobotStatus})

        self.client_website_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy(
            self.website_service_proxy, WebServiceProxyMsg)
class ManuallyTransitionableState(MonitoringState):
    A state for that a desired outcome can be declared.
    If any outcome is declared, this outcome is forced.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ManuallyTransitionableState, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self._force_transition = False

        self.__execute = self.execute
        self.execute = self._manually_transitionable_execute

        self._feedback_topic = '/flexbe/command_feedback'
        self._transition_topic = '/flexbe/command/transition'

        self._pub = ProxyPublisher()
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached()

    def _manually_transitionable_execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self._is_controlled and self._sub.has_buffered(
            command_msg = self._sub.get_from_buffer(self._transition_topic)
            if !=
                rospy.logwarn("--> Requested outcome for state " +
                     + " but active state is " +
                self._force_transition = True
                outcome = self._outcome_list[command_msg.outcome]
                rospy.loginfo("--> Manually triggered outcome " + outcome +
                              " of state " +
                return outcome

        # return the normal outcome
        self._force_transition = False
        return self.__execute(*args, **kwargs)

    def _enable_ros_control(self):
        super(ManuallyTransitionableState, self)._enable_ros_control()
        self._pub.createPublisher(self._feedback_topic, CommandFeedback)
        self._sub.subscribe(self._transition_topic, OutcomeRequest)

    def _disable_ros_control(self):
        super(ManuallyTransitionableState, self)._disable_ros_control()
class Reset_Control_State_GR(EventState):
        Reset control takes in the trial information from Test control and on a succesful completion starts
        the Data Control. If all trials are completed then it will loop back to Test control. Direction is
        used for determining a successful and unsuccseful outcome for testing purposed but will need to be
        replaced with a different measure of success once it becomes more fleshed out. 
        TODO: More complex information for trials, update info

        -- direction  int       TEMPORARY: Determines a succesful (1) or unsuccesful (0) outcome for testing purposes

        ># number_of_trials     Trial information (currently just an int)

        <= continue             All actions completed
        <= failed               Trial control failed to initialize or call something TODO: Proper error checking
        <= completed            All Trials have been succesfully completed, go back to Test control           


        def __init__(self):
            # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
            super(Reset_Control_State_GR, self).__init__(outcomes = ["continue", "failed"], input_keys=["rotation"])

            # Store state parameters for later use.
            self._rotation = None

            self._pub = ProxyPublisher({"reset_start": Int32})
            self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({"reset_complete": Int32})
            #rospy.init_node('reset_control', anonymous=True) 

        def execute(self, userdata):
            #publish to arduino

            if self._sub.has_msg("reset_complete"):
                msg = self._sub.get_last_msg("reset_complete")
                # in case you want to make sure the same message is not processed twice:
                return "continue"            

        def on_enter(self, userdata):
            #self._rotation = 5
            #Initializes class variable from userdata, has to be done outside of constructor 
            if(self._rotation is None and userdata.rotation is not None):
                self._rotation = userdata.rotation

            self._pub.publish("reset_start", self._rotation)

class RobotStateCommandState(EventState):
	Publishes a robot state command message.

	-- command 	int 	Command to be sent. Use class variables (e.g. STAND).

	<= done				Successfully published the state command message.
	<= failed			Failed to publish the state command message.


	START_HYDRAULIC_PRESSURE_OFF = 4 # "fake" start (without hydraulic pressure)
	START_HYDRAULIC_PRESSURE_ON = 6	 # start normally (with hydraulic pressure)
	STOP = 8 # stop the pump
	FREEZE = 16
	STAND = 32

	def __init__(self, command):
		super(RobotStateCommandState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done', 'failed'])

		self._topic = '/flor/controller/robot_state_command'
		self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._topic: FlorRobotStateCommand})

		self._command = command

		self._failed = False

	def execute(self, userdata):
		if self._failed:
			return 'failed'
			return 'done'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		self._failed = False

			command_msg = FlorRobotStateCommand(state_command = self._command)
			self._pub.publish(self._topic, command_msg)
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Failed to publish the command message:\n%s' % str(e))
			self._failed = True
class VideoLoggingState(EventState):
	A state that controls video logging.

	-- command 			boolean 	One of the available commands provided as class constants.
	-- no_video 		boolean 	Only create bag files.
	-- no_bags			boolean 	Only record video.

	># experiment_name 	string 		Unique name of the experiment.

	<= done 						Executed the specified command.

	START = True
	STOP  = False

	def __init__(self, command, no_video=False, no_bags=True):
		super(VideoLoggingState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'],
												input_keys=['experiment_name', 'description'])

		self._topic = "/vigir_logging"
		self._pub   = ProxyPublisher({self._topic: OCSLogging})

		self._command  = command
		self._no_video = no_video
		self._no_bags  = no_bags

	def execute(self, userdata):
		"""Execute this state"""

		# nothing to check
		return 'done'
	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		"""Upon entering the state"""

			self._pub.publish(self._topic, OCSLogging(run=self._command, no_video=self._no_video, no_bags=self._no_bags, experiment_name=userdata.experiment_name, description=userdata.description))
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Could not send video logging command:\n %s' % str(e))
	def on_stop(self):
		"""Stop video logging upon end of execution"""
			self._pub.publish(self._topic, OCSLogging(run=False))
		except Exception as e:
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(OperatableStateMachine, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._message = None
        self._rate = rospy.Rate(10) = None
        self.autonomy = None

        self._autonomy = {}
        self._ordered_states = []
        self._pub = ProxyPublisher()

        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached()
    def __init__(self, topic, msg_type, value):
        super(PublisherState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'])

        # Store state parameter for later use.
        self._topic = topic

        # form message
        self._message = msg_type(**value)

        # create publisher
        self._publisher = ProxyPublisher({topic: msg_type})

        # error in enter hook
        self._error = False
class RobotStateCommandState(EventState):
	Publishes a robot state command message.

	-- command 	int 	Command to be sent. Use class variables (e.g. STAND).

	<= done				Successfully published the state command message.
	<= failed			Failed to publish the state command message.


    START_HYDRAULIC_PRESSURE_OFF = 4  # "fake" start (without hydraulic pressure)
    START_HYDRAULIC_PRESSURE_ON = 6  # start normally (with hydraulic pressure)
    STOP = 8  # stop the pump
    FREEZE = 16
    STAND = 32
    STAND_PREP = 33

    def __init__(self, command):
              self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'])

        self._topic = '/flor/controller/robot_state_command'
        self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._topic: FlorRobotStateCommand})

        self._command = command

        self._failed = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self._failed:
            return 'failed'
            return 'done'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        self._failed = False

            command_msg = FlorRobotStateCommand(state_command=self._command)
            self._pub.publish(self._topic, command_msg)

        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn('Failed to publish the command message:\n%s' %
            self._failed = True
    def __init__(self, person_stop_dist=0.5, with_j1=False, rate=10):

        super(AdjustTorso, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done'])

        self.with_j1 = bool(with_j1)
        self.rate = rate
        self.person_stop_dist = person_stop_dist

        self.MAX_VEL = 1.0
        self.MIN_TRAJ_DUR = 0.5
        self.SPEED_SCALE = 0.5
        self.JOINT_NAMES = ['torso_j0', 'torso_j1']
        self.TARGET_FRAME = 'panplate'

        self.LIMITS = {
            self.JOINT_NAMES[0]: [-0.75, 0.75],
            self.JOINT_NAMES[1]: [-0.1, 0.07],

        self.j1_done = False
        self.people_pos = None
        self.js_pos = None
        self.js_pos_des = None

        self.t = tf.TransformListener(True, rospy.Duration(10))

        self.PEOPLE_TOPIC = '/people_tracker/people'
        self.TORSO_STATE_TOPIC = '/meka_roscontrol/torso_position_trajectory_controller/state'
        self.TORSO_COMMAND_TOPIC = '/meka_roscontrol/torso_position_trajectory_controller/command'
        self.FACES_TOPIC = '/openface2/faces'

        sub_dict = {
            self.TORSO_STATE_TOPIC: JointTrajectoryControllerState,
            self.PEOPLE_TOPIC: People

        if self.with_j1:
            from openface2_ros_msgs.msg import Faces
                self.FACES_TOPIC: Faces

        self._subs = ProxySubscriberCached(sub_dict)
        self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self.TORSO_COMMAND_TOPIC: JointTrajectory})

        frames = []
        Logger.loginfo('waiting for transforms')
        while frames == []:
            frames = self.t.getFrameStrings()
class PauseExploration(EventState):
	Example for a state to demonstrate which functionality is available for state implementation.
	This example lets the behavior wait until the given target_time has passed since the behavior has been started.

	-- target_time 	float 	Time which needs to have passed since the behavior started.

	<= continue 			Given time has passed.
	<= failed 				Example for a failure outcome.

    def __init__(self):
        # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
        super(PauseExploration, self).__init__(outcomes=['continue', 'pause'])

        self._topic_cancel = 'move_base/cancel'
        self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._topic_cancel: Empty})

    def execute(self, userdata):
        # This method is called periodically while the state is active.
        # Main purpose is to check state conditions and trigger a corresponding outcome.
        # If no outcome is returned, the state will stay active.

        return 'pause'  # One of the outcomes declared above.

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        # This method is called when the state becomes active, i.e. a transition from another state to this one is taken.
        # It is primarily used to start actions which are associated with this state.

        self._pub.publish(self._topic_cancel, Empty())

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        # This method is called when an outcome is returned and another state gets active.
        # It can be used to stop possibly running processes started by on_enter.


    def on_start(self):
        # This method is called when the behavior is started.
        # If possible, it is generally better to initialize used resources in the constructor
        # because if anything failed, the behavior would not even be started.


    def on_stop(self):
        # This method is called whenever the behavior stops execution, also if it is cancelled.
        # Use this event to clean up things like claimed resources.

class TTSBulgarianFromIncommingKey(EventState):
    TTS in Bulgarian language, sends messages trough MQTT to the Windows TTS VM console app.
    Sends a string to /ttsbg_mqtt/tts_text MQTT topic,
    trough sending a ROS String message to ROS topic /ttsbg_ros/tts_text
    mqtt_bridge resends the ROS message to the MQTT broker on /ttsbg_mqtt/tts_text.
    Default MQTT broker IP is

    ># ttsbg_text       String      Incomming key - text to be synthesized

    <= failed                       If behavior is unable to send the TTS message
    <= done                         TTS message sent succesfully
    def __init__(self):

                             outcomes=['failed', 'done'])
        self._ttsbg_text_to_be_synthesized = None
        self._ttsbg_text_to_be_synthesized_topic = '/ttsbg_ros/tts_text'
        self._ttsbg_command_topic = '/ttsbg_ros/command'
        self._ttsbg_response_topic = '/ttsbg_ros/response'
        #create publisher passing it the ttsbg_topic and msg_type = ProxyPublisher({
            self._ttsbg_text_to_be_synthesized_topic: String,
            self._ttsbg_command_topic: String
        # #create publisher passing it the ttsbg_command and msg_type
        # self.pub_ttsbg_command = ProxyPublisher({self._ttsbg_command_topic: String})

        #create subscriber
        # self.sub_ttsbg_response = ProxySubscriberCached({self._ttsbg_response_topic: String})
        self.sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._ttsbg_response_topic: String})

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        self._ttsbg_text_to_be_synthesized = userdata.ttsbg_text

    def execute(self, userdata):

        # Logger.loginfo('V execute sam....'),
        return 'done'

    def on_exit(self, userdata):

    def on_stop(self):
    def __init__(self, target_name, target_path, given_outcomes, outcome_autonomy):
        super(MirrorState, self).__init__(outcomes=given_outcomes)
        self._rate = rospy.Rate(100)
        self._given_outcomes = given_outcomes
        self._outcome_autonomy = outcome_autonomy
        self._target_name = target_name
        self._target_path = target_path
        self._outcome_topic = 'flexbe/mirror/outcome'

        self._pub = ProxyPublisher() #{'flexbe/behavior_update': String}
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._outcome_topic: UInt8})
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(LockableState, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self._locked = False
        self._stored_outcome = None
        self.__execute = self.execute
        self.execute = self._lockable_execute

        self._feedback_topic = 'flexbe/command_feedback'
        self._lock_topic = 'flexbe/command/lock'
        self._unlock_topic = 'flexbe/command/unlock'

        self._pub = ProxyPublisher()
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached()
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(OperatableState, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.transitions = None
     self.autonomy = None
     self._mute = False  # is set to true when used in silent state machine (don't report transitions)
     self._last_requested_outcome = None
     self._outcome_topic = 'flexbe/mirror/outcome'
     self._request_topic = 'flexbe/outcome_request'
     self._debug_topic = 'flexbe/debug/current_state'
     self._pub = ProxyPublisher()
     self.__execute = self.execute
     self.execute = self._operatable_execute
    def __init__(self):
        self._sm = None
        # set up proxys for sm <--> GUI communication
        # publish topics
        self._pub = ProxyPublisher({'/flexbe/behavior_update': String,
                                    '/flexbe/request_mirror_structure': Int32})
        self._running = False
        self._stopping = False
        self._active_id = 0
        self._starting_path = None
        self._current_struct = None

        self._outcome_topic = '/flexbe/mirror/outcome'

        self._struct_buffer = list()
        # listen for mirror message
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached()
        self._sub.subscribe(self._outcome_topic, UInt8)

        self._sub.subscribe('/flexbe/mirror/structure', ContainerStructure, self._mirror_callback)
        self._sub.subscribe('/flexbe/status', BEStatus, self._status_callback)
        self._sub.subscribe('/flexbe/mirror/sync', BehaviorSync, self._sync_callback)
        self._sub.subscribe('/flexbe/mirror/preempt', Empty, self._preempt_callback)
	def __init__(self, topic):
		super(PublishPoseState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'],

		self._topic = topic
		self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._topic: PoseStamped})
    def __init__(self):
        self._sm = None

            rospy.logdebug, rospy.logwarn, rospy.logdebug, rospy.logerr  # hide SMACH transition log spamming

        # set up proxys for sm <--> GUI communication
        # publish topics
        self._pub = ProxyPublisher({"flexbe/behavior_update": String, "flexbe/request_mirror_structure": Int32})

        self._running = False
        self._stopping = False
        self._active_id = 0
        self._starting_path = None
        self._current_struct = None

        self._outcome_topic = "flexbe/mirror/outcome"

        self._struct_buffer = list()

        # listen for mirror message
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached()
        self._sub.subscribe(self._outcome_topic, UInt8)

        self._sub.subscribe("flexbe/mirror/structure", ContainerStructure, self._mirror_callback)
        self._sub.subscribe("flexbe/status", BEStatus, self._status_callback)
        self._sub.subscribe("flexbe/mirror/sync", BehaviorSync, self._sync_callback)
        self._sub.subscribe("flexbe/mirror/preempt", Empty, self._preempt_callback)
class ManuallyTransitionableState(MonitoringState):
    A state for that a desired outcome can be declared.
    If any outcome is declared, this outcome is forced.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ManuallyTransitionableState, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._force_transition = False
        self.__execute = self.execute
        self.execute = self._manually_transitionable_execute

        self._feedback_topic = '/flexbe/command_feedback'
        self._transition_topic = '/flexbe/command/transition'

        self._pub = ProxyPublisher()
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached()

    def _manually_transitionable_execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self._is_controlled and self._sub.has_buffered(self._transition_topic):
            command_msg = self._sub.get_from_buffer(self._transition_topic)
            self._pub.publish(self._feedback_topic, CommandFeedback(command="transition", args=[,]))
            if !=
                rospy.logwarn("--> Requested outcome for state " + + " but active state is " +
                self._force_transition = True
                outcome = self._outcome_list[command_msg.outcome]
                rospy.loginfo("--> Manually triggered outcome " + outcome + " of state " +
                return outcome
        # return the normal outcome
        self._force_transition = False
        return self.__execute(*args, **kwargs)

    def _enable_ros_control(self):
        super(ManuallyTransitionableState, self)._enable_ros_control()
        self._pub.createPublisher(self._feedback_topic, CommandFeedback)
        self._sub.subscribe(self._transition_topic, OutcomeRequest)

    def _disable_ros_control(self):
        super(ManuallyTransitionableState, self)._disable_ros_control()
class MirrorState(EventState):
    This state will display its possible outcomes as buttons in the GUI and is designed in a way to be created dynamically.

    def __init__(self, target_name, target_path, given_outcomes, outcome_autonomy):
        super(MirrorState, self).__init__(outcomes=given_outcomes)
        self._rate = rospy.Rate(100)
        self._given_outcomes = given_outcomes
        self._outcome_autonomy = outcome_autonomy
        self._target_name = target_name
        self._target_path = target_path
        self._outcome_topic = 'flexbe/mirror/outcome'

        self._pub = ProxyPublisher() #{'flexbe/behavior_update': String}
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._outcome_topic: UInt8})
    def execute(self, userdata):
        Execute this state
        if JumpableStateMachine.refresh:
            JumpableStateMachine.refresh = False

        if self._sub.has_buffered(self._outcome_topic):
            msg = self._sub.get_from_buffer(self._outcome_topic)
            if < len(self._given_outcomes):
                rospy.loginfo("State update: %s > %s", self._target_name, self._given_outcomes[])
                return self._given_outcomes[]

        except ROSInterruptException:
            print 'Interrupted mirror sleep.'
    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        #rospy.loginfo("Mirror entering %s", self._target_path)
        self._pub.publish('flexbe/behavior_update', String("/" + "/".join(self._target_path.split("/")[1:])))
	def __init__(self):
		# Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
		super(Drive_to_new, self).__init__(outcomes = ['succeeded'], input_keys = ['pose'])

        	self._topic = '/move_base/simple_goal'
		self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._topic: PoseStamped})
	def __init__(self):
		super(LookAtTargetState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'],
		self._head_control_topic = '/thor_mang/head_control_mode'

		self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._head_control_topic: HeadControlCommand})
	def __init__(self):
		# Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
		super(complete_task_StartHack, self).__init__(outcomes = ['error','done'], input_keys = ['task_details_task_id'])
		self._topic_set_task_state = 'taskallocation/set_task_state'
		self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._topic_set_task_state: SetTaskState})

        	self._task_state_completed = TaskState()
        	self._task_state_completed.state = TaskState.COMPLETED
	def __init__(self):
		super(SendToOperatorState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done', 'no_connection'],
														input_keys = ['data'])

		self._data_topic = "/flexbe/data_to_ocs"
		self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._data_topic: String})

		self._failed = False
    def __init__(self):
        super(ShowPictureWebinterfaceState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['tweet', 'forget'],
                                                            input_keys = ['image_name'])

        self._pub_topic = '/webinterface/display_picture'
        self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._pub_topic: String})

        self._sub_topic = '/webinterface/dialog_feedback'
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._sub_topic: String})
	def __init__(self, useMoveBase=True):
		# Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
		super(Send_Request_new, self).__init__(outcomes = ['succeeded'], input_keys = ['goalId','params_distance','pose'])

		#self.userdata.goalId = 'none'
       	 	#self.userdata.frameId = frameId

        	topic = 'move_base/observe' if useMoveBase else 'controller/goal'
        	self._topic_move_base_goal = topic
		self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._topic_move_base_goal: MoveBaseActionGoal})
	def __init__(self, command):
		super(RobotStateCommandState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done', 'failed'])

		self._topic = '/flor/controller/robot_state_command'
		self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._topic: FlorRobotStateCommand})

		self._command = command

		self._failed = False
class confirm_victim(EventState):
	Example for a state to demonstrate which functionality is available for state implementation.
	This example lets the behavior wait until the given target_time has passed since the behavior has been started.

	-- target_time 	float 	Time which needs to have passed since the behavior started.

	<= continue 			Given time has passed.
	<= failed 				Example for a failure outcome.


    def __init__(self):
        # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
        super(confirm_victim, self).__init__(outcomes=["succeeded"], input_keys=["task_details_task_id"])

        self._topicVictimReached = "victimReached"
        self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._topicVictimReached: VictimAnswer})

    def execute(self, userdata):
        answer = VictimAnswer()
        answer.task_id = userdata.task_details_task_id
        answer.answer = VictimAnswer.CONFIRM
        self._pub.publish(self._topicVictimReached, answer)

        Logger.loginfo("Victim Found, id = " + str(userdata.task_details_task_id))

        return "succeeded"

    def on_enter(self, userdata):

    def on_exit(self, userdata):

        pass  # Nothing to do in this example.

    def on_start(self):

    def on_stop(self):

        pass  # Nothing to do in this example.
	def __init__(self):
		super(DrivepathTestNew, self).__init__(outcomes=['reached', 'failed'])
		self._failed = False
		self._reached = False

		self._pathTopic = '/controller/path'
		self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._pathTopic: MoveBaseActionPath})
class SendToOperatorState(EventState):
	Sends the provided data to the operator using a generic serialized topic.

	># data 	object 	The data to be sent to the operator.
						You should be aware of required bandwidth consumption.

	<= done 			Data has been sent to onboard.
						This is no guarantee that it really has been received.
	<= no_connection 	Unable to send the data.


	def __init__(self):
		super(SendToOperatorState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done', 'no_connection'],
														input_keys = ['data'])

		self._data_topic = "/flexbe/data_to_ocs"
		self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._data_topic: String})

		self._failed = False

	def execute(self, userdata):
		if self._failed:
			return 'no_connection'

		return 'done'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		self._failed = False

			self._pub.publish(self._data_topic, String(pickle.dumps(
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Failed to send data to OCS:\n%s' % str(e))
			self._failed = True
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ManuallyTransitionableState, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._force_transition = False
        self.__execute = self.execute
        self.execute = self._manually_transitionable_execute

        self._feedback_topic = '/flexbe/command_feedback'
        self._transition_topic = '/flexbe/command/transition'

        self._pub = ProxyPublisher()
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached()
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(OperatableStateMachine, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._message = None = None
        self.autonomy = None

        self._autonomy = {}
        self._ordered_states = []
        self._pub = ProxyPublisher()

        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached()
    def __init__(self):
        super(MoveAlongPath, self).__init__(outcomes=["reached", "failed"], input_keys=["path", "speed"])

        self._failed = False
        self._reached = False

        self._pathTopic = "/controller/path"
        self._marker_topic = "/debug/path"

        self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._pathTopic: MoveBaseActionPath, self._marker_topic: MarkerArray})
class LookAtTargetState(EventState):
	A state that can look at any link target, e.g. one of the hands or a template.
	># frame 	string 		Frame to be tracked, pass None to look straight.

	<= done 				Command has been sent to head control.
	def __init__(self):
		super(LookAtTargetState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'],
		self._head_control_topic = '/thor_mang/head_control_mode'

		self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._head_control_topic: HeadControlCommand})

	def execute(self, userdata):
		'''Execute this state'''
		return 'done'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		'''Entering the state.'''
		command = HeadControlCommand()

		if userdata.frame is not None:
			command.motion_type = HeadControlCommand.TRACK_FRAME
			command.tracking_frame = userdata.frame
			command.motion_type = HeadControlCommand.LOOK_STRAIGHT

		self._pub.publish(self._head_control_topic, command)
    def __init__(self):
        ''' = None

        #ProxyPublisher._simulate_delay = True
        #ProxySubscriberCached._simulate_delay = True

        # prepare temp folder
        rp = rospkg.RosPack()
        self._tmp_folder = os.path.join(rp.get_path('flexbe_onboard'), 'tmp/')
        if not os.path.exists(self._tmp_folder):

        # prepare manifest folder access
        manifest_folder = os.path.join(rp.get_path('flexbe_behaviors'), 'behaviors/')
        rospy.loginfo("Parsing available behaviors...")
        file_entries = [os.path.join(manifest_folder, filename) for filename in os.listdir(manifest_folder) if not filename.startswith('#')]
        manifests = sorted([xmlpath for xmlpath in file_entries if not os.path.isdir(xmlpath)])
        self._behavior_lib = dict()
        for i in range(len(manifests)):
            m = ET.parse(manifests[i]).getroot()
            e = m.find("executable")
            self._behavior_lib[i] = {"name": m.get("name"), "package": e.get("package_path").split(".")[0], "file": e.get("package_path").split(".")[1], "class": e.get("class")}
#            rospy.loginfo("+++ " + self._behavior_lib[i]["name"])

        self._pub = ProxyPublisher()
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached()

        self.status_topic = '/flexbe/status'
        self.feedback_topic = '/flexbe/command_feedback'

        self._pub.createPublisher(self.status_topic, BEStatus, _latch = True)
        self._pub.createPublisher(self.feedback_topic, CommandFeedback)

        # listen for new behavior to start
        self._running = False
        self._switching = False
        self._sub.subscribe('/flexbe/start_behavior', BehaviorSelection, self._behavior_callback)

        # heartbeat
        self._pub.createPublisher('/flexbe/heartbeat', Empty)

        rospy.sleep(0.5) # wait for publishers etc to really be set up
        self._pub.publish(self.status_topic, BEStatus(code=BEStatus.READY))
        rospy.loginfo('\033[92m--- Behavior Engine ready! ---\033[0m')
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(OperatableState, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.transitions = None
     self.autonomy = None
     self._mute = False  # is set to true when used in silent state machine (don't report transitions)
     self._sent_outcome_requests = []  # contains those outcomes that already requested a transition
     self._outcome_topic = '/flexbe/mirror/outcome'
     self._request_topic = '/flexbe/outcome_request'
     self._pub = ProxyPublisher()
     self.__execute = self.execute
     self.execute = self._operatable_execute