def flexx_run(loop): """ Function to start a thread containing the main loop of flexx. """ global flexx_app asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) event = flexx_app # flexx_app was initialized with an Event() flexx_app = flx.launch(Example, loop=loop) event.set()
# doc-export: Main """ Simple hello world following the recommended style of writing apps, using a custom widget that is populated in its ``init()``. """ from flexx import flx class Main(flx.Widget): def init(self): self.b1 = flx.Button(text='Hello') self.b2 = flx.Button(text='World') if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(Main)
# doc-export: MultiApp """ Import apps from other example modules, and host these as widgets in a single app. """ from flexx import flx from flexxamples.demos.drawing import Drawing from flexxamples.howtos.splitters import Split from flexxamples.demos.twente import Twente class MultiApp(flx.TabLayout): def init(self): Drawing(title='Drawing') Split(title='Split') Twente(title='Twente') if __name__ == '__main__': # This example is setup as a desktop app flx.launch(MultiApp)
class ThemedForm(flx.Widget): CSS = """ .flx-Button { background: #9d9; } .flx-LineEdit { border: 2px solid #9d9; } """ def init(self): with flx.HFix(): with flx.FormLayout() as self.form: self.b1 = flx.LineEdit(title='Name:', text='Hola') self.b2 = flx.LineEdit(title='Age:', text='Hello world') self.b3 = flx.LineEdit(title='Favorite color:', text='Foo bar') flx.Button(text='Submit') with flx.FormLayout() as self.form: self.b4 = flx.LineEdit(title='Name:', text='Hola') self.b5 = flx.LineEdit(title='Age:', text='Hello world') self.b6 = flx.LineEdit(title='Favorite color:', text='Foo bar') flx.Button(text='Submit') flx.Widget(flex=1) # Add a spacer if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(ThemedForm, 'app')
with flx.VBox(): self.c1 = flx.ToggleButton(text='apple') self.c2 = flx.ToggleButton(text='banana') self.c3 = flx.ToggleButton(text='pear') self.checklabel = flx.Label(text='...') @flx.reaction('b1.pointer_click', 'b2.pointer_click', 'b3.pointer_click') def _button_clicked(self, *events): ev = events[-1] self.buttonlabel.set_text('Clicked on the ' + ev.source.text) @flx.reaction('r1.checked', 'r2.checked', 'r3.checked') def _radio_changed(self, *events): # There will also be events for radio buttons being unchecked, but # Flexx ensures that the last event is for the one being checked ev = events[-1] self.radiolabel.set_text('Selected the ' + ev.source.text) @flx.reaction('c1.checked', 'c2.checked', 'c3.checked') def _check_changed(self, *events): selected = [c.text for c in (self.c1, self.c2, self.c3) if c.checked] if selected: self.checklabel.set_text('Selected: ' + ', '.join(selected)) else: self.checklabel.set_text('None selected') if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(Example)
# Associate assets needed by this app. flx.assets.associate_asset(__name__, "") flx.assets.associate_asset(__name__, "") flx.assets.associate_asset(__name__, "") class DatePicker(flx.Widget): def _create_dom(self): global window node = window.document.createElement('input') RawJS('$')(node).datepicker() return node class Example(flx.Widget): def init(self): with flx.FormLayout(): self.start = DatePicker(title='Start date') self.end = DatePicker(title='End date') flx.Widget(flex=1) if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(Example, 'app')
hierachy. Instead of using the star notation to select all children, one can use a double-star to select also the children's children, and their children, etc. """ from flexx import flx class DeepEventConnections(flx.Widget): def init(self): # Put a label and some sliders deep in the hierarchy with flx.VBox(): self.label = flx.Label() with flx.HFix(flex=1): for j in range(2): with flx.VBox(flex=1): for i in range(5): flx.Slider(value=i / 5) @flx.reaction('!children**.value') def on_slider_change(self, *events): for ev in events: self.label.set_text('Slider %s changed to %f' % (, ev.new_value)) if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(DeepEventConnections)
# flx.Widget(flex=1) # spacer widget with flx.VFix(style='border:1px solid #777;'): flx.Label(text='Flex 0 0 0 (space divided equally)', style='') with flx.HFix(): self.b1 = flx.Button(text='Hi') self.b2 = flx.Button(text='Helloooo world!') self.b3 = flx.Button(text='Foo bar') flx.Label(text='Flex 1 1 1', style='') with flx.HFix(): self.b1 = flx.Button(flex=1, text='Hi') self.b2 = flx.Button(flex=1, text='Helloooo world!') self.b3 = flx.Button(flex=1, text='Foo bar') flx.Label(text='Flex 1 0 3 (the widget with zero collapses') with flx.HFix(): self.b1 = flx.Button(flex=1, text='Hi') self.b2 = flx.Button(flex=0, text='Helloooo world!') self.b3 = flx.Button(flex=3, text='Foo bar') # If we would put a spacer widget with flex 1 here, the # above widgets would collapse due to their zero flex value. if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(AppLayoutExample)
with flx.HSplit(): self.label = flx.Label(flex=1, style='overflow-y: scroll;') with flx.TreeWidget(flex=1, max_selected=1) as self.tree: for t in ['foo', 'bar', 'spam', 'eggs']: with flx.TreeItem(text=t, checked=None): for i in range(4): item2 = flx.TreeItem(text=t + ' %i' % i, checked=False) if i == 2: with item2: flx.TreeItem(title='A', text='more info on A') flx.TreeItem(title='B', text='more info on B') @flx.reaction('tree.children**.checked', 'tree.children**.selected', 'tree.children**.collapsed') def on_event(self, *events): for ev in events: id = ev.source.title or ev.source.text if ev.new_value: text = id + ' was ' + ev.type else: text = id + ' was ' + 'un-' + ev.type self.label.set_html(text + '<br />' + self.label.html) if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(Example)
""" from flexx import flx class SineExample(flx.Widget): def init(self): time = [i/100 for i in range(100)] with flx.VBox(): with flx.HBox(): flx.Label(text='Frequency:') self.slider1 = flx.Slider(min=1, max=10, value=5, flex=1) flx.Label(text='Phase:') self.slider2 = flx.Slider(min=0, max=6, value=0, flex=1) self.plot = flx.PlotWidget(flex=1, xdata=time, xlabel='time', ylabel='amplitude', title='a sinusoid') @flx.reaction def __update_amplitude(self, *events): global Math freq, phase = self.slider1.value, self.slider2.value ydata = [] for x in self.plot.xdata: ydata.append(Math.sin(freq*x*2*Math.PI+phase)) self.plot.set_data(self.plot.xdata, ydata) if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(SineExample)
Note that one can also open a webpage from Python: import webbrowser'') """ from flexx import flx class Redirect(flx.Widget): def init(self): self.but1 = flx.Button(text='Redirect') self.but2 = flx.Button(text='Open new page') @flx.reaction('but1.pointer_click') def on_redirect(self, *events): global window window.location.href = '' # allow going back # window.location.replace('') # hard redirect @flx.reaction('but2.pointer_click') def on_opennew(self, *events): global window'', '_blank') if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(Redirect, 'browser') flx.start()
'locations': country_codes, 'marker': { 'size': [v**0.5 for v in country_gdps], 'color': country_gdps, 'cmin': 0, 'cmax': 2000, 'colorscale': 'Viridis', 'colorbar': {'title': 'GDP'}, 'line': {'color': 'black'} }, 'name': 'Europe GDP' }] layout = { 'geo': { 'scope': 'europe', 'resolution': 50 } } class PlotlyGeoDemo(flx.HBox): def init(self): flx.PlotlyWidget(data=data, layout=layout) if __name__ == '__main__': flx.launch(PlotlyGeoDemo)
class CodeEditor(flx.Widget): """ A CodeEditor widget based on Ace. """ CSS = """ .flx-CodeEditor > .ace { width: 100%; height: 100%; } """ def init(self): global window # self.ace = window.ace.edit(self.node, "editor") self.ace.setValue("import os\n\ndirs = os.walk") self.ace.navigateFileEnd() # otherwise all lines highlighted self.ace.setTheme("ace/theme/solarized_dark") self.ace.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/python") @flx.reaction('size') def __on_size(self, *events): self.ace.resize() if __name__ == '__main__': flx.launch(CodeEditor, 'app')
def init(self): self.view = SendDataView() self.view.set_data(data_array) class SendDataView(flx.Widget): """ A widget that displays array data. """ def init(self): self.label = flx.Label() self.apply_style('overflow-y: scroll;') # enable scrolling @flx.action def set_data(self, data): # We receive the data as a typed array. # If we would send raw bytes, we would receive it as a DataView, which # we can map to e.g. a Int16Array like so: # data = Int16Array(blob.buffer, blob.byteOffset, blob.byteLength/2) # Show the data as text. We could also e.g. plot it. text = ['%i: %f<br />' % (i, data[i]) for i in range(len(data))] header = 'This data (%i elements) was send in binary form:<br />' % len(data) self.label.set_html(header + ''.join(text)) if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(SendData, 'app')
self.ab = APPBox(flex=0) self.fb = FlowBox(flex=0) = ShowBox(flex=1) @testpmd.reaction('!output') def print_testpmd_output(self, *events): testpmd.alive) for ev in events: for line in ev.buffer: if __name__ == '__main__': if sys.argv[-1] in ["--help", "-h"]: print(""" Start Testpmd web GUI in server mode. Please open URL in broswer Chrome or Firefox Options: --flexx-hostname=<host> Host/IP to listen on --flexx-port=<port> Port number to listen on --app: Start as application single user mode, quit once page close. --help(-h) Show this help """) elif sys.argv[-1] == "--app": flx.launch(TestpmdUI) else: app.serve(TestpmdUI) app.start()
""" Mmmm, cookies ... Small example for using cookies to (securely) store user data accross sessions. """ from flexx import flx class Cookies(flx.PyWidget): def init(self): with flx.Widget(): flx.Label(text='Refreshing the page should ' 'maintain the value of the line edit.') self.edit = flx.LineEdit(placeholder_text='username', text=self.session.get_cookie('username', '')) @flx.reaction('edit.text') def _update_cookie(self, *events): self.session.set_cookie('username', self.edit.text) if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(Cookies, 'browser') flx.start()
@flx.reaction('btndraw.pointer_click') def handle_drawing(self, *events): self.coords.set_text("Drawing..") @flx.reaction('btna.pointer_click') def handle_vector_layers(self, *events): self.coords.set_text("Adding GEOJSON") @flx.reaction('btnosm.pointer_click') def handle_osm_layers(self, *events): self.coords.set_text("Adding Openstreetmap") @flx.reaction('btnr.pointer_click') def handle_remove_layers(self, *events): self.coords.set_text("Removing GEOJSON") @flx.reaction('map.pointer_event') def map_click(self, *events): ev = events[-1] coord = ev['event']['coordinate'] self.coords.set_text("Clicking on coordinate " + str(coord)) if __name__ == '__main__': flx.launch(MainWidget, 'firefox-browser')
degree -= 1 return y # Import a (PScript-compatible) function from another module. In this case # Flexx can tell where it was defined and put it in its own module. See # the page source. from html import escape class UsingPython(flx.Widget): def init(self): # A rather boring way to present the info. The point is that # we're using all sorts of Python stuff here, that is automatically # converted for us. lines = [] lines.append('This JS was generated from Python ' + version) lines.append('Person %s is %i years old' % (info['name'], info['age'])) lines.append('Evaling 4*x**2 + 5*x + 6 with x=4: ' + poly(4, 4, 5, 6)) lines.append('... and with x=12: ' + poly(12, 4, 5, 6)) lines.append('String with escaped html: ' + escape('html <tags>!')) lines.append('String with escaped html: ' + escape('Woezel & Pip')) self.label = flx.Label(wrap=0, html='<br />'.join(lines)) if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(UsingPython, 'browser')
""" Example of VBox, HBox and StackLayout """ from flexx import event, flx class Example(flx.Widget): def init(self): with flx.VBox(): with flx.HBox(): self.buta = flx.Button(text='red') self.butb = flx.Button(text='green') self.butc = flx.Button(text='blue') flx.Widget(flex=1) # space filler with flx.StackLayout(flex=1) as self.stack: self.buta.w = flx.Widget(style='background:#a00;') self.butb.w = flx.Widget(style='background:#0a0;') self.butc.w = flx.Widget(style='background:#00a;') @event.reaction('buta.pointer_down', 'butb.pointer_down', 'butc.pointer_down') def _stacked_current(self, *events): button = events[-1].source self.stack.set_current(button.w) if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(Example, 'default-browser')
one can use a double-star to select also the children's children, and their children, etc. """ from flexx import flx class DeepEventConnections(flx.Widget): def init(self): # Put a label and some sliders deep in the hierarchy with flx.VBox(): self.label = flx.Label() with flx.HFix(flex=1): for j in range(2): with flx.VBox(flex=1): for i in range(5): flx.Slider(value=i/5) @flx.reaction('!children**.value') def on_slider_change(self, *events): for ev in events: self.label.set_text('Slider %s changed to %f' % (, ev.new_value)) if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(DeepEventConnections)
class KeyboardControlsTester(flx.Widget): def init(self): combo_options = ['Paris', 'New York', 'Enschede', 'Tokio'] with flx.HBox(): self.tree = TreeWithControls(flex=1, max_selected=1) with flx.VBox(flex=1): self.combo = flx.ComboBox(options=combo_options, editable=True) flx.Widget(flex=1) # combobox needs space below it to show dropdown with self.tree: for cat in ('foo', 'bar', 'spam'): with flx.TreeItem(text=cat): for name in ('Martin', 'Kees', 'Hans'): item = flx.TreeItem(title=name) item.set_checked(cat=='foo' or None) @flx.reaction('combo.text') def _combo_text_changed(self, *events): for ev in events: print('combo text is now', ev.new_value) if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(KeyboardControlsTester)
(r"/videos/(.*)", StaticFileHandler, {"path": dirname}), ]) class VideoViewer(flx.Widget): """ A simple videoviewer that displays a list of videos found on the server's computer, plus a few online videos. Note that not all videos may be playable in HTML5. """ def init(self): with flx.HSplit(): with flx.TreeWidget(max_selected=1, flex=1) as self.videolist: for name in sorted(videos): flx.TreeItem(text=name) self.player = flx.VideoWidget(flex=5) @flx.reaction('videolist.children*.selected') def on_select(self, *events): for ev in events: if ev.source.selected: fname = ev.source.text self.player.set_source(videos[fname]) if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(VideoViewer)
self.highlight_show(-1) class KeyboardControlsTester(flx.Widget): def init(self): combo_options = ['Paris', 'New York', 'Enschede', 'Tokio'] with flx.HBox(): self.tree = TreeWithControls(flex=1, max_selected=1) self.combo = flx.ComboBox(flex=1, options=combo_options, editable=True) with self.tree: for cat in ('foo', 'bar', 'spam'): with flx.TreeItem(text=cat): for name in ('Martin', 'Kees', 'Hans'): item = flx.TreeItem(title=name) item.set_checked(cat == 'foo' or None) @flx.reaction('combo.text') def _combo_text_changed(self, *events): for ev in events: print('combo text is now', ev.new_value) if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(KeyboardControlsTester)
This example uses Flexx to collect and compile the Python code to JS modules, and provide a HTML5 canvas without having to write HTML. """ from flexx import flx from wgpu.gui.flexx import WgpuCanvas # WgpuCanvas is a flx.Canvas subclass import wgpu.backends.js # noqa: F401, Select JS backend # Import the (async) function that we must call to run the visualization import triangle # todo: how to serialize the shaders? base64 or via a custom hook? triangle.vertex_shader = "something that flexx can serialize" triangle.fragment_shader = "something that flexx can serialize" class Example(flx.Widget): def init(self): # All of this gets executed in JS super().init() with flx.HBox(): self.canvas = WgpuCanvas() triangle.main(self.canvas) if __name__ == "__main__": m = flx.launch(Example, "chrome-browser")
y = node.y - quad.point.y s = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) r = node.radius + quad.point.radius if (s < r): s = (s - r) / s * .5 x *= s y *= s node.x -= x node.y -= y quad.point.x += x quad.point.y += y return x1 > nx2 or x2 < nx1 or y1 > ny2 or y2 < ny1 return func class CollisionDemo(flx.Widget): def init(self): with flx.VSplit(): with flx.HSplit(): CollisionWidget() CollisionWidget() with flx.HSplit(): CollisionWidget() CollisionWidget() if __name__ == '__main__': flx.launch(CollisionDemo, 'app')
def init(self): with MyHBox(): with MyVBox(flex=2): with MyVBox(flex=4, spacing=30): flx.Widget(flex=1, css_class='white') flx.Widget(flex=1, css_class='white') with MyVBox(flex=2, css_class='blue'): flx.Widget(flex=1, css_class='edge') flx.Widget(flex=1, css_class='edge') with MyVBox(flex=6): with MyVBox(flex=4, spacing=30, css_class='red'): flx.Widget(flex=1, css_class='edge') flx.Widget(flex=1, css_class='edge') with MyHBox(flex=2): flx.Widget(flex=6, css_class='white') with MyVBox(flex=1): flx.Widget(flex=1, css_class='white') flx.Widget(flex=1, css_class='yellow') if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(Mondriaan, 'app')
def init(self): with flx.VBox(flex=0): with flx.VBox(flex=0): src = "" self.img = flx.ImageWidget(flex=0, stretch=False, source=src) self.img.set_minsize(500, 500) self.img.set_maxsize(500, 500) with flx.HBox(flex=1): self.b1 = flx.Button(text="Yes") self.void = flx.Label() self.b2 = flx.Button(text="No") self.b1.set_maxsize(40, 40) self.b2.set_maxsize(40, 40) self.void.set_maxsize(420, 40) @flx.reaction("b1.pointer_click") def b1_clicked(self, *events): print("yes") self.img.set_source( "" ) @flx.reaction("b2.pointer_click") def b2_clicked(self, *events): print("no") if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(Jank, "app", title="Meme-Beam", size=(510, 540))
# doc-export: ScrollExample """ Example that shows how to make the content of a widget scrollable. It comes down to setting a style attribute: "overflow-y: auto;". """ from flexx import flx class ScrollExample(flx.Widget): CSS = """ .flx-ScrollExample { overflow-y: scroll; // scroll or auto } """ def init(self): with flx.Widget(): for i in range(100): flx.Button(text="button " + str(i)) if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(ScrollExample)
Panel(text='C is a bit longer', flex=3) with flx.VBox(flex=1): flx.Label(html='<b>Fix mode</b> (high level layout)') flx.Label(text='flex: 1, sub-flexes: 0, 0, 0') with flx.HFix(flex=1): Panel(text='A', flex=0) Panel(text='B', flex=0) Panel(text='C is a bit longer', flex=0) flx.Label(text='flex: 0 (collapses), sub-flexes: 1, 1, 1') with flx.HFix(flex=0): Panel(text='A', flex=1, style='min-height:5px;') Panel(text='B', flex=1) Panel(text='C is a bit longer', flex=1) flx.Label(text='flex: 1, sub-flexes: 1, 0, 2') with flx.HFix(flex=1): Panel(text='A', flex=1) Panel(text='B', flex=0) Panel(text='C is a bit longer', flex=2) flx.Label(text='flex: 2, sub-flexes: 1, 2, 3') with flx.HFix(flex=2): Panel(text='A', flex=1) Panel(text='B', flex=2) Panel(text='C is a bit longer', flex=3) if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(Boxes)
{'class': 'btn btn-primary mb-2', 'onclick': self._button_clicked }, 'Submit' ), ] # Create virtual DOM nodes for all persons. We use bootstrap cards card_nodes = [] for name, info in self.persons: person_node = flx.create_element('div', {'class': 'card'}, flx.create_element('div', {'class': 'card-body'}, flx.create_element('h5', {'class': 'card-title'}, name), flx.create_element('p', {'class': 'card-text'}, info), ) ) card_nodes.append(person_node) # Compose finaly DOM tree return flx.create_element('div', {}, flx.create_element('div', {'class': 'form-inline'}, form_nodes ), *card_nodes) if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(Example, 'firefox-browser')
with flx.VFix(style='border:1px solid #777;'): flx.Label(text='Flex 0 0 0 (space divided equally)', style='') with flx.HFix(): self.b1 = flx.Button(text='Hi') self.b2 = flx.Button(text='Helloooo world!') self.b3 = flx.Button(text='Foo bar') flx.Label(text='Flex 1 1 1', style='') with flx.HFix(): self.b1 = flx.Button(flex=1, text='Hi') self.b2 = flx.Button(flex=1, text='Helloooo world!') self.b3 = flx.Button(flex=1, text='Foo bar') flx.Label( text='Flex 1 0 3 (the widget with zero collapses') with flx.HFix(): self.b1 = flx.Button(flex=1, text='Hi') self.b2 = flx.Button(flex=0, text='Helloooo world!') self.b3 = flx.Button(flex=3, text='Foo bar') # If we would put a spacer widget with flex 1 here, the # above widgets would collapse due to their zero flex value. if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(AppLayoutExample)
'rate': 10.0 }) # Setup the URDF client. self.urdfClient = window.ROS3D.UrdfClient({ 'param': self.robot_description, 'path': 'http://' + self.host_ip + ':' + str(self.resources_port), 'ros': self.ros, 'tfClient': self.tfClient, 'rootObject': self.viewer.scene, 'loader': window.ROS3D.COLLADA_LOADER_2 }) self.initialised = True @flx.reaction('size') def __on_size(self, *events): if self.viewer: self.viewer.resize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight) if __name__ == '__main__': flx.launch(RobotModelWidget, 'app')
""" def init(self): self.view = SendDataView() self.view.set_data(data_array) class SendDataView(flx.Widget): """ A widget that displays array data. """ def init(self): self.label = flx.Label() self.apply_style('overflow-y: scroll;') # enable scrolling @flx.action def set_data(self, data): # We receive the data as a typed array. # If we would send raw bytes, we would receive it as a DataView, which # we can map to e.g. a Int16Array like so: # data = Int16Array(blob.buffer, blob.byteOffset, blob.byteLength/2) # Show the data as text. We could also e.g. plot it. text = ['%i: %f<br />' % (i, data[i]) for i in range(len(data))] header = 'This data (%i elements) was send in binary form:<br />' % len( data) self.label.set_html(header + ''.join(text)) if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(SendData, 'app')
if i == 2: with item2: flx.TreeItem(title='A', text='more info on A') flx.TreeItem(title='B', text='more info on B') #@+node:ekr.20181110170328.3: *3* tree.on_event @flx.reaction( 'tree.children**.checked', 'tree.children**.selected', 'tree.children**.collapsed', ) def on_event(self, *events): for ev in events: # print(ev.source, ev.type) id_ = ev.source.title or ev.source.text kind = '' if ev.new_value else 'un-' text = '%10s: %s' % (id_, kind + ev.type) assert text ### self.label.set_html(text + '<br />' + self.label.html) #@-others #@-others if __name__ == '__main__': flx.launch(LeoMainWindow) # # Runs in browser. # # `python -m flexx stop 49190` stops the server. # flx.App(LeoWapp).launch('firefox-browser') # flx.start() #@-leo
}, 'Last name')), flx.create_element('button', { 'class': 'btn btn-primary mb-2', 'onclick': self._button_clicked }, 'Submit'), ] # Create virtual DOM nodes for all persons. We use bootstrap cards card_nodes = [] for name, info in self.persons: person_node = flx.create_element( 'div', {'class': 'card'}, flx.create_element( 'div', {'class': 'card-body'}, flx.create_element('h5', {'class': 'card-title'}, name), flx.create_element('p', {'class': 'card-text'}, info), )) card_nodes.append(person_node) # Compose finaly DOM tree return flx.create_element( 'div', {}, flx.create_element('div', {'class': 'form-inline'}, form_nodes), *card_nodes) if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(Example, 'firefox-browser') # flx.start()
@flx.reaction('btna.pointer_click') def handle_seamap_add(self, *events): self.leaflet.add_layer('', 'OpenSeaMap') @flx.reaction('btnr.pointer_click') def handle_seamap_remove(self, *events): self.leaflet.remove_layer('', 'OpenSeaMap') # @flx.reaction('cbs.checked', 'cbl.checked') # def handle_checkboxes(self, *events): # self.leaflet.set_show_scale( # self.leaflet.show_layers = self.cbl.checked @flx.reaction('leaflet.pointer_event') def handle_leaflet_mouse(self, *events): global L ev = events[-1] latlng = tuple(ev['latlng']) flx.Label(text='%f, %f' % (int(100*latlng[0])/100, int(100*latlng[1])/100), parent=self.list) latlng = tuple(ev['latlng']) if ev['event'] == 'click': m = L.marker(ev['latlng']) m.bindTooltip('%f, %f' % (latlng[0], latlng[1])) m.addTo( if __name__ == '__main__': flx.launch(LeafletExample, 'firefox')
flx.TreeItem(title='B', text='more info on B') #@+node:ekr.20181110170328.3: *3* tree.on_event @flx.reaction( 'tree.children**.checked', 'tree.children**.selected', 'tree.children**.collapsed', ) def on_event(self, *events): for ev in events: # print(ev.source, ev.type) id_ = ev.source.title or ev.source.text kind = '' if ev.new_value else 'un-' text = '%10s: %s' % (id_, kind + ev.type) assert text ### self.label.set_html(text + '<br />' + self.label.html) #@-others #@-others if __name__ == '__main__': flx.launch(LeoMainWindow) # # Runs in browser. # # `python -m flexx stop 49190` stops the server. # flx.App(LeoWapp).launch('firefox-browser') # flx.start() #@-leo
def init(self): self.amp = flx.Slider(title='Amplitude', max=2, value=1) self.freq = flx.Slider(title='Frequency', max=10, value=5) self.phase = flx.Slider(title='Phase', max=3, value=1) @flx.reaction def _update_sine(self): global window amp, freq, phase = self.amp.value, self.freq.value, self.phase.value # Get reference to data source ds = None plot2 = self.parent.children[1].children[0] plot = plot2.plot if plot: for ren in plot.model.renderers.values(): if ren.data_source: ds = ren.data_source break # Update if ds: = [ amp * window.Math.sin(x * freq + phase) for x in ] ds.change.emit() # or trigger('change') in older versions if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(BokehExample, 'app')
""" Simple use of a the markdown widget, using a custom widget that is populated in its ``init()``. """ from flexx import flx class Example(flx.Widget): def init(self): content = "# Welcome\n\n" \ "This flexx app is now served with flask! " flx.Markdown(content=content, style='background:#EAECFF;') if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(Example, 'default-browser', backend='flask')
def init(self): with flx.VBox(): with flx.HBox(): self.first_edit = flx.LineEdit(placeholder_text='first name', text='Jane') self.last_edit = flx.LineEdit(placeholder_text='last name', text='Doe') flx.Widget(flex=1) # spacer with flx.HBox(): flx.Label(text=lambda: self.root.first_name, style='border:1px solid red') flx.Label(text=lambda: self.root.last_name, style='border:1px solid red') flx.Widget(flex=1) # spacer MyPersonLabel(style='border:1px solid blue') flx.Widget(flex=1) # spacer @flx.reaction def _update_name(self): self.root.set_first_name(self.first_edit.text) self.root.set_last_name(self.last_edit.text) if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(MyApp)
for ev in events: self.ctx.beginPath() self.ctx.fillStyle = '#00f' self.ctx.arc(ev.pos[0], ev.pos[1], 3, 0, 6.2831) self.ctx.fill() self.show_pos(ev) class Main(flx.Widget): """ Embed in larger widget to test offset. """ CSS = """ .flx-Main {background: #eee;} """ def init(self): with flx.VFix(): flx.Widget(flex=1) with flx.HFix(flex=2): flx.Widget(flex=1) Drawing(flex=2) flx.Widget(flex=1) flx.Widget(flex=1) if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(Main, 'app') flx.start()
def _on_save_file(self, file, pkt): wrpcap(file, pkt) self.set_status(f"Saved to file: {file}") def load_pcap(self): self.pnl_browser.set_callback(self._on_load_file) self.activate_panel(self.pnl_browser) def save_pcap(self, pkt): self.pnl_browser.set_callback(self._on_save_file, pkt) self.activate_panel(self.pnl_browser) if __name__ == '__main__': if sys.argv[-1] in ["--help","-h"]: print(""" Start Scapy web GUI in server mode which support multiple users. Please open URL in broswer Chrome or Firefox Options: --flexx-hostname=<host> Host/IP to listen on --flexx-port=<port> Port number to listen on --app: Start as application single user mode, quit once page close. --help(-h) Show this help """) elif sys.argv[-1] == "--app": flx.launch(ScapyUI) else: app.serve(ScapyUI) app.start()
# doc-export: Split """ Splitter widgets are cool! """ from flexx import flx class Split(flx.Widget): def init(self): with flx.HSplit(): flx.Widget(style='background:#f00') with flx.VSplit(): flx.Widget(style='background:#0f0') with flx.HSplit(): flx.Widget(style='background:#ff0') with flx.VSplit(): flx.Widget(style='background:#f0f') with flx.HSplit(): flx.Widget(style='background:#0ff') flx.Widget(style='background:#00f') if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(Split)
with flx.HFix(): # Use minsize in CSS of button widget with flx.GroupWidget(title='asdas'): with flx.HFix(): flx.Button(text='foo') flx.Button(text='bar') with flx.HFix(minsize=50): # Set minsize prop on container flx.Button(text='foo') flx.Button(text='bar') with flx.HFix(): # Set minsize prop on widget flx.Button(text='foo', minsize=50) flx.Button(text='bar') with flx.HFix(): # Old school setting of style flx.Button(text='foo', style='min-height:50px;') flx.Button(text='bar', ) with flx.Widget(): # Singleton widgets (e.g. custom classes) with flx.HFix(): flx.Button(text='foo') flx.Button(text='bar') flx.Widget(flex=1, style='background:#f99;') # spacer if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(Tester, 'firefox')