def __init__(self, polygon_path, scope, server_address, display=False): self.assertServerAddressNotUsed(server_address) self.__server_addr_ = server_address self.__usockfd_ = None self.__fplanner_ = FlightPlanner(polygon_path, scope) self.__display_ = display self.__connection_ = None self.__my_nodeId_ = parseNodeId(gs.NODE_ID_PATH) self.__autopilot = Autopilot(speed=gs.AUTOPILOT_SPEED, nodeID=self.__my_nodeId_) # 1 waypoint / sec self.__last_status_node_map_ = dict()
def flight_plans_calculating(self, alpha, status_node_map): # draws flight plans in the selected area # calcul scope self.scope = calcul_scope(*self.crop_picture.shape[:2], alpha) print("SCOPE:",self.scope) # create object FlightPlanner self.fplanner = FlightPlanner(global_area_path=self.points_filename, scope=self.scope) self.fplanner.recompute(status_node_map) # draw flight plans png_crop_picture = self.create_png_image(image=self.crop_picture, transparency=255) self.crop_with_fps = self.draw_flight_plans(png_crop_picture) # create picture self.create_picture(filename=self.crop_with_fps_filename, picture=self.crop_with_fps, to_png=True)
class MapGUI(object): """ User interface that allows users: 1) Select the desired area (polygon vertices) from a map via the select_area method. 2) Show the area's partition and different paths within each partition via the drawFlightPlans method. """ def __init__(self, window_name, points_filename, crop_filename, crop_withblack_filename, crop_withfps_filename, reconstruct_area_filename, drones_photo_path, display=False): self.display = display self.window_name = window_name # Window's Name self.points_filename = points_filename self.crop_filename = crop_filename self.crop_withblack_filename = crop_withblack_filename self.crop_with_fps_filename = crop_withfps_filename self.reconstruct_filename = reconstruct_area_filename self.drones_photo_path = drones_photo_path self.done = False # Flag signalling user is done choosing area points self.cancel = False # Flag signalling user cancel area_selection self.current = (0, 0) # current user choosing point self.points = [] # List of points defining original polygon self.croped_polygon = None # List of points defining croped polygon self.original_picture = None self.canvas = None # charging full area map self.crop_picture = None # selected area self.crop_withblack = None # selected area with black self.crop_with_fps = None # selected area with flight plans(drones paths) self.transparent_img = None # transparent layer used in area reconstruction self.current_status = None # save last nodes_status received self.last_position_received = {} self.last_photo_taken = {} self.first_time = True self.drone_photo = cv2.imread(self.drones_photo_path, -1) self.fplanner = None self.scope = None def start_ui(self): # start windows that allows users to select desired area # returns True if user successfully selected area, False if user cancel area selection self.select_area() if not self.cancel: self.crop_polygon() self.create_polygon_file() self.points = list() self.create_picture(filename=self.crop_filename, picture=self.crop_picture, to_png=False) self.create_picture(filename=self.crop_withblack_filename, picture=self.crop_withblack, to_png=True) return True else: return False def set_picture(self, path): self.original_picture = cv2.imread(filename=path) def mouse_clic_action(self, event, x, y, buttons, user_param): # Mouse callback that gets called for every mouse event (i.e. moving, clicking, etc.) if self.done: # Nothing more to do return if event == cv2.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE: # Mouse move - update current mouse position self.current = (x, y) elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: # Left click - adding a point at current position to the list of vertices if self.display: print("Adding point #%d with position(%d,%d)" % (len(self.points), x, y)) self.points.append((x, y)), center=(x, y), radius=40, color=Colors.RED, thickness=-1) cv2.polylines(img=self.canvas, pts=np.array([self.points]), isClosed=False, color=Colors.ORANGE, thickness=10) def select_area(self): # Create original picture copy self.canvas = self.original_picture.copy() # reset flag done and cancel self.done = False self.cancel = False # Create window and set a mouse callback to handle events cv2.namedWindow(winname=self.window_name, flags=cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.resizeWindow(winname=self.window_name, width=1000, height=800) cv2.imshow(winname=self.window_name, mat=self.canvas) cv2.waitKey(delay=1) cv2.setMouseCallback(self.window_name, self.mouse_clic_action) while (not self.done): # Selecting Area Loop # Update the window cv2.imshow(winname=self.window_name, mat=self.canvas) # And wait 50ms before next iteration (this will pump window messages meanwhile) key_pressed = cv2.waitKey(50) if key_pressed == 32: # Press Enter to finish the area selection if Polygon(*self.points).is_convex(): self.done = True else: print("Polygon is not convex. Test with another one.") self.points = list() self.cancel = True # TODO: reset polylines elif key_pressed == 27: # Press Esc to cancel area selection self.done = True self.cancel = True self.points = list() # of a filled polygon if (len(self.points) > 2) and not self.cancel: cv2.polylines(img=self.canvas, pts=np.array([self.points]), isClosed=True, color=Colors.ORANGE, thickness=10) # TODO else when <= 2 points # TODO verify its not convex # show polygon cv2.imshow(winname=self.window_name, mat=self.canvas) # Waiting for the user to press any key cv2.waitKey() def check_selected_polygon(self): valid_polygon = False if (len(self.points) > 2): if Polygon(*self.points).is_convex(): valid_polygon = True elif Polygon( *(self.points[::-1])).is_convex(): # check anticlockwise valid_polygon = True self.points = self.points[::-1] else: valid_polygon = False else: valid_polygon = False return valid_polygon def crop_polygon(self): ## CROP the selected desired area # crop map self.croped_polygon = np.array(self.points) x, y, crop_w, crop_h = cv2.boundingRect(self.croped_polygon) self.crop_picture = self.original_picture[y:y + crop_h, x:x + crop_w].copy() # mask self.croped_polygon = self.croped_polygon - self.croped_polygon.min( axis=0) mask = np.zeros(self.crop_picture.shape[:2], np.uint8) cv2.drawContours(image=mask, contours=[self.croped_polygon], contourIdx=-1, color=Colors.WHITE, thickness=-1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) # transform PNG copie = self.crop_picture.copy() self.crop_withblack = self.create_png_image(image=copie, transparency=0) # apply mask self.crop_withblack[:, :, 3] = mask def reset_transparent_img(self): # create transparent image (for area_reconstruction) img_height, img_width = self.crop_picture.shape[:2] self.transparent_img = np.zeros((img_height, img_width, 4), dtype=np.uint8) def create_png_image(self, image, transparency): b, g, r = cv2.split(image) alpha = np.ones(b.shape, dtype=b.dtype) * transparency png_image = cv2.merge((b, g, r, alpha)) return png_image def create_polygon_file(self): # create a text file with the polygon's coordinates with open(file=self.points_filename, mode="w") as file: for pair in self.croped_polygon: file.write(str(pair[0]) + ", " + str(pair[1]) + "\n") def create_picture(self, filename, picture, to_png=True): # create an image if to_png: cv2.imwrite(filename=filename, img=picture) else: cv2.imwrite(filename=filename, img=picture, params=[int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 30]) def flight_plans_calculating(self, alpha, N_drones): # draws flight plans in the selected area # calcul scope self.scope = calcul_scope(self.crop_picture, alpha) print("SCOPE:", self.scope) # create object FlightPlanner self.fplanner = FlightPlanner(global_area_path=self.points_filename, scope=self.scope) self.fplanner.recompute(create_dic_bidon(N_drones)) # draw flight plans png_crop_picture = self.create_png_image(image=self.crop_picture, transparency=255) self.crop_with_fps = self.draw_flight_plans(png_crop_picture) # create picture self.create_picture(filename=self.crop_with_fps_filename, picture=self.crop_with_fps, to_png=True) def draw_flight_plans(self, picture): for flight_plan in self.fplanner.flight_plans: # draw partition area polygon = np.array(flight_plan.polygon_vertices, np.int32) picture = cv2.polylines(img=picture, pts=[polygon], isClosed=True, color=Colors.WHITE_PNG, thickness=5) # draw route route = np.array(flight_plan.route, np.int32) picture = cv2.polylines(img=picture, pts=[route], isClosed=True, color=Colors.ORANGE_PNG, thickness=3) return picture def set_display_flight_plans(self, flag): if flag: self.display = True else: self.display = False def destroy_window(self): cv2.destroyWindow(winname=self.window_name) ############ TEST FONCTIONS ################## #### OFFLINE SIMULATION ###### def simulate_drones_surveillance(self): # Simulation of all drones flying and taking pictures images = {} drone_id = 0 for flight_plan in self.fplanner.flight_plans: # route of each drone age = 0 route = np.array(flight_plan.route, np.int32) for points in route: # drone taking picture at each point photo = self.take_photo( points, self.scope, self.drones_photo_path + "/photo_" + str(points[0]) + "_" + str(points[1]) + ".jpg") images[(points[0], points[1])] = (drone_id, photo, age) age += 1 drone_id += 1 print("taking pictures: done") return images def take_photo(self, position, scope, path=None): # Drone taking picture at given position # create photo scope x = max((position[0] - scope), 0) y = max((position[1] - scope), 0) # take photo img_height, img_width = self.crop_picture.shape[:2] x_end = min(img_width, (x + (2 * scope))) y_end = min(img_height, (y + (2 * scope))) photo = self.crop_picture[y:y_end, x:x_end].copy() # save photo # cv2.imwrite(path, photo) # we dont save the pictures (just for the test) return photo def area_reconstruction(self, images): # reconstruction of global area using drones photos x_pos = y_pos = photo_height = photo_width = 0 # reconstruction of pictures for drone_id in images: # draw drone in current position x_pos = max((images[drone_id][0][0] - self.scope), 0) y_pos = max((images[drone_id][0][1] - self.scope), 0) png_photo = self.create_png_image(image=images[drone_id][1], transparency=255) photo_height, photo_width = png_photo.shape[:2] drone = cv2.resize(self.drone_photo, (photo_width, photo_height)) try: self.transparent_img[y_pos:y_pos + photo_height, x_pos:x_pos + photo_width] = drone except ValueError as e: print("3!! Error") pass if self.first_time: pass else: # draw last photo taken by drone x = self.last_position_received[drone_id][0] y = self.last_position_received[drone_id][1] width = self.last_position_received[drone_id][2] height = self.last_position_received[drone_id][3] try: self.transparent_img[ y:y + height, x:x + width] = self.last_photo_taken[drone_id] except ValueError as e: print("3!! Error") pass # save positions and current photo self.last_position_received[drone_id] = deepcopy( [x_pos, y_pos, photo_width, photo_height]) self.last_photo_taken[drone_id] = deepcopy(png_photo) self.first_time = False if self.display: # draw flight plans picture_to_draw = self.draw_flight_plans( deepcopy(self.transparent_img)) self.create_picture(self.reconstruct_filename, picture_to_draw) else: self.create_picture(self.reconstruct_filename, self.transparent_img) def order_received_images(self, images): order_images = {} # order_images[drone_id] = (points, photo, age) for points in images: if images[points][0] in order_images: order_images[images[points][0]].append( (points, images[points][1], images[points][2])) else: order_images[images[points][0]] = [] order_images[images[points][0]].append( (points, images[points][1], images[points][2])) # order drones photos in age order lengths = [] for drone_id in order_images: order_images[drone_id].sort(key=itemgetter(2)) lengths.append(len(order_images[drone_id])) return order_images, lengths
class FlightServer: def __init__(self, polygon_path, scope, server_address, display=False): self.assertServerAddressNotUsed(server_address) self.__server_addr_ = server_address self.__usockfd_ = None self.__fplanner_ = FlightPlanner(polygon_path, scope) self.__display_ = display self.__connection_ = None self.__my_nodeId_ = parseNodeId(gs.NODE_ID_PATH) self.__autopilot = Autopilot(speed=gs.AUTOPILOT_SPEED, nodeID=self.__my_nodeId_) # 1 waypoint / sec self.__last_status_node_map_ = dict() @staticmethod def assertServerAddressNotUsed(server_address): # Make sure the socket does not already exist try: os.unlink(server_address) except OSError: if os.path.exists(server_address): raise def setup_usocket(self): self.__usockfd_ = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Bind the socket to the address print('starting up on {}'.format(self.__server_addr_)) self.__usockfd_.bind(self.__server_addr_) self.__usockfd_.listen(1) # Listen for incoming connections def processReceived(self, received_data): try: status_node_map = json.loads(received_data) except ValueError: print("Ignoring packet") return if not(status_node_map== self.__last_status_node_map_): self.__last_status_node_map_ = status_node_map new_polygon = False if "255" in status_node_map: new_polygon = True self.__fplanner_.notifyNewPolygon() del status_node_map["255"] self.__fplanner_.recompute(status_node_map, new_polygon) if self.__display_: plotAllFlightPlans(self.__fplanner_.flight_plans) for fplan in self.__fplanner_.flight_plans: if fplan.nodeid == self.__my_nodeId_: print("Sending flight-plan to autopilot") print(fplan) self.__autopilot.set_flightplan(fplan) break def receiveData(self, connection, client_address): # Receive the data in small chunks and retransmit it received_chunk = connection.recv(4096) if received_chunk: json_status_nodemap = received_chunk.decode() return json_status_nodemap else: print("Connection closed") return None def start(self): self.setup_usocket() print('Waiting for a connection') # Wait for a connection self.__autopilot.start() while True: self.__connection_, client_address = self.__usockfd_.accept() print('Connection open', client_address) received_chunk = self.__connection_.recv(4096) json_status_nodemap = received_chunk.decode() if received_chunk else None print("Received #", json_status_nodemap, "#") if not json_status_nodemap: print("closing connection") self.__connection_.close() # Clean up the connection break self.processReceived(json_status_nodemap) def stop(self): self.__autopilot.stop() if self.__connection_: self.__connection_.close() # Clean up the connection
# mc.set_pwm(mc.esc_three, test_pwm) mc.set_pwm(mc.esc_four, test_pwm) inp = raw_input() if inp == 'stop': keep_testing = False elif inp == 'd': test_pwm -= 50 elif inp == 'u': test_pwm += 50 else: pass """ if __name__ == '__main__': # Initialize node rospy.init_node('picopter') try: picopter = Quadcopter(1.1, 0.3556 / 2, 0.28575 / 2, 0.008465, 0.0154223, 0.023367, 1.13e-8, 8.300e-8) bno = Imu() mc = MotorController() qc = QuadController(picopter) fp = FlightPlanner() se = StateEstimator(picopter, bno) picopter_fly = PicopterFly(bno, mc, qc, fp, se, picopter) except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass