def create(cls, a, b, c, nel, ori):
        Creates a chain of ellipsoids
        ori : (nel, 4) ndarray
            Orientations of all ellipsoids
        el_oris = ori
        el_coms = np.zeros((nel, 3))
        joints = {}

        for k in range(1, nel):
            xi = np.array([a, 0, 0])
            zeta = np.array([-a, 0, 0])
            nu = tr.shift_vector_quat(xi, el_oris[k - 1, :], forward=False)
            mu = tr.shift_vector_quat(zeta, el_oris[k, :], forward=False)
            el_coms[k, :] = el_coms[k - 1, :] + nu - mu
            joints[k + 1] = {
                'from': xi,
                'to': zeta,
                'pf': k,
                'sf': k + 1,

        ec = cls(a, b, c, el_coms, el_oris, joints)
        return ec
 def set_com(self, loc):
     delta = loc -
     for k in range(self.nel):
         self.el_coms[k, :] += delta = np.mean(self.el_coms, axis=0)
     #Update the root joint
     q = self.el_oris[0, :]
     to = tr.shift_vector_quat(-self.el_coms[0, :], q, forward=True)
     self._joints[1]['to'] = to
 def set_orientation(self, ori):
     ori: (4,) ndarray representing a unit quaternion
     q_ini = np.copy(self.orientation)
     q_fin = ori
     #Vector rotation
     q = tr.get_quat_prod(q_fin, tr.invert_quat(q_ini))
     self.verts = tr.rotate_vector_quat(self.verts, q)
     #Update the director, codirector, and bidirector
     #Transform the axes to the world frame using the orientation
     self.director = tr.shift_vector_quat(np.array([1,0,0]), q_fin,
     self.codirector = tr.shift_vector_quat(np.array([0,1,0]), q_fin,
     self.bidirector = tr.shift_vector_quat(np.array([0,0,1]), q_fin,
     #Update the orientation
     self.orientation = ori
    def __init__(self, a, b, c, el_coms, el_oris, joints):
        a : float/ndarray
            Ellipsoid a
        b : float/ndarray
            Ellipsoid b
        c : float/ndarray
            Ellipsoid c
        el_coms : (N,3) ndarray, dtype float
            Ellipsoid c.o.m. in world frame.
        el_oris : (N,4) ndarray, dtype float
            Ellipsoid orientations in world frame.
        joints : dict
            The values of the joint variables will be overwritten.

        An Ellipsoid_chain instance

        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.c = c
        self.el_coms = el_coms
        self.el_oris = el_oris
        self._joints = joints

        self.nel = self.el_coms.shape[0]  #ellipsoids = np.mean(self.el_coms, axis=0)
        #Root joint
        q = self.el_oris[0, :]
        to = tr.shift_vector_quat(-self.el_coms[0, :], q, forward=True)
        self._joints[1] = {
            'joint_type': 'root',
            'to': to,
            'orientation': {
                'repr': 'quat',
                'quat': q
        #Joint variables for non-root joints
        for jid in range(2, self.nel + 1):
            #Joint `jid` connects body `jid-1` with body `jid`. The array
            #indices for accessing com and ori for body `k` is `k-1`.
            inv = tr.get_inverted_quat(self.el_oris[jid - 2, :])
            quat = tr.get_quat_prod(inv, self.el_oris[jid - 1, :])
            self._joints[jid]['orientation'] = {'repr': 'quat', 'quat': quat}
    def from_df_mbs(cls, df_mbs, modelspec):
        Creates a MiuraSheet instance from df_mbs and modelspec. The c.o.m.
        position and orientation is as calculated from df_mbs.

        df_mbs : dict
            keywords: 'body_coms', 'body_orientations'
        modelspec : dict

        ms : An instance of MiuraSheet

        #Extract from df_mbs
        body_coms = df_mbs['body_coms']
        body_oris = df_mbs['body_orientations']

        #Extract from modelspec
        bodies = modelspec['bodies']
        joints = modelspec['joints']
        internal = modelspec['{internal}']
        faces = np.asarray(internal['faces'], dtype='i4')
        joint_edges = internal['joint_edges']
        nverts_z = internal['nverts_z']
        nverts_x = internal['nverts_x']
        vert_map = np.asarray(internal['vert_map'], dtype='i4')
        nverts = nverts_z*nverts_x
        verts = np.zeros((nverts,3))

        for k in range(nverts):
            iface = vert_map[k,0]
            ivert = vert_map[k,1]
            ibody = iface + 1
            body_vert = np.asarray(bodies[ibody]['parallelogram']['vertices'][ivert])
            body_com = body_coms[iface]
            body_ori = body_oris[iface]
            vert = tr.shift_vector_quat(body_vert, body_ori, forward=False)
            verts[k,:] = vert + body_com

        ms = cls(nverts_z, nverts_x, verts, faces, joint_edges)
        return ms