def sendStatistic(packages): types = {} for p in packages: for c in p.counters: if c.type not in types: types[c.type] = c types[c.type].add(c) for key in types: d = types[key] body = { "type": "jacoco_" + d.type, "data": { "missed": d.missed, "covered": d.covered } } api = client.Client() status = api.sendStatistic(body) print("[plugin-maven-test]: jacoco {} statistic data sent {}".format( d.type, status))
def sendReport(): if not os.path.exists(ReportPath): sys.exit("'{}' not existed".format(ReportPath)) if not checkContentType(ReportContentType): sys.exit("Report content type not suported") upload = ReportPath isZipFile = "false" if os.path.isdir(ReportPath): zipFileName = os.path.basename(ReportPath) upload = shutil.make_archive(zipFileName, 'zip', ReportPath) isZipFile = "true" print("zipped.") api = client.Client() status = api.sendJobReport( path=upload, name=ReportName, zipped=isZipFile, contentType=ReportContentType, entryFile=EntryFile ) print("{} report uploaded with status {}".format(ReportPath, status))
def sendJobReport(): reports = client.FindFiles("junit-report.html") if len(reports) == 0: print("[plugin-maven-test]: junit-report.html not found") return # copy resource to target outputDir = GetOutputDir() junitDir = os.path.join(outputDir, "junit") if os.path.exists(junitDir): shutil.rmtree(junitDir, True) os.mkdir(junitDir) junitResDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "resources", "junit") shutil.copy(reports[0], junitDir) shutil.copytree(os.path.join(junitResDir, "css"), os.path.join(junitDir, "css")) shutil.copytree(os.path.join(junitResDir, "images"), os.path.join(junitDir, "images")) zipFile = os.path.join(outputDir, "junit-report") zipFile = shutil.make_archive(zipFile, 'zip', junitDir) api = client.Client() status = api.sendJobReport(path=zipFile, name=domain.JobReportTests, zipped="true", contentType=domain.ContentTypeHtml, entryFile="junit-report.html") print("[plugin-maven-test]: upload junit report with status {}".format( status)) return
def sendFlowStatistic(stats): body = {"type": "junit", "data": stats} api = client.Client() status = api.sendStatistic(body) print("[plugin-maven-test]: upload junit statistic data with status {}". format(status)) return
def sendReport(reports): outputDir = GetOutputDir() jacocoDir = os.path.join(outputDir, "jacoco") Merge(reports, jacocoDir) zipFile = os.path.join(outputDir, "jacoco-report") zipFile = shutil.make_archive(zipFile, 'zip', jacocoDir) api = client.Client() status = api.sendJobReport(path=zipFile, name=domain.JobReportCodeCoverage, zipped="true", contentType=domain.ContentTypeHtml, entryFile="index.html") print("[plugin-maven-test]: upload jacoco report with status {}".format( status))
def sendReport(path, entryFile): if not os.path.exists(path): print("'{}' not existed".format(path)) return upload = path isZipFile = "false" if os.path.isdir(path): zipFileName = os.path.basename(path) upload = shutil.make_archive(zipFileName, 'zip', path) isZipFile = "true" print("zipped.") api = client.Client() status = api.sendJobReport(path=upload, name=domain.JobReportCodeCoverage, zipped=isZipFile, contentType=domain.ContentTypeHtml, entryFile=entryFile) print("{} report uploaded with status {}".format(path, status))
def send(): global ToAddr try: server = createServer() server.set_debuglevel(1) api = client.Client() if ToAddr == 'FLOW_USERS': users = api.listFlowUsers() emails = '' for user in users: emails += user['email'] + "," ToAddr = emails if SmtpUser != None: server.login(SmtpUser, SmtpPw) msg = createHtml() server.sendmail(from_addr=FromAddr, to_addrs=ToAddr.split(','), msg=msg.as_string()) server.quit() print('[INFO] email been sent') except smtplib.SMTPException as e: print('[ERROR] on send email %s' % e)
import smtplib import sys import os from jinja2 import Template, Environment, FileSystemLoader from flowci import client from email import encoders from email.header import Header from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.utils import parseaddr, formataddr SmtpConfig = client.GetVar('FLOWCI_SMTP_CONFIG') FromAddr = client.GetVar('FLOWCI_EMAIL_FROM') ToAddr = client.GetVar('FLOWCI_EMAIL_TO') API = client.Client() Config = API.getConfig(SmtpConfig) if Config == None: sys.exit('Cannot get smtp config') if Config['category'] != 'SMTP': sys.exit('Invalid SMTP config') SmtpSecure = Config['secure'] # NONE, SSL, TLS SmtpAddr = Config['server'] SmtpPort = Config['port'] SmtpUser = Config['auth']['username'] SmtpPw = Config['auth']['password'] def createServer():
def gitPullOrClone(): dest = os.path.join(domain.AgentJobDir, GitRepoName) api = client.Client() # load credential if CredentialName is not None: c = api.getCredential(CredentialName) setupCredential(c) # clean up if os.path.exists(dest): try: shutil.rmtree(dest) except OSError as e: print("[ERROR]: %s - %s." % (e.filename, e.strerror)) # repo = Repo(dest) # repo.remote().pull(progress = MyProgressPrinter()) # git clone env = {} if KeyPath is not None: env["GIT_SSH_COMMAND"] = 'ssh -o {} -o {} -i {}'.format( 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', KeyPath) branchOrCommit = GitBranch if GitCommitId != None: branchOrCommit = GitCommitId if branchOrCommit == None: sys.exit("FLOWCI_GIT_BRANCH or FLOWCI_GIT_COMMIT_ID must be defined") try: repo = Repo.init(dest) repo.create_remote('origin', url=GitUrl) repo.remotes.origin.fetch(branchOrCommit, progress=MyProgressPrinter(), env=env) repo.git.checkout(branchOrCommit) head = repo.head if head != None and head.commit != None: sha = head.commit.hexsha message = head.commit.message dt = head.commit.committed_datetime email = name = commitList = [ { 'id': sha, 'message': message, 'time': dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'author': { 'name': name, 'email': email } } ] api.addJobContext({ VarCommitID: sha, VarCommitMessage: message, VarCommitTotal: 1, VarCommitList: str(base64.b64encode(json.dumps(commitList).encode("utf-8")), "utf-8") }) output = repo.git.submodule('update', '--init') print(output) put(0, '') ExitEvent.set() except Exception as e: put(1, 'Failed to clone git repo: ' + str(e)) ExitEvent.set()
import os import sys import getopt from flowci import client api = client.Client() uploaded = set() def startFromInput(path): for line in path.splitlines(): for item in line.split(";"): if item == '' or not os.path.exists(item): log("path or file '%s' not found" % item) continue if os.path.isfile(item): uploadFile(item) continue if os.path.isdir(item): uploadDir(item) def uploadFile(path, srcDir = None): if path in uploaded: return uploaded.add(path) log("file '%s' will be loaded.." % path) r = api.uploadJobArtifact(path, srcDir) log("upload status is %s" % r)