def test_access_run_result_files_local(database, tmpdir):
    """Test accessing run result files."""
    # -- Setup ----------------------------------------------------------------
    env = Config().basedir(tmpdir).auth()
    fs = FS(env=env)
    workflow_id, group_id, run_id, user_id = success_run(database, fs, tmpdir)
    local_service = LocalAPIFactory(env=env, db=database, engine=StateEngine())
    # -- Read result files ----------------------------------------------------
    with local_service(user_id=user_id) as api:
        # Map file names to file handles.
        r = api.runs().get_run(run_id=run_id)
        files = dict()
        for fh in r['files']:
            files[fh['name']] = fh['id']
        # Read content of result files.
        fh = api.runs().get_result_file(run_id=run_id,
        results = util.read_object(
        assert results == {'B': 1}
    # -- Error when user 2 attempts to read file ------------------------------
    with database.session() as session:
        user_2 = create_user(session, active=True)
    with local_service(user_id=user_2) as api:
        with pytest.raises(err.UnauthorizedAccessError):
    # -- With an open access policy user 2 can read the data file -------------
    env = Config().basedir(tmpdir).open_access()
    local_service = LocalAPIFactory(env=env, db=database, engine=StateEngine())
    with local_service(user_id=user_2) as api:
def test_cancel_remote_workflow(tmpdir):
    """Cancel the execution of a remote workflow."""
    # -- Setup ----------------------------------------------------------------
    env = Config().basedir(tmpdir)
    engine = RemoteTestController(client=RemoteTestClient(runcount=100),
    service = LocalAPIFactory(env=env, engine=engine)
    engine.service = service
    # -- Start a new run for the workflow template.
    with service() as api:
        workflow_id = create_workflow(api, source=TEMPLATE_DIR)
        user_id = create_user(api)
    with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
        group_id = create_group(api, workflow_id)
        run_id = start_run(api, group_id)
    # -- Poll workflow state every second.
    with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
        run = api.runs().get_run(run_id=run_id)
    while run['state'] == st.STATE_PENDING:
        with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
            run = api.runs().get_run(run_id=run_id)
    serialize.validate_run_handle(run, state=st.STATE_RUNNING)
    with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
        api.runs().cancel_run(run_id=run_id, reason='test')
    # Sleep to ensure that the workflow monitor polls the state and makes an
    # attempt to update the run state. This should raise an error for the
    # monitor. The error is not propagated here or to the run.
    with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
        run = api.runs().get_run(run_id=run_id)
    serialize.validate_run_handle(run, state=st.STATE_CANCELED)
    assert run['messages'][0] == 'test'
def test_run_remote_workflow_error(is_async, tmpdir):
    """Execute the remote workflow example synchronized and in asynchronous
    mode when execution results in an error state.
    # -- Setup ----------------------------------------------------------------
    env = Config().volume(FStore(basedir=str(tmpdir))).auth()
    engine = RemoteWorkflowController(client=RemoteTestClient(
        runcount=3, error='some error'),
    service = LocalAPIFactory(env=env, engine=engine)
    # Need to set the association between the engine and the service explicitly
    # after the API is created.
    engine.service = service
    with service() as api:
        workflow_id = create_workflow(api, source=BENCHMARK_DIR)
        user_id = create_user(api)
    with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
        group_id = create_group(api, workflow_id)
    # -- Unit test ------------------------------------------------------------
    # Start a new run
    with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
        run_id = start_run(api, group_id)
    # Poll workflow state every second.
    with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
        run = api.runs().get_run(run_id=run_id)
    watch_dog = 30
    while run['state'] in st.ACTIVE_STATES and watch_dog:
        watch_dog -= 1
        with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
            run = api.runs().get_run(run_id=run_id)
    serialize.validate_run_handle(run, state=st.STATE_ERROR)
    assert run['messages'] == ['some error']
def test_run_remote_workflow_with_error(tmpdir):
    """Execute the remote workflow example that will end in an error state in
    asynchronous mode.
    # -- Setup ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Start a new run for the workflow template.
    env = Config().basedir(tmpdir)
    engine = RemoteTestController(client=RemoteTestClient(runcount=3,
                                                          error='some error'),
    service = LocalAPIFactory(env=env, engine=engine)
    engine.service = service
    with service() as api:
        workflow_id = create_workflow(api, source=TEMPLATE_DIR)
        user_id = create_user(api)
    with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
        group_id = create_group(api, workflow_id)
        run_id = start_run(api, group_id)
    # Poll workflow state every second.
    with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
        run = api.runs().get_run(run_id=run_id)
    while run['state'] in st.ACTIVE_STATES:
        with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
            run = api.runs().get_run(run_id=run_id)
    serialize.validate_run_handle(run, state=st.STATE_ERROR)
    assert run['messages'][0] == 'some error'
def ClientAPI(
    env: Optional[Dict] = None, basedir: Optional[str] = None,
    database: Optional[str] = None, open_access: Optional[bool] = None,
    run_async: Optional[bool] = None, user_id: Optional[str] = None
) -> APIFactory:
    """Create an instance of the API factory that is responsible for generating
    API instances for a flowserv client.

    The main distinction here is whether a connection is made to a local instance
    of the service or to a remote instance. This distinction is made based on
    the value of the FLOWSERV_CLIENT environment variable that takes the values
    'local' or 'remote'. The default is 'local'.

    Provides the option to alter the default settings of environment variables.

    env: dict, default=None
        Dictionary with configuration parameter values.
    basedir: string, default=None
        Base directory for all workflow files. If no directory is given or
        specified in the environment a temporary directory will be created.
    database: string, default=None
        Optional database connect url.
    open_access: bool, default=None
        Use an open access policy if set to True.
    run_async: bool, default=False
        Run workflows in asynchronous mode.
    user_id: string, default=None
        Optional identifier for the authenticated API user.

    # Get the base configuration settings from the environment if not given.
    env = env if env is not None else config.env()
    if not isinstance(env, Config):
        env = Config(env)
    # Update configuration based on the given optional arguments.
    if basedir is not None:
    if database is not None:
    if open_access is not None and open_access:
    # By default, the client runs all workflows synchronously.
    if run_async is not None and run_async:
    elif env.get(config.FLOWSERV_ASYNC) is None:
    # Create local or remote API factory depending on the FLOWSERV_CLIENT value.
    client = env.get(config.FLOWSERV_CLIENT, config.LOCAL_CLIENT)
    if client == config.LOCAL_CLIENT:
        return LocalAPIFactory(env=env, user_id=user_id)
    elif client == config.REMOTE_CLIENT:
        # Not implemented yet.
    raise ValueError("inalid client type '{}'".format(client))
def test_postproc_workflow_errors(tmpdir):
    """Execute the modified helloworld example."""
    # -- Setup ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # It is important here that we do not use the SQLite in-memory database
    # since this fails (for unknown reason; presumably due to different threads)
    # when the post-processing run is updated.
    # --
    env = Config().basedir(tmpdir).run_async().auth()
    service = LocalAPIFactory(env=env)
    # Error during data preparation
    run_erroneous_workflow(service, SPEC_FILE_ERR_1)
    # Erroneous specification
    run_erroneous_workflow(service, SPEC_FILE_ERR_2)
def test_result_archive_local(database, tmpdir):
    """Test getting an archive of run results."""
    # -- Setup ----------------------------------------------------------------
    env = Config().basedir(tmpdir).auth()
    fs = FS(env=env)
    workflow_id, group_id, run_id, user_id = success_run(database, fs, tmpdir)
    local_service = LocalAPIFactory(env=env, db=database, engine=StateEngine())
    # -- Get result archive ---------------------------------------------------
    with local_service(user_id=user_id) as api:
        archive = api.runs().get_result_archive(run_id=run_id)
        tar =, mode='r:gz')
        members = [ for t in tar.getmembers()]
        assert len(members) == 2
        assert 'A.json' in members
        assert 'run/results/B.json' in members
def test_cancel_remote_workflow(tmpdir):
    """Cancel the execution of a remote workflow."""
    # -- Setup ----------------------------------------------------------------
    env = Config().volume(FStore(basedir=str(tmpdir))).auth()
    engine = RemoteWorkflowController(client=RemoteTestClient(runcount=100),
    service = LocalAPIFactory(env=env, engine=engine)
    # Need to set the association between the engine and the service explicitly
    # after the API is created.
    engine.service = service
    with service() as api:
        workflow_id = create_workflow(api, source=BENCHMARK_DIR)
        user_id = create_user(api)
    with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
        group_id = create_group(api, workflow_id)
    # -- Unit test ------------------------------------------------------------
    # Start a new run
    with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
        run_id = start_run(api, group_id)
    # -- Poll workflow state every second.
    with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
        run = api.runs().get_run(run_id=run_id)
    watch_dog = 30
    while run['state'] == st.STATE_PENDING and watch_dog:
        watch_dog -= 1
        with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
            run = api.runs().get_run(run_id=run_id)
    serialize.validate_run_handle(run, state=st.STATE_RUNNING)
    with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
        api.runs().cancel_run(run_id=run_id, reason='test')
    # Sleep to ensure that the workflow monitor polls the state and makes an
    # attempt to update the run state. This should raise an error for the
    # monitor. The error is not propagated here or to the run.
    with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
        run = api.runs().get_run(run_id=run_id)
    serialize.validate_run_handle(run, state=st.STATE_CANCELED)
    assert run['messages'][0] == 'test'
def test_run_remote_workflow(tmpdir, is_async):
    """Execute the remote workflow example synchronized and in asynchronous
    # -- Setup ----------------------------------------------------------------
    env = Config().basedir(tmpdir)
    engine = RemoteTestController(client=RemoteTestClient(runcount=3,
    service = LocalAPIFactory(env=env, engine=engine)
    engine.service = service
    # Start a new run for the workflow template.
    with service() as api:
        workflow_id = create_workflow(api, source=TEMPLATE_DIR)
        user_id = create_user(api)
    with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
        group_id = create_group(api, workflow_id)
        run_id = start_run(api, group_id)
    # Poll workflow state every second.
    with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
        run = api.runs().get_run(run_id=run_id)
    watch_dog = 30
    while run['state'] in st.ACTIVE_STATES and watch_dog:
        watch_dog -= 1
        with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
            run = api.runs().get_run(run_id=run_id)
    serialize.validate_run_handle(run, state=st.STATE_SUCCESS)
    files = dict()
    for obj in run['files']:
        files[obj['name']] = obj['id']
    f_id = files['results/data.txt']
    with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
        fh = api.runs().get_result_file(run_id=run_id, file_id=f_id)
    data ='utf-8')
    assert 'success' in data
def local_service(database, tmpdir):
    """Create a local API factory for test purposes."""
    env = Config().basedir(tmpdir).volume(FStore(basedir=str(tmpdir))).auth()
    return LocalAPIFactory(env=env, db=database, engine=StateEngine())
def sync_service(database, tmpdir):
    """Create a local API factory that executes workflows synchronously."""
    env = Config().basedir(tmpdir).volume(
    return LocalAPIFactory(env=env, db=database)
def test_postproc_workflow(fsconfig, tmpdir):
    """Execute the modified helloworld example."""
    # -- Setup ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # It is important here that we do not use the SQLite in-memory database
    # since this fails (for unknown reason; presumably due to different threads)
    # when the post-processing run is updated.
    # --
    env = Config().basedir(tmpdir).run_async().auth()
    service = LocalAPIFactory(env=env)
    # Start a new run for the workflow template.
    with service() as api:
        # Need to set the file store in the backend to the new instance as
        # well. Otherwise, the post processing workflow may attempt to use
        # the backend which was initialized prior with a different file store.
        workflow_id = create_workflow(
        user_id = create_user(api)
    # Create four groups and run the workflow with a slightly different input
    # file
    for i in range(4):
        with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
            group_id = create_group(api, workflow_id)
            names = io_file(data=NAMES[:(i + 1)], format='plain/text')
            file_id = upload_file(api, group_id, names)
            # Set the template argument values
            arguments = [
                serialize_arg('names', serialize_fh(file_id)),
                serialize_arg('greeting', 'Hi')
            run_id = start_run(api, group_id, arguments=arguments)
        # Poll workflow state every second.
        run = poll_run(service, run_id, user_id)
        assert run['state'] == st.STATE_SUCCESS
        with service() as api:
            wh = api.workflows().get_workflow(workflow_id=workflow_id)
        attmpts = 0
        while 'postproc' not in wh:
            with service() as api:
                wh = api.workflows().get_workflow(workflow_id=workflow_id)
            attmpts += 1
            if attmpts > 60:
        assert 'postproc' in wh
        attmpts = 0
        while wh['postproc']['state'] in st.ACTIVE_STATES:
            with service() as api:
                wh = api.workflows().get_workflow(workflow_id=workflow_id)
            attmpts += 1
            if attmpts > 60:
        with service() as api:
            ranking = api.workflows().get_ranking(workflow_id=workflow_id)
        for fobj in wh['postproc']['files']:
            if fobj['name'] == 'results/compare.json':
                file_id = fobj['id']
        with service(user_id=user_id) as api:
            fh = api.workflows().get_result_file(
        compare = util.read_object(
        assert len(compare) == (i + 1)
    # Access the post-processing result files.
    with service() as api:
        fh = api.workflows().get_result_archive(workflow_id=workflow_id)
    assert fh.mime_type == 'application/gzip'
def async_service(database, tmpdir):
    """Create a local API factory that executes workflows asynchronously."""
    env = Config().basedir(tmpdir).run_async().auth()
    return LocalAPIFactory(env=env)