def evaluate_whole_sequence_torch(model, val_dataset, frame_skip, device, fluid_errors=None): import torch print('evaluating.. ', end='') if fluid_errors is None: fluid_errors = FluidErrors() skip = frame_skip last_scene_id = None for data in val_dataset: scene_id = data['scene_id0'][0] if last_scene_id is None or last_scene_id != scene_id: print(scene_id, end=' ', flush=True) last_scene_id = scene_id box = torch.from_numpy(data['box'][0]).to(device) box_normals = torch.from_numpy(data['box_normals'][0]).to(device) init_pos = torch.from_numpy(data['pos0'][0]).to(device) init_vel = torch.from_numpy(data['vel0'][0]).to(device) inputs = (init_pos, init_vel, None, box, box_normals) else: inputs = (pr_pos, pr_vel, None, box, box_normals) pr_pos, pr_vel = model(inputs) frame_id = data['frame_id0'][0] if frame_id > 0 and frame_id % skip == 0: gt_pos = data['pos0'][0] fluid_errors.add_errors(scene_id, 0, frame_id, pr_pos.cpu().numpy(), gt_pos, compute_gt2pred_distance=True) result = {} result['whole_seq_err'] = np.mean([ v['gt2pred_mean'] for k, v in fluid_errors.errors.items() if 'gt2pred_mean' in v ]) print(result) print('done') return result
def evaluate_ts(model, val_dataset, frame_skip, device, fluid_errors=None): import torch print('evaluating.. ', end='') if fluid_errors is None: fluid_errors = FluidErrors(flag='ts') skip = frame_skip last_scene_id = 0 frames = [] for data in val_dataset: if data['frame_id0'][0] == 0: frames = [] if data['frame_id0'][0] % skip < 2: frames.append(data) if data['frame_id0'][0] % skip == 2: if len( set([ frames[0]['scene_id0'][0], frames[1]['scene_id0'][0]])) == 1: scene_id = frames[0]['scene_id0'][0] if last_scene_id != scene_id: last_scene_id = scene_id print(scene_id, end=' ', flush=True) frame0_id = frames[0]['frame_id0'][0] frame1_id = frames[1]['frame_id0'][0] box = torch.from_numpy(frames[0]['box'][0]).to(device) box_normals = torch.from_numpy( frames[0]['box_normals'][0]).to(device) inputs = (torch.from_numpy(frames[0]['pos0'][0]).to(device), torch.from_numpy(frames[0]['vel0'][0]).to(device), None, box, box_normals) pr_timestep = model(inputs) gt = frames[1]['time0'][0] - frames[0]['time0'][0] fluid_errors.add_errors(scene_id, frame0_id, frame1_id, pr_timestep.cpu().detach().numpy(), gt[0]) frames = [] result = {} result['err'] = np.mean( [v['err'] for k, v in fluid_errors.errors.items() if k[1] + 1 == k[2]]) print(result) print('done') return result
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Evaluates a fluid network") parser.add_argument("--trainscript", type=str, required=True, help="The python training script.") parser.add_argument( "--checkpoint_iter", type=int, required=False, help="The checkpoint iteration. The default is the last checkpoint.") parser.add_argument("--frame-skip", type=int, default=5, help="The frame skip. Default is 5.") args = parser.parse_args() global trainscript module_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.trainscript))[0] sys.path.append('.') trainscript = importlib.import_module(module_name) # get a list of checkpoints checkpoint_files = glob( os.path.join(trainscript.train_dir, 'checkpoints', 'ckpt-*.index')) all_checkpoints = sorted([ (int(re.match('.*ckpt-(\d+)\.index', x).group(1)), os.path.splitext(x)[0]) for x in checkpoint_files ]) # select the checkpoint if args.checkpoint_iter is not None: checkpoint = dict(all_checkpoints)[args.checkpoint_iter] else: checkpoint = all_checkpoints[-1] output_path = args.trainscript + '_eval_{}.json'.format(checkpoint[0]) if os.path.isfile(output_path): print('Printing previously computed results for :', checkpoint) fluid_errors = FluidErrors() fluid_errors.load(output_path) else: print('evaluating :', checkpoint) fluid_errors = FluidErrors() eval_checkpoint(checkpoint[1], trainscript.val_files, fluid_errors, args) print_errors(fluid_errors) return 0
def evaluate_tf(model, val_dataset, frame_skip, fluid_errors=None, scale=1): print('evaluating.. ', end='') if fluid_errors is None: fluid_errors = FluidErrors() skip = frame_skip last_scene_id = 0 frames = [] for data in val_dataset: if data['frame_id0'][0] == 0: frames = [] if data['frame_id0'][0] % skip < 3: frames.append(data) if data['frame_id0'][0] % skip == 3: if len( set([ frames[0]['scene_id0'][0], frames[1]['scene_id0'][0], frames[2]['scene_id0'][0] ])) == 1: scene_id = frames[0]['scene_id0'][0] if last_scene_id != scene_id: last_scene_id = scene_id print(scene_id, end=' ', flush=True) frame0_id = frames[0]['frame_id0'][0] frame1_id = frames[1]['frame_id0'][0] frame2_id = frames[2]['frame_id0'][0] box = frames[0]['box'][0] box_normals = frames[0]['box_normals'][0] gt_pos1 = frames[1]['pos0'][0] gt_pos2 = frames[2]['pos0'][0] inputs = (frames[0]['pos0'][0], frames[0]['vel0'][0], None, box, box_normals) pr_pos1, pr_vel1 = model(inputs) inputs = (pr_pos1, pr_vel1, None, box, box_normals) pr_pos2, pr_vel2 = model(inputs) fluid_errors.add_errors(scene_id, frame0_id, frame1_id, scale * pr_pos1, scale * gt_pos1) fluid_errors.add_errors(scene_id, frame0_id, frame2_id, scale * pr_pos2, scale * gt_pos2) frames = [] result = {} result['err_n1'] = np.mean([ v['mean'] for k, v in fluid_errors.errors.items() if k[1] + 1 == k[2] ]) result['err_n2'] = np.mean([ v['mean'] for k, v in fluid_errors.errors.items() if k[1] + 2 == k[2] ]) print(result) print('done') return result
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Evaluates a fluid network", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("--trainscript", type=str, required=True, help="The python training script.") parser.add_argument( "--checkpoint_iter", type=int, required=False, help="The checkpoint iteration. The default is the last checkpoint.") parser.add_argument( "--weights", type=str, required=False, help="If set uses the specified weights file instead of a checkpoint.") parser.add_argument("--frame-skip", type=int, default=5, help="The frame skip. Default is 5.") parser.add_argument("--device", type=str, default="cuda", help="The device to use. Applies only for torch.") args = parser.parse_args() global trainscript module_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.trainscript))[0] sys.path.append('.') trainscript = importlib.import_module(module_name) if args.weights is not None: print('evaluating :', args.weights) output_path = args.weights + '_eval.json' if os.path.isfile(output_path): print('Printing previously computed results for :', args.weights) fluid_errors = FluidErrors() fluid_errors.load(output_path) else: fluid_errors = FluidErrors() eval_checkpoint(args.weights, trainscript.val_files, fluid_errors, args) else: # get a list of checkpoints # tensorflow checkpoints checkpoint_files = glob( os.path.join(trainscript.train_dir, 'checkpoints', 'ckpt-*.index')) # torch checkpoints checkpoint_files.extend( glob(os.path.join(trainscript.train_dir, 'checkpoints', 'ckpt-*.pt'))) all_checkpoints = sorted([ (int(re.match('.*ckpt-(\d+)\.(pt|index)', x).group(1)), x) for x in checkpoint_files ]) # select the checkpoint if args.checkpoint_iter is not None: checkpoint = dict(all_checkpoints)[args.checkpoint_iter] else: checkpoint = all_checkpoints[-1] output_path = args.trainscript + '_eval_{}.json'.format(checkpoint[0]) if os.path.isfile(output_path): print('Printing previously computed results for :', checkpoint) fluid_errors = FluidErrors() fluid_errors.load(output_path) else: print('evaluating :', checkpoint) fluid_errors = FluidErrors() eval_checkpoint(checkpoint[1], trainscript.val_files, fluid_errors, args) print_errors(fluid_errors) return 0
def evaluate_torch(model, val_dataset, frame_skip, device, fluid_errors=None): import torch print('evaluating.. ', end='') if fluid_errors is None: fluid_errors = FluidErrors() skip = frame_skip last_scene_id = 0 frames = [] for data in val_dataset: if data['frame_id0'][0] == 0: frames = [] if data['frame_id0'][0] % skip < 3: frames.append(data) if data['frame_id0'][0] % skip == 3: if len( set([ frames[0]['scene_id0'][0], frames[1]['scene_id0'][0], frames[2]['scene_id0'][0] ])) == 1: scene_id = frames[0]['scene_id0'][0] if last_scene_id != scene_id: last_scene_id = scene_id print(scene_id, end=' ', flush=True) frame0_id = frames[0]['frame_id0'][0] frame1_id = frames[1]['frame_id0'][0] frame2_id = frames[2]['frame_id0'][0] box = torch.from_numpy(frames[0]['box'][0]).to(device) box_normals = torch.from_numpy( frames[0]['box_normals'][0]).to(device) gt_pos1 = frames[1]['pos0'][0] gt_pos2 = frames[2]['pos0'][0] inputs = (torch.from_numpy(frames[0]['pos0'][0]).to(device), torch.from_numpy(frames[0]['vel0'][0]).to(device), None, box, box_normals) pr_pos1, pr_vel1 = model(inputs) inputs = (pr_pos1, pr_vel1, None, box, box_normals) pr_pos2, pr_vel2 = model(inputs) fluid_errors.add_errors(scene_id, frame0_id, frame1_id, pr_pos1.cpu().detach().numpy(), gt_pos1) fluid_errors.add_errors(scene_id, frame0_id, frame2_id, pr_pos2.cpu().detach().numpy(), gt_pos2) frames = [] result = {} result['err_n1'] = np.mean( [v['mean'] for k, v in fluid_errors.errors.items() if k[1] + 1 == k[2]]) result['err_n2'] = np.mean( [v['mean'] for k, v in fluid_errors.errors.items() if k[1] + 2 == k[2]]) print(result) print('done') return result