class ResultTest(testsuite.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.translator = Translator() localedir = os.path.join(configure.localedatadir, 'locale') self.translator.addLocaleDir(configure.PACKAGE, localedir) def testSerializeWithWarning(self): wresult = messages.Result() wresult.add(messages.Warning(T_(N_("Warning")))) wresult.succeed("I did it") mresult = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(wresult)) self.failIf(mresult.failed) self.assertEquals(mresult.value, "I did it") m = mresult.messages[0] self.assertEquals(m.level, messages.WARNING) text = self.translator.translate( m, lang=["nl_NL", ]) self.assertEquals(text, "Waarschuwing") def testSerializeWithError(self): wresult = messages.Result() wresult.add(messages.Error(T_(N_("uh oh")))) mresult = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(wresult)) self.failUnless(mresult.failed) self.assertEquals(mresult.value, None) m = mresult.messages[0] self.assertEquals(m.level, messages.ERROR) text = self.translator.translate( m, lang=["nl_NL", ]) self.assertEquals(text, "o jeetje")
def testTranslateOne(self): t = T_(N_("%s can be translated"), "Andy") translator = Translator() localedir = os.path.join(configure.localedatadir, 'locale') translator.addLocaleDir(configure.PACKAGE, localedir) text = translator.translateTranslatable(t, lang=["nl_NL"]) self.assertEquals(text, 'Andy kan vertaald worden')
def testTranslateMessage(self): cmsg = messages.Error(T_(N_("Something is really wrong. "))) t = T_(N_("But does %s know what ?"), "Andy") cmsg.add(t) mmsg = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(cmsg)) translator = Translator() localedir = os.path.join(configure.localedatadir, 'locale') translator.addLocaleDir(configure.PACKAGE, localedir) text = translator.translate(mmsg, lang=["nl_NL"]) self.assertEquals(text, "Er is iets echt mis. Maar weet Andy wat ?")
def __init__(self): gtk.VBox.__init__(self) self._disableTimestamps = False self.active_button = None self._createUI() self.clear() self._translator = Translator() localedir = os.path.join(configure.localedatadir, 'locale') # FIXME: add locales as messages from domains come in self._translator.addLocaleDir(configure.PACKAGE, localedir)
def __init__(self, args): self._components = [] self.uistates = {} self.uistates_by_name = {} self._translator = Translator() log.init() parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', action="store", type="string", dest="debug", help="set debug levels") parser.add_option('-u', '--usage', action="store_true", dest="usage", help="show a usage message") parser.add_option('-m', '--manager', action="store", type="string", dest="manager", help="the manager to connect to, e.g. localhost:7531") parser.add_option('', '--no-ssl', action="store_true", dest="no_ssl", help="disable encryption when connecting to the manager") parser.add_option('-s', '--stomp-port', action="store", type="string", dest="stomp") options, args = parser.parse_args(args) if options.debug: log.setFluDebug(options.debug) if options.usage: self.usage(args) if not options.manager or not options.stomp: self.usage(args) print "need to connect to stomp port %s" % (options.stomp,) self.options = options connection = connections.parsePBConnectionInfo(options.manager, not options.no_ssl) self.model = model = AdminModel() self.stomp_client = StompClient() reactor.connectTCP("localhost", int(self.options.stomp), self.stomp_client) self.model.connect('connected', self._connected) self.model.connect('disconnected', self._disconnected) self.model.connect('update', self._update) d = model.connectToManager(connection) def failed(failure): if failure.check(errors.ConnectionRefusedError): print "Manager refused connection. Check your user and password." elif failure.check(errors.ConnectionFailedError): message = "".join(failure.value.args) print "Connection to manager failed: %s" % message else: print ("Exception while connecting to manager: %s" % log.getFailureMessage(failure)) return failure d.addErrback(failed) d.addErrback(lambda x: reactor.stop())
class MessagesView(gtk.VBox): """ I am a widget that can show messages. """ # I am a vbox with first row the label and icons, # second row a separator # and third row a text view gsignal('resize-event', bool) def __init__(self): gtk.VBox.__init__(self) self._disableTimestamps = False self.active_button = None self._createUI() self.clear() self._translator = Translator() localedir = os.path.join(configure.localedatadir, 'locale') # FIXME: add locales as messages from domains come in self._translator.addLocaleDir(configure.PACKAGE, localedir) def _createUI(self): h1 = gtk.HBox() self.pack_start(h1, False, False, 0) self.hline = gtk.HSeparator() h1.pack_start(self.hline, True, True, 3) # button box holding the message icons at the top right h2 = gtk.HBox() h1.pack_end(h2, False, False, 0) self.buttonbox = h2 sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow() sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) sw.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN) self.pack_start(sw, True, True, 0) self.sw = sw # text view shows the messages, plus debug information # FIXME: needs to be hyperlinkable in the future tv = gtk.TextView() tv.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD) tv.set_left_margin(6) tv.set_right_margin(6) tv.set_accepts_tab(False) tv.set_cursor_visible(False) tv.set_editable(False) #tv.set_sensitive(False) # connect signals to act on the hyperlink tv.connect('event-after', self._after_textview__event) tv.connect('motion-notify-event', self._on_textview___motion_notify_event) sw.add(tv) self.textview = tv self.show_all() def clear(self): """ Remove all messages and hide myself. """ for child in self.buttonbox.get_children(): self.clearMessage( self.hide() def addMessage(self, m): """ Add a message to me. @type m: L{flumotion.common.messages.Message} """ # clear all previously added messages with the same id. This allows # us to replace for example a "probing" message with the # result message self.clearMessage( # add a message button to show this message b = MessageButton(m) b.sigid = b.connect('toggled', self._on_message_button__toggled, m) self.buttonbox.pack_start(b, False, False, 0) firstButton = self._sortMessages() if not self.active_button: b.set_active(True) elif b == firstButton: b.set_active(True) def clearMessage(self, id): """ Clear all messages with the given id. Will bring the remaining most important message to the front, or hide the view completely if no messages are left. """ for button in self.buttonbox.get_children(): if != id: continue self.buttonbox.remove(button) button.disconnect(button.sigid) button.sigid = 0 if not self.buttonbox.get_children(): self.active_button = None self.hide() elif self.active_button == button: self.active_button = self.buttonbox.get_children()[0] self.active_button.set_active(True) break def disableTimestamps(self): """Disable timestamps for this MessageView, it will make it easier to understand the error messages and make it suitable for end users. """ self._disableTimestamps = True # Private def _addMessageToBuffer(self, message): # FIXME: it would be good to have a "Debug" button when # applicable, instead of always showing the text text = self._translator.translate(message) textbuffer = gtk.TextBuffer() textbuffer.set_text(text) self.textview.set_buffer(textbuffer) # if we have help information, add it to the end of the text view description = message.getDescription() if description: textbuffer.insert(textbuffer.get_end_iter(), ' ') titer = textbuffer.get_end_iter() # we set the 'link' data field on tags to identify them translated = self._translator.translateTranslatable(description) tag = textbuffer.create_tag(translated) tag.set_property('underline', pango.UNDERLINE_SINGLE) tag.set_property('foreground', 'blue') tag.set_data('link', getMessageWebLink(message)) textbuffer.insert_with_tags_by_name(titer, translated, tag.get_property('name')) timestamp = message.getTimeStamp() if timestamp and not self._disableTimestamps: text = _("\nPosted on %s.\n") % time.strftime( "%c", time.localtime(timestamp)) textbuffer.insert(textbuffer.get_end_iter(), text) if message.debug: text = "\n\n" + _("Debug information:\n") + message.debug + '\n' textbuffer.insert(textbuffer.get_end_iter(), text) def _sortMessages(self): # Sort all messages first by (reverse of) level, then priority children = [(-w.message.level, w.message.priority, w) for w in self.buttonbox.get_children()] children.sort() children.reverse() children = [(i, children[i][2]) for i in range(len(children))] for child in children: self.buttonbox.reorder_child(child[1], child[0]) # the first button, e.g. highest priority return children[0][1] # Callbacks def _on_message_button__toggled(self, button, message): # on toggling the button, show the message if not button.get_active(): if self.active_button == button: self.sw.hide() self.hline.hide() button.set_active(False) self.active_button = None self.emit('resize-event', True) return old_active = self.active_button self.active_button = button if old_active and old_active != button: old_active.set_active(False) self._addMessageToBuffer(message) self.show_all() self.emit('resize-event', False) # when the mouse cursor moves, set the cursor image accordingly def _on_textview___motion_notify_event(self, textview, event): x, y = textview.window_to_buffer_coords(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_WIDGET, int(event.x), int(event.y)) tags = textview.get_iter_at_location(x, y).get_tags() # without this call, further motion notify events don't get # triggered textview.window.get_pointer() # if any of the tags is a link, show a hand cursor = None for tag in tags: if tag.get_data('link'): cursor = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.HAND2) break textview.get_window(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT).set_cursor(cursor) return False def _after_textview__event(self, textview, event): if event.type != gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE: return False if event.button != 1: return False textbuffer = textview.get_buffer() # we shouldn't follow a link if the user has selected something bounds = textbuffer.get_selection_bounds() if bounds: [start, end] = bounds if start.get_offset() != end.get_offset(): return False x, y = textview.window_to_buffer_coords(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_WIDGET, int(event.x), int(event.y)) iter = textview.get_iter_at_location(x, y) for tag in iter.get_tags(): link = tag.get_data('link') if link: import webbrowser log.debug('messageview', 'opening %s' % link) break return False
def setUp(self): self.translator = Translator() localedir = os.path.join(configure.localedatadir, 'locale') self.translator.addLocaleDir(configure.PACKAGE, localedir)
class MessagesView(gtk.VBox): """ I am a widget that can show messages. """ # I am a vbox with first row the label and icons, # second row a separator # and third row a text view def __init__(self): gtk.VBox.__init__(self) self._disableTimestamps = False self.active_button = None self._createUI() self.clear() self._translator = Translator() localedir = os.path.join(configure.localedatadir, 'locale') # FIXME: add locales as messages from domains come in self._translator.addLocaleDir(configure.PACKAGE, localedir) def _createUI(self): h1 = gtk.HBox() self.pack_start(h1, False, False, 0) self.label = gtk.Label() h1.pack_start(self.label, False, False, 6) # button box holding the message icons at the top right h2 = gtk.HBox() h1.pack_end(h2, False, False, 0) self.buttonbox = h2 s = gtk.HSeparator() self.pack_start(s, False, False, 6) sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow() sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) sw.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN) self.pack_start(sw, True, True, 0) # text view shows the messages, plus debug information # FIXME: needs to be hyperlinkable in the future tv = gtk.TextView() tv.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD) tv.set_left_margin(6) tv.set_right_margin(6) tv.set_accepts_tab(False) tv.set_cursor_visible(False) tv.set_editable(False) #tv.set_sensitive(False) # connect signals to act on the hyperlink tv.connect('event-after', self._after_textview__event) tv.connect('motion-notify-event', self._on_textview___motion_notify_event) sw.add(tv) self.textview = tv self.show_all() def clear(self): """ Remove all messages and hide myself. """ for child in self.buttonbox.get_children(): self.clearMessage( self.hide() def addMessage(self, m): """ Add a message to me. @type m: L{flumotion.common.messages.Message} """ # clear all previously added messages with the same id. This allows # us to replace for example a "probing" message with the # result message self.clearMessage( # add a message button to show this message b = MessageButton(m) b.sigid = b.connect('toggled', self._on_message_button__toggled, m) self.buttonbox.pack_start(b, False, False, 0) firstButton = self._sortMessages() if not self.active_button: b.set_active(True) elif b == firstButton: b.set_active(True) def clearMessage(self, id): """ Clear all messages with the given id. Will bring the remaining most important message to the front, or hide the view completely if no messages are left. """ for button in self.buttonbox.get_children(): if != id: continue self.buttonbox.remove(button) button.disconnect(button.sigid) button.sigid = 0 if not self.buttonbox.get_children(): self.active_button = None self.hide() elif self.active_button == button: self.active_button = self.buttonbox.get_children()[0] self.active_button.set_active(True) break def disableTimestamps(self): """Disable timestamps for this MessageView, it will make it easier to understand the error messages and make it suitable for end users. """ self._disableTimestamps = True # Private def _addMessageToBuffer(self, message): # FIXME: it would be good to have a "Debug" button when # applicable, instead of always showing the text text = self._translator.translate(message) timestamp = message.getTimeStamp() if timestamp and not self._disableTimestamps: text += _("\nPosted on %s.\n") % time.strftime( "%c", time.localtime(timestamp)) if message.debug: text += "\n\n" + _("Debug information:\n") + message.debug + '\n' textbuffer = gtk.TextBuffer() textbuffer.set_text(text) self.textview.set_buffer(textbuffer) self.label.set_markup('<b>%s</b>' % _headings.get(message.level, _('Message'))) # if we have help information, add it to the end of the text view # FIXME: it probably looks nicer right after the message and # before the timestamp description = message.getDescription() if description: titer = textbuffer.get_end_iter() # we set the 'link' data field on tags to identify them translated = self._translator.translateTranslatable(description) tag = textbuffer.create_tag(translated) tag.set_property('underline', pango.UNDERLINE_SINGLE) tag.set_property('foreground', 'blue') tag.set_data('link', getMessageWebLink(message)) textbuffer.insert_with_tags_by_name(titer, translated, tag.get_property('name')) def _sortMessages(self): # Sort all messages first by (reverse of) level, then priority children = [(-w.message.level, w.message.priority, w) for w in self.buttonbox.get_children()] children.sort() children.reverse() children = [(i, children[i][2]) for i in range(len(children))] for child in children: self.buttonbox.reorder_child(child[1], child[0]) # the first button, e.g. highest priority return children[0][1] # Callbacks def _on_message_button__toggled(self, button, message): # on toggling the button, show the message if not button.get_active(): if self.active_button == button: button.set_active(True) return old_active = self.active_button self.active_button = button if old_active and old_active != button: old_active.set_active(False) self._addMessageToBuffer(message) # when the mouse cursor moves, set the cursor image accordingly def _on_textview___motion_notify_event(self, textview, event): x, y = textview.window_to_buffer_coords(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_WIDGET, int(event.x), int(event.y)) tags = textview.get_iter_at_location(x, y).get_tags() # without this call, further motion notify events don't get # triggered textview.window.get_pointer() # if any of the tags is a link, show a hand cursor = None for tag in tags: if tag.get_data('link'): cursor = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.HAND2) break textview.get_window(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT).set_cursor(cursor) return False def _after_textview__event(self, textview, event): if event.type != gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE: return False if event.button != 1: return False textbuffer = textview.get_buffer() # we shouldn't follow a link if the user has selected something bounds = textbuffer.get_selection_bounds() if bounds: [start, end] = bounds if start.get_offset() != end.get_offset(): return False x, y = textview.window_to_buffer_coords(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_WIDGET, int(event.x), int(event.y)) iter = textview.get_iter_at_location(x, y) for tag in iter.get_tags(): link = tag.get_data('link') if link: import webbrowser log.debug('messageview', 'opening %s' % link) break return False