    def __init__(self, array, ilat=0, ilon=1, LatLon=None, shape=()):
        '''Handle a C{NumPy} or C{Tuple} array as a sequence of C{LatLon} points.
        ais = ('ilat', ilat), ('ilon', ilon)

        if len(shape) != 2 or shape[0] < 1 or shape[1] < len(ais):
            raise IndexError('%s shape invalid: %r' % ('array', shape))
        self._array = array
        self._shape = shape

        # check the point class
        if LatLon is not None:
            if isclass(LatLon) and all(
                    hasattr(LatLon, a) for a in LatLon_.__slots__):
                self._LatLon = LatLon
                raise TypeError('%s invalid: %r' % ('LatLon', LatLon))

        # check the attr indices
        for n, (ai, i) in enumerate(ais):
            if not isint(i):
                raise TypeError('%s invalid: %r' % (ai, i))
            i = int(i)
            if not 0 <= i < shape[1]:
                raise ValueError('%s invalid: %s' % (ai, i))
            for aj, j in ais[:n]:
                if int(j) == i:
                    raise ValueError('%s == %s == %s' % (ai, aj, i))
            setattr(self, '_' + ai, i)
    def subset(self, indices):
        '''Return a subset of the C{NumPy} array.

           @param indices: Row indices (C{range} or C{int}[]).

           @note: A I{subset} is different from a I{slice} in 2 ways:
                  (a) the I{subset} is typically specified as a list of
                  (un-)ordered indices and (b) the I{subset} allocates
                  a new, separate C{NumPy} array while a I{slice} is
                  just an other I{view} of the original C{NumPy} array.

           @return: Sub-array (C{numpy.array}).

           @raise IndexError: Out-of-range I{indices} value.

           @raise TypeError: If I{indices} is not a C{range} or C{int}[].
        if not issequence(indices, tuple):  # NO tuple, only list
            # and range work properly to get Numpy array sub-sets
            raise TypeError('%s invalid: %s' % ('indices', type(indices)))

        n = len(self)
        for i, v in enumerate(indices):
            if not isint(v):
                raise TypeError('%s[%s] invalid: %r' % ('indices', i, v))
            elif not 0 <= v < n:
                raise IndexError('%s[%s] invalid: %r' % ('indices', i, v))

        return self._subset(indices)
def precision(form, prec=None):
    '''Set the default precison for a given F_ form.

       @param form: L{F_D}, L{F_DM}, L{F_DMS}, L{F_DEG}, L{F_MIN},
                    L{F_SEC} or L{F_RAD} (C{str}).
       @keyword prec: Optional number of decimal digits (0..9 or
                      C{None} for default).  Trailing zero decimals
                      are stripped for I{prec} values of 1 and
                      above, but kept for negative I{prec} values.

       @return: Previous precision (C{int}).

       @raise ValueError: Invalid I{form} or I{prec} or beyond valid range.
        p = _F_prec[form]
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError('%s invalid: %s' % ('form', form))
    if isint(prec):
        if not -10 < prec < 10:
            raise ValueError('%s invalid: %s' % ('prec', prec))
        _F_prec[form] = prec
    return p