def run(self): # Perhapse this could be implemented in a better way... # Play the intro video if it is present, we have the capability, and # we are not in one-shot mode. if not self.engine.cmdPlay: themename = Config.get("coffee", "themename") vidSource = os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), 'themes', themename, 'menu', 'intro.ogv') if os.path.isfile(vidSource): try: vidPlayer = VideoLayer(self.engine, vidSource, cancellable=True) except (IOError, VideoPlayerError): log.error("Error loading intro video:") else: self.engine.view.pushLayer(vidPlayer) self.videoLayer = True self.engine.ticksAtStart = pygame.time.get_ticks() while not vidPlayer.finished: self.engine.view.popLayer(vidPlayer) self.engine.view.pushLayer(MainMenu(self.engine)) if not self.videoLayer: self.engine.setStartupLayer(MainMenu(self.engine)) # Run the main game loop. try: self.engine.ticksAtStart = pygame.time.get_ticks() while pass except KeyboardInterrupt: log.notice("Left mainloop due to KeyboardInterrupt.") # don't reraise # Restart the program if the engine is asking that we do so. if self.engine.restartRequested: self.restart() # evilynux - MainMenu class already calls this - useless? self.engine.quit()
class Credits(Layer, KeyListener): """Credits scroller.""" def __init__(self, engine, songName = None): self.engine = engine self.time = 0.0 self.offset = 0.5 # akedrou - this seems to fix the delay issue, but I'm not sure why. Return here! self.speedDiv = 20000.0 self.speedDir = 1.0 self.doneList = [] self.themename = Config.get("coffee", "themename") nf = ns = 0.002 bs = 0.001 hs = 0.003 c1 = (1, 1, .5, 1) c2 = (1, .75, 0, 1) self.text_size = nf.getLineSpacing(scale = hs) #akedrou - Translatable Strings: = {}['intro'] = [_("Frets on Fire X is a progression of MFH-mod,"), _("which was built on Alarian's mod,"), _("which was built on UltimateCoffee's Ultimate mod,"), _("which was built on RogueF's RF_mod 4.15,"), _("which was, of course, built on Frets on Fire 1.2.451,"), _("which was created by Unreal Voodoo")]['noOrder'] = [_("No particular order")]['accessOrder']= [_("In order of project commit access")]['coders'] = [_("Active Coders")]['otherCoding']= [_("Programming")]['graphics'] = [_("Graphic Design")]['3d'] = [_("3D Textures")]['logo'] = [_("FoFiX Logo Design")]['hollowmind'] = [_("Hollowmind Necks")]['themes'] = [_("Included Themes")]['shaders'] = [_("Shaders")]['sounds'] = [_("Sound Design")]['translators']= [_("Translators")]['honorary'] = [_("Honorary Credits")]['codeHonor'] = [_("Without whom this game would not exist")]['giveThanks'] = [_("Special Thanks to")]['community'] = [_("nwru and all of the community at")]['other'] = [_("Other Contributors:")]['tutorial'] = [_("Jurgen FoF tutorial inspired by adam02"), _("Drum test song tutorial by Heka"), _("Drum Rolls practice tutorial by venom426")]['disclaimer'] = [_("If you have contributed to this game and are not credited,"), _("please let us know what and when you contributed.")]['thanks'] = [_("Thank you for your contribution.")]['oversight'] = [_("Please keep in mind that it is not easy to trace down and"), _("credit every single person who contributed; if your name is"), _("not included, it was not meant to slight you."), _("It was an oversight.")] # evilynux - Theme strings['themeCreators'] = [_("%s theme credits:") % self.themename]['themeThanks'] = [_("%s theme specific thanks:") % self.themename] # Languages['french'] = [_("French")]['french90'] = [_("French (reform 1990)")]['german'] = [_("German")]['italian'] = [_("Italian")]['piglatin'] = [_("Pig Latin")]['portuguese-b'] = [_("Portuguese (Brazilian)")]['russian'] = [_("Russian")]['spanish'] = [_("Spanish")]['swedish'] = [_("Swedish")] self.videoLayer = False self.background = None vidSource = os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), 'themes', self.themename, \ 'menu', 'credits.ogv') if os.path.isfile(vidSource): try: self.vidPlayer = VideoLayer(self.engine, vidSource, mute = True, loop = True) except (IOError, VideoPlayerError): Log.error('Error loading credits video:') else: self.engine.view.pushLayer(self.vidPlayer) self.videoLayer = True if not self.videoLayer and \ not self.engine.loadImgDrawing(self, 'background', os.path.join('themes', self.themename, 'menu', 'credits.png')): self.background = None if not self.engine.loadImgDrawing(self, 'topLayer', os.path.join('themes', self.themename, 'menu', 'creditstop.png')): self.topLayer = None space = Text(nf, hs, c1, "center", " ") self.credits = [ Picture(self.engine, "fofix_logo.png", .10), Text(nf, ns, c1, "center", "%s" % Version.version()), space] # evilynux: Main FoFiX credits (taken from CREDITS). self.parseText("CREDITS") self.credits.extend([space, space, space]) # evilynux: Theme credits (taken from data/themes/<theme name>/CREDITS). self.parseText(os.path.join('data', 'themes', self.themename, 'CREDITS')) self.credits.extend( [ space, space, Text(nf, ns, c1, "left", _("Made with:")), Text(nf, ns, c2, "right", "Python " + sys.version.split(' ')[0]), #stump: the version that's actually in use Text(nf, bs, c2, "right", ""), space, Text(nf, ns, c2, "right", "PyGame " + pygame.version.ver.replace('release', '')), #stump: the version that's actually in use Text(nf, bs, c2, "right", ""), space, Text(nf, ns, c2, "right", "PyOpenGL " + OpenGL.__version__), #evilynux: the version that's actually in use Text(nf, bs, c2, "right", ""), space, Text(nf, ns, c2, "right", "Illusoft Collada module 0.3.159"), Text(nf, bs, c2, "right", ""), space, Text(nf, ns, c2, "right", "MXM Python Midi Package 0.1.4"), Text(nf, bs, c2, "right", ""), space, space, Text(nf, bs, c1, "center", _("Source Code available under the GNU General Public License")), Text(nf, bs, c2, "center", ""), space, space, Text(nf, bs, c1, "center", _("Copyright 2006, 2007 by Unreal Voodoo")), Text(nf, bs, c1, "center", _("Copyright 2008-2013 by Team FoFiX")), space, space ]) # evilynux - Text parsing method. Provides some style functionalities. def parseText(self, filename): nf = ns = 0.002 bs = 0.001 hs = 0.003 c1 = (1, 1, .5, 1) c2 = (1, .75, 0, 1) space = Text(nf, hs, c1, "center", " ") scale = 1 path = filename if not hasattr(sys,"frozen"): #MFH - add ".." to path only if running from sources - not if running from EXE path = os.path.join("..", path) if not os.path.exists(path): return file = open(path) for line in file: line = line.strip("\n") if line.startswith("=====") or line.startswith("-----"): continue try: if line.startswith("!") and line.endswith("!"): scale = float(line.strip("!")) continue except ValueError: Log.warn("CREDITS file does not parse properly") if line == "": self.credits.append(space) elif line.startswith("`") and line.endswith("`"): line = line.strip("`") if line.startswith("%") and line.endswith("%"): line = line.strip("%") try: for text in[line]: self.credits.append( Text(nf, bs*scale, c1, "left", "%s" % text) ) except KeyError: self.credits.append( Text(nf, bs*scale, c1, "left", "%s" % line) ) else: self.credits.append( Text(nf, bs*scale, c1, "left", "%s" % line) ) elif line.startswith("_") and line.endswith("_"): line = line.strip("_") if line.startswith("%") and line.endswith("%"): line = line.strip("%") try: for text in[line]: self.credits.append( Text(nf, ns*scale, c2, "center", "%s" % text) ) except KeyError: self.credits.append( Text(nf, ns*scale, c2, "center", "%s" % line) ) else: self.credits.append( Text(nf, ns*scale, c2, "center", "%s" % line) ) elif line.startswith("=") and line.endswith("="): line = line.strip("=") if line.startswith("%") and line.endswith("%"): line = line.strip("%") try: for text in[line]: self.credits.append( Text(nf, ns*scale, c1, "left", "%s" % text) ) except KeyError: self.credits.append( Text(nf, ns*scale, c1, "left", "%s" % line) ) else: self.credits.append( Text(nf, ns*scale, c1, "left", "%s" % line) ) else: if line.startswith("%") and line.endswith("%"): line = line.strip("%") try: for text in[line]: self.credits.append( Text(nf, ns*scale, c2, "right", "%s" % text) ) except KeyError: self.credits.append( Text(nf, ns*scale, c2, "right", "%s" % line) ) else: self.credits.append( Text(nf, ns*scale, c2, "right", "%s" % line) ) def shown(self): self.engine.input.addKeyListener(self) def hidden(self): self.engine.input.removeKeyListener(self) self.engine.view.pushLayer(self.engine.mainMenu) #rchiav: use already-existing MainMenu instance def quit(self): if self.videoLayer: self.engine.view.popLayer(self.vidPlayer) self.engine.view.popLayer(self) def keyPressed(self, key, unicode): if self.engine.input.controls.getMapping(key) in (Player.menuYes + Player.menuNo) or key == pygame.K_RETURN or key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: self.quit() elif self.engine.input.controls.getMapping(key) in (Player.menuDown) or key == pygame.K_DOWN: #akedrou: so I was bored. if self.speedDiv > 1000.0: self.speedDiv -= 1000.0 if self.speedDiv < 1000.0: self.speedDiv = 1000.0 elif self.engine.input.controls.getMapping(key) in (Player.menuUp) or key == pygame.K_UP: if self.speedDiv < 30000.0: self.speedDiv += 1000.0 if self.speedDiv > 30000.0: self.speedDiv = 30000.0 elif self.engine.input.controls.getMapping(key) in (Player.key3s): self.speedDir *= -1 elif self.engine.input.controls.getMapping(key) in (Player.key4s): if self.speedDir != 0: self.speedDir = 0 else: self.speedDir = 1.0 return True def run(self, ticks): self.time += ticks / 50.0 #self.offset -= ticks / 7500.0 # evilynux - corresponds to scroll speed #self.offset -= ticks / 15000.0 #MFH - slowin it down - # evilynux - corresponds to scroll speed self.offset -= (ticks / self.speedDiv) * self.speedDir #akedrou - some credits fun. # evilynux - approximating the end of the list from the (mostly used font size * lines) if self.offset < -( self.text_size * len(self.credits) ) or self.offset > 1.5: #(MFH - adding 5% to estimated font height) undone: using larger scale for estimation. self.quit() if len(self.credits) == len(self.doneList): #akedrou - goofy workaround for string size glitch. self.quit() def render(self, visibility, topMost): v = 1.0 - ((1 - visibility) ** 2) # render the background w, h = self.engine.view.geometry[2:4] with self.engine.view.orthogonalProjection(normalize = True): if self.background: drawImage(self.background, scale = (1.0,-1.0), coord = (w/2,h/2), stretched = FULL_SCREEN) else: self.engine.fadeScreen(.4) self.doneList = [] # render the scroller elements y = self.offset glTranslatef(-(1 - v), 0, 0) for element in self.credits: hE = element.getHeight() if y + hE > 0.0 and y < 1.0: element.render(y) if y + hE < 0.0: self.doneList.append(element) y += hE if y > 1.0: break if self.topLayer: wFactor = 640.000/self.topLayer.width1() hPos = h - ((self.topLayer.height1() * wFactor)*.75) if hPos < h * .6: hPos = h * .6 drawImage(self.topLayer, scale = (wFactor,-wFactor), coord = (w/2,hPos))
class Credits(Layer, KeyListener): """Credits scroller.""" def __init__(self, engine, songName = None): self.engine = engine self.time = 0.0 self.offset = 0.5 # akedrou - this seems to fix the delay issue, but I'm not sure why. Return here! self.speedDiv = 20000.0 self.speedDir = 1.0 self.doneList = [] self.themename = Config.get("coffee", "themename") nf = ns = 0.002 bs = 0.001 hs = 0.003 c1 = (1, 1, .5, 1) c2 = (1, .75, 0, 1) self.text_size = nf.getLineSpacing(scale = hs) #akedrou - Translatable Strings: = {}['intro'] = [_("Frets on Fire X is a progression of MFH-mod,"), _("which was built on Alarian's mod,"), _("which was built on UltimateCoffee's Ultimate mod,"), _("which was built on RogueF's RF_mod 4.15,"), _("which was, of course, built on Frets on Fire 1.2.451,"), _("which was created by Unreal Voodoo")]['noOrder'] = [_("No particular order")]['accessOrder']= [_("In order of project commit access")]['coders'] = [_("Active Coders")]['otherCoding']= [_("Programming")]['graphics'] = [_("Graphic Design")]['3d'] = [_("3D Textures")]['logo'] = [_("FoFiX Logo Design")]['hollowmind'] = [_("Hollowmind Necks")]['themes'] = [_("Included Themes")]['shaders'] = [_("Shaders")]['sounds'] = [_("Sound Design")]['translators']= [_("Translators")]['honorary'] = [_("Honorary Credits")]['codeHonor'] = [_("Without whom this game would not exist")]['giveThanks'] = [_("Special Thanks to")]['community'] = [_("nwru and all of the community at")]['other'] = [_("Other Contributors:")]['tutorial'] = [_("Jurgen FoF tutorial inspired by adam02"), _("Drum test song tutorial by Heka"), _("Drum Rolls practice tutorial by venom426")]['disclaimer'] = [_("If you have contributed to this game and are not credited,"), _("please let us know what and when you contributed.")]['thanks'] = [_("Thank you for your contribution.")]['oversight'] = [_("Please keep in mind that it is not easy to trace down and"), _("credit every single person who contributed; if your name is"), _("not included, it was not meant to slight you."), _("It was an oversight.")] # evilynux - Theme strings['themeCreators'] = [_("%s theme credits:") % self.themename]['themeThanks'] = [_("%s theme specific thanks:") % self.themename] # Languages['french'] = [_("French")]['french90'] = [_("French (reform 1990)")]['german'] = [_("German")]['italian'] = [_("Italian")]['piglatin'] = [_("Pig Latin")]['portuguese-b'] = [_("Portuguese (Brazilian)")]['russian'] = [_("Russian")]['spanish'] = [_("Spanish")]['swedish'] = [_("Swedish")] self.videoLayer = False self.background = None vidSource = os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), 'themes', self.themename, 'menu', 'credits.ogv') if os.path.isfile(vidSource): try: self.vidPlayer = VideoLayer(self.engine, vidSource, mute = True, loop = True) except (IOError, VideoPlayerError): Log.error('Error loading credits video:') else: self.engine.view.pushLayer(self.vidPlayer) self.videoLayer = True if not self.videoLayer and \ not self.engine.loadImgDrawing(self, 'background', os.path.join('themes', self.themename, 'menu', 'credits.png')): self.background = None if not self.engine.loadImgDrawing(self, 'topLayer', os.path.join('themes', self.themename, 'menu', 'creditstop.png')): self.topLayer = None space = Text(nf, hs, c1, "center", " ") self.credits = [ Picture(self.engine, "fofix_logo.png", .10), Text(nf, ns, c1, "center", "%s" % Version.version()), space] # evilynux: Main FoFiX credits (taken from CREDITS). self.parseText("CREDITS") self.credits.extend([space, space, space]) # evilynux: Theme credits (taken from data/themes/<theme name>/CREDITS). self.parseText(os.path.join('data', 'themes', self.themename, 'CREDITS')) self.credits.extend( [ space, space, Text(nf, ns, c1, "left", _("Made with:")), Text(nf, ns, c2, "right", "Python " + sys.version.split(' ')[0]), #stump: the version that's actually in use Text(nf, bs, c2, "right", ""), space, Text(nf, ns, c2, "right", "PyGame " + pygame.version.ver.replace('release', '')), #stump: the version that's actually in use Text(nf, bs, c2, "right", ""), space, Text(nf, ns, c2, "right", "PyOpenGL " + OpenGL.__version__), #evilynux: the version that's actually in use Text(nf, bs, c2, "right", ""), space, Text(nf, ns, c2, "right", "Illusoft Collada module 0.3.159"), Text(nf, bs, c2, "right", ""), space, Text(nf, ns, c2, "right", "MXM Python Midi Package 0.1.4"), Text(nf, bs, c2, "right", ""), space, space, Text(nf, bs, c1, "center", _("Source Code available under the GNU General Public License")), Text(nf, bs, c2, "center", ""), space, space, Text(nf, bs, c1, "center", _("Copyright 2006, 2007 by Unreal Voodoo")), Text(nf, bs, c1, "center", _("Copyright 2008-2013 by Team FoFiX")), space, space ]) # evilynux - Text parsing method. Provides some style functionalities. def parseText(self, filename): nf = ns = 0.002 bs = 0.001 hs = 0.003 c1 = (1, 1, .5, 1) c2 = (1, .75, 0, 1) space = Text(nf, hs, c1, "center", " ") scale = 1 path = filename if not hasattr(sys,"frozen"): #MFH - add ".." to path only if running from sources - not if running from EXE path = os.path.join("..", path) if not os.path.exists(path): return file = open(path) for line in file: line = line.strip("\n") if line.startswith("=====") or line.startswith("-----"): continue try: if line.startswith("!") and line.endswith("!"): scale = float(line.strip("!")) continue except ValueError: Log.warn("CREDITS file does not parse properly") if line == "": self.credits.append(space) elif line.startswith("`") and line.endswith("`"): line = line.strip("`") if line.startswith("%") and line.endswith("%"): line = line.strip("%") try: for text in[line]: self.credits.append( Text(nf, bs*scale, c1, "left", "%s" % text) ) except KeyError: self.credits.append( Text(nf, bs*scale, c1, "left", "%s" % line) ) else: self.credits.append( Text(nf, bs*scale, c1, "left", "%s" % line) ) elif line.startswith("_") and line.endswith("_"): line = line.strip("_") if line.startswith("%") and line.endswith("%"): line = line.strip("%") try: for text in[line]: self.credits.append( Text(nf, ns*scale, c2, "center", "%s" % text) ) except KeyError: self.credits.append( Text(nf, ns*scale, c2, "center", "%s" % line) ) else: self.credits.append( Text(nf, ns*scale, c2, "center", "%s" % line) ) elif line.startswith("=") and line.endswith("="): line = line.strip("=") if line.startswith("%") and line.endswith("%"): line = line.strip("%") try: for text in[line]: self.credits.append( Text(nf, ns*scale, c1, "left", "%s" % text) ) except KeyError: self.credits.append( Text(nf, ns*scale, c1, "left", "%s" % line) ) else: self.credits.append( Text(nf, ns*scale, c1, "left", "%s" % line) ) else: if line.startswith("%") and line.endswith("%"): line = line.strip("%") try: for text in[line]: self.credits.append( Text(nf, ns*scale, c2, "right", "%s" % text) ) except KeyError: self.credits.append( Text(nf, ns*scale, c2, "right", "%s" % line) ) else: self.credits.append( Text(nf, ns*scale, c2, "right", "%s" % line) ) def shown(self): self.engine.input.addKeyListener(self) def hidden(self): self.engine.input.removeKeyListener(self) self.engine.view.pushLayer(self.engine.mainMenu) #rchiav: use already-existing MainMenu instance def quit(self): if self.videoLayer: self.engine.view.popLayer(self.vidPlayer) self.engine.view.popLayer(self) def keyPressed(self, key, unicode): if self.engine.input.controls.getMapping(key) in (Player.menuYes + Player.menuNo) or key == pygame.K_RETURN or key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: self.quit() elif self.engine.input.controls.getMapping(key) in (Player.menuDown) or key == pygame.K_DOWN: #akedrou: so I was bored. if self.speedDiv > 1000.0: self.speedDiv -= 1000.0 if self.speedDiv < 1000.0: self.speedDiv = 1000.0 elif self.engine.input.controls.getMapping(key) in (Player.menuUp) or key == pygame.K_UP: if self.speedDiv < 30000.0: self.speedDiv += 1000.0 if self.speedDiv > 30000.0: self.speedDiv = 30000.0 elif self.engine.input.controls.getMapping(key) in (Player.key3s): self.speedDir *= -1 elif self.engine.input.controls.getMapping(key) in (Player.key4s): if self.speedDir != 0: self.speedDir = 0 else: self.speedDir = 1.0 return True def run(self, ticks): self.time += ticks / 50.0 #self.offset -= ticks / 7500.0 # evilynux - corresponds to scroll speed #self.offset -= ticks / 15000.0 #MFH - slowin it down - # evilynux - corresponds to scroll speed self.offset -= (ticks / self.speedDiv) * self.speedDir #akedrou - some credits fun. # evilynux - approximating the end of the list from the (mostly used font size * lines) if self.offset < -( self.text_size * len(self.credits) ) or self.offset > 1.5: #(MFH - adding 5% to estimated font height) undone: using larger scale for estimation. self.quit() if len(self.credits) == len(self.doneList): #akedrou - goofy workaround for string size glitch. self.quit() def render(self, visibility, topMost): v = 1.0 - ((1 - visibility) ** 2) # render the background w, h = self.engine.view.geometry[2:4] with self.engine.view.orthogonalProjection(normalize = True): if self.background: drawImage(self.background, scale = (1.0,-1.0), coord = (w/2,h/2), stretched = FULL_SCREEN) else: self.engine.fadeScreen(.4) self.doneList = [] # render the scroller elements y = self.offset glTranslatef(-(1 - v), 0, 0) for element in self.credits: hE = element.getHeight() if y + hE > 0.0 and y < 1.0: element.render(y) if y + hE < 0.0: self.doneList.append(element) y += hE if y > 1.0: break if self.topLayer: wFactor = 640.000/self.topLayer.width1() hPos = h - ((self.topLayer.height1() * wFactor)*.75) if hPos < h * .6: hPos = h * .6 drawImage(self.topLayer, scale = (wFactor,-wFactor), coord = (w/2,hPos))