def update_all_plots_one_cell(filename, save_folder, ext_electrodes = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], intr_electrode = 1, data_part = 'all', cell = 1): """ work on given data file""" ext = '.eps' #================files which were previously analysed ======================= names = ['max_2_', 'min_3_', 'all_', 'min_2_', 'max_1_'] # depending on max number of IPSPs used it should be added before # name of the file: spws_file, distances, equal_init_spont name_used = names[2] spws_file = name_used + 'SPWs_ipsps_final.npz' distances = name_used + 'spw_dist2first.npz' type_of_choice = "minimum" #"take_smaller" #set_number" "minimum" #equal_init_spont = type_of_choice + name_used + 'induc_spont_equal.npz' equal_init_spont = name_used + 'induc_spont_spw.npz' raw_data = "data_bas.npz" intra_data = 'data_baseintra.npz' spike_file = 'spikes_largest.npz' intra_spike_file = 'intra_spikes.npz' all_spikes = 'spikes.npz' #============================================================== #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() plots_folder = 'plots/' + name_used print 'working on: ' + filename #solutions_folder = 'plots/' delete_old = False #!!!! it will delete all the previously saved plots so be careful! run_all_functions = True if delete_old: # !!!!!! fold_mng.remove_folder(save_folder + plots_folder) win = [0, 0] if intr_electrode == 1: plot_name_ipsps_2_dist = 'numIPSP_distance' save_plot_in = plots_folder+plot_name_ipsps_2_dist + '/' if not run_all_functions: """ plots relation between distance from the spike and number of ipsp groups in a SPW """ fold_mng.create_folder(save_folder + save_plot_in) analyser.plot_noIpsps2distance(save_folder,save_plot_in , save_plots = plot_name_ipsps_2_dist, spw_file = spws_file, dist_file = distances, ext = ext) dist_spw2psike = 'dist_spw2spike' save_plot_in = plots_folder+ dist_spw2psike + '/' if not run_all_functions: """ plots relation between distance from the spike and number of ipsp groups in a SPW""" fold_mng.create_folder(save_folder + save_plot_in) analyser.plot_dist_spw2spike(save_folder, save_plot_in, save_plots = dist_spw2psike, dist_file = distances, ext = ext) firing_rate = name_used + 'firing_rate' save_plot_in = plots_folder+ firing_rate + '/' if not run_all_functions: fold_mng.create_folder(save_folder + save_plot_in) analyser.plot_fr_after_spike(save_folder, plot_folder = save_plot_in, plot_file = firing_rate, intra_spikes = intra_spike_file, spike_data = spike_file , ext = ext, win = win) firing_rate_and_spws = name_used + 'firing_rate_and_spws' save_plot_in = plots_folder+ firing_rate_and_spws + '/' if not run_all_functions: fold_mng.create_folder(save_folder + save_plot_in) analyser.plot_fr_after_spike_and_distances_after_spike(save_folder, plot_folder = save_plot_in, plot_file = firing_rate_and_spws, intra_spikes = intra_spike_file, dist_file = distances, spike_data = spike_file , ext = ext) separateSPWs = 'separate_SPWs' if not run_all_functions: analyser.plot_different_SPWs(save_folder, save_plot_in, save_plots = separateSPWs, data_file = raw_data, intra_data_file = intra_data, induc_spont = equal_init_spont, intra_spikes = intra_spike_file, ext = '.png') alignedSPWs = 'aligned_SPWs' highest_peak = 'highest_peak.npz' save_plot_in = plots_folder+ alignedSPWs + '/' if not run_all_functions: fold_mng.create_folder(save_folder + save_plot_in) analyser.plot_alignedSPW(save_folder, save_file = highest_peak, plot_folder = save_plot_in, save_plots = alignedSPWs, data_file = raw_data, intra_data_file = intra_data, induc_spont = equal_init_spont, intra_spikes = intra_spike_file, ext = '.png') spikePerElectrode = name_used + 'spike_per_electrode' hist_spike_bins = name_used + 'all_dists_hist.npz' save_name_max_electr = name_used + 'max_electr_origin.npz' save_plot_in = plots_folder+ spikePerElectrode + '/' if not run_all_functions: fold_mng.create_folder(save_folder + save_plot_in) analyser.plot_spike(save_folder, save_plot_in, save_plots = spikePerElectrode, save_file = hist_spike_bins, save_name_max_electr = save_name_max_electr, spike_data = spike_file, spw_data = equal_init_spont, ext = ext, win = win) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() group_per_isps_all = name_used + 'group_per_isps_all.npz' if not run_all_functions: # ok analyser.plot_spw_ipsps_no_groups_all(save_folder, save_file = group_per_isps_all, data_file = raw_data, spw_data = equal_init_spont, ext = ext)# groups_w_firing_rate = name_used + 'groups_w_firing_rate' save_plot_in = plots_folder+ groups_w_firing_rate + '/' if not run_all_functions: fold_mng.create_folder(save_folder + save_plot_in) analyser.plot_groups_w_fr(save_folder, plot_folder = save_plot_in, plot_file = groups_w_firing_rate, data_file = raw_data, spw_groups = group_per_isps_all, spw_details = equal_init_spont, spike_data = all_spikes , ext = '.eps', win = win) # spikes_largest cumulative_plot = 'cumulative_plot' save_plot_in = plots_folder+ cumulative_plot + '/' save_file = name_used + 'cum_change_variance.npz' if not run_all_functions: fold_mng.create_folder(save_folder + save_plot_in) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() analyser.cum_distribution_funct(save_folder, save_file, plot_folder = save_plot_in, plot_file = cumulative_plot, data_file = raw_data, spw_details = equal_init_spont, #spw_details = highest_peak, ext = '.png', win = win, cell = cell) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # plot_ampl_synch = 'ampl_synchrony' save_file = name_used + 'ampl_sync_dat' save_plot_in = plots_folder+ plot_ampl_synch + '/' if run_all_functions: # ok fold_mng.create_folder(save_folder + save_plot_in) analyser.plot_amplitude_vs_synchrony(save_folder, save_file, plot_folder = save_plot_in, plot_file = plot_ampl_synch, data_file = raw_data, spw_details = equal_init_spont, ext = ext)
def work_on_all(filename, save_folder, ext_electrodes = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], intr_electrode = 1, data_part = 'all'): """ work on given data file - proceed all the variables and save them """ ext = '.png' print 'working on: ' + filename reanalize = True # set to true if to analyze the data no matter if it was already analysed or not if intr_electrode == 1: delete_old = False #!!!! run_all_functions = True if delete_old: # !!!!!! fold_mng.remove_folder(save_folder) win = [0, 0] raw_data = 'data.npz' if not run_all_functions: # reads the raw data from the file updater.up_datafile(filename, save_folder = save_folder, save_file = raw_data, ext_electrodes = ext_electrodes, intr_electrode = 1, reanalize = reanalize) plot_folder = 'full_data/' save_plots = 'data' if not run_all_functions: # saves part of the data analyser.display_data(save_folder, plot_folder, save_plots, raw_data, trace = 0, part = [0, 10000], ext = ext) raw_baselined = "data_bas.npz" if not run_all_functions: # removes the baseline updater.up_databas(save_folder, save_file = raw_baselined, load_file = raw_data, reanalize = reanalize) spikes_raw = 'spikes.npz' spikes_filter = 'fast_data_' filter_folder = 'filtered/' if not run_all_functions: # finds all the extracellular spikes updater.up_extraspikes(save_folder, filter_folder, save_file = spikes_raw, load_file = raw_baselined, spikes_filter = spikes_filter, reanalize = reanalize) # this funtion might be used for future spike clustering, but shall not be used for other reasons so far #spikes_params = 'spikes_params.npz' #if run_all_functions: # updater.up_expikes_params(save_folder, save_file = spikes_params, load_datafile = raw_baselined, load_spikefile = spikes_raw, reanalize = reanalize) spikes_largest = 'spikes_largest.npz' if not run_all_functions: # checks which spikes have the highest amplitude (if the same spike is detected in multiple electrodes) # only the spike of the highest amplitude will be kept - structrue stays the same updater.up_spikes_ampl(save_folder, save_file =spikes_largest, load_spike_file = spikes_raw, reanalize = reanalize) SPWs_potential = 'potential_SPWs.npz' if not run_all_functions: updater.up_highWaves(save_folder, filter_folder, save_file = SPWs_potential, load_datafile = raw_baselined,reanalize = reanalize) SPWs_potential_numb = 'potential_SPWs_numbered.npz' if not run_all_functions: # it numbers which wave is the same SPWs and assigns number to them updater.up_highWaves_numb(save_folder, save_file = SPWs_potential_numb, load_spwsfile = SPWs_potential, reanalize = reanalize) SPWs_ipsps = 'spws_params.npz' #'spws_ipsps.npz' if not run_all_functions: # it finds the preliminary IPSPs for each of the detected waves updater.up_SPW_ipsp(save_folder, filter_folder, save_file = SPWs_ipsps, load_datafile = raw_baselined, load_waves = SPWs_potential_numb, load_spikes = spikes_largest, reanalize = reanalize) ipsps_corrected = 'ipsps_corrected.npz' if not run_all_functions: # correct the IPSPs (no matter if used for SPW start or for later updater.up_correct_ipsps(save_folder, save_fig = 'spw_ipsp', save_file = ipsps_corrected, load_datafile = raw_baselined, load_spwsipsp = SPWs_ipsps, load_spwsspike = spikes_largest, reanalize = reanalize, ext = ext) #spws_large_enough = 'spw_large_enough.npz' #min_amplitude_of_spw = 40 #microV SPW in any point, in any electrode has to be at least this amplitude #if run_all_functions: # updater.up_remove_too_small_spws(save_folder, save_file = spws_large_enough, load_datafile = raw_baselined, load_spwsipsp = ipsps_corrected, min_ampl = min_amplitude_of_spw, reanalize = reanalize, ext = ext) SPWs_ipsps_beg = 'SPWs_ipsps_beg.npz' min_ipsp_ampl = 20 if not run_all_functions: # finding properly each of the IPSP # it combines information on Waves/Ipsps and spikes to find the beginning of the SPW updater.up_spws_beg(save_folder, save_fig = 'spw_ipsp', save_file = SPWs_ipsps_beg, load_datafile = raw_baselined, load_spwsipsp = ipsps_corrected, load_spwsspike = spikes_largest, reanalize = reanalize, ext = ext, expected_min_ipsp_ampl = min_ipsp_ampl) ipsps_groups = 'ipsps_grouped.npz' if not run_all_functions: # put IPSPs to groups updater.up_group_ipsps(save_folder, ipsps_groups, SPWs_ipsps_beg, raw_baselined, save_file = ipsps_groups, reanalize = reanalize) SPWs_ipsps_corrected = 'SPWs_ipsps_corrected.npz' if not run_all_functions: updater.up_fill_gap_between_ipsp_groups(save_folder, SPWs_ipsps_corrected, ipsps_groups, data_file = raw_baselined, reanalize = reanalize) SPWs_all_IPSPs = 'SPWs_all_ipsps.npz' if not run_all_functions: updater.up_spws_ipsp_beg(save_folder, filter_folder, save_fig = 'spw_ipsp', save_file = SPWs_all_IPSPs, load_datafile = raw_baselined, load_spwsipsp = SPWs_ipsps_corrected, load_spwsspike = spikes_largest, reanalize = reanalize, ext = ext, expected_min_ipsp_ampl = min_ipsp_ampl) # # ----> check if the group does not exist on other electrodes SPWs_missing_link = 'SPWs_missing_link.npz' if not run_all_functions: updater.up_add_missing_electrodes_SPW(save_folder, SPWs_missing_link, SPWs_all_IPSPs, data_file = raw_baselined, reanalize = reanalize) SPWs_ipsps_corrected2 = 'SPWs_ipsps_corrected.npz' if not run_all_functions: updater.up_fill_gap_between_ipsp_groups(save_folder, SPWs_ipsps_corrected2, SPWs_missing_link, data_file = raw_baselined, reanalize = reanalize) SPWs_merged = 'SPWs_merged.npz' if not run_all_functions: updater.up_merge_close_groups(save_folder, SPWs_merged, SPWs_ipsps_corrected2, data_file = raw_baselined, reanalize = reanalize) min_amplitude_of_spw = 20 too_small_removed = 'too_small_removed.npz' if not run_all_functions: updater.up_remove_too_small_spws(save_folder, save_file = too_small_removed, load_datafile = raw_baselined, load_spwsipsp = SPWs_merged, min_ampl = min_amplitude_of_spw, reanalize = reanalize, ext = ext) if not run_all_functions: my_name = 'cell7' #save_fig_name = '/home/maja/PhDProject/SPWs/SPWs/saved_data/solutions/all_/' + my_name + '.pdf' save_fig_name = '/home/maja/phdProject/analysis/swp/solutions/all_/' + my_name for numb in [19]: #kom no 7 (11) updater.up_create_sup_fig(save_fig_name, save_folder, data_file = raw_data, filter_folder = filter_folder, spike_file = spikes_raw, spikes_raw = spikes_raw, spikes_largest = spikes_largest, final_Ipsp_spw = too_small_removed, ext = '.eps', start_no = numb) # use different number of ipsps, # [-1, 2] - all to two IPSPS # 3 IPSPS to any number # any number of IPSPS min_no_ipsps_used = [[-1, 2], [3, -1], [-1, -1], [2, -1], [-1, 1]] #min_no_ipsps_used = [[3, -1]] names = ['max_2_', 'min_3_', 'all_', 'min_2_', 'max_1_'] #names = ['min_3_'] if run_all_functions: updater.up_display_SPWs(save_folder, data_file = raw_baselined, spw_file = too_small_removed, reanalize = False) for idx, min_no_ipsps in enumerate(min_no_ipsps_used): SPWs_ipsps_final = names[idx] + 'SPWs_ipsps_final.npz' #min_no_ipsps = 3 if run_all_functions: updater.up_remove_with_to_few_ipsps(save_folder, SPWs_ipsps_final, too_small_removed, to_remove = min_no_ipsps, reanalize = reanalize) #print intr_electrode data_intra = 'data_intra.npz' if not run_all_functions: updater.up_intrafile(filename, save_folder, save_file = data_intra, int_electrodes = [0], reanalize = reanalize) data_intra_base = 'data_baseintra.npz' if not run_all_functions: # removes the baseline updater.up_databas(save_folder, save_file = data_intra_base, load_file = data_intra, reanalize = reanalize) plot_folder = 'full_data/' save_plots = 'data_intra' if not run_all_functions: # plots part of the data given (in part) analyser.display_data(save_folder, plot_folder, save_plots, data_intra_base, trace = 0, part = [0, 100000], ext = ext) intra_spikes = 'intra_spikes.npz' if not run_all_functions: # detects intracellular spikes updater.up_intraSpikes(save_folder, save_file = intra_spikes, load_file = data_intra_base, reanalize = reanalize) ##SPWs_ipsps_corrected2 = SPWs_ipsps_final if not run_all_functions: # it makes the plot to exactly analyse each SPW analyser.plot_data_interactive(save_folder, load_datafile = raw_baselined, load_spw_ipsps = SPWs_ipsps_final, load_spikefile = spikes_largest, load_spikesall = spikes_raw, load_ipspsOld = SPWs_ipsps_beg, spw_base = SPWs_potential_numb, load_dataintrafile = data_intra_base, load_intraSpikes = intra_spikes) # dist_spw_inspikes = names[idx] + 'spw_dist2first.npz' if not run_all_functions: # finds the closest distance spw to the proceeding intracellular spike updater.up_dist_SpwfromSpike(save_folder, save_file = dist_spw_inspikes, load_intrafile = intra_spikes, load_spwfile = SPWs_ipsps_final, spikes = 'all', reanalize = reanalize) induc_spont_spw = names[idx] + 'induc_spont_spw.npz' max_dist = [0.0, 5] # ms if not run_all_functions: # checks which SPWs are induced and which are spontaneous (if it's further than max_dist[1] it is spontaneous) # if any error is being allowed it should be given in max_idst[0], e.g. -0.5 (half milisecond before intra spike updater.up_induc_spont_spw(save_folder, save_file = induc_spont_spw, load_distances = dist_spw_inspikes, load_spwfile = SPWs_ipsps_final, max_init_dist = max_dist, reanalize = reanalize, ext = ext) # induc_spont_equal = names[idx] + 'induc_spont_equal.npz' if not run_all_functions: # counts spontaneous and initiated SPWs and it randomly choses set of SPWs from the bigger set so that there is equal number in both sets updater.equalize_number_spws(save_folder, save_file = induc_spont_equal, induc_spont = induc_spont_spw, load_distances = dist_spw_inspikes, reanalize = reanalize)