def _get_self_bounds(self): """ Computes the bounds of the object itself (not including it's children) in the form [[lat_min, lon_min], [lat_max, lon_max]]. """ return get_bounds(self.location)
def test_mulyipolyline(): m = Map() locations = [[[45.51, -122.68], [37.77, -122.43], [34.04, -118.2]], [[40.78, -73.91], [41.83, -87.62], [32.76, -96.72]]] multipolyline = PolyLine(locations=locations, popup='MultiPolyLine') multipolyline.add_to(m) expected_options = { 'smoothFactor': 1.0, 'noClip': False, 'bubblingMouseEvents': True, 'color': '#3388ff', 'dashArray': None, 'dashOffset': None, 'fill': False, 'fillColor': '#3388ff', 'fillOpacity': 0.2, 'fillRule': 'evenodd', 'lineCap': 'round', 'lineJoin': 'round', 'opacity': 1.0, 'stroke': True, 'weight': 3, } m._repr_html_() expected_rendered = """ var {name} = L.polyline( {locations}, {{ "bubblingMouseEvents": true, "color": "#3388ff", "dashArray": null, "dashOffset": null, "fill": false, "fillColor": "#3388ff", "fillOpacity": 0.2, "fillRule": "evenodd", "lineCap": "round", "lineJoin": "round", "noClip": false, "opacity": 1.0, "smoothFactor": 1.0, "stroke": true, "weight": 3 }} ) .addTo({map}); """.format(locations=locations, name=multipolyline.get_name(), map=m.get_name()) rendered = multipolyline._template.module.script(multipolyline) assert normalize(rendered) == normalize(expected_rendered) assert multipolyline.get_bounds() == get_bounds(locations) assert json.dumps(multipolyline.to_dict()) == multipolyline.to_json() assert multipolyline.options == expected_options
def test_polygon_marker(): m = Map() locations = [[35.6636, 139.7634], [35.6629, 139.7664], [35.6663, 139.7706], [35.6725, 139.7632], [35.6728, 139.7627], [35.6720, 139.7606], [35.6682, 139.7588], [35.6663, 139.7627]] polygon = Polygon(locations=locations, popup='I am a polygon') polygon.add_to(m) expected_options = { 'bubblingMouseEvents': True, 'color': '#3388ff', 'dashArray': None, 'dashOffset': None, 'fill': False, 'fillColor': '#3388ff', 'fillOpacity': 0.2, 'fillRule': 'evenodd', 'lineCap': 'round', 'lineJoin': 'round', 'noClip': False, 'opacity': 1.0, 'smoothFactor': 1.0, 'stroke': True, 'weight': 3, } m._repr_html_() expected_rendered = """ var {name} = L.polygon( {locations}, {{ "bubblingMouseEvents": true, "color": "#3388ff", "dashArray": null, "dashOffset": null, "fill": false, "fillColor": "#3388ff", "fillOpacity": 0.2, "fillRule": "evenodd", "lineCap": "round", "lineJoin": "round", "noClip": false, "opacity": 1.0, "smoothFactor": 1.0, "stroke": true, "weight": 3 }} ) .addTo({map}); """.format(locations=locations, name=polygon.get_name(), map=m.get_name()) rendered = polygon._template.module.script(polygon) assert _normalize(rendered) == _normalize(expected_rendered) assert polygon.get_bounds() == get_bounds(locations) assert json.dumps(polygon.to_dict()) == polygon.to_json() assert polygon.options == json.dumps(expected_options, sort_keys=True, indent=2) # noqa
def test_polyline(): m = Map() locations = [[40, -80], [45, -80]] polyline = PolyLine(locations=locations, popup='I am PolyLine') polyline.add_to(m) expected_options = { 'smoothFactor': 1.0, 'noClip': False, 'bubblingMouseEvents': True, 'color': '#3388ff', 'dashArray': None, 'dashOffset': None, 'fill': False, 'fillColor': '#3388ff', 'fillOpacity': 0.2, 'fillRule': 'evenodd', 'lineCap': 'round', 'lineJoin': 'round', 'opacity': 1.0, 'stroke': True, 'weight': 3, } m._repr_html_() expected_rendered = """ var {name} = L.polyline( {locations}, {{ "bubblingMouseEvents": true, "color": "#3388ff", "dashArray": null, "dashOffset": null, "fill": false, "fillColor": "#3388ff", "fillOpacity": 0.2, "fillRule": "evenodd", "lineCap": "round", "lineJoin": "round", "noClip": false, "opacity": 1.0, "smoothFactor": 1.0, "stroke": true, "weight": 3 }} ) .addTo({map}); """.format(locations=locations, name=polyline.get_name(), map=m.get_name()) rendered = polyline._template.module.script(polyline) assert rendered.strip().split() == expected_rendered.strip().split() assert polyline.get_bounds() == get_bounds(locations) assert json.dumps(polyline.to_dict()) == polyline.to_json() assert polyline.options == json.dumps(expected_options, sort_keys=True, indent=2) # noqa
def test_polyline(): m = Map() locations = [[40.0, -80.0], [45.0, -80.0]] polyline = PolyLine(locations=locations, popup='I am PolyLine') polyline.add_to(m) expected_options = { 'smoothFactor': 1.0, 'noClip': False, 'bubblingMouseEvents': True, 'color': '#3388ff', 'dashArray': None, 'dashOffset': None, 'fill': False, 'fillColor': '#3388ff', 'fillOpacity': 0.2, 'fillRule': 'evenodd', 'lineCap': 'round', 'lineJoin': 'round', 'opacity': 1.0, 'stroke': True, 'weight': 3, } m._repr_html_() expected_rendered = """ var {name} = L.polyline( {locations}, {{ "bubblingMouseEvents": true, "color": "#3388ff", "dashArray": null, "dashOffset": null, "fill": false, "fillColor": "#3388ff", "fillOpacity": 0.2, "fillRule": "evenodd", "lineCap": "round", "lineJoin": "round", "noClip": false, "opacity": 1.0, "smoothFactor": 1.0, "stroke": true, "weight": 3 }} ) .addTo({map}); """.format(locations=locations, name=polyline.get_name(), map=m.get_name()) rendered = polyline._template.module.script(polyline) assert normalize(rendered) == normalize(expected_rendered) assert polyline.get_bounds() == get_bounds(locations) assert json.dumps(polyline.to_dict()) == polyline.to_json() assert polyline.options == expected_options
def get_map_list_single_run(eval_view, range_key, trip_id_pattern): map_list = [] color_list = ['blue', 'red', 'purple', 'orange'] for phoneOS, phone_map in"calibration").items(): print("Processing data for %s phones" % phoneOS) for curr_calibrate, curr_calibrate_trip_map in phone_map.items(): if trip_id_pattern not in curr_calibrate: print( "curr_calibrate = %s, not matching pattern %s, skipping" % (curr_calibrate, trip_id_pattern)) continue curr_map = folium.Map() all_points = [] for i, (phone_label, phone_data_map) in enumerate( curr_calibrate_trip_map.items()): print("%d, %s, %s" % (i, phone_label, phone_data_map.keys())) location_df = phone_data_map["location_df"] latlng_route_coords = list( zip(location_df.latitude, location_df.longitude)) all_points.extend(latlng_route_coords) # print(latlng_route_coords[0:10]) if len(latlng_route_coords) > 0: print( "Processing %s, %s, found %d locations, adding to map" % (curr_calibrate, phone_label, len(latlng_route_coords))) pl = folium.PolyLine(latlng_route_coords, popup="%s" % (phone_label), color=color_list[i]) pl.add_to(curr_map) else: print("Processing %s, %s, found %d locations, skipping" % (curr_calibrate, phone_label, len(latlng_route_coords))) curr_bounds = ful.get_bounds(all_points) print(curr_bounds) top_lat = curr_bounds[0][0] mid_lng = (curr_bounds[0][1] + curr_bounds[1][1]) / 2 print( "for trip %s with %d points, midpoint = %s, %s, plotting at %s, %s" % (curr_calibrate, len(all_points), top_lat, mid_lng, top_lat, mid_lng)) [top_lat, mid_lng], icon=fof.DivIcon( icon_size=(200, 36), html= '<div style="font-size: 12pt; color: green;">%s: %s</div>' % (phoneOS, curr_calibrate))).add_to(curr_map) curr_map.fit_bounds(pl.get_bounds()) map_list.append(curr_map) return map_list
def _get_self_bounds(self): """ Computes the bounds of the object itself (not including it's children) in the form [[lat_min, lon_min], [lat_max, lon_max]]. """ if not self.embed: raise ValueError('Cannot compute bounds of non-embedded GeoJSON.') data = json.loads( if 'features' not in data.keys(): # Catch case when GeoJSON is just a single Feature or a geometry. if not (isinstance(data, dict) and 'geometry' in data.keys()): # Catch case when GeoJSON is just a geometry. data = {'type': 'Feature', 'geometry': data} data = {'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': [data]} return get_bounds(data, lonlat=True)
def _get_self_bounds(self): """Compute the bounds of the object itself.""" return get_bounds(self.locations)
def test_polygon_marker(): m = Map() locations = [[35.6636, 139.7634], [35.6629, 139.7664], [35.6663, 139.7706], [35.6725, 139.7632], [35.6728, 139.7627], [35.6720, 139.7606], [35.6682, 139.7588], [35.6663, 139.7627]] polygon = Polygon(locations=locations, popup='I am a polygon') polygon.add_to(m) expected_options = { 'bubblingMouseEvents': True, 'color': '#3388ff', 'dashArray': None, 'dashOffset': None, 'fill': False, 'fillColor': '#3388ff', 'fillOpacity': 0.2, 'fillRule': 'evenodd', 'lineCap': 'round', 'lineJoin': 'round', 'noClip': False, 'opacity': 1.0, 'smoothFactor': 1.0, 'stroke': True, 'weight': 3, } m._repr_html_() expected_rendered = """ var {name} = L.polygon( {locations}, {{ "bubblingMouseEvents": true, "color": "#3388ff", "dashArray": null, "dashOffset": null, "fill": false, "fillColor": "#3388ff", "fillOpacity": 0.2, "fillRule": "evenodd", "lineCap": "round", "lineJoin": "round", "noClip": false, "opacity": 1.0, "smoothFactor": 1.0, "stroke": true, "weight": 3 }} ) .addTo({map}); """.format(locations=locations, name=polygon.get_name(), map=m.get_name()) rendered = polygon._template.module.script(polygon) assert normalize(rendered) == normalize(expected_rendered) assert polygon.get_bounds() == get_bounds(locations) assert json.dumps(polygon.to_dict()) == polygon.to_json() assert polygon.options == expected_options
def get_map_list_eval_sections(eval_view, os_pattern, trip_id_pattern, compare_pattern): compare_pattern_re = re.compile("(" + compare_pattern + ")|accuracy_control") print(compare_pattern_re) map_list = [] color_list = [mco.rgb2hex(c) for c in mcm.tab20.colors] for phoneOS, phone_map in"evaluation").items(): section_map = {} all_points = {} print("Processing data for %s phones" % phoneOS) if os_pattern not in phoneOS: print("pattern %s not found in %s, skipping" % (os_pattern, phoneOS)) continue for curr_eval, curr_eval_trip_map in phone_map.items(): print("curr_eval = %s" % curr_eval) for curr_eval_trip_id, eval_trip_compare_map in curr_eval_trip_map.items( ): if trip_id_pattern not in curr_eval_trip_id: print("pattern %s not found in %s, skipping" % (trip_id_pattern, curr_eval_trip_id)) continue for i, (compare_id, compare_tr) in enumerate( eval_trip_compare_map.items()): # print(i, len(eval_trip_compare_map.items())) # print( if is None: print( "compare_id = %s, not matching pattern %s, skipping" % (compare_id, compare_pattern)) continue if "power_control" in compare_id: print("Skipping the last item (power_control)") continue for sr in compare_tr["evaluation_section_ranges"]: # print("Considering section %s" % sr) gt_leg = eval_view.spec_details.get_ground_truth_for_leg( compare_tr["trip_id_base"], sr["trip_id_base"]) # print("Found ground truth %s for %s" % (gt_leg, sr["trip_id"])) if gt_leg["type"] != "TRAVEL": print( "Found non-travel trip, no spatial ground truth, skipping..." ) continue sec_id = curr_eval_trip_id + "_" + sr["trip_id"] if sec_id not in section_map: print("curr_section_id = %s, creating new map" % sec_id) section_map[sec_id] = folium.Map() all_points[sec_id] = [] gt_leg_gj = eval_view.spec_details.get_geojson_for_leg( gt_leg) pl_gt = folium.GeoJson(gt_leg_gj, name="ground_truth") pl_gt.add_to(section_map[sec_id]) curr_map = section_map[sec_id] curr_all_points = all_points[sec_id] location_df = sr["location_df"] print("Found %d locations for %s, %s, %s, %s" % (len(location_df), curr_eval, curr_eval_trip_id, compare_id, sec_id)) if len(location_df) > 0: lonlat_route_coords = list( zip(location_df.longitude, location_df.latitude)) latlon_route_coords = list( zip(location_df.latitude, location_df.longitude)) trip_gj = gj.Feature( geometry=gj.LineString(lonlat_route_coords), properties={"style": { "color": color_list[i] }}) pl = folium.GeoJson(trip_gj, name=compare_id) curr_all_points.extend(latlon_route_coords) print( "Processing %s, %s, %s, %s found %d locations, adding to map with color %s" % (curr_eval, curr_eval_trip_id, compare_id, sec_id, len(lonlat_route_coords), color_list[i])) pl.add_to(curr_map) else: print( "Processing %s, %s, %s, %s found %d locations, skipping" % (curr_eval, curr_eval_trip_id, compare_id, sec_id, len(latlon_route_coords))) print( "Finished processing %d (%d) sections for phoneOS %s, formatting maps" % (len(section_map), len(all_points), phoneOS)) print([(sec_id, len(point_list)) for sec_id, point_list in all_points.items()]) for sec_id, point_list in all_points.items(): curr_map = section_map[sec_id] if len(point_list) > 0: curr_bounds = ful.get_bounds(point_list) print(curr_bounds) top_lat = curr_bounds[0][0] mid_lng = (curr_bounds[0][1] + curr_bounds[1][1]) / 2 print( "for trip %s with %d points, midpoint = %s, %s, plotting at %s, %s" % (curr_eval_trip_id, len(point_list), top_lat, mid_lng, top_lat, mid_lng)) [top_lat, mid_lng], icon=fof.DivIcon( icon_size=(200, 36), html= '<div style="font-size: 12pt; color: green;">%s: %s</div>' % (phoneOS, sec_id))).add_to(curr_map) curr_map.fit_bounds(curr_bounds) folium.LayerControl().add_to(curr_map) map_list.extend(section_map.values()) print("Returning %s" % map_list) return map_list
def get_map_list_eval_trips(eval_view, os_pattern, trip_id_pattern, compare_pattern): compare_pattern_re = re.compile("(" + compare_pattern + ")|accuracy_control") print(compare_pattern_re) map_list = [] color_list = [mco.rgb2hex(c) for c in mcm.tab20.colors] for phoneOS, phone_map in"evaluation").items(): print("Processing data for %s phones" % phoneOS) if os_pattern not in phoneOS: print("pattern %s not found in %s, skipping" % (os_pattern, phoneOS)) continue for curr_eval, curr_eval_trip_map in phone_map.items(): print("curr_eval = %s" % curr_eval) for curr_eval_trip_id, eval_trip_compare_map in curr_eval_trip_map.items( ): if trip_id_pattern not in curr_eval_trip_id: print("pattern %s not found in %s, skipping" % (trip_id_pattern, curr_eval_trip_id)) continue print("curr_eval_trip_id = %s, creating new map" % curr_eval) curr_map = folium.Map() all_points = [] for i, (compare_id, compare_tr) in enumerate( eval_trip_compare_map.items()): # print(i, len(eval_trip_compare_map.items())) # print( if is None: print( "compare_id = %s, not matching pattern %s, skipping" % (compare_id, compare_pattern)) continue if "power_control" in compare_id: print("Skipping the last item (power_control)") continue location_df = compare_tr["location_df"] print("Found %d locations for %s, %s, %s" % (len(location_df), curr_eval, curr_eval_trip_id, compare_id)) if len(location_df) > 0: lonlat_route_coords = list( zip(location_df.longitude, location_df.latitude)) latlon_route_coords = list( zip(location_df.latitude, location_df.longitude)) trip_gj = gj.Feature( geometry=gj.LineString(lonlat_route_coords), properties={"style": { "color": color_list[i] }}) pl = folium.GeoJson(trip_gj, name=compare_id) all_points.extend(latlon_route_coords) print( "Processing %s, %s, %s, found %d locations, adding to map with color %s" % (curr_eval, curr_eval_trip_id, compare_id, len(lonlat_route_coords), color_list[i])) pl.add_to(curr_map) else: print( "Processing %s, %s, %s, found %d locations, skipping" % (curr_eval, curr_eval_trip_id, compare_id, len(latlon_route_coords))) if len(all_points) > 0: curr_bounds = ful.get_bounds(all_points) # print(curr_bounds) top_lat = curr_bounds[0][0] mid_lng = (curr_bounds[0][1] + curr_bounds[1][1]) / 2 print( "for trip %s with %d points, midpoint = %s, %s, plotting at %s, %s" % (curr_eval_trip_id, len(all_points), top_lat, mid_lng, top_lat, mid_lng)) [top_lat, mid_lng], icon=fof.DivIcon( icon_size=(200, 36), html= '<div style="font-size: 12pt; color: green;">%s: %s</div>' % (phoneOS, curr_eval_trip_id))).add_to(curr_map) curr_map.fit_bounds(pl.get_bounds()) folium.LayerControl().add_to(curr_map) map_list.append(curr_map) print("Returning %s" % map_list) return map_list