if (date.today() - rel_followed_them_date.date()).days >= 7: need_unfollow = True else: need_unfollow = True if need_unfollow: print 'unfollow %s because of timeout' % (uid) unfollow_v2(Bestgames.ACCESS_TOKENS[0], uid) db_unfollow_them(uid) if rel_followed_me == 1: need_unfollow = False if token_version == 1: if not is_followed_by_v1(token_data1, token_data2, Bestgames.UID, uid): need_unfollow = True elif token_version == 2: if not is_followed_by_v2(token_data1, Bestgames.UID, uid): need_unfollow = True if need_unfollow: print 'update %s bescause they unfollow me' % (uid) db_unfollow_me(uid) index = index + 1 time.sleep(5) except Exception,e: print e sys.exit() cursor.close() conn.close() if __name__ == '__main__':
print e try: staging_cursor = staging_conn.cursor() staging_cursor.execute('select uid from experiments where experiment=%s and followed_us=0 and followed_them=1',(experiment)) index=0 for row in staging_cursor.fetchall(): uid = row[0] access_token=Bestgames.ACCESS_TOKENS[0] print '%d: process %s' % (index, uid) if not is_follow_v2(access_token, Bestgames.UID, uid): print '%d: %s unfollow them' % (index, uid) unfollow_them(experiment, uid) if is_followed_by_v2(access_token, Bestgames.UID, uid): print '%d: %s followed us' % (index, uid) follow_me(experiment, uid) time.sleep(0.1) index = index + 1 except Exception,e: print e staging_cursor.close() staging_conn.close() def follow_them(experiment, uid): try: staging_conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='******', passwd='nameLR9969', db='bestgames', port=3306, charset='utf8') except Exception, e: print e
need_unfollow = True else: need_unfollow = True if need_unfollow: print 'unfollow %s because of timeout' % (uid) unfollow_v2(Bestgames.ACCESS_TOKENS[0], uid) db_unfollow_them(uid) if rel_followed_me == 1: need_unfollow = False if token_version == 1: if not is_followed_by_v1(token_data1, token_data2, Bestgames.UID, uid): need_unfollow = True elif token_version == 2: if not is_followed_by_v2(token_data1, Bestgames.UID, uid): need_unfollow = True if need_unfollow: print 'update %s bescause they unfollow me' % (uid) db_unfollow_me(uid) index = index + 1 time.sleep(5) except Exception, e: print e sys.exit() cursor.close() conn.close()
print e try: staging_cursor = staging_conn.cursor() staging_cursor.execute('select users.uid, users.token_version, users.token_data1, users.token_data2, tasks.type from tasks inner join users on tasks.uid=users.uid where tasks.name=%s and state=0 limit %s', (task, limit)) index = 1 for row in staging_cursor.fetchall(): uid = row[0] version = row[1] taskType = row[4] print '%d: process %s' % (index, uid) if taskType == TaskType.FOLLOW_ME: if version == 1: if is_followed_by_v2(Bestgames.ACCESS_TOKENS[index%8], Bestgames.UID, uid): print '%s already follow me' % (uid) db_follow_me(uid) else: follow_v1(row[2], row[3], Bestgames.UID) if is_followed_by_v2(Bestgames.ACCESS_TOKENS[index%8], Bestgames.UID, uid): print '%s follow me' % (uid) db_follow_me(uid) else: print 'follow me failed' time.sleep(60) elif version == 2: if is_followed_by_v2(Bestgames.ACCESS_TOKENS[index%8], Bestgames.UID, uid): print '%s already follow me' % (uid) db_follow_me(uid) else: