def test_e2e(): """Run an end-to-end test on documents of the hardware domain.""" # GitHub Actions gives 2 cores # PARALLEL = 2 max_docs = 12 fonduer.init_logging( format="[%(asctime)s][%(levelname)s] %(name)s:%(lineno)s - %(message)s", level=logging.INFO, ) session = fonduer.Meta.init(CONN_STRING).Session() docs_path = "tests/data/html/" pdf_path = "tests/data/pdf/" doc_preprocessor = HTMLDocPreprocessor(docs_path, max_docs=max_docs) corpus_parser = Parser( session, parallelism=PARALLEL, structural=True, lingual=True, visual=True, pdf_path=pdf_path, ) corpus_parser.apply(doc_preprocessor) assert session.query(Document).count() == max_docs num_docs = session.query(Document).count()"Docs: {num_docs}") assert num_docs == max_docs num_sentences = session.query(Sentence).count()"Sentences: {num_sentences}") # Divide into test and train docs = sorted(corpus_parser.get_documents()) last_docs = sorted(corpus_parser.get_last_documents()) ld = len(docs) assert ld == len(last_docs) assert len(docs[0].sentences) == len(last_docs[0].sentences) assert len(docs[0].sentences) == 799 assert len(docs[1].sentences) == 663 assert len(docs[2].sentences) == 784 assert len(docs[3].sentences) == 661 assert len(docs[4].sentences) == 513 assert len(docs[5].sentences) == 700 assert len(docs[6].sentences) == 528 assert len(docs[7].sentences) == 161 assert len(docs[8].sentences) == 228 assert len(docs[9].sentences) == 511 assert len(docs[10].sentences) == 331 assert len(docs[11].sentences) == 528 # Check table numbers assert len(docs[0].tables) == 9 assert len(docs[1].tables) == 9 assert len(docs[2].tables) == 14 assert len(docs[3].tables) == 11 assert len(docs[4].tables) == 11 assert len(docs[5].tables) == 10 assert len(docs[6].tables) == 10 assert len(docs[7].tables) == 2 assert len(docs[8].tables) == 7 assert len(docs[9].tables) == 10 assert len(docs[10].tables) == 6 assert len(docs[11].tables) == 9 # Check figure numbers assert len(docs[0].figures) == 32 assert len(docs[1].figures) == 11 assert len(docs[2].figures) == 38 assert len(docs[3].figures) == 31 assert len(docs[4].figures) == 7 assert len(docs[5].figures) == 38 assert len(docs[6].figures) == 10 assert len(docs[7].figures) == 31 assert len(docs[8].figures) == 4 assert len(docs[9].figures) == 27 assert len(docs[10].figures) == 5 assert len(docs[11].figures) == 27 # Check caption numbers assert len(docs[0].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[1].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[2].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[3].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[4].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[5].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[6].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[7].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[8].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[9].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[10].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[11].captions) == 0 train_docs = set() dev_docs = set() test_docs = set() splits = (0.5, 0.75) data = [(, doc) for doc in docs] data.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) for i, (doc_name, doc) in enumerate(data): if i < splits[0] * ld: train_docs.add(doc) elif i < splits[1] * ld: dev_docs.add(doc) else: test_docs.add(doc)[ for x in train_docs]) # NOTE: With multi-relation support, return values of getting candidates, # mentions, or sparse matrices are formatted as a list of lists. This means # that with a single relation, we need to index into the list of lists to # get the candidates/mentions/sparse matrix for a particular relation or # mention. # Mention Extraction part_ngrams = MentionNgramsPart(parts_by_doc=None, n_max=3) temp_ngrams = MentionNgramsTemp(n_max=2) volt_ngrams = MentionNgramsVolt(n_max=1) Part = mention_subclass("Part") Temp = mention_subclass("Temp") Volt = mention_subclass("Volt") mention_extractor = MentionExtractor( session, [Part, Temp, Volt], [part_ngrams, temp_ngrams, volt_ngrams], [part_matcher, temp_matcher, volt_matcher], ) mention_extractor.apply(docs, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Part).count() == 299 assert session.query(Temp).count() == 138 assert session.query(Volt).count() == 140 assert len(mention_extractor.get_mentions()) == 3 assert len(mention_extractor.get_mentions()[0]) == 299 assert (len( mention_extractor.get_mentions(docs=[ session.query(Document).filter( == "112823").first() ])[0]) == 70) # Candidate Extraction PartTemp = candidate_subclass("PartTemp", [Part, Temp]) PartVolt = candidate_subclass("PartVolt", [Part, Volt]) candidate_extractor = CandidateExtractor( session, [PartTemp, PartVolt], throttlers=[temp_throttler, volt_throttler]) for i, docs in enumerate([train_docs, dev_docs, test_docs]): candidate_extractor.apply(docs, split=i, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(PartTemp).filter(PartTemp.split == 0).count() == 3493 assert session.query(PartTemp).filter(PartTemp.split == 1).count() == 61 assert session.query(PartTemp).filter(PartTemp.split == 2).count() == 416 assert session.query(PartVolt).count() == 4282 # Grab candidate lists train_cands = candidate_extractor.get_candidates(split=0, sort=True) dev_cands = candidate_extractor.get_candidates(split=1, sort=True) test_cands = candidate_extractor.get_candidates(split=2, sort=True) assert len(train_cands) == 2 assert len(train_cands[0]) == 3493 assert (len( candidate_extractor.get_candidates(docs=[ session.query(Document).filter( == "112823").first() ])[0]) == 1432) # Featurization featurizer = Featurizer(session, [PartTemp, PartVolt]) # Test that FeatureKey is properly reset featurizer.apply(split=1, train=True, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Feature).count() == 214 assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 1260 # Test Dropping FeatureKey # Should force a row deletion featurizer.drop_keys(["DDL_e1_W_LEFT_POS_3_[NNP NN IN]"]) assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 1259 # Should only remove the part_volt as a relation and leave part_temp assert set( session.query(FeatureKey).filter( == "DDL_e1_LEMMA_SEQ_[bc182]").one().candidate_classes) == { "part_temp", "part_volt" } featurizer.drop_keys(["DDL_e1_LEMMA_SEQ_[bc182]"], candidate_classes=[PartVolt]) assert session.query(FeatureKey).filter( == "DDL_e1_LEMMA_SEQ_[bc182]").one().candidate_classes == ["part_temp"] assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 1259 # Inserting the removed key featurizer.upsert_keys(["DDL_e1_LEMMA_SEQ_[bc182]"], candidate_classes=[PartTemp, PartVolt]) assert set( session.query(FeatureKey).filter( == "DDL_e1_LEMMA_SEQ_[bc182]").one().candidate_classes) == { "part_temp", "part_volt" } assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 1259 # Removing the key again featurizer.drop_keys(["DDL_e1_LEMMA_SEQ_[bc182]"], candidate_classes=[PartVolt]) # Removing the last relation from a key should delete the row featurizer.drop_keys(["DDL_e1_LEMMA_SEQ_[bc182]"], candidate_classes=[PartTemp]) assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 1258 session.query(Feature).delete(synchronize_session="fetch") session.query(FeatureKey).delete(synchronize_session="fetch") featurizer.apply(split=0, train=True, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Feature).count() == 6478 assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 4538 F_train = featurizer.get_feature_matrices(train_cands) assert F_train[0].shape == (3493, 4538) assert F_train[1].shape == (2985, 4538) assert len(featurizer.get_keys()) == 4538 featurizer.apply(split=1, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Feature).count() == 6692 assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 4538 F_dev = featurizer.get_feature_matrices(dev_cands) assert F_dev[0].shape == (61, 4538) assert F_dev[1].shape == (153, 4538) featurizer.apply(split=2, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Feature).count() == 8252 assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 4538 F_test = featurizer.get_feature_matrices(test_cands) assert F_test[0].shape == (416, 4538) assert F_test[1].shape == (1144, 4538) gold_file = "tests/data/hardware_tutorial_gold.csv" labeler = Labeler(session, [PartTemp, PartVolt]) labeler.apply( docs=last_docs, lfs=[[gold], [gold]], table=GoldLabel, train=True, parallelism=PARALLEL, ) assert session.query(GoldLabel).count() == 8252 stg_temp_lfs = [ LF_storage_row, LF_operating_row, LF_temperature_row, LF_tstg_row, LF_to_left, LF_negative_number_left, ] ce_v_max_lfs = [ LF_bad_keywords_in_row, LF_current_in_row, LF_non_ce_voltages_in_row, ] with pytest.raises(ValueError): labeler.apply(split=0, lfs=stg_temp_lfs, train=True, parallelism=PARALLEL) labeler.apply( docs=train_docs, lfs=[stg_temp_lfs, ce_v_max_lfs], train=True, parallelism=PARALLEL, ) assert session.query(Label).count() == 6478 assert session.query(LabelKey).count() == 9 L_train = labeler.get_label_matrices(train_cands) assert L_train[0].shape == (3493, 9) assert L_train[1].shape == (2985, 9) assert len(labeler.get_keys()) == 9 # Test Dropping LabelerKey labeler.drop_keys(["LF_storage_row"]) assert len(labeler.get_keys()) == 8 # Test Upserting LabelerKey labeler.upsert_keys(["LF_storage_row"]) assert "LF_storage_row" in [ for label in labeler.get_keys()] L_train_gold = labeler.get_gold_labels(train_cands) assert L_train_gold[0].shape == (3493, 1) L_train_gold = labeler.get_gold_labels(train_cands, annotator="gold") assert L_train_gold[0].shape == (3493, 1) label_model = LabelModel()[0], n_epochs=500, log_freq=100) train_marginals = label_model.predict_proba(L_train[0]) # Collect word counter word_counter = collect_word_counter(train_cands) emmental.init(fonduer.Meta.log_path) # Training config config = { "meta_config": { "verbose": False }, "model_config": { "model_path": None, "device": 0, "dataparallel": False }, "learner_config": { "n_epochs": 5, "optimizer_config": { "lr": 0.001, "l2": 0.0 }, "task_scheduler": "round_robin", }, "logging_config": { "evaluation_freq": 1, "counter_unit": "epoch", "checkpointing": False, "checkpointer_config": { "checkpoint_metric": { f"{ATTRIBUTE}/{ATTRIBUTE}/train/loss": "min" }, "checkpoint_freq": 1, "checkpoint_runway": 2, "clear_intermediate_checkpoints": True, "clear_all_checkpoints": True, }, }, } emmental.Meta.update_config(config=config) # Generate word embedding module arity = 2 # Geneate special tokens specials = [] for i in range(arity): specials += [f"~~[[{i}", f"{i}]]~~"] emb_layer = EmbeddingModule(word_counter=word_counter, word_dim=300, specials=specials) diffs = train_marginals.max(axis=1) - train_marginals.min(axis=1) train_idxs = np.where(diffs > 1e-6)[0] train_dataloader = EmmentalDataLoader( task_to_label_dict={ATTRIBUTE: "labels"}, dataset=FonduerDataset( ATTRIBUTE, train_cands[0], F_train[0], emb_layer.word2id, train_marginals, train_idxs, ), split="train", batch_size=100, shuffle=True, ) tasks = create_task(ATTRIBUTE, 2, F_train[0].shape[1], 2, emb_layer, model="LogisticRegression") model = EmmentalModel(name=f"{ATTRIBUTE}_task") for task in tasks: model.add_task(task) emmental_learner = EmmentalLearner() emmental_learner.learn(model, [train_dataloader]) test_dataloader = EmmentalDataLoader( task_to_label_dict={ATTRIBUTE: "labels"}, dataset=FonduerDataset(ATTRIBUTE, test_cands[0], F_test[0], emb_layer.word2id, 2), split="test", batch_size=100, shuffle=False, ) test_preds = model.predict(test_dataloader, return_preds=True) positive = np.where( np.array(test_preds["probs"][ATTRIBUTE])[:, TRUE] > 0.6) true_pred = [test_cands[0][_] for _ in positive[0]] pickle_file = "tests/data/parts_by_doc_dict.pkl" with open(pickle_file, "rb") as f: parts_by_doc = pickle.load(f) (TP, FP, FN) = entity_level_f1(true_pred, gold_file, ATTRIBUTE, test_docs, parts_by_doc=parts_by_doc) tp_len = len(TP) fp_len = len(FP) fn_len = len(FN) prec = tp_len / (tp_len + fp_len) if tp_len + fp_len > 0 else float("nan") rec = tp_len / (tp_len + fn_len) if tp_len + fn_len > 0 else float("nan") f1 = 2 * (prec * rec) / (prec + rec) if prec + rec > 0 else float("nan")"prec: {prec}")"rec: {rec}")"f1: {f1}") assert f1 < 0.7 and f1 > 0.3 stg_temp_lfs_2 = [ LF_to_left, LF_test_condition_aligned, LF_collector_aligned, LF_current_aligned, LF_voltage_row_temp, LF_voltage_row_part, LF_typ_row, LF_complement_left_row, LF_too_many_numbers_row, LF_temp_on_high_page_num, LF_temp_outside_table, LF_not_temp_relevant, ] labeler.update(split=0, lfs=[stg_temp_lfs_2, ce_v_max_lfs], parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Label).count() == 6478 assert session.query(LabelKey).count() == 16 L_train = labeler.get_label_matrices(train_cands) assert L_train[0].shape == (3493, 16) label_model = LabelModel()[0], n_epochs=500, log_freq=100) train_marginals = label_model.predict_proba(L_train[0]) diffs = train_marginals.max(axis=1) - train_marginals.min(axis=1) train_idxs = np.where(diffs > 1e-6)[0] train_dataloader = EmmentalDataLoader( task_to_label_dict={ATTRIBUTE: "labels"}, dataset=FonduerDataset( ATTRIBUTE, train_cands[0], F_train[0], emb_layer.word2id, train_marginals, train_idxs, ), split="train", batch_size=100, shuffle=True, ) valid_dataloader = EmmentalDataLoader( task_to_label_dict={ATTRIBUTE: "labels"}, dataset=FonduerDataset( ATTRIBUTE, train_cands[0], F_train[0], emb_layer.word2id, np.argmax(train_marginals, axis=1), train_idxs, ), split="valid", batch_size=100, shuffle=False, ) emmental.Meta.reset() emmental.init(fonduer.Meta.log_path) emmental.Meta.update_config(config=config) tasks = create_task(ATTRIBUTE, 2, F_train[0].shape[1], 2, emb_layer, model="LogisticRegression") model = EmmentalModel(name=f"{ATTRIBUTE}_task") for task in tasks: model.add_task(task) emmental_learner = EmmentalLearner() emmental_learner.learn(model, [train_dataloader, valid_dataloader]) test_preds = model.predict(test_dataloader, return_preds=True) positive = np.where( np.array(test_preds["probs"][ATTRIBUTE])[:, TRUE] > 0.7) true_pred = [test_cands[0][_] for _ in positive[0]] (TP, FP, FN) = entity_level_f1(true_pred, gold_file, ATTRIBUTE, test_docs, parts_by_doc=parts_by_doc) tp_len = len(TP) fp_len = len(FP) fn_len = len(FN) prec = tp_len / (tp_len + fp_len) if tp_len + fp_len > 0 else float("nan") rec = tp_len / (tp_len + fn_len) if tp_len + fn_len > 0 else float("nan") f1 = 2 * (prec * rec) / (prec + rec) if prec + rec > 0 else float("nan")"prec: {prec}")"rec: {rec}")"f1: {f1}") assert f1 > 0.7 # Testing LSTM emmental.Meta.reset() emmental.init(fonduer.Meta.log_path) emmental.Meta.update_config(config=config) tasks = create_task(ATTRIBUTE, 2, F_train[0].shape[1], 2, emb_layer, model="LSTM") model = EmmentalModel(name=f"{ATTRIBUTE}_task") for task in tasks: model.add_task(task) emmental_learner = EmmentalLearner() emmental_learner.learn(model, [train_dataloader]) test_preds = model.predict(test_dataloader, return_preds=True) positive = np.where( np.array(test_preds["probs"][ATTRIBUTE])[:, TRUE] > 0.7) true_pred = [test_cands[0][_] for _ in positive[0]] (TP, FP, FN) = entity_level_f1(true_pred, gold_file, ATTRIBUTE, test_docs, parts_by_doc=parts_by_doc) tp_len = len(TP) fp_len = len(FP) fn_len = len(FN) prec = tp_len / (tp_len + fp_len) if tp_len + fp_len > 0 else float("nan") rec = tp_len / (tp_len + fn_len) if tp_len + fn_len > 0 else float("nan") f1 = 2 * (prec * rec) / (prec + rec) if prec + rec > 0 else float("nan")"prec: {prec}")"rec: {rec}")"f1: {f1}") assert f1 > 0.7
def test_e2e(): """Run an end-to-end test on documents of the hardware domain.""" PARALLEL = 4 max_docs = 12 fonduer.init_logging( log_dir="log_folder", format="[%(asctime)s][%(levelname)s] %(name)s:%(lineno)s - %(message)s", level=logging.INFO, ) session = fonduer.Meta.init(CONN_STRING).Session() docs_path = "tests/data/html/" pdf_path = "tests/data/pdf/" doc_preprocessor = HTMLDocPreprocessor(docs_path, max_docs=max_docs) corpus_parser = Parser( session, parallelism=PARALLEL, structural=True, lingual=True, visual=True, pdf_path=pdf_path, ) corpus_parser.apply(doc_preprocessor) assert session.query(Document).count() == max_docs num_docs = session.query(Document).count()"Docs: {num_docs}") assert num_docs == max_docs num_sentences = session.query(Sentence).count()"Sentences: {num_sentences}") # Divide into test and train docs = sorted(corpus_parser.get_documents()) last_docs = sorted(corpus_parser.get_last_documents()) ld = len(docs) assert ld == len(last_docs) assert len(docs[0].sentences) == len(last_docs[0].sentences) assert len(docs[0].sentences) == 799 assert len(docs[1].sentences) == 663 assert len(docs[2].sentences) == 784 assert len(docs[3].sentences) == 661 assert len(docs[4].sentences) == 513 assert len(docs[5].sentences) == 700 assert len(docs[6].sentences) == 528 assert len(docs[7].sentences) == 161 assert len(docs[8].sentences) == 228 assert len(docs[9].sentences) == 511 assert len(docs[10].sentences) == 331 assert len(docs[11].sentences) == 528 # Check table numbers assert len(docs[0].tables) == 9 assert len(docs[1].tables) == 9 assert len(docs[2].tables) == 14 assert len(docs[3].tables) == 11 assert len(docs[4].tables) == 11 assert len(docs[5].tables) == 10 assert len(docs[6].tables) == 10 assert len(docs[7].tables) == 2 assert len(docs[8].tables) == 7 assert len(docs[9].tables) == 10 assert len(docs[10].tables) == 6 assert len(docs[11].tables) == 9 # Check figure numbers assert len(docs[0].figures) == 32 assert len(docs[1].figures) == 11 assert len(docs[2].figures) == 38 assert len(docs[3].figures) == 31 assert len(docs[4].figures) == 7 assert len(docs[5].figures) == 38 assert len(docs[6].figures) == 10 assert len(docs[7].figures) == 31 assert len(docs[8].figures) == 4 assert len(docs[9].figures) == 27 assert len(docs[10].figures) == 5 assert len(docs[11].figures) == 27 # Check caption numbers assert len(docs[0].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[1].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[2].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[3].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[4].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[5].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[6].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[7].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[8].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[9].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[10].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[11].captions) == 0 train_docs = set() dev_docs = set() test_docs = set() splits = (0.5, 0.75) data = [(, doc) for doc in docs] data.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) for i, (doc_name, doc) in enumerate(data): if i < splits[0] * ld: train_docs.add(doc) elif i < splits[1] * ld: dev_docs.add(doc) else: test_docs.add(doc)[ for x in train_docs]) # NOTE: With multi-relation support, return values of getting candidates, # mentions, or sparse matrices are formatted as a list of lists. This means # that with a single relation, we need to index into the list of lists to # get the candidates/mentions/sparse matrix for a particular relation or # mention. # Mention Extraction part_ngrams = MentionNgramsPart(parts_by_doc=None, n_max=3) temp_ngrams = MentionNgramsTemp(n_max=2) volt_ngrams = MentionNgramsVolt(n_max=1) Part = mention_subclass("Part") Temp = mention_subclass("Temp") Volt = mention_subclass("Volt") mention_extractor = MentionExtractor( session, [Part, Temp, Volt], [part_ngrams, temp_ngrams, volt_ngrams], [part_matcher, temp_matcher, volt_matcher], ) mention_extractor.apply(docs, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Part).count() == 299 assert session.query(Temp).count() == 138 assert session.query(Volt).count() == 140 assert len(mention_extractor.get_mentions()) == 3 assert len(mention_extractor.get_mentions()[0]) == 299 assert ( len( mention_extractor.get_mentions( docs=[session.query(Document).filter( == "112823").first()] )[0] ) == 70 ) # Candidate Extraction PartTemp = candidate_subclass("PartTemp", [Part, Temp]) PartVolt = candidate_subclass("PartVolt", [Part, Volt]) candidate_extractor = CandidateExtractor( session, [PartTemp, PartVolt], throttlers=[temp_throttler, volt_throttler] ) for i, docs in enumerate([train_docs, dev_docs, test_docs]): candidate_extractor.apply(docs, split=i, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(PartTemp).filter(PartTemp.split == 0).count() == 3493 assert session.query(PartTemp).filter(PartTemp.split == 1).count() == 61 assert session.query(PartTemp).filter(PartTemp.split == 2).count() == 416 assert session.query(PartVolt).count() == 4282 # Grab candidate lists train_cands = candidate_extractor.get_candidates(split=0, sort=True) dev_cands = candidate_extractor.get_candidates(split=1, sort=True) test_cands = candidate_extractor.get_candidates(split=2, sort=True) assert len(train_cands) == 2 assert len(train_cands[0]) == 3493 assert ( len( candidate_extractor.get_candidates( docs=[session.query(Document).filter( == "112823").first()] )[0] ) == 1432 ) # Featurization featurizer = Featurizer(session, [PartTemp, PartVolt]) # Test that FeatureKey is properly reset featurizer.apply(split=1, train=True, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Feature).count() == 214 assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 1260 # Test Dropping FeatureKey # Should force a row deletion featurizer.drop_keys(["DDL_e1_W_LEFT_POS_3_[NNP NN IN]"]) assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 1259 # Should only remove the part_volt as a relation and leave part_temp assert set( session.query(FeatureKey) .filter( == "DDL_e1_LEMMA_SEQ_[bc182]") .one() .candidate_classes ) == {"part_temp", "part_volt"} featurizer.drop_keys(["DDL_e1_LEMMA_SEQ_[bc182]"], candidate_classes=[PartVolt]) assert session.query(FeatureKey).filter( == "DDL_e1_LEMMA_SEQ_[bc182]" ).one().candidate_classes == ["part_temp"] assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 1259 # Inserting the removed key featurizer.upsert_keys( ["DDL_e1_LEMMA_SEQ_[bc182]"], candidate_classes=[PartTemp, PartVolt] ) assert set( session.query(FeatureKey) .filter( == "DDL_e1_LEMMA_SEQ_[bc182]") .one() .candidate_classes ) == {"part_temp", "part_volt"} assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 1259 # Removing the key again featurizer.drop_keys(["DDL_e1_LEMMA_SEQ_[bc182]"], candidate_classes=[PartVolt]) # Removing the last relation from a key should delete the row featurizer.drop_keys(["DDL_e1_LEMMA_SEQ_[bc182]"], candidate_classes=[PartTemp]) assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 1258 session.query(Feature).delete(synchronize_session="fetch") session.query(FeatureKey).delete(synchronize_session="fetch") featurizer.apply(split=0, train=True, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Feature).count() == 6478 assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 4538 F_train = featurizer.get_feature_matrices(train_cands) assert F_train[0].shape == (3493, 4538) assert F_train[1].shape == (2985, 4538) assert len(featurizer.get_keys()) == 4538 featurizer.apply(split=1, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Feature).count() == 6692 assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 4538 F_dev = featurizer.get_feature_matrices(dev_cands) assert F_dev[0].shape == (61, 4538) assert F_dev[1].shape == (153, 4538) featurizer.apply(split=2, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Feature).count() == 8252 assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 4538 F_test = featurizer.get_feature_matrices(test_cands) assert F_test[0].shape == (416, 4538) assert F_test[1].shape == (1144, 4538) gold_file = "tests/data/hardware_tutorial_gold.csv" labeler = Labeler(session, [PartTemp, PartVolt]) labeler.apply( docs=last_docs, lfs=[[gold], [gold]], table=GoldLabel, train=True, parallelism=PARALLEL, ) assert session.query(GoldLabel).count() == 8252 stg_temp_lfs = [ LF_storage_row, LF_operating_row, LF_temperature_row, LF_tstg_row, LF_to_left, LF_negative_number_left, ] ce_v_max_lfs = [ LF_bad_keywords_in_row, LF_current_in_row, LF_non_ce_voltages_in_row, ] with pytest.raises(ValueError): labeler.apply(split=0, lfs=stg_temp_lfs, train=True, parallelism=PARALLEL) labeler.apply( docs=train_docs, lfs=[stg_temp_lfs, ce_v_max_lfs], train=True, parallelism=PARALLEL, ) assert session.query(Label).count() == 6478 assert session.query(LabelKey).count() == 9 L_train = labeler.get_label_matrices(train_cands) assert L_train[0].shape == (3493, 9) assert L_train[1].shape == (2985, 9) assert len(labeler.get_keys()) == 9 # Test Dropping LabelerKey labeler.drop_keys(["LF_storage_row"]) assert len(labeler.get_keys()) == 8 # Test Upserting LabelerKey labeler.upsert_keys(["LF_storage_row"]) assert "LF_storage_row" in [ for label in labeler.get_keys()] L_train_gold = labeler.get_gold_labels(train_cands) assert L_train_gold[0].shape == (3493, 1) L_train_gold = labeler.get_gold_labels(train_cands, annotator="gold") assert L_train_gold[0].shape == (3493, 1) gen_model = LabelModel()[0], n_epochs=500, log_freq=100) train_marginals = gen_model.predict_proba(L_train[0]) disc_model = LogisticRegression() disc_model.train( (train_cands[0], F_train[0]), train_marginals, X_dev=(train_cands[0], F_train[0]), Y_dev=L_train_gold[0].reshape(-1), b=0.6, pos_label=TRUE, n_epochs=5, lr=0.001, ) test_score = disc_model.predict((test_cands[0], F_test[0]), b=0.6, pos_label=TRUE) true_pred = [test_cands[0][_] for _ in np.nditer(np.where(test_score == TRUE))] pickle_file = "tests/data/parts_by_doc_dict.pkl" with open(pickle_file, "rb") as f: parts_by_doc = pickle.load(f) (TP, FP, FN) = entity_level_f1( true_pred, gold_file, ATTRIBUTE, test_docs, parts_by_doc=parts_by_doc ) tp_len = len(TP) fp_len = len(FP) fn_len = len(FN) prec = tp_len / (tp_len + fp_len) if tp_len + fp_len > 0 else float("nan") rec = tp_len / (tp_len + fn_len) if tp_len + fn_len > 0 else float("nan") f1 = 2 * (prec * rec) / (prec + rec) if prec + rec > 0 else float("nan")"prec: {prec}")"rec: {rec}")"f1: {f1}") assert f1 < 0.7 and f1 > 0.3 stg_temp_lfs_2 = [ LF_to_left, LF_test_condition_aligned, LF_collector_aligned, LF_current_aligned, LF_voltage_row_temp, LF_voltage_row_part, LF_typ_row, LF_complement_left_row, LF_too_many_numbers_row, LF_temp_on_high_page_num, LF_temp_outside_table, LF_not_temp_relevant, ] labeler.update(split=0, lfs=[stg_temp_lfs_2, ce_v_max_lfs], parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Label).count() == 6478 assert session.query(LabelKey).count() == 16 L_train = labeler.get_label_matrices(train_cands) assert L_train[0].shape == (3493, 16) gen_model = LabelModel()[0], n_epochs=500, log_freq=100) train_marginals = gen_model.predict_proba(L_train[0]) disc_model = LogisticRegression() disc_model.train( (train_cands[0], F_train[0]), train_marginals, n_epochs=5, lr=0.001 ) test_score = disc_model.predict((test_cands[0], F_test[0]), b=0.6, pos_label=TRUE) true_pred = [test_cands[0][_] for _ in np.nditer(np.where(test_score == TRUE))] (TP, FP, FN) = entity_level_f1( true_pred, gold_file, ATTRIBUTE, test_docs, parts_by_doc=parts_by_doc ) tp_len = len(TP) fp_len = len(FP) fn_len = len(FN) prec = tp_len / (tp_len + fp_len) if tp_len + fp_len > 0 else float("nan") rec = tp_len / (tp_len + fn_len) if tp_len + fn_len > 0 else float("nan") f1 = 2 * (prec * rec) / (prec + rec) if prec + rec > 0 else float("nan")"prec: {prec}")"rec: {rec}")"f1: {f1}") assert f1 > 0.7 # Testing LSTM disc_model = LSTM() disc_model.train( (train_cands[0], F_train[0]), train_marginals, n_epochs=5, lr=0.001 ) test_score = disc_model.predict((test_cands[0], F_test[0]), b=0.6, pos_label=TRUE) true_pred = [test_cands[0][_] for _ in np.nditer(np.where(test_score == TRUE))] (TP, FP, FN) = entity_level_f1( true_pred, gold_file, ATTRIBUTE, test_docs, parts_by_doc=parts_by_doc ) tp_len = len(TP) fp_len = len(FP) fn_len = len(FN) prec = tp_len / (tp_len + fp_len) if tp_len + fp_len > 0 else float("nan") rec = tp_len / (tp_len + fn_len) if tp_len + fn_len > 0 else float("nan") f1 = 2 * (prec * rec) / (prec + rec) if prec + rec > 0 else float("nan")"prec: {prec}")"rec: {rec}")"f1: {f1}") assert f1 > 0.7 # Testing Sparse Logistic Regression disc_model = SparseLogisticRegression() disc_model.train( (train_cands[0], F_train[0]), train_marginals, n_epochs=5, lr=0.001 ) test_score = disc_model.predict((test_cands[0], F_test[0]), b=0.6, pos_label=TRUE) true_pred = [test_cands[0][_] for _ in np.nditer(np.where(test_score == TRUE))] (TP, FP, FN) = entity_level_f1( true_pred, gold_file, ATTRIBUTE, test_docs, parts_by_doc=parts_by_doc ) tp_len = len(TP) fp_len = len(FP) fn_len = len(FN) prec = tp_len / (tp_len + fp_len) if tp_len + fp_len > 0 else float("nan") rec = tp_len / (tp_len + fn_len) if tp_len + fn_len > 0 else float("nan") f1 = 2 * (prec * rec) / (prec + rec) if prec + rec > 0 else float("nan")"prec: {prec}")"rec: {rec}")"f1: {f1}") assert f1 > 0.7 # Testing Sparse LSTM disc_model = SparseLSTM() disc_model.train( (train_cands[0], F_train[0]), train_marginals, n_epochs=5, lr=0.001 ) test_score = disc_model.predict((test_cands[0], F_test[0]), b=0.6, pos_label=TRUE) true_pred = [test_cands[0][_] for _ in np.nditer(np.where(test_score == TRUE))] (TP, FP, FN) = entity_level_f1( true_pred, gold_file, ATTRIBUTE, test_docs, parts_by_doc=parts_by_doc ) tp_len = len(TP) fp_len = len(FP) fn_len = len(FN) prec = tp_len / (tp_len + fp_len) if tp_len + fp_len > 0 else float("nan") rec = tp_len / (tp_len + fn_len) if tp_len + fn_len > 0 else float("nan") f1 = 2 * (prec * rec) / (prec + rec) if prec + rec > 0 else float("nan")"prec: {prec}")"rec: {rec}")"f1: {f1}") assert f1 > 0.7 # Evaluate mention level scores L_test_gold = labeler.get_gold_labels(test_cands, annotator="gold") Y_test = L_test_gold[0].reshape(-1) scores = disc_model.score((test_cands[0], F_test[0]), Y_test, b=0.6, pos_label=TRUE) assert scores["f1"] > 0.6
def test_incremental(caplog): """Run an end-to-end test on incremental additions.""" caplog.set_level(logging.INFO) PARALLEL = 1 max_docs = 1 session = Meta.init("postgresql://localhost:5432/" + DB).Session() docs_path = "tests/data/html/dtc114w.html" pdf_path = "tests/data/pdf/dtc114w.pdf" doc_preprocessor = HTMLDocPreprocessor(docs_path, max_docs=max_docs) corpus_parser = Parser( session, parallelism=PARALLEL, structural=True, lingual=True, visual=True, pdf_path=pdf_path, ) corpus_parser.apply(doc_preprocessor) num_docs = session.query(Document).count()"Docs: {num_docs}") assert num_docs == max_docs docs = corpus_parser.get_documents() last_docs = corpus_parser.get_documents() assert len(docs[0].sentences) == len(last_docs[0].sentences) # Mention Extraction part_ngrams = MentionNgramsPart(parts_by_doc=None, n_max=3) temp_ngrams = MentionNgramsTemp(n_max=2) Part = mention_subclass("Part") Temp = mention_subclass("Temp") mention_extractor = MentionExtractor(session, [Part, Temp], [part_ngrams, temp_ngrams], [part_matcher, temp_matcher]) mention_extractor.apply(docs, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Part).count() == 11 assert session.query(Temp).count() == 8 # Candidate Extraction PartTemp = candidate_subclass("PartTemp", [Part, Temp]) candidate_extractor = CandidateExtractor(session, [PartTemp], throttlers=[temp_throttler]) candidate_extractor.apply(docs, split=0, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(PartTemp).filter(PartTemp.split == 0).count() == 70 assert session.query(Candidate).count() == 70 # Grab candidate lists train_cands = candidate_extractor.get_candidates(split=0) assert len(train_cands) == 1 assert len(train_cands[0]) == 70 # Featurization featurizer = Featurizer(session, [PartTemp]) featurizer.apply(split=0, train=True, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Feature).count() == 70 assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 512 F_train = featurizer.get_feature_matrices(train_cands) assert F_train[0].shape == (70, 512) assert len(featurizer.get_keys()) == 512 # Test Dropping FeatureKey featurizer.drop_keys(["CORE_e1_LENGTH_1"]) assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 512 stg_temp_lfs = [ LF_storage_row, LF_operating_row, LF_temperature_row, LF_tstg_row, LF_to_left, LF_negative_number_left, ] labeler = Labeler(session, [PartTemp]) labeler.apply(split=0, lfs=[stg_temp_lfs], train=True, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Label).count() == 70 # Only 5 because LF_operating_row doesn't apply to the first test doc assert session.query(LabelKey).count() == 5 L_train = labeler.get_label_matrices(train_cands) assert L_train[0].shape == (70, 5) assert len(labeler.get_keys()) == 5 docs_path = "tests/data/html/112823.html" pdf_path = "tests/data/pdf/112823.pdf" doc_preprocessor = HTMLDocPreprocessor(docs_path, max_docs=max_docs) corpus_parser.apply(doc_preprocessor, pdf_path=pdf_path, clear=False) assert len(corpus_parser.get_documents()) == 2 new_docs = corpus_parser.get_last_documents() assert len(new_docs) == 1 assert new_docs[0].name == "112823" # Get mentions from just the new docs mention_extractor.apply(new_docs, parallelism=PARALLEL, clear=False) assert session.query(Part).count() == 81 assert session.query(Temp).count() == 31 # Just run candidate extraction and assign to split 0 candidate_extractor.apply(new_docs, split=0, parallelism=PARALLEL, clear=False) # Grab candidate lists train_cands = candidate_extractor.get_candidates(split=0) assert len(train_cands) == 1 assert len(train_cands[0]) == 1502 # Update features featurizer.update(new_docs, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Feature).count() == 1502 assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 2573 F_train = featurizer.get_feature_matrices(train_cands) assert F_train[0].shape == (1502, 2573) assert len(featurizer.get_keys()) == 2573 # Update Labels labeler.update(new_docs, lfs=[stg_temp_lfs], parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Label).count() == 1502 assert session.query(LabelKey).count() == 6 L_train = labeler.get_label_matrices(train_cands) assert L_train[0].shape == (1502, 6) # Test clear featurizer.clear(train=True) assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 0
def test_e2e(caplog): """Run an end-to-end test on documents of the hardware domain.""" caplog.set_level(logging.INFO) PARALLEL = 4 max_docs = 12 session = Meta.init("postgresql://localhost:5432/" + DB).Session() docs_path = "tests/data/html/" pdf_path = "tests/data/pdf/" doc_preprocessor = HTMLDocPreprocessor(docs_path, max_docs=max_docs) corpus_parser = Parser( session, parallelism=PARALLEL, structural=True, lingual=True, visual=True, pdf_path=pdf_path, ) corpus_parser.apply(doc_preprocessor) assert session.query(Document).count() == max_docs num_docs = session.query(Document).count()"Docs: {}".format(num_docs)) assert num_docs == max_docs num_sentences = session.query(Sentence).count()"Sentences: {}".format(num_sentences)) # Divide into test and train docs = corpus_parser.get_documents() ld = len(docs) assert ld == len(corpus_parser.get_last_documents()) assert len(docs[0].sentences) == 799 assert len(docs[1].sentences) == 663 assert len(docs[2].sentences) == 784 assert len(docs[3].sentences) == 661 assert len(docs[4].sentences) == 513 assert len(docs[5].sentences) == 700 assert len(docs[6].sentences) == 528 assert len(docs[7].sentences) == 161 assert len(docs[8].sentences) == 228 assert len(docs[9].sentences) == 511 assert len(docs[10].sentences) == 331 assert len(docs[11].sentences) == 528 # Check table numbers assert len(docs[0].tables) == 9 assert len(docs[1].tables) == 9 assert len(docs[2].tables) == 14 assert len(docs[3].tables) == 11 assert len(docs[4].tables) == 11 assert len(docs[5].tables) == 10 assert len(docs[6].tables) == 10 assert len(docs[7].tables) == 2 assert len(docs[8].tables) == 7 assert len(docs[9].tables) == 10 assert len(docs[10].tables) == 6 assert len(docs[11].tables) == 9 # Check figure numbers assert len(docs[0].figures) == 32 assert len(docs[1].figures) == 11 assert len(docs[2].figures) == 38 assert len(docs[3].figures) == 31 assert len(docs[4].figures) == 7 assert len(docs[5].figures) == 38 assert len(docs[6].figures) == 10 assert len(docs[7].figures) == 31 assert len(docs[8].figures) == 4 assert len(docs[9].figures) == 27 assert len(docs[10].figures) == 5 assert len(docs[11].figures) == 27 # Check caption numbers assert len(docs[0].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[1].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[2].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[3].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[4].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[5].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[6].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[7].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[8].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[9].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[10].captions) == 0 assert len(docs[11].captions) == 0 train_docs = set() dev_docs = set() test_docs = set() splits = (0.5, 0.75) data = [(, doc) for doc in docs] data.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) for i, (doc_name, doc) in enumerate(data): if i < splits[0] * ld: train_docs.add(doc) elif i < splits[1] * ld: dev_docs.add(doc) else: test_docs.add(doc)[ for x in train_docs]) # NOTE: With multi-relation support, return values of getting candidates, # mentions, or sparse matrices are formatted as a list of lists. This means # that with a single relation, we need to index into the list of lists to # get the candidates/mentions/sparse matrix for a particular relation or # mention. # Mention Extraction part_ngrams = MentionNgramsPart(parts_by_doc=None, n_max=3) temp_ngrams = MentionNgramsTemp(n_max=2) volt_ngrams = MentionNgramsVolt(n_max=1) Part = mention_subclass("Part") Temp = mention_subclass("Temp") Volt = mention_subclass("Volt") mention_extractor = MentionExtractor( session, [Part, Temp, Volt], [part_ngrams, temp_ngrams, volt_ngrams], [part_matcher, temp_matcher, volt_matcher], ) mention_extractor.apply(docs, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Part).count() == 299 assert session.query(Temp).count() == 147 assert session.query(Volt).count() == 140 assert len(mention_extractor.get_mentions()) == 3 assert len(mention_extractor.get_mentions()[0]) == 299 assert (len( mention_extractor.get_mentions(docs=[ session.query(Document).filter( == "112823").first() ])[0]) == 70) # Candidate Extraction PartTemp = candidate_subclass("PartTemp", [Part, Temp]) PartVolt = candidate_subclass("PartVolt", [Part, Volt]) candidate_extractor = CandidateExtractor( session, [PartTemp, PartVolt], throttlers=[temp_throttler, volt_throttler]) for i, docs in enumerate([train_docs, dev_docs, test_docs]): candidate_extractor.apply(docs, split=i, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(PartTemp).filter(PartTemp.split == 0).count() == 3684 assert session.query(PartTemp).filter(PartTemp.split == 1).count() == 72 assert session.query(PartTemp).filter(PartTemp.split == 2).count() == 448 assert session.query(PartVolt).count() == 4282 # Grab candidate lists train_cands = candidate_extractor.get_candidates(split=0) dev_cands = candidate_extractor.get_candidates(split=1) test_cands = candidate_extractor.get_candidates(split=2) assert len(train_cands) == 2 assert len(train_cands[0]) == 3684 assert (len( candidate_extractor.get_candidates(docs=[ session.query(Document).filter( == "112823").first() ])[0]) == 1496) # Featurization featurizer = Featurizer(session, [PartTemp, PartVolt]) # Test that FeatureKey is properly reset featurizer.apply(split=1, train=True, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Feature).count() == 225 assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 1179 # Test Dropping FeatureKey # Should force a row deletion featurizer.drop_keys(["DDL_e1_W_LEFT_POS_3_[NFP NN NFP]"]) assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 1178 # Should only remove the part_volt as a relation and leave part_temp assert set( session.query(FeatureKey).filter( == "DDL_e1_LEMMA_SEQ_[bc182]").one().candidate_classes) == { "part_temp", "part_volt" } featurizer.drop_keys(["DDL_e1_LEMMA_SEQ_[bc182]"], candidate_classes=[PartVolt]) assert session.query(FeatureKey).filter( == "DDL_e1_LEMMA_SEQ_[bc182]").one().candidate_classes == ["part_temp"] assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 1178 # Removing the last relation from a key should delete the row featurizer.drop_keys(["DDL_e1_LEMMA_SEQ_[bc182]"], candidate_classes=[PartTemp]) assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 1177 session.query(Feature).delete() session.query(FeatureKey).delete() featurizer.apply(split=0, train=True, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Feature).count() == 6669 assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 4161 F_train = featurizer.get_feature_matrices(train_cands) assert F_train[0].shape == (3684, 4161) assert F_train[1].shape == (2985, 4161) assert len(featurizer.get_keys()) == 4161 featurizer.apply(split=1, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Feature).count() == 6894 assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 4161 F_dev = featurizer.get_feature_matrices(dev_cands) assert F_dev[0].shape == (72, 4161) assert F_dev[1].shape == (153, 4161) featurizer.apply(split=2, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Feature).count() == 8486 assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 4161 F_test = featurizer.get_feature_matrices(test_cands) assert F_test[0].shape == (448, 4161) assert F_test[1].shape == (1144, 4161) gold_file = "tests/data/hardware_tutorial_gold.csv" load_hardware_labels(session, PartTemp, gold_file, ATTRIBUTE, annotator_name="gold") assert session.query(GoldLabel).count() == 4204 load_hardware_labels(session, PartVolt, gold_file, ATTRIBUTE, annotator_name="gold") assert session.query(GoldLabel).count() == 8486 stg_temp_lfs = [ LF_storage_row, LF_operating_row, LF_temperature_row, LF_tstg_row, LF_to_left, LF_negative_number_left, ] ce_v_max_lfs = [ LF_bad_keywords_in_row, LF_current_in_row, LF_non_ce_voltages_in_row, ] labeler = Labeler(session, [PartTemp, PartVolt]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): labeler.apply(split=0, lfs=stg_temp_lfs, train=True, parallelism=PARALLEL) labeler.apply(split=0, lfs=[stg_temp_lfs, ce_v_max_lfs], train=True, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Label).count() == 6669 assert session.query(LabelKey).count() == 9 L_train = labeler.get_label_matrices(train_cands) assert L_train[0].shape == (3684, 9) assert L_train[1].shape == (2985, 9) assert len(labeler.get_keys()) == 9 L_train_gold = labeler.get_gold_labels(train_cands) assert L_train_gold[0].shape == (3684, 1) L_train_gold = labeler.get_gold_labels(train_cands, annotator="gold") assert L_train_gold[0].shape == (3684, 1) gen_model = LabelModel(k=2) gen_model.train_model(L_train[0], n_epochs=500, print_every=100) train_marginals = gen_model.predict_proba(L_train[0])[:, 1] disc_model = LogisticRegression() disc_model.train((train_cands[0], F_train[0]), train_marginals, n_epochs=20, lr=0.001) test_score = disc_model.predictions((test_cands[0], F_test[0]), b=0.6) true_pred = [test_cands[0][_] for _ in np.nditer(np.where(test_score > 0))] pickle_file = "tests/data/parts_by_doc_dict.pkl" with open(pickle_file, "rb") as f: parts_by_doc = pickle.load(f) (TP, FP, FN) = entity_level_f1(true_pred, gold_file, ATTRIBUTE, test_docs, parts_by_doc=parts_by_doc) tp_len = len(TP) fp_len = len(FP) fn_len = len(FN) prec = tp_len / (tp_len + fp_len) if tp_len + fp_len > 0 else float("nan") rec = tp_len / (tp_len + fn_len) if tp_len + fn_len > 0 else float("nan") f1 = 2 * (prec * rec) / (prec + rec) if prec + rec > 0 else float("nan")"prec: {}".format(prec))"rec: {}".format(rec))"f1: {}".format(f1)) assert f1 < 0.7 and f1 > 0.3 stg_temp_lfs_2 = [ LF_to_left, LF_test_condition_aligned, LF_collector_aligned, LF_current_aligned, LF_voltage_row_temp, LF_voltage_row_part, LF_typ_row, LF_complement_left_row, LF_too_many_numbers_row, LF_temp_on_high_page_num, LF_temp_outside_table, LF_not_temp_relevant, ] labeler.update(split=0, lfs=[stg_temp_lfs_2, ce_v_max_lfs], parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Label).count() == 6669 assert session.query(LabelKey).count() == 16 L_train = labeler.get_label_matrices(train_cands) assert L_train[0].shape == (3684, 16) gen_model = LabelModel(k=2) gen_model.train_model(L_train[0], n_epochs=500, print_every=100) train_marginals = gen_model.predict_proba(L_train[0])[:, 1] disc_model = LogisticRegression() disc_model.train((train_cands[0], F_train[0]), train_marginals, n_epochs=20, lr=0.001) test_score = disc_model.predictions((test_cands[0], F_test[0]), b=0.6) true_pred = [test_cands[0][_] for _ in np.nditer(np.where(test_score > 0))] (TP, FP, FN) = entity_level_f1(true_pred, gold_file, ATTRIBUTE, test_docs, parts_by_doc=parts_by_doc) tp_len = len(TP) fp_len = len(FP) fn_len = len(FN) prec = tp_len / (tp_len + fp_len) if tp_len + fp_len > 0 else float("nan") rec = tp_len / (tp_len + fn_len) if tp_len + fn_len > 0 else float("nan") f1 = 2 * (prec * rec) / (prec + rec) if prec + rec > 0 else float("nan")"prec: {}".format(prec))"rec: {}".format(rec))"f1: {}".format(f1)) assert f1 > 0.7 # Testing LSTM disc_model = LSTM() disc_model.train((train_cands[0], F_train[0]), train_marginals, n_epochs=5, lr=0.001) test_score = disc_model.predictions((test_cands[0], F_test[0]), b=0.6) true_pred = [test_cands[0][_] for _ in np.nditer(np.where(test_score > 0))] (TP, FP, FN) = entity_level_f1(true_pred, gold_file, ATTRIBUTE, test_docs, parts_by_doc=parts_by_doc) tp_len = len(TP) fp_len = len(FP) fn_len = len(FN) prec = tp_len / (tp_len + fp_len) if tp_len + fp_len > 0 else float("nan") rec = tp_len / (tp_len + fn_len) if tp_len + fn_len > 0 else float("nan") f1 = 2 * (prec * rec) / (prec + rec) if prec + rec > 0 else float("nan")"prec: {}".format(prec))"rec: {}".format(rec))"f1: {}".format(f1)) assert f1 > 0.7 # Testing Sparse Logistic Regression disc_model = SparseLogisticRegression() disc_model.train((train_cands[0], F_train[0]), train_marginals, n_epochs=20, lr=0.001) test_score = disc_model.predictions((test_cands[0], F_test[0]), b=0.6) true_pred = [test_cands[0][_] for _ in np.nditer(np.where(test_score > 0))] (TP, FP, FN) = entity_level_f1(true_pred, gold_file, ATTRIBUTE, test_docs, parts_by_doc=parts_by_doc) tp_len = len(TP) fp_len = len(FP) fn_len = len(FN) prec = tp_len / (tp_len + fp_len) if tp_len + fp_len > 0 else float("nan") rec = tp_len / (tp_len + fn_len) if tp_len + fn_len > 0 else float("nan") f1 = 2 * (prec * rec) / (prec + rec) if prec + rec > 0 else float("nan")"prec: {}".format(prec))"rec: {}".format(rec))"f1: {}".format(f1)) assert f1 > 0.7 # Testing Sparse LSTM disc_model = SparseLSTM() disc_model.train((train_cands[0], F_train[0]), train_marginals, n_epochs=5, lr=0.001) test_score = disc_model.predictions((test_cands[0], F_test[0]), b=0.6) true_pred = [test_cands[0][_] for _ in np.nditer(np.where(test_score > 0))] (TP, FP, FN) = entity_level_f1(true_pred, gold_file, ATTRIBUTE, test_docs, parts_by_doc=parts_by_doc) tp_len = len(TP) fp_len = len(FP) fn_len = len(FN) prec = tp_len / (tp_len + fp_len) if tp_len + fp_len > 0 else float("nan") rec = tp_len / (tp_len + fn_len) if tp_len + fn_len > 0 else float("nan") f1 = 2 * (prec * rec) / (prec + rec) if prec + rec > 0 else float("nan")"prec: {}".format(prec))"rec: {}".format(rec))"f1: {}".format(f1)) assert f1 > 0.7
def test_incremental(): """Run an end-to-end test on incremental additions.""" # GitHub Actions gives 2 cores # PARALLEL = 2 max_docs = 1 session = Meta.init(CONN_STRING).Session() docs_path = "tests/data/html/dtc114w.html" pdf_path = "tests/data/pdf/dtc114w.pdf" doc_preprocessor = HTMLDocPreprocessor(docs_path, max_docs=max_docs) corpus_parser = Parser( session, parallelism=PARALLEL, structural=True, lingual=True, visual=True, pdf_path=pdf_path, ) corpus_parser.apply(doc_preprocessor) num_docs = session.query(Document).count()"Docs: {num_docs}") assert num_docs == max_docs docs = corpus_parser.get_documents() last_docs = corpus_parser.get_documents() assert len(docs[0].sentences) == len(last_docs[0].sentences) # Mention Extraction part_ngrams = MentionNgramsPart(parts_by_doc=None, n_max=3) temp_ngrams = MentionNgramsTemp(n_max=2) Part = mention_subclass("Part") Temp = mention_subclass("Temp") mention_extractor = MentionExtractor(session, [Part, Temp], [part_ngrams, temp_ngrams], [part_matcher, temp_matcher]) mention_extractor.apply(docs, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Part).count() == 11 assert session.query(Temp).count() == 8 # Candidate Extraction PartTemp = candidate_subclass("PartTemp", [Part, Temp]) candidate_extractor = CandidateExtractor(session, [PartTemp], throttlers=[temp_throttler]) candidate_extractor.apply(docs, split=0, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(PartTemp).filter(PartTemp.split == 0).count() == 70 assert session.query(Candidate).count() == 70 # Grab candidate lists train_cands = candidate_extractor.get_candidates(split=0) assert len(train_cands) == 1 assert len(train_cands[0]) == 70 # Featurization featurizer = Featurizer(session, [PartTemp]) featurizer.apply(split=0, train=True, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Feature).count() == 70 assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 512 F_train = featurizer.get_feature_matrices(train_cands) assert F_train[0].shape == (70, 512) assert len(featurizer.get_keys()) == 512 # Test Dropping FeatureKey featurizer.drop_keys(["CORE_e1_LENGTH_1"]) assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 512 stg_temp_lfs = [ LF_storage_row, LF_operating_row, LF_temperature_row, LF_tstg_row, LF_to_left, LF_negative_number_left, ] labeler = Labeler(session, [PartTemp]) labeler.apply(split=0, lfs=[stg_temp_lfs], train=True, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Label).count() == 70 # Only 5 because LF_operating_row doesn't apply to the first test doc assert session.query(LabelKey).count() == 5 L_train = labeler.get_label_matrices(train_cands) assert L_train[0].shape == (70, 5) assert len(labeler.get_keys()) == 5 docs_path = "tests/data/html/112823.html" pdf_path = "tests/data/pdf/112823.pdf" doc_preprocessor = HTMLDocPreprocessor(docs_path, max_docs=max_docs) corpus_parser.apply(doc_preprocessor, pdf_path=pdf_path, clear=False) assert len(corpus_parser.get_documents()) == 2 new_docs = corpus_parser.get_last_documents() assert len(new_docs) == 1 assert new_docs[0].name == "112823" # Get mentions from just the new docs mention_extractor.apply(new_docs, parallelism=PARALLEL, clear=False) assert session.query(Part).count() == 81 assert session.query(Temp).count() == 31 # Test if existing mentions are skipped. mention_extractor.apply(new_docs, parallelism=PARALLEL, clear=False) assert session.query(Part).count() == 81 assert session.query(Temp).count() == 31 # Just run candidate extraction and assign to split 0 candidate_extractor.apply(new_docs, split=0, parallelism=PARALLEL, clear=False) # Grab candidate lists train_cands = candidate_extractor.get_candidates(split=0) assert len(train_cands) == 1 assert len(train_cands[0]) == 1502 # Test if existing candidates are skipped. candidate_extractor.apply(new_docs, split=0, parallelism=PARALLEL, clear=False) train_cands = candidate_extractor.get_candidates(split=0) assert len(train_cands) == 1 assert len(train_cands[0]) == 1502 # Update features featurizer.update(new_docs, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Feature).count() == 1502 assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 2573 F_train = featurizer.get_feature_matrices(train_cands) assert F_train[0].shape == (1502, 2573) assert len(featurizer.get_keys()) == 2573 # Update LF_storage_row. Now it always returns ABSTAIN. @labeling_function(name="LF_storage_row") def LF_storage_row_updated(c): return ABSTAIN stg_temp_lfs = [ LF_storage_row_updated, LF_operating_row, LF_temperature_row, LF_tstg_row, LF_to_left, LF_negative_number_left, ] # Update Labels labeler.update(docs, lfs=[stg_temp_lfs], parallelism=PARALLEL) labeler.update(new_docs, lfs=[stg_temp_lfs], parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Label).count() == 1502 # Only 5 because LF_storage_row doesn't apply to any doc (always ABSTAIN) assert session.query(LabelKey).count() == 5 L_train = labeler.get_label_matrices(train_cands) assert L_train[0].shape == (1502, 5) # Test clear featurizer.clear(train=True) assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 0
def test_incremental(caplog): """Run an end-to-end test on incremental additions.""" caplog.set_level(logging.INFO) # SpaCy on mac has issue on parallel parsing if == "posix":"Using single core.") PARALLEL = 1 else: PARALLEL = 2 # Travis only gives 2 cores max_docs = 1 session = Meta.init("postgres://localhost:5432/" + DB).Session() docs_path = "tests/data/html/dtc114w.html" pdf_path = "tests/data/pdf/dtc114w.pdf" doc_preprocessor = HTMLDocPreprocessor(docs_path, max_docs=max_docs) corpus_parser = Parser( session, parallelism=PARALLEL, structural=True, lingual=True, visual=True, pdf_path=pdf_path, ) corpus_parser.apply(doc_preprocessor) num_docs = session.query(Document).count()"Docs: {}".format(num_docs)) assert num_docs == max_docs docs = corpus_parser.get_documents() # Mention Extraction part_ngrams = MentionNgramsPart(parts_by_doc=None, n_max=3) temp_ngrams = MentionNgramsTemp(n_max=2) Part = mention_subclass("Part") Temp = mention_subclass("Temp") mention_extractor = MentionExtractor( session, [Part, Temp], [part_ngrams, temp_ngrams], [part_matcher, temp_matcher] ) mention_extractor.apply(docs, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Part).count() == 11 assert session.query(Temp).count() == 9 # Candidate Extraction PartTemp = candidate_subclass("PartTemp", [Part, Temp]) candidate_extractor = CandidateExtractor( session, [PartTemp], throttlers=[temp_throttler] ) candidate_extractor.apply(docs, split=0, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(PartTemp).filter(PartTemp.split == 0).count() == 78 # Grab candidate lists train_cands = candidate_extractor.get_candidates(split=0) assert len(train_cands) == 1 assert len(train_cands[0]) == 78 # Featurization featurizer = Featurizer(session, [PartTemp]) featurizer.apply(split=0, train=True, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Feature).count() == 78 assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 496 F_train = featurizer.get_feature_matrices(train_cands) assert F_train[0].shape == (78, 496) assert len(featurizer.get_keys()) == 496 stg_temp_lfs = [ LF_storage_row, LF_operating_row, LF_temperature_row, LF_tstg_row, LF_to_left, LF_negative_number_left, ] labeler = Labeler(session, [PartTemp]) labeler.apply(split=0, lfs=[stg_temp_lfs], train=True, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Label).count() == 78 # Only 5 because LF_operating_row doesn't apply to the first test doc assert session.query(LabelKey).count() == 5 L_train = labeler.get_label_matrices(train_cands) assert L_train[0].shape == (78, 5) assert len(labeler.get_keys()) == 5 docs_path = "tests/data/html/112823.html" pdf_path = "tests/data/pdf/112823.pdf" doc_preprocessor = HTMLDocPreprocessor(docs_path, max_docs=max_docs) corpus_parser.apply(doc_preprocessor, pdf_path=pdf_path, clear=False) assert len(corpus_parser.get_documents()) == 2 new_docs = corpus_parser.get_last_documents() assert len(new_docs) == 1 assert new_docs[0].name == "112823" # Get mentions from just the new docs mention_extractor.apply(new_docs, parallelism=PARALLEL, clear=False) assert session.query(Part).count() == 81 assert session.query(Temp).count() == 33 # Just run candidate extraction and assign to split 0 candidate_extractor.apply(new_docs, split=0, parallelism=PARALLEL, clear=False) # Grab candidate lists train_cands = candidate_extractor.get_candidates(split=0) assert len(train_cands) == 1 assert len(train_cands[0]) == 1574 # Update features featurizer.update(new_docs, parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Feature).count() == 1574 assert session.query(FeatureKey).count() == 2425 F_train = featurizer.get_feature_matrices(train_cands) assert F_train[0].shape == (1574, 2425) assert len(featurizer.get_keys()) == 2425 # Update Labels labeler.update(new_docs, lfs=[stg_temp_lfs], parallelism=PARALLEL) assert session.query(Label).count() == 1574 assert session.query(LabelKey).count() == 6 L_train = labeler.get_label_matrices(train_cands) assert L_train[0].shape == (1574, 6)
from lfconfig import president_name_pob_lfs, TRUE from fonduer.supervision import Labeler labeler = Labeler(session, candidate_classes) labeler.apply(split=0, lfs=[president_name_pob_lfs], train=True, parallelism=PARALLEL) L_train = labeler.get_label_matrices(train_cands) L_gold_train = labeler.get_gold_labels(train_cands, annotator="gold") from metal import analysis analysis.lf_summary( L_train[0], lf_names=labeler.get_keys(), Y=L_gold_train[0].todense().reshape(-1).tolist()[0], ) from metal.label_model import LabelModel gen_model = LabelModel(k=2) gen_model.train_model(L_train[0], n_epochs=500, print_every=100) train_marginals = gen_model.predict_proba(L_train[0]) from fonduer.learning import LogisticRegression disc_model = LogisticRegression() disc_model.train((train_cands[0], F_train[0]), train_marginals, n_epochs=10, lr=0.001)