def bzs_to_glyph(bzs, glyph):
	coordinates = []
	flags = []
	endPtsOfContours = []
	for sp in bzs:
		for i in range(len(sp)):
			lastbz = sp[i - 1]
			bz = sp[i]
			if len(bz) != 3 or len(lastbz) != 3 or lerppt(0.5, lastbz[1], bz[1]) != bz[0]:
			if len(bz) == 3:
		endPtsOfContours.append(len(coordinates) - 1)
	glyph.coordinates = _g_l_y_f.GlyphCoordinates(coordinates)
	glyph.flags = flags
	glyph.endPtsOfContours = endPtsOfContours
def instantiateGvarGlyph(varfont, glyphname, location, optimize=True):
    glyf = varfont["glyf"]
    coordinates, ctrl = glyf.getCoordinatesAndControls(glyphname, varfont)
    endPts = ctrl.endPts

    gvar = varfont["gvar"]
    # when exporting to TTX, a glyph with no variations is omitted; thus when loading
    # a TTFont from TTX, a glyph that's present in glyf table may be missing from gvar.
    tupleVarStore = gvar.variations.get(glyphname)

    if tupleVarStore:
        defaultDeltas = instantiateTupleVariationStore(
            tupleVarStore, location, coordinates, endPts

        if defaultDeltas:
            coordinates += _g_l_y_f.GlyphCoordinates(defaultDeltas)

    # setCoordinates also sets the hmtx/vmtx advance widths and sidebearings from
    # the four phantom points and glyph bounding boxes.
    # We call it unconditionally even if a glyph has no variations or no deltas are
    # applied at this location, in case the glyph's xMin and in turn its sidebearing
    # have changed. E.g. a composite glyph has no deltas for the component's (x, y)
    # offset nor for the 4 phantom points (e.g. it's monospaced). Thus its entry in
    # gvar table is empty; however, the composite's base glyph may have deltas
    # applied, hence the composite's bbox and left/top sidebearings may need updating
    # in the instanced font.
    glyf.setCoordinates(glyphname, coordinates, varfont)

    if not tupleVarStore:
        if glyphname in gvar.variations:
            del gvar.variations[glyphname]

    if optimize:
        isComposite = glyf[glyphname].isComposite()
        for var in tupleVarStore:
            var.optimize(coordinates, endPts, isComposite)