def decompress(input_file, output_file):
	"""Decompress WOFF2 font to OpenType font.

		input_file: a file path, file or file-like object (open in binary mode)
			containing a compressed WOFF2 font.
		output_file: a file path, file or file-like object where to save the
			decompressed OpenType font.
	log.info("Processing %s => %s" % (input_file, output_file))

	font = TTFont(input_file, recalcBBoxes=False, recalcTimestamp=False)
	font.flavor = None
	font.flavorData = None
	font.save(output_file, reorderTables=True)
def compress(input_file, output_file, transform_tables=None):
	"""Compress OpenType font to WOFF2.

		input_file: a file path, file or file-like object (open in binary mode)
			containing an OpenType font (either CFF- or TrueType-flavored).
		output_file: a file path, file or file-like object where to save the
			compressed WOFF2 font.
		transform_tables: Optional[Iterable[str]]: a set of table tags for which
			to enable preprocessing transformations. By default, only 'glyf'
			and 'loca' tables are transformed. An empty set means disable all
	log.info("Processing %s => %s" % (input_file, output_file))

	font = TTFont(input_file, recalcBBoxes=False, recalcTimestamp=False)
	font.flavor = "woff2"

	if transform_tables is not None:
		font.flavorData = WOFF2FlavorData(
			data=font.flavorData, transformedTables=transform_tables

	font.save(output_file, reorderTables=False)