def _mod_OO_CC(t1, t2):
    Returns an iterator over Triples representing all values in t1 (OO) modulus
    all values in t2 (CC).
    ### list(_mod_OO_CC(T(None, None, 5, 0), T(35, 105, 7)))
    [(0, 98, 1)]
    ### list(_mod_OO_CC(T(None, None, 5, 0), T(35, 42, 7)))
    [(0, 35, 5)]
    ### list(_mod_OO_CC(T(None, None, 5, 3), T(35, 56, 7)))
    [(0, 49, 1)]

    gcf = rational.gcf(t1.skip, t2.skip)

    if (t2.stop - t2.start) < (t1.skip * t2.skip // gcf):
        # not enough for a full cycle, so do indiv values
        s = set()

        for n in t2:
            s.update(_modConstant_set(t1, n))

        for obj in utilities.tripleIteratorFromIterable(s):
            yield obj

        # enough for a full cycle
        tTemp = next(_mod_OO_OO(t1, T(None, None, t2.skip, t2.phase)))
        newStop = (t2.stop - t2.skip - 1) + tTemp.skip
        yield T(tTemp.start, newStop, tTemp.skip)
def _mod_CC_CC(t1, t2):
    Returns an iterator over Triples representing all values in t1 (CC) modulus
    all values in t2 (CC).
    ### list(_mod_CC_CC(T(1, 11, 2), T(4, 16, 3)))
    [(0, 4, 2), (1, 11, 2)]

    return utilities.tripleIteratorFromIterable(_mod_CC_CC_gen(t1, t2))
def _powConstant_CC_pos_any(t, k):
    ### C(_powConstant_CC_pos_any(T(1, 11, 2), 1)).asList()
    [(1, 11, 2)]
    ### C(_powConstant_CC_pos_any(T(1, 11, 2), 2)).asList()
    [(1, 17, 8), (25, 33, 8), (49, 57, 8), (81, 89, 8)]
    for aTriple in utilities.tripleIteratorFromIterable(set(n ** k for n in t)):
        yield aTriple
def _modConstant(t, k):
    Returns an iterator over Triples representing the modulus of the specified
    Triple t by the specified constant k.
    ### list(_modConstant(T(None, None, 6, 5), 4))
    [(1, 5, 2)]
    ### list(_modConstant(T(14, 29, 5), 7))
    [(0, 2, 2), (3, 7, 2)]

    return utilities.tripleIteratorFromIterable(_modConstant_set(t, k))
def _and_CC_CC(t1, t2):
    Returns an iterator of the bitwise-AND of t1 (CC) and t2 (CC).
    >>> T = triple.Triple
    >>> list(_and_CC_CC(T(1, 11, 2), T(10, 15, 5)))
    [(0, 1, 1), (2, 14, 6)]
    if len(t1) < len(t2):
        s = set(a & b for a in t1 for b in t2)
        s = set(a & b for a in t2 for b in t1)
    return utilities.tripleIteratorFromIterable(s)
def _powConstant_OC_neg_odd(t, k):
    ### C(_powConstant_OC_neg_odd(T(None, -100, 7), -3)).asList()
    [(-1, 0, 1)]
    ### C(_powConstant_OC_neg_odd(T(None, 6, 5), -3)).asList()
    [(-1, 3, 2)]
    ### C(_powConstant_OC_neg_odd(T(None, 100, 7), -3)).asList()
    [(-1, 1, 1)]
    ### C(_powConstant_OC_neg_odd(T(None, 11, 5), -3)).asList()
    [(-1, 2, 1)]
    s = set([-1])
    if (t.stop - t.skip) > 1:
    if 1 in t:
    return utilities.tripleIteratorFromIterable(s)
def _powConstant_CC_neg_odd(t, k):
    ### C(_powConstant_CC_neg_odd(T(-100, -10, 5), -3)).asList()
    [(-1, 0, 1)]
    ### C(_powConstant_CC_neg_odd(T(10, 100, 5), -3)).asList()
    [(0, 1, 1)]
    ### C(_powConstant_CC_neg_odd(T(1, 11, 2), -3)).asList()
    [(0, 2, 1)]
    ### C(_powConstant_CC_neg_odd(T(-100, 100, 1), -1)).asList()
    [(-1, 2, 1)]
    s = set()
    if t.start < 0:
    if 1 in t:
    if (t.stop - t.skip) > 1:
    return utilities.tripleIteratorFromIterable(s)
def _andConstant(t, k):
    Returns an iterator of Triples with the results of a constant logical-ANDed
    with t.
    >>> T = triple.Triple
    >>> list(_andConstant(T(1, 100, 1), 0))
    [(0, 1, 1)]
    >>> list(_andConstant(T(0, None, 12), 4))
    [(0, 8, 4)]
    >>> list(_andConstant(T(14, 770, 7), 5))
    [(1, 7, 3), (0, 10, 5)]
    >>> list(_andConstant(T(None, None, 7, 2), -3))
    [(*, *, 28, phase=0), (*, *, 28, phase=9), (*, *, 28, phase=16), (*, *, 28, phase=21)]
    >>> list(_andConstant(T(None, 303, 7), -3))
    [(*, 308, 28), (*, 317, 28), (*, 324, 28), (*, 301, 28)]
    >>> list(_andConstant(T(51, None, 7), -3))
    [(56, *, 28), (65, *, 28), (72, *, 28), (49, *, 28)]
    >>> list(_andConstant(T(16, 37, 7), -3))
    [(28, 56, 28), (16, 44, 28), (21, 49, 28)]
    Triple = triple.Triple
    if k == 0:
        yield Triple(0, 1, 1)
    elif k == -1:
        yield t
    elif k < 0:
        # because binlist only works with non-negative numbers, create an
        # equivalent positive value for k which will result in the same output
        bl = binlist(-k-1)
        pow2 = 2 ** len(bl)
        cycle = pow2 // rational.gcf(pow2, t.skip)
        bigCycle = cycle * t.skip
        if t.start is None and t.stop is None:
            for start in range(t.phase, t.phase + bigCycle, t.skip):
                yield Triple(None, None, bigCycle, start & k)
        elif t.start is None:
            last = t.stop - t.skip
            d = dict((n % bigCycle, n) for n in range(last, last - bigCycle, -t.skip))
            for start in range(t.phase, t.phase + bigCycle, t.skip):
                yield Triple(None, (d[start] & k) + bigCycle, bigCycle, start & k)
        elif t.stop is None:
            d = dict((n % bigCycle, n) for n in range(t.start, t.start + bigCycle, t.skip))
            for start in range(t.phase, t.phase + bigCycle, t.skip):
                yield Triple(d[start] & k, None, bigCycle, start & k)
            last = t.stop - t.skip
            dStarts = {}
            for n in range(t.start, t.start + bigCycle, t.skip):
                if n > last:
                dStarts[n % bigCycle] = n & k
            dStops = {}
            for n in range(last, last - bigCycle, -t.skip):
                if n < t.start:
                dStops[n % bigCycle] = (n & k) + bigCycle
            for start in range(t.phase, t.phase + bigCycle, t.skip):
                if start in dStarts:
                    actualStart = dStarts[start]
                    stop = dStops.get(start, actualStart + bigCycle)
                    yield Triple(actualStart, stop, bigCycle)
        bl = binlist(k)
        pow2 = 2 ** len(bl)
        cycle = pow2 // rational.gcf(pow2, t.skip)
        if t.start is None:
            if t.stop is None:
                start = t.phase
                stop = start + cycle * t.skip
                stop = t.stop
                start = stop - cycle * t.skip
        elif t.stop is None:
            start = t.start
            stop = start + cycle * t.skip
            start = t.start
            stop = min(t.stop, start + cycle * t.skip)
        s = set(n & k for n in range(start, stop, t.skip))
        for t in utilities.tripleIteratorFromIterable(s):
            yield t