def __init__(self, screenSizeProduct=1): self.logShown = True self.PPM = 20.0 * screenSizeProduct self.FPS = 40.0 self.ratio = screenSizeProduct self.TIME_STEP = 1.0 / self.FPS = world(gravity=(0, -30), doSleep=True) #The Box2D world self.elements = dict() self.ballID = None self.playerAID = None #The ID of the player A element self.playerBID = None #The ID of the player B element self.pitchIDs = [] #The IDs of the pitch elements self.playerA = None #The ID of the playe A manager self.playerB = None #The ID of the playe B manager self.ballColor = 200, 200, 200 self.background = 100, 100, 255 self.playerAHead = "Head A" #head code self.playerBHead = "Head B" #head code self.Log = [] #register of what happened self.width = 45 self.height = 30 self.CalculateHalfs() self.idCount = 0 self.showThings = dict() self.idShowCount = 0 self.counterGoalA = 0 #Used for the goal scored animation self.counterGoalB = 0 self.targetAction = None #Who will handle the goals self.AddLog("Starting game ...") self.scoreA = 0 self.scoreB = 0 self.time = 0 self.scoreImageA = None self.scoreImageB = None self.timeImages = [] self.pointsPoints = fonts.GetFont("VOM_30").render( ":", 1, (255, 255, 255)) self.UpdateScoreAImage() self.UpdateScoreBImage() self.UpdateTimeImage() self.messages = dict() self.reference = 0 self.stoped = 0 self.playingClock = False self.status = "stoped" self.SetPlayerAName("Player A") self.SetPlayerBName("Player B") self.SetBackground(self.background)
def GenerateImage(self, color, font, content): return fonts.GetFont(font).render(content, 0, color)
def RenderTime(self, digit): self.timeImages.append( fonts.GetFont("VOM_30").render(str(digit), 1, (255, 255, 255)))
def UpdateScoreBImage(self): self.scoreImageB = fonts.GetFont("VOM_35").render( str(self.scoreB), 1, (255, 255, 255))
def SetPlayerBName(self, name): self.playerBName = name self.playerBNameSurface = fonts.GetFont("VOM_20").render( self.playerBName, 1, (255, 255, 255))
def GenerateMsj(message): return fonts.GetFont("VOM_35").render(message, 1, (0, 0, 0))