def alloc_random_uniform_filterbank(n_filters, height, width,
        channels, dtype, rseed, normalize=True):
    Generate the same weights as are generated by pythor3
    if height != width:
        raise ValueError('filters must be square')
    if channels is None:
        filter_shape = [n_filters, height, width]
        filter_shape = [n_filters, height, width, channels]

    rng = np.random.RandomState(rseed)
    foobar.append_randomstate('alloc_random_uniform_filterbank', rng)
    fb_data = rng.uniform(size=filter_shape)

    # normalize each filter in the bank if needed
    if normalize:
        # TODO: vectorize these computations, do all at once.
        for fidx, filt in enumerate(fb_data):
            # normalization here means zero-mean, unit-L2norm
            filt -= filt.mean()
            filt_norm = np.sqrt((filt * filt).sum())
            assert filt_norm != 0
            filt /= filt_norm
            fb_data[fidx] = filt

    foobar.append_ndarray_signature(fb_data, 'alloc_random_uniform_filterbank')
    return fb_data.astype(dtype)
def fb_whitened_projections(patches, pwfX, n_filters, rseed, dtype):
    pwfX is the output of patch_whitening_filterbank_X with reshape=False

    M, and fb will be reshaped to match elements of patches
    M, P, patches_cn = pwfX
    if patches_cn.ndim != 2:
        raise TypeError('wrong shape for pwfX args, should be flattened',
    rng = np.random.RandomState(rseed)
    foobar.append_randomstate('fb_whitened_projections', rng)

    D = rng.randn(n_filters, patches_cn.shape[1])
    D = D / (np.sqrt((D ** 2).sum(axis=1))[:, None] + 1e-20)
    fb = dot_f32(D, P)
    fb.shape = (n_filters,) + patches.shape[1:]
    M.shape = patches.shape[1:]
    M = M.astype(dtype)
    fb = fb.astype(dtype)
    if fb.size == 0:
        raise ValueError('filterbank had size 0')
    foobar.append_ndarray_signature(M, 'fb_whitened_projections M')
    foobar.append_ndarray_signature(fb, 'fb_whitened_projections fb')
    return M, fb
def fb_whitened_projections(patches, pwfX, n_filters, rseed, dtype):
    pwfX is the output of patch_whitening_filterbank_X with reshape=False

    M, and fb will be reshaped to match elements of patches
    M, P, patches_cn = pwfX
    if patches_cn.ndim != 2:
        raise TypeError('wrong shape for pwfX args, should be flattened',
    rng = np.random.RandomState(rseed)
    foobar.append_randomstate('fb_whitened_projections', rng)

    D = rng.randn(n_filters, patches_cn.shape[1])
    D = D / (np.sqrt((D**2).sum(axis=1))[:, None] + 1e-20)
    fb = dot_f32(D, P)
    fb.shape = (n_filters, ) + patches.shape[1:]
    M.shape = patches.shape[1:]
    M = M.astype(dtype)
    fb = fb.astype(dtype)
    if fb.size == 0:
        raise ValueError('filterbank had size 0')
    foobar.append_ndarray_signature(M, 'fb_whitened_projections M')
    foobar.append_ndarray_signature(fb, 'fb_whitened_projections fb')
    return M, fb
def alloc_random_uniform_filterbank(n_filters,
    Generate the same weights as are generated by pythor3
    if height != width:
        raise ValueError('filters must be square')
    if channels is None:
        filter_shape = [n_filters, height, width]
        filter_shape = [n_filters, height, width, channels]

    rng = np.random.RandomState(rseed)
    foobar.append_randomstate('alloc_random_uniform_filterbank', rng)
    fb_data = rng.uniform(size=filter_shape)

    # normalize each filter in the bank if needed
    if normalize:
        # TODO: vectorize these computations, do all at once.
        for fidx, filt in enumerate(fb_data):
            # normalization here means zero-mean, unit-L2norm
            filt -= filt.mean()
            filt_norm = np.sqrt((filt * filt).sum())
            assert filt_norm != 0
            filt /= filt_norm
            fb_data[fidx] = filt

    foobar.append_ndarray_signature(fb_data, 'alloc_random_uniform_filterbank')
    return fb_data.astype(dtype)
def fb_whitened_patches(patches, pwfX, n_filters, rseed, dtype):
    pwfX is the output of patch_whitening_filterbank_X with reshape=False

    M, and fb will be reshaped to match elements of patches

    M, P, patches_cn = pwfX
    rng = np.random.RandomState(rseed)
    foobar.append_randomstate('fb_whitened_patches', rng)
    d_elems = rng.randint(len(patches_cn), size=n_filters)
    D = dot_f64(patches_cn[d_elems] - M, P)
    D = D / (np.sqrt((D ** 2).sum(axis=1))[:, None] + 1e-20)
    fb = dot_f32(D, P)
    fb.shape = (n_filters,) + patches.shape[1:]
    M.shape = patches.shape[1:]
    M = M.astype(dtype)
    fb = fb.astype(dtype)
    if fb.size == 0:
        raise ValueError('filterbank had size 0')
    foobar.append_ndarray_signature(M, 'fb_whitened_patches M')
    foobar.append_ndarray_signature(fb, 'fb_whitened_patches fb')
    return M, fb
def fb_whitened_patches(patches, pwfX, n_filters, rseed, dtype):
    pwfX is the output of patch_whitening_filterbank_X with reshape=False

    M, and fb will be reshaped to match elements of patches

    M, P, patches_cn = pwfX
    rng = np.random.RandomState(rseed)
    foobar.append_randomstate('fb_whitened_patches', rng)
    d_elems = rng.randint(len(patches_cn), size=n_filters)
    D = dot_f64(patches_cn[d_elems] - M, P)
    D = D / (np.sqrt((D**2).sum(axis=1))[:, None] + 1e-20)
    fb = dot_f32(D, P)
    fb.shape = (n_filters, ) + patches.shape[1:]
    M.shape = patches.shape[1:]
    M = M.astype(dtype)
    fb = fb.astype(dtype)
    if fb.size == 0:
        raise ValueError('filterbank had size 0')
    foobar.append_ndarray_signature(M, 'fb_whitened_patches M')
    foobar.append_ndarray_signature(fb, 'fb_whitened_patches fb')
    return M, fb
def random_patches(images, N, R, C, rng, channel_major=False, memlimit=None):
    """Return a stack of N image patches (channel major version)"""

    def N_with_memlimit():
        if memlimit is not None:
            # -- memlimit in bytes
            sizelimit = memlimit / images.dtype.itemsize
            return min(N, sizelimit // (R * C * iF))
            return N

    if channel_major:
        n_imgs, iF, iR, iC = images.shape
        N = N_with_memlimit()
        rval = np.empty((N, iF, R, C), dtype=images.dtype)
        n_imgs, iR, iC, iF = images.shape
        N = N_with_memlimit()
        rval = np.empty((N, R, C, iF), dtype=images.dtype)

    foobar.append_trace('random_patches dims', *rval.shape)
    foobar.append_randomstate('random_patches rng', rng)

    srcs = rng.randint(n_imgs, size=N)

    if R > iR or C > iC:
        raise InvalidDescription('cannot extract patches', (R, C))
    roffsets = rng.randint(iR - R + 1, size=N)
    coffsets = rng.randint(iC - C + 1, size=N)
    # TODO: this can be done with one advanced index right?
    for rv_i, src_i, ro, co in zip(rval, srcs, roffsets, coffsets):
        if channel_major:
            rv_i[:] = images[src_i, :, ro: ro + R, co : co + C]
            rv_i[:] = images[src_i, ro: ro + R, co : co + C]
    foobar.append_ndarray_signature(rval, 'random_patches rval')
    return rval
def random_patches(images, N, R, C, rng, channel_major=False, memlimit=None):
    """Return a stack of N image patches (channel major version)"""
    def N_with_memlimit():
        if memlimit is not None:
            # -- memlimit in bytes
            sizelimit = memlimit / images.dtype.itemsize
            return min(N, sizelimit // (R * C * iF))
            return N

    if channel_major:
        n_imgs, iF, iR, iC = images.shape
        N = N_with_memlimit()
        rval = np.empty((N, iF, R, C), dtype=images.dtype)
        n_imgs, iR, iC, iF = images.shape
        N = N_with_memlimit()
        rval = np.empty((N, R, C, iF), dtype=images.dtype)

    foobar.append_trace('random_patches dims', *rval.shape)
    foobar.append_randomstate('random_patches rng', rng)

    srcs = rng.randint(n_imgs, size=N)

    if R > iR or C > iC:
        raise InvalidDescription('cannot extract patches', (R, C))
    roffsets = rng.randint(iR - R + 1, size=N)
    coffsets = rng.randint(iC - C + 1, size=N)
    # TODO: this can be done with one advanced index right?
    for rv_i, src_i, ro, co in zip(rval, srcs, roffsets, coffsets):
        if channel_major:
            rv_i[:] = images[src_i, :, ro:ro + R, co:co + C]
            rv_i[:] = images[src_i, ro:ro + R, co:co + C]
    foobar.append_ndarray_signature(rval, 'random_patches rval')
    return rval