def compute_pointwise_error_fg(fg, plot_errors=True, return_errors=False, **plt_kwargs): """Calculate the frequency by frequency error of model fits from a FOOOFGroup object. Parameters ---------- fg : FOOOFGroup Object containing the data and models. plot_errors : bool, optional, default: True Whether to plot the errors across frequencies. return_errors : bool, optional, default: False Whether to return the calculated errors. **plt_kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to the plot function. Returns ------- errors : 2d array Calculated values of the difference between the data and the models. Only returned if `return_errors` is True. Raises ------ NoDataError If there is no data available to calculate model errors from. NoModelError If there are no model results available to calculate model errors from. """ if not np.any(fg.power_spectra): raise NoDataError( "Data must be available in the object to calculate errors.") if not fg.has_model: raise NoModelError("No model is available to use, can not proceed.") errors = np.zeros_like(fg.power_spectra) for ind, (res, data) in enumerate(zip(fg, fg.power_spectra)): model = gen_model(fg.freqs, res.aperiodic_params, res.gaussian_params) errors[ind, :] = np.abs(model - data) mean = np.mean(errors, 0) standard_dev = np.std(errors, 0) if plot_errors: plot_spectral_error(fg.freqs, mean, standard_dev, **plt_kwargs) if return_errors: return errors
def plot_fg(fg, save_fig=False, file_name=None, file_path=None): """Plot a figure with subplots visualizing the parameters from a FOOOFGroup object. Parameters ---------- fg : FOOOFGroup Object containing results from fitting a group of power spectra. save_fig : bool, optional, default: False Whether to save out a copy of the plot. file_name : str, optional Name to give the saved out file. file_path : str, optional Path to directory to save to. If None, saves to current directory. Raises ------ NoModelError If the FOOOF object does not have model fit data available to plot. """ if not fg.has_model: raise NoModelError( "No model fit results are available, can not proceed.") fig = plt.figure(figsize=PLT_FIGSIZES['group']) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.25, height_ratios=[1, 1.2]) # Aperiodic parameters plot ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) plot_fg_ap(fg, ax0) # Goodness of fit plot ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0, 1]) plot_fg_gf(fg, ax1) # Center frequencies plot ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1, :]) plot_fg_peak_cens(fg, ax2) if save_fig: if not file_name: raise ValueError( "Input 'file_name' is required to save out the plot.") plt.savefig(fpath(file_path, fname(file_name, 'png')))
def compute_pointwise_error_fm(fm, plot_errors=True, return_errors=False, **plt_kwargs): """Calculate the frequency by frequency error of a model fit from a FOOOF object. Parameters ---------- fm : FOOOF Object containing the data and model. plot_errors : bool, optional, default: True Whether to plot the errors across frequencies. return_errors : bool, optional, default: False Whether to return the calculated errors. **plt_kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to the plot function. Returns ------- errors : 1d array Calculated values of the difference between the data and the model. Only returned if `return_errors` is True. Raises ------ NoDataError If there is no data available to calculate model error from. NoModelError If there are no model results available to calculate model error from. """ if not fm.has_data: raise NoDataError( "Data must be available in the object to calculate errors.") if not fm.has_model: raise NoModelError("No model is available to use, can not proceed.") errors = compute_pointwise_error(fm.fooofed_spectrum_, fm.power_spectrum) if plot_errors: plot_spectral_error(fm.freqs, errors, **plt_kwargs) if return_errors: return errors
def plot_annotated_model(fm, plt_log=False, annotate_peaks=True, annotate_aperiodic=True, ax=None, plot_style=style_spectrum_plot): """Plot a an annotated power spectrum and model, from a FOOOF object. Parameters ---------- fm : FOOOF FOOOF object, with model fit, data and settings available. plt_log : boolean, optional, default: False Whether to plot the frequency values in log10 spacing. ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional Figure axes upon which to plot. plot_style : callable, optional, default: style_spectrum_plot A function to call to apply styling & aesthetics to the plots. Raises ------ NoModelError If there are no model results available to plot. """ # Check that model is available if not fm.has_model: raise NoModelError("No model is available to plot, can not proceed.") # Settings fontsize = 15 lw1 = 4.0 lw2 = 3.0 ms1 = 12 # Create the baseline figure ax = check_ax(ax, PLT_FIGSIZES['spectral']) fm.plot(plot_peaks='dot-shade-width', plt_log=plt_log, ax=ax, plot_style=None, data_kwargs={ 'lw': lw1, 'alpha': 0.6 }, aperiodic_kwargs={ 'lw': lw1, 'zorder': 10 }, model_kwargs={ 'lw': lw1, 'alpha': 0.5 }, peak_kwargs={ 'dot': { 'color': PLT_COLORS['periodic'], 'ms': ms1, 'lw': lw2 }, 'shade': { 'color': PLT_COLORS['periodic'] }, 'width': { 'color': PLT_COLORS['periodic'], 'alpha': 0.75, 'lw': lw2 } }) # Get freqs for plotting, and convert to log if needed freqs = fm.freqs if not plt_log else np.log10(fm.freqs) ## Buffers: for spacing things out on the plot (scaled by plot values) x_buff1 = max(freqs) * 0.1 x_buff2 = max(freqs) * 0.25 y_buff1 = 0.15 * np.ptp(ax.get_ylim()) shrink = 0.1 # There is a bug in annotations for some perpendicular lines, so add small offset # See: Fixed in 3.2.1. bug_buff = 0.000001 if annotate_peaks: # Extract largest peak, to annotate, grabbing gaussian params gauss = get_band_peak_fm(fm, fm.freq_range, attribute='gaussian_params') peak_ctr, peak_hgt, peak_wid = gauss bw_freqs = [ peak_ctr - 0.5 * compute_fwhm(peak_wid), peak_ctr + 0.5 * compute_fwhm(peak_wid) ] if plt_log: peak_ctr = np.log10(peak_ctr) bw_freqs = np.log10(bw_freqs) peak_top = fm.power_spectrum[nearest_ind(freqs, peak_ctr)] # Annotate Peak CF ax.annotate('Center Frequency', xy=(peak_ctr, peak_top), xytext=(peak_ctr, peak_top + np.abs(0.6 * peak_hgt)), verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', arrowprops=dict(facecolor=PLT_COLORS['periodic'], shrink=shrink), color=PLT_COLORS['periodic'], fontsize=fontsize) # Annotate Peak PW ax.annotate('Power', xy=(peak_ctr, peak_top - 0.3 * peak_hgt), xytext=(peak_ctr + x_buff1, peak_top - 0.3 * peak_hgt), verticalalignment='center', arrowprops=dict(facecolor=PLT_COLORS['periodic'], shrink=shrink), color=PLT_COLORS['periodic'], fontsize=fontsize) # Annotate Peak BW bw_buff = (peak_ctr - bw_freqs[0]) / 2 ax.annotate('Bandwidth', xy=(peak_ctr - bw_buff + bug_buff, peak_top - (0.5 * peak_hgt)), xytext=(peak_ctr - bw_buff, peak_top - (1.5 * peak_hgt)), verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='right', arrowprops=dict(facecolor=PLT_COLORS['periodic'], shrink=shrink), color=PLT_COLORS['periodic'], fontsize=fontsize, zorder=20) if annotate_aperiodic: # Annotate Aperiodic Offset # Add a line to indicate offset, without adjusting plot limits below it ax.set_autoscaley_on(False) ax.plot([freqs[0], freqs[0]], [ax.get_ylim()[0], fm.fooofed_spectrum_[0]], color=PLT_COLORS['aperiodic'], linewidth=lw2, alpha=0.5) ax.annotate('Offset', xy=(freqs[0] + bug_buff, fm.power_spectrum[0] - y_buff1), xytext=(freqs[0] - x_buff1, fm.power_spectrum[0] - y_buff1), verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', arrowprops=dict(facecolor=PLT_COLORS['aperiodic'], shrink=shrink), color=PLT_COLORS['aperiodic'], fontsize=fontsize) # Annotate Aperiodic Knee if fm.aperiodic_mode == 'knee': # Find the knee frequency point to annotate knee_freq = compute_knee_frequency( fm.get_params('aperiodic', 'knee'), fm.get_params('aperiodic', 'exponent')) knee_freq = np.log10(knee_freq) if plt_log else knee_freq knee_pow = fm.power_spectrum[nearest_ind(freqs, knee_freq)] # Add a dot to the plot indicating the knee frequency ax.plot(knee_freq, knee_pow, 'o', color=PLT_COLORS['aperiodic'], ms=ms1 * 1.5, alpha=0.7) ax.annotate('Knee', xy=(knee_freq, knee_pow), xytext=(knee_freq - x_buff2, knee_pow - y_buff1), verticalalignment='center', arrowprops=dict(facecolor=PLT_COLORS['aperiodic'], shrink=shrink), color=PLT_COLORS['aperiodic'], fontsize=fontsize) # Annotate Aperiodic Exponent mid_ind = int(len(freqs) / 2) ax.annotate('Exponent', xy=(freqs[mid_ind], fm.power_spectrum[mid_ind]), xytext=(freqs[mid_ind] - x_buff2, fm.power_spectrum[mid_ind] - y_buff1), verticalalignment='center', arrowprops=dict(facecolor=PLT_COLORS['aperiodic'], shrink=shrink), color=PLT_COLORS['aperiodic'], fontsize=fontsize) # Apply style to plot & tune grid styling check_n_style(plot_style, ax, plt_log, True) ax.grid(True, alpha=0.5) # Add labels to plot in the legend da_patch = mpatches.Patch(color=PLT_COLORS['data'], label='Original Data') ap_patch = mpatches.Patch(color=PLT_COLORS['aperiodic'], label='Aperiodic Parameters') pe_patch = mpatches.Patch(color=PLT_COLORS['periodic'], label='Peak Parameters') mo_patch = mpatches.Patch(color=PLT_COLORS['model'], label='Full Model') handles = [ da_patch, ap_patch if annotate_aperiodic else None, pe_patch if annotate_peaks else None, mo_patch ] handles = [el for el in handles if el is not None] ax.legend(handles=handles, handlelength=1, fontsize='x-large')
def gen_results_fg_str(fg, concise=False): """Generate a string representation of group fit results. Parameters ---------- fg : FOOOFGroup Object to access results from. concise : bool, optional, default: False Whether to print the report in concise mode. Returns ------- output : str Formatted string of results. Raises ------ NoModelError If no model fit data is available to report. """ if not fg.has_model: raise NoModelError( "No model fit results are available, can not proceed.") # Extract all the relevant data for printing n_peaks = len(fg.get_params('peak_params')) r2s = fg.get_params('r_squared') errors = fg.get_params('error') exps = fg.get_params('aperiodic_params', 'exponent') kns = fg.get_params('aperiodic_params', 'knee') \ if fg.aperiodic_mode == 'knee' else np.array([0]) # Check if there are any power spectra that failed to fit n_failed = sum(np.isnan(exps)) str_lst = [ # Header '=', '', ' FOOOF - GROUP RESULTS', '', # Group information 'Number of power spectra in the Group: {}'.format(len(fg.group_results)), *[el for el in ['{} power spectra failed to fit'.format(n_failed)] if n_failed], '', # Frequency range and resolution 'The model was run on the frequency range {} - {} Hz'.format( int(np.floor(fg.freq_range[0])), int(np.ceil(fg.freq_range[1]))), 'Frequency Resolution is {:1.2f} Hz'.format(fg.freq_res), '', # Aperiodic parameters - knee fit status, and quick exponent description 'Power spectra were fit {} a knee.'.format(\ 'with' if fg.aperiodic_mode == 'knee' else 'without'), '', 'Aperiodic Fit Values:', *[el for el in [' Knees - Min: {:6.2f}, Max: {:6.2f}, Mean: {:5.2f}' .format(np.nanmin(kns), np.nanmax(kns), np.nanmean(kns)), ] if fg.aperiodic_mode == 'knee'], 'Exponents - Min: {:6.3f}, Max: {:6.3f}, Mean: {:5.3f}' .format(np.nanmin(exps), np.nanmax(exps), np.nanmean(exps)), '', # Peak Parameters 'In total {} peaks were extracted from the group' .format(n_peaks), '', # Goodness if fit 'Goodness of fit metrics:', ' R2s - Min: {:6.3f}, Max: {:6.3f}, Mean: {:5.3f}' .format(np.nanmin(r2s), np.nanmax(r2s), np.nanmean(r2s)), 'Errors - Min: {:6.3f}, Max: {:6.3f}, Mean: {:5.3f}' .format(np.nanmin(errors), np.nanmax(errors), np.nanmean(errors)), '', # Footer '=' ] output = _format(str_lst, concise) return output
def average_fg(fg, bands, avg_method='mean', regenerate=True): """Average across model fits in a FOOOFGroup object. Parameters ---------- fg : FOOOFGroup Object with model fit results to average across. bands : Bands Bands object that defines the frequency bands to collapse peaks across. avg : {'mean', 'median'} Averaging function to use. regenerate : bool, optional, default: True Whether to regenerate the model for the averaged parameters. Returns ------- fm : FOOOF Object containing the average model results. Raises ------ ValueError If the requested averaging method is not understood. NoModelError If there are no model fit results available to average across. """ if avg_method not in ['mean', 'median']: raise ValueError("Requested average method not understood.") if not fg.has_model: raise NoModelError( "No model fit results are available, can not proceed.") if avg_method == 'mean': avg_func = np.nanmean elif avg_method == 'median': avg_func = np.nanmedian # Aperiodic parameters: extract & average ap_params = avg_func(fg.get_params('aperiodic_params'), 0) # Periodic parameters: extract & average peak_params = [] gauss_params = [] for band_def in bands.definitions: peaks = get_band_peak_fg(fg, band_def, attribute='peak_params') gauss = get_band_peak_fg(fg, band_def, attribute='gaussian_params') # Check if there are any extracted peaks - if not, don't add # Note that we only check peaks, but gauss should be the same if not np.all(np.isnan(peaks)): peak_params.append(avg_func(peaks, 0)) gauss_params.append(avg_func(gauss, 0)) peak_params = np.array(peak_params) gauss_params = np.array(gauss_params) # Goodness of fit measures: extract & average r2 = avg_func(fg.get_params('r_squared')) error = avg_func(fg.get_params('error')) # Collect all results together, to be added to FOOOF object results = FOOOFResults(ap_params, peak_params, r2, error, gauss_params) # Create the new FOOOF object, with settings, data info & results fm = FOOOF() fm.add_settings(fg.get_settings()) fm.add_meta_data(fg.get_meta_data()) fm.add_results(results) # Generate the average model from the parameters if regenerate: fm._regenerate_model() return fm
def get_params(self, name, col=None): """Return model fit parameters for specified feature(s). Parameters ---------- name : {'aperiodic_params', 'peak_params', 'gaussian_params', 'error', 'r_squared'} Name of the data field to extract across the group. col : {'CF', 'PW', 'BW', 'offset', 'knee', 'exponent'} or int, optional Column name / index to extract from selected data, if requested. Only used for name of {'aperiodic_params', 'peak_params', 'gaussian_params'}. Returns ------- out : ndarray Requested data. Raises ------ NoModelError If there are no model fit results available. ValueError If the input for the `col` input is not understood. Notes ----- For further description of the data you can extract, check the FOOOFResults documentation. """ if not self.has_model: raise NoModelError( "No model fit results are available, can not proceed.") # Allow for shortcut alias, without adding `_params` if name in ['aperiodic', 'peak', 'gaussian']: name = name + '_params' # If col specified as string, get mapping back to integer if isinstance(col, str): col = get_indices(self.aperiodic_mode)[col] elif isinstance(col, int): if col not in [0, 1, 2]: raise ValueError("Input value for `col` not valid.") # Pull out the requested data field from the group data # As a special case, peak_params are pulled out in a way that appends # an extra column, indicating which FOOOF run each peak comes from if name in ('peak_params', 'gaussian_params'): out = np.array([ np.insert(getattr(data, name), 3, index, axis=1) for index, data in enumerate(self.group_results) ]) # This updates index to grab selected column, and the last column # This last column is the 'index' column (FOOOF object source) if col is not None: col = [col, -1] else: out = np.array( [getattr(data, name) for data in self.group_results]) # Some data can end up as a list of separate arrays # If so, concatenate it all into one 2d array if isinstance(out[0], np.ndarray): out = np.concatenate([arr.reshape(1, len(arr)) \ if arr.ndim == 1 else arr for arr in out], 0) # Select out a specific column, if requested if col is not None: out = out[:, col] return out