def gen_background(xs, background_params, background_mode=None):
    """Generate background values, from parameter definition.

    xs : 1d array
        Frequency vector to create background from.
    background_params : list of float
        Paramters that define the background process.
    background_mode : {'fixed', 'knee'}, optional
        Which kind of background to generate power spectra with.
            If not provided, is infered from the parameters.

    1d array
        Generated background values

    if not background_mode:
        background_mode = infer_bg_func(background_params)

    bg_func = get_bg_func(background_mode)

    return bg_func(xs, *background_params)
def _gen_power_vals(xs, bg_params, gauss_params, nlv):
    """Generate power values for a power spectrum.

    xs : 1d array
        Frequency vector to create power values from.
    background_params : list of float
        Parameters to create the background of power spectrum.
    gauss_params : list of float
        Parameters to create peaks. Length of n_peaks * 3.
    nlv : float
        Noise level to add to generated power spectrum.

    ys : 1d vector
        Power values (linear).

    background = gen_background(xs, bg_params, infer_bg_func(bg_params))
    peaks = gen_peaks(xs, gauss_params)
    noise = np.random.normal(0, nlv, len(xs))

    ys = np.power(10, background + peaks + noise)

    return ys
    def _check_loaded_settings(self, data):
        """Check if settings added, and update the object as needed.

        data : dict
            The dictionary of data that has been added to the object.

        # If settings not loaded from file, clear from object, so that default
        #  settings, which are potentially wrong for loaded data, aren't kept
        if not set(get_obj_desc()['settings']).issubset(set(data.keys())):

            # Reset all public settings to None
            for setting in get_obj_desc()['settings']:
                setattr(self, setting, None)

            # Infer whether knee fitting was used, if background params have been loaded
            if np.all(self.background_params_):
                self.background_mode = infer_bg_func(self.background_params_)

        # Reset internal settings so that they are consistent with what was loaded
        #  Note that this will set internal settings to None, if public settings unavailable