def main():

    ## SETUP

    ## Get list of subject files
    subj_files = listdir(DAT_PATH)
    subj_files = [file for file in subj_files if EXT.lower() in file.lower()]

    ## Set up FOOOF Objects
    # Initialize FOOOF settings & objects objects
    fooof_settings = FOOOFSettings(peak_width_limits=PEAK_WIDTH_LIMITS, max_n_peaks=MAX_N_PEAKS,
                                   min_peak_amplitude=MIN_PEAK_AMP, peak_threshold=PEAK_THRESHOLD,
    fm = FOOOF(*fooof_settings, verbose=False)
    fg = FOOOFGroup(*fooof_settings, verbose=False)

    # Save out a settings file
    fg.save('0-FOOOF_Settings', pjoin(RES_PATH, 'FOOOF'), save_settings=True)

    # Set up the dictionary to store all the FOOOF results
    fg_dict = dict()
    for load_label in LOAD_LABELS:
        fg_dict[load_label] = dict()
        for side_label in SIDE_LABELS:
            fg_dict[load_label][side_label] = dict()
            for seg_label in SEG_LABELS:
                fg_dict[load_label][side_label][seg_label] = []

    ## Initialize group level data stores
    n_subjs, n_conds, n_times = len(subj_files), 3, N_TIMES
    group_fooofed_alpha_freqs = np.zeros(shape=[n_subjs])
    dropped_components = np.ones(shape=[n_subjs, 50]) * 999
    dropped_trials = np.ones(shape=[n_subjs, 1500]) * 999
    canonical_group_avg_dat = np.zeros(shape=[n_subjs, n_conds, n_times])
    fooofed_group_avg_dat = np.zeros(shape=[n_subjs, n_conds, n_times])

    # Set channel types
    ch_types = {'LHor' : 'eog', 'RHor' : 'eog', 'IVer' : 'eog', 'SVer' : 'eog',
                'LMas' : 'misc', 'RMas' : 'misc', 'Nose' : 'misc', 'EXG8' : 'misc'}


    # Run analysis across each subject
    for s_ind, subj_file in enumerate(subj_files):

        # Get subject label and print status
        subj_label = subj_file.split('.')[0]
        print('\nCURRENTLY RUNNING SUBJECT: ', subj_label, '\n')


        # Load subject of data, apply apply fixes for channels, etc
        eeg_dat = mne.io.read_raw_edf(pjoin(DAT_PATH, subj_file),
                                      preload=True, verbose=False)

        # Fix channel name labels
        eeg_dat.info['ch_names'] = [chl[2:] for chl in \
            eeg_dat.ch_names[:-1]] + [eeg_dat.ch_names[-1]]
        for ind, chi in enumerate(eeg_dat.info['chs']):
            eeg_dat.info['chs'][ind]['ch_name'] = eeg_dat.info['ch_names'][ind]

        # Update channel types

        # Set reference - average reference
        eeg_dat = eeg_dat.set_eeg_reference(ref_channels='average',
                                            projection=False, verbose=False)

        # Set channel montage
        chs = mne.channels.read_montage('standard_1020', eeg_dat.ch_names)

        # Get event information & check all used event codes
        evs = mne.find_events(eeg_dat, shortest_event=1, verbose=False)

        # Pull out sampling rate
        srate = eeg_dat.info['sfreq']

        ## Pre-Processing: ICA

        # High-pass filter data for running ICA
        eeg_dat.filter(l_freq=1., h_freq=None, fir_design='firwin')

        if RUN_ICA:

            print("\nICA: CALCULATING SOLUTION\n")

            # ICA settings
            method = 'fastica'
            n_components = 0.99
            random_state = 47
            reject = {'eeg': 20e-4}

            # Initialize ICA object
            ica = ICA(n_components=n_components, method=method,

            # Fit ICA
            ica.fit(eeg_dat, reject=reject)

            # Save out ICA solution
            ica.save(pjoin(RES_PATH, 'ICA', subj_label + '-ica.fif'))

        # Otherwise: load previously saved ICA to apply
            print("\nICA: USING PRECOMPUTED\n")
            ica = read_ica(pjoin(RES_PATH, 'ICA', subj_label + '-ica.fif'))

        # Find components to drop, based on correlation with EOG channels
        drop_inds = []
        for chi in EOG_CHS:
            inds, _ = ica.find_bads_eog(eeg_dat, ch_name=chi, threshold=2.5,
                                             l_freq=1, h_freq=10, verbose=False)
        drop_inds = list(set(drop_inds))

        # Set which components to drop, and collect record of this
        ica.exclude = drop_inds
        dropped_components[s_ind, 0:len(drop_inds)] = drop_inds

        # Apply ICA to data
        eeg_dat = ica.apply(eeg_dat)


        # Extract a list of all the event labels
        all_trials = [it for it2 in EV_DICT.values() for it in it2]

        # Create list of new event codes to be used to label correct trials (300s)
        all_trials_new = [it + 100 for it in all_trials]
        # This is an annoying way to collapse across the doubled event markers from above
        all_trials_new = [it - 1 if not ind%2 == 0 else it for ind, it in enumerate(all_trials_new)]
        # Get labelled dictionary of new event names
        ev_dict2 = {k:v for k, v in zip(EV_DICT.keys(), set(all_trials_new))}

        # Initialize variables to store new event definitions
        evs2 = np.empty(shape=[0, 3], dtype='int64')
        lags = np.array([])

        # Loop through, creating new events for all correct trials
        t_min, t_max = -0.4, 3.0
        for ref_id, targ_id, new_id in zip(all_trials, CORR_CODES * 6, all_trials_new):

            t_evs, t_lags = mne.event.define_target_events(evs, ref_id, targ_id, srate,
                                                           t_min, t_max, new_id)

            if len(t_evs) > 0:
                evs2 = np.vstack([evs2, t_evs])
                lags = np.concatenate([lags, t_lags])

        ## FOOOF

        # Set channel of interest
        ch_ind = eeg_dat.ch_names.index(CHL)

        # Calculate PSDs over ~ first 2 minutes of data, for specified channel
        fmin, fmax = 1, 50
        tmin, tmax = 5, 125
        psds, freqs = mne.time_frequency.psd_welch(eeg_dat, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax,
                                                   tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax,
                                                   n_fft=int(2*srate), n_overlap=int(srate),

        # Fit FOOOF across all channels
        fg.fit(freqs, psds, FREQ_RANGE, n_jobs=-1)

        # Save out FOOOF results
        fg.save(subj_label + '_fooof', pjoin(RES_PATH, 'FOOOF'), save_results=True)

        # Extract individualized CF from specified channel, add to group collection
        fm = fg.get_fooof(ch_ind, False)
        fooof_freq, _, _ = get_band_peak(fm.peak_params_, [7, 14])
        group_fooofed_alpha_freqs[s_ind] = fooof_freq

        # If not FOOOF alpha extracted, reset to 10
        if np.isnan(fooof_freq):
            fooof_freq = 10


        # CANONICAL: Filter data to canonical alpha band: 8-12 Hz
        alpha_dat = eeg_dat.copy()
        alpha_dat.filter(8, 12, fir_design='firwin', verbose=False)
        alpha_dat.apply_hilbert(envelope=True, verbose=False)

        # FOOOF: Filter data to FOOOF derived alpha band
        fooof_dat = eeg_dat.copy()
        fooof_dat.filter(fooof_freq-2, fooof_freq+2, fir_design='firwin')

        ## EPOCH TRIALS

        # Set epoch timings
        tmin, tmax = -0.85, 1.1

        # Epoch trials - raw data for trial rejection
        epochs = mne.Epochs(eeg_dat, evs2, ev_dict2, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax,
                            baseline=None, preload=True, verbose=False)

        # Epoch trials - filtered version
        epochs_alpha = mne.Epochs(alpha_dat, evs2, ev_dict2, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax,
                                  baseline=(-0.5, -0.35), preload=True, verbose=False)
        epochs_fooof = mne.Epochs(fooof_dat, evs2, ev_dict2, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax,
                                  baseline=(-0.5, -0.35), preload=True, verbose=False)

        if RUN_AUTOREJECT:


            # Initialize and run autoreject across epochs
            ar = AutoReject(n_jobs=4, verbose=False)

            # Save out AR solution
            ar.save(pjoin(RES_PATH, 'AR', subj_label + '-ar.hdf5'), overwrite=True)

        # Otherwise: load & apply previously saved AR solution
            print('\nAUTOREJECT: USING PRECOMPUTED\n')
            ar = read_auto_reject(pjoin(RES_PATH, 'AR', subj_label + '-ar.hdf5'))
            ar.verbose = 'tqdm'

        # Apply autoreject to the original epochs object it was learnt on
        epochs, rej_log = ar.transform(epochs, return_log=True)

        # Apply autoreject to the copies of the data - apply interpolation, then drop same epochs
        _apply_interp(rej_log, epochs_alpha, ar.threshes_, ar.picks_, ar.verbose)
        _apply_interp(rej_log, epochs_fooof, ar.threshes_, ar.picks_, ar.verbose)

        # Collect which epochs were dropped
        dropped_trials[s_ind, 0:sum(rej_log.bad_epochs)] = np.where(rej_log.bad_epochs)[0]


        # Set channel clusters - take channels contralateral to stimulus presentation
        #  Note: channels will be used to extract data contralateral to stimulus presentation
        le_chs = ['P3', 'P5', 'P7', 'P9', 'O1', 'PO3', 'PO7']       # Left Side Channels
        le_inds = [epochs.ch_names.index(chn) for chn in le_chs]
        ri_chs = ['P4', 'P6', 'P8', 'P10', 'O2', 'PO4', 'PO8']      # Right Side Channels
        ri_inds = [epochs.ch_names.index(chn) for chn in ri_chs]


        ## Pull out channels of interest for each load level
        #  Channels extracted are those contralateral to stimulus presentation

        # Canonical Data
        lo1_a = np.concatenate([epochs_alpha['LeLo1']._data[:, ri_inds, :],
                                epochs_alpha['RiLo1']._data[:, le_inds, :]], 0)
        lo2_a = np.concatenate([epochs_alpha['LeLo2']._data[:, ri_inds, :],
                                epochs_alpha['RiLo2']._data[:, le_inds, :]], 0)
        lo3_a = np.concatenate([epochs_alpha['LeLo3']._data[:, ri_inds, :],
                                epochs_alpha['RiLo3']._data[:, le_inds, :]], 0)

        # FOOOFed data
        lo1_f = np.concatenate([epochs_fooof['LeLo1']._data[:, ri_inds, :],
                                epochs_fooof['RiLo1']._data[:, le_inds, :]], 0)
        lo2_f = np.concatenate([epochs_fooof['LeLo2']._data[:, ri_inds, :],
                                epochs_fooof['RiLo2']._data[:, le_inds, :]], 0)
        lo3_f = np.concatenate([epochs_fooof['LeLo3']._data[:, ri_inds, :],
                                epochs_fooof['RiLo3']._data[:, le_inds, :]], 0)

        ## Calculate average across trials and channels - add to group data collection

        # Canonical data
        canonical_group_avg_dat[s_ind, 0, :] = np.mean(lo1_a, 1).mean(0)
        canonical_group_avg_dat[s_ind, 1, :] = np.mean(lo2_a, 1).mean(0)
        canonical_group_avg_dat[s_ind, 2, :] = np.mean(lo3_a, 1).mean(0)

        # FOOOFed data
        fooofed_group_avg_dat[s_ind, 0, :] = np.mean(lo1_f, 1).mean(0)
        fooofed_group_avg_dat[s_ind, 1, :] = np.mean(lo2_f, 1).mean(0)
        fooofed_group_avg_dat[s_ind, 2, :] = np.mean(lo3_f, 1).mean(0)


        # Loop loop loads & trials segments
        for seg_label, seg_time in zip(SEG_LABELS, SEG_TIMES):
            tmin, tmax = seg_time[0], seg_time[1]

            # Calculate PSDs across trials, fit FOOOF models to averages
            for le_label, ri_label, load_label in zip(['LeLo1', 'LeLo2', 'LeLo3'],
                                                      ['RiLo1', 'RiLo2', 'RiLo3'],

                ## Calculate trial wise PSDs for left & right side trials
                trial_freqs, le_trial_psds = periodogram(
                    epochs[le_label]._data[:, :, _time_mask(epochs.times, tmin, tmax, srate)],
                    srate, window='hann', nfft=4*srate)
                trial_freqs, ri_trial_psds = periodogram(
                    epochs[ri_label]._data[:, :, _time_mask(epochs.times, tmin, tmax, srate)],
                    srate, window='hann', nfft=4*srate)

                ## FIT ALL CHANNELS VERSION
                if FIT_ALL_CHANNELS:

                    ## Average spectra across trials within a given load & side
                    le_avg_psd_contra = avg_func(le_trial_psds[:, ri_inds, :], 0)
                    le_avg_psd_ipsi = avg_func(le_trial_psds[:, le_inds, :], 0)
                    ri_avg_psd_contra = avg_func(ri_trial_psds[:, le_inds, :], 0)
                    ri_avg_psd_ipsi = avg_func(ri_trial_psds[:, ri_inds, :], 0)

                    ## Combine spectra across left & right trials for given load
                    ch_psd_contra = np.vstack([le_avg_psd_contra, ri_avg_psd_contra])
                    ch_psd_ipsi = np.vstack([le_avg_psd_ipsi, ri_avg_psd_ipsi])

                    ## Fit FOOOFGroup to all channels, average & and collect results
                    fg.fit(trial_freqs, ch_psd_contra, FREQ_RANGE)
                    fm = avg_fg(fg)
                    fg.fit(trial_freqs, ch_psd_ipsi, FREQ_RANGE)
                    fm = avg_fg(fg)


                    ## Average spectra across trials and channels within a given load & side
                    le_avg_psd_contra = avg_func(avg_func(le_trial_psds[:, ri_inds, :], 0), 0)
                    le_avg_psd_ipsi = avg_func(avg_func(le_trial_psds[:, le_inds, :], 0), 0)
                    ri_avg_psd_contra = avg_func(avg_func(ri_trial_psds[:, le_inds, :], 0), 0)
                    ri_avg_psd_ipsi = avg_func(avg_func(ri_trial_psds[:, ri_inds, :], 0), 0)

                    ## Collapse spectra across left & right trials for given load
                    avg_psd_contra = avg_func(np.vstack([le_avg_psd_contra, ri_avg_psd_contra]), 0)
                    avg_psd_ipsi = avg_func(np.vstack([le_avg_psd_ipsi, ri_avg_psd_ipsi]), 0)

                    ## Fit FOOOF, and collect results
                    fm.fit(trial_freqs, avg_psd_contra, FREQ_RANGE)
                    fm.fit(trial_freqs, avg_psd_ipsi, FREQ_RANGE)


    # Save out group data
    np.save(pjoin(RES_PATH, 'Group', 'alpha_freqs_group'), group_fooofed_alpha_freqs)
    np.save(pjoin(RES_PATH, 'Group', 'canonical_group'), canonical_group_avg_dat)
    np.save(pjoin(RES_PATH, 'Group', 'fooofed_group'), fooofed_group_avg_dat)
    np.save(pjoin(RES_PATH, 'Group', 'dropped_trials'), dropped_trials)
    np.save(pjoin(RES_PATH, 'Group', 'dropped_components'), dropped_components)

    # Save out second round of FOOOFing
    for load_label in LOAD_LABELS:
        for side_label in SIDE_LABELS:
            for seg_label in SEG_LABELS:
                fg = combine_fooofs(fg_dict[load_label][side_label][seg_label])
                fg.save('Group_' + load_label + '_' + side_label + '_' + seg_label,
                        pjoin(RES_PATH, 'FOOOF'), save_results=True)
# However, while these metrics can help identify if fits are, on average, going well (or not)
# they don't necessarily indicate the source of any problems.
# To do so, we will typically still want to visualize some example fits, to see
# what is happening. To do so, next we will find which fits have the most error,
# and select these fits from the :class:`~fooof.FOOOFGroup` object to visualize.


# Find the index of the worst model fit from the group
worst_fit_ind = np.argmax(fg.get_params('error'))

# Extract this model fit from the group
fm = fg.get_fooof(worst_fit_ind, regenerate=True)


# Check results and visualize the extracted model

# You can also loop through all the results in a :class:`~fooof.FOOOFGroup`, extracting
# all fits that meet some criterion that makes them worth checking.
# This might be checking for fits above some error threshold, as below, but note
# that you may also want to do a similar procedure to examine fits with the lowest
# error, to check if the model may be overfitting, or perhaps fits with a particularly
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# When fitting power spectrum models for a group of power spectra, results are stored
# in FOOOFResults objects, which store (only) the results of the model fit,
# not the full model fits themselves.
# To examine individual model fits, :class:`~fooof.FOOOFGroup` can regenerate
# :class:`~fooof.FOOOF` objects for individual power spectra, with the full model available
# for visualization. To do so, you can use the :meth:`~fooof.FOOOFGroup.get_fooof` method.


# Extract a particular spectrum, specified by index
#  Here we also specify to regenerate the the full model fit, from the results
fm = fg.get_fooof(ind=2, regenerate=True)


# Print results and plot extracted model fit

# Conclusion
# ----------
# Now we have explored fitting power spectrum models and running these fits across multiple
# power spectra. Next we dig deeper into how to choose and tune the algorithm settings,
# and how to troubleshoot if any of the fitting seems to go wrong.
# Since we have the power spectrum models for each of our channels, we can also explore
# what these peaks look like in the underlying power spectra.
# Next, lets check the power spectra for the largest detected peaks within each band.


fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15, 6))
for ind, (label, band_def) in enumerate(bands):

    # Get the power values across channels for the current band
    band_power = check_nans(get_band_peak_fg(fg, band_def)[:, 1])

    # Extracted and plot the power spectrum model with the most band power
    fg.get_fooof(np.argmax(band_power)).plot(ax=axes[ind], add_legend=False)

    # Set some plot aesthetics & plot title
    axes[ind].set_title('biggest ' + label + ' peak', {'fontsize': 16})

# Plotting Aperiodic Topographies
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Next up, let's plot the topography of the aperiodic exponent.
# To do so, we can simply extract the aperiodic parameters from our power spectrum models,
# and plot them.