def __init__(self): super(OpeningCutscene, self).__init__() = load_image('earth.jpg') self.time_fractures = load_image('earth_time_fractures') self.pages = [ TextPage( 4000, 'The Mayans predicted that 2012 would mark a ' 'new era, forever changing us all.'), TextPage( 4000, 'History is filled with such predictions. ' 'Most are dismissed as nonsense.'), TextPage(4000, 'If only we paid attention...'), TextPage( 5000, 'In December 2012, an object crashed down to Earth in a ' 'brilliant flash of light.'), TextPage( 5000, 'It came out of nowhere, so it seemed, but we did ' 'have warning.\nAfterall, history has recorded this very ' 'crash, time and time again...'), TextPage( 5000, 'We know very little about what it is that hit the ' 'Earth,\n' 'but we do know it shattered time, blending ' 'pieces of history together.'), TextPage(3000, 'Scientists refer to the crash as the Omega 13 event.'), TextPage( 4000, 'The object is now believed to exist in fragments, ' 'scattered throughout history.'), TextPage( 4000, 'No human can safely reach them, or repair the holes ' 'in time.'), TextPage(4000, 'But a probe...'), ]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ControlPanel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._level = None self.resize(self.ui_manager.size[0], 40) self.surface = pygame.Surface(self.rect.size) self.heart_image = load_image("heart") self.heart_lost_image = load_image("heart_lost") self.life_image = load_image("life") self.life_lost_image = load_image("life_lost") player = self.ui_manager.engine.player player.lives_changed.connect(self.render) player.health_changed.connect(self.render) self.area_changed_cnx = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ControlPanel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._level = None self.resize(self.ui_manager.size[0], 40) self.surface = pygame.Surface(self.rect.size) self.heart_image = load_image('heart') self.heart_lost_image = load_image('heart_lost') self.life_image = load_image('life') self.life_lost_image = load_image('life_lost') player = self.ui_manager.engine.player player.lives_changed.connect(self.render) player.health_changed.connect(self.render) self.area_changed_cnx = None
def __init__(self): super(ClosingCutscene, self).__init__() = load_image('earth.jpg') self.probe = load_image('crashing_probe') self.fade_effect = None self.allow_escape = False self.pages = [ DelayPage(3000), TextPage(3000, 'Irony.'), TextPage(5000, 'We sought to prevent the greatest tragedy in ' 'history, and believed we were capable.'), TextPage(5000, 'Yet, with all our arrogance and ' 'short-sightedness,\n' 'our very creation was the ' 'cause of our downfall.'), TextPage(5000, 'We thought we could fix the planet. Fix time.'), TextPage(5000, 'Now we are all sons of bitches.'), TextPage(2000, 'Development and artwork by Christian Hammond.\n' 'Thanks for playing!'), ]
def __init__(self): super(OpeningCutscene, self).__init__() = load_image('earth.jpg') self.time_fractures = load_image('earth_time_fractures') self.pages = [ TextPage(4000, 'The Mayans predicted that 2012 would mark a ' 'new era, forever changing us all.'), TextPage(4000, 'History is filled with such predictions. ' 'Most are dismissed as nonsense.'), TextPage(4000, 'If only we paid attention...'), TextPage(5000, 'In December 2012, an object crashed down to Earth in a ' 'brilliant flash of light.'), TextPage(5000, 'It came out of nowhere, so it seemed, but we did ' 'have warning.\nAfterall, history has recorded this very ' 'crash, time and time again...'), TextPage(5000, 'We know very little about what it is that hit the ' 'Earth,\n' 'but we do know it shattered time, blending ' 'pieces of history together.'), TextPage(3000, 'Scientists refer to the crash as the Omega 13 event.'), TextPage(4000, 'The object is now believed to exist in fragments, ' 'scattered throughout history.'), TextPage(4000, 'No human can safely reach them, or repair the holes ' 'in time.'), TextPage(4000, 'But a probe...'), ]
def __init__(self): super(ClosingCutscene, self).__init__() = load_image('earth.jpg') self.probe = load_image('crashing_probe') self.fade_effect = None self.allow_escape = False self.pages = [ DelayPage(3000), TextPage(3000, 'Irony.'), TextPage( 5000, 'We sought to prevent the greatest tragedy in ' 'history, and believed we were capable.'), TextPage( 5000, 'Yet, with all our arrogance and ' 'short-sightedness,\n' 'our very creation was the ' 'cause of our downfall.'), TextPage(5000, 'We thought we could fix the planet. Fix time.'), TextPage(5000, 'Now we are all sons of bitches.'), TextPage( 2000, 'Development and artwork by Christian Hammond.\n' 'Thanks for playing!'), ]
def start(self, x, y): assert self.pos is None self.pos = (x, y) self.particles = [] for i in range(self.max_particles): self.particles.append(Particle(self)) self.free_particles = list(self.particles) if not self.image: self.image = load_image(self.particle_filename).convert_alpha() self.add_particles() self.area.particle_systems.append(self) self.timer.start()
def generate_image(self): if not # Must be a custom sprite. return self.image image = load_image( if (self.flip_image and (self._direction == Direction.LEFT or self.reverse_gravity)): flip_h = (self.direction == Direction.LEFT) flip_v = self.reverse_gravity key = (, flip_h, flip_v) if key not in self._flipped_images: self._flipped_images[key] = \ pygame.transform.flip(image, flip_h, flip_v) image = self._flipped_images[key] return image
def setup(self): level_width, level_height = self.size lava_name = '65000000bc/lava_pool' tiles_x = level_width / load_image(lava_name).get_width() lava = TiledSprite('65000000bc/lava_pool', tiles_x, 1) lava.lethal = True self.main_layer.add(lava) lava.move_to(0, level_height - lava.rect.height) cliff = Sprite('40000000ad/cliff_left') cliff.use_pixel_collisions = True self.main_layer.add(cliff) cliff.move_to(0, level_height - cliff.rect.height) self.main_layer.add(self.bluebox) self.bluebox.move_to(60, - self.bluebox.rect.height) self.bluebox.destination = self.time_period.areas['bluebox'].door cliff = Sprite('40000000ad/cliff_middle') cliff.use_pixel_collisions = True self.main_layer.add(cliff) cliff.move_to(1720, level_height - cliff.rect.height)
def draw_bg(self, surface): surface.fill((209, 186, 151)) moon = load_image('40000000ad/moon') surface.blit(moon, (surface.get_width() - 150, 40))